At this moment, it has been three months since Shen Liang was forcefully brought back to Shaniat’s house by Cecilia. The enthusiasm about the “Son of the White Flower” has long since disappeared on the Internet. strange things.Even Destiny, which is concerned about the God's Key, still has other relics to be discovered, and the extraordinary department under Wuchang also has its own mess to be busy with.

Even the Shaniat family at the center of the incident will slowly return to ordinary daily life.

Of course, as the most famous family on the extraordinary side and with the strongest destiny, the Shaniat family is never short of prying eyes.It's just that the days of turmoil are over, and now Shen Liang can go shopping when Maria is not watching.

"Stop running!"

About twelve or thirteen meters away behind Kiyana, a beautiful girl who was almost exactly the same as her, with soft white long hair that almost reached her ankles, finally couldn't take it anymore, panting but still shouted angrily, and hugged her. Retching at the trash can by the lake.

"Stop running, stop running! You stupid human being, I will never go out for a morning run with you again!" Sirin grabbed the trash can tightly, feeling like her heart was about to jump out of her chest, and she couldn't help but groan. Drooling continuously, she stared at Kiyana with her last strength and said angrily, "You are trying to murder me! A whole five kilometers! There is no rest for five kilometers! Are you going to exhaust me to inherit Shani? The property of the Yate family! You traitor!"

Kiyana looked at her sister who was tired of sticking out her tongue, and scratched the ends of her hair. She also had waist-length hair, but it was not as good as Sirin's exaggerated ankle length.

"I'm serious, Sirin, you have to practice hard, or I'm really afraid that you will die young." Qiyana said, "You will say that your feet hurt after running for one or two minutes, and run for another two minutes You just have angina pectoris, and you can’t breathe any longer. We’re only five kilometers away, and you’ve complained seven or eight times. Do you believe you’re a Valkyrie?”

Sirin's angry beautiful eyes almost burst out with a man-eating blazing golden color. She does have golden eyes, which is also the biggest difference between her appearance and Qiyana's. It is a side effect of her awakening space ability.

"Do I need others to believe me! I am the Queen of the Sky! I have hardly walked since I was ten years old, what do you know! My noble body must not touch this dirty earth, yes, I just need to be high above Alright! I went out with you for a morning jog after I lost my mind!"

"You say that every time you run in the morning, but you come out with me every time." Qiyana tilted her head and looked at her sister, laughing, "Isn't it because you are the weakest member of this family?" Lah, even someone like Ryoko who has just stepped into the extraordinary side is physically stronger than you, you are not ashamed, you are almost as poor and weak as ordinary people!"

Sirin glared at her younger sister, but Kiyana was telling the truth. She was ready to work hard because she found out that she had become the poorest and weakest member of the Shaniat family.

It’s just that running is really tiring. I still curl up in a cool room with the air conditioner on, curl up on a soft plush sofa and use a tablet to process documents. I have a dedicated maid to serve whatever I want to eat and drink, and someone puts a mask on myself. Life is pleasant!

"It doesn't matter! The queen's exercise volume has reached the standard today, so I won't accompany you!" Sirin snapped her fingers, leaned back, and the whole person fell into the invisible space platform in an instant, and the whole person lazily let go of her strength and leaned on it.

"It's like this again, at least I'm running a few laps with me." Qiyana pouted unhappily, "Stupid sister."

"Stupid sister." Sirin responded without hesitation, and then pouted, "You asked your boyfriend to come and run with you."

"I have to say it a few times and I'm not a boyfriend." Seeing that she really didn't want to move and just wanted to bask in the sun, Qiyana reluctantly took out her phone and dialed, "I've been inviting my younger brother to come for a morning jog these days. , but the younger brother either doesn’t get up after seven o’clock or always shirks something.”

"Is there something? What can he do here on Earth?"

"I don't know either. Every time I call, Anna usually answers the phone. The two of them are always together recently."

As soon as these words came out, Sirin immediately looked at Qiyana suspiciously, but Kiyana didn't respond, but gave the strange Sirin a strange look.

Sirin tilted her head.

At this time, the phone was connected, and as expected, there was still Anna who was about to become Shen Liang's personal secretary on the other side.

