"Liangzi." Jiujo Saluo's smile became softer, and subconsciously, he lowered his head a little.

"En." Shen Liang was very patient.


The faces of Shen Liang and Jiutiao Shaluo were already close to each other, and he suddenly straightened up from Jiutiao Shaluo's arms, as if he wanted to kiss the lips of the young general, and then his forehead hit Jiutiao Shaluo's nose sharply.

The two of them held their heads at the same time and separated immediately because of the pain in their noses.

Jiutiao Shaluo rubbed the sore high bridge of the nose, wiped away the tears she squeezed out, and then hugged Shen Liang's waist even tighter, preventing him from moving or escaping.Then, she stared at him with dark eyes, and said: "Liangzi, you are not good. If Sara didn't get it wrong just now, you wanted to kiss Sara."

"I..." Shen Liang was wronged, his eyes drifted, and he could only whisper, "This... I'm used to it, and the atmosphere is always a bit good, so close... In general film and television works, the audience would not kiss at this time. I feel outrageous. I couldn't restrain myself on a whim..."

"Liangzi is such an undisguised little scumbag..." Kutiao Shaluo sighed, "I'm used to flirting with women at such a young age, isn't it that Linghua was so easy for you?"

"If you want to call me a scum, can you not add a small character?" Shen Liang curled her lips, "Find it out, it's you who are too tall, not me who is too short!"

Jiutiao Shaluo couldn't help laughing, "You bastard! You're not happy anymore!"

"I'm not a good person in the first place. I'm bad, and you didn't know it until the first day." Shen Liang stretched her waist, wantonly enjoying the soft body of Nine Sara, "Okay, I'm sorry, it's me Meng Lang is gone. But I didn't make it, so please forgive me."

"Oh? Will you be spared if you don't kiss? Ryoko seems to be very upset about not kissing." Jiutiao Saluo narrowed his eyes.

"Then you beat me up, you have to pay the price for being a hooligan, you beat me up, anyway, I have the power to melt into the sea, and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." Shen Liang stuck out her tongue, "Otherwise, what else can you do? I'm a scumbag Man, even if you ask Linghua to sue me, I won't..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the tall and beautiful tengu girl who was holding him lower her head, gently pecking his lips in the white water vapor.

At this time, the soup door of Baishi Courtyard was suddenly opened, and a group of girls wrapped in bath towels stepped in with crisp laughter, chatting with each other.

"Hahaha, father wants to take me away, so it's impossible. I will be Liangzi's man in the future, and if I want to go out into the world with Liangzi, Kanding Xingxing can't control me anymore!"

"Qianli, you haven't left Dao Wife yet, and your luggage is still at home. Be careful when you go back, Lord Kanding Xunxing will ground you so that you can't go with Ryoko."

"Then I won't go home, I'll just wait for the big ship to come and go to Liyue with Liangzi! Wuwuwu, Linghua, you have to take care of me when the time comes, and Liangzi, you have to let your little husband also help Me, I don’t want to travel poorly to the Seven Kingdoms!”

"Little husband? What? Miss Linghua, have you made an official announcement with His Royal Highness the Prince Regent? Then... what about Miss Xinhai?"

"Ah, everyone, please don't make fun of my Ayaka, Ayaka has a thin skin. I'd better go find a good place to have a bubble. Today, Sara personally rents out the place, and the Shiraishi Courtyard with the highest official rank can also be used by everyone. .”

"Oh! Shiraishi Courtyard! The imperial hot spring that can only be used at the first grade! I love Brother Liangzi and Sister Saluo to death!"

Almost as soon as they heard the sound of the door opening, Shen Liang and Jiutiao Shaluo separated like an electric shock.

Shen Liang almost subconsciously wanted to get into the water and hide in some corner or corner, but he was immediately caught by Jiutiao Shaluo, who used his eyes to let him understand that hiding would definitely be discovered and increase the misunderstanding. It is also impossible to open the teleportation light curtain in front of so many people without being discovered.

Simply be more direct, but it will not be easy to be suspected.

