This scene made the audience a little dumbfounded.

I am used to watching life-and-death games, and seeing all kinds of seriously injured and disabled players being carried down, Kujo Masahin's shot was as clean as if it had been a lifetime ago.

On the stage, the two put away their weapons.

"Brother Zhengren, isn't he afraid that Linghua will not admit it?" Shenli Linghua chuckled.

"After fighting for so long, Ms. Linghua, you obviously had many opportunities to inflict more serious injuries on me, so you held back and just injured your limbs as much as possible to reduce my immediate combat power." Masahito Kujo scratched his head, I first looked at the expression of Nine Sara in the distance, and then said with a simple and honest smile, "Then how can I really fight... You and Sara are good friends, if I get hurt by you, I will leave some support for you." Sara must be very distressed about bad scars and the like. You are a girl, and you are different from rough old men like us."

Ayaka Kamisato thought to herself that I am really not afraid of getting hurt. I have a boyfriend who can recover from trauma.However, she still turned around freely, looked at Shen Liang, patted her face with a fan, and showed an embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, Ryoko, Ling Hua gave up, it's up to you next."

"I've heard about Princess Egret's noble character for a long time, and seeing her today really lives up to her reputation." Coral Palace Xinhai felt a little emotional when she saw this scene, then looked at Kamisato Huadai, and said with a smile, "Miss Huadai has raised a good daughter. , it looks like we're going to be really good friends."

Kanri Kayo blinked her beautiful eyes, and also smiled softly, "If Linghua can act as boldly as you, and pursue her own beauty...ahh, then I, as a mother, don't know how much I will save myself."

"Hehe, Miss Linghua is still young. In fact, before this year, Xinhai was very similar to the current Linghua."

"You're not young, Linghua and Miss Xinhai seem to be the same age, right?" Shenli Huadai sold his daughter while talking with a smile, "Miss Xinhai will teach Linghua more in the future, we are both rice wives and daughters, Can you help me?"

"I don't know how Miss Hua Dai is talking about giving advice?" Xinhai showed an innocent expression.

"Ah? Doesn't Xinhaiqin know how to give advice?"

"Hmm... But what Xinhai has is the eye of the water element god, and Miss Linghua's is ice, right? This... Xinhai's method seems to be inconvenient for Miss Linghua to learn."

" that so? You young you young people play like this..."

Be careful, the sea doesn't understand anything.jpg

Volume 262 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] hehe Ryoko is like a kitten hehehe

Under the complex sight of countless shogunate bureaucrats on various viewing platforms, the general of the Fubuki team put his hands in his pockets and stepped onto the ring with the ability of space transfer.

Not many people in the shogunate liked Shen Liang, or in other words, apart from the younger generation, the rest of the dignitaries would not like such a highly variable and notorious hero of the Western Kingdom.

After all, the truce between Naruto Island and Haizhi Island has only been one year, and the heroes of the West Kingdom are the enemies of the East Kingdom.Many people were even angry and puzzled by Tianling Fengxing and Shefengxing's friendly behavior to Shen Liang. In their view, even if the war ceased, such behavior would be tantamount to being an enemy or even treason.

But Shen Liang is standing on the land of Mingshen Island, and even about to capture the Jade Dragon Flag.Just like the 20 years of Liu Ge in the Coral Palace, I slapped them in the face fiercely.

But people are visual animals after all, looking at the beautiful young man with long black hair on the stage, that delicate face is even better than that of Princess Shiratto of the Kamari family or Kuroba Tengu of the Kujo family, the hostility will be overwhelming no matter what. He has been lowered a lot, and even if there are words of hatred or even insults, he subconsciously doesn't want to say them vulgarly in front of this bright and beautiful person.

In fact, Shen Liang himself didn't know how much unnecessary disputes had been reduced by his face after he became smaller.

"I surrender."

Just when Shen Liang was about to wait for the infield referee to announce the start of the game, Brother Masahiro Kutiao simply raised his hand and surrendered resoundingly.

