Crow feather team: Okawara Goemon, Kujo Masahin, Kujo Sara.

Seeing such a lineup, Yae Miko was a little surprised: "The meaning of Fubuki's team is obvious. The two ladies play the front line and play steadily. They can take away as much as they can, and they can also give themselves a chance to hone themselves. Shen Liang presses the line , The strength of His Royal Highness the Regent is almost incomprehensible, and waiting for work at leisure is the best choice."

"But... Is there something wrong with the Crow Feather team? I don't understand."

Many viewers can understand the meaning of Yae Shenzi. In fact, no matter how much publicity they say, everyone knows that Shen Liang, who can even repel the young master, is very terrifying. Although the real confrontation with the young master is not according to the rules of the game, but even if it is according to the rules of the game, There is nothing that can restrict Shen Liang, his chances of winning are definitely more than [-]%.

In fact, the Yayu team should only come to fight with style. Considering that Fuxue team will inevitably let Shen Liang overwhelm the team, the Yayu team should let the most powerful Kutiao Shaluo take the lead. She can even fight against two, so that she will be exhausted It's not too shameful for Shen Liang to defeat the exhausted Jiutiao Shaluo.

That is the best way to save "face".

At this moment, Shen Liang was sitting in the "general" position on the player's bench, looking at the player's seat opposite the ring, Jiutiao Shaluo, who was also sitting in the general's position.At this time, Jiujo Shaluo finished instructing his teammates, and also raised his head to meet his gaze.

For a moment, Shen Liang wanted to look away, because that gaze was as sharp as a knife.

Shenli Linghua frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, the Crow Feather Team may have some backhand."

Shen Liang also looked at Xiao Gong, and said: "The final is over, you all should rest assured, don't get hurt, if you really can't beat it, just admit defeat, I'm here for everything."

Xiaogong grinned: "Brother Liangzi is not good, you used such words to lower my fighting spirit before the fight started, as if we were being taken care of by you in this competition...but it feels good."

"Ryoko underestimated Linghua." Kanli Linghua smiled helplessly, "Smelly man."

Shen Liang feels that she is really innocent, didn't you ask me to play the game?Didn't you guys pull me here because you thought you couldn't beat me? Why am I the only stinky man?

stupid woman!

On stage, Nagano Yuanxiao Palace and Ogawara Goemon played at the same time.

Ogawara Goemon is a Yuli from Tenryo. His official position is not high, but he is the coach of Tenryo. Whether it is Kujo Sahara, Kujo Masahin or Kujo Kamaji, he looks at the head He is also the one who teaches martial arts.

But even though he is just an ordinary person, Goemon's other identities are quite capable.He is the number one swordsman of Daozuma and the winner of the last Jade Dragon Banner.

Not to mention the original god who can't use the eye of God, even if he can use the eye of God, Goemon doesn't know how many times he has defeated.Although there are so many strong players in this year's session, which is far stronger than the single-man Jade Dragon Banner in the previous session, he is confident that he will never be weaker than others!

A soul-stirring bell rang, announcing the start of the game!

At the same time, Goemon moved quickly like a snake, and began to swim away in an instant, but his sword was still in the sheath, but his right hand was pressed against his waist to hold the handle.

Xiao Gong's eyes couldn't keep up, she simply remained motionless, let out a clear cry, and threw out the saltpeter fireworks on the spot!


The smoke from the specially made fireworks was huge, but fortunately Xiaogong had already pulled up the neckline, and the choking smell of gunpowder smoke quickly permeated the ring.Goemon couldn't help coughing in the thick fog, Xiaogong's ears moved slightly to catch the sound, and he pulled the bow with his fingers to string it!


The continuous rain of arrows came, and Xiaogong was good at firing multiple arrows in unison. It was very difficult to dodge such continuous shots in a small field, not to mention the huge smoke that could not even see people's figures clearly, let alone arrows!

