Shenliliu Shubu was really fast as a light footwork. Shen Liang walked all the way down the mountain path, and at the foot of Shefengxing Mountain, he saw a girl leaning on the red torii gate, looking at the sunset.

"There's nothing to be shy about." This is Shen Liang's opening remark, "Don't worry about what they say, just eat your meal and leave after eating. Elders, let them say hello casually, it doesn't matter."

"Didn't Linghua do this?" Kanli Linghua asked back.

Shen Liang was stuck for a moment, it seemed that she was also, and Shenli Linghua really didn't respond to anything.

The way people on Earth deal with the meal of their elders is actually the same in Tivat.

"Who wants to be a kid for you..." The little egret kicked the stone.

"I agree with this. I think that big and small are the dross customs of feudal society. As a person on earth, I absolutely resist this kind of atmosphere that differentiates and unequals women." Shen Liang raised her hands in agreement, "We on Earth advocate freedom of marriage , love is free."

"So your earth is monogamous?" Kamisato Linghua immediately asked.

Shen Liang hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Most countries have a monogamous system, that is, the legal level is like this. But in social reality, rich people and high-class people can often have de facto multiple partners. And it's common, but with some moral flaws."

"It doesn't sound much different from Tivat." Kanli Linghua turned around, staring at Shen Liang with her big beautiful eyes, "So Liangzi, what do you have to show off? Your civilization is no better than Tivat. How advanced is it?"

"But in terms of human desires... everyone is indeed the same."

"Then Ryoko just has desire for me?" Kanli Linghua followed closely.

Shen Liang looked at her, nodded calmly, "Sooner or later."

"Is Ryoko so sure that she can turn Linghua into your person?" Kanli Linghua raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but quickly suppressed it, her small face still serious, "Why? Why does Linghua have to do it? Marry you? Dao's wife has so many years of talent, and there are not a few who are no worse than Liangzi."

"Not worse than me?" Shen Liang had a weird expression on his face, and he was very unconvinced.

Although it sounds a bit too proud to say this, but his reputation in Daozuma is enough to suppress everyone in the younger generation... No, even if the restrictions of the younger generation are removed, it is enough for the whole Daozuma to be able to suppress it He has only General Thunderbolt alone.

"...It's a little bit close." Kanli Linghua cleverly changed her words and refused to let go, "I haven't answered me yet, what do you want to do with me? Why do you have it?"

Shen Liang found out that this girl with puffed cheeks was staring at him viciously, and her conversation was quite angry - she was having a fight.

Little Egret seldom quarrels, her temperament is calm and gentle, even before when Shen Liang didn't like her very much, she seldom quarrels, but now...

Shen Liang couldn't help but laugh.

——Sure enough, once a girl enters an intimate relationship, she will involuntarily act coquettishly around you and become awkward.Kamisato Linghua herself didn't even realize that the distance between her and him was shrinking again and again, until now she had naturally become petty.

But Shen Liang only thought she was so cute.

——Sure enough, the same goes for boys.As long as you feel that the other party is in an intimate relationship, even if she plays with her temper like this, there is still no way to hate her.

So for the awkward girl, reasoning with her and explaining her mental journey must be purely playing the piano.Kamisato Linghua definitely didn't want to hear how he planned to spoil her, she just wanted to be angry, and because she was a reasonable lady, she could only be so awkward.

After thinking about it, Shen Liang decided to sacrifice his image to coax her.

He stood in front of Shenli Linghua, opened his hands, raised his face, and stared at her.

"Why... huh?" Kansato Linghua sensed something was wrong, "Ryoko, you don't want to..."

"Sister Linghua is wearing high heels, they are too high." Shen Liang said obediently in a business voice, "I want to kiss Sister Linghua, but the distance is not enough."

Kanli Linghua subconsciously took a breath, only feeling that her heart would be pierced by the sweetness and temptation in this sentence.

Looking at the beautiful boy with "don't you kiss me?" written all over his face, Princess Egret couldn't bear such a temptation, and she was entangled for a long time, but she still lowered her head.Shen Liang hugged her neck naturally and went up to her.

Kiss, then part.

Shen Liang smiled cutely and said, "Look, Sister Linghua, that's all it takes."

Kansato Ayaka's face was red and ashamed, she stomped her feet angrily, but seeing the boy's sly eyes, she couldn't express her resistance.

——Damn it, this is really... completely manipulated.

The members of the Shenli family standing on the high place were also gasping.

"This is too good." Someone murmured.

"How could Ms. Linghua escape from his clutches?"

"If I were 20 years younger, I wouldn't be able to escape. Who can escape, even if I call a man, I may not be able to escape."


Kansato Kadai looked at the flushed daughter and the boy who was being chased and beaten, but said nothing, just broke off a green leaf with a smile.


In Daozu, the Jade Dragon Banner is an annual competitive competition, but the one-hundred-person competition is held every five years.

Every ten years, the Hundred People One Kui will be combined with the Yulong Banner competition into one event. The champion team that can win the Hundred People One Kui will be able to win the Jade Dragon Banner, and the captain of the team is the "Dongguo Wushuang" of this session.