Her tone was very strange, and her breathing was a little short, "Second Miss? Yes... what's the matter?"

"Sister Anna? Why are you answering the phone again, where is my junior brother?"

"Looking for Pandora? It's... next to me."

"I know I'm next to you. Are you two free today? Let's go for a run together. The weather is fine. You can go diving in the lake after the run!"

At this time, Anna yelled softly in pain, and she was silent for a while, then she said in a somewhat apologetic tone: "It doesn't seem to work, Second Miss, Pandora and I are doing yoga."

Sirin took another deep look at Qiyana.

"Well, let me know someday when you have time. The younger brother hasn't come out to play together for a long time." Qiyana hung up the phone with some disappointment, and looked at her sister, "Anna is practicing yoga with the younger brother. I don't have time."



Sirin stared at Kiyana, and after a long time, she sighed, "Then did she say, is she Pandora's yoga partner or yoga equipment?"



Anna felt that her speech just now seemed a bit ambiguous.

But what she said was true, she really had a yoga class with Shen Liang.

Wearing a white docile jumpsuit for yoga dance, her thighs were parted and lifted back by her partner. Anna held her left foot toe, stood on one foot, and stood on one foot in a beautiful ballet-like posture, remaining still .

This is the dance room on the sixth floor of Neuschwanstein Castle, with waxed wooden floors and tall floor-to-ceiling windows for good lighting. When you look out in the morning, you can see the snow-white foothills of the Alps and the city of Munich more than ten kilometers away at the same time.

Maria's yoga class is held here, and many girls in the family practice yoga with Maria.Many people misunderstand yoga, thinking that it is an exercise that can only magnify the beauty of the body, but in fact it is very good for flexibility, and it is not so strenuous. It is quite elegant in various aerobic exercises and is very popular with Shani A favorite of the Art girls.

Of course Kiyana doesn't like this kind of elegant movement, let her take a deep breath here, she would rather go out and play basketball.

Anna looked in Shen Liang's direction, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Shen Liang was being forced by Maria to do a yoga pose. He leaned back and leaned up, but his hands and feet were placed on two separate tables, and he remained immobile.Because if he moved, he would fall off the table, so he could only maintain this bridge position.

"Bridge" is a typical yoga pose and the basis for exercising waist flexibility.Most of the girls in Shaniat's family can do this easily, but Shen Liang is actually not too difficult.In order to learn Kaslana's gun fighting technique, he almost broke countless bones, and his body's softness has long been far from what it used to be.

But at this moment, his small face was covered with beads of sweat, not only the hands and feet used to support his body, but even his teeth were shaking.

Maria was wearing tight white pantyhose and a jumpsuit, sitting cross-legged, sitting upright, with her hands raised above her head, her beautiful eyes closed calmly, motionless.This is the most common "tree" sitting position in yoga, and it is also a commonly used position in meditation.

It's just that it's not common for her to sit on Shen Liang's stomach, and sit on Shen Liang who is more than one meter above the ground and is trying to maintain the iron bridge.Close your eyes and rest your mind, of course.

One hundred catties.

One hour.

a teenager.

a miracle.

"Mom..." Shen Liang gritted her teeth, wanting to cry, "I really can't hold it anymore! Please, let me rest! I'm really going to fall!"

"Hold on."

"An hour and a half! I haven't moved for an hour and a half!"

Maria opened her beautiful eyes and stared at the boy who was being used as a chair. The mature and delicate body in the white jumpsuit remained motionless, and she just said lightly: "This posture is good for you to exercise the most important waist strength of the human body. This age can last twelve hours, and you can't even do two hours, and I would be ashamed to say that he is my Maria's son."

"The world record is only over an hour!"

"The records of mortals are meaningless to us. If you fall, you have to start all over again until you reach two hours."

"Mom, you are abusing minors! I'm going to complain to Sister Liya and I'll tell you!"

"But you're not a minor."

Maria stretched her waist. Under the morning light, her slender figure was full of beauty, but the exertion of this stretch made Shen Liang even more miserable.He raised his head reluctantly, and saw the other girls practicing yoga sniggering at his jokes, and even Anna pursed her lips and couldn't hide her smile, which made him even more resentful.

