"Ah...ah?" The groom was taken aback.

"Don't look at me, turn your head away." Li Gan repeated impatiently while holding the knife.

The groom turned his head back tremblingly, and the next second he felt a chill all over his body, and suddenly the world in his eyes began to spin rapidly, and he vaguely saw his headless body.

The blood spurted out from the neat cut of the neck splashed on the curtain of the carriage in an instant, and it was scarlet.

When his head fell to the ground, Li Gan kicked the groom away, then glared at the frightened horse, and even the horse fell silent in fear.He grinned and spread his hands to look at the brothers around him, "Interesting, only our Treasure Pirates are bullying, yet someone dares to scold me today? Now the merchants are getting more and more arrogant, so we can't do without killing a few."

The surrounding treasure robbers also laughed.

"Yes, Master, what Xinyuexuan, a groom who picks up customers in a restaurant dares to speak so loudly? Has he never died?"

"Hahaha, why didn't the guest inside speak? Are you scared?"

"Don't worry, our Treasure Thieves Group are righteous thieves, thieves of etiquette, only seeking money and not killing lives, you are obedient, we don't want to do anything. Killing people will cause blood everywhere, and it will be difficult to attract wolves. "

"Not coming out yet? We'll have to lose a few pieces of meat when we pull you out in person! Hahahaha!"

Laughter came and went, but at the moment when the car curtain was pulled open, everyone was silent as if their throats had been pinched.

The person who came out of the carriage was a woman, to be precise, a very ethereal young woman, about twenty years old, with indifferent eyes, and her hip-length white hair was braided behind her waist.

She is extremely tall, wearing a shawl on the upper body that resembles a freehand ink painting, and inside is a black one-piece leather jacket that fits close to the skin. This kind of corset makes her already curvy look even more concave-convex.For the convenience of breathability and lightness, the one-piece leather jacket has beautiful hollow black silk on the lower abdomen and thighs, which brings a touch of charm in the clean and neat like a crane.

And at the end of the leather pants are thick-soled high-heeled sandals that are directly connected into one body. Unlike the glamorous figure, the slender feet only reveal small and exquisite blue toenails from the sandals, which is extremely cute.

The only strange thing is that such a beautiful woman who is almost jaw-dropping still has many thin red strings tied around her body.Tie red ropes in Liyue are usually made for children under 12 years old to keep them safe and calm their minds. Most people at her age would no longer be able to do this.

As soon as she came out, she saw the headless corpse at the front of the car, but her expression didn't change, she was still indifferent, she just lowered her eyes: "Guchen Jiesha, it really hurt the people around me again."

At this time, the group of treasure robbers woke up from the amazement like a dream, and everyone's eyes changed in an instant!Li Gan straightened his chest almost subconsciously, and quickly stepped forward, grabbed the groom's body and threw it aside, then tore off the cloth on his body, wiped the blood quickly, and let out a hearty laugh.

"Oh my, it's strange that I have to be willing to come out. It turns out that she is such a beauty. Hahaha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, brother is an honest person, he loves fragrance and loves jade, and does not seek wealth or death." Li Gan While talking, he was about to walk up, smiling and bending over to wipe the woman's blood-spattered white heels, looking like a passionate man.

"Hahaha, the head of the family doesn't seek money and kill? Hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, don't be afraid of this young lady. We don't seek wealth and death. Alas, today's journey is worth it! Although it doesn't look like oily water, it is much more fragrant than oily water!" A thief sniffed greedily. He said, as if he could smell the sweet scent of the girl from a long distance away, "Master! You can't pretend to be a gentleman by yourself, you can eat it all by yourself!"

"What are you talking about! Let the young lady see the joke!" Li Gan said with a smile, raised his head to look at the white-haired woman with astonishing appearance and calm eyes, "Come on, let brother give you Wipe your feet clean—”

He licked the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand to touch her jade feet, when he saw the woman lift up her high heels, his whole body was trembling with joy, swallowing crazily, he had already started to fantasize about grabbing this glamorous beauty and rubbing every pink toe It's all licked clean!

——The good-looking beauty cooperates so well!This is...


Minced meat and blood splashed!

"Ah!!!" Li Gan roared!

The white-haired young woman raised her little foot expressionlessly, and stomped on Li Gan's outstretched right hand gracefully and fiercely with the heel of her high-heeled shoes!The heel made of white jade crushed his metacarpal bones in an instant!Stick him to the frame like a nail!

