Keqing accepted this complicated machine in doubt, but she was very smart, even though she didn't quite understand the principle, she immediately understood its function. Seeing the horrifying scene in the video of the treasure robbers blocking the way and killing people, she finally fell silent.

"There are testimonies." Shen Liang kicked the dying Treasure Bandit, "Get up and talk."

"Please...please, kill me...kill me..." The thief from the Treasure Bandit, whose face was almost worn off, said in a weak voice, and it was even a bit terrifying to match his bloody body.Ke Qing took a look, then turned her head away, not daring to look directly at such a hideous face.

But she still did her duty, and asked sharply: "You blocked the road, robbed and killed people? Do you know that according to Liyue's law, this is a capital offense!"

"It hurts...It hurts...Kill me...Kill me..." The treasure robbers groaned (crabs), the torment of being dragged on the gravel road at high speed made them lose their sanity , they just want to die quickly, they don't know what Keqing is talking about.

Shen Liang squatted silently, turned Hua Haiyue, and whispered next to the leader: "Speak, or I will renew your life, and then we will continue racing. This time, face down."

The thief looked in horror at the spring-like smile on this extremely beautiful little face, and finally confessed everything.

"Look, it's just a misunderstanding, now the misunderstanding is resolved." Shen Liang stood up, "Then they will be handed over to Mr. Yu Hengxing, is it okay?"

Keqing let out a breath.

Although I still feel that the methods of this woman and this Hei Changzhi are a bit harsh, but...after all, it is her own fault, and she is not a person who does not know good and evil, so she apologized cleanly: "I was rude, these prisoners will be handed over to you." Liyue General Affairs Division handles it."

"Aren't you going to kill me?" the white-haired woman asked lightly.

Keqing hesitated for a while, but still answered truthfully: "The chief culprit is dead, and the remaining ones are not enough to be sentenced to death. But this...well, you didn't kill five people for self-protection, even though Eliminate evil, but according to the law, it has crossed the limit, please follow me back to the Liyue General Affairs Department to wait for your punishment. Of course, I will try my best to evaluate you as a righteous person, and those who act bravely will not be blamed, please believe me."

At this time, Shen Liang was astonished and wanted to laugh.

Having killed so many people... This is the first time someone has stood in front of him and said "according to the law" and "at the mercy of the law".To put it bluntly, in Daozuma, he executed casually [-] wanderers if not a hundred. Although he was not a chivalrous person, he just dealt with such things casually when he saw such a thing.

The shogunate never dared to say no to his behavior.

When it came to Liyue... a slender and beautiful girl dared to speak to him like that.


But Shen Liang didn't think it was unreasonable or offensive, rather... It was because a girl dared to speak the law to him, a murderous lunatic here, that made him happier.

Ashamed of Liyue, here... seems to be much better than that precarious Dao wife.

But before Shen Liang could refute, the white-haired woman behind him suddenly took a step forward, her eyes were slightly cold, "No, he can't go back with you, I don't believe you. You may have a personal grudge against me."

Shen Liang was pinched and pulled by her, and she protected him behind him, holding his hand tightly like an old hen protecting its chicks.He was even more inexplicable.

I am such a domineering and cool debut, such a domineering and cool man... Do I need your protection?

"I will deal with it impartially, and how can I have any personal grievances?" Ke Qing argued hard, and was even more angry when faced with this questioning, and said quickly, "It's you, you obviously have such a powerful force, why did you get married when the groom was killed? No shot? You should have time!"

The white-haired woman's expression was indifferent, "I can indeed make a move, but why should I do it?"

"He was killed in front of you!"

"That's his fate." The white-haired woman whispered, "Everyone has a fate. My fate is the lone star of Tiansha, and his fate is to die here. When he dies, I will naturally avenge him. Now Aren't there not many people buried with him?"

Keqing couldn't understand her thoughts for a while.

"Sometimes there must be destiny in fate. Master often said that you should not be too contaminated with karma in the world. Rescuing him is karma. He is dead, and I will avenge him. It is karma." Ethics are different from yours, I don't ask you to understand, but just like now, this young man acted for me, I have to accept this karma, then I can't let him be taken away by you."

Ke Qing glanced at Shen Liang, and thought to herself, oh so it's a little boy, luckily he didn't directly call out this lady just now, otherwise he would be embarrassing.Really, how can there be a boy who is so beautiful, if you are a boy, you should not have long hair!

PS: Little Auspicious Grass King seems to be a white-haired loli, very cute.