"Qiana is very good at Kaslana gun fighting, which is a martial art that requires a lot of flexibility. In many cases, it even requires anti-human movements. So Kiyana doesn't need to learn yoga from me. She is good at this aspect. Better than me." Maria said lightly, "You also learn spear fighting, but you are far less proficient than Qiyana, because you only increase your flexibility by adjusting the position of your bones, and your muscle toughness is not even as good as many ordinary Valkyries."

Shen Liangxin said nonsense, I've only practiced martial arts for a couple of years, and things like muscle toughness all depend on practice.This is also the reason why he mainly focuses on martial arts such as Baji and Bagua. Judo and joint skills require a very flexible body, which even the blood of Haizhi can't give him directly.

"People in China say that if pain doesn't work, if it's normal, it doesn't hurt. Yoga is like this. When you do these movements without pain, it means that you have almost built up your toughness." Maria said coldly, "Anyway, you have Hua Haiyue. If you practice injury, the body repairs. Muscle itself is something that gets stronger as it repairs. Afraid of pain? That's not your style, right?"

"But I don't practice yoga to enhance my combat effectiveness..." Shen Liang muttered.

"What's that for? Unlocking more postures?" Maria sneered, and lifted her body slightly to sit down. Shen Liang, who couldn't bear the pressure any longer, immediately went limp, and fell to the ground with a crash, including the table. Maria jumped down lightly, and the girls in the dance room heard what Maria said just now, and they blushed and couldn't help laughing.

Shen Liang's face was red when he was told, but now he doesn't dare to speak up in front of Maria, and Maria really likes to beat him up.

Thinking about it carefully, Maria might want to beat up all of Cecilia's children. She doesn't like Kiana and Sirin very much. Now he is Cecilia's "baby", and Maria treats him equally. .

But I am your son!

"Disband!" Maria announced the end of the morning yoga class, "Pandora and Anna stay here."

The girls pushed and shoved away from the dance room, Shen Liang asked, "What's the matter?"

"About my sister's erosion, the saint's blood is declining day by day. How can you treat her in Tevat?" She glanced at Anna, but she still asked straightforwardly.

In Shaniat's house, not many people know the secret of Shenliang's other world. For the sake of confidentiality, only the family and Maria know it.

"Not in Daozu." Shen Liang replied, "I'm going to Liyue, which is a far more prosperous country than Daoju. If there are miracle doctors or medicines from other worlds, it's more likely there."

"Honkai erosion is not a disease, but a kind of erosion from the Houkai God. This is a very metaphysical disaster." Maria narrowed her eyes, quite worried, "Pandora, the worst plan, if you can't find the ability What is the way to save my sister's life?"

"I can find it." Shen Liang said firmly.

"Why are you so sure."

"Because of the fundamental similarity between Houkai energy and elemental power." Shen Liang whispered, "My Huahaiyue can be judged as a supernatural power on Earth, and can be judged as a water elemental power in Tivat... Although I have neither Houkai also has no elemental power, but this means that the two worlds have something in common."


"Hua Haiyue can dissolve erosion, which proves that Honkai's ability to erode is not hopeless. I will let Sister Liya live, absolutely."

Maria let out a breath, "It's best if you have confidence, and I won't interfere with the rest. But as a mother, I still want to ask, do you need any help in the world over there?"

Anna also looked over.

Shen Liang hesitated for a while, and then said: "If there is something to say, I need a lot of modern clothing, a lot of building materials, and even a lot of weapons and ammunition... But these are not very urgent, and I can solve them myself .”

"Arms... Forget it, if you can't solve it, remember to come to me, you are also a member of the family now."

"You don't need to tell me, I know, Mom."

"Put aside the gossip, let's talk about the business first. This is something that my sister and I have discussed for several days." Maria became serious and stared at him.

Shen Liangxin said that co-authoring Sister Liya's illness is not a business today?Business starts now?

"Who are you going to marry?"

Shen Liang's heart skipped a beat.

PS: You can also try the arch bridge. It is very tiring, but it especially exercises the waist strength.

Of course, don't let a girl sit on your waist, you can't stand it at all, you will collapse, and then people will question whether you can do it.

