If he doesn't do anything here today, then what face does he have to dare to call himself a "civilized earthling"?

Do not declare war on the naked evil of this moment.

In the face of the injustice and injustice that are simply aboveboard, he refuses to take the case.

Facing the beast that would obliterate even the humblest inch of sustenance of the weak, he thought something like "the world has always been like this, so it's better to discuss it later".

Then what is the difference between him and a so-called "strong man" like Dadalia!

Then his evil debt of killing 8 people in Mingzhutan is not so much for peace, as it is for his own selfish desires!

PS: Recently I saw a few cosplays of Mrs. Kamisato... um... so beautiful, much prettier than most of Kamisato Ayaka's cosplays

Volume 253 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Anti-material sniper rifle, precise German craftsmanship

The young master understands that words are useless. He is very clear about the expressions of those who have killing intent. Although the boy in front of him who can only reach his chest height looks very weak and deceptive, but the young master knows that appearance can be deceiving. , but nicknames don't.

The executioner Shen Liang.

Daozuma is not a country in a peaceful era. This country is still a warrior and an army. How can a person who can be feared and hated by the people of this country as an "executor" be a good stubble?

"I've seriously considered whether you deserve to die or not," Shen Liang pouted, "Maybe you shouldn't die according to the laws of this era, but sure enough, I can't accept what you did."

The young master laughed: "Are you crazy, Mr. Shen? Do you want to be a partner of justice? Can you manage so many things, such dirty things happen all the time in every corner of the world, can you manage them?"

"I can't handle it, I'm not a partner of justice. A partner of justice is not something I can do when I meet a scumbag who loves another. Emiya Shirou only charges one for each line. But since you dance in front of me , I don’t kill you, I’m sorry for the so many people I killed.”

The young master tilted his head suspiciously.

"Sound-mindedness, yes, there is a saying in my hometown that people seek a 'smart-mindedness' in doing things." Shen Liang grinned, "You don't understand."

Young Master's hands condensed water knives, his expression became gloomy, and he was very surprised.

——It's really crazy, people from other worlds really can't treat them with common sense.Want to kill me?How could it be possible!

——If it’s just a ring, we can still have fun, but since we want to fight for real, you may not know exactly what the No.11 executive officer of fools is!

Just when Young Master was about to strike first, he keenly sensed that the wind was blowing.

The headband that the young boy used to tie his ponytail in front of him fell off, and his long black hair fluttered in the wind. He was already as handsome as the moon, but this moment of softness made the young master stunned for a moment, as if he saw an unknown black long straight warrior on him. girl.

"Look at you!"

Shen Liang stepped on the floor of the arena fiercely, and directly stepped on the blue stone to create a crack, then he rushed forward and jumped up, and put his knee on the young master's chin!

The young master was caught off guard.

What a great speed!

He didn't even capture the trajectory of Shen Liang rushing over, because Shen Liang didn't have a trajectory at all, he directly used the teleportation light curtain to jump in space to shorten the distance!

But the young master reacted very quickly, with two sharp water knives crossed to protect his chest, Shen Liang's mortal body did not dare to kick on the blade, and turned abruptly!While turning around, he stepped on the ground again, and at the same time, the young master slashed down with his backhand!

The speed of the fight between the two was extremely fast. Shen Liang was just turning around when he saw the young master attacking from the corner of his eye. On the forearm of the knife, he directly stopped the Young Master's saber movement, and then he happened to hold the Desert Eagle tightly with his free right hand, and replaced his small fist with an alloy gun handle, and stabbed the Young Master's right rib with a horse step punch!

Eight poles!Welcome the door and ignore it!

"Crack!" The sound of ribs being broken was extremely clear!

This punching punch happened to be in Shen Liang's horse step, and he seized the young master's attack space. The punch was so fierce that the young master retreated five steps in a row!I almost spit out a mouthful of stuffy blood!