A bunch of girls came in through the wooden door, all of them were familiar faces, such as Aya Kamisato, Chisato Hiiragi, Xiao Gong, and a lot of girls who belonged to the Emmanuel Group, let's count them as his subordinates for the time being.Kansato Kadai also mixed in the girl group indifferently, also wrapped in a bath towel, her mature figure stood out from the crowd of little girls.

"Brother Liangzi! Wow! Why are you here!" Xiaogong was shocked for the first time. She saw Shen Liang and Jiutiao Shaluo sitting side by side in the water well-behaved and rigorously. Because it was not a shallow pool, half of Shen Liang's face sank. Yes, gurgling and spitting bubbles.

These words instantly excited a large group of girls from Wu Yangyang, rushing to the front one after another, and then found out that it was so!For a moment, there were exclamations of embarrassment and joy in the hot spring one after another. Some people nervously grabbed the edge of the towel, and some people's eyes shone with inexplicable brilliance, eager to jump into the pool right now.

Shen Liang's field of vision was filled with the girls' fragrant shoulders and beautiful hair, as well as the white and snowy eyes that couldn't be covered by bath towels. He even felt a sense of crisis inexplicably.

"This is not a private room, but a mixed bathing soup." Facing the girls, Shen Liang felt a little confident, so he could only answer in a low voice.

Before Xiao Gong had time to ask in detail, a girl yelled dissatisfiedly: "Liangzi actually secretly took a bath with Saluo! It's so unfair! Enjoy the world of two people!"

"Yes! Ryoko is too much! You are our boss, not even Sara's boss, but you are actually closer to Sara! What do you want our employees who follow you to do!"

"We caught you! A bowl of water must be leveled!"

"What the hell are you doing hiding! No wonder you couldn't find you after taking a shower, so you sneaked away!"

Jiutiao Shaluo felt ashamed, her pretty face flushed slightly.In fact, she didn't plan to do something sneaky with Shen Liang, she just came first, and then everyone was resting in the Baishi small courtyard together, but at that time Shen Liang should have left first as a male guest.

She didn't know why everyone suddenly came to Baishi Courtyard half an hour earlier, logically speaking, they should enjoy it in other private rooms now.

Originally, she and Shen Liang were alone, so it was impossible for her to be caught... Even if she was caught, it would be fine, she originally only came to Shen Liang to heal her physical and mental exhaustion, but... for no reason, she was just... a little out of control.

But this moment of uncontrollable, Jiujo Shaluo was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at Shenli Linghua's wink at this time, and he didn't even have the capital to be justified.

"You guys, why are you here so early?" Kutiao Shaluo could only deceive everyone with the reason at the beginning against his will, trying to pretend to be calm and calm, "I and Ryoko came here in advance to treat when no one was around. Please don't think of Sara as the kind of... the kind of person who sees sex."

"Really?" The girls were skeptical.

"Really, Sara and Sara have absolutely no chance of attacking Ryoko. Ryoko is Linghua's sweetheart, Sara... Sara is definitely not..." Nine Tiao Sara faltered, but the blush on his face persisted for a long time .

Shen Liang knew at a glance that this guy was used to being straightforward, and he would not lie at all, and his heart was ashamed.

Even a pure girl like Little Egret won't be fooled by you, idiot!

At this time, Shenli Huadai finally rescued Jiujo Saluo, and said with a smile: "Sara kisses the venue today, I don't think such a great opportunity should be wasted, so what if we just hold a celebration in the Baishi courtyard? Celebrate Xiao Liangzi Winning the Jade Dragon Banner is also a celebration of Sara Kiss you winning the runner-up, of course, this may be Ryoko's last banquet at Daozuma, it can also be regarded as Sara Kiss you and I give Ryoko a farewell banquet."

Kanli Linghua stood up and said with a smile, "Sara, this is also our farewell banquet. Linghua thinks that instead of picking a time to organize everyone to eat and go through many cutscenes, it is better to choose now, while everyone Now, starting a business in a hot spring is quite interesting.”

Shen Liang was stared at by the girls he didn't know, and his tone was a little hesitant, "Now? In the hot spring?"