Goemon groaned in pain. The arrows of Xiaogong were specially made with fireworks, and they would explode with crackling noises when they hit, but she purposely lowered the power so as not to cripple people, but the pain of being torn apart was quite terrifying.

Goemon swam around Yomoomiya several times, and Yomoiya relied on his voice to attack continuously, keeping a distance, so that Goemon couldn't find a chance to get close.

The winner of the previous Jade Dragon Banner this year was pulled and played by a 19-year-old girl. Goemon was a little anxious, and he couldn't help it when he felt anxious.

In the next moment, Goemon decided to run after her even at the risk of being hit by an arrow!He stomped heavily on the ground, leaned forward, and sprinted over!

Xiao Gong had been waiting for his attack, turned the bowstring and held it with his backhand, the steel wire turned into a blade, and then slammed the saltpeter powder in his hand forward!

"Fireworks are coming!"

The dust covered the sky, Yokomiya's face became serious, and the sharp bow collided with Goemon's heavy fist!

This punch was so powerful that the audience could feel the red light flashing on Goemon's fist, which had no elemental power, and the rushing blood was like a mountain falling down!

Even Yuanshen, Xiao Gong couldn't resist such a heavy iron fist, and the bow frame was directly broken!The wire broke!She also lost her balance and flew backwards!

However, just when everyone thought that Goemon just needed to catch up and throw Xiao Gong out of the field with a punch, Xiao Gong shouted angrily, "Here!"

The fire roared up!Turn this strong man into Pyro!

"God's Eye!" The officials of the shogunate immediately shouted, "How dare you use the God's Eye! What is the order of the Heavenly Leader!"

"Shut up!" Jiutiao Saluo gave the man a cold look.

Some viewers were still confused, but at this time, Yae Miko started to take on the role of commentary, "I didn't feel the operation of the elemental force, the reason why Miss Xiaogong was able to ignite the fire out of thin air was because the gunpowder spilled earlier was captured Ignite. And in such a fierce battle situation, her specific way of igniting is to smear the bow body with an incendiary coating, and sparks will be generated when it collides with Goemon's armor, which will set Goemon on fire."

PS: I am careful that Hai is by no means a weak person!Who doesn't know how to be eccentric!

Volume 261 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Fantie can also be sharpened into a sword that can overwhelm the country

As a family of fireworks, Xiaogong is very familiar with the experience of gunpowder prescriptions. The powder spread on Goemon's armor immediately had a fusing effect. The super high temperature and the close-range sparks that directly burned the eyes made Goemon's combat effectiveness Lose most of it!

"Heretic." Yae Kamiko laughed, "However, Miss Xiaogong has worked so hard to use the heresy so skillfully."

And Shen Liang looked at it for a while, frowned slightly, and said to Shenli Linghua: "It seems that Xiao Gong is going to lose, and when you come on stage later, his eyes are burned, and his body is still burnt, so he can't make large movements. You Dodge is the main thing, consume him, then defeat him, save some strength."

Ayaka Kamisato had a puzzled expression on her face, she felt that Xiaogong was sure of winning.

"That was the last winner of the Jade Dragon Banner. Even if Xiaogong is the original god, he would be too contemptuous of him." Shen Liang said softly, "What's more, his saber...hasn't been sheathed yet."

On the stage, Goemon punched continuously, and all of them hit the empty space. All the audience saw that Xiaogong had already drawn the second longbow at the edge of the ring, and the victory was almost decided.

He couldn't help laughing, and sure enough, he underestimated the little girl from the Naganohara Fireworks Shop. The smoke obscured his sight, the smell of gunpowder obscured his sense of smell, and the sound of firecrackers obscured his hearing. Finally, the phosphor powder fused his armor, and the high light blew him away. Temporarily blinded.

He didn't know that in the game on Earth, Xiao Gong's gameplay is called stacking debuffs, and Goemon, who has been weakened to this extent, basically has no way to judge Xiao Gong's position.

