——Just silently looking at his back?When he was going forward and conquering the world with great vigor and vigor, I could only watch silently... Shenli Linghua could only be left behind step by step, and finally became the one who was just a little more beautiful among the countless passers-by in his life journey?

——the fashionista of the times...and the common man.

PS: This chapter is an update, 6 words counts as two updates, and the reward has been repaid for 8/[-].

Volume 244 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230Chapter [-]Eight is out of reach!

There will always be times in a person's life when he wakes up like a dream. It doesn't mean that he is woken up by a blow, nor can he be said to have suffered a sudden setback.

Just to find out that I am a normal person.

Who didn't feel that his life would be golden when he was a child, even the always quiet Ayaka Kamisato.

She clenched her right fist, gritted her teeth, and swung it towards the boy on top of her again with all her strength. Then, as expected, Shen Liang just pulled her ponytail and lifted it slightly, and she let go of the pain. Gained strength.

Her tears welled up silently, and she could no longer organize a decent resistance.There were mottled blood all over her body, and Shen Liang's fierce offensive tore her entire body of clothes and skin.Her white combat uniform is now tattered and dirty from rolling around on the ground many times.Her beautiful silver ponytail was also dragged by the boy, and it was disheveled.

"I lost."

The most difficult thing is to admit that you are ordinary, just like the young man who used to hold a sword in many people's hearts, he has to be in the market after the age of 30.

Then she felt someone reach out and touch her face.

"How did you get beaten like this?" Shen Liang looked at her weeping face, and said softly, "You're so ugly, you just cry if you can't be beaten, are you a child?"

Kanli Ayaka looked at the handsome boy standing in front of her, bent over, with expressionless eyes.Her consciousness was in chaos, and she couldn't tell whether it was grievance or anger and dissatisfaction with herself.

"I can't keep up with you...I'll never be able to keep up with you," she sobbed.

Shen Liang stood there, silent for a while, then sighed.

"So you natives are really... idiots."

Kamisato Ayaka looked at him blankly.

"I never thought that I, a god of killing who terrifies Quan Dao's wife, would actually have to take on the responsibility of psychological counseling, you silly girl." Shen Liang put his left hand into her messy long hair and stroked it gently, " I quite agree with your statement about value. Yes, one-sided giving and taking are not friends. The relationship of friends is based on equal space. Only when you are valuable to me can I regard you as my friend .”

He wiped away the tears for Shenli Linghua, "No one will maintain a basic friendship with her who is worthless. Just like you, you have to stay by my side and be useful to me all the time. Don't cry, cry Ugly, I have very strict aesthetic standards, and I don't like girls around me who are not good-looking."

Kanli Linghua wiped her tears, this boy really can't comfort others, he said "psychological counseling", but his words stabbed her heart one knife after another.

But she has always been very aware of Shen Liang's meanness, this young boy has always been like this.She doesn't dislike being mean under normal circumstances, because Shen Liang, who has become mean and fierce, has a cuteness of pretending to be a small adult.But now she couldn't lift her spirits anymore, she could only lower her eyes weakly.

"Yeah, Linghua...it's worthless." Her voice was getting weaker and weaker.

Shen Liang's patience finally ran out.

"No, no, listen, although I admit that your friend's value theory is reasonable, but how to define the value is my business! Your value has nothing to do with what you think, the value I recognize is the value!" Shen Liang impatiently He brought her up in front of him, with the same tone of fierce eyes, "You think you are useless, it's not OK if you say it? I said a lot of self-defeating words. Am I snubbing you or suppressing you? ? Didn't I consider you a friend?"

"But even my most proud swordsmanship... has been defeated by you. I have nothing to praise."

"Still crying? Can't you understand what I'm saying?" Shen Liang took a deep breath.

"Did I tell you about Coral Palace Heart Sea?"

Ayaka Kamisato did not speak.

