"You also started to believe in the god of Tewat?" The young master was covered in bright red liquid, which was a mixture of blood and rainwater. He watched the young man's movements not far away, and said hoarsely.

"I don't believe it." Shen Liang said softly, "I was just thinking, if Lei Shen really has eyes and hands, then she should know all the evil things happening in this land, and all the good begging in the hearts of her people. Her Strength transcends everything, she can completely change the world according to her own mood, and the world she creates should be fair and just."

The young master showed a mocking smile, Shen Liang stood up and walked into the pouring rain.

"Today I realized that the so-called Demon God's lover is just the Demon God's own wishful thinking. I thought God was too complicated and clever. From God's point of view, the world she wanted was just the 'prosperous world' that she recognized. Her own mood changes the world, and now this bullshit world is the fairness and justice she recognizes." Shen Liang walked forward in the rain and stopped in front of the young master, her long black hair dancing wetly in the storm.

"On our planet, there is a word called 'Kang-Qian Prosperous Age', which describes this kind of world very well. People are half-starved and half-fed, with an average life expectancy of less than [-], strict controls and even literary prisons, bureaucratic corruption and even misappropriation of disaster relief funds. But Even if you don’t have enough to eat, you won’t starve to death. Although the control is strict, you won’t kill everyone. Although the relief funds can be embezzled, the victims will starve to death without making much noise. Such an era is the best for the rulers. Well, even if it is riddled with wounds, as long as there is no external force intervening, she can always be her father-in-law without knowing the world."

"The people struggle to survive without one heart, and the country is eternal land for generations to come." Shen Liang paused every word.

The young master didn't understand what he was talking about all of a sudden.

"I understand that in this era, people who are half-starved will not be starved to death, and will not be tortured by wars. It is a good era. However, this is not the fairness and justice in my mind." Shen Liang said in a tone. very calm.

"Fairness and justice in your heart?"

"The fairness in my heart is not for stability, not for eternity, but pure fairness and justice, the most basic definition." Shen Liang loaded the desert eagle meticulously, and then raised the gun, "If someone does evil, You have to pay the price, no matter what reason he has, and no matter what the limitations of the times. I think the hand that should be cut off should be cut off, and the person who should be killed should be killed. If the world doesn't think you should be judged, then I will judge."

"You want to make rules according to your own likes and dislikes?" The young master twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally laughed, "Hahahaha, then what is the difference between you and the God of Thunder you speak of?"

"There is no difference, except," Shen Liang said slowly, "in the country where my rules are implemented, where everyone recognizes fairness and justice like mine, the people never bother to beg God."


The young master suddenly roared terribly!

He still tried to attack the moment Shen Liang approached, never giving up any chance!But he still failed. The opening of the teleportation light curtain made his pounce forward miss, and then a Magnum bullet hit his left arm at close range!

The giant cannon in his hand, the Desert Eagle, can even kill an elephant with a single shot at a distance of less than five meters!Even with the son's strong physical fitness, he couldn't keep his left arm, but the severe pain made his adrenaline surge, and he could continue to feel some of the already exhausted elemental power!

He had already squeezed enough potential and lifespan to use the evil eye, but at this moment his life was at stake, he gritted his teeth to squeeze the power of the evil eye and the eye of god again!

The two water-shaped swords were unsheathed at the same time, and the water was covered with black lightning.The young master did not use his hands but relied on his mind to control, and the two long swords shot forward from the ground to buy time for him to retreat!

He no longer had any hope of defeating Shen Liang, he just wanted to evacuate as soon as possible!

Even though he already had a full understanding of the boy's strength, he still underestimated Shen Liang, especially when a huge firearm with four rotatable barrels protruded from the boy's light curtain. When the rate of fire of more than [-] rounds per minute swept the ring, he completely lost the desire to fight.

The huge arena was shattered under his endless firearms, and it was already quite difficult to escape.Whenever he tried to evacuate, the teleportation light curtain that flashed at any time within a kilometer range could intercept the hot muzzle at close range, and the dazzling muzzle flame reflected the son's scarred face.

The left arm was shattered.

The right arm is pierced.

Three hits resulted in profuse bleeding.

There are countless wounds on the body caused by splashing.

This is a decisive battle between the Tevats and the people on Earth, and the advantages of "foreign objects" are displayed in front of this backward world in a crushing posture.

Finally, even the Xieyan no longer provided him with power, the young master's orange hair had already turned yellow, if he continued to use the Xieyan, he would have to explode the Xieyan himself, but that would probably not solve the problem Shen Liang, there is no possibility that they will die together.