Her beautiful jade feet were stained with blood, but she was still extremely indifferent and even crushed.

"Stinky bitch!" Li Gan furiously used his other left hand to pull out the ring knife behind his back, but just as he raised his hand, a blue light flashed, and his left arm was cut off equally neatly, flying to the ground. Tens of meters away!

A long spear emitting a faint blue light lightly shakes away the blood in the woman's hand.

Li Gan didn't know when and where she took out the spear she was carrying, but he subconsciously remembered that the former leader who had been killed by him and robbed his wife once told him that there is a kind of person in the world who carries the eye of God, Their strength is elusive, and they also have the special ability to store objects in the God's Eye.

Li Gan knew that he had messed with something he shouldn't have messed with!

There is no happy ending in this line of work, and sooner or later there will be a hard stubble, and I fucking know it!How could such a beautiful woman dare to hire a coachman to pass through the wasteland alone? How could she be an ordinary person!In the arena, the most important things to pay attention to are the elderly, children and women!

This woman doesn't even move her emotions!Li Gan realized it later, and was already fighting with his legs in fear.

He showed a courteous smile that was uglier than crying. He gritted his teeth to hold back the pain of his broken arm, and just begged: "Women...women, we have money, we have money. Take money to buy lives, we use money to buy Life."

Li Gan knows that he can't say anything at this time, "I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai", "Do you know who is behind me? You dare to hurt me." If there is no use for such farts, it is best to point directly, beg for mercy, and buy your life with money is the easiest to survive.

"You just said, tell me to come out, and I came out." The woman said lightly, "But I didn't agree that you can touch me."

Li Gan was taken aback, he didn't understand what the woman meant.

"You killed my coachman. Logically speaking, I should send you to the government. But I don't have the time, so I can only let you go... No, I don't want to let you go." The woman's eyes showed a trace of confusion , and returned to normal, "You killed my coachman. According to the teacher's teaching, I should follow my heart now...follow my heart, and I will kill you and avenge him."

Li Gan was terrified and wanted to beg for mercy, but before he opened his mouth, he saw a flash of blue light, and the blade of the spear cut his neck open.The woman dodged to avoid the spray of blood, picked up his head with the tip of the gun and threw it to the thieves who hadn't had time to come up.

"One head after another, well, you can die in peace, unknown coachman." The woman said lightly, and then she looked at the treasure robbers who started to retreat in fear, "Since it has already started, let's cut the weeds and root them out by the way." Let’s save you villains from causing trouble to other good people in the future.”

With this sentence, the rest of the thieves will lose their hearts!Run away!

"Can you escape!" The woman's tone was indifferent, but there was an evil spirit in her eyes that had been as quiet as autumn water, but almost at the same time, the red rope on her body glowed red, and the evil spirit in her beautiful eyes quickly dissipated .

"Well, the murderous intention is surging, it seems that I still need to practice." She shook her head, looked at the thieves who were fleeing, and sighed, "Seeing the blood in person is too exciting, and it is easy to break my mood. I'd better use some tricks." Better."

On the hair rope with her long hair tied, the icy blue God's Eye flashed, and a talisman paper made of ice condensed between her fingers.

The woman's voice was clear and swift.

"Spiritual prestige is not empty, and there are hundreds of craftsmen. Goddess has orders, and put them into the talisman-photograph!"


Dozens of ice phantoms similar to her appearance galloped out from behind her, shining brightly in the sun like ice sculptures, chasing after the fleeing group of treasure robbers!

"Punish them all, and don't leave anyone alive." The woman ordered the law indifferently, "Follow the law."

And at this moment, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and a petite figure from a distance turned into a purple lightning and came quickly, and there was her angry shout!

"Bold! This is Guiliyuan, Liyue Kingdom! Which immortal family dares to violate the emperor's order and slaughter mortals here!"

The white-haired woman raised her head, frowned, and the displeasure flashed in her eyes again.

"Someone is in the way."

PS: Seven thousand words! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Volume 274 The Pearl of the Saintess Family: Chapter [-] Babies, I’ll Take a Day Off

Ah, there is no reason, I stay up late every day until [-] o'clock to update, I can't bear it, so I just take advantage of the leave note at the beginning of the month to go back to my work and rest.

Youyouzi really didn't dare to stop when there was no leave note, and she was in a daze every day...


Anyway, it is to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave, to ask for leave!