Compared with the other three years of heads-up competitions, the one-hundred-man one-on-one competition is more entertaining, so it has become a popular event for the whole people.The Jade Dragon Banner, which was originally held in March every year, will also be changed to May to July because of one hundred people.

This is also to facilitate the participation of young contestants from Quandaozuma and even foreigners. After all, there are so many holidays in May, June, and July.

At this moment, Shen Liang was sitting in the carriage, playing Dou Dizhu with Ling Hua and Xiao Gong.

Because it was the semi-finals, the main match, and even the entrance had to come at the rhythm of the years, so they had to take a carriage to "officially" arrive at the Shenying Dojo in Yingxiang Mountain.Being bored on the road, Shen Liang went to the light curtain to fetch playing cards.

The Tivat continent is not far behind the earth in terms of gambling. It can also be said that gambling has hardly developed for thousands of years.Inazuma also has things like dice, dominoes, or mahjong, which are said to have also been passed down from Liyue.

She knows a little bit about everything, and she understands games like blackjack, bridge and even Texas Hold'em, but Texas Hold'em is called "Nata Poker" here.And Princess Bailu, as a typical lady from a famous family, has never touched a poker very reasonably.

But fortunately, the rules of Fighting the Landlord are relatively simple. Shen Liang introduced the size of the cards, and the two girls expressed that they were completely spare.

But even though it is simple, it is very good to play.

In particular, this game is often two-on-one, and Kanli Ayaka is the best of the three, but as the eldest lady, she seems to have a natural luck, and she always draws the landlord.

Then she was bullied by Shen Liang and Xiao Gong together.

The most fun thing about gambling games is that there are rewards and punishments. If you lose a game, you have to stick a note on your face, and the landlord sticks two notes.Soon Shenli Linghua's face was covered all over, and after the hand was over, Shen Liang took out two more pieces of paper and carefully pasted them on Shenli Linghua's chin.

"Hey, Linghua, you seem to have grown a beard now." Xiaogong pointed at her and smiled, and then she suddenly became dissatisfied, "Why do you mainly give Linghua the chin and other places, and you just pat it on the eyelids for me? Come on. Hmph, why are you so gentle with Linghua!"

Because she gave kisses!

"Where is it gentle, not all of them are the same." Shen Liang refused to admit it.

Xiao Gong frowned, looking suspiciously between the two of them, "It's obviously much gentler! I think the atmosphere between you two gets better every time we meet, are you doing it behind my back? Do you have a lot of fun?"

"We had a fight." Kanli Ayaka said with a smile, "Well, the fight was quite fierce. Ryoko treated me for two hours."

"You guys finally collapsed?" Xiao Gong turned pale with shock.

"Why does it feel like you are looking forward to our collapse?" Shen Liang said with a smile.

"No, it's just that you always felt that you didn't like each other before. I guessed when Linghua couldn't bear it anymore and fought with you. I didn't expect it to come." Xiao Gong shrugged, "It seems that you are unraveling It's a gap, that's good, I don't need my Xiaogong to make lubricating oil, you don't know how tired I was when I lubricated between you!"

"Did I dislike Ayaka so much before?"

"You talk about 'childishness' and 'limitation of the times', anyway, you look down on people from above." Xiao Gong rubbed his chin, "I don't know what's going on now."

"Now I still feel that Linghua's thoughts are very naive." Shen Liang said, and then he quietly held Shenli Linghua's little hand below, "But don't care about her, just do it."

"Whether you are young or not, you have to do it to know." Kanli Linghua also smiled and squeezed his hand, looking intently into his eyes, "Ryoko, let's work together."

Xiaogong looked at the two of them, frowning even tighter.

— and said nothing!Princess Egret's eyes are so soft that they can melt water!Brother Liangzi, you are being unkind, when will you start telling the elder sister!

Shen Liang glanced at Xiaogong, and found that she was indignant, hesitated for a while, and could only extend his other hand to hold Xiaogong's hand.

Queen Xia Ji was stunned, she lowered her head and saw the two people Shen Liang was holding at the same time.

Princess Egret also saw this scene, and her originally gentle expression became indifferent.

Xiao Gong looked at Kanli Ayaka in confusion, and found that the silver-haired girl's eyes were slightly cold.Her little head didn't quite understand what happened for a while, but Brother Liangzi's hand was very comfortable to hold, and subconsciously, she only thought that Shen Liang was a "good sister", so she didn't react and wanted to let go immediately.

Ayaka Kansato's expression became even more dissatisfied, and she began to grind her teeth slightly.

At this time, Shen Liang suddenly pulled his left and right hands together, and then pretended to be heroic, grabbed the two hands and held them together!Shout out the slogan!

"For victory, one, two, three! Come on!"

"Aw!" Xiaogong shouted happily.

Only then did Shenli Linghua put away her dangerous gaze, and Shen Liang felt happy.Sure enough, it is still interesting. There are many ways to knead two beautiful girls at the same time, but in order to avoid the hatchet, it is necessary to play with a little cleverness.