"That's right." The girls replied with a smile, "We brought a lot of wine and food. They are all girls anyway. Today, we will have dinner in the hot spring in the small courtyard of Baishi. Isn't such a banquet very interesting?"

"Why do I feel like you guys counted me in..." Shen Liang subconsciously wanted to move to the deep water area. With the depth of the deep water area, most girls who can't swim should not dare to come here.

"Of course, Liangzi is the boss of our group, we all follow you, you can't go!"

"But I'm a boy."

"It's okay, this is a mixed bath, and Ryoko is so beautiful, the waiter at Yu Hot Spring can't tell!"

Just when Shen Liang wanted to refute something, a girl was too lazy to talk to him anymore, grabbed the edge of the bath towel and jumped into the hot spring pool vigorously, then poked her head out and laughed happily: "I saw Ryoko has no shirt on!"

Nonsense, which man still wears a shirt while soaking in a hot spring!

But the eyes of more girls lit up in an instant, and soon the hot spring was full of people. Fortunately, this is the largest hot spring in Yu Hot Spring, which is comparable to a swimming pool, and it is very empty to accommodate no. 30 people.

The air was filled with the scent of girls' perfume, and Shen Liang soon had several mischievous young ladies around him, forming a circle around him and loudly announcing that he had caught someone.Shen Liang wanted to climb ashore to find Kadai, the only elder, to avoid the limelight, but he saw the gentle and amiable Miss Huadai smiling and trotting to make way for other excited girls.

The boy was desperately grabbed by the ankle by the beautiful rice wives cheerfully, and dragged into the hot spring. This scene was like being dragged into the nether world by the seductive ghost of hell.

"Don't run away Ryoko, we are all your employees, what are you afraid of, come on, open your mouth, my sister peeled a hot spring egg for you to eat."

"The last time I was in Xiaocangya, I wanted to ask, how did Liangzi maintain such a good skin. My sister spends tens of millions of moras every year, but she is not as white and tender as Liangzi."

"Don't struggle, Ryoko, lie down obediently so that my sister can rub the ashes for you, what? No ashes? You have to rub it if you don't have any. How can a man have no ashes!"

"Hey, hey, miss Qianli, you're going to suffocate brother Liangzi! Brother Liangzi is already kicking! Brother Liangzi is not kicking anymore! My brother Liangzi!"

The hot spring pool was lively and lively, accompanied by the boy's occasional screams, full of joy.On the shore, Kamisato Ayaka looked at her boyfriend's rare and cute look of being bullied with a smile, and then looked at the wet Nyotengu who emerged from the water.

Even Ayaka Kamisato is envious of this best friend's proud figure.

"The all-powerful Xiguo Wushuang who beat me up in the arena, never expected to be bullied by an unarmed girl into tearful eyes one day." Jiutiao Shaluo sat beside her, chuckling, "Linghua, so many girls Hey, aren't you jealous?"

"It's 'Dongguo Wushuang' now." Shenli Linghua corrected.

"Yeah, Dongguo Wushuang, Xiguo Wushuang, one person took down two jade dragon flags at the same time, he is already a real 'Dragon of Rice Wife'." Kujo Sara looked at the gentle expression of Kamisato Ayaka looking at her boyfriend , hesitated for a long time, and still whispered, "Sorry, Linghua, I..."

"I know." Kamisato Linghua smiled and interrupted her best friend, "Sara, you don't need to say it. Besides, you don't need to apologize. You forgot, we had an agreement."

Only then did Kujo Saro suddenly remember that many, many years ago, when the political situation of Daozuma was not as bad as this, the young ladies of the three families once held hands and vowed to be good sisters forever, still want to marry...

"I joked as a child, did Linghua take it seriously?" Jiutiao Shaluo said softly.

"Sara is serious, and Ayaka is serious." Kanli Ayaka looked at the boy choking on the water in the hot spring with a smile and helplessness, "Who made us like... such a bad boy."