Shen Liang looked up at this strong man who was more than two meters tall including the helmet. The shadow of this guy could cover his whole body.Masahito Kujo showed a kind smile on his big face under his helmet, and said, "It's so hard to deal with the little girl from the Shenli family, how could I be the opponent of His Royal Highness the Regent? I was beaten in a few seconds by a cute child like you!" It’s too embarrassing to talk about it, let’s forget it.”

He has a really loud voice, and he didn't shy away from saying this at all, because it was not a private communication between players, so Yae Kamiko broadcast all these words out of spite.

So everyone saw that Shen Liang's expression darkened visible to the naked eye. This interesting scene made many nobles and bureaucrats laugh out loud.

"Zhengren is still an honest man, what a cute child or something in front of the regent."

"Hahaha, that kid is really angry, but he is really cute. Sure enough, boys hate being called cute."

"That depends on who you are talking to. If a pretty girl says that, he definitely doesn't care. It would be a bit too insulting if it's a hunk like Zhengren, hahaha. After all, he's not even as high as Zhengren's chest."

Of course, Shen Liang also heard the audience's laughter, and the most exaggerated thing was that Tiger Chiyo was laughing beside him, making him even more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, after all, it's the first time I know that Mr. Shen, who won the title of "West Country Warrior", is actually such a delicate kid." Masahito Kujo apologized while laughing, "A hero is born in a young age, no wonder Sara is so handsome. I admire you, hahaha, yes, the next thing is for you young people to fight."

"That's why I have a good temper now. If it were the days when I first came to Mingshen Island, I would treat you as a mockery and beat me up when you talked to me like this." Shen Liang let out a breath and said helplessly.

"Mr. Shen, there is no need to regard everyone's love for you as malice. After all, we are not evil people." Kujo Zhengren waved his hands, ready to end.

Shen Liang looked at his back, and suddenly said: "You gave up on purpose, didn't you, you don't want to consume my strength, and you want to have a completely fair match?"

Masahito Kujo stopped when he disappeared into the crowd, and said with a smile, "Mr. Shen is really smart."

"If you are uneducated, you should not praise others. Bingxue is smart to describe a girl."

And at the same time that Masahito Kujo was leaving the field, black wings appeared behind Saura Kujo, who was sitting in the general seat of the Yayu team, and flew away!

Because the sun is very hot, the figure of this tengu hanging high in the sky is against the hot light, and only her tall silhouette can be seen.

She was carrying a pitch-black longbow and held a naginata in her left hand. Although she couldn't see her face because of the backlight, Shen Liang could clearly hear her high-spirited voice.

"Mr. Shen! Farewell to Mingshitan, we haven't tried a fight until now! We haven't fought you before, and Tianling Fengxing was defeated. Saluo has been very unconvinced this year!"

Shen Liang smiled.

"I also want you to be completely convinced," he raised his head and stared at the Nyotengu in the air, and responded loudly, "But what you think in your heart is not just a place where no one cares, just a one-on-one contest between the two of us." Right. What you want is to beat me upright in front of everyone, and tell everyone upright that Daozuma's soldiers still have a future! Right!"

Jiutiao Shaluo took a deep breath, but a bright smile appeared on his icy face at this moment, "Yes! Mr. Shen, what you said is right! So, you must also want to fight!"

"You dog, do you still want to challenge me when you know there is no chance of winning!" Shen Liang said loudly, "Of course! I am also looking forward to fighting you, and I will use all my strength to deal with you!"

"Then invite Mr. Shen to dance with Sara! There are too many dirty things in this session of the hundred people, and Sara has long wanted to regroup and clear up this atmosphere! Come on, if you don't do your best, you will die." No respect for me! All our past and grievances, let’s cut off all of them here today!”

Shen Liang originally wanted to continue to confirm how she was going to fight, but after hearing this, he suddenly understood Jiutiao Shaluo's determination.

The reason why she chose to wait in the position of general is to be able to fight against the complete him.There is no need for tactical matching, no intrigue, and no need to use cruel methods to compromise the opponent's combat power in order to win.

