Hu Chiyo couldn't help laughing, 【Don't take yourself too seriously, little wolf dog.Not to mention that you are an outsider, killing for peace, even if you are in battle in the next life, you will kill [-] or [-] enemies on the battlefield. I am afraid that more people will die at my hands than you... What is it for?Tsk, maybe the reason is not as noble as yours. 】

Shen Liang was silent for a while, then said: 【Thank you. 】

Then he pinched the bridge of his nose sleepily, closed his eyes and rested himself amidst the waves of condemnation and the hostile gazes of countless people.

[If I were an ordinary person, I would do the same, and I don't blame them. 】Shen Liang leaned on Shenli Linghua's shoulder, 【It's just that they have scolded them for 3 minutes, after all, there are still some...】

"Noisy!" Yachong Shenzi shouted clearly!

"I will repeat this for the last time. No noise is allowed in the arena! If there is another offense," she slapped the table and shouted ferociously, "Fork out!"

While speaking, she looked at Jiujo Shaluo, who immediately understood the meaning and nodded calmly.

"It is legal for Mr. Shen Liang to enter Naruto Island, and it is also legal to participate in the one-hundred-person contest. The residence permit approved by Mr. General himself. Questioning Mr. Shen Liang's legality is a means of questioning Mr. General." Kutiao Saluo said coldly. , "Tianling pursues and knows that everyone has resentment, but the war is over. Those who have gone can't be persuaded, and those who come can still be pursued. Please act rationally."

Finally, the wave of anger subsided.

Although Kujo Sara is cold and rigid, it does not mean that she is not smart. In fact, she knows that neither Narujin Taisha's speech nor Tenling Pursuit's speech is qualified in front of the hateful rice wife people, and may even be questioned. Was it the 5000 million paid off by Haizhidao?

But if General Thunder is moved out, people's doubts will be reduced a lot.General Leiden cannot be questioned, all her actions are farsighted and absolutely reasonable.

Even if the people are asked to give up their hatred, they must do it.

In this land, General Lei Dian is the sky, the king, and the father.

She can never be wrong.

And when the excited voices passed, the voices of continuing to lick the girl and Zhengtai gained the upper hand.

This is also something that can’t be helped. A total of 8 people were lost in the battle of Mingshiitan, which seems like a lot, but in fact, for the Dao wife, only the [-] families who died were particularly concerned.Most people actually don't know anything about war and have little interest in it.They probably only knew about Shen Liang's existence from the newspapers.

After all, it is not a modern society, information transmission is very slow, and it is impossible to empathize with everyone.

And the Fubuki team has the highest appearance among all the teams. In the eyes of the young people in Quandaofu, the princess of the high mountains, the egret, is the symbol of summer in Narugami Island. Huaxiaogong's more beautiful appearance, if he doesn't tell his actual gender, he can even surpass Shenli Linghua and become the new object of most young people's dreams.

Human beings are visual animals. When you meet a stranger and you don't know whether it is good or bad, his appearance accounts for more than [-]% of your perception of good and evil.

At the same time, in the first-class seat area, the nobles of the shogunate family sat.

"How's the game going today?"

"The Northland team met the Yuhu team, and Chuuxue and Yayu faced each other. It's a good show. I don't know if the Northland team will be able to make it to Dadalia this time. He didn't play because the opponent was too weak a few times before. If this This time, the Jade Tigers were shot through at once... that would be a shame to Kanding Xingxing."

It was a civil servant of the shogunate who spoke.

As soon as the words fell, Hiiragi Shinsuke counterattacked coldly: "Let's worry about Sha Fengxing, the third seed, a beauty and a young man, full of gimmicks, but I don't know what strength to speak of. Shen Liang is very strong, But strong in the means of war, it is impossible for him to set fires indiscriminately in the arena... Huh, the Fubuki team has already lost to Dadalia before, and I don't know who is ashamed of it!"

"Cough..." Kamizori Yato coughed lightly, "My sister is a weak girl, it makes sense. What's more, the Kutiao family, didn't General Sara also lose to Dadalia?"

These words hit a bit too big, and many nobles and bureaucrats present looked away.

The reason why the Beiguo team was the No. [-] seed was because he won all during the audition period. The other three teams were more or less defeated in the final selection period, but the final total score was higher.The Blowing Snow Team, the Yayu Team, and the Jade Tiger Team have all been defeated by the Beiguo Team. It can even be said that the Yayu Team had to rank second because Kujo Sharo only lost to Dadalia.

