The son also fell silent.

The two men finally started to sleep.


The first day of the main race, according to the convention, is chosen on the lunar day of Mizunazuki, which is June NO.20.

Early in the morning, the mountain road of Yingxiang Mountain was already densely packed with people, all the way to the gate of the Shenying Dojo, editors and reporters from various newspapers and publishing houses occupied various first-hand positions, excited It records people from all walks of life who come to appreciate the glory.

"Dr. Zuo Jing is here! This year, one hundred people per kui has attracted the attention of the cabinet officials. Look at that!"

"It's Daisuke the Ministry of War!"

"The chiefs of the Oujiezhong have also come. It is said that they are all the elite of the army. They are the elite soldiers who were directly transferred from Tianlingfeng to guard the castle tower."

"There are also people from the business world. That is the boss of Wanguo Business Exchange. Are there enough VIP seats?"

"Master Kanding Xun! But why does he look so gloomy... Could it be because his team is the weakest of the four?"

"How do you feel that there are more and more people watching the competition this year? The 8000 seats in the Shenying Dojo are all full. Look at the mountain on the opposite side. There are people on the mountain over there, and all the seats that can see the ring are crowded. There are so many people... I estimate that there are [-] citizens here in Yingxiang Mountain today!" Someone looked into the distance from the auditorium and found that there were really many people on other mountains.

The main Shenying dojo is an open-air platform, which was originally built for all Inazuma people to see the performance during the big festival.

"After all, it's once every [-] people, once every five years." The people around him replied.

"Which one of the hundred people has so many people come to see it? And the so-called Dongguo Wushuang, after all, isn't it just an internal competition among the seeded players who pursue training, and it happens every year. Is there anything else to watch?"

"But this year is different. This year foreigners are the favorites to win the championship. Do you remember the yellow hair from the Winter Kingdom! In the audition, he fought against General Kutiao Sara, and even General Sara seemed to be a bit overwhelmed! Damn it, the Jade Dragon Flag was taken away by foreigners, if you lose such an adult, the three major officials will die!"

Both of them uttered a few curses, and then one of them was taken aback, and suddenly remembered something.

"No, it seems that it's not only the three majors who have won. I remember how long ago it was more than [-] years ago... That Yulong Banner was also snatched by a dark horse. It was a little girl from Haizhi Island who humiliated her severely. It’s one of the three major practices at that time.” The man lowered his head and thought for a while, “It seems to be called, what is it called... Coral Palace..."

In Miyazaki's mind, a heroic black-haired girl vaguely appeared, holding a long sword, picking out the three seeded contestants one by one in the arena that attracted countless malicious attention, relaxed and freehand.At that time, the rules of the Jade Dragon Banner were not as detailed as they are now. Anyone could challenge the ring master, and she accepted them one by one, creating a feat of fighting ten times!Standing proudly in the despairing eyes of the people of Narugami Island, surrounded by defeated soldiers who were beaten and unable to get up.

Many years later, that domineering and savage figure still stands in the hearts of countless rice wives.

"Coral Palace Liuge." Someone passing by him said calmly.

"Yes! It's Coral Palace Liuge!" Miyazaki slapped his hands fiercely, and immediately turned his head to see which old man remembered better than himself, and then saw a pink-haired figure in a red and white witch dress gracefully From the aisle of the auditorium to the ring.

"Gong...Master Gongsi!"

"What? Master Gong Si also came to watch the game?" There was a new exclamation in the auditorium!

"Master Gong Si is here?"

"The mistress of the society is also here?"

Behind the long pink-haired Shenzi was a pure white wife with long silver hair, and the two walked towards the ring one after the other.Countless spectators noticed them and immediately stood up in surprise, causing the auditorium to rise and fall like waves.

"How can I not remember Miss Liuge? She has been the secretary of the Coral Palace for more than 20 years, but she is the biggest opponent of this palace." Yae Kamiko smiled as he walked.

"What can Coral Palace Secretary affect Yae Palace Secretary?" Shenli Huadai said softly.

"Competition for faith, you don't understand the war of witches." Yae Kamiko curled her lips, "That guy looks no worse than me, I am the witch of Thor and she is the witch of snake god, I raise a group of beautiful girls and she also raises a group of beautiful girls, we There are believers and she also has believers... We are enemies. You don't know how dangerous this is, which means that there are actually two unique 'beautiful witches' identities! No woman can bear this kind of shame, but she is sensible I have abdicated, and let Coral Palace go to the heart of the sea... Huh."

