The legs of the older lady in the white silk dance dress strangled Shen Liang's neck in an instant, her slender and elastic thighs were full of explosive power, she pressed the coffee table with one hand and exerted force, twisting the boy upside down and falling on the sofa!

After all, she was an S-rank Valkyrie. Shen Liang fell down without any resistance, and Maria knelt on her neck. She stroked her long hair, and calmly took out a pack of women's cigarettes. After thinking about it, she replaced it with a stick. Peeling off the sugar and biting it, he lowered his head and looked at the boy whose face was smothered in red, "Just because you haven't met a man doesn't mean you haven't been in a relationship. You weren't even born when your mother was in a relationship."

Although the boy desperately grabbed Maria's thigh and tried to catch his breath, Hearing this, he still couldn't help but said: "Hey, if we are biological mother and child, then you are talking nonsense, I was born when you were in love, so you are not a partner Wear a hurts, mom, I'm sorry, mom is going to break, my neck is going to be broken!"

Anna whispered: "Don't talk about her love history in front of Lady Maria, Lady Maria's love has failed."

Maria's eyebrows twitched, but she still didn't have an attack, so she could only say coldly: "You two get together when you have nothing to do. I really think the elders in the family can't see it? During the day, my sister and brother are familiar, but at night I don't know what to call How can we make out, because our castle walls are thick and soundproof—and you are too bold. Although there is no surveillance system installed in the living area, do you really think that no one will notice that you enter Pandora's room and stay overnight, Anna? "

"Those people meddle in their own business!" Anna complained softly.

"What are you staring at other people's rooms!" Shen Liang also complained in a low voice.

Seeing the cute pouting of the young couple, Maria wanted to laugh, "Are you two still angry?"

Seeing that Maria didn't seem to have the behavior of "bad nuns in big families who catch cheating men and women", Shen Liang was also a little bolder, while quickly getting up and rubbing Maria's shoulders, sitting down and giving her a shoulder squeeze Thigh, while whispering: "Shouldn't you be angry? Mom, I'm your son. Sister Anna and I are in love with each other. It's not a heinous thing. Why should you worry about it?"

"Pandora, you have to remember that you are from Qiyana." Maria rubbed the boy's long soft hair and smiled wryly, "The family likes you, takes a fancy to you, and treats you as their own, fundamentally because of you You will be the husband of Kiana, the son-in-law of the Holy Maiden Cecilia, and you will also be one of the successors of this family."

"But Kiyana and I haven't reached that point yet."

"I know, more than friends, less than lovers, you young people are classified in this way, let alone talk about marriage." Maria whispered, "But if everyone regards you as Kiyana's future husband, as Ceci Liya's son-in-law, you don't have much choice. Anna is different from your Shenli Ayaka and Coral Palace Xinkai in another world."

Anna's face turned pale, but she still whispered, "What's... different?"

"They are not members of the Shaniat family, and they cannot threaten Qiyana. Even if you build the Sannomiya Sixth House in Tevat, it will not affect that you are a member of the Shaniat family." A mature woman with chestnut hair Glancing at the chestnut-haired Ice Maiden, she sighed sincerely, "But Anna is not from the same family, she took the lead."

"I...why can't I take the lead? Just because I'm not the daughter of my family?" Anna looked at Maria stubbornly.

"Because once your relationship is discovered and proven, then Pandora, you will be Anna's husband. Even if you marry Qiyana in the future, it will only make Kiyana leave the will lose the 'family' Status." Maria said in a low voice, "I know you young people don't care about the division of your own family at all, you care more about the so-called free love, but some things are not optional.

"Pandora, you don't need to care about the identity of the family, but what about Qiyana? If Qiyana doesn't care about you at all, it is absolutely impossible to establish a relationship with you in the future... Then she will naturally not lose the identity of the family, but you think there is really no Is this possible?

"Pandora, do you think it's really impossible for Qiyana to fall in love with you?"

Shen Liang couldn't answer this question.