What Ayato Shenli said, no matter which team everyone supports, it is a bit embarrassing.

"The Crow Feather Team is mainly because the other players are no match for the other players in the North Country Team. As a general, General Sharo is [-]v[-], but he was already exhausted when he met Dadalia. Hmph, if you play better this time, you may not have a chance!"

"Oh? The Fuxue team has also strengthened this time. Are you so sure that the Fuxue team will be crushed?"

"Hmph, the Jade Tiger Team we have decided to pursue is not as bad as you think! It's ice slime or water slime, just pull it out and you'll know!"

While the noble officials in the first-class seat were arguing and communicating, Yae Miko rang the bell and suppressed the voice of the audience again.

Then she finally raised her interest, and said loudly: "The preparation time is over, and the competition begins!"

On the arena, two large plaques were raised, which were the team flags of the North Country Team and the Jade Tiger Team. Below is the order of play submitted by the two sides.

Northland Team: Yegor (pioneer), Dadalia (general).

Jade Tiger Team: Hiiragi Dezhi (vanguard), Hiiragi Yota (backbone), Shiraishi ghost (guard), Qingyi Xiaohu (general).

Two against four?

Shen Liang was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that the Northland team should have four people.

Then he reacted abruptly.

——Those two girls are still sleeping in the cage, right?

——Oh, it turned out that two of them were eliminated by our Fuxue team before the game.

——Directly force out the opponent's strongest combat power. It is decided that you should thank me, and you should thank me well.

There is a tacit understanding, both sides let the strongest player be the general.Because the Jade Tigers had lost to Beiguo before, it must be safe to let the strongest one play last, so that they can beat one or two opponents no matter what, even if they lose, it won't be ugly.

As for the Northland team, there are only two people left, so Dadalia spared his strength to easily deal with Qingyi Xiaohu just to be on the safe side.

Everyone is looking for stability, and they are not going to do a one-through-four game.

Shen Liang apologized to Dadalia in his heart, he was playing a bit too much for a while, forgetting that not all girls are as unscrupulous as Torachiyo because of their lack of physical body.But presumably with the strength of the executive officers of the Fools, they can easily win even without subordinates.

He concentrated his attention and was ready to watch Dadalia show off his might.

PS: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I thought I went to bed at [-]:[-] p.m. and got up at [-]:[-] a.m. to code, but it was [-]:[-] a.m.

Volume 250 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter Three

When Shen Liang was engrossed in the game, the forward of the Yuhu team had already been slashed on the armguard by Yegor, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that his sore arm could no longer exert any strength.

It's just that although such an injury seriously affects the combat effectiveness, among a hundred people, anyone who can still fight will not step down because of this injury, and will only work harder and more intensely.Even the near-court referee in the ring didn't speak, and it seemed that the fight would continue.

However, Hiiragi Tokuji still stretched out his hand to admit defeat, and went off the field directly, that is, the striker lost directly.

Shen Liang was a little bit taken aback, but he still understood that for the Jade Tigers, their four-on-two doesn't have to be injured to affect the subsequent battles.As long as three people solve Yegor, Dadalia itself is for Qingyi Xiaohu to deal with.

It doesn't even matter if they can't beat the Northland team, as long as they stay in good shape, there is hope for the next loser's matchup.And if they were beaten and disabled, they would really have to be eliminated in the loser's bracket.

It seems that each team has its own thoughts, carefully calculating every step, and sure enough, the battle situation is anxious.

However, the Northland team is finally open. Everyone is a group of fools. The fools who have undergone body modification and have been fighting all the year round will not be weaker than the regular army in any country, and their individual combat capabilities are even stronger than soldiers.Among the current top four, Young Master's team is indeed unique. It is said that he will not even play in many games in person.

Now a Yegor needs three players from the Yuhu team to deal with, which proves that the players of the Northland team are quite strong.

At this time, Shen Liang saw the Jade Tiger team vanguard passing by Qing Yi Xiaohu, but he didn't show any respect to the "General", but patted her on the shoulder heavily, and said something like an order.Qingyi Xiaohu was originally resting with his eyes closed, but now he had to show a humble expression, nodding repeatedly, and then Hiiragi Dezhi left satisfied.

Shen Liang frowned.

Qingyi Xiaohu looks pretty good, although it is far from being on the same level as the blowing snow team, but he is still a beauty, but his skin is dark due to the wind and sun, and there are several scars on his face, a bit like a robber or sailor.