Kanli Huadai didn't quite understand why Coral Palace Liuge threatened her, but Coral Palace Xinhai could not.

"Because I follow Yujie's style. The little mermaid is still young and can only follow the girlish style. Our career paths do not conflict. But Liuge is the same as my personality path, and there can only be one of us!" Yae Miko Clenching her fists, she said coldly, "She is sensible, and has felt the killing intent of this palace."

Shenli Huadai stagnated for a while, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, the fox looked down the stage and looked at the bustling crowd.All the spectators are looking forward to the entry of the contestant at this moment, and some people are excited to see the appearance of the contestant named Dadalia being defeated.This is Inazuma Narukami Island, and this is their home field. They have high expectations for their own country's players.

"But the reason why I was so impressed is because...Miss Liu Ge, she is very cool." Yae Kamito said suddenly.

"Yeah, it's very cool." Kagami Kagami smiled slightly, "She was only 16 years old at that time, one year younger than me. I watched her from the audience, a girl with a sword entering Narukami alone. When Hai Zhi and Narugami hadn't completely made friends, she stepped onto the ring in the face of everyone's disgust. Few people in the audience were willing to cheer for her victory, but she was not affected at all, and she didn't even know what it meant to be afraid. I just remember her expression after every victory."

"She can only laugh. The more she laughs, the more humiliated everyone will be." Yae Shenzi said softly, "The more malicious people are, and she stands on the stage, dismissive."

"Youth is chivalrous, making friends with Wuduxiong. He has guts and hair. He is talking. Life and death are the same. Coral Palace Liuge is such a person." Shenli Huadai looked at the contestants who were slowly pulled away under the auditorium Passage gate.

"Ina wife is so pitiful, we are so pitiful, we always meet people like this." Yae Kamiko laughed, "It seems that the hatred between us and Coral Palace cannot be solved, Coral Palace Liuge was buried in the sea In an instant, her shadow came out of the sea."

"Twenty years ago, the 16-year-old Coral Palace Liuge humiliated everyone, and 20 years later, her shadow came to humiliate us again, still 16 years old."

The two of them boarded the rostrum of the dojo. At the same time, the door to the contestants' passage opened, and a boy with a black ponytail stepped out, yawning.Seeing the pink fur fox and the silver-haired wife on the rostrum, he waved his hand and greeted them politely.

"It's not easy to be a host." Fox sighed deeply.


Ten minutes later, when the audience at the Shenying Dojo had basically entered the arena, and the noisy and chaotic voices had almost subsided, Yae Miko, who had been playing with her braids on the rostrum, finally stretched out her hand lazily and shook the table. A bell stood.

"Please be quiet." Lazy voice.

The audience was still whispering excitedly because they saw the big shots from all walks of life, but suddenly they found that they lost their voices, and an inexplicable force instantly muted the entire Shenying dojo!The audience could only hear Yae Kamito's lazy voice.

"The competition for the Jade Dragon Flag is about to begin. No loud noises are allowed. I will lift the ban later, but please listen to every word that follows."

"I am the Narugami Taisha Yae Miko who is both wise and beautiful. This time, I will co-host the main match of a hundred people and this lady in kimono."

Shenli Huadai patted his face with a fan and smiled slightly, "Shenli Huadai is from the society."

The two top-notch mature beauties made the Shenzakura Dojo shine in an instant, and more ordinary citizens who had no experience were stunned after Yae Miko and Kanri Kadai introduced themselves!Narugami Taisha's palace secretary, the shrine's mistress, this kind of person who is almost at the top of the rice wife actually sits on the stage and acts as the host!

This competition has actually made an existence of this level interested!

"Of course, everyone can rest assured that even though you are the host and assume the responsibility of refereeing, you don't need to worry that Ms. Hua Dai will open the door for her daughter. In a sense, Miss Hua Dai can't understand the door of the game. She is just here as a mascot." Yae Shenzi took the words and said with a weary voice, "Most of the content will be decided by this palace."

Kanri Kayo smiled awkwardly but politely.

"The last four teams in this one-hundred-person one-piece audition are from the extremely cold Winter Kingdom, led by the young martial idiot Dadalia..."

Shen Liang sat in the contestant area, looking at Yae Kamiko who was impatient but still read the manuscript honestly and steadily on the rostrum. The next avatar slipped away by itself but was doing things seriously.