Volume 275 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 8 Chapter [-] Turns out it was a little... a little boy

The speed of the visitor was extremely fast, and it appeared like a thunderbolt in an instant. Standing in front of the fairy-like white-haired woman, she frowned and stared at this strange purple figure with a talisman in her hand.

This is a beautiful girl with purple hair and purple eyes. She wears double ponytails and has super cute cat ears on her head. She wears slender legs under a fringed skirt and black pantyhose with delicate dark lines. .Although she looked less than [-] years old, between a young girl and a grown woman, she already had a slender and graceful figure, and her clothes were exquisite and meticulous.

But at this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, and her small hands wearing purple gauze gloves were holding the long sword firmly, staring at the white-haired woman in front of her, restraining the urge to draw the sword.

"A talisman? Immortal method?" The cat-haired girl's eyes turned cold, "It seems that you are also a member of the Liyue family, and you violated the imperial edict made with you by the emperor in the past! Today (crab) I am here, just You are not allowed to bully the small with the big, and bully the weak with the strong!"

The white-haired woman frowned again, "You are late, I am doing my best to eliminate evil."

"You are a fairy, what power do mortals have against you? Need you to get rid of the evil?" Mao Maotou looked at the two headless corpses, and his heart was furious, "This is a deserted place, it is you It’s a place where such villains act recklessly! If I hadn’t come here, how many people would you want to kill?”

Eliminate all evil?What a joke!

You are obviously a fairy, and your strength is invincible.How can a mortal threaten you?Can it also make you have the idea of ​​​​"eliminating evil and doing everything"?

Today's land and resources exploration mission is over, but Keqing, who has been busy all year round and rarely even returns to Liyue Port, spends most of her time wherever she goes and stays. As the original god of thunder, she is extremely fast. I went back to Wangshu Inn to rest before it was dark.

As soon as she arrived at Guiliyuan, she found a group of ordinary people being chased and fleeing in fear. Ke Qing decisively shot and killed the ice goddess who was following her, and later discovered that this was the result of the art of talismans.And this kind of talisman technique is often what the immortal family is good at, and if it can be used to such a superb level, it is basically certain that it must be the work of the immortal family!

This made the chivalrous Ke Qingli furious. She had seen countless times of fighting between mortals in this desolate and lawless place.But as an immortal who is highly respected and loved by the people of Liyue, how could he attack mortals!

Can such a fallen fairy family be considered a fairy family!

Driving God's Eye, Zi Lei swam like a snake on Ke Qing's long sword, but she still kept an eye on her and shouted: "Give me an explanation! Otherwise, I will stop you here!"

"You can't stop it." The white-haired woman said lightly.

"My name is Keqing, 'Yuheng Xing', one of the seven stars of Liyue." Keqing said with a solemn face, "I know you are far stronger than ordinary people, so I don't want to suppress you with your status. I just want to tell you that I The influence in the world is not low, if I die in your hands, all the Seven Stars, Eight Sects and even the General Affairs Department will be mobilized, even if you are a fairy, you will not be able to escape the sanction of Liyue's law."

As soon as these words came out, the cold eyes of the white-haired woman flickered for a moment, and she asked with some doubts: "What is the law?"

What is the law you can even ask? !

Ke Maomao was stunned. She thought this was a villain who treated human life like nothing, but she didn't expect that she not only treated human life like nothing, she was so overbearing and arrogant that even the law was like a piece of paper!It is impossible for Keqing to regard this "what is the law" as an interrogative sentence, it can only be an extremely arrogant rhetorical question!

What is that attitude?That's a "law? I think it's funny when you say the law!" attitude!

Ke Qing, who is outspoken, almost doubts life. This woman is obviously exquisite and unparalleled, and she is also a fairy. How can she be so evil!

But... As Yuheng Xing, although Ke Qing's heart was smoking with anger, she still calmed down. The saber "Dragon Song in the Box" was shining inch by inch. She stared closely at the evil fairy in front of her, knowing that she might I don't bother to explain at all, and simply give up fantasy.

"Then let's see today, I won't be able to stop you!" Ke Qing's figure instantly turned into lightning, and she was so fast that she slashed from behind the white-haired woman with a sword.

The white-haired woman took advantage of the opportunity to push the spear back, and the moment she turned her head, she returned the carbine neatly!

"Return!" Ke Qing groaned, and the figure flickered away from the attack range of the spear again, but the majestic thunder and lightning detonated from the previous position, accompanied by Ke Qing who appeared from behind the white-haired woman, two-way attack.

"Thunder penalty!"

