She thought of the full meal she could only eat after being beaten in Nata.

She remembered that her young sister used her body to serve other gladiators, and then gave her healing medicine in exchange.

She remembered that the teacher who taught her to fight ended up having her throat slit in the arena.

She also thought of Houshan, who was currently surveying the execution office, and was anxiously waiting for news, hoping to become all the brothers and sisters of the Hiiragi family's servants.

The heavy gazes entrusted by countless people are behind her.

She finally cried.

"It would be great if I were a rice wife..." Qing Yi Xiaohu said softly.

Then, under the young master's joyful eyes, a jet of black fire burst out from her chest!He backed away quickly, and Qing Yi Xiaohu had already crawled up on his back like an inhuman, with black flames all over his body!

Her skin was festered by the fire, and her hair began to be burned dry. Then she stared at the young master with a ferocious face like a ghost!

"That's right! That's it! This is your full strength! This is what I want!" The young master laughed out loud!

Qingyi Xiaohu, who had become a ghost, rushed towards him!The audience screamed, and Yae Kamiko realized something almost instantly, and her sickly expression became serious!

"Evil Eye!" Countless soldiers of the Heavenly Leader stood up in horror at the same time, shouting loudly!

"Stop the war immediately!" Although she didn't quite understand what happened, but the black flame's ominousness made her understand the situation instantly, and she ordered suddenly with the momentum of the mistress of the society, "Both sides stop!"

"Why stop!" The young master laughed wildly and pulled out his two swords, and rushed towards the ghost man without retreating, "There is nothing in the rules that says you can't use evil eyes, and this is not the elemental power from the gods! This is completely in line with any rules , don't come here to defeat my happiness!"

PS: Although you may not be very happy to write this, you are indeed a villain to me...

Volume 252 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Dadalia, I will kill you

The appearance of the evil eye in the Shenying dojo is a big event for both the organizer and the military.

But the young master didn't care what these people were thinking at all, he was only intoxicated in the joy of being able to fight the Qingyi Xiaohu who used his evil eyes!

Qingyi Xiaohu's strength is already amazing, even surpassing his upper limit when he can use the evil eye!The ghost man who was greatly amplified by the evil eye was so terrifying that the young master was even beaten and retreated!The tiger's mouth with both hands holding the two knives was shaken out of the gap under the crazy suppression of the ghost man!

For Young Master, this kind of breathless battle is what he wants!In fact, he can put aside all kinds of competitions, competitions, and diplomacy. For him, Qingyi Xiaohu, who is now in a mad state, is what he really enjoys!

"Faster, faster, faster! That's right! That's it! Do you hate me and want to kill me! Come!" The young master's laughing voice was conveyed to the entire Shenying dojo.

But only he was laughing and fighting in the ring.

The huge competition venue even fell into a brief silence. Many spectators couldn't hear the few conversations between Young Master and Qing Yi Xiaohu in a low voice before, so they were baffled by Qing Yi Xiaohu's black air.

But everyone can feel that Qingyi Xiaohu, who is wearing an ominous aura, is the one who is burning his life, and the young master is the one who is enjoying the price of burning his life...


No one at the scene cheered for the excitement of the game, not even the supporters of the Northland team made a sound.

Shen Liang looked up at Yae Kamiko on the rostrum, and saw that she, who had always had a frivolous expression, looked a little gloomy at this moment.Shen Liang was thinking about whether she was going to exercise the responsibility of refereeing herself, and from the corner of his eyes, he keenly saw that Yegor had already disappeared, and just thinking like this, suddenly he saw a mountain fire burning outside the Shenying Dojo.

"It's on fire!" A spectator with a relatively high position noticed this scene and shouted in horror.

The Shenying Dojo is an open-air dojo in the valley. Once a mountain fire occurs, it will definitely spread here!All the audience panicked!

