"Is the purity of blood, so you still care about this? Heh, do you know where the first Shaniat people came from?" Maria looked at the murals of the saints hanging on the wall of the corridor.

"We are not that pure. The first Shaniat people did not have any so-called holy blood at all. In the [-]th century, the Black Death broke out due to the Great Crash. In order to treat this plague, Otto developed the first generation of holy blood. The gene, successfully tested on an outsider named 'Eleanor', has nothing to do with our Shaniat family."

Shen Liang was taken aback.

"However, the success of the Holy Blood created the first Valkyrie in the history of Mandate of Heaven who can control the outside world's Houkai energy. Eleanor was given the name 'Eleanor Chaniat' and became the Patriarch Sabrina at that time. Since then, the holy blood gene has been inherited in the Shaniat family." Maria said, "This is just a foreign bloodline, after many generations of Shaniat people's purification, this bloodline has finally stabilized. , Reached the pinnacle in the elder sister.

"So in essence, the holy blood that the Shaniat family is proud of is actually a foreign product. Our family does not rely on this for maintenance. Genes have never been the link of the Shaniat family. But we are still connected by blood.

"Shaniat's bloodline is not something as simple as genes, just like my sister likes you, is it because your surname is Shaniat?" Maria waved her hand, "So what if you can travel through different worlds, Even if you hide a world-sized secret, so what? Our Shaniat family...wouldn't treat our family as an object of interest just because of this. You are my Maria's son, the strongest Valkyrie in the world Son-in-law, I don't even know what you are afraid of!"

Shen Liang stared blankly at this woman who was only half a head taller than him, this grumpy Shaniat's second-in-command who was called a "witch" by Chaofan, this one who was blowing his beard and staring in anger...


It turns out that this world is not as bad as you think. Everyone cares about you, but you always subconsciously reject it.

Shen Liang lowered her head, thought for a while, then raised her head, "Then what do you think of me, Mom?"

"Me?" Maria shrugged, "I originally hated you, a child with such a vicious aura... But after thinking about it, only people like you will do most things to most people. Let’s try it with suspicion first, so I can understand it when I think about it.”

"Feel sorry."

"No, I don't need to be sorry. Although I can understand, it doesn't mean I don't hate it." Maria said coldly, "Of course you can contact us with temptation and suspicion, but we also have a temper. We will naturally be unhappy with the attitude of trust. Of course, others can only be angry and have no other choice, but I am your mother, and I will beat you when I am angry, you know."

"Sister Liya doesn't beat me..."

"Yes, the gentle and friendly good mother asked my sister to do it, and I was responsible for producing filial sons under the stick." Maria stuffed the lollipop garbage into Shen Liang's pocket, and patted his little face, "What's the matter, what should I do?" If you communicate, just communicate, don't think too much, understand?"

"Mom, you're teaching me like I'm an underage child."

"You thought you were not a child?" Maria strode away.

Shen Liang stood at the door of his bedroom in a daze, looked at Maria's slender back for a while, and then smiled softly.

So in the eyes of Cecilia and Maria, is he still a child?Although it is very popular in Tevat, everyone has to honor him as "His Royal Highness Regent" and "Mr. In this old castle where you can't even order takeout, is he still a child in what he does?

——There really seems to be no problem.

Pushing open the door and returning to the bedroom, Shen Liang laughed happily.


Three days later, the night before the final.

Shen Liang dragged Kamikayo, who was still reluctant to part with Shaniat's family, across the teleportation light curtain.

"Okay, Sister Huadai, can I bring you to Earth to play after a month? Next time you want to stay as long as you want, I'll treat you with food and accommodation." Shen Liang looked at Shenli Huadai and pouted slightly. The small mouth is very helpless.

"Liang Ziqin can't break his promise, even if he goes to Liyue, he has to come back to pick me up."

"I know, I promise."

