—Forget it, let’s take one step at a time.


Qing Yiling came out of the handyman's room of the Kanding Enforcement Office with a washing basin in her arms, and saw a boy with a black high ponytail and a girl in a noble kimono standing in the yard at a glance.

"Miss... Miss Qianli?" Qing Yiling hurriedly put down the basin, and hurriedly saluted the girl in kimono, but she didn't know how Inazuma's etiquette was, so she just knelt down and was pulled by Hiiragi Qianli live.

Hiiragi Chisato lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and said, "I'm sorry."

Qing Yiling froze for a moment, then realized something, her face turned slightly pale.

"I'm here to tell you that your sister is very powerful, but she still lost. If she lost, she was beaten to death." Shen Liang said, "You should be mentally prepared."

Qing Yiling's fingers trembled, but she still didn't show any emotion, and said softly, "That's right."

"The Hiiragi family decided to buy all of you. We have already settled your identities. From now on, you will be the servants of the appointment." Hiiragi Qianli said in a low voice, "The Hiiragi family will not break their word. Your sister is very brave, so according to Promised, you will have a normal life."

"Thank you." Qing Yiling bowed, "Thank you very much."

Shen Liang turned around and left the yard, and Hiiragi Qianli hurriedly ran out with him. It was not until she ran a long way that she heard Shen Liang say in a soft voice: "It's really a fucking era."

Hiiragi Qianli didn't dare to answer, but she turned her head and saw that little figure finally knelt at the gate of the yard, covering her face with her hands, her body trembling slightly.

She suddenly felt that she seemed to be living in something wrong. The days that had been peaceful and peaceful for more than a decade now felt a little bit disconnected and strange.

This is an era that doesn't even have the courage to cry. Fuck it.


In the afternoon, Shen Liang returned to the inn at the Shenying Dojo.

The plan to stay in the inn that might have been for a long time fell through. He only has one final to play next, and the final can only be in the castle tower. There is no need to live in this inn anymore.

It's just that he still has some things left here, so today is the last night.

As soon as Shen Liang opened the door, he found something was wrong.

Wearing the inn's kimono and yukata, the two girls of Zhidong Country sat obediently on the tatami, with their heads lowered, as if a wife who had made a big mistake was timidly waiting for her husband to come back and give a lecture.

"You two still there?" Shen Liang froze for a moment.

"Then... where else can I go?" Lyudmila replied weakly, and Tatyana next to her also lowered her head in embarrassment.

When the two of them woke up, they heard the news of the decisive battle between Shen Liang and the Young Master. Although there was no one in the Shenying Dojo at that time, the last group of audience who left the venue basically noticed the scene that Shen Liang was not going to let the Young Master go.Two geniuses who are not liked by Dao's wife are fighting. This kind of news is not only welcome, but also flattering.

Shen Liang thought for a while, "Don't you know the master's plan?"

"No, no, no!" The two Maozi sisters, one big and one small, waved their hands quickly, "If we knew how we could have slept until now, unlike Yegor, the two of us were randomly captured by the young master's team of four .If we knew about the plan, we would have jobs too, but the two of us just woke up."

Shen Liang can also guess that these two girls have always been concerned about the mission status of their executive officers, and even if the young master originally wanted to disclose the plan and work arrangements to them, if he finds out that the two of them have an affair with Shen Liang, he will definitely be dismissed. up.

You still have this level of meticulousness.

"We really don't know anything! Master Ryoko, really!" Tatyana, with a pitiful expression, crawled over with hands and feet while maintaining a kneeling position, carefully looking into his eyes, "You...you want Don't look for us for revenge, it's not our problem if you didn't kill..."

"That's right, that's right, we were the ones who couldn't hold on yesterday." Lyudmila also said in fear, "Lord Ryoko, please forgive me, you can't blame other fools...I, I haven't done anything bad yet. The most... the most is to come to you without telling Yegor when you are on Haizhi Island..."

Shen Liang vaguely heard a ghost holding back a laugh in his mind.

"No, what kind of image do I have in your hearts? Kill people casually?" Shen Liang couldn't laugh or cry, "And you! Hey, so you know that people like you!"

"It's really murderous..." Tatiana whispered.

"It's true that you can do whatever you want..." Lyudmila also whispered, "As for this, I like Master Ryoko more..."