But the loli of the original god is really a real loli, unlike the one in Honkai, the Honkai loli is very emotional, the kind who wants to hug her and call his wife and then throw herself on the bed to make sauce.

The loli of the original god, I can only be a daughter, I really want some broken loli to come in...

Volume 276: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 9 Chapter [-] The Rice Wife, the Young Dragon, the Urgent and Unparalleled General, Shen Liang

The atmosphere that had faded just now became tense again.

"I can't talk to you about going together." Ke Qing stared at the white-haired woman in front of her, her tone was blunt, "If you can save it, it's not my fault. So you can leave. In fact, if you also kill these mortals, even if it is for the so-called eradication of evil, I will definitely arrest you!"

Shen Liang was quite curious, "Even if you already know that the other party is a villain, you still want us to be brought to justice?"

"Wicked people should be punished by law. Liyue is the capital of contract, and the law is clear. They killed a coachman, and their crime was nothing more than killing the chief culprit. The rest went on, but now many people have died." Keqing said methodically, "I Taking you back, with me as a witness, should be regarded as an act of righteousness, but if you don’t go back with me, you are overprotective and absconded in fear of crime... this gentleman.”

Obviously, neither Shen Liang nor Shen He agreed with these words, and Shen He already felt a little irritated.She has always disliked talking with people, and when she couldn't explain it, she would have killing intent, but at this moment she knew that she had to suppress her temper.

Otherwise, although I can knock out the so-called Liyue Qixing and take the boy away.But after that, this young man will also be in trouble, and he may even be wanted.

Then the cause and effect of oneself will be magnified.

The master said that after entering the world and seeing the world of mortals, many things cannot be solved by a brave man... This is what happened right now.

However, Shen Liang was very interested in Ke Qing's attitude at this time, especially when she said "this gentleman" seriously, which made Shen Liang feel very good.

His habit of "reasoning" with people has come up again.

"But Miss Maomao, the crimes committed by these treasure robbers may not be just a crime of life. You have also seen that they beheaded people while talking and laughing, without the slightest respect for life. If such people pull Going back for interrogation, maybe everyone will be sentenced to death." Shen Liang smiled, "I may have killed a few of them too hard, but for the most vicious people, maybe I have to be soft and stay on the line when they are brave enough to fight for justice? ?”

"What you said makes sense, so I just hope you go back with me, please believe me, I will clean up your mistakes as much as possible." Kemaomao said calmly, "Also, don't call me Miss Maomao , this is tied hair, I'm not a cat."

"Just 'as far as possible'?" Shen Liang was not very satisfied with this answer, he tilted his head, his eyes showed suspicion.

"Because some of these people may not be such heinous criminals. Even if the probability is very low, I can't just trust you and her."

"You talk about probability with us when there is no time to think about it?" Shen Liang laughed, "If I were an ordinary person, facing such vicious gangsters, I would still have time to tell which one of them is the least guilty, so I can fight back Can you be less forceful? Miss Keqing, no matter how much you pay attention to fairness and law, you can't ignore reality."

"As you said, you can't ignore reality." Ke Qing raised her eyes, her purple eyes were full of seriousness and determination, "But are you ordinary people?"

Shen Liang was taken aback.

"You are not ordinary people, you are very powerful. In the face of their aggression, you have the ability to protect yourself." The girl with the cat bun with two ponytails stood in front of two beings stronger than her, neither humble nor overbearing.

"But you, one has the ability to save people, but failed to save them. The other has the ability to bring people back with ease, but let them be tortured to death. You are not ordinary people, so naturally you can't look at the choices of ordinary people in the face of difficulties-then Tell me, can I really trust you?"

She paused every word: "Plan with the worst intentions, can't I suspect that you all want to use legal means to torture and kill mortals who have no power to fight back? Is it true that there are no people who lose their respect for life without the two of you?" So, if someone relies on the strong to bully the weak, even if the weakness is a crime, I must still doubt it, after all, in front of the strong, the evil of the weak is an excuse for the strong to release their own evil!"

These words exploded violently like burning iron touching the heart, deafening.

Shen Liang, who is used to refuting words, opened his mouth in front of Ke Qing's clear and sharp eyes, but couldn't speak.

He subconsciously examined his heart.

——I... am taking advantage of the viciousness of the weak, is there any reason or excuse to release my own viciousness?

——Me too, have I lost my reverence for life?


Shen Liang suddenly found that when he was talking about the group of treasure thieves dragging for hundreds of meters, their screams were deaf to his ears, and he even felt a kind of chivalrous joy.Is this turning a blind eye to the life of the wicked, the joy of helping justice, or the satisfaction of ravaging others?