The thunderstorm in front of the sword slashed behind, the white-haired woman's sense of crisis flashed in her heart, and a hint of hostility flickered in her indifferent eyes again, and she pinched the talisman with her fingers, "Future!"

Yang Lingwei summoned the general mantra, and summoned countless ice goddesses to chase the treasure robbers before, but now I have to suspend the purpose.The white-haired woman was filled with anger and hatred, knowing that she could no longer kill all the villains just now, she gritted her silver teeth, and violence arose in her heart!

——Simply kill you scoundrel who gets in the way!What kind of inexplicable Yuheng Xing, you and those villains must be in the same group!

The goddess summoned her, and the white-haired woman charged straight in with her spear, and knocked Keqing's long sword away!The two are not at the same level of fighting power!

Keqing's face turned pale!

At this moment, a big bird that had been watching for a long time on the next hill finally sighed softly.

"Going down the mountain to experience, going down the mountain to practice, in the end I didn't even remember the name of the Liyue Seven Stars, alas, if I didn't have a sudden whim to see where you are, this would have caused a catastrophe within a few days of going down the mountain. "The big bird shook her head, and was about to use the fairy method to stop the two people who were already in the nick of battle, and then her face froze suddenly, and she looked towards the distance of this pipeline.

"Oh? There are variables?"


Just when the white-haired woman was about to take advantage of the situation to give Ke Qing blood splashing on the spot, both of them heard a roar from far and near!

The white-haired woman and the purple-haired Maomao froze at the same time, and then moved away from each other in a flash. Ke Qing quickly picked up the long sword and turned to look at the third person.

The sound of people arrived before they arrived, and there was no sound insulation method at all. The manic roar of the engine was extremely eye-catching, just like the roar of some wild beast.A pitch-black heavy motorcycle of more than half a ton jumped over the corner of the slope, then braked fiercely, and the overheated tires burned a black mark on the ground, leaning firmly beside the two people who were fighting.

The two beautiful girls showed alert looks at the same time, neither of them knew whose friend or enemy the visitor was.

Shen Liang in the car took off his sunglasses, shook his long black hair blown away by the wind, tilted his head to look at Ke Qing, his eyes lit up, "Wow, cat."

Ke Qing was also slightly startled when she saw him, she didn't expect it to be a child who was slightly shorter than herself. Although she didn't like judging people by their appearance, this child was... too good-looking.

As the noble Liyue Seven Stars, Keqing has seen eight thousand beautiful girls if not ten thousand, but she is so delicate and even perfect that she feels a little ashamed of herself...

But who is a cat!

"Carve a cat." The white-haired woman suddenly said.

Why do you say that!

Then Shen Liang turned over and got out of the car, and untied a nylon rope tied to the back seat of the car.At this moment, Keqing and the white-haired woman realized that there were more than a dozen ropes tied to the back of his motorcycle, hanging far behind.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say hello to you and ask how to get to Liyue Port." Shen Liang smiled brightly at the white-haired woman, "But seeing how hard it is for you to catch a few thieves, let's go help first." Yes, just arrived now."

"Help?" the white-haired woman repeated, with some doubts in her tone.

"Well, just to help you bring back the person you didn't solve, and also resolve the dispute between the two of you." Shen Liang casually tugged on the dozen or so ropes, "I don't think you are very good at talking. , the reason why people grow mouths is to explain, why did they start fighting out of nowhere?"

As soon as he pulled, twelve thieves from the Treasure Bandit were all covered in blood with scars, and there was a glaring blood hole in their ankles.Immediately, several people died instantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dragging them on the ground along the way made them either dead or disabled, and there are not many survivors after this fall." Shen Liang said lightly.

Keqing was stunned, she looked at this small black-haired handsome boy in disbelief, this kid who was shorter than her was so vicious, and under his innocent and cute appearance, he took the group of people all the way without blinking. Drag over here!What kind of cruel torture was this, that he could talk and laugh happily with her without any disturbance?

This little guy and this female devil must be together!

"It's not from a group, I'm just passing by." Shen Liang seemed to see through her mind, and said with a smile, "I only kept my life alive to prevent good people from fighting, otherwise I would kill them directly, I didn't torture people It’s just that my car can’t fit so many people.”

He paused, and added: "Of course, I can sit so many people, and I won't let a dirty man sit behind me."

Can you still say jokes casually at a time like this?

"Well, it's a good thing I have a driving recorder, and it's high-definition." Shen Liang casually threw the driving recorder to Ke Qing, "Take a look."

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