PS: I thought that what everyone wanted most in Liyue's plot must be an old-fashioned wife like Gan Yukeqing. I didn't expect you guys, No.1 is actually Xiao Hutao!

Hey, this is shorter than Ryoko!

Volume 264 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 250 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] The Baishi courtyard is quiet

The majestic Inazuma castle tower, the highest watchtower, and the legendary God of Swordsman who controls thunder and lightning live here. Here you can see the whole area of ​​Inazuma, with thousands of hands and a hundred eyes.

But today, in the watchtower on the highest floor, there is only a pink-haired fox carelessly cooking hot pot, throwing milky yellow frozen tofu into the bubbling hot pot, taking a bite, the hot juice, she happily covers her little Face.

"Sure enough, eating hot pot at the castle tower is the best. While eating and watching the off-duty officials rushing home, I feel the joy of being a superior." Yae Miko sat cross-legged indifferently In the bedroom of General Lei Dian, he greeted her, "Eat, eat together, I remember that this body made by Ying left all the perceptions of normal life, can you taste it?"

"I have a good appetite."

General Leiden wore a deep purple women's kimono, and sat on the other side of the hot pot, with his beautiful eyes closed as if in deep thought, he just spoke lightly.

"The hot pot is good. I haven't eaten here for a long time—since I changed to you, General."

"You can come whenever you like. This body doesn't contradict you. If you like it, you can go to bed after eating." General Lei Dian calmly said, "According to this body's memory, you often did this a long time ago. After all It has been at least a hundred years since I fell asleep in this body's arms."

"Are you trying to say that we are also friends?" Yae Miko picked up a chopstick of Yusheng.

"Aren't we friends? This body is very happy when you come here. But this body doesn't like what you said." General Lei Dian opened his beautiful purple eyes with calm eyes, "In the final analysis, the relationship between this body and shadow Memories are shared, so naturally, the feelings of the past will also be inherited."

"Emotions are your business. To me, you are you, and the shadow is the shadow." The pink-haired fox raised his head from his rice bowl with oily spots on the corners of his mouth, "Are you different after all, General. Like Since you entered the door, you have said six sentences of 'this body', not even one sentence of 'I'."

"Do titles matter?"

"It's not important, but this means that the god I'm familiar with is not you after all." Yae Shenzi suddenly and quickly fished out a piece of fried tofu from the hot pot and handed it to her. General Lei Dian subconsciously avoided the hot pot soup, "You Look, if it's Ying, she will definitely eat what I hand her, and Ying doesn't care if it stains her clothes or not."

The glamorous and beautiful General Lei Dian was stunned for a moment.

"Sorry, I'm not her."

"There's no need to be sorry, I'm sorry, I caused you to lose a heart of God two days ago. In fact, I can't help it. I used that thing to press the table legs, and there is no protective measure beside it. No one would think that a stone on the foot of a table would be the heart of God."

Yae Kamiko continued to chew, and at the same time said vaguely, "Who knew it was that boy Guobeng who came here? He understands the prohibition of our Onmyojutsu so well, it's like entering a land of no one. Fortunately, all my witches threw If I give it to Ryoko, I will die of heartache if I don’t lose a few of them.”

General Lei Dian was silent for a while, and then asked suspiciously: "Did you give the witches to that boy from another world?"

"Ha, I knew you didn't care about your God's Heart at all!"

General Lei Dian's face remained unchanged, "Before this body achieves the matter of the heart of God, the shadow and you have a decision. The actions of fools have not crossed the boundary, and this body does not need to pursue it. In contrast, you are indeed the son of God. I'm a little curious about how much I value that boy from another world."

"In your country, killing your people isn't considered an overstep?" Yae Shenzi sighed softly, "General, or rather, Ying, should you examine yourself?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

"Forget it." Yae Shenzi restrained his expression, continued to prepare the hot pot, and returned to his lazy attitude, "As for Shen Liang you mentioned, I am really interested in that little wolf dog. I bet on him. I think he can change the young people of Inazuma's generation, and he can also change Inazuma."

General Lei Dian was taken aback for a moment, then said seriously, "Dao Wife doesn't need too many variables."