All she wants is the purest fighting, and all she wants is the original purpose of this tournament.

Shen Liang actually knew that Jiutiao Shaluo was not a pure warrior, she was a soldier and a fighter, and she put the national interest first.But the reason why she is so enthusiastic today is because what she is looking for is not the victory in the competition of one hundred people, but the dignity that Daozuma's country once lost in front of him.

In the battle of Mingzhutan, Shen Liang almost broke the backbone of the shogunate army. Those aggressive, tyrannical, ugly and incompetent shogunate army may be Shen Liang's first impression of Dao wife's stupidity.

But this impression is wrong. No country should sum it up with a few simple malicious words.Jiujo Shaluo wants to challenge him, just to let him know that Dao wife will also be upright and high-spirited!Let this country not only have those ugliness that are displayed because of conspiracy, calculation and corruption!There are also countless righteous men who went forward and showed their strength of character for the country!

Just use my bow and knife to prove it to you!

Shen Liang laughed out loud, the desire to fight this dog in his heart was burning strongly.

He knew that the same was true for the nine saras.

At this time, to fight with all your strength and let Kutiao Shaluo show all his demeanor without complaint or regret is the greatest praise to this girl general!

"Only use martial arts, right?" Shen Liang only had nine saras left in his eyes.

"It's just what I want." Jiujo Saluo also stared at him.

The next moment, the two drank at the same time!

"Blowing snow team! General, Shen Liang!"

"Team Crow Feather! General, Kujo Sharo!"

The two went up and down, shooting out like two shooting stars!The black wings and the white clothes were hunting, and the last descendant of the tengu clan and the strongest human being of the Inazuma roared and collided in the sky.



It was about seven o'clock in the evening when it was dark, and the Wanjia lights had already been lit. Most of the shogunate bureaucrats working in the castle tower also went home from get off work at this time, and the lights of many towers in the castle tower had gradually been extinguished.

The off-duty officials have one of the most pleasant enjoyments, that is, they can take a bath in the Royal Hot Spring Temple inside the castle tower every weekend.

The Imperial Hot Spring Office is also known as the "Imperial Hot Spring" by the shogunate officials, and it was funded and built by Tenling.Usually the big shots of the shogunate would come here to soak in the hot springs, because it is a place exclusive to the shogunate, with high secrecy, all the big shots often discuss important matters while taking a bath here, so it is almost impossible for outsiders to enter.

But today many officials have run into a wall. Miss Sanheqian, the person in charge of the Royal Hot Spring, politely rejected everyone's request. Even Daozuma's most noble nobleman, the dignified Kanding Xingxing, was not allowed to enter.

"Patriarch Jiutiao has reserved the room for the time being? There are so many private rooms in Yu Hot Spring, and she wants them all by herself? Can she come here?" Some civil servants who had been looking forward to a whole week and wanted to come and relax were dumbfounded, and said dissatisfiedly, "Damn it! Tomorrow's routine Chao, I want to participate in the Jiutiao Patriarch's book!"

"Yu Hot Spring is originally a property that Tianling pursues as a single-handed business. Today, Patriarch Jiutiao has invited many guests. It is inconvenient to entertain you adults. Please forgive me." Sanhe Qian accompanied her with a smile.

"A lot of guests? Just finished beating a hundred people, and Patriarch Kutiao didn't go to recuperate from his injuries, but came to soak in the hot spring?"

"That's not clear. You also know that Patriarch Jiutiao is a woman after all, and most of the people who came are female relatives. Please come back, my lords."

The guests were shut out and had no choice but to leave.Inside the Royal Hot Spring separated by a thick courtyard wall, bypassing several private rooms, a well-built hot spring pool is located in a small white stone courtyard.

It was the best courtyard in the Yutang Temple, and it was also one of the few pools where multiple people bathed together.Inside the courtyard wall of Baishi is a fresh and clear hot spring pond, where green bamboos and beautifully arranged flowers and plants are arranged in an orderly manner, and the jagged rocks are built into hills and flowing water in the pond, transpiring warm white air for the whole courtyard.