In the hasty escape, he was finally seized by Shen Liang, and Shen Liang swung down a broken Taidao directly.The young master gritted his teeth to avoid screaming, but he still fell to the ground, no longer able to resist.

"You really want to kill me!" The young master roared crazily, his face was extremely ferocious in the thunder, "Why do you kill me! We have no grievances! If you kill me, you are making enemies of the entire fool, and the queen! Enemy! What are you thinking!"

"So a villain is a villain, and at the last moment, it always shows its ugliness." Shen Liang said while shaking off the blood of Tai Dao, and walked slowly.

In fact, the young master has been tortured enough now. Shen Liang is not a bloodthirsty person in the true sense. He doesn't want to continue killing a person with severed limbs and bruises all over his body.

Instead of letting him continue to be tortured in fear and unwillingness, it is better to let him end his life without pain now.

—Go to hell and confess your sins.

Shen Liang calmly raised the knife.


At this moment, Shen Liang suddenly felt the rain harden.

——No, not right!How can rainwater harden?

Immediately afterwards, he felt a burst of pain, and several cuts were cut on his body in an instant.

Before he had time to raise his head, he felt the sky suddenly darken. He opened the teleportation light curtain almost instantly to dodge, and then at his previous position, a huge iceberg weighing dozens or even hundreds of tons crashed to the ground!

Shen Liang raised her head suddenly, and saw a mature tall blond woman standing in the sky above the sky. She had a slender waist and a towering mountain peak. She was wearing a black and white long skirt with trailing tails. Her jade hands in velvet gloves were holding an imaginary thread. Hanging that huge piece of solid ice.

Beside her, a floating young man wearing a big hat looked coldly at Shen Liang below.

"You still keep your hands on purpose, the eighth seat, you seem to have a good relationship with that alien." The floating man said coldly.

"Pay attention to your manner of speaking." The lady said coldly, "Scatterers, if you dare to address me in such a tone, I don't mind getting rid of you now."

The floating man named "Scattered Soldier" snorted.

Shen Liang also noticed the two foolish executive officers in Ling Kong, the beautiful woman is an old acquaintance "Ms.", and the other should be the so-called "Scattered Soldier".

But at this moment, Shen Liang didn't want to get close to the lady who had been reunited for a long time. He called out the GShG-7.62 Gatling machine gun again, and looked at the lady coldly.

The lady's pretty face was slightly pale, and she obviously took a step back, but the straggler didn't seem to understand what Gatling was, and frowned.

"Rosalin, you want to be my enemy?" Shen Liang's small face showed no expression, and his tone was very calm, "Although I don't really want to deal with beautiful women, it doesn't mean that I'm still willing to deal with people who stand against me." Be patient. In addition, you still ask me, don't forget."

The lady gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "We were friends after all. For my sake, let's let this matter go and I owe you a favor."

"Your favor wants to exchange the life of a foolish executive?" Shen Liang sneered, "This is far from enough."

The lady sighed.

Then she suddenly disintegrated the ice layer, and instantly the rain curtain turned into falling skates, and the overwhelming ice skates plunged down vertically, leaving almost no room for Shen Liang to dodge!

Faced with this large-scale attack, Shen Liang quickly entered the light curtain, but the moment he entered, he realized that he had made a mistake, and rushed out again in a hurry.

But it was still a step too late, as soon as he came out of the light curtain, he saw that the lady and the skirmishers had arrived at the position where the young master lay down, and a portal that tore through space had opened behind them.

Shen Liang was taken aback.

——Do fools have teleportation technology?

Before the lady stepped into the portal, she still turned her head to look at Shen Liang. Shen Liang knew that she couldn't stop her, so she simply stopped and stared at her: "Remember it."

The lady's delicate body trembled slightly, but she still left immediately.

He didn't know where the other end of the other party's portal was, and it was impossible for Shen Liang to catch up. He was essentially just playing with the teleportation light curtain, which didn't mean he knew any space ability.

He stood in the rain and calmed down for a while, only to see the figure of Yae Shenzi shuttled to the Shenying Dojo like lightning, and then she touched her chin, looking thoughtfully at the fact that she had been bombed to the point of being completely scrapped arena and audience seats.

Then she said clearly: "The young master didn't kill him?"

"How did you know I was going to kill him?"

"Your world must be very beautiful. It's so beautiful that you can't stand it." Yae Kamito said calmly, "You can tell by the look in your eyes that you want to kill someone."