"You said you envied her, so I'll compare her to her. You said she holds high power and can start wars, so she is of great value to me, but why didn't you think about my appearance when I entered Haizhi Island before going into a dead end? The witch is her aunt, she is just a young official with power, she has neither military power nor political power, I am afraid that her actual power is not as strong as yours." Shen Liang said angrily, "I became friends not long after I met her. What are you drawing about her? To be frank, she is super pretty and I am so ugly, I just want to sleep with the Little Mermaid!"

Ayaka Kamisato was a little dazed.

"But of course I didn't sleep with her. It was a long time later. We became good friends. I did a lot of things for her and she did the same. Where is the value in your mouth reflected?" Shen Liang shouted loudly, "Because value is something that depends on the person. It's not only what you think is the value, do you understand? I like Xinhai. Her beauty is value to me, and her gentle personality is also value to me. She is a bit silly when planning strategies. It is value, and it is also value when you mess things up and come to me!

"Ability? That little mermaid may not be as good as you in fighting. What does military ability and political ability have to do with me? Can I use it? Do I, the regent, have a unit in the Coral Palace? I agreed to give me the interest that I earned back then." Every year, half of it is deducted by her aunt, which is to save it as a dowry first. This value is simply a negative return based on your logic!

"So do you understand?" Shen Liang's eyes were fiery, "Value is never something you take for granted, not only what you can see is value. Is it true that I feel comfortable with someone? Is it worthless? I agree with you about friends, but you are biased. There are many beautiful things in this world to experience together, such as hugs, kisses, and mutual affection... well, this is a bit beyond friendship category."

"But that's because you like Coral Palace Xinhai." Shenli Linghua suddenly smiled, "Liking someone is already the biggest premise. Your friendship has already been achieved before thinking about it."

Shen Liang was in great pain, "Why do you get in and can't get out..."

"because I……"

Before Kansato Linghua could finish her words, she saw the young man in front of him leaning over, the afternoon sunlight came in from the box window of the dojo, and the beams of light were filled with flying dust.

He forcibly raised the chin of the girl kneeling on the ground, and kissed her dry lips. This kiss was fierce and domineering, and her subconscious resistance was useless until it was pried open and completely captured without restraint.

Shen Liang tightened his arms, it was a grand ceremony of declaring that this girl belonged to him, and establishing a contract called a friend.Blood flowed from the lips, because both of them had been beating for hours and their lips were chapped, but they didn't care at this moment, instead they hugged and fell on the wooden floor of the dojo, demanding each other and hurting each other.

The referee was dumbfounded, and she didn't know whether she should go out immediately to report to the mistress or yell at her to separate the two of them.But as a maid who watched Linghua grow up, she felt that this was not good. It was clear whether her princess was resisting or cooperating with her as someone who had experienced it.

If I just go out like this, I always feel that not only I can't please, but I also offend others...

【Name: Ayaka Kamisato】

【Progress: 53%】

【Progress: 76%】

【Progress: 77%】

【Progress: 78%】


Shen Liang let go of her, licked her injured lips, and said angrily: "Is that enough? Have I ever said that I don't like you?"

"I've been...wrong?"

"It's right not to admit defeat, Princess Bailu. But to become a very powerful person, the most important thing is not what you do now." Shen Liang looked down at the girl lying on the floor, "The most important thing, It is to warm your blood, and it is to never let your blood cool down. Even if I tell you that you can’t do it, just take it easy and say that you have no future, you still have to dismiss it. You have to hold your Sword, sweating profusely, fighting against fate, how can you turn your back on yourself? You are the super genius who wants to catch up with another world, the regent of the Kaiji, the name Shiinada Vulcan, and the executioner Shenliang Shenli Ayaka !"

"What's more, I won't say these words to you. We are friends, and friends must make progress together." Shen Liang said with a smile, "I will not abandon you, because you will always keep up with me! So calm and excellent! Princess Egret, who refuses to admit defeat, why can't she keep up with me?"

The beautiful girl with silver hair finally laughed out loud.

"Even encouraging people is so arrogant." She whispered.

Shen Liang scratched his head.