At this moment, the car stopped, Xiao Gong looked out of the car, and shouted excitedly: "It's the Shenying Dojo!"

Everyone's attention was attracted, only to see that the gate of the Shenying Dojo deep in the valley was already filled with colorful flags and banners.

"Jade Dragon Banner Quandao Wife Contest and One Hundred People One Kungfu! Semi-finals! Grand opening!"


Next to the Shenying dojo at the foot of Yingxiang Mountain, there is a temporary inn for the players, because all the players who can enter the semi-finals must live in this Inazuma-style inn.

In other words, at least four teams stayed at the inn at the same time.

Before tomorrow's game, Shen Liang took the key and entered the second floor of the inn. Instead of looking for a room, he picked up the basin and went to the water room.

Yes, living in an inn on the Tivat continent is different from that on Earth. Generally speaking, guests have to go to the water room to carry hot water. If they want to drink, they need to carry the kettle.This is very important, because the water room does not work at night, and no one burns the fire. If you don’t get hot water in advance, there will only be cold water throughout the day.

And if you want cold water, you have to go to the yard on the first floor to get it.

The evil feudal society.

Shen Liang hugged the basin, and there was a change of clothes in it. He was going to the water room to take a shower first.

Then he walked along the corridor to the door of the water room when he saw a handsome young man with orange hair walking out of the water room talking and laughing with his friends. The moment he saw him, the pupils of the orange-haired young man shrank.

Because of his height, Shen Liang didn't see the change in the eyes of this 1.8-meter-old young man, he just walked towards the water room calmly holding the basin.

But after crossing that group of people, he suddenly felt a surging fighting spirit coming from behind him!

"Got you!"

A shout of joy.

Shen Liang's thousand-year-old fighting intuition broke out in an instant, and then there was a gust of wind behind him. Without even thinking about it, he pulled out his toothbrush and looked back viciously!


Gold and iron clash!

In the blink of an eye, before everyone could react, Shen Liang and the orange-haired youth had already fought!The figure flickered, and the two of them exchanged a few moves, and then opened the distance at the same time, posing a confrontation posture.

Shen Liang glanced at his wooden toothbrush handle, all the hairs on it were gone.The orange-haired young man on the opposite side also held a long comb in his backhand, with all the teeth broken.

The two performed a blitz attack and defense with toothbrushes and combs!

"Oh, oh?" The orange-haired young man looked at him overjoyed, "As expected of Xiguo Wushuang, 16-year-old Xiguo Wushuang, as expected, he is a guy who must not be fooled by his appearance. Even my sneak attack can be so casual Come on, you really are the strongest in Daowife's heart!"

Shen Liang frowned. This unknown young man leading the team was obviously also the target of participating in the Hundred People's Competition, but he was not angry at this time.

"Are you sneaking up on me?"

"No, how can it be called a sneak attack? This is to test the combat power of my so-called strongest opponent before the battle. If you can know that you are too weak now, it is not worth me to continue participating in the game." The orange-haired youth continued to smile. , "Get acquainted, Dadalia, No. 11 seat of fools, you can call me 'son', please don't spread the word."

"Fools?" Shen Liang has no ill feeling towards fools, it doesn't matter whether they do bad things or act as spies, after all he has an indissoluble bond with many girls of fools.

"But you don't need to introduce. I know very well that the Vulcan of Mingshitan, Xiguo Wushuang, and Lord Shenliang." The young master said excitedly, "I learned your specific information from the lady, but I didn't expect you to come here." Participating in the [-]-man competition... Hahahaha, it is a great honor! I will enjoy this competition!"

"Crazy." Shen Liang had no feeling for this kind of character who looked like a fighting maniac but not a beautiful girl, and then saw three people coming out from behind him, one was a man with two swords on his back, and the appearance of the sword looked like a fool Many debt collectors.There are also two good-looking young ladies, one tall with dark blue long hair, and one young and petite with dark green short hair.

Well, Lady Cangjing and Warlock Leiying.

At this time, the two beautiful girls pulled away from the young master, walked to Shen Liang's side in a hurry, and held his hand tightly with some distress.

"Ryoko, are you not injured?"

"My lord, you are too much, how can you sneak attack?"

"Master Ryoko, this is my toothbrush, you can continue to use it."

"No no use mine, mine is new, I have never used it!"

The young master was a little astonished watching his two team members suddenly greet the little boy opposite him, he could only scratch his head, looked at the only remaining boy, thought for a while and said: "Well, let me introduce, this These are my three subordinates, this is Yegor, this..."

Shen Liang directly interrupted him, raised his head and glanced at him coldly, "Okay, I probably know you better than you. These two are Tatyana and Lyudmila, no need for introduction."

The young master looked very surprised, "Oh? Mr. Shen knows?"

Shen Liang took a look at the two young ladies Maozi who were hugging his arms affectionately, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know each other, I've slept with him before."

Visible to the naked eye, the expressions of the two adult men from Zhidong Kingdom froze.

PS: The reward has been returned to 8/8, but strictly speaking, this chapter is 5600 words, and it is 1600!Just treat it as if I have owed compensation for so long!

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