What Shen Liang didn't expect was that Shenli Huadai lived in Neuschwanstein Castle very comfortably, and he could chat with every Shaniat tribe, and the communication was like a spring breeze.Although she is a person from another world, her charm is not bad, even Kiyana secretly asked him how old is this big sister, has she ever married?Then he was pressed on the sofa by the angry and smoking Shen Liang.

For three days, Kansato Kadai wandered around, marveling at everything he saw, and begged him to take her to play outside the castle.Shen Liang was so busy that she didn't have time to go shopping with her, so she was very depressed, so she watched TV and played computer games every day in the castle, and even learned how to use the computer to search for videos.

Although she can't read the subtitles, she can understand the words, and the life of watching dramas these days feels more fulfilling than in the past few decades.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still a member of the podium in the finals, she wouldn't even want to come back at all.Because according to the rules of the system, there should be at least one month between each trip to the earth for the qualified stigmata, and she will have to endure another month of boredom in the Tivat continent.

Originally, she could bear the boredom if she had never seen the Internet.


The semi-finals of the Yulong Banner ended much faster than anyone expected.

The Beiguo team was accused of espionage by fools and was directly disqualified. The Jade Tiger team died in battle. Miss Hiiragi Qianli voluntarily abstained for the Hiiragi family. He appointed himself as the sole heir and ordered the other three players to retire.

Therefore, the semi-final lineup, which should have many games, will go on a truce, and finally the final will be played outside the castle tower.

But to be honest, although Dadalia made him very unhappy, his strength is already very good.As an outlander who is simply playing tricks, Shen Liang knows very well that no one can threaten him in a game like Hundred People One Kui that cannot use the eye of God.

Because he doesn't use God's Eye, he has thermal weapons, and he has the ability to jump in space. These abilities are essentially not valued by General Thunder and Lightning because they are not God's Eyes. According to the rule of "no taboo" for one hundred people, he can indeed use them. .In such an unfair game, he didn't need Kamisato Ayaka and Yokomiya, he could easily win by himself.

Honestly, boring as hell.

Shen Liang arrived at the Tianshou Pavilion by car in such a lazy mood. The Tianshou Pavilion is not a competition place where everyone can watch. A ring is set up on the platform next to the huge statue with thousands of hands and hundreds of eyes, and the whole shogunate The big shots from all over the world have already arrived, and they all gathered on the viewing platform near the castle tower to watch.

On the viewing platform closest to the statue, there are big bosses sitting on the rostrum. The best place to watch is reserved for the most powerful people, but they are punished because of the appointment, and they are ashamed. The old god was sitting with a pink-haired fox, a silver-haired wife, and some shogunate officials. There were about seven or eight people here and there.

"In the blink of an eye, a hundred people will come to the final competition, and the Fuxue team will face off against Yayu."

Yae Shenzi cleared his throat, suppressed the voices inside and outside the castle tower at this time, and kicked off the prelude to the finals.

"The battle three days ago made me feel a lot. Qingyi Xiaohu, who clearly only wanted to win or lose according to the rules, did not retreat. I also saw the arrogance of many families and nobles who regard human life as nothing." Yae Shenzi He chuckled, "Overbearing, really overbearing."

There were basically no ordinary spectators in the final, and Fox was much more relaxed than before. At this moment, the shogunate bureaucrats on the other viewing platforms were a little commotioned.

Yae Shenzi continued: "Since our army was about to be defeated last year, Daoqiu is now in a state of chaos. During this time, many insects stretched their arms longer and longer, and Mr. Shen attacked the fools and executive officers in a fit of anger. His power also reminded me that it seems that it is time to clear up."

Many dignitaries and dignitaries of the shogunate looked at Yae Shenzi with solemn expressions, while more people frowned and whispered to each other, causing even greater commotion.

And some people looked at Shen Liang, some of them didn't know what Yae Shenzi said.Shen Liang...had taken action against the executive officers of the Fools?Is it the son?It turned out that it was so, no wonder Yae Shenzi wanted to speak like this at this time, it seemed that Shen Liang was already very dissatisfied with some people in the shogunate, and Yae Shenzi had to make some guarantees in order to appease his emotions!