It's just that Shen Liang doesn't quite understand why Kansato Kadai also became the host. Kansato Kadai is not the original god, and she probably can't see the details of the warriors' battles on the field, so what is she doing up there?

Are you really going to be the referee for your daughter's victory?

"Maybe I'm worried about Linghua's injury." Kanli Linghua said in a low voice, "The referee has the right to stop the game directly. Maybe my mother is afraid that I will fight if I insist on it, and I will hurt my body, so I decided to be the host. with the referee."

"Good mother." Xiaogong also yawned sleepily beside him.

Kanli Linghua looked at the two teammates who were both sleepy, and frowned slightly, "Did you two not sleep well last night?"

As soon as he said that he was so angry, he turned around and grabbed Shen Liang's small face, and said angrily: "Ling Hua, you don't know, Brother Liang Zi practiced swords all night upstairs yesterday, then The floor was pounding and thumping until dawn! I asked him this morning and he said that he was a little excited to play the first game and couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t sleep and he forgot that I lived downstairs! It's definitely Brother Liangzi's fault!"

"Practice sword?" Kanli Linghua was a little confused, Ryoko... didn't she use a gun?The Rachel is still with her.

"It's okay, I'm fine...ah." Shen Liang quickly rubbed his eyes, driving Hua Haiyue to keep himself awake.He was too embarrassed to look at Kamori Linghua's puzzled expression, so he could only thank Xiao Gong in his heart.Xiaogong is really a good boy, he will believe whatever he says, if the person who lives downstairs is Little Egret, he might have something wrong with him.

At the same time, in the Beiguo team's player bench, the young master held his forehead, and the two vacant seats next to him looked particularly eye-catching.

"My lord? Where are Tatiana and Lyudmila?" Yegor also looked at the two vacant seats. Although he had already accepted the facts of last night in his heart, he was no longer particularly sad, but seeing this In one scene, he had a vague feeling of discomfort.

"Still sleeping." The son whispered.

"Sleeping?" Yegor frowned, "There is a game today, and they are absent?"

"When I went to see them, they couldn't get up anymore, and even if they got up, they couldn't fight anymore." The young master pinched the bridge of his nose, a little depressed, "Forget it, this time it's my problem, who would have thought of that child... Tsk, we are the ones who suffer in the end.”

"What do you mean, my lord..." Yegor's question was suddenly cut off by himself, and he turned pale when he thought of the answer.

The young master looked at his subordinate quietly, "So I advise you to stop asking."

PS: dear readers!The Yuyuko sword is not bad either!

Volume 249 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Beiguo VS Jade Tiger

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On the rostrum, Yae Shenzi introduced the origins and records of the four teams in a wan tone. According to the preliminary judgment of the audition records, the first seed Bei Guo, the second seed Yayu, and the third seed Fuyuki were the weakest. Team Jade Tiger.

Although the fox is eloquent, once she gets to work that doesn't belong to her, she immediately gets tired and lazy, and at most she just gives some simple explanations.Therefore, Kamikayo, who was promoted by the club, was invited to be the deputy, and his main role was to supervise Yae Miko.

Prevent her from falling asleep while explaining.

And so far, almost all the viewers don't know that the Chuuxue team, which originally had the smallest number, has now quietly strengthened one.

"...As the host, I am the maiden of the Narugami Taisha Shrine, so I naturally support the little girl that the shrine follows. In fact, this time, I bet almost 200 million moras on Princess Bailu." Yae Miko Regardless of the tens of thousands of spectators here, he lazily said, "There is an instant opening outside, everyone who is short of money can try it."

"Everyone, please don't do it. Your Majesty is not afraid of being arrested, but it is against the law to organize unreported large-scale gambling in Inazuma." Shenli Huadai added softly.

"The information about this year's contestants has been introduced. This year's contestants, besides Dadalia, are the two cute little girls from the Fubuki team." The real protagonists are not our Princess Egret and Queen Xia Ji, I believe those with sharp eyes have already discovered that there are three people on the Fubuki team's bench today."

The fox's slender fingers point towards the player's bench. The entire field is dim, and a beam of light directly hits the seats of the Fubuki team. beautiful child with ponytail.

Shen Liang was taking a nap with one hand propped on the armrest.

For a moment, the audience's eyes were focused on the highlight area.It's like when a concert is held on the earth, the auditorium is selected by the director with a beam of light, and there is only a big screen to show his face.