In this warm and pleasant mist, a porcelain bottle of sake and some snacks can be vaguely seen on the wooden table by the pond. Then, a slender and fair female arm pinched a piece of three-colored dumpling, and casually raised her hand to her body. before, and was bitten down by a beautiful black long straight beauty nestled in her arms.

Jiutiao Shaluo didn't mind at all, leaning against the wall of the hot spring pool with his eyes closed to rest his mind, he picked up a piece of snack and fed it to Shen Liang.

She's taking a hot spring, that's obvious.Because it was a shared pool, she was wrapped in a large bath towel, although after soaking in the water, her tall and proud figure could still be seen.

Shen Liang was also lazily enjoying the warmth of the pool in men's bathing shorts, except that his back was softer than Jiujo Saluo who could only lean on the stone.Kujo Sala was putting the boy on his lap so that he could remain seated without being so short that his nose was covered with water.

After all, he is only 1.5 meters nine, while Kujo Sharo is nearly 1.8 meters tall.Of course, the consequence of this is that Shen Liang is lazily leaning in the arms of this tall and slender female tengu, her little head almost sinking into the softness of Saluo.

But Jiutiao Shaluo didn't mind that much, she inserted her hand into the cool and smooth black hair, twisted a few strands of hair around her fingertips, and stroked the comfortable hair texture of the boy in her arms, feeling very calm.

"The hot springs provided for big shots are really comfortable." Shen Liang said happily as he took another bite of the wagashi that Kujo Sala fed.This scene made Jiujo Shaluo always feel like he was holding a greedy and playful cat, although this cat was a bit heavy.

"Different from other hot springs, the water in Yu Hot Spring has been added with precious minerals and plants collected from various countries. Even the blast furnaces that supply hot water are imported from Zhidong Country. The temperature is suitable and it is very nourishing. To a certain extent, this is actually a One of the important benefits of being an official in the castle tower." Jiujo Saluo said.

"Hey, then we are so strong that we have taken over the entire Yu Hot Spring, won't you be talked about for days?" Shen Liang smiled.

"Let's let Sara be self-willed for once, no matter what, this time Sara is fighting with Mr. Shen for Dao's wife's face... I'm so tired that I don't even have the mood to let Mr. Shen take advantage of it. Heh, willful once What's the matter?" Jiutiao Shaluo chuckled, "Your general won't say much, let alone them."

"That's why you didn't even allow Hiiragi Shinsuke to come in and take his daughter back, and you stopped him outside to make the old man blow his beard and stare angrily?"

"Mr. Shen doesn't like Mr. Kanding Xingxing anyway, does he?" Jiutiao Shaluo and Shen Liang laughed together.

The final of a hundred people to one team ended without any suspense.

It wasn't until the finals that the contest returned to its essence. Shen Liang and Kutiao Shaluo were sweating profusely in the arena. No one used wings to fly, no one used teleportation light curtains to jump, no one used elemental power, and no one used thermal weapons.

Even in the confrontation between cold soldiers, Kujo Sharo threw the naginata to him, and the two of them fought in the purest form of attack and defense, competing in pure skills.

In the end, Shen Liang was slightly better. The physical fitness of the two was similar. Although Shen Liang was inferior in size, he was superior in martial arts after all.The systematic martial arts summed up by the earth through the information explosion is better than the martial arts inheritance of Tivat. You must know that even Hu Chiyo, who has thousands of years of combat experience, has lamented the maturity and subtlety of earth kung fu, let alone Kujo Shara.

However, such a pure battle is enough to be hearty, and the victory or defeat is already insignificant.After that, General Raiden issued the Jade Dragon Banner to the winner, and then Ayaka Kamisato advised the general with the winner's treatment.

It's just that the remonstrance belongs to the remonstrance, but Shen Liang didn't see that the general listened to it. Even when Shenli Linghua remonstrated, Shen Liang noticed that General Lei Dian was staring at him from beginning to end. This kind of look is like saying "Damn it is you who brought all my subjects to ruin".