It is obvious that she does not have the eyes of God, because Shen Liang knows very well that people with the eyes of God can be adjusted to be healthier. Liyue's Captain Beidou has been wandering at sea for so many years, and his skin is still fair and firm like a girl.

However, as a general, she should be the strongest in the team in theory, but she feels that her status is not high... Also, the players of the Jade Tiger Team seem to be from the Hiiragi family. Even if the general is powerful, her status may not be as high as Hiiragi family members.

Shen Liang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he knew that he couldn't put the concept of the earth into this Dao's wife, so he put aside distracting thoughts and continued to watch.

At the same time, the backbone of the Jade Tiger Team shouted and jumped forward with a huge ax in his hand. His arms were thick, and the two axes struck down like lightning!

And Yegor's response was not to forcibly resist, but... agility!

"Small tricks!" Yegor taunted coldly, and then stepped forward fiercely, his figure flickered for a moment and stabbed behind Hiiragi Yota, so fast that he didn't react at all.Then he suddenly turned around halfway, and the pair of knives tied to his arms drew a beautiful semi-circular arc, and slashed on Hiiragi Yota's back like a thunderbolt!


The sharp-eyed spectators hadn't turned their eyes away from Hiiragi Yota when they saw him roar in pain and draw back his axes to strike Yegor behind him.And Yegor was not in a hurry, his arm blade resisted his ax blade, and his left hand took another swipe, and the second clear line of blood was severely torn from Hiiragi Yota's lower abdomen!

Blood splattered!

The audience exclaimed, although it is very common to fight and even get injured on Hundred People One, but this kind of bloody scene is still very frightening.Although everyone knows that there can be no dead people on the field, and they must end when one party admits defeat or completely loses combat effectiveness, most people seldom see the bloody hand-to-hand combat so clearly. nausea.

Kansato Kadai's pretty face was slightly pale. She knew that the competition would be cruel, but seeing it with her own eyes was still different.Thinking of her daughter having to participate in this level of battle in the future, she was a little absent-minded, and even her slender fingers were trembling slightly.

Just when Yegor was about to continue to pursue the victory, Hiiragi raised his hand to concede defeat. He had to put away his thrusting posture, frowned and watched the strong man jump off the field, and said two words coldly: "Coward!" !"

It was really disappointing. If the vanguard was at least swollen and lost his combat effectiveness, then although the backbone received two stab wounds, it was not fatal and did not affect his combat effectiveness. He could continue to fight.In Zhidong country, such minor injuries don't even need to find medical soldiers. It seems that they are incompetent in the ring!

As for the player's bench off the field, Hiiragi Tata, who was leaving the field, stared at Qing Yi Xiaohu, who was in the general position, and said, "Hey, it's a little tricky, when do you plan to go?"

Qingyi Xiaohu hurriedly knelt down, and answered flatteringly like a weak woman: "Xiaohu obeys the orders of the Hiiragi family."

He glanced at the guard, Bai Shigui was a tall, thin man holding a spear, he had a knowing expression, and then stepped onto the ring.

Shen Liang watched the Jade Tigers' inexplicable conversation, and always felt that they were going to do something out of the box.

Sure enough, when the referee announced the start of the game, the defender of the Jade Tigers didn't even want to put on an act. He just tentatively stepped forward and stabbed Yegor a few times with a long gun. After being dodged, he immediately stretched out his hand. The rogue directly admit defeat.

The audience booed.

This didn't even have the effect of consuming Yegor's physical strength, it was just to surrender and let Qingyi Xiaohu play!

At this moment, everyone understood that the Jade Tigers had deliberately let go of three rounds to preserve their strength and let Qingyi Xiaohu handle the situation!

Three men spared their lives and let a woman fight?

"The son of the Hiiragi family, the collateral line of the Hiiragi family, even the Shiraishi ghost is the son of a family that serves the Hiiragi family, they are all nobles." The sharp-eyed audience whispered.

"I've been watching it since the auditions. The only one in this team who can really stand out is the general Qing Yi Xiaohu. The rest of the group are all gold-plated wine bags and rice bags who come to rely on the competition!"

"I heard that the captains are all Hiiragi Tokuji, and Miss Xiaohu, who is the strongest, is just a slave of Nata bought."

"It's just a game, this is too unmanly..."