Shen Liang helplessly rubbed the hair of the two girls, the mature and attractive lady and the small and cute warlock both showed expressions of relief.Tatyana got up quickly and was going downstairs to ask the inn to bring up dinner, but just as she was about to open the door, she heard a knock on the door.

Shen Liang and the two young ladies Maozi were shocked.

"Ryoko, are you there, can I come in?" Kanli Linghua politely knocked three times, then waited for a while, and decided to open the door.

The door of a place like an inn is different from hotels on Earth, the door has a latch and no lock, but Kanli Linghua knows that the latch behind the door is not plugged when she touches it, and Shen Liang is either absent or resting.

In the past, of course Little Egret wouldn't just push the door open and come in, but how should I put it... Now she is not what she used to be!

Such a small "impolite" behavior, she wants to try, really wants to!After all, she has always been envious of Xiao Gong's appearance of being able to take the initiative to enter Shen Liang's room carelessly, but she can only be envious because of the eldest lady's etiquette.

But now she... is closer than Xiaogong to Shen Liang... right?This impolite thing... can be done already, right?

Almost at the same time, Tatyana, Lyudmila and Shen Liang met their gazes, and the two beautiful young fools moved away very sensiblely, quickly grabbed the skirt and coat they changed yesterday, and rushed to To the window, immediately jump down!

Fortunately, Shen Liang was only on the second floor, and this distance was no pressure for the fools. When Shenli Linghua stepped into the room, the wind blew the wide-open Pharaoh Happy Window swaying.

Shen Liang was lying on the window, looking back, her expression was normal, and she even showed some surprised expression just right: "Linghua? When did you come in? Oh, I was looking at the scenery, and I didn't hear you knocking on the door."

"Looking at the scenery?" Kamisato Linghua was a little confused. It's afternoon, what scenery is there to see in broad daylight, but she didn't think much, took off her shoes and walked in, and said eagerly, "Ryoko, it's already six o'clock in the afternoon. Where is Mother? I remember Ryoko, you brought Mother into the light curtain..."

Shen Liang's expression froze for an instant.

He was immersed in the spare time of fighting all afternoon, and even forgot the move he started!

Counting the time, it has been almost five hours since he threw the silver-haired wife in Neuschwanstein Castle!

PS: Some people said before that they want cosplay photos, so I’m going to post them boldly this time. I’ve seen the best-looking Mrs. Kamisato cosplay at station b. The up name is: Caviar can’t sleep late.If there is any copyright infringement in posting cosplay pictures, I will delete them immediately, because I don't know if I can post them.

Volume 256 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 240 Chapter [-] Chapter Nine Women's War

With a sound of "ding", the elevator stopped at the sixth floor of the main castle of Neuschwanstein Castle, and several young ladies from the Chaniat family strode out.

As soon as the door is opened, the view opens up. Inside is the grand lobby that has been transformed into a reception hall. This floor is the reception room and library of the Chaniat family. It is as brilliant as ever, and the dome is painted with Renaissance Raphael Rubbings of the statue of the Virgin Mary painted by hand, along the aisle covered with wool carpets, you can bypass the hall and go directly to the viewing balcony on this floor.

"How did you entertain?" Maria asked in a low voice as she walked.

"The refreshment has been arranged. She is being contacted by the second lady. She is currently in a stable condition. She has been quietly listening to our arrangements, but she is very curious about everything around her." The little girl who followed her immediately replied, "There is nothing on her body. Houkai can react, and his physical fitness is basically the same as that of ordinary people, no matter how you look at it, he is an ordinary human being."

"Ordinary human?" Maria took a deep breath.

"She still claims that she was forcibly sent by little Pandora," the little girl hesitated for a while, then whispered, "Master Maria, she... is very friendly, and she also wants to see you."

"See me?" Maria frowned, "Why?"

"She said that as a parent of her son and daughter, she also wanted to meet 'Mother Liangzi' very much."

A girl opened a sliding door on the sixth floor, and the evening sun came in. This is a spacious terrace, which is small in size, decorated with some flowers and plants, and there is an artificial spring composed of white stones and green grass. A small place where members of the Shaniat family rest and chat after reading a book.But at this time, a woman in kimono overlooking the Alps was sitting opposite the small stone table on the terrace. Her silver hair was coiled up, her temperament was gentle and her appearance was beautiful, like a quiet wife from a costume drama.

Next to it is a small trolley with prepared afternoon tea and refreshments on it, and beside the stone table is a white hairy dumpling napping with its chin propped up.