The relationship between him and Qiyana is not complicated, more than friends, not full of lovers, maybe in a few years, after getting along for a long time, it will be a matter of course.

And Maria's question was directed at her heart. The most important thing for him was not whether he could be with Kiyana, a man's possessiveness.

He is very clear about how greedy he is, no matter how he feels about Qiyana, these are not important... He just can't tolerate that Qiyana doesn't belong to him, and he can't tolerate Baimao Tuanzi who has been together day and night for these years and has already had a tacit understanding ... does not belong to him.

Just like a lion's claim to its prey, Qiyana felt that he was in line with her aesthetics of liking beautiful girls, and Shen Liang also gradually regarded Qiyana as "one of her own".This attitude has already become the default under the subtle influence of time, maybe it is arrogant, but——

That's in my bag!How could it be possible to give it up to others!

Maria's question cannot be answered, because there is only one answer, and Kiyana will definitely fall into his hands...or he will definitely fall into Kiyana's hands.

Just a matter of time.

"Look, so you and Anna have committed a taboo." Maria said lightly, "You should restrain yourself and pursue other girls after you marry Qiyana. It's better for everyone later."

Hearing this, Anna finally lowered her head, a glint of haze flashed across her beautiful pale pink eyes, as if she remembered the days of despair when Ye Xiao was about to arrive and had no one to rely on.

She clenched her right hand subconsciously, and the expression on her face gradually receded at some point, becoming a little indifferent.

"Does Lady Maria know that if Anna got Ryoko's brother later, Anna might have married someone else?"

She raised her head and looked at S-rank Valkyrie Maria without fear, her tone calm: "I didn't preempt, I just saved myself."

He is an extremely rare male transcendent on the extraordinary side for so many years. He is so talented that he can even pull out white flowers from the black abyss. It is a miracle that researchers of destiny will sigh.

He is so perfect that even a Valkyrie would be amazed, he is shrouded in countless admiring and admiring eyes, the only son of the saintess family for thousands of years.

He deserves everything he wants, whether it is power, status, power or love.Because since he is so radiant, it is impossible for someone to occupy him privately, he does not belong to the so-called family by nature, he does not have those complicated and old traditions, he is a free child!

Anna held the boy's palm which was about the same size as her own, felt the warmth from his palm, stared at Maria, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

So he doesn't belong to someone, not Ayaka Kamisato, Xinhai Coral Palace, and even less Kiyana.


Yes, the runaway little princess of the big family and the jade-like boy who was trapped in the busy city, one is beautiful and happy, the other is handsome and quiet, one has white hair and blue eyes, the other has black hair and red eyes, even the color matching is a pair, it is the beginning of a novel Only the hostess and heroine are set up, and the combination of man and woman is a match made in heaven.What a good match?From the Far East branch to the Chaniat family in Germany, from the Saintess Lake forum to the Valhalla discussion area, everyone praises everyone and everyone envies them. Pandora and Kiyana are simply made in heaven!

So she is willing to be a lover's sister who can't show up, endure her sticky mood with him during the day to carry out her own work; when there are outsiders around, she looks serious and only discusses serious topics; Then you can watch Shen Liang cross her dishes and share his own, so that you can sweetly enjoy the joy of two people actually having a meal; finally at night, sneak into his room Dressed in his favorite...

I've had enough... I can't see the light anymore.

But, why do you still want to stop me?

Just relying on the daughter of the separated family, shouldn't she get involved in the cake of the daughter of the same family?Even if they weren't even lovers yet?

Just because her mother is the unparalleled saint, can she unscrupulously give that sun-like boy...forcibly to her beloved daughter?


Now that I'm so shameless, I'll eat him up, and I, Anna Chaniat, will never leave you with even a tiny bit of cream and pudding on the cake.

It can't be my fault, any girl in Shaniat's family who has this opportunity... would choose to do like me.

Anna's smile was no longer gentle, she raised her head proudly, and said lightly to Maria: "Master Maria, are you here to ask Anna to let go?"

