Volume 246 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter [-] Children's Day Congratulatory Text · Extra "Orphanage Past Events·Bang Ya"

I won’t update it today. I joined hands with a girl to write a [-]-character Children’s Day message. Because of well-known reasons, I can’t post it here, so everyone can see it by joining the group.

Wanzi Fanwai is a benefit for everyone, just add a group and search in the group file.


Extra Title: "The Orphanage Past: Bang Ya"


Group number: 576877580

Group name: [I, Rosalia, have long wanted to slash Thor and become my brother's wife! 】


Volume 247 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Midnight Sword Practice

The young master looked up and down at this handsome boy with a high black ponytail, then looked at the two colleagues beside him, and then showed an incredulous expression.

Before he came here, he knew that Shen Liang was not tall and had a moonlike appearance, and she was a beautiful girl with dark, long and straight hair if he didn't look closely. After meeting him, he found that she was indeed so. Standing up straight with his figure, it seemed that he couldn't touch Tatyana's chin.

The son felt that Tatyana could even hug his princess without any sense of disobedience!

But what did he hear?

The two of them actually had... such a past with Xiguo Wushuang?

The young master didn't dare to think about it, and felt that the impact of this picture was a bit too strong.

"Hey--sama Ryoko is so cold!" Lyudmila said dissatisfied.

"How can you say that you don't know each other? We are obviously the closest friends with Lord Ryoko." Tatiana smiled slightly, "You still remember our names, there are a lot of fools on Haizhi Island, can you remember us name, it means that we have at least left an impression on you."

This is the truth, those foolish young ladies who came to him to experience Hua Haiyue in those days almost didn't bring any duplicates. It is said that there are numbers inside, and only when they are on duty will they have a chance.

Shen Liang seldom remembers their names, and the ones he can remember are generally those who have a certain level of cooking skills.For example, some people like to drink milk, some people like to play role-playing restaurants, and some people will warmly invite him to eat rice bowls.

Tatiana and Lyudmila made rice bowls for him.

But these words are inconvenient to say to the No.11 chief executive who is staring at him in surprise.

At this time, he saw a flash of anger in the eyes of the man named Yegor, and he raised his finger to point at him: "I am the pioneer of the Northland Group, Yegor! We will definitely win the day after tomorrow, and you'd better beat Jiutiaosha Ro, meet me."

"It's outrageous." Shen Liang muttered.

"What did you say?" Yegor didn't hear clearly.

Shen Liang waved his hands and ignored him, which made his expression look even more angry.

It's such a classic plot, there must be a plot before the game that they don't like each other.There is a good chance that one of the two girls who are holding me now is his sweetheart. Damn, this kind of routine is too common!

At this time Lyudmila opened Yegor's fingers, crossed his hips and said to him: "How many times have I said it! Don't point your fingers at people. When we came out of the small town of Sergei, my aunt asked me to stay outside." I will teach you well! You have no manners towards others, you are not only a fool but also a diplomatic mission!"

Yegor gave the beautiful Thunderfire Warlock a complicated look, but did not continue speaking.

Shen Liang understood after seeing this look, it's alright, don't think about it, this is the one he loves, maybe it's a childhood sweetheart from his hometown or something.Then this inexplicable hatred once again is certain.

Shen Liang sighed.

[If you want to open a harem, you have to be mentally prepared. Every girl you get will be the white moonlight that some people can only dream of. 】Tora Chiyo sighed.

【Where did you learn the word 'white moonlight'? 】

[I am watching Eileen Chang recently. 】

[You can still see Zhang Ailing with this brain? 】

"By the way, ma'am, is Dao Wife still there?" Shen Liang suddenly remembered this, "Is she alright?"

"I'm afraid I can't disclose this to you." The young master said with a smile, "Because I don't know either."

"You do not know?"