Xiao Nizi knew that it was impossible for her to compete with a strong man. She had hidden this heretical tactic until now in order to win by surprise, and took away Ogawara Goemon to prove herself to Ryoko.

——Brother Liangzi, it was sister Benxiaogong who called all the way before you came, don't treat me as a bastard!

And just as she was fully charged with her bow, she aimed at the solid place of Goemon's breastplate-there is a place that can defeat Goemon and allow him to recover after only a month of rest-Goemon The door finally closed his eyes.

Facing the sky full of smoke, dust and flashes of light, Goemon leaned forward almost to the ground, the sword resting behind his waist and still not out of its sheath, his rough right hand held the handle firmly, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the castle tower was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and the five guards did not move, as if a fierce tiger was about to appear.

Xiao Gong felt the majestic coercion coming from him!

"The little girl from the Naganohara family is very good at fighting, but for warriors, it doesn't matter even if their eyes can't see, their noses can't smell, and their ears can't hear anything." He laughed heartily, "You can still use your heart Go listen, use your intuition to see. As long as you are still alive, warriors can fight, and the reason why it is difficult for those heretics to become elegant is because they lack such a fighting heart!"

Goemon felt the breath coming from the wind, the corners of his mouth rose, and the blade came out of its sheath.

Knife drawing!

The Guliu sword drawing technique is a killing technique in which the knife is in the sheath, ready to go, also known as "juhe".Although today's Inazuma's move, which is incompatible with all kendo genres, is a bit more showmanship, Goemon has always liked the sharpness and violence of this move.

In the past five years, countless talented and talented young people have appeared. The quality of this year's hundred people can be said to be rare in a hundred years. His reputation is in front of people like Shen Liang, Kujo Sara, Dadalia, and Shenli Linghua. Not at all.Many people have actually forgotten that he is Dao Wife's number one swordsman.

He was also young and energetic, and when he was drunk, he placed wine bottles, teapots and cherry blossoms on the table, showing off his talent in front of the general who was entrusted by the heavenly leader, and he could cut off the petals with a single knife, but the flower branches remained motionless.Everyone knows that Princess Bailu of the Shenli family was the proud daughter of heaven when she was 14 years old. Few people know that she was 14 years old. trainer.

"I really miss the time when I was young!" Goemon laughed!

The wind suddenly picked up!The moment Goemon fell to the ground, his feet exerted strength, crushing the floor tiles, and his body almost took off and rushed out!The light of the Taidao unsheathed was like a silver rainbow, so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.

This is Iai, the most explosive and entertaining sword in Inazuma Taijutsu. The time when the blade slides through the inner sheath has accumulated countless explosive power, and the tearing sound when it leaves the sheath is the sound of breaking through the sound barrier.That's Iai Kokichi, Goemon thought he didn't need to go this far, but Xiaogong really forced him into a difficult situation... Really...

I'm so happy.

He actually knew that Nagano Yuanxiao Palace was a God's Eye holder, not through intelligence, but through battle.Fighting between warriors and warriors can always easily detect some clues that others can't feel, which is some unspeakable tacit understanding between warriors.

But the shogunate allows high-ranking officials, famous ministers, nobles and aristocrats to have the eyes of God, so why can't ordinary people?He once snatched the Eye of God from his fellow disciples for the sake of the Eye Hunting Order, but that feeling was not very satisfying. He only wanted to do things for the shogunate, but he couldn't tell what was right and what was wrong.

Then simply don't distinguish between these things, what is the actual difference between mortals and original gods?Why do you have to be jealous of gold, even iron can be sharpened into a sword that can overwhelm the country.

The clear sword cry resounded through the castle tower at this moment.


Goemon's figure is almost torn apart by the air at such a speed, it is unbelievable that a mortal body can achieve such a movement that is close to the original god of thunder attribute. Every step he takes smashes the ground, which shows that it is heavy, and his sword Roar with people.The black and silver arcs spanned a path of 30 meters and ran towards the Xiao Palace. It was an arc of more than ten meters long, overwhelming and thunderous!