Maria was silent for a while, "It's very unfair to you, I know. But I'm not asking you to let go completely. After Pandora completely enters my family, I won't pay any attention to your affairs."

"Really?" Anna was noncommittal, but said, "But Lady Maria, you have let go like this before. When you are enlightening me now, have you ever thought about why you were abandoned by Ms. Shi Yuqiluo?"

Maria's indifferent temperament was unstable for a moment. She raised her head and saw Anna's stubborn and hostile eyes.

She was stunned.

PS: No matter how honest and weak a girl is, she will go crazy when her boyfriend is robbed!

Volume 269 The Jewel of the Saintess Family: Chapter 3 Chapter [-] Take protective measures!

You've let go of that too.

In a trance, Maria remembered that afternoon 15 years ago, as a music teacher, she first met that blue-haired female student who was a bit tone-deaf at the gate of the Music Academy of Heidelberg University. The girl, the girl who pesters her to practice bel canto and violin every day...

In fact, how could she be a music teacher? It was just because of her convenient status in Heidelberg, but she still learned the violin for Shi Yuqiluo, and even learned to play drums to get a real certificate.

Campus concerts, gradually familiar musical instruments, and chapters of sheet music.In the end, the unsmiling and glamorous teacher and the stalking cute student finally confessed their love by kissing in no one's place, and the fiery feelings turned into a flame between the couple, engulfing Maria and Shigure Kira.

That was the best time for Maria in these years. The girl with chestnut hair and blue hair lived day and night in the apartment outside the Heidelberg University.

Although they are working hard to become idols, Valkyries are Valkyries after all. One is S-rank and the other is A-rank. They are both top-level talents of Destiny.At the age of sixteen or seventeen, when self-control is the lowest, you can endure it for a while, but you can't bear it if you stay under the same roof for a long time... Even though they are all girls, it is only natural on the Chaofan side , a matter of course.

The gentle girl who aspires to become an idol is beautiful in Maria's eyes.In just a few months, both singing skills, musical instruments, dancing, and basic courses have improved by leaps and bounds.And after the daily study, the remaining few hours of leisure practice is what Maria is looking forward to. Their practice places range from the bedroom to the living room and even the balcony, on the bed sofa and even above the piano.

Although the girl's singing voice was not satisfactory, the chaotic sound of the piano as the white jade-like back pressed down on the keys was the most irresistible song in the life of this chestnut-haired nun.

But all these good things were finally shattered in front of the six words "Shaniat Family".

She is Maria the Witch, an S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, and one of the strongest superhumans in the world. It is impossible for her to accompany a weak female student to fulfill her so-called idol dream. She has the natural responsibility of this surname.It is even more impossible for her to deprive the girl of her dreams, bring her back to Neuschwanstein Castle, and become a nightingale with no spirituality.

It was the first time in Maria's 30-year life that she fell in love with someone, but in the end she still couldn't face the girl's earnest and begging eyes, and died without a problem.

"Anna, you have always been very obedient, why are you talking like this?" Maria was silent for a long time, "You are different from me, you should listen to me and put..."

"Is it useful to be well-behaved? Is it useful to be obedient? Will this prevent you from taking Ryoko away from me? Can Lady Maria marry Shigure Kira back home after doing this? You can do this in addition to praying in church every day What else can we do? It’s the 21st century and we don’t believe in God, your Shigure Kira might even get married!” Anna’s voice was cold and angry, and she stared at the young mother viciously, “Listen to me Yes? Mrs. Maria, you have already suffered from the loss of the family once, but you want me to continue to suffer!"

This is enough, enough to poke the heart.

In fact, Anna would also say harsh words, as long as she stabs out her grievance and anger, it will be a needle-like anger that can pierce the enemy full of holes.

Shen Liang was already stunned. He didn't expect that the confrontation between his wife and his mother would be so fierce... Is this why the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is never good?But they are not mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!