"Executive officers seldom communicate with each other. Everyone has their own tasks, but I just don't have them. I just came to enjoy the game." The young master said, "In fact, I am a little tired of Dao Wife's comprehensive level. Jiutiaosha There is a high probability that Luo Ye is not my opponent, and I once considered whether to give up the game. After all, as a native of Zhidong, winning the Jade Dragon Flag is a bit embarrassing, and it is not good for diplomacy."

"Then why don't you give up the game?"

"Because of you." The young master smiled brightly like a normal cheerful young man, but then he looked at Shen Liang with slightly excited and fanatical eyes, "Because you are here, Shen Liang, I am very grateful to Mr. Shen Liang." I'm very interested, no, I feel hot all over, my blood is going to heat up!"

Shen Liang subconsciously took a step back from his strange eyes, and the two girls immediately stepped forward to shield him from the young master's fiery gaze.

——It’s not that your attitude makes you feel like you’ve taken a fancy to me?Don't look at me like this, I'm really a man!

——No, judging from my previous experience in Haizhi Island, my face is not bad for men's attractiveness.What's more, Zhidong Kingdom has always been open to the people...Damn it!

Shen Liang thought about what was there, and the young master also realized that the atmosphere was temporarily awkward, he immediately cleared his throat, and said: "You can also feel it, the bloody smell coming up all the way, um, according to Li Yue's The term is 'bad air'. Mr. Shen Liang, only the existence of a warrior can clearly feel the evil aura on your body, I am very happy, as expected, Xiguo Wushuang, who is highly respected, can make me happy for a while!"

"Extremely admired?"

"The group of good boys who were defeated by me all angrily told me not to be arrogant, and warned me that Dao Wife still has a Haizhi Island, and a young general who won Xiguo Wushuang." The young master grinned, "The reason why I I waited until now to confirm whether you will come, if you don't come, I will give up the game and go find you."

Is this the problem of being famous?If he was unknown, this kind of executive-level opponent would not be encountered.

Facing this level of combat madness, it's no wonder that Kansato Ayaka and Kujo Sara are not confident.

"That's a pity, you're going to be beaten." Shen Liang said lightly.

"Interesting, I beat up a lot of confident people, but in the end they all knelt on the ground and begged me for mercy. I hope you can do what you say!" The young master laughed, then narrowed his eyes, and nodded after a long time, "Very good, the competition See you, looking forward to fighting with you."

"See you at the game."


After the opening ceremony of the semi-finals in the afternoon, Shen Liang listened to the rules in the auditorium.

The rules of the semi-finals are very simple. It is still a ring battle. Pioneers, backbones, defenders, and generals take turns to play. Only when they are knocked off the field, lose their fighting ability or admit defeat can they be replaced. The winner can stay on the field forever.In other words, it is to give the strong one a chance to wear four. This kind of inazuma is known as "dare to fight"!

As for the team competition, it is also very simple. The four teams face off in pairs, and the winner group and the loser group are divided.The winner's group and the loser's group will face off separately, and the loser of the loser's group will be eliminated.

Then the loser of the winner's bracket and the winner of the loser's bracket continue to face off, and the winner and the winner of the winner's bracket will go to the finals to determine the champion and runner-up.

The champion team is this year's Jade Dragon Banner players, and the captain of the champion team is this year's "Dongguo Wushuang"!

Each team sent a representative to make a short appearance. Of course, the Fubuki team is the national princess Ayaka Kamisato, the Yaba team is the cold-faced Kujo Saura, and the North Country team is the tall and proud Tatyana. A young and beautiful girl named Qingyi Xiaohu came up from the Jade Tiger Team.

The representatives of the four teams unanimously chose the beautiful girl, and the audience's voice was obviously much more enthusiastic.

After the opening ceremony, Shen Liang first tried the cold weapon in the yard, and did a little physical exercise to get used to the battle with Kujo Sharo tomorrow.Feeling that his body was getting hot, he took off his shirt and took cold water from the well in the yard to rinse himself from head to toe.

