"You know it in your heart!" Shenli Huadai hummed, poking Shen Liang's chest with his slender fingers.

At this time, Linghua looked helplessly from the door, "Master! This is a private matter between Linghua and Ryoko. Besides, Ryoko has the power to heal even seriously injured people. What are you afraid of? Don't threaten others."

Then she looked at Shen Liang, and said seriously: "Come on, Linghua will try her best to defeat you!"

"It's better not to use all your strength. If I die, I won't be able to heal myself..." Shen Liang muttered, "Of course, it's also possible that if you strike hard enough, it will trigger my body's self-protection mechanism. The adrenaline soars and the excitement hurts you, I have only practiced martial arts for a few days, and my strikes are neither light nor heavy."

Kanli Linghua glared at him, then turned her head angrily and stepped into the dojo, she seemed quite upset because of Shen Liang's contempt, both in and out of words.

At this time, he found that several people had already come to the dojo early.

The doctor of the Shenli family, the referee in charge of witnessing the game, and a tall and thin handsome man in a white suit holding a milk tea.

Shen Liang doesn't like standing next to a man who is 1.8 meters tall and is compared. Just as he was about to turn a blind eye, the guy waved milk tea and smiled and greeted him in reverse: "Good morning, Mr. Liangzi, have you ever been used to living in Shenli's house? Sister Tian is under your care."

"Kamili Ayato?" Shen Liang remembered his name.

"I've been busy with work in the castle tower these days, so I didn't entertain you. I hope Mr. Ryoko won't be surprised." Kamisato Ling said, "Mr. Ryoko is going to Liyue?"

"How does everyone know that I'm about to be chased away by General Thunder?"

"The Narujin Shrine has let out rumors that you want to win over a group of forces before you leave. The first to come may be the 'Founding Minister' of this future organization in another world. My sister also talked to me, and I will follow you on a journey of seven years. It is better to gain knowledge in the country than to be a mere egret princess trapped in Narugami Island."

"Do you think that since she always wants to get too close to me, it may cause a gap with Thor? So in comparison, I would rather let me take her away?" Shen Liang said casually.

Ayato Kamisato showed an indifferent smile, "Mr. Ryoko looks not only amazing in means, but also exquisite in mind. Then I will feel relieved when you look at my sister."

Shen Liang is too lazy to chat with handsome men, and no one likes to talk to smart people.Although Kansato Linghua's goals are a bit silly and sweet, but silly and sweet people are easier to get along with-maybe she doesn't know it herself, she thinks she is doing things according to her own ideas, but in fact every step she takes, no matter the risk Whether it's income or not, her elder brother sees it clearly, and even pushes it quietly.

But a family is like this. Someone plays a beautiful princess in front of the stage, with a clear and kind heart like a mirror.There must be someone behind the scenes who is scheming, step by step, and be the Dongbai who protects the family and hides relatives and friends.

At this time, he saw that Kanli Ayaka had changed into her white fighting uniform, her arms and trousers were tightly wrapped with cloth to facilitate fighting, and she was holding a simple Inazuma sword in both hands, and she was already in a posture.

"Isn't it a wooden sword?" Shenli Lingren said in a low voice, as if hesitating.

Then Shen Liang walked in front of her, thought for a while, and pulled out a Japanese-style Taidao from the light curtain that seemed to have lost the blade, leaving only the spine and handle. The knife was obviously made of modern technology, with rivets and alloys The handle has a strong sci-fi style.

Then he pressed his finger on the handle of the knife, and his fingerprints passed the verification, and a bright and hot laser blade burst out from the spine of the knife in an instant!

"Our battle may be different from ordinary sparring. To be fair, you hold this thing." Shen Liang handed her the laser knife, "'Leiqie', a weapon designed by my world ME agency. The laser is the handle, even if it is Rocks and steel can also be cut easily, but I can't cut hard with you but have to move and dodge."

"Undefensible?" Kanli Ayaka took Raiqie, first she was surprised at how advanced this weapon was, and then asked in confusion, "How can this kind of battle be fair to Ryoko?"

"You'll know when you fight."

Kanli Linghua caressed Raiqie's hilt, and then saw a row of fine characters on the bottom of the sword, she was slightly taken aback.

Although I don't know Japanese, it is obvious that the text was copied using printing technology. The slender and beautiful fonts are not from the hands of a man at first glance.

——らいでんめい, Raiden Mei's name.

"This is a weapon given to me by one of my senior sisters. She worried that I would be in danger and used it for self-defense." Shen Liang said, "But it has never been used, and I have no time to return it to her. Now it just happens to be useful."

