
Qingyi Xiaohu raised his long stick, and raised his backhand high above his head!

"Back in the head!"

If this blow is ruthless, it can definitely break a person's spine from the middle!But Yegor crossed his hands at the most critical moment, and his two arm blades protected his body, and then he was directly smashed into the ground by this stick!

The two arm blades were smashed to pieces by the long stick!Yegor fell heavily to the ground, and the arena composed of bluestone slabs was directly shattered by this colossal force, almost forming a human-shaped pit. The gravel and dust exploded into a cloud of smoke, and Yegor lay on the ground, Spit out blood!

And Qingyi Xiaohu didn't show mercy at all, the moment he landed the stick was pulled up again and it was another powerful blow to the head!

The audience was almost dumbfounded. Yegor, who had fought one against three just now, had almost no power to resist in front of this female gladiator. If he went on like this, he would definitely die, and Qing Yi Xiaohu looked like he was red-eyed. There is no plan to hold back at all!

Didn't she know that if she really beat someone to death, she would retire?

At this moment, the young master under the stage sighed, "Admit defeat."

Yae Shenzi smiled slightly, but without seeing how she moved, streaks of cherry-colored magic circles appeared on the surface of the arena, and then the arena melted like water and swallowed Yegor.Qing Yi Xiaohu's stick hit her in the air, she raised her head in a daze.

"The Yuhu team wins, and the next player to play is the general of the Northland team, Dadalia!" The near-field referee announced loudly.

And Yegor, whose sternum was almost shattered, tried his best to support his body, with blood on the corner of his mouth, step by step towards the son who came down from the player's bench, showing a look of shame.

"Sorry, my lord."

"It's okay, I haven't met that guy before, I didn't expect it to be interesting." The young master said with a smile, "It's not in vain this time. Fortunately, it's just the two of us who can keep her in full bloom... to me."

Yegor was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, "My lord...couldn't Tatyana and Lyudmila be unable to participate because they wanted to do it themselves?"

"Give them two days off." The young master was still smiling, and said freely, "After all, the opponents of the top four are interesting. If you ask you to consume half of their lives first... Then I have no sense of experience."

"So..." Yegor sighed, "Lyudmila took the initiative to find Mr. Shen Liang?"

"For the time being, I will also understand the feelings of my subordinates," the young master shrugged, "Being ordered by me is better than letting you know that they don't care about your feelings at all."

Yegor was silent for a while, and then curled his lips, "Actually, Lyudmila has been in my heart... for so many years, so that's the way it is. She knows what I think, and she treats me as a backup every day. If it weren't for her mother always matching us up and being embarrassed to speak, I would have wanted to find a reason to break up the relationship a long time ago."

"I don't understand, there's no need to tell me these things." The young master waved his hands casually and jumped onto the ring.

This is the end of the communication with the subordinates, and the amiable and sunny demeanor can also end here.

The young master looked at the bandaged female gladiator in front of him.

——Yes, it is such an opponent.

——Only an opponent of this level is qualified to let him take the stage, and only then is he qualified to let him warm up.

As the No.11 member of the Fools, Young Master's combat effectiveness is at the forefront even among the Fools. He is so powerful that he has few opponents.So much so that I have to restrict myself now to participate in this one hundred people who are not allowed to use the eyes of God.

But now, the fighting spirit he had suppressed for several days could finally be released.

— Come and satisfy me.

Shen Liang from the audience looked at the two people on the field who were looking at each other across the starting line. For some reason, he could vaguely feel that the young master was smiling, and it was a bright smile.Even though he looks serious now, not even grinning.

But he's definitely laughing.

Shen Liang felt an ominous aura rising from him.

Volume 251 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240Chapter [-]Four Come less to defeat my happiness! !

Shen Liang actually wanted to stop the competition a little bit. Although he didn't know the young master's combat effectiveness, he knew that the executive officer of the fools couldn't be the easy one.The strength of the lady might not be much weaker than Liuge of the Coral Palace, and the son is definitely stronger than the lady.

It's not that the strong have to retreat, otherwise, what kind of arena is there?It's just that the young master's feeling is different from that of ordinary strong men. He seems to have some paranoia about fighting.This kind of person will be very tolerant to those who are slightly weaker, but to those who can really interest him... he is definitely a jackal.

But he didn't have any reason to stop, and in fact, Qing Yi Xiaohu must know how strong the young master is, and he doesn't need to remind him.

The Shenying dojo with nearly [-] people was full of seats, and even the surrounding hills were crowded with people. Everyone looked at the two contestants stepping into the ring with excitement and anticipation.

Finally, it's time for a battle that may be "evenly matched" to a certain extent!

In fact, even the Jade Tigers are Daozuma's local team. Except for the Beiguo team, the four teams in the top four are dominated by Daofuren, and the audience must support Daofuren's own players more.

But what the Jade Tigers did made it impossible for them to continue to support them. After three whole rounds of crushing their self-esteem and self-confidence, the audience basically lost their solidarity mentality, and they could only look forward to it with the last expectation. Qingyi Xiaohu.