The inn where the players lived was not crowded, so Shen Liang deliberately chose to take a shower at night so that no one could see him.

—but why should I worry about being seen?

Shen Liang suddenly realized that something was wrong.

As a male, he shouldn't worry about being seen by others in the shower with his upper body naked, and he won't feel ashamed at home when sisters Kiyana and Arlene are around.

Then why...

He actually felt that if the men living in the inn saw his naked upper body...would he be a little ashamed?

Standing under the bright moonlight, the beautiful young man with red eyes and beautiful waist-length black hair looked at himself in the water basin, puzzled.

Then he gave up thinking and walked towards the room on the second floor alone in his wet shorts.

When passing by the bathhouse on the first floor, Shen Liang heard the laughter of the girls from the bathhouse. He was familiar with the voices of Princess Bailu, Queen Xiaji and Yayu Tengu. It seemed that they were taking a bath together, soaking in the hot spring .

——and because he was too lazy to wait for the bathroom to flush cold water outside.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to open the curtain and rush in, and then take in the beautiful scenery in his eyes!It's not that he suddenly lost his temper, but that he suddenly remembered the many Japanese animations he had watched.

In Japanese anime, boys and girls live together, there must be a bathhouse plot, and boys must have a voyeuristic plot, and most of them cannot be peeped.

But regardless of whether it can be peeped or not, there must be this project anyway.It seems that if the boys don't peep at the girls in the animation, it is equivalent to denying the charm of the girls in the team.

Rather than satisfying the desire for voyeurism, it would be rude not to go through this process.

Shen Liang stepped on the wet clogs and returned to her room little by little, then changed into dry clothes, lay on the tatami, and began to think about tomorrow's battle situation.

Not enough. He just thought for a while and didn't want to think. Instead, he looked at the empty bedroom and the cold tatami, feeling very disappointed.

Obviously Little Egret's room is downstairs, but he still has to stay alone in the room, without anyone to gossip about.It's not that there is no need to do anything, after all, there will be a fight tomorrow, but there is no one to gossip.

Ayaka Kamisato and Yokomiya are indeed traditional girls, they don't go to the boys' room at night, unlike the girls on Earth, they not only don't avoid suspicion, but are also confident.For example, Qiyana often knocked on the door at night, came in with a pillow in her arms, and called the landlord confidently that I was hungry.

However, whenever Shen Liang brought it up while preparing supper in the kitchen, he would see that Qiyana might have fallen asleep again on his bed, and he would always be amazed by Qiyana's beautiful sleeping posture, This white-haired dumpling inherits her mother's beautiful face, which is often revealed clearly only after she falls asleep.

But Shen Liang usually only watched for a few minutes, he was never used to her, if he dared to wake him up in the middle of the night, he had to finish the noodles he cooked!get up and eat!The noodle soup has to be cleaned up by the landlord!

The boy was thinking endlessly when the door of the room was gently pushed open a crack.

Tatyana, who was wearing a lace nightdress in the style of winter, and Lyudmila, who was wearing a white suspender skirt, hugged the pillow and quietly showed their two small heads. They saw the beautiful boy sitting on the tatami and looking at them with a smile. , behind is the moonlight on the terrace.

As the mirror lady and lightning warlock among the fools, Tatiana is mature and charming, and Lyudmila is sweet and lovely.Seeing that Shen Liang didn't show a gesture of rejection, the two of them immediately took off their inappropriate clogs, closed the door, and trotted over like thieves.

"Don't sleep in the middle of the night, come to talk to me?" Shen Liang caressed Lyudmila's hair, "Are you injured again? Need to melt into the moon?"

The two girls were leaning on the tatami, pillowing his knees, their little faces were flushed, and they were a little excited, as if they were sniffing the familiar smell on him.

Tatyana complained softly, "Master Ryoko has not come to see the fools for a long time, and Master Ryoko knows our stronghold."

Lyudmila looked at the boy obsessively, "Master Ryoko is still so considerate..."