Many people have ugly expressions.

Yae Shenzi saw all kinds of expressions on the field, smiled slightly, and continued, "It's not just Qingyi Xiaohu, there are countless contestants who are amazingly talented, and there are also countless people who have fought so hard that they can't do it again. In the final, everyone has only one purpose, which is to compete for the Jade Dragon Banner bestowed by the general himself.

"Today, blowing snow and fighting crow feathers, is it His Royal Highness the Regent from the Western Kingdom who continues to destroy the world, or is it the general's personal guards who justify the name of Naruto Island?"

Yae Shenzi smiled and said: "I am very curious, but before announcing the lineups of the two sides, please be calm, there are still distinguished guests who need to be introduced. First of all, please welcome——"

"The Goddess of the Coral Palace is here!"

Almost at the moment Yae Shenzi's voice fell, all the shogunate bureaucrats in the audience were surprised and couldn't restrain their voices.

Coral Palace Xinhai appeared in a snow-blue maiden dress that looked like a fishtail. She was wrapped in delicate white stockings and stepped on small wooden clogs. She walked briskly onto the rostrum under the eyes of countless people.There happened to be a vacant position between Yae Shenzi and Shenli Huadai. Many people were still guessing who it would be reserved for, but now they understand.

It's actually her!

The actual person in power of Haiji Island, the supreme leader of one of the two beliefs of Daozuma, the present god who caused the shogunate to suffer a big loss last year!

And Shen Liang was also dumbfounded.

[Fuck!wife! 】

[I didn't shout! 】Shen Liang glared angrily at Torachiyo who shouted out his heart directly.

【You obviously shouted that in your heart!I heard it all! 】

The appearance of Coral Palace Xinhai almost grabbed the audience's attention instantly, but the little witch sat down very calmly, and then immediately looked at Shen Liang who was resting on the contestant's platform, did not shy away from others, and smiled to He blinked.

【How did you come!Didn't tell me? 】Shen Liang communicated immediately, he talked on the phone with Coral Palace Xinhai every day, but she never said that she was invited to Narugami Island.

[Give Ryoko a surprise, don't you like it? 】Coral Palace Xinhai chuckled, 【If the little master doesn't like it, I'll go home right? 】

How could Shen Liang dare to say that he didn't like it? Just as he was about to ask a few more questions, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Kansato Linghua and Xiao Gong slightly squinting their eyes, not very kind eyes.

[Good guy, the Shura field of the same generation is waiting here. 】Tora Chiyo is happy,【I'm going to steal some beer, drink, mineral water, rice pudding with peanuts and melon seeds. Boss, you can lift your ass and give me this bench later. 】

PS: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa, Shenhe, Xiangling, Yunjin, Ningguang, or any other NPC will do, let's count the popularity

Volume 260 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Ouch

Kanli Ayaka unconsciously opened and closed the fan in her hand, staring at the pink-haired girl on the podium.

She had to admit that Shen Liang's aesthetic requirements were indeed extremely high, and the delicate beauty of Coral Palace's heart made Aya Kamisato feel distressed and admired. It's no wonder that she became her boyfriend's first lover in this world, even Already talking about marriage, the "fiancée" recognized by Shen Liang himself.

There was a little grievance in her heart, although Shenli Linghua knew that Shen Liang was definitely not a good man in terms of men and women, and she was mentally prepared, but when this scene really happened, she still felt a little depressed.

——This is jealousy.

However, Kanli Linghua can also understand that at this moment, the little mermaid's mood is also slightly sour.After all, I was sitting on the rostrum, but the boy I admired was sitting with another eldest lady, laughing and chatting together.

"Is that the girl Ryoko likes?" Kamisato Ayaka grabbed the folding fan and turned to look at her boyfriend, "Hmph, what a beautiful and virtuous Little Mermaid."