"It's a good variable, General." Yae Miko said while biting his food and shaking his head, "That little wolf dog is the so-called dragon and phoenix among people. The future achievements of him and the people around him are absolutely immeasurable. I live After so long, I have dealt with generations of heroes, and I am very accurate in judging people."

General Raiden frowned, she didn't expect Yae Kamito to speak so highly of this boy from another world.

"Although, this kind of prodigal genius is very likely to be killed halfway. After all, he has as many shortcomings as his advantages, but such a person has personality charm, can be a great hero, and can attract groups of people. People who work hard for him." Yae Miko smiled slightly, "A perfect person actually has a very strong sense of distance, and only a few flaws make him lovable, but the world bestowed on him a face that can fool the whole world."

She recalled what Shen Liang had done in Dao's Wife, thought of the various immature ways he had built up his reputation, and thought of the girls who gradually gathered around him.

Yae Miko has seen the birth of countless heroes in history, and she knows that every hero will always embark on a path like this.Many people will feel a strong resonance in that hero's fledgling, or be moved by his charisma, or think that there are some desirable qualities in him.Then, people will embrace him, even if they don't know what the future will be like following such a person.

Every hero story told by bards begins with an ignorant teenager and members who join the protagonist group one by one.Although the story this time seems to portray the protagonist group as a harem group, Yae Shenzi still looks forward to Shen Liang's writing of his life.There is no boring story.

"Look, all of Inazuma's good girls will be abducted by him, and the eldest lady of our shogunate will not be picked up anymore." Yae Shenzi looked at the imperial hot spring outside the castle tower, and chuckled, "General, this sad land How many years has it been since there was such a heroic child on earth?"

General Raiden sighed softly, she heard the meaning of Yae Shenzi, but she couldn't refute.

"You fox, do you really like him?"

"Can't you?" Yae Shenzi asked with a smirk, "I'm waiting, waiting for the day when my little wolf dog returns to Dao Wife with a power that you can't refuse, and then we will attack together."

"Hmph! Wishful thinking!"


At the same time, the boy Yae Kamito placed high hopes on and called him a hero was almost drunk and passed out.

"Why is this—" Hiiragi Chisato, who was wrapped in a bath towel, dragged the wine bottle in a dissatisfied drawl, "Boss Ryoko, aren't you very good at drinking! Keep drinking!"

Shen Liang's little face was full of beautiful blush, and she couldn't control her body anymore, leaning against Shenli Linghua and Shenli Huadai mother and daughter, drowsy.

He can't say whether his wine is good or bad, because if he is drunk, he just wants to sleep, and he will never go crazy.Little Egret hugged her boyfriend's head and put it on her knees, looking at the girls who were drunk and even a little bit inclined to dance with demons, and then looked at Shen Liang, it was both funny and distressing.

"Brother Liangzi is really good at drinking, but I can't stand you doing it like this! You can use your strength to play tricks on Brother Liangzi because he is young, how can there be ten people in this world who can drink one!" Xiao Gong rubbed Shen Liang's belly, Furious.

"Little Liangzi, doesn't he have that...the sea moon? The secret method of the Coral Palace! He doesn't use it himself!" A girl shouted unconvinced, and she staggered and fell into the hot spring pool after shouting.

"Everyone is so drunk and stupid, do you still remember what kind of Hua Haiyue you have?" Xiaogong was furious, "I think you all want to get drunk Brother Liangzi and then want to do something wrong!"

Shenli Huadai couldn't hold back and let out a snort.

She knew why Xiaogong was so angry, because this group of girls were too bold, maybe they drank some wine first and did things that were not serious, yet they dared to plot against Shen Liang!

They brought a yin and yang pot imported by Liyue. There is a partition inside the pot, which divides the pot into two parts.When this wine pot is pouring wine, by pressing and holding the two different small openings on the body of the pot to adjust the air pressure, it is possible to ensure that it is sake or spirits that are poured out as you like.

But if you think that this group of little hoofs are teasing people by giving themselves and sake to Shen Liang, then you will underestimate these girls!

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