"What's so considerate, I'm a scumbag." Shen Liang drove Hua Haiyue to check for the two girls whether there were any hidden diseases or old injuries on their bodies. The comfortable warmth flowed over them, and the two girls closed their eyes. Looking up, I greedily feel the power that can keep their lives alive.

As fools, their bodies are precarious. According to the records of the executive officer "Doctor", they know that most of them will not live to be 40 years old.

The changes in the body can only be repaired under the secret method of the sea moon in the Coral Palace. Every time you enjoy the sea moon, according to the doctor's research report, it can increase the service life by at least five years.

If they can enjoy this kind of care all the time, if they can enjoy Huahai Moon every five years, they can even have a normal human lifespan.

Unfortunately, there is no way.

Shen Liang is an existence that even fools must treat with caution. In the absence of hostility, even ladies don't want their relationship to deteriorate, let alone dare to take action against him.For a group of fools who are just consumables, no one is stupid enough to give Shen Liang their minds.

But he himself is willing to give dawn to the fools and these half-dead people.

——Master Liangzi certainly doesn’t know, but in the news network inside the Fools, he is called the “Goddess with the Lamp”.That was originally the name used to describe a legendary nurse who saved many people in Zhidong Kingdom, but for the fools, Master Ryoko who can extend life is their guiding light.

Although the compensation that this bright light asks for during treatment is a bit embarrassing, but Liudmila knows that there are few colleagues who can refuse Master Ryoko's needs, such a beautiful boy who meets in a thousand years, even if they don't have Hua Haiyue, they will flock to them.

"Will Lord Ryoko be paid this time?" Tatiana asked in a soft voice, her posture was extremely charming, and Lyudmila was taken aback when she heard the words. At this time, she remembered that Daoqiu had come from the Winter Kingdom and had been chasing her for many years. Yegor.

If it wasn't for this unexpected meeting, she might have...

But was it really an accident?Knowing that the young master wanted to find Xiguo Wushuang, she immediately signed up with Tatiana to form a team... Did she really meet by accident?

"Is there something on your mind?" Shen Liang lifted her shoulder straps and tilted her head.

"No, no." Lyudmila smiled and shook her head gently.

Volume 248 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! :Chapter 240Chapter [-] You are the one who stays up in the middle of the night to practice swords, right?

At this moment, in another guest room, two men from Zhidong Kingdom were lying on the tatami mats, staring intently at the ceiling.

"Inazuma's tatami is really uncomfortable." Egor scratched his back, "Isn't this just a quilt on the floor? It's our big bed that is warm and comfortable in winter."

"Tomorrow is the game, you are the vanguard, hurry up and rest." The young master said calmly.

"I didn't expect my subordinates to be able to entertain and even sleep in the same room with your son. It's a great honor." Egor said, "Speaking of which, I saw Tatyana and Lyudmila returning to the room after taking a shower in the bathhouse. Hmm, she's really beautiful."

Because it was too boring, Yegor was looking for a topic, and he was in a daze with his boss in a room. It would be too embarrassing not to find a topic.

And the topics of the two young men are basically inseparable from these things. Although the young master is a powerful executive of fools, he is still a young man after all.

"I don't know what the two of them are doing now?" Yegor stared at the ceiling in a daze.

"Shen Liang." The young master said briefly.

"Ah? What?" Yegor was taken aback, "My lord, do you miss Shen Liang so much? If they beat the Crow Feather team, they will naturally meet us."

"I'm just answering your question." The young master stared at the ceiling intently.

Yegor chewed on the words of his boss, his expression gradually turned pale.

"No, no... Your lord, you don't understand girls." Yegor murmured, "They are just a little excited to reunite with Shen Liangkuo, so they won't..."

"I asked them to consume Shen Liang's physical strength and spirit, to see if he will be forced to produce more things in the ring tomorrow." The young master said lightly, "They are very happy to take this job."

Yegor stared at the ceiling and said nothing.

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