The fire began to spread from the shadow to the northeast corner of the mountain!This scene can be seen at the Narujin Shrine on the top of Yingxiang Mountain. Immediately afterwards, the bell and drum of the Taisha Shrine on the top of the mountain was rang by the forest priestess.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Heavenly Leader who were inside and outside the Shenying Dojo rushed out of the dojo at the same time!Shen Liang saw Jiutiao Shaluo flapping his wings and flying out without even saying hello, and directly ordered his subordinates to evacuate the audience who came to the Shenying Dojo.All of a sudden, those who could teach the young master a lesson had something to do, and the dojo was in chaos.

"The one-hundred-man one-kyu competition is aborted! Everyone evacuates the scene immediately!" The siren sounded by the Yin Yang technique circulated in the dojo.

"You've crossed the line."

The young master licked the wound on his hand after forcing the ghost back with a knife, and looked up at Yae Shenzi who was high above him, showing a cruel smile: "Have you crossed the line? I don't think so, I just want to have a good time. Besides... ...Do you, Dao wife, still have time to care about me?"

Yae Miko narrowed her eyes slightly, and then seemed to sense something, and suddenly raised her head to look at the Narugami Shrine on the top of the mountain!

"Being able to unlock the restriction of the main hall, did you fools actually absorb him?" Yae Shenzi understood, she rubbed her temples, and took a deep breath, "So that's how it is, tune the tiger away from the mountain."

She seemed to be really anxious, and her figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only the nervous and inexplicable Kanazato Kayo still on the rostrum.


"Brother Liangzi!" Xiaogong yelled loudly at the entrance of the contestant passage, "A mountain fire has broken out, Mr. Gong Si should go to use yin and yang techniques to put out the fire, we have to run!"

"Where is Linghua?" Shen Liang turned a deaf ear to the bells and alarms resounding through the Shenying Dojo, and just turned around to ask.

"She went to find Miss Chun!"

The rostrum was very close to the ring, and Shenli Huadai had no servants of the society around her. She was weak and thin-skinned, and couldn't squeeze into the crowd to evacuate. She was still looking around on the rostrum, trembling.

"Let her go first, I will take Aunt Huadai out." Shen Liang replied calmly, and then saw Shenli Linghua, who was bravely advancing in the crowd, turned her head, glanced at him, and then talked with Xiao Gong They escaped from the Shenying Dojo together.

And Shen Liang only hesitated for a while, then whispered in his heart: "Aunt Huadai, stand on the podium and don't move, don't leave your seat, I'm here to save you."

This is telepathic communication.

As a person who is already full of affection, Shenli Huadai and him can already communicate with each other regardless of space, but he doesn't really want to communicate with the silver-haired wife in his heart... This kind of communication is very private, and currently only Coral Palace Xinhai , Coral Palace Liuge and Anna will meet, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to communicate with each other, Kamikayo may never know that he can communicate like this in his entire life.

After all, if it is open, it means that the other party will always have a mobile phone to contact you, and you will never be able to refuse.

But now that the situation is urgent, it doesn't hurt to expose it.

Sure enough, Mrs. Shenli, who was sitting on pins and needles on the rostrum, was startled, as if frightened, and looked around for the source of the call.

"Liangzi?" Kanli Huadai heard the voice, but he was not sure, because Shen Liang was standing more than 100 meters away from her.

"It's me, Aunt Huadai, I left a mark on you, we can communicate only through thinking. No need to look around, I'm not next to you."

"Liangzi...then I, shall I just stand here?"

"Yes, just stand at your original position, don't move anything, don't leave there, I'm locating." Shen Liang checked visually, the position of Shenli Huadai can open the teleportation light curtain, he was a little settled Get down, and then slowly pull your thumb and middle finger apart from the closed state.

A curtain of white light also opened at Shenli Huadai's feet.

It's not that Shenli Huadai has never seen Shen Liang's teleportation light curtain, but she remembered that Shen Liang said that this kind of thing cannot bring people, so many doubts arose in her heart at this time.