Volume 268: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 2 Chapter [-] I just want to eat him up bit by bit!

After escaping for several months, Shen Liang was still caught after returning from a rare vacation in Tivat.

Young people are caught in their hometown, so "when to get married" must be the most interesting topic.

The boy who tied his long black hair into a high ponytail lowered his head, and when he raised his head again, he showed a very cute smile.

"I'm only 16 years old, why think about these things."

Maria admired the boy's flattering smile, and she knew that Shen Liang must be a hostile and even majestic existence outside, just from the attitude of Kagami Huadai, who held a high position in Inazuma, towards him.

But it is precisely because of this that Maria enjoys the boy's obedient appearance in front of her even more. When she thinks that her fierce son can only put away his fangs and pretend to be a puppy in front of his mother, she feels great satisfaction.

Or bad fun.

Then she ruthlessly crushed Shen Liang's flattery to her mother.

"It's not too young, wait any longer, the family is very worried that your first child is not conceived by the family." Maria said lightly, "Although we advocate free love, it doesn't mean that we will take action when you have obviously taken action against others." Under the circumstances, I still sit back and watch. Of course, I can turn a blind eye to how many little girlfriends you have, after all, we are mother and son, but my sister is very worried and puts a lot of pressure on me."

Shen Liang knew that he couldn't hide from them that he was the King of the Sea in Tivat Continent, but he was lucky enough to say, "Sister Liya...what are you worried about?"

"It's hard to say. My sister has been worried that she won't see her daughter go to the marriage hall before she dies. She is more traditional. If she dies before her daughter is married, she will die with regret." Maria leaned on the middle of the sofa and put the package She put her slender legs in dancing clothes and pantyhose on the coffee table, and said lightly, "The two ladies had no plans to choose a mate before, but your appearance saved her. At least Miss Kiyana has already had a show. But, who can Do you know that Qiyana is so disappointing?"

"Doesn't live up to expectations?" Shen Liang scratched his head.

"Do you want me to clarify." Maria crossed her legs, knocked on the armrest of the sofa and gave him a look, Shen Liang pouted, and pressed her curvy legs in white silk pantyhose to help her relax Time to hold the calf muscles in one pose.

"Let's not talk about Tivat for the time being. In the past few months, the progress of Qiyana and you is not as high as that of sister Anna beside you." The woman's voice was cold, "I can't blame the world snake cadre Such resentment, you are really quick enough to strike, my dear son, Pandora Shaniat."

Called by full name!

Shen Liang's hairs were all blown up, and he quickly raised his head to look at his mother. Maria had a half-smile, but he looked back at Anna, who was so frightened that she had turned into a zombie.

"Keep pinching," Maria ordered.

Shen Liang subconsciously continued to inject Hua Haiyue and massage his calves. Apart from Cecilia, only Maria in the world can experience this top-level enjoyment. There is no second boy who can use the secret method of the Coral Palace and the technology of the Shenzhou Blind Shop at the same time. up.It's just that he didn't pay attention to Maria's long legs in pantyhose at all, his mind was full of roaring!

How did Maria know?

Sister Liya must know it too!

This is too bad, the rabbit still doesn't eat the grass by the side of the nest, as the son-in-law most trusted by the elders of the Shaniat family... How could he be with the sister of the separated family... and the sister of the separated family... …

He originally thought that it would be a few years before the fire could not be wrapped in paper, but it was only a few days!

"Mom, how did you know?" the boy with long black hair asked stiffly.

"Do you really think you can deceive anyone with your little tricks? Younger girls may still be suspicious and uncertain, but the people who have been there are different, and the love atmosphere between you can be seen at a glance." Maria looked indifferent, not because of the boy It was slightly different from the beret girl's sluggishness, and she just glanced at Anna, "I thought it was perfect, but in fact it was blatant in front of us."

Anna was so frightened that she was about to cry.

Shen Liang was entangled and curious, and finally whispered: "Mom, why are you here? I remember correctly, you haven't met a man yet, right?"

Maria's beautiful eyes suddenly turned cold, "If you haven't touched a man, you are considered a person?"

"Then you don't know as well as I do about men and women, why do you pretend to be someone from here..."

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