Shen Liang couldn't figure out where his joy came from.


Shen Liang suddenly understood what Anna had said, that he had already begun to alienate.The hatred and killing of mercenaries on the earth made him gradually look down on other people's lives, and this alienation will eventually affect his life... In the chaos like Daoqi, there is no problem with his alienation, where there is a lot of chaos. Even civilians are used to war and life and death.

But in the peaceful Liyue, his alienation is out of place.

out of place...

He even always felt that Keqing was targeting him, but he never thought that in the eyes of a girl like Keqing, a person like him who willfully punishes evil and puts everything into equally dangerous!

And the same is true for the white-haired woman, her three views are equally dangerous.In other words, the three views that do not conform to Liyue's long-term and stable society are all alienated in nature.

Shen Liang sighed sincerely, turned around and saw the white-haired woman whose eyes were getting impatient and her pretty face was full of evil, she was a little stunned.

——Having dealt with wild beasts for so long, I have forgotten how to be a civilized person.

"Thank you Maomao for teaching me." Shen Liang bowed his head.

"Eh?" Ke Qing didn't expect him to thank you sincerely suddenly, she was a little flustered for a while, and waved her hands to explain hurriedly, "What are you doing all of a sudden, I just want you and me to go to the General Affairs Department, don't worry, your last It's just an over-defense, and I won't add stains to your file. And I'm Liyue Qixing, although it's impossible to use power to help you, otherwise it would be corruption, but for my sake, you must be brave, like The treasure thieves you mentioned cannot be convicted of crimes that are more than deadly evil..."

"You want to go with her?" The cold white-haired woman frowned, "I still have something important to do."

"What do you need to go to Liyue Port and let's do it together." Ke Qing said quickly.

"I made an appointment for dishes at Xinyuexuan." The woman said earnestly, "Master made an appointment for me for four months, allowing me to taste the dishes of the world. I have worked so hard, so I can only come to Liyue Port."

"Just because of this?" Ke Qing was stunned.

She wondered why the fairy came into the world, such a fairy who despises life and kills decisively, is it just for a meal?

"I didn't want to enter the world, but Guchen Jiesha's life would easily hurt people around me. But the teacher's fate has been decided," the woman said indifferently, "Before arriving at Liyue Port, the driver will be killed first, and this young man will suffer, heh."

A faint self-mockery appeared on her delicate cheeks that had been as calm as water, then she touched Shen Liang's head and said softly, "I'm so sorry."

Shen Liang felt a little depressed when she pressed his head, if it was an elder who liked to touch his hair like this, that's fine, an elder is an elder after all.But this he worthy of being a fairy who cultivated in the deep mountains and old forests?Don't understand a little bit of sophistication?How old are you, you touch my head!

What annoys you girls who are 1.7 meters and wear high heels the most!

"Gu Chen Jie Sha Ming." Ke Qing frowned slightly, obviously she didn't take it seriously, "Immortals still believe in these feudal superstitions?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you will know after staying with me for a long time." The white-haired woman said lightly, "Besides, I'm not a fairy, I'm just a disciple of the fairy family."

Seeing her slightly depressed face, Kemaomao wanted to say something to comfort her, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only puff up her cheeks a little unhappily, "Hmph, what fate, you fairy family who guard the old Huangli Believe it, I don’t believe it! Come on, you just go back to Liyue Port with me, and I’ll take you to Xinyuexuan for dinner... We’re walking together this way, I want to see what fate can hold my dignified Yuheng star!"

The white-haired woman raised her head with doubts in her eyes.

"If that's the case, I'll go back to Liyue with you, and then this fairy will treat me to a meal at Xinyuexuan." Shen Liang also laughed, "Miss Keqing's words are very in line with my wishes. , what kind of messed up lone star of the evil spirit, so what if there is one, I want to see if this so-called fate can restrain me?"

As an Earthling, Shen Liang certainly doesn't believe in all superstitions from horoscopes to fortune-telling.And even if there is such a saying in the Tivat continent, he still doesn't care.Just kidding, no matter how you tell your fortune, it can be counted on him, an outsider?How can the broken fate of the lone star of Tiansha compare to the oppressive power of the seven rulers in the world?

People on earth have always believed in a point of view, the so-called fate, after all, it is impossible to overcome the heart.

Shen He quietly looked at the two people who didn't care, and stroked his chest with his right hand.She didn't know what was wrong with her, but felt that the blood supplying organ... was beating a little strangely.