But she suddenly thought of something, and a blush rose on her fair and pretty face. Before she was teleported away, she asked quickly:

"I...I haven't dared to wear off-the-shoulder clothes these days. May I ask Ryo... Ryoko, is the mark you're talking about... the one on my shoulder, that bright red tattoo with a strange pattern? When? ..."

Shen Liang was silent for a moment, and immediately sent her away.

At this moment in the Shenying Dojo, apart from the civilians crowded at the entrance of the passage who are still evacuating, only Shen Liang and the son who has enjoyed a battle and is full of ambitions are left in the arena.

The scorched ghost who had been burned was lying at the feet in front of the young master, emitting a stench of being scorched all over her body. Every piece of good meat on her body was already burned, not only good meat, but even her clothes and hair were burnt clean. Can't see the appearance of a woman.

Rather than saying it is Qingyi Xiaohu, it is better to say it is a charred corpse that was once named Qingyi Xiaohu.

She is not the young master's opponent, even if the power of the evil eye is aroused, it can only temporarily suppress the young master. When the young master finally opened the thunder's evil eye, she was blown to pieces.

"You can force out my evil eyes, yes, a respectable opponent." The young master rubbed his shoulders, and kicked the almost lifeless ghost with a smile, then looked at Shen Liang who was approaching step by step, and smiled again. "What's the matter? The game has been interrupted, why don't you leave after such a big fire?"

"You started the fire, didn't you?" Shen Liang asked him loudly, "You attracted everyone's attention to you, tricked Yae Kamiko into leaving Narujin Shrine...and then completed one of your plans, yes wrong?"

"Yes, but not all of them." The young master casually threw down the two knives that had become broken in the duel, and shrugged, "Of course I have a plan, but the competition is also my interest. Promise me a satisfactory opponent, and I will take advantage of the trend to take his move. However, I am very satisfied, to tell you the truth, I haven't played so smoothly for a long time."

At this time, Shenli Linghua, who had already run outside the Shenying Dojo, looked inside and found that Shen Liang had stepped into the ring. She was a little surprised for a while: "Liangzi!"

"Leave first." Shen Liang waved his hands without looking back, "Wait for me at Narujin Taisha Shrine, this fire will be extinguished soon, Yae Kamiko is also a member of the gods, so it won't be unsolved."

Princess Bailu bit her lip and looked at the young man who had approached the young master. She was a warrior, and she could vaguely feel the momentum of the two people on the ring.She's not stupid, she guessed what was going to happen next.

"I...can I join the battle?" Kamisato Linghua still couldn't hold back.

"I can't." Shen Liang responded coldly, "I'll put hot water for me to take a shower later, it's none of your business."

Then he paused, "Trust me."

Kamisato Linghua seemed to want to say something, but she was held back by Xiao Gong, who shook her head and persuaded: "Trusting men without reservation is the rule of being a wife and woman. Believe in Brother Liangzi, Since he said so, we all have to believe it, it’s all right.”

After finishing speaking, the two girls joined hands and disappeared with the last flow of people. At this time, the Shenying Dojo has been evacuated.The officers and soldiers of the shogunate may still be escorting civilians down the mountain, and the dojo is quiet.

Shen Liang raised his head, silently looking at the handsome and evil orange-haired youth in front of him.

"Your eyes..." The young master was slightly startled, and then laughed again, "What's the matter, Mr. Shen, your eyes are not quite right. Do you want to have sex with me?"

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course it's impossible. I wish I could have done it with Mr. Shen! It's just that I'm surprised, why do you have such eyes? Can you tell me the reason?" The young master shook his head and made a crisp sound of joints. , "It can't be that... you can't understand our schemes, can you?"

"Of course not." Shen Liang stepped forward, knelt down and looked at the charred corpse that was no longer human, but at this moment, Qing Yi Xiaohu suddenly stretched out his hand, and his hot body held Shen Liang's arm, causing a series of burns in an instant. But Shen Liang didn't drive Hua Haiyue, he didn't even blink his eyelids, just looked at her.