However, Shen Liang decided to stand on Anna's side because of emotion and reason. He was already very ashamed of Anna's willingness to be an underground lover. If Anna was helpless at this time, he would be a very unmanly man!So I'm sorry mom, although I'm a little sorry to know your rare love history, but when it's time to fight you, I still have to fight!

Shen Liang raised a certain degree of arrogance, cleared his throat, "Mom, I think..."

"Shut up, man, it's none of your business." Maria said.

Shen Liang's arrogance weakened in an instant, but she still refused to be outdone and said, "Even if you hit me, I will still say that I will never break up with Sister Anna. This is a matter of principle."

"Do you still have principles? If you have principles, you will hook up with so many women?" Maria didn't bother to talk to her son, but looked at Anna who was biting her lip with a fierce expression. After watching for a while, she laughed, "What did you just say?" , I've thought about it for a long time."

"I just said it on the spur of the moment!" Anna simply broke the can and threw her face up, never lowering her momentum.

"Aren't you afraid that I will become angry if you expose her scars in front of the violent witch Maria?"

Anna clearly showed fear, but she still clenched her silver teeth and firmly held Shen Liang's hand, "I... Anyway, I won't break up with Brother Pandora... Even if you want to punish me, Mrs. Maria, I won't." Let go."

"That's the son-in-law Her Royal Highness is looking for. Are you really so bold?" Maria narrowed her eyes.

"Brother Pandora is also mine... my boyfriend." Anna felt the coercion of the S-rank Valkyrie, and trembled in fear. She was not strong enough, and now even the courage to speak was about to be wiped out, but she was still stubborn. The repetition of, "My boyfriend."

"It seems that you are really unwilling to give up your position," Maria said lightly, "then there is really no other way."

Shen Liang immediately panicked, didn't he always think that Shaniat's house is such a place with clear distinction between superiority and inferiority?He felt as if he had underestimated the dark side of this family!What is this for?Want to capture Anna?Beat mandarin ducks?How do you want to fight?Damn it, you know that the warmth of this big family is just an appearance!

The teleportation light curtain was opened directly, and Shen Liang had even activated Haizhi's bloodline to escape from Maria's oppression and take Anna away——Anna also had stigmata on her body, he hadn't tried it, but it should be possible to enter the teleportation light curtain—at this time At this moment Maria was still kneeling on top of him to suppress his resistance.

And Anna also quickly became alert, looked at her boyfriend who didn't even have the ability to resist, and was already preparing to mobilize the Honkai power.

"What a white-eyed wolf." Maria said suddenly.

The two were stunned.

"Look at your dear brother, I have sheltered him for so long, calling mom and mom affectionately every day, but when it comes time to choose between the two, he has already decided to take action to delay me with this white-eyed wolf gesture " Maria lowered her head and admired her son's expression from firmness to embarrassment, "From the beginning to the end, he didn't even think about me for a second, and he was thinking about his little girlfriend the whole time... It really made me very uncomfortable."

Shen Liang felt that his mother quietly pressed her knees harder, and even Hua Haiyue's movement was hindered, so he could only quickly apologize: "It's not because Mom, you are better than the two of us combined, I'm sure Pay more attention to the disadvantaged.”

Anna also looked at Maria with some doubts and suddenly thawed from being extremely cold, "You...don't do it?"

Maria directly twisted Anna's ear and twisted her up. She cried in pain, "I said at the beginning that I am here to do ideological work. Why do you two treat me as a big villain for no reason? Do it? I still Can I do it to you juniors? You are not my son, how can I do it to you? My sister knows that if I dare to bully my family like this, I will be killed!"

With your son, you can fight with confidence, right?

"Then you are..."

"Did I ever tell you to break up?" Maria snorted. She looked at the beret girl who was rubbing her red earlobes and was about to cry, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

Anna is indeed a little beauty, different from the cheerful Qiyana and the proud Sirin, she is weak and cold and even a little bit of an airbag, no wonder Shen Liang loves and relies on her so much.Really want to live up to such a girl, the guilt is too great.