"What an unreasonable fist!" The young master felt the pain of being pierced through his right rib, moved his right arm that was also affected, and felt that he could continue to fight, so he stared at him with a joyful expression, "It's really domineering, but this Kung fu is not worthy of you, this kind of kung fu should be used by me... If I use it, the blow just now would not hit the ribs, but break the neck."

"This is not the most unreasonable, I have even more unreasonable." Shen Liang smiled coldly.

"Then let me see!" The blue god's eyes on the young master's waist suddenly lit up, and his two knives instantly turned into long bows, and when he pulled the strings, hundreds of blue lights burst out in an instant!

It was an extremely impactful stream of water. In the previous Bairen Yikui Lizi, he had never exposed his elemental power, but he also knew that he couldn't continue to push it when he faced the real situation.The water bomb swept across Shen Liang's head, he lowered his body, used his mobility to dodge, and at the same time fired continuously!

The speed of the bullet is much faster than the speed of the water bullet. Although the son didn't understand what the white object in Shen Liang's hand was, he intuitively told him that he couldn't be aimed. After dodging a few bullets, he became serious, and the water flow formed a thick The Vortex Shield!

Of course, the water flow alone cannot stop the impact of the Desert Eagle, but when the water flows, the bullets shot from the air into the water are basically no threat.To a certain extent, the God's Eye of the water type is even more restraint of guns than the rock type. When Shen Liang is practicing with witches and witches, Liuge and Xinhai can defuse his shots.

It became a game of unilateral fire suppression where Shen Liang had to dodge when attacking, and Young Master only needed to concentrate on aiming.

The young man showed a slight smile.

——Although water bombs are not as fast as your bullets, I am invincible, you can do whatever you want.

"Really?" Shen Liang also saw that he had a chance to win.

In the next moment, a bullpup-less silver-black heavy gun appeared in the space behind Shen Liang, and the other end seemed to be mounted indoors.

In fact, it was indeed placed in a warehouse in Shaniat's house for Shen Liang, with the muzzle pointed at the wall, but at this moment the muzzle was protruding from the teleportation light curtain.

So many days in Shaniat's house were not in vain. Shen Liang and Bronya repeatedly considered their own survival in Tivat, one of which was how to use the teleportation light curtain to suppress firepower.

Under Bronya's design, many of his long guns and short cannons are combined by the same control circuit, and he only needs one trigger to control the firing of the weapon.

Anyway, the shooting direction only needs to control the direction of the transmission light curtain. He controls the direction of the transmission light curtain in Tivat and then pulls the trigger button in his hand. The weapon shoots on the earth, and the bullet travels across two worlds to kill the target.


The moment Shen Liang pulled the trigger, Earth's anti-material sniper rifle DSR-50 roared!The DSR-50, which is not equipped with the "explosion suppression device", fired very loudly, and the 12.7 × 99 mm high-explosive bomb shot at the son at a speed of 850 meters per second!

Almost the moment the gun appeared, the premonition of danger in the young master's heart frantically warned!He didn't dare to be sure that his vortex water shield could withstand that weapon, and when the gun was aiming, he decisively summoned the jet to take off!

The next moment, his foothold just now was engulfed in flames!

The arena was directly crushed by DSR-50!It's not a breakdown, it's not an embedding, it's a smash!The rubble from the explosion can almost make Young Master feel pain!The power of that silver-black firearm made the young master from the Winter Kingdom almost dumbfounded!

Obviously can't feel any elemental force, the firearm is not even strengthened with elemental force, pure mechanical craftsmanship, pure power can reach such a terrifying intensity?

It is absolutely impossible for the water shield to defend against this kind of attack. Only the most defensive rock-type original god can parry this kind of attack!

But after all, he is a man who was killed from the abyss. He has experienced countless so-called dangerous moments. Even if he was temporarily intimidated by the horror of DSR-50, he quickly lifted his spirits, shook his right hand, and the ground of the ring appeared blue. The brilliance of the magic circle!