After that, come to the hot spring to rest.

Although Jiutiao Shaluo didn't suffer much injuries after the First World War, but after nearly a whole afternoon of exhilaration, once he stopped, his whole body seemed to be torn apart.

So even though she knew that Shen Liang was a healthy teenager with a normal sexual orientation during puberty, she still hugged Shen Liang and soaked in the hot spring together without any scruples, increasing the body contact surface as much as possible, enjoying the secret magic of Huahaiyue. Come to relax the muscles and activate the blood.

PS: I like hot springs so much, I must have been a hot spring egg in my last life!

Volume 263 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Brother Liangzi's Hot Spring Drowning Incident

"I really didn't expect Mr. Shen to be so proficient in martial arts. It's strange. When you were in Mingshitan, you felt that you didn't have any foundation in martial arts. I really didn't know how to make mistakes."

Shen Liang knew his own family affairs, and felt guilty, "Don't say that, it will be very difficult for me to win you, okay?"

"Mr. Shen is much younger than Sara, and Sara is conceited that his talent in martial arts is not weak, so Mr. Shen simply doesn't know how to describe it... Sigh, it really makes Sara jealous." Kujo Sara sighed, reaching out to hold him The delicate little face is slippery because of being soaked in hot spring water, "But fortunately, Mr. Shen is finally going to Liyue. This rice wife is gone without Mr. Shen, and Sara will be the leader of the younger generation again."

"You just want me to go so much." Shen Liang reached out to grab the sake.

"Maybe when Mr. Shen comes back in a few years, we will see that Daofu Tiandi has a new look." Jiutiao Saluo said softly, "We have lost this war. Mr. Shen made us see many old things clearly, but Shen Sir, the new generation will replace the old one sooner or later, and even eternity will have new variables.”

"Tianling Fuxing, Shefuxing, and Narujin Taisha, are there any new moves?"

"Yes, of course, there is Mr. Shen who needs to make big moves."

"Me?" Shen Liang was puzzled.

"Mr. Shen took away dozens of daughters of rice wives and famous nobles. Maybe they have not changed their minds, maybe they are still traditional nobles... But they can travel around the world with Mr. Shen, and they should also learn something new. Something." Jiutiao Shaluo embraced the boy's waist from behind, put his face on the back of his neck, and closed his eyes heavily, "When they return to Daofu, it may be the arrival of a new world.

"It's really enviable... It would be great if Sara could also let go of this family business and follow Mr. Shen to see the world carefree."

The soft sigh of Nyotengu behind him made Shen Liang feel a bit of regret. Kujo Sharo's progress with him has reached 51% since the finals. Although it is not high, in fact this level of progress is already enough. Call it a friend.

He also has a good impression of this glamorous and neat girl general, even though she is so tall that she is quite visually oppressive to him.But Jiujo Shaluo is different from Shenli Linghua and others after all. She is the leader of the heavens, and she is an extremely important minister of the shogunate.She definitely doesn't have the capital to follow him around, nor can she become his influence.

Like now, the two of them cuddled and chatted in the hot spring pool, which was the last tenderness between former friends.

"Speaking of which, the time I met you is much earlier than Linghua, Xiaogong, etc." Shen Liang lay down relaxed in her arms, raised her small face and looked up from the bottom Looking at her, I can only see her small and round chin, "But we are still so born, you even call me Mr. Shen."

Kujo Sara looked down at the boy's questioning eyes and shrugged, "Because you said that the name 'Liangzi' is very similar to what Dao Wife calls girls? You don't like it."

"There's nothing I can do if I don't like it. Everyone calls me that. If I correct them one by one, then I won't have anything else to do all day. After listening to it for a long time, I get used to it. Besides, people can call me like that, but you won't be allowed to call me, no. Does it look like I'm targeting you?"

Kujo Sara smiled helplessly.

Seeing her icy face smiling as beautifully as a brook thawing, Shen Liang couldn't help but also smiled.

"Liangzi?" Jiutiao Saluo said.


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