Someone has to beat this foreigner!

Daozuma's national self-esteem is very strong, obviously Daozuma's various teams are as strong as clouds, but if the Jade Dragon Banner is humiliated and handed over to a Zhidong countryman on Mingshen Island in the end, it will be a devastating blow to the dignity of the warriors .

Even the audience is hostile to the young master, this hostility is even second only to Shen Liang.To a certain extent, Shen Liang and the young master are two difficult brothers and sisters who are one of a hundred people. They are both welcome and unwelcome, and fight while resisting pressure.

Qing Yi Xiaohu was dressed in martial arts clothes, staring sharply at the young master who was about 20 meters away from him on the opposite side of the starting line.She has rich combat experience, and she keenly sensed the danger when facing this opponent, so she subconsciously held the long stick with both hands, and waited quietly for the referee to announce the start.

The near field referee waved his hand violently!

Qingyi Xiaohu is facing a big enemy!Almost immediately, she prepared a defensive posture. She had fought with the young master, and knew that if she attacked first, she would definitely be caught!The fighting strength of the young people in this winter country is extremely strong, and they must fight back to find a gap to win!

But the son didn't move.

Then, she and all the audience heard the young master's slow voice.

"Qingyi Xiaohu, you are from Nata, right?"

Qing Yi Xiaohu frowned, did not respond, but said coldly: "If you don't attack, I will start."

The young master didn't mind at all, spread his hands, and continued: "Nata is an uncivilized and chaotic country in many places. Some remote villages or small towns far from the main city even retain the custom of raising slaves."

"Without further ado!"

Qingyi Xiaohu acted as if he hadn't heard it, and immediately shot out the long stick, leaping four or five meters high in the air!

At this moment, she had no other thoughts, she took a few steps in the air, crossed a distance of nearly 20 meters, and directly plunged down like a thunderbolt!

This stick is like a shooting star!

"And you, Qingyi Xiaohu, grew up in this kind of place, the most expensive slave trained by slave traders, and a gladiator for fighting and watching."

Before the audience could take their eyes off the fallen Qingyi Xiaohu, they saw the young man with a sunny smile flexibly twisting the head of the stick away. The next moment he grabbed the long stick from the side with one hand, and turned back with a heavy blow. knee!Knock Qingyi Xiaohu into the air!The woman did a backflip almost subconsciously, which saved her from the horror of being pursued by the young master.

But the young master didn't intend to chase after him, he just threw the long stick back, and continued to laugh: "You relied on your appearance and body to contact the slave trader, you killed him four months ago, and you went outside again. With the help of others, I set foot on the big ship of the fugitive Daofu, and brought a group of your brothers and sisters who are not worth fighting."

Qingyi Xiaohu gritted her teeth, resentment flashed in her eyes, she split the stick from the middle, and a copper stick became a three-section stick connected by chains!

"Natapotamia's three-section cudgel technique combines offense and defense, straight into the chest and unstoppable." The young master stroked his chin, and looked with interest at the woman who revealed the bottom-of-the-box tactics for the first time, "The reason for using the stick technique , because the only thing you are confident that you can surpass me is strength, whether it is skill or speed, you are inferior to me... Only the stick can maximize the advantage of strength."

The young master stood on the spot, and Qingyi Xiaohu spread out his three sticks, roaring towards him with the momentum of opening and closing!


The young master tilted his head and lowered his waist to avoid the opponent's attack.Qing Yi Xiaohu was not surprised either, the stick technique was like a sea tide one after another, and the other double sticks were thrown in a perfect arc, changing from smashing to sweeping!

The three-section stick sweeps from left and right directions!There is no place to block at all!

All the audience subconsciously tightened their hearts.

Qingyi Xiaohu's strength is said to be superior to his own, but if she does not have time to dodge and let her use her strength to overwhelm someone, how will she break the move?

"Where did I just say? Oh yes, after coming to Daozu, you can't do anything, you can't read, you can't speak dialect, and the bottom slaves, you can't even serve people as well as Daozu's maids Use it." Seeing the long stick coming towards him, the young master finally moved his steps.


No, there is no need to dodge.

"Extremely Heinous Skill Blooming." Young Master raised his feet facing the sky, and pressed down fiercely!


Step straight on the oncoming three-section stick!Qingyi Xiaohu, who was holding the weapon in both hands, stepped on the ground together with the stick!Qingyi Xiaohu who was trampled on his hands let out a miserable cry of pain, but the son didn't care, he crushed the sole of his foot hard, and kicked her five meters away forcefully with a flying kick!

Although the elemental power cannot be used, the power brought by the eye of God to the young master is not bad at all.This kick with all its strength even broke the ring, Qing Yi Xiaohu's right hand was crushed almost instantly, blood and flesh dripped out at the same time!

It's not a level at all!

The young master looked indifferently at Qingyi Xiaohu who had lost his hands, and his tone was still calm, "You are ugly and useless, except for your ability, your brothers and sisters are even in a peaceful place like Daozuma City. No one wants servants. And your ability is limited to your martial arts, but this thing can't even make a living, after all, you can't even do bodyguards, you can only fight and not protect people."