Shen Liang lowered his head and saw the ferocious dark blue monster looming under his feet.

He understood the reason why the young master chatted with him for a few words but didn't do anything directly after he came to power. After preparing for a long time for the water spell, he will summon something from the magic circle to devour him.

But even seeing such a scene, his little face was still expressionless.

Shen Liang suddenly felt that he was becoming more and more calm, even fighting and killing people.

Gradually, I can be calm and composed, and there is no wave in the ancient well.

"Extreme Hell Skill: Whale Swallowing the Sky!" The young master clenched his fists high in the air and shouted loudly!

Sooner or later, the 100-meter-by-100-meter huge arena was almost dissolved and rippled. With an ancient and distant cry, the dark blue terrifying giant leaped violently from the ripples that resembled the surface of the water. out!With a height of [-] meters, it is a terrifying giant whale!

The giant whale opened its terrifying mouth, and swallowed the black-haired boy who was still on the ground as if he hadn't reacted yet!

A son who can be regarded as a strong man among fools is certainly not a pure warrior who can only fight.Not only is he proficient in various martial arts, but he also has an astonishing grasp of elemental power. The combat method of the water-type god's eye is not even much worse than that of the Liuge of the Coral Palace. It can not only be used for close combat, but also for long-distance attacks!

The body of the giant whale had not completely flown out of the water, it had already flown a hundred meters high, and then it fell heavily into the water.

The young master squinted his eyes. If it was an ordinary opponent, he should have been crushed by the ferocious vortex inside the giant whale at this moment. Even stones eaten by the sky-swallowing whale can be turned into powder.

But his intuition told him that Shen Liang, who even he thought was dangerous, could not die so easily.

He didn't even force out his Thunder Element Evil Eye, is it just this level?


The son did not take it lightly.

Sure enough, he immediately heard the boy's immature and indifferent voice.

"The momentum is good, but only the momentum is good." Shen Liang sat on the long table outside the arena, tilting his head and looking at the short-breathing young master, "Next time the summoning can be smaller, and the appearance of the summoning can be changed to that of a tiger. Whales and blue whales are filter feeders and will not jump out of the water with their mouths open, which consumes too much energy."

"Unscathed?" The young master knew that it would not be so easy to defeat Shen Liang, but he was still surprised.

"It seems that one thing you said is true, that is, you executive officers really don't communicate with each other." Shen Liang said lightly, "Otherwise, the lady will tell you not to be in front of a person who can jump in space." Use the extremely long forward swing skill."

The son's heart sank.

When the battle started, he still held the joy of being able to fight against an evenly matched opponent, but at this moment, he had to admit that he had miscalculated.

He is not a pure battle madness, he will also run away in the abyss, and he will avoid battles for his life.The prerequisite for anyone to enjoy fighting is to survive, and now, this young man named Shen Liang must be at the same level as him.

No, from the current point of view, I am afraid that I am not his opponent with the water god's eye.

Fighting close combat, physical skills may not be the opponent.Fighting long-range, the space jump ability is too restrained from long-range spells, and once the power of the firearm is hit, I am afraid there will be no chance again.


"The firearm you rely on is a foreign object after all." The young master stared at Shen Liang.

"Oh? Don't tell me that people like you can also talk about it?" Shen Liang said lightly, "External objects are also a kind of strength. If you can defeat me, let's talk about the difference between external objects and your own self."

He will not be affected by this kind of rhetoric, nonsense, which earthlings do not rely on foreign objects?Even if the earthlings are S-rank Valkyries, could it be possible to deal with nuclear bombs?Is it not by dodging?

Valkyries are invincible on Earth, but are ordinary people the ones who control the Earth?

Foreign object?The earth, which relies entirely on foreign objects for development, is tens of thousands of times better than Tivat, no matter what aspect it is!

"No, I'm not saying that it's unfair for you to use foreign objects or anything... I just want to say, since you use foreign objects, since I'm at a disadvantage, there's no need to carry them." The young master took a deep breath, "I also have to rely on foreign objects."