Seeing Maria walking in, the silver-haired wife in kimono withdrew her gaze from admiring the beautiful scenery, stood up and bowed slightly.

"Oh, Aunt Maria, you may not have seen it before, this is brought back by the junior from the main god space..." Qiyana was drowsy at first, but when she saw Maria coming in, she hurriedly introduced her.

Lord God space?What a mess.

She directly ignored Kiyana's introduction, tried to put on a gentle expression, and stepped forward to reach out her hand.

"Maria Shaniat, during the absence of the head of the family, I am the person in charge of the Shaniat family's external affairs." Maria smiled and shook hands with Kaori Kaori, "Mrs. Please forgive me for being rude, after all, Shaniat's family rarely sees outsiders."

When she received the report, she said that it was the maids of the family who discovered that a woman she didn't know came out of Pandora's room and wandered around the castle defenselessly. Should the guy just grab it or not?

But unexpectedly, after she caught it, what she justified made Maria unable to sit still.

Kansato Kashiro looked at this woman with long chestnut hair and wearing a nun's dress with gold and white borders. She looked only in her twenties, and she was as beautiful as a girl.But Kansato Kadai still knows that she is indeed the leader of the family just by her smile. Her smile is even against her will. It seems that she rarely needs to smile at people, and only people with high status can not get used to smiling .

But Shenli Huadai was used to seeing people of high status, and what she was even more curious about at this time was the beautiful chestnut-haired woman who was almost a girl in front of her... was Shen Liang's mother?

"It doesn't matter, it was Huadai who was abrupt. Huadai never thought that Ryoko's world is so extraordinary. Curiosity overwhelmed politeness. I'm sorry." Kanli Huadai smiled, "German tea has a special flavor."

The casual use of "Liangzi" in the conversation is implicitly revealing the friendly relationship between herself and Shen Liang, and Maria is also aware of this.

There is an exquisite black tea set on the table. Maria is actually not the kind of person who likes to drink afternoon tea. For her, it is better to drink Coke and eat pork knuckle while spending this time, or even go to sleep.

"Do you already know that this is Germany?" Maria looked at her scrutinizingly.

"Miss Kiyana just introduced it to me, it is really a beautiful country, a beautiful world." Kagami Huadai said, "Ryoko often said that the progress of civilization on the earth is far better than that of Tevat, but only when I come here can I Find out that what he said is true, peace, peace and freedom to live, no wonder he hates the order of our world."

"Pandora... oh, it's Ryoko you're talking about, what is he doing in Tivat?" Maria asked.

Kansato Kadai gently put down the teacup, looked up at her, "Excuse me, are you asking me this question as a strong man, or as Ryoko's mother?"

Maria frowned, she vaguely noticed that at that moment just now, Kamikayo had a touch of resistance.

"Is there any difference?"

"If it's the former, I refuse to answer." Shenli Huadai said softly, "Huadai doesn't know what kind of status Ryoko is here or...life, his affairs are his secrets, as a burden I, who is Liangzi Ende, can't disclose any news... even if you are his family."

"Wow, so loyal." Kiyana stuck out her tongue.

Maria's mood is a bit complicated. On the one hand, she is a little upset. Maybe Shen Liang is hiding her knowledge and flourishing in another world...but she doesn't know anything about it!And the woman in front of him dared to reject her!

I am closer to Pandora than you are!Who are you?I am his mother!

But on the other hand, she also admired Shenli Huadai's vigilance.

"Then as a mother?" Maria suppressed her emotions and asked in a deep voice.

Kanli Kayo looked at her seriously again, then shook his head.

"I do not believe."

"Ah?" Maria was really angry at this moment. She was a irascible young lady, and she almost wanted to shoot the case at this moment, scolding you for playing with me!

"Ryoko has an obvious black-haired gene, an oriental race. And Miss Maria is more similar to... well, in our words, she is a Western race of the Mondefontaine type." Kagami Kadai said, "And you are too Young, not like the age of a mother."

"This is the genetic adjustment technology of the earth. Madam Kamisato only needs to know that I purposely raised Pandora to look like this." Maria opened her eyes and said nonsense. Anyway, it was not the first time she said such words to people.

"So that's the case, but I still can't trust you directly, after all, I can't understand what you said Huadai." Kanli Huadai smiled, "However, if you are really Ryoko's mother, then Huadai is very happy, after all, I Maybe your daughter will call you mother in the future."