But the eyesight of the Tevat people is better than that of the people on Earth, and the Shenying Dojo is not too big, so there are many people who can see Shen Liang's face clearly and exclaim one after another.

"The Fuxue team has a newcomer? Wow, is this Hei Chang Zhi Feng?"

"The Fuxue team is really good-looking! All three are my wives!"

"The new player's attitude of 'Whoever is facing her is a rookie, hurry up and let me finish the fight and go back to sleep' is so handsome! Ah, I'm dead, what a godly face!"

"It's just a little flat..."

"Look at the seat, has she replaced Princess Bailu as a general? Has Princess Bailu recruited a strong newcomer?"

"I declare that no matter whether the Fuxue team is strong or not, I will be the dog of the Fuxue team in this life, and maybe there will be no more sorrows and joys."


Shen Liang looked up at Yae Kamito who was smiling and joking, and let out a casual sneer.

He understands the vicious taste of this fox all too well.

Sure enough, just when the audience was boiling, Yae Shenzi threw out a word in a timely manner, and the audience was instantly silenced.

"It's pretty, but she's not a girl, she's..." She tilted her head and looked at the audience, "His Royal Highness the Regent of Haizhi Island, yes, don't show this expression. That's the one, in Mingshitan Shen Liang, the executioner who defeated Tianling in one battle."

From the enthusiastic response to the sudden end, the dramatic effect in the auditorium was like playing a game against Koreans at home in South Korea.Yae Kamiko looked at these people with weird and disgusting expressions with a smile, and then sighed softly in her heart.

"Perhaps the hatred between Kaijishima and Narugami Island has been suppressed for the time being, but how can the hatred against Ryoko be resolved?" Kanli Kayo noticed her slight expression and said softly.

"It can't be solved, only time can be used to erase it." Yae Shenzi said a rare serious word, "It's too arrogant to use one's power to maintain peace. The price of this kind of arrogance is to be hated."

"But Master Gong Si doesn't seem to dislike Ryoko."

"It's not just that I don't hate it, I really like little wolf dogs." Yae Shenzi looked at Shen Liang who was relaxed and dismissive in the face of the malicious expression of the audience, "I feel that only I can do it, I feel that some things can't be done, I think Do it even if you bear hatred and are not understood...Isn't this kind of thing so cool? It's true, it's true, it's true... so is Little Wolfdog."

"True... Shadow?" Kanli Kadai was puzzled.

"Oh, it turns out that he is actually... and A Ying are on the same road."


"What a joke! Damn it!" The crowd in the auditorium became excited.

Before, she was drooling over the appearance of a top-notch beautiful girl, but the moment her identity was revealed, those voices were overwhelmed by louder and more irritable voices.

"He was actually asked to participate in the one-hundred-person competition, and he was actually asked to compete for the Jade Dragon Flag! Has the Great Society been coerced!"

"Executioner Shen Liang, he dares to come to Mingshen Island!"

"Where is Tianling Fengxing? Where is Tianling Fengxing? General Shaluo, catch him quickly, he is at the side of the blowing snow team, the Lord Palace Secretary has found him! Come on!"

"it's him!"

"He burned my son...he burned my son, please, please catch him!"

"Get him off! Or we'll refund the ticket!"

Angry yelling and cursing were mixed with some crying, the auditorium was in complete chaos, and the wave of condemnation was overwhelming.Xiao Gong's face turned slightly pale, and even Shenli Linghua looked at him in fear, she didn't know that the reaction would be so violent, she never expected that in the mind of Dao wife, so many people would still hate him after a year Shen Liang.

She really regretted it at this moment, if she had known this... she wouldn't have asked Liangzi to come.Wouldn't this only bring trouble to Ryoko, and also make him feel worse about Dao wife?

【Are you OK? 】Tora Chiyo asked him worriedly.

[I'm fine, I've expected it a long time ago, there is always a price for getting involved in a war, it's just being accused by thousands of people, this price is not bad. 】Shen Liang said flatly, 【When I was writing a novel in Japan, I was scolded by thousands of people in turn, and even sent letters to my mailbox to scold me. Compared with this little voice, it is nothing. 】

[The mentality is so good. 】

[It’s you Chiyo, I killed so many Inazuma with my own hands, as an Inazuma, don’t you think I’m cruel? 】

[I don't think so. 】

【do not think so? 】

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