Qingyi Xiaohu let out a hissing cry of pain, her palms were useless, and her finger bones were still crushed to pieces by the rotating soles of the Young Master's feet, but she still stared fiercely at the Young Master.

She is not good at words. After all, a gladiator doesn't need to communicate with others, so even if she wants to say something, she won't say it.She struggled to get up, but what greeted her was only more painful crushing.

"And you wanted to protect your brothers and sisters, you begged everywhere, searched everywhere, and finally Kan Ding Xing Xing extended a helping hand."

"They want you to fight with me, and want you to take down the Jade Dragon Banner on behalf of the Hiiragi family. You agreed decisively, because you can do nothing but fight, and they said that if you can win, they will buy all your brothers and sisters , Let them become the servants of Kanding from now on."

"Oh, you don't want to be a slave, cross the ocean, die so many people, and finally come to Dao's wife to be someone's new slave."

"It's really stupid. Is this the Nata people? No wonder you will become slaves. This brain...seems only worthy of being slaves."

The young master frowned as he admired the humiliation of the woman under his feet.


"Why... like this? It's just a contest..." Some audience members covered their mouths.

"Where is the organizer? Just let that Zhidong countryman bully people like this? No one said anything!" Dao wife who was staring at Qingyi Xiaohu was filled with righteous indignation.

"Is this still a competition? This is simply torturing people! That guy from the Winter Kingdom is really not a good person, he is clearly torturing people for fun!"

"But he really didn't admit defeat. According to the rules, he didn't completely lose his combat power, and he didn't admit defeat. He really couldn't be stopped."

"Why don't you admit defeat?"

"Don't give up when you lose your hands! Hurry up and admit defeat!" Someone was so anxious that he was about to cry.


But Qingyi Xiaohu, who was lying on the cold bluestone slab, didn't know what other people thought. She could only use her remaining left hand to pull out the dagger on the leggings again and again, fight back, get knocked out, and fight back again.




Qingyi Xiaohu's movements became weaker and weaker, and every time she pulled out the dagger to pierce the sole of the person in front of her, she would be kicked away by him. She only felt infinitely tired, and she didn't even have the strength to continue to resist.Even the counterattack looked so pitiful and ridiculous.

It's really... embarrassing...

Qing Yi Xiaohu only felt that her eyes were a little hot and a little greasy, she didn't need to look to know that they were tears and blood.The young master had already made her lose her ability to fight with her hands, and she couldn't hold on to her kicks every now and then, and her ribs were broken again and again and she vomited blood.

This kind of embarrassing moment seems familiar, yes, it often happened in the arena in those years when I was still a gladiator.Being ridiculed, insulted, and even beaten, there is no way to fight back.

——It turns out that I was still being teased as a beast in the arena. It turns out that I am still such a useless trash from the beginning to the end.

She looked at the bustling audience, at Yae Kamiko sitting high on the rostrum, and at the orange-haired youth who was torturing herself.

In fact, she didn't hate Dadalia very much. In comparison, she hated those people in the auditorium watching this scene with wide-eyed eyes.

Of course, maybe it's not hatred, but envy.


Why am I the one who is a slave?

Why am I the one who was born in the barbaric tribe on the border of Nata?

In this one-hundred-person battle, the three men sent by Kanding Fengxing are all fragile vases in her eyes, but such vases can unscrupulously order her, humiliate her, and do whatever they want to her.

Obviously, this group of men in the shogunate seemed to her to be weak greenhouse flowers.What does it take to win fame, status, and the Jade Dragon Banner?It is a weapon and a warrior!It is an elite who has been tempered by blood and fire!It's not a gold-plated vase that can come out just because of a good family!

But even so.

Even so...

But why does she have to listen to these people?

Why am I trying so hard to resist, but the best life I can find for my brothers and sisters... or slavery?

Qing Yi Xiaohu couldn't help grinning the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh.

——What a shitty life, do I still have to work hard for such a shitty life?

"By the way, do you know who was the person who gave you the evil eye and helped you escape to Daoqi?" The son who was watching her expression suddenly lowered his voice, "It's us fools, we are your benefactors .”

Qing Yi Xiaohu was taken aback for a moment, his pupils dilated slightly.

"Now I'm very satisfied. Sure enough, the evil eye can also breed good strongmen. Come, let me see your true face." The young master smiled, "I have reconnected with the slave traders of your tribe. Now you But if you kill the old master and flee, you will only be punished twice as severely when you go back, and you don’t know how the slaves who are bought back will be treated?”

She looked terrified.

"Why... what?" She asked tremblingly, "Why..."

"There are so many reasons, because it's all part of the plan... Oh, do you want to ask everyone to treat you like this? Because you are weak." The young master lowered his head and looked at her with pity, "You are weak, You deserve to be used by others, you deserve no one to stand up for you, and you deserve that your life and death are silent."

This principle is too simple, Qing Yi Xiaohu closed his eyes.

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