"That senior sister really loves Ryoko." Kamisato Linghua was a little upset.

"She is really kind to me, she is a gentle and friendly lady, and she is very beautiful." Shen Liang shrugged, "A typical Yamato Nadeko."

"Gentle and friendly, Miss, Yamato Nadeko, huh." Kansato Linghua expressionless, coldly shook the knife, "I'm going to fuck!"

PS: I asked for tickets for the first time yesterday, and there were quite a lot of them. Well, a little more in these two days!

Volume 243 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230 Chapter [-] Seven

Shen Liang didn't understand why Kanli Linghua suddenly looked very unhappy, but he immediately backed away and opened the distance.

The moment the referee swung his arm down, Kamisato Ayaka immediately launched an attack!

A slab of icicle stabbed violently from Shen Liang's back!Because the dojo had just been washed and the air was humid in the morning, Ayaka Kamisato froze quickly.But Shen Liang's reaction was faster. Although he was instilled with Tiger Chiyo's thousands of years of martial arts, he was not proficient enough, but his physical reaction was faster than his brain. He jumped almost at the same time, dodged the ice, and then pulled out two white desert eagles.

The sand eagle loaded with anesthesia bombs would only leave trauma to Ayaka Kansato at most, and the physical fitness of the Tivat people far surpassed that of Earth people, so Shen Liang was not worried about accidents.

"Bang bang bang!"

It may be that Tora Chiyo's martial arts are all non-heat transfer weapons, and the use of guns can only rely on Shen Liang's own gun fighting skills.Kanli Ayaka rolled and dodged continuously on the spot, and the bullets only left a few holes in the wooden floor.

Shen Liang was a little surprised. He realized that when he popularized the power of guns to Shenli Linghua last time, Shenli Linghua had been careful.She knew it was impossible to dodge bullets at close range, so she simply avoided his wrist movements.

Martial arts masters have experience in dodging bullets, the lower ranks stare at the bullets, the middle ranks stare at the muzzle, and the upper ranks stare at the sight.

What do you mean? It is basically impossible to avoid bullets. There is a certain possibility of avoiding the trajectory of the wrist and the trajectory of the muzzle, but avoiding the eyes of the shooter is the best solution.

That is, making it impossible to aim is more practical than dodging bullets.

Afterwards, Princess Egret, who has always shown others with a calm and gentle attitude, stepped forward fiercely, and a thin layer of ice appeared under her feet, and her figure moved like a rabbit!Rush to Shenliang!

Shenliliu · Shotstep!

Combining the ability to control ice with the lightness of Shenli's family's kendo footwork!The holder of the Eye of God is very similar to the Valkyries who have elemental powers on Earth, but their control over the elements is slightly lower.Just like the comparison between Anna and Ayaka Kamisato, Anna's ability to control ice is even more superb, and she can freeze a large area in the blink of an eye, condensing a large amount of solid ice.

However, the original gods of Tivat often can't squander elements like this, but they find another way, and generally integrate elemental power with their own fighting methods, and implement them on fists, kung fu, swords, lights and swords.

Although Kamisato Ayaka is a woman, her strength is not weaker than that of a Valkyrie who has tempered her body, and her speed of advancing on the ice is also not weaker than that of ordinary B-level biology.Shen Liang probably understood the difference between the original god and the Valkyrie.

Valkyries often have different abilities, but they are nothing more than two branches of the biology department that tempers the body, and the ability department that tempers abilities.Although the original gods can only control elements, they usually practice both magic and martial arts, and they use elemental power throughout their martial arts.

Facing the approach of Kanli Linghua, Shen Liang did not distance himself, but showed an appreciative smile.

"Do you actually have the courage to attack me?"

Shen Liang slashed at Shenli Linghua's waist with a palm. If the blow was real, the girl would definitely break her ribs and lose her fighting ability for a short time.

"An inch is short and an inch is dangerous. How can you make Liangzi feel threatened if you don't get closer?"

Shenli Linghua did not show any weakness, she dodged and drew her sword to meet Shen Liang's attack. Shen Liang didn't dare to use her fists to dodge the laser, she immediately jumped up into the air, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and shouted loudly , suddenly split from head to toe!

Inazuma Kendo is the most unpretentious and the most useful move!Lion Appears!

The aura of the head sword is the most difficult to resist, even if it is a wooden knife, it can easily beat a person into a concussion or even a vegetative state, not to mention the irresistible thunder in Linghua's hand!

[The basic skills are very solid, at least from a young age, it is estimated that there are more than ten years of skills. 】Comments of Torachiyo floating on the beam.