"By the way, after talking for so long, I'm the only one who signed up, and I don't know the two of you yet." Ke Qing smiled, "Then let me introduce myself first, Ke Qing, a native of Liyue, has just been promoted Yu Hengxing is 17 years old this year."

The white-haired fairy put her hands back into her long sleeves, and her voice was cold and clear, but the sense of alienation that seemed vague at the beginning seemed to have disappeared a lot, "My name is Shen He, and I am from the mountains and fields. I am not worth mentioning."

After hesitating for a while, she said again: "21."

"Miss Shen He? May I ask which fairy family it is under?" Ke Qing was curious.

This is not a secret, Shen He remembers that the master did not tell her not to reveal it, "I learned from Master Liuyun Borrowing Wind."

"It's a familiar name..." Ke Qing didn't know the mythical classics very well, but only vaguely remembered the name.

At this time, Shen He stared at Shen Liang intently.

Ke Qing also turned her gaze back, looking curiously at the only man here, although he said he was a boy, but Ke Qing had to admit that he was actually the most handsome and lovely one among the three.

"Shen Liang, I came from Dao Wife." Shen Liang said with a smile, "It's just a passing traveler, 16 years old."

A proud daughter of heaven who is in power in Yujingtai, a cold-hearted disciple of the fairy family from deep mountains and forests, a little red-faced wolf dog who is still curious about everything in Liyue for the time being.

It's like white jade strayed into the world, or black iron thrown into troubled times.

Until many years later, the historians of the Seven Kingdoms will write in a place in the dead of night, and use their exhausted imagination to conceive of those young girls singing along with spirits, climbing towers and drawing swords and hitting pillars. At that time, Yu Jingtai drank in high spirits and was defiant.

Their pride and aspirations were first revealed when they were teenagers in fresh clothes and angry horses.

Few people think that they met at such a simple moment, such an insignificant moment.

"Shen Liang?" Ke Qing felt something familiar again, different from the one just now, she was sure that this name was only recently known to her.

"Shen surnamed Liang, Liyue people? But you just said you are from Daofu?" Ke Maomao looked at the quiet and handsome Hei Changzhi in front of him, pressed his temples and tried hard to think, gradually combining the impression in his mind with the expression in front of his eyes. The laughing boy responded.

"I remember what the portrait was...a very beautiful boy...short...with black waist-length hair...high ponytail...has a name that looks like Liyue people...drives a weird car Alchemy vehicles..."

Ke Qing finally raised her head, her lovely big eyes were swollen, and she pointed to Shen Liang's face in disbelief.

"Who is short!" Shen Liang was anxious, "How do your intelligence officers describe me? Can you respect some special talents?"

"You! You are that, that, the alien who confronted Thor in the Haizhi Island war! Your Highness the Regent Prince of Haizhi Island!" Ke Qing was so frightened that she could hardly speak, even if she might have reconciled with Shen Liang just now. She didn't lose her composure even when Shen He was hostile, "Shen Liang, who is called by bards as 'the young dragon of the rice wife', 'the unparalleled villain of the Eastern and Western Kingdoms', and 'the general Hai Yuqian'! You have come to Liyue!"

If it wasn't for the familiarity just now, Shen Liang just wanted to cover his face and find a crack to sneak in, the tips of his ears were completely red.

When Daozuma was so respected by others, he could still accept the word "His Royal Highness the Regent". After all, Daozuma's reputation was greater than his reputation, and he was respectful.

But when Liyue was engraved, Qingqing gave a series of words like the name of the dish!Too high school!Unbearable!

What is the young dragon of the rice wife, the unparalleled murderer of the Eastern and Western Kingdoms!What version have I been passed on outside!Isn't the mother's society in charge of diplomacy and propaganda, and they just let those bards make up stories everywhere?Good guy, he earned a lot of copyright fees, maybe the editorial agency Yae Miko changed the content himself, right?

You Naukami Island was overthrown by me and you lost your lord, so why not just write me as your rice wife's second disease and let me follow you to lose your lord, right?

【I think boss, you intentionally ignored the last 'General Over Flowers Hai Yuqian'. 】Tora Chiyo said in a low voice.

[Stupid woman shut up! 】

Volume 277 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 10 Chapter [-] Brave New World

The case was settled for the time being, Keqing took out a piece of fireworks tube from the eye of God.Even though it was noon, the bright fireworks and piercing screams could still reach the guard post more than ten miles away.The three of them waited on the spot for a while, and soon the Qianyan army team in standard light armor rushed over. After saluting Keqing, they saw the headless corpse and the surviving treasure robbers on the ground, and their faces were slightly a little bit solidification.

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