That is the most dazzling sword that has ever appeared in Hundred People One Sword, that is the meaning of dragon like the number one swordsman of Dao Wife, that is the roar made of ordinary iron.

Faced with such a terrifying coercion, Xiao Gong stared at the other party firmly, and pulled the string before the sword approached him.

Metal and iron clashed, Xiao Gong was hit head-on and flew out.From Goemon's words to the end of the battle, in fact, it was only a few seconds. Before the infield referee could react, Shen Liang unfolded the teleportation light curtain and flashed over to catch Xiao Nizi, and then the two Everyone fell to the ground and their buttocks fell backwards.

Xiaogong coughed a few times with difficulty, and leaned on Shen Liang's shoulders with tears in his eyes. While panting in pain, he whispered: "Heal, treat, Brother Liangzi, I need treatment! I am bleeding all over the floor. !"

"You weren't injured much, you were thrown down by someone." Shen Liang said helplessly, driving Hua Haiyue to relieve her pain as much as possible.

It was only then that Xiaogong realized that her breastplate had sternly withstood the blow, but Goemon's last knife did not come from slashing, but slapped her out with the blade.It may be because it is too dangerous to use the blade, even if Yae Shenzi can save the person, it will leave a long scar on Xiaogong.

"But it hurts even more when you hit it with a knife face!" Xiao Gong tearfully grabbed the boy's sleeve and shook it vigorously, "Brother Liangzi, you have to vent your anger on me, woo woo woo, sister Xiao Gong's chest was flattened ..."

"It's okay, actually, Miss Xiaogong, you are old enough."

"Ah, brother Liangzi, you are still playing hooligans with me at this time!"

"Where am I being a hooligan, Sister Xiaogong, you put down the chest cloth, I don't think there is any need to grow up, Linghua and the others will treat you as an enemy if this continues."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that Xiaogong's progress had instantly increased from 87% to 89%.

This little girl!

At this time, the smoke and dust cleared, and Goemon, who was still standing on the ring, looked down at the long arrow on his breastplate, piercing three points into the flesh.The final counterattack before Xiaogong's defeat still hit him, which is also normal. Both of them took the risk of injury, neither dodged nor evaded, and carried out the ultimate intention of fighting.

But just like he chose the knife face in the end, Xiaogong also chose his breastplate.No one aimed at the vital point, no one fought with the hostility to kill each other, heartily.


Reminiscent of many years ago.

Many years ago, in the era when there was no eye-hunting order, he and his fellow disciples came and went in the courtyard of the Sword Sect, sweating heavily. When the bluestone slabs were stepped on, the rainwater from yesterday splashed out. The sun is warm and the sky is as clean and blue as if washed by water.

Goemon stood on the stage and looked at the boys and girls hugging and comforting the laughing boys and girls in the crowd. His rough face covered with scars smiled softly.

In the first game, the Crow Feather team won.

In the next round, Ayaka Kamisato will face Goemon.

Heeding Shen Liang's advice, Kanli Linghua didn't dare to neglect this mortal who didn't have the eyes of God and was injured, and kept fighting steadily.As a former god, her physical fitness is not bad, and the strength of Kansato-ryu Taishoju can also keep her dragging Goemon.

When Goemon couldn't restrain his injury from getting worse and was ready to attack, Kanli Ayaka seized the opportunity, and after a head-on attack, he shuttled to a position beside him where he could not defend, and hit " Kamisato-ryu · Frozen Kill", the blade slashed consecutively for a split second, and the superimposed impact finally knocked down the strong man, and then the blade lay across Goemon's neck, and he could only shake his head and admit defeat frankly.

In the third round, Ayaka Kamisato played against Kujo Masahin.

Kujo Masahin is the eldest brother of the young generation of the Kujo family. Unlike Kujo Sara, who is the adopted daughter, he is the real head of the Kujo family, and he has been in the army for longer than Kujo Sara.