Shen Liang scratched his head, because he heard the teasing words of Coral Palace Xinhai in Stigmata's telepathic communication at this time, [Hmph~ What a beautiful and quiet little egret, this is your new love, little master? 】

"I heard that the climate of Haizhi Island is humid, and the people of Haizhi are fairer and more beautiful than the rice wife. It seems that what I said is true." Kanli Linghua looked at the Coral Palace Xinhai Miko's dress and revealed With a milky white slender waist, she was a little envious, "I heard many people say that it is a fairyland on earth, but unfortunately I have never been free, otherwise Linghua would really like to go to that fantasy island to purify her soul."

"Linghua, don't talk nonsense about such things. In my world, there are some women who use the banner of purifying their souls every day to travel to the west without bringing any money." I can’t help but say that I’m on a pilgrimage.”

"Then... is there any problem?" Kamisato Linghua didn't understand why.

"Then guess what would happen if these people went on a pilgrimage to a delusional 'Holy Land' without any money or any preparations?" Shen Liang smiled, "Purify the soul? Many women made a pilgrimage all the way and ended up standing upright." The big belly came back satisfied, what do you mean purify?"

Kanli Linghua didn't even understand Shen Liang's meaning at first, but when she figured it out, her face turned red and she glared at him angrily.

"Understand now?" Shen Liang smirked.

"Yeah, but isn't Ryoko himself the Prince Regent of Kaiji Island, the whole Kaiji Island has to listen to you..." Kanli Linghua whispered, and her voice became smaller and smaller, "If it's Ryoko... ..."

"What did you say?" Shen Liang didn't hear clearly.

Little Egret wouldn't say that to him again, wrinkled his nose, and turned his face away.

While Shen Liang is still thinking about how to coax the girl, Xinhai's situation is not very good.

Seeing Coral Palace Xinhai smiling towards Shen Liang, Shenli Huadai entered the state of combat readiness again in an instant, picked up the teacup, blew the faintly warm air, and said lightly: "Sir Coral Palace, I have heard of your name for a long time. "

Xinhai shifted his gaze back, looked at this beautiful silver-haired wife, realized something in his heart, and said with a smile: "You are the mistress of the society, Miss Linghua's mother, Miss Huadai."

"The Coral Palace Secretary recognizes Hua Dai?" The silver-haired wife was taken aback.

"Liangzi once told me that if you are his elder, then you are also Xinhai's elder." Coral Palace Xinhai bowed softly to her, "The official introduction has been done before, but in private It’s the first time we’ve met you here. The little girl Coral Palace Xinhai, Haizhidao’s maiden, is also the lord served by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.”

This neither humble nor overbearing words made Yae Miko, who was not planning to participate in this battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, show a subtle smile and looked over with interest.

Even though they actually met each other, in private, the little witch still likes to call Shen Liang the little master, but in her external identity, this relationship has to be reversed.

After all, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent is still one level lower than the current god and witch, not to mention that Shen Liang is a Prince Regent who basically does not act as a regent.In the eyes of many people, he is the "minister" who served the Coral Palace Xinhai and became the present Goddess.

This is very annoying for Shenli Huadai. She really hoped that her daughter would learn to be smart and take down that beautiful boy, but Coral Palace Xinhai not only took it down, but also took it with a "high claim".

Oops, I can't stand it.

"If I remember correctly, even witches who believe in snake gods have precepts. The maidens of the Coral Palace are required to be chaste for the gods, and they must maintain their innocence before relinquishing their positions as witches, and they must not indulge in love." Yae Shenzi suddenly said , "The request for the maiden is the same whether it is the Naruto of the Sky or the Sea of ​​the Kingdom."

"What does Yaegongji want to ask?" Coral Palace Xinhai's expression remained unchanged.

"It is widely rumored that you and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent are not just close friends. Think about it, and you will know that the two young girls who are still in their adolescence are equally astonishingly talented, equally beautiful, and have the same heart for the world. .Is there anything more suitable than this? It's a match made in heaven."