"Let him run away."

"It's a small matter on your side, but it's a big thing on my side." Yae Shenzi patted Shen Liang's face, and smiled helplessly, "The heart of God that Ying gave me to keep was indeed stolen by them. Tsk, I am not in the big society, and the prohibition of the big society is useless to the stragglers... Oh, you saw the stragglers, right?"

"That strange man?" Shen Liang nodded, and then suddenly said, "But your Narugami Taisha Shrine doesn't have this kind of security? What is the heart of God? The name seems to be very important. You can easily let people know when you're not around. Take it away? Are you so careless as a court secretary?"

Yae Miko looked at him, and he looked at the fox.

"Tsk." The fox clicked his tongue. "Sure enough, you can see through it at a glance. Can't you just be a little wolf dog to please women? I hate talking to smart people the most."

"Young Master is a crowd of fools, all of you know it, but I don't believe that your rice wife has been infiltrated to such an extent that you don't even know how many executive officers have come...or even if the shogunate is stupid, you are the son of the Yae God, and you are a dignified fox fairy. Know?" Shen Liang sneered, "The heart of God is fake, right?"

"No, it's true." The fox smiled slightly, and nodded his nose, "Didn't expect that?"

Shen Liang was taken aback.

Is it true that the fools have tried their best to divert the tiger away from the mountain and steal the heart of God...?

"Why?" Shen Liang was puzzled.

"Guess?" Yae Shenzi avoided answering, and talked about other things, "The mountain fire has been extinguished, ah, in fact, I mainly went to fight the mountain fire, and I didn't go back to the big shrine. Really, if you steal the heart of God, you can steal it, and if you set fire to it, the loss will be great. General Jiutiao saw that the fire was very angry, and he arrested all the fools who set fire to the prison. There will be no bail, tsk, poor thing."

Shen Liang looked around, "What about the next hundred people?"

"What else can I do? The Beiguo team is completely gone. The generals of the Hiiragi family's Jade Tiger team are all dead, and only you two teams are left. What else is there to choose? Go straight to the finals."

"I heard that the final match will be held in the castle tower? General Raiden will personally issue the Jade Dragon Banner to the winner?"

Yae Shenzi was lazily resting on his back, when he heard the words, he suddenly got stuck for a moment, thinking of the scene of Thor and Shen Liang meeting again.

"Can you stop bullying my god?"

"I don't know what Lord Gong Si is referring to. I was invited by the Shenli family to participate in the Hundred People's Competition. According to the rules of the competition, I have the right to obtain the Jade Dragon Banner and become this year's..."

"Seriously, can you stop bullying my god?"

What a weird picture.jpg

Volume 255 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] I came to you without telling my boyfriend...

On an overseas island far away from Narugami Island, the portal made by Zhidong Technology opened, and the figures of three fool executives emerged.

"Hiss..." The young master gasped, supported his broken arm with one hand, and sat down on the beach exhausted, then looked at the lady and smiled wryly, "It's really shameful, I let you see me like this!" Weak side."

"Shut up!" The lady shook the cloak in disgust, and wiped away the stained son's blood with elemental force, "What a waste!"

The young master smiled wryly: "I can't. Although I was defeated, that was the executioner Shen Liang, a man from another world, whose strength is completely inestimable. Trash or something...you probably won't be much better than me."

The executive officers of the Fools are not complete colleagues. It can even be said that most of the executive officers advocate solitude, and there is no so-called good relationship between them.

This time, if the stragglers and the lady were not nearby, and he was considered part of the straggler plan, it would have been impossible for him to have other executive officers to rescue him before.

"If you scold you trash, just keep going. If I were in your position, I wouldn't offend him at all, and I wouldn't fight him at all." The lady said coldly, "Because of your stupid thoughts, you almost delayed the Queen's plan." ,Incompetent bungler!"

The straggler put away the portal and stared at the lady for a while. The glamorous female executive was a little uncomfortable under his gaze, and frowned: "What are you looking at? Provoking me?"

"Hmph, it's true. If you were in the eleventh seat, you wouldn't offend him." The straggler said angrily, "Who knows what agreement you have reached with Shen Liang in private, you just stopped attacking him before, He also treats you completely differently than we do, and even quite a few of the Fools are old with him... Eighth seat, you got along very well with others during Dao's wife."