"But it's just friends?" Shenli Linghua suddenly said, "Just because of friends... are you going to take away Linghua's first kiss? Ryoko is too much."

"Who told you first that I don't like you..."

Kansato Linghua burst into a smile, held back again, and scowled, "Get off me."

Only then did Shen Liang realize that he was still pinning her down on the ground, so he pulled her up as well, and was startled when he saw the referee next to him.

——When the damn atmosphere came, I forgot that there were still people off the court. Fortunately, Ayato Kamisato and Kadai Kamisato were not there.

"Auntie Gutian, please don't tell mother and brother what happened to Mr. Linghua and Mr. Ryoko just now. Well, maybe mother can do it, but don't tell brother." Kanli Linghua bowed slightly to the referee and said softly, "Your brother may I still don't know the bond between Ayaka and Mr. Ryoko, so I might act impulsively."

The referee said in his heart, little princess, you are still worried about your brother being impulsive. If your brother is impulsive again, can he be as impulsive as you were just now?But she didn't say anything, just smiled helplessly, looked at Shen Liang a few times, "Is this the one chosen by Miss?"

Kansato Linghua's face was flushed red, and she was a little embarrassed: "No, where is it..."

Shen Liang immediately turned her head, her small face was full of dissatisfaction, "Huh? It's not me? Who is that? Who else do you want to choose?"

"Liangzi!" She stomped her feet angrily.


During dinner, Ayato Shenli went back to the castle tower beforehand, Shen Liang saw his expression and gave him two boxes of heart-saving pills.But even so, there were quite a few people at the dinner table in the Kamisato family. Apart from Huadai and Linghua, several servants with higher status could also sit at the table.

During the meal, Shenli Linghua sat opposite Shen Liang, across the table from the boss, with her head down, she didn't dare to say a word to Shen Liang.

On the other hand, Kansato Huadai, Thomas and the others seemed to have seen through something, and began to chat with smiles, and they all got along with each other, and in the end they all focused on Shen Liang, asking questions about this and that.

At the beginning, there might be some normal topics such as parental gossip, exotic customs, etc., but suddenly Kamikayo casually said a word, and the tone of the discussion of the whole dinner changed.

"Ryoko, I heard that you are very popular in the Coral Palace. According to the shogunate's information, you are still the boyfriend of the contemporary human god priestess? Didn't the priestess of our rice wife say that she wants to keep chastity?"

Everyone except Kanli Ayaka looked at him.

"Yeah." Shen Liang was also honest, "The God of the Sea is a dead god, so I don't like this. And I talked to him, and he said that he doesn't want to involve the lives of future generations. There may be no such rules in the Coral Palace in the future. gone."

The people at the dinner table looked weird for a while.

Talked to... the snake god?

Then Kansato Kadai smiled softly and asked: "Then Ryoko, you and that Miss Coral Palace Xinhai, um...have you eaten red bean rice?"

This is a very vague statement, but Shen Liang has been in Japan for a long time, and Inazuma and Japan even share some common sayings and cultures.Inazuma's girl had to eat red beans and rice on the day she became a woman, and he immediately understood what Kansato Kadai meant.

However, he glanced at Ayaka in his eyes, and Huadai in Kansato also looked at his daughter, as if he wanted to see some expressions on her face.

Kanli Linghua just lowered her head and sipped the soup, still not daring to look at anyone.

Shen Liang hesitated for a moment, but he didn't really want to lie.Shenli's mother and daughter treated him very well, and even knew him very well, so there was no need for him to pretend to be a good boy now.

"Yes," Shen Liang nodded, "I'm not a child anymore."

After saying this, he noticed that the expressions of the women at the dinner table became even weirder. Kanli Huadai pinched the tip of his hair, his expression froze a little, and then nodded: "It's really precocious."

Precocious your sister!

At this time, the aunts who were eating together also whispered: "It's actually a carnivore."

"It looks so cute and cute."

"After all, he is also a man."

"Will it not be enough?"

Where it is not enough, please explain to me clearly!If you don't make it clear, I'll hack you to death!I will draw my knife and hack you to death now!