Yae Kamiko blinked, "It would be unbelievable if everyone wasn't interested in your friendship. But you are a priestess, a priestess who must maintain purity... um... hehe."

Facing the fox's stressful gaze, Coral Palace Xinhai thought for a while, and still said calmly: "Sis Yaegong, so what if you are? So what if you are not?"

"When I think of the holy witches in Haizhimin's heart, for them, they have committed themselves to outsiders, and shed tears in front of the gods all day long... Oh, tell me, let Haizhimen know about this kind of thing, what will happen?" Yae Shenzi chuckle.

Cold sweat rolled down Shenli Huadai's forehead in an instant. Although she wanted to put pressure on Coral Palace's heart, she definitely didn't want to push people to this point... What a joke!Coral Palace Xinhai might still be sisters with Linghua in the future, even though she has to be called Xiaoma, they are a family!

What does this fox want!You are not our family!

But when she turned her head, she saw the smiling Yae Miko.


"It doesn't matter, Xinhai and Liangzi have already made a private decision for life." Coral Palace Xinhai said lightly, "The priesthood of witches can't hinder me, and the sea god will not blame me either. Coral Palace is different from the shogunate. , Our God is tolerant and benevolent, and treats the people as his children. Any feudal and useless dogma should have been swept into the dustbin of history long ago.”

She learned this from Shen Liang's mouth. At that time, Shen Liang said to the shrine when worshiping the Great God of the Sea, like a friend who communicates with the God of the Sea, and the Coral Palace Xinhai is holy by the side Ke poured the wine, and was suddenly attracted by the power and confidence of these words.

"Does Haizhimin think so too?" Yae Shenzi asked with a smile.

"The people need time to change their minds, but Yaegongji can try it, and I won't stop it." Coral Palace Xinhai also smiled slightly, "Look at the sea people who feel that saving Haiji Island is even more important for me. The angry His Royal Highness the Regent is more important than an old rule."

"Tsk tsk tsk, listen to this, you little wolf dog who is so angry for me~" Yae Shenzi finally couldn't help it, and stretched out his hand to pinch the soft flesh of the girl's waist while laughing, teasing her, "In this sentence You can’t even hide your pride, are you so proud! Miss Deep Sea Tongue Flounder! She obviously did it for war money, how did it become you? You don’t feel ashamed.”

"Miss Linglong Youdoufu seems to be jealous. Well, it's no wonder. After all, Narujin Taisha's followers are many times that of Coral Palace, but no man is willing to help the building for you." Coral Palace Xinhai playful Tongue out, "I can only use this kind of words to vent my emotions. Also, Liangzi is his fiancé, not your little wolf dog."

Kansato Kadai stared at the two pink hairs dumbfounded, but there was too much information and the scene was too complicated to say anything.At this time, the well-behaved Coral Palace Xinhai looked over with a smile, "Miss Hua Dai, don't need to be nervous. Xinhai and Yae Gongji have been pen pals for a long time, and they have exchanged letters for more than a year. It was just a joke when we met. Lord Yaegongji doesn’t dare to reveal the secrets of Xinhai, right? Otherwise, Haizhidao is really forced to change the leader, and it may not be as easy to deal with as me.”

"That's not necessarily true. The majestic priestess and the regent are both in Naruto Island. I'm just trying to ignore all the civil and military people present here, and kill you both on the spot!" The pink fur fox snorted, "That sea Zhidao is bound to be seriously injured, and it will be impossible to compete with Narugami Island again. Tianling will continue to fight again. This time, your Haizhidao will be completely flattened! All witches are under my control. My aunt wants to give me a belly dance!"

"If you can do it, Yae Gongji just try it." The pink-haired little witch (crab) wandered leisurely.

"If you have the ability not to rely on your man, come and fight with Ben Gong?"

"Who has no man to rely on and is furious, Xinhai doesn't want to say."


Yae Miko began to announce the order of the two sides.

Blowing Snow Team: Nagano Yuanxiao Palace, Shenli Ayaka, Shen Liang.

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