"Heh, you suspect that I have an affair with someone from another world?" The lady's icy blue eyes narrowed slightly, "Okay, I will really have an affair with Shen, so what do you do? You want to act on behalf of the Queen's will and educate me? "

"How come, where is it my turn to tell you how to do things?" The straggler spread his hands and smiled lowly, "No one stipulates that the flame witch who has lived for hundreds of years cannot enjoy the young and beautiful boy. I heard that he has coral Hua Haiyue from the palace, heh... no wonder, so you can ask him to use your body to comfort your century-old flame."

The lady was furious, and the cold air spread from the black slender high heels she was stepping on in all directions, freezing the ground, "You are looking for death!"

"Did I hit it?" The evil eyes on the skirmisher also flickered.

The two were on the verge of falling out, and the young master could only intervene helplessly, "I said, even if our executive officers don't deal with it, can we not fight each other at such a critical time? That guy is really domineering, and the wounded here will drag on." I'm going to die."

"Okay, ma'am, I apologize." The straggler sneered, then took a step back, and threw a medicine bottle from the bag, and the young master stretched out his right hand to catch it.

"The fast-repair drug newly developed by 'Doctor' has been tested on people. The side effect is that it will cause great damage to the body, and it will inevitably shorten the life. But I also know that it basically doesn't matter to people like you who can even adapt to the side effects of the evil eye. "The straggler said, "Apply it on the wound, and I will give you a new arm when the time comes. There are still quite a few limbs in stock."

"But no matter how you think about it, you won't be able to use your own arm." The young master stopped the bleeding, sighed, his eyes flickered with unknown intentions, "It's really a good test stone, I've taken a fancy to him, Also, please don't rob me both of you."

"You still want to deal with Shen?" The lady frowned.

"This time I'm the one who made it up. The next time we meet, I will invite him to see the full demon king's armed forces and the evil eyes in full bloom."

"If you want to die, don't drag others." The straggler taunted.

The lady frowned deeply. The son's words made her show more obvious disgust, and then she looked away to prevent others from seeing her expression at this moment.

Neither the young master nor the stragglers noticed the short-term change in her expression.

"But since you already need to recuperate from your injuries, it seems that Liyue's job will have to be replaced." The straggler turned around and looked at Naruto Island in the distance, "It's about Dao's wife, and the next target must be Liyue." Moon and Mond, but the other execs have priorities."

"My question." The young master struggled to get up, "There is no need to change people, Liyue's diplomatic project hopes to be delayed for a period of time, I will probably need half a year to a year."

"There is not so much time. Liyue is now in charge of the eighth seat, and you have full authority over the layout of Liyue." The straggler said coldly, "I have already contacted the Winter Palace, and the appointment letter will be issued soon. Now it is just Just to inform you in advance."

Full power handover, these four words made the young master's face change slightly, but he still didn't say anything in the end, instead he smiled freely and looked at the lady: "Then I seem to have a rare vacation."

But he didn't expect the lady to be extremely resistant.

"Liyue? I shouldn't be in charge of Liyue. I should go to Mond during this time! Barbatos' God's Heart is what I should grab!" The lady said angrily, "You should know that Mond The importance of De to me, I have my own reasons for being in charge of Mond!"

"Going to Liyue does not delay you from going to Mond. Besides, that outsider is also going to Liyue. An outsider whose strength surpasses the executive officer and is close to the demon god's family cannot be ignored. He is an existence that can easily disturb the water. You and Shen Liang Since there is a good relationship, then you will be responsible." The straggler said in a tone that could not be refused, "The eighth seat, this is also the decision of the Winter Palace, how dare you disobey it?"

"You!" The lady almost gritted her silver teeth, but still swallowed it, and said in a deep voice, "But at least, Mond is in charge of the executive officer, it must be me, and I will take out his God's Heart with my own hands... I will take it out with my own hands." Humiliate him!"

"That's natural. There is currently no plan to replace Diplomat Mond."

Now that she has this guarantee, no matter how reluctant she is, she still reluctantly accepts Liyue's diplomat status.

However, the lady herself is very clear.

She and Shen Liang were just casual friends, she was amazed by Shen Liang's miracle of resuscitating the dead and tried to make friends, but Shen Liang didn't think much of her as a friend.In comparison, those ladies and sorceresses who were pampered by her and allowed Shen Liang to have whatever they wanted, might all be treated more favorably by Shen Liang than her.

This time, the person he wanted to kill was rescued in his hands, and the friendship that was not much may have dropped to freezing point.The so-called good friends from the stragglers, even she herself has no hope.

——How to make up for it?

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