Shen Liang roared in his heart, but his face still had the look of the old well without waves.

"My Linghua is also pretty good. This year, she also became a shrine maiden. Occasionally, the daughter of the shrine also goes to the Taisha Shrine to dance Kagura dance. It looks good in a shrine maiden costume." She couldn't hold back her mouth, "Ayahua's child's appearance and figure have inherited Huadai. Although she doesn't show it now, she will satisfy you in the future. I was lucky enough to meet the little witch Huadai in the Coral Palace. She is very cute, but also It's nothing special, but my Linghua is different."

Shen Liang was at a loss.

He suspected that Kansato Kadai had secretly seen him and Linghua kissing, and now he is not hiding it and directly talking about the matchmaking.

But it really is a necessary operation for every mother who wants to grab a son-in-law. If you talk about matchmaking, just talk about matchmaking. What is the Little Mermaid doing to belittle others?Xinhai can't do it?Hmph, your daughter can look forward to the future with you, isn't it Xinhai?Aunt Liuge's figure exploded to the point where any shirt she bought was low-cut!

PS: Come back to another chapter today to return the bounty!

Volume 245 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 230, Chapter [-], Chapter [-] I don't know each other, I have slept (rewards are offered to complete)

Shen Liang could only put down his chopsticks, "Auntie Huadai, Xinhai and I have had many incidents, she is my fiancée."

The meaning of this sentence is that you don’t want to dismantle CP. I can understand your eagerness to marry your daughter, but you want me to step in, hum!

Then Kanri Kayo showed an inexplicable expression, "Ah? So what?"

Another aunt took over the quarrel, and it turned out to be the previous referee. She said: "Xiao Shen may have misunderstood. We are not saying that a man who makes you abandon others and abandon his wife and children is not a man at all. Maybe your world does not allow it." Three wives and four concubines, but our rice wives don’t say that, it’s normal for a powerful man to have a large number of confidante, and there are more wives than sons.”

Ayaka Kansato ate with her head down as if she didn't hear.

"Xiao Shen is in the limelight now, and it is foreseeable that a large number of girls will like it in the future, but even three wives and four concubines will get a share."

"Since we're not married, it shouldn't be a problem for our Linghua to grow up, right?"

"The witch in the Coral Palace doesn't seem to have a low status?"

"Then Haiji Island and Narugami Island will each have a house. It would be great if Linghua on Narugami Island is bigger, and Miss Miko on Haiji Island is bigger." The aunts discussed endlessly.

Shen Liang had no choice but to look at Kanli Kadai, hoping that the wife could rescue him from this awkward conversation.

Shenli Huadai said in a gloomy tone: "Over at the Coral Palace, I don't know how many dowry dowries are available for the god maidens. Maybe the most beautiful maidens on the island can be used as dowry. The Shenli family wants to overwhelm them." Coral Palace, no matter how you think about it, it’s hard, isn’t it, dear Ryoko?”

"Miss Hua Dai!" Shen Liang couldn't help it, "Don't meddle in it!"

"Hua Dai doesn't want to get involved, but Ling Hua is my own flesh and blood. I watched you being taken away from my arms bit by bit by Ryoko. Of course, I must find a way to give her some post-marriage status." Kansato Kadai looked a little confident, "If a mother doesn't fight for her daughter, how can Linghua know how to fight for favor in the future."


Everyone looked over, Kanli Linghua slammed the chopsticks on the table, and left without saying a word.

She was very rude, she didn't even say "I'm done eating", and walked away angrily.

It seems that the skin is too thin to listen to the ridicule of the mother and the aunts.

"You have left your own flesh and blood." Shen Liang shrugged.

"It's okay, Linghua is like this, Ryoko will continue to eat." Kanli Huadai picked up a salmon for him with a smile, "Open your mouth, ah—"

Shen Liang bit off the fish, then shook his head, "I can't stand you anymore, I'm going to find Linghua."

After chasing it out, I didn't expect the little egret to run quite far.

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