Despite this, he is still willing to be a helper for his sister to reach the top.After Kutiao Xiaoxing's death, the Kutiao family did not fall apart, but instead let Kutiao Shaluo, an adopted daughter, become the Mingdai.Neither Kujo Masahito nor Kujo Kanji expressed any objection to this, and the seizure of power that many people imagined never existed at all.

They really regard Jiutiao Shaluo as their own sister. If Jiutiao Saluo is the best choice for the head of the family, they have nothing to say.

So facing the daughter of the Shenli family, Kujo Masahin just sighed and decided to go all out!

Although his younger sister and Kanli Ayaka seem to have been best friends since childhood, Masahito Kujo knew better that his younger sister absolutely cannot allow personal relationships to exist in competitions.It can even be said that since Shenli Linghua invited Shen Liang, Jiujo Shaluo's fighting spirit became more obvious!

Kutiao Zhengren knew that she had longed to fight Shen Liang for a long time.

But it is not for the father's hatred of Jiujo Xiaoxing, nor is it for the glory bestowed by Lei Shen himself.


So, I'm sorry Princess Bailu, for my sister, I must let her face Xiguo Wushuang in person!


Kamisato Ayaka never thought that Masahito Kujo, who has always been generous and prudent, would be so domineering and vicious!

The family martial arts of the Kujo family is no worse than that of the Shenli family. Moreover, Masahito Kujo has been in the army for many years, and he is also familiar with the killing skills in the army, and he has experienced many battles.Under the premise of not being able to use elemental power, Kanli Ayaka's combat power is not much different from Kujo Masahin, at most she has a slight advantage.

But this can't stand Kujo Masahito beating him desperately!

In order to better deal with Ayaka Kamisato's sword, Masahito Kujo chose a long spear as his weapon. It was extremely difficult to attack with a single sword, but Masahito Kujo not only did not rely on his superiority to wait for attack, but took the initiative to attack!It is bound to defeat this weak-looking girl!

"I'm sorry, Princess Bailu, after all, Shaluo entrusted me to win you. This child has never asked me for anything since she was a child. As the eldest brother, I can't let her down!"

With a fierce momentum, Kutiao Zhengren's combat power is at full strength!

At this time, Shenli Linghua could hardly hold the sword anymore, and her palms were bleeding from the shock!Taidao is a weapon that is not good at defense. Although her scatter is fast, she can't breathe because of the big gun, which can only attack but not prevent.

In the end, under Kujo Masanin's frenzied attack regardless of the cost, Kanli Ayaka missed a move after all, and the handle of the knife in his hand was picked up by the big gun after a round of confrontation.And just when Shenli Linghua was about to dodge the gun and shoot Kujo Masanhito sideways, go behind him to catch the knife and fight again, Kujo Masahin squatted down without looking back, the gun barrel slid from his right hand to his left hand, and his body Before reversing, the tip of the gun has been opened 180 degrees!

Caught off guard by a vicious and brutal return carbine!

Kanli Linghua's reaction was already quite fast, she turned sideways almost instantly to avoid the pistol, and reached out to grab the gun end.But how could the speed of the human arm be as fast as the speed of the gun's probe? Before the little egret had time to twist the wooden pole, the tip of the gun had already touched her breastplate.

Masahito Kujo had lacerations all over his body, because he never evaded Ayaka Kansato's attack, but he still showed a bright smile at this moment, because he knew he had won.

Kamisato Linghua was silent for a while, and finally smiled and shook her head.

"According to the rules of the Hyakuman Ikui, in fact, Kamisato Ayaka was not defeated at this time. Because the Hyakuren Ikui is settled by one side admitting defeat or completely losing the fighting ability, Masahito Kujo didn't really stab the spear, so he couldn't fight against it. The other party poses a fatal threat." Yae Shenzi interjected at this time, "Kujo Zhengren is actually not following the rule of one hundred people, but..."

"The rules of martial arts competition." Coral Palace Xinhai said softly, "Use martial arts to make friends, click to the end."

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