Young people are young people. How could the so-called family be comparable to their own love in their eyes.They can even be so impulsive that they are ready to fight her... Heh, who hasn't experienced such an impulsive age.

"From the beginning to the end, I never asked you to break up." Maria said, "In fact, there is a normal solution to this matter. We are only worried that you are young and reckless, and you will cause some accidents. So let me warn you first."

"Warning?" Shen Liang and Anna were confused.

"First, about inheriting the position of the main family, I know that you may not care about Pandora, but Qiyana and the others have to care, so before you marry the daughter of the main family, you cannot marry Anna, and first guarantee the inheritance of the daughter of the main family." Maria Looking at the two seriously, "This should be easy, Anna, do you have any objections?"

Anna nodded quickly. How could she have any objection to this? In fact, as long as she is not allowed to break up now, she doesn't care about the wedding.

As for Shen Liang's opinion, neither of the two beautiful girls paid attention.Just kidding, this kind of problem is not because of you!Smelly men are not qualified to negotiate terms, so they can only wait for the girls to make a decision!

"Secondly, it's about the succession of the family. Before the birth of the child belonging to the family, the two of you cannot have children." Maria blinked her beautiful eyes, "Of course this should be very simple, after all, it will take several years for Pandora to arrive in China. Legal age for marriage, I'm not worried about you... have you taken protective measures?"

The second half of her question was very abrupt, and her tone of voice rose a lot, because she obviously found that the expressions of the boys and girls in front of her were not very good-looking when she said this.

"On a more dangerous will still be used." Shen Liang whispered, at this time, the man still needs to speak, because Anna blushed and was too shy to speak.


Maria exhaled helplessly, she was too naive, and underestimated the curiosity of adolescent boys and girls, "Your biology teacher in China didn't teach you, even in the safe period, if you don't take protective measures, there is still a chance Are you pregnant?"

"I went to elementary school in Siberia Orphanage, where did the biology teacher come from? Bronya's mother took over the biology class..."

"Don't Siberia teach this!"

Maria frantically tugged on her son's collar, damn knowing that this well-behaved and harmless black, long, straight and beautiful boy is just a disguise, and also knows that he is essentially a little wolf dog who will welcome anyone who sees it, but...but ... Don't you know that your looks are younger than your age?The family originally expected that you would not consider the child's problem until ten years later!Damn you've only been in Neuschwanstein Castle for three months, bastard!

I knew who would accept you as my son a long time ago!Tell me how I want to meet Shi Yuqiluo!How do I tell her that I'm already a grandmother?

Shen Liang was shaking his head and didn't dare to answer. To some extent, he was indeed spoiled by Anna too much.

"At least there is no problem now." Maria was tired.

"Anna checks every day, there must be no..."

"It's fine if you don't have one, oh." Maria sighed, "If you have a daughter with Qiyana and the others before they get married, the Shaniat family will really lose face if it gets out... All destiny will have to laugh at the saint My daughter can't even keep her boyfriend, and my sister—damn, my sister will only laugh and laugh, and I'm the only one who is doing my best for Qiyana and Sirin! What am I trying to do!"

Seeing that Maria was swearing, Shen Liang drooped her head and exchanged glances with Anna, both sticking out their tongues.

Crisis lifted.

If it's just that they can't get married and can't conceive, both Shen Liang and Anna can accept it. They were originally in an underground relationship, and now it is at least the "official default" underground relationship.

Although maybe maybe maybe I'm still a little sorry for Qiyana.

"That is to say, sister Liya and mother, do you agree with my relationship with sister Anna?"

"What if you don't agree? At worst, let my sister do her daughter's ideological work in the future, anyway, I won't come." Maria shrugged, "The fact that you are a male and a transcendent proves that Anna cannot be the last one. , but I didn't expect you to act too quickly. Don't worry, the only thing my sister is worried about is whether her daughter can get married."

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