"I...I have worked very hard...but I can't beat..." Qing Yi Xiaohu said hoarsely with the only remaining vocal cords. It is actually impossible for her to see who Shen Liang is, but she just knows that Shen Liang is by her side, maybe I thought it was from the Hiiragi family.


"I'm desperately...not it...all of it..." she said intermittently.


"We... have great strength... farming... women... whatever... it doesn't matter..." Her voice became weaker and weaker, Shen Liang stretched out his hand, trying to close her eyes.

Then she seemed to wake up again, staring at the blinded eyes, looking at him expectantly, " long can I live? I live..."

Shen Liang sighed softly.

"You are dead."

Jiao Zang was startled for a moment, and then fell silent again.

In fact, when Shen Liang came to power, he already knew that this woman was completely dead, her evil eyes burned her life, and all her internal organs were burned, there was no need to use Hua Haiyue.

But she may not even know that she is dead, and she still wants to meet the people who have been assigned to carry out the appointment, and beg them to keep their promises.

If Shen Liang didn't say it was broken, she might still be able to hold on for a while, but if she said it was broken, she would lose her breath.

But holding on like this is too painful and tiring.

"Have a good rest."

Shen Liang raised his head and looked at the No.11 executive officer. This time, the look in his eyes made the young master restrain his idle attitude. He knew that he had to fight.

"It's not because of this woman, is it?" The young master wanted to laugh.

Because of this slave?This one he didn't even know, the slave from Nata?

You don't want justice, do you?Or do you want to avenge her?Don't be kidding, you killed so many people, you are more hostile here than I am, you are not a believer in heroism at all, why did you fight me?

Or is this the woman you fancy?Come on, do you like something of this level?

Most importantly... are you sure you can beat me?

And Shen Liang just nodded calmly.

The young master's eyes finally turned cold, "What, what a boring reason... I have always followed the rules of the game and did nothing out of line. Even her death was due to my own evil eyes. To be honest, I really don't think so. Come out, what reason do you have for dealing with me because of her."

Shen Liang didn't answer, his heart was like still water.

He took out two white Sandhawks, unloaded the clips, and started reloading live rounds.

He didn't have any complicated thoughts in his mind. He didn't listen to what the young master asked or said.He didn't think about whether he was the young master's opponent, and he didn't even care about whether there was a foul in the fight here or whether it might prevent Bairen Yikui from continuing to participate.

He doesn't care, doesn't care.

All he knew was that he could hardly contain his anger.

The raging anger beneath this calm expression!

"Evil Devil!"

Yes, the demon heretic, there is no need to think so much, all he wants to do now is to kill, only to kill this foolish executive named Dadalia!

In fact, there are many reasons for not fighting. For example, Qingyi Xiaohu also voluntarily went to be bought and sold. For example, Qingyi Xiaohu also used evil eyes to burn himself to death. Just one of countless slaves, all of this is the social status quo of the world of Tivat under the feudal society!

All of this is an inevitable product of the limitations of the times!

In this era, if you are weak, you deserve to be exploited, bullied, used and killed.It's not just a young man, a fool, and a group of people who are doing this.This is normal, everyone has to experience it, and it can only be gradually cut off at the social level of people on earth after a few hundred years.

Strictly speaking, the young master just went too far, he ruined a person with a laugh.But in this era, this is actually not too much. There are too many people whose identities have been destroyed as executive officers of fools. Isn't it more miserable to kill people in war?The person he burnt to death may be more terrifying, cruel and painful than Qing Yi Xiaohu!

But those things make sense, but...

This is not right.

There are 1 reasons not to fight, but only one reason to stand here.

—I want to kill you.

——I want to kill you, the one who tortured others for your own desire to fight.

——I want to kill you, the person who trampled on the most humble wish of an ordinary person and wantonly humiliated you.

——I want to kill everyone like you who dares to trample on other people's dreams and do evil in front of me!

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