But it is obvious that the men of the Jade Tiger Team don't care about the audience at the Shenying Dojo. They are all nobles of the Hiiragi family, and the nobles never need to care about the opinions of the common people.Anyway, there have been many gold-plated teams like Bairen Yikui in the past dynasties, and there are even precedents for such teams to win the championship...

Then again, aren't other teams like this?The Kujo family also has the last Jade Dragon Banner winner "Ogawara Goemon", and the Kamisato family also invited "Executioner Shen Liang", isn't everyone the same?The rules don't say that there can't be bastards in the team.

Shen Liang saw the bronze-skinned Qing Yi Xiaohu stand up on the bench of the Yuhu team. She was wearing a corset that was convenient for fighting, her arms were tightly wrapped with bandages, and she was carrying a strong long stick.

When she passed by the three young masters of the Jade Tiger Team, she even bowed and said something.The distance between the contestants on both sides is not far, and Shen Liang can hear it very clearly.

She was saying: "Thank you for your hard work, I will try my best to lead you to the next round."

"If we lose, we don't need to buy your sisters." Hiiragi Tokuji said flatly.

"Understand... Xiaohu, understand..." Qingyi Xiaohu bent even lower, "Please don't let my brothers and sisters be bought by others, they will be tortured to death by slave traders."

"Don't worry, Miss Tiger," Bai Shigui grinned as he stroked Qingyi Xiaohu's sturdy waist, not shying away from other people's gaze, "If we lose, we'll just fight back in the loser's bracket. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you We'd be bored at night if they were killed."

"If you die, maybe you have to buy some of your sisters to play with. Oh, it seems that you will be happier? After all, they were also bought." Hiiragi Tai laughed.

Qing Yi Xiaohu lowered his head and did not respond to these words.

Then she walked to the starting line of the ring, untied the stick behind her, and instead of looking at Yegor, she looked at the young master behind him.

At this moment, her aura suddenly rose, Yegor subconsciously took a step back, and at the same time, the son and Shen Liang narrowed their eyes at the same time.

Shen Liang realized one thing, if the Jade Tigers could reach the semi-finals just by relying on Qingyi Xiaohu, then this woman must not be too weak, at least not too weak in terms of the rule of [-] people.In this world, the holder of the God's Eye is not invincible, and many ordinary people can also defeat the original god.

Those ordinary people who have not been watched by the gods may even be stronger under the rule of one hundred people!

The young master stood up, with the joy of finding some good seedlings in his eyes.

At the same time, the referee raised his hand, but just as he dropped it, Qingyi Xiaohu appeared in front of Yegor in an instant, faster than the foolish debt collectors!A mighty sweep!

Yegor immediately retracted his arms and used his arm knife to resist, and the sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly burst out, much louder than the previous battle!

It proves that in this level of battle, the strength of the explosion on both sides is much higher than before!

In military combat, skill is of course very important, but in fact strength is more important.The arena of [-] meters by [-] meters looks big, but once you fall into the disadvantage of lack of strength, you will be easily crushed and beaten, and then you will be pushed back to the edge step by step, without any room to fight back.

Strong strength means that the weapon is fast and powerful, and the range advantage of the long stick compared to the arm knife is too great!

One inch long and one inch strong was developed to the extreme by Qingyi Xiaohu!

After several collisions in a row, the two came together in the posture of double knives against long sticks. This state is called "crossing", and once they fall into this state, it becomes a competition of strength.

Qingyi Xiaohu let out a roar, and pushed Yegor forward with a continuous stride!

"Go to hell!"

Yegor was surprised to find that his strength was far inferior to the opponent's. This ordinary person without God's Eye, this gladiator slave from Nata, actually possessed the power to suppress his transformed body!

This power is completely comparable to the strengthened original gods!No, only those original gods who specialize in fighting can surpass her in strength!

After all, if Qing Yi Xiaohu moves forward while he is retreating, if he retreats like this, his footsteps will definitely become unbalanced, and if he loses his balance, he may be beaten flying by her!Yegor gritted his teeth fiercely and decided to break the game!

All he had left was his right hand to resist the long stick, and his left hand punched towards Qingyi Xiaohu!At the same time, he was going to eat her stick hard.

It's not a loss to resist a stick and then punch her back, and this way you can take advantage of the trend to open up the distance!After opening the distance, there may be a chance to turn around!

This was Yegor's judgment, but this time he failed in his judgment.

Qing Yi Xiaohu didn't change moves with him at all, but twisted his body to avoid his punch, and flew a kick while spinning his body!Hard side kick!

The debt collector was kicked and flew into the air!

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