Shen Liang didn't bother to listen to him continue, so she casually pulled the trigger.

The second shot is an armor-piercing projectile, which has a stronger penetrating power and shoots directly at the high-altitude son, with an initial speed of over a thousand!

"Drink!" The young master didn't hide this time!Instead, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the anti-equipment sniper bullet!

"The devil...armed!" The young master said in his heart, "Thunder...prisoned!"

A mask made of elemental power appeared on his face, and his original blue water elemental power was instantly covered and fused by pitch-black thunder and lightning!

The young master's body was full of bursting thunder, as if Shura had come into the world!And the thick black air swam out from the thunder-attribute evil eyes on his body, and caught the bullet in an instant!

The thunder and lightning exploded in an instant!

Countless lightning nets bloomed from the young master's palm, almost forming a cage of electromagnetic fields visible to the naked eye to firmly restrain the armor-piercing bullet. The bullet's majestic kinetic energy met the opponent for the first time. I was dragged abruptly!

The young master panted heavily, but still showed a triumphant smile!

"But so!"

Shen Liang also showed a look of deep thought.

It turns out that people in this era also understand the strong force of electromagnetic force on metals. As a son with dual attributes of mines, it is really not ordinary to restrain him.

At present, there are already four kinds of elemental forces that can effectively resist bullets: rock, water, thunder, and ice. Maybe as long as the person who controls the elemental force is strong enough, the remaining three elements are not incapable of restraining bullets.

Well, there are still a lot of heroes in the world.

Young Master squeezed the fiery bullet in his palm, he finally laughed from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

——What else can you do!

He knew that the silver-black firearm in Shenliang's teleportation light curtain fired very slowly, which should be a limitation, and after thinking about it, he also knew that such a terrifying machine was unlikely to fire continuously.

And in the shooting gap in the middle, he can find opportunities.

Armed by the demon king with dual attributes of water and thunder, unless Shen Liang steps into the teleportation light curtain to escape now, there is only one dead end!

Then he saw Shen Liang who was sitting and snapped his fingers easily.

The light curtain behind him expanded, and nine DSR-50 gun barrels protruded from the light curtain in black.

The boy's smile froze on his face.

PS: Why does it feel like Ryoko has become a summoning system?

Volume 254 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Seven Can you stop bullying my god?

The thunder and lightning split the thick dark clouds that shadowed the top of the mountain, and under the roar, heavy rain poured down.

The young master knelt on one knee on the arena full of bullet casings, leaning on a broken blade. He couldn't even maintain the water knife anymore. This weapon only prevented him from falling completely.

The Shenying Dojo is an open-air dojo. At this moment, Shen Liang is standing under the wooden eaves of the reception building near the arena. The rainwater flowing from the eaves hangs in front of him like a flowing curtain.

He looked through the curtain at a stone statue that was tilted due to indiscriminate bombing at the bottom of the dojo. Like Japan on Earth, Inazuma has 800 million gods, and stone statues receiving worship can be seen everywhere. Similarly, Inazuma can be seen everywhere. offerings.

Shen Liang has always felt that Dao's wife's respect for the gods is somewhat unreasonable. The Thunder God is not a god in legends, but a real creature, and this creature lives in the castle tower.What is the significance of making a wish to visit her?She is not an omniscient and omnipotent illusory existence, on the contrary, she doesn't care about your wishes at all.

It's like the Japanese going to the temple to make a wish to the prime minister, it's ridiculous.

But today he suddenly felt that there was a reason for Dao's wife to be so keen on worshiping and making wishes. Marx said that religion is the crow (crab) piece of the people, and its existence is a kind of spiritual comfort for the suffering people.In other words, compared with the reality of suffering, childish religious fantasies at least make people live more comfortably.

Shen Liang casually inserted a stick of incense into the copper basin in front of the stone carving.

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