[It's a pity...the boss has more than 1000 years of experience. 】

Shen Liang didn't dodge or dodge, and stepped forward with his left foot!His left hand turned into a tiger's claw and slammed towards her waist, pulling her down violently!Then he tilted his head, twisted his waist and stepped forward, and thrust his whole body into Shensato Ayaka's chest, because he was relatively small, so he could just get into her arms at such a close distance, and he could avoid Shensato Ayaka's attack. Knife!

Then, one pull, one send.

Shen Liang also bullied himself, and smashed Shenli Linghua's chest horizontally with his right elbow!Blast her away by three or four meters!

Bajiquan!Overlord is hard to wrap!

In order to adapt to Torachiyo's muscle memory more systematically, he studied many boxing manuals. In fact, all kinds of martial arts have been handed down from hundreds of schools. .

Know everything, instead of slowly studying how Tora Chiyo fights, it is better to directly rely on your own rich muscle memory to study the tens of thousands of martial arts in China, but you can learn faster!

The girl only felt a sharp pain from being hit on her chest, and a mouthful of blood almost couldn't hold back from spitting out from her throat.How fierce and domineering Bajiquan is, if it wasn't for her good physical fitness, she would hardly be able to take a frontal blow.

"That's why I said, it's only fair for you to hold Leiqie." Shen Liang shook his hands, smiling cutely, "Do you really think you can deal with me by becoming a dogfight?"

Kansato Linghua calmed down, she knew that her chest ribs might be broken, but this kind of minor injury is not a problem, she took a deep breath and was about to continue.

Then Ayato Kamisato suddenly said, "Enough, Linghua, you've already lost."

"Brother! This is just the beginning!" Kansato Linghua's small face raised a smear of anger, and she argued dissatisfiedly, "We have just fought, and I can still fight!"

"Linghua, don't be arrogant." Ayato Kanli looked at her seriously, "Your talent in martial arts is even higher than mine. You should know that you are hopeless. You have completely lost."


"Mr. Liangzi's advantage is not fighting at all, but his fast-moving space ability and endless firearms. He can completely distance you and easily grind you to death with his long-range advantage. You can dodge two bullets, twenty rounds Well, what about two hundred rounds, even twenty thousand rounds is only a matter of a few minutes for Mr. Ryoko?"

Shen Liangxin said that you have misunderstood, it is impossible for me to bring up the machine gun to bully people, right? With two Desert Eagles firing [-] rounds, I haven't had breakfast yet, so I don't need to prepare dinner.

"Mr. Ryoko chose to fight you in your most advantageous area, fighting with your bare hands against an undefendable sword, but you are still at a disadvantage between [-] and [-]." Kamisato Ayato sighed, "Ayaka, what are you facing? This young man is an existence that can make His Majesty the Great Imperial Palace throw their hands at you, and you have no chance of winning this battle from the very beginning."

Ayaka Kamisato lowered her head, unable to see her expression.

"Admit defeat, Linghua, Mr. Ryoko's strength is unmatched by you." Kanli Ayato comforted, "You are not from the same world, and you have done a good job. You are as strong as Kujo Saura, facing each other on the battlefield. Mr. Ryoko could only kneel down trembling, unable to lift the knife."

Shen Liang glanced at him thoughtfully.

And Kanli Linghua bit her lip, finally held Leiqie again, and said in a low voice: "Liangzi, come again."

"Ayaka!" Kamisato Ayato coughed. He seemed to be in poor health. He might have inherited Kanato Kadai's congenital heart disease. At this time, he took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth, and then said sharply, "Stop!" Well, what do you want to prove? Prove that you can beat Mr. Ryoko in force? Even if you can beat him, it’s just that he didn’t play with you with the idea of ​​killing you! What can you prove?! You are already injured, Come down, don't worry me and mother!"

"I know." Kamisato Ayaka said softly.

The atmosphere was a little quiet for a while.

"I know that Ryoko doesn't even want to hurt me, I know that there is no way to prove anything... But, but..." Ayaka Kansato raised her head and looked at the black-haired boy who was four or five meters away from her, "But I don't want to do it." A useless, useless person, I don't want to be useless."

Shen Liang was taken aback for a moment, but Kamisato Ayato did not refute at this time, quietly watching her sister speak in a low voice.

"I am eager to use Liangzi's power to fulfill the duties of the society. I am eager to use him to save the country and the people. Yes, no matter how I beautify my purpose, I always want to use Liangzi. But, compared to using him, I am more I want to be friends." Kanli Ayaka looked at him, "Only people who can help each other can be friends. I know that Ryoko is strong. If I want to be useful to Ryoko, I must also be strong... I must keep up His steps."