Maria's expression changed suddenly.

Not only her, but almost all the girls from the Shaniat family around her changed their expressions suddenly, including Anna who just followed out of curiosity.

On the contrary, Qiyana didn't react violently, and even yawned lazily, glanced at Anna, who had a pale face, and continued to doze off.

Maria was shocked at first, and then looked at Qiyana, and found that the white-haired dumpling had an unwavering posture, and she first wondered if she had heard it wrong.

"Miss Kamisato, don't make jokes lightly!" Maria's tone became more serious.

"Of course Huadai won't make fun of his daughter, Miss Maria." The gentle Princess Xuechun smiled lightly, "My daughter Linghua is devoted to Ryoko, she is his right arm."

The faces of the young Miss Shaniat around turned even paler, and some even covered their mouths in disbelief.

This is really uncomfortable news. In fact, many people in Shaniat's family have a bit of misconduct towards Qiyana, because Pandora Shaniat strictly speaking does not have a real girlfriend, at most she just has a girlfriend with her. The second lady is ambiguous.

But for this group of little princesses from a wealthy family since they were young, it is not that they are afraid to fight with the second lady of the family. If they can surpass Qiyana and become the first "official CP" of "Pandora, the son of the white flower", this share I am afraid that the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction cannot be brought by becoming an S-rank Valkyrie!

Many of them peeped at Kiyana with such dark and dank thoughts.

But now...could it be...has been pre-empted?

At this moment, the atmosphere became cold.

The corners of Shenli Huadai's mouth curled up, leisurely watching the beautiful scene of a large area of ​​girls turning pale in an instant.She was proud of herself in her heart, but she was also faintly worried about her daughter.

Ever since she stepped into Shaniat's house, she discovered one of the most important things. It wasn't that the earthlings here possess special skills comparable to those of God's Eye holders, or that the earth's civilization was so unpredictable that it was hard to deal with it. It's the ghostly place of Shaniat's house...

The quality of the girls is too high!

Being transferred to the present, all the girls I saw were angel-like beautiful girls, and there were several girls who were no worse than her, Princess Xuechun, or even her daughter, Princess Bailu.

Almost instantly, she understood why Shen Liang's aesthetic vision was so high, and why the girls around her were usually high-altitude flowers at the level of Xiaogong Linghua...

If she had lived and grown up in this kind of place since she was a child, her eyes would be higher than the top!

Only such a place can cultivate a beautiful boy like Shen Liang who is beyond the cognition of Tevat people.

And the most important thing is that, relying on the scheming she cultivated as a wife in the tea party of noble women in the shogunate, Kagami quickly noticed how many people coming and going in this castle were thinking about her Ryoko.

And among these thoughtful girls, there are quite a few who are as competitive as their daughters!Shen Lihua knew her own family affairs on behalf of her own family, and her daughter's temperament was not open at all. Compared with these girls who wrote "I have to suck up Pandora's bones whenever I have a chance" written on their faces, it was nothing at all. There is no combat power to speak of!

Let's see, among these girls who seem to have been hit hard, which one is not a strong enemy of Ayaka Kamisato in the future!

However, although Princess Bailu is weak and bully, her mother is not the type to give up easily!It's okay Linghua, today mom will fight for you!

Kansato Kadai glanced at Anna. When she heard what she said just now, the beret girl just bit her lips. The reaction was not very intense, and she must pay close attention.Then she glanced at Qiyana again, this time full of vigilance.

At first glance, this white-haired girl seemed careless and out of her mind, but chatting with her was also very fun.But Kansato Kadai is very clear that this girl seems to be the real enemy of her daughter's feelings. Almost all girls' first reaction when they hear her words is to look at Qiyana, which shows that she and Shen Liang are the closest, the closest It is close to the existence of "real girlfriend".

Considering that Shen Liang is a native of Earth after all, this girl named Qiyana may be more important to him than Coral Palace Xinhai!

Linghua, Linghua, you have a long way to go.

"Your daughter...my son?" Maria paused every word.

"Yes, this time I happened to communicate with Miss Maria. If we get married a few years later, our two families will also be in-laws." Shenli Huadai chuckled, "If there is a chance, is it better to arrange the wedding on Earth or Tivat? Yes Well, Ryoko shouldn’t have married on Earth, right?”

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