Shen Liang looked at Princess Bailu who was talking in a low voice, a little stunned, even a little guilty.He knew that Kamisato Ayaka always flattered him subconsciously, and he didn't care because he knew that Kamisato Ayaka wanted something from him.

As for now that Shenli Linghua agreed to go with him, he had already examined himself, and felt that he could not continue to enjoy other people's service with peace of mind, and had to treat him as a friend.

But he didn't expect that in Shenli Linghua's heart... there was such a thought.

Such, low self-esteem.

She even felt that she was not qualified to become a so-called "friend".

"I don't want to prove anything, I just want to see how far I am from catching up with Mr. Ryoko, so I use my best sword to ask." Kanli Linghua said mockingly.

"Actually, I'm really envious of this generation of Goddess Miko. She may have a hard life, but she's very lucky. She was born to hold high power. She is very useful to Mr. Ryoko, and she is also beautiful and intelligent. She is very likable. So the Lord God bestowed Mr. Liangzi on her. When she was most in danger, she could still have enough value to be valued by Liangzi... How do you say that Liyue said, "Rush to the crown and become a beauty" '. But I couldn't find anything worthy of Ryoko's attention."

After finishing speaking, she looked at her elder brother again and smiled wearily: "My lord brother, let me continue. I want to know if it is true that I... will never see Ryoko's back."

The game starts again.

The sound of bullets hitting the wall.

The sound of blades cutting through the air.

The sound of gold and iron clashing.

The sound of screaming and moaning (crab) in pain.

The sound of falling and being smashed.

Once, twice, ten times, I don't know how many times.

Shen Liang pressed her knee against Shenli Linghua's neck, pressing her firmly to the ground.The girl's beautiful face was covered with dirty dust and bruises all over her body, and there was no one watching the match except the referee.

Shenli Ayato, Shenli Huadai and others could not bear to watch for a long time, and left quietly.

Of course, the referee also stared at Shen Liang viciously. It seemed that she couldn't be angry. Shen Liang's relentless behavior made her feel that it was outrageous!That is Princess Egret, the gentle, beautiful and elegant lady's rice wife first lady!The flower of Gaoling in the hearts of countless boys!

You just beat me up all morning!Are you still a man? You!The uneducated sailors on the pier are more gentlemanly than you!

"Come again!" Kamisato Linghua shouted stubbornly.

Shen Liang didn't let go of his knees, he had already fought with the unyielding girl for five hours, and at this moment he didn't want to do it again.

He looked down at the fiery fighting spirit in Kansato Linghua's eyes, and there was still not much expression on his delicate little face.

During the morning's struggle, he had already felt the girl's will. She had at least seven or eight fractures all over her body, but she still endured the severe pain, and her movements of swinging the knife did not weaken at all.She only got more and more painful with strenuous exercise, but she didn't say anything, just got up again and again.

And her attack on Shen Liang basically did not pose a threat, Shen Liang opened the teleportation light curtain after the first injury, and never let her touch him since then.In order to let Kanli Linghua see himself clearly, he even gave up the anesthesia bomb and kept getting close to her, but even so, she couldn't find any chance. The gap in martial arts and the infinite teleportation light curtain made it almost impossible for her to win against Shen Liang .

Unless he puts water in the sky.

Shen Liang still suppressed her, and then pulled the girl's messy ponytail towards him, forcing her to look up at his face. This almost rude action made the referee subconsciously want to step forward, but Shen Liang glared at her. After a glance, she retreated subconsciously again.

Kamisato Ayaka showed a pained expression.


"Come again!"

"I've said enough." Shen Liang looked at the girl's beautiful face. Kamisato Linghua has always been a beautiful girl. It can even be said that she is strictly the most beautiful young lady of Inazuma, who can be called "" Princess Egret", she looks flawless.At this time, her face was bloodstained and dirty.

She looked at Shen Liang's cold gaze, and silently stopped talking.

I'm really not reconciled, there is still no chance of winning in the end... The gap is so desperate that a 16-year-old child, a boy who is not even as tall as her, has already made it so difficult for her to catch up.

——Are you just throwing in the towel?Is this the life of Ayaka Kamisato?

A voice said sadly in her mind.

——Since childhood, I have been pampered and pampered. As he said, I am just a flower in a greenhouse. Is everything naive and unreasonable?When I really want to do something, I find that I am so incompetent that I am not worthy at all?

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