But now Rita doesn't seem ready to tear the team apart.

"But where are we going? Specifically, how do we go?" Shen Liang looked around and found that there were no cars, only two motorcycles.

And now there are four of them.

"Chunshan Bar is located in Soho District, which is a famous night city, so motor vehicles are not allowed to drive late at night." Lei Dian Mei smiled lightly, "Of course, motorcycles are not allowed, but usually the local police will Do turn one eye and close one eye."

"Yes, but who does Miss Mei want to bring?" Rita turned her head to look at Mei Lei with a charming smile, "If you really want Mr. Shen to sit behind, Rita will not be too attractive Oh love."

Raiden Mei clenched her teeth sullenly.

Volume 302: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 35 Chapter [-] Look down at your feet, your face is flushed, shy and timid, ying ying ying

always like this always like this!

Leiden Mei didn't understand what this maid was ordered by the headquarters, and she was always against her in some sensitive places!

Aren't you here to receive Sirin?You take Xilin away well, what are you thinking about my junior brother doing?

Don't you know that our seniors, sisters and brothers have a lot to say when we reunite after a long absence?Do you have eyesight to see?Are you still very proud from the beginning of KY to now?

Raiden Mei is 100% sure that Rita is deliberately targeting her.

"Miss Rita is exaggerating. I don't understand what it means to win someone's love. If Miss Rita is very interested in my junior brother, then Miss Rita (crab) will serve you along the way." Lei Dian Mei said coldly Say, "I don't care."

Rita looked at her for a long time with a smile on her face, then said in a low voice, "You really don't mind?"

"Come on, don't waste time."

The conversation between the two of them did not avoid Shen Liang and Xi Lin, and Shen Liang was not a fool, and could vaguely feel that there was something in Rita's words.

But he didn't dare to intervene, because he did have something he couldn't say to Rita, and Rita was a little cautious, so he could understand.

"But I can't." Sirin jumped out of the trolley and stared at Rita. Her golden eyes looked at her slim and tall figure, and finally focused on Rita's slender thighs wrapped in black silk under her maid outfit. , the perfect proportion of those legs is even better than hers.After all, she is just the most beautiful young lady in the world, and Rita has never been the most beautiful, but the most charming. Every point of her body is most in line with not girls' aesthetics but men's. A stunner for kids out of control.

She's actually wearing a maid's outfit so spookily!She is clearly a respectable S-rank Valkyrie, but she is wearing a cute and pitiful maid outfit to make a difference!She is simply a vixen who came to seduce men!

Sirin was very angry, because there were no men in the headquarters of Destiny, and she felt that Rita's attractive appearance was designed for her younger brother Pandora.Of course, the little white-haired queen would never consider the fact that Rita has been a maid for several years. Even if Rita has been a maid since she was a child more than ten years ago, she will feel that Rita is warming up and waiting for Pandora to be born.

Xilin thought that her younger brother was unlikely to resist Rita's beauty, so she strictly prevented Rita from trying to ride in a car with Shen Liang.

"Humans, you should know that I have a certain degree of cleanliness. I can only get in touch with my own family, and I will feel disgusted when I get in touch with outsiders. So you take a car by yourself, and Pandora and I take one." Sirin announced domineeringly, " I don't want to cling to your body and feel the smell of sweat on your body, well, the most I can tolerate is my stupid mother, my stupid sister and the smell of this stupid human being."

Shen Liang covered her face.

Both Miss Mei and Miss Rita were dumbfounded, looking helplessly at this arrogant white-haired man.But since it was a distinguished guest who spoke, the two had no choice but to get in a car and leave.Shen Liang stepped on the other one, and Sirin immediately flew up, hung the small cart on the back of the motorcycle, and sat down in the raised seat in front of Shen Liang lightly.

"Sit in the back." Shen Liang reminded, "The back is the serious seat, where you are sitting is the fuel tank."

In fact, the reason why people could sit in front of them when they were racing in Tivat was because the height of the fuel tank of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle was almost at the same level as the seat, and Xiao Gong could let Shen Liang see the road ahead as long as Xiao Gong was in his arms and leaned over a little.But here is a Kawasaki motorcycle. The height of the fuel tank of Japanese motorcycles is much higher than that of the seat. Sirin is not "in his arms" at all, but directly makes him invisible.

"Shut up human, I am your queen, of course I want to be in front of you and taller than you!"

"Sister, I can't see the way with you like this!"

"I do not care!"

"Sister Xilin, you were the Empress Dowager Cixi in the late Qing Dynasty, did you know that?"

"But I didn't let you drive on your knees. I'm much more kind than the Empress Dowager Cixi!"

Although it was noisy, Sirin still crawled behind him, Leiden Mei led Rita to lead the way, and galloped all the way in the night from the road outside the airport.

"It would be better to agree directly if I knew it earlier, wouldn't I?"

On the motorcycle in front, Rita gently wrapped her arms around the girl's slender but strong waist, and whispered in her ear, "No one is doing well now, both lose."

"You lost, and it has nothing to do with me." Leiden Mei said lightly, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it."

"Miss Mei really has no interest in Mr. Shen?"

"Although junior brother is young, he is Kiyana's man after all. Ms. Rita doesn't know that Kiyana is my best friend, as close as a sister, right?"

"Miss Mei is such an excellent girl, no matter how you look at it, she is not weaker than the second daughter of the Shaniat family." Rita whispered, "Do you still care about this?"

"Don't take me for someone like you!"

"Does Ms. Mei know what kind of person Rita is?" Rita smiled slightly, "Has Miss Mei known about Rita? Do you know the relationship between Rita and Mr. Shen? You see Rita's actions and think Rita Ta will do something on behalf of the destiny, beware of Rita, but can't Rita do something for herself?"

Mei Lei was taken aback, she really didn't understand Rita, the reason why she was wary of Rita was that she didn't really think of Rita in the direction of Shenliang.

Because they are obviously people from two worlds, even if they get along a little bit in Aisha, what kind of spark can there be between a young man who has just entered the extraordinary side and a noble S-rank Valkyrie?

So she simply couldn't understand Rita's pretentious gesture.

but if……

Didn't she follow the order of the destiny?

Leiden Mei saw the calm expression of the maid behind her through the rearview mirror, and was even more surprised in her heart. Apart from surprise, there was also a trace of inexplicable emotion rising.

"What do you want?"

"Could it be that the Shaniat family said that if the child belongs to Shaniat, they can even take over his love and marriage? The Shaniat family can't be so overbearing. It's a little wolf dog, not a domestic one. dog." Rita hugged Mei, took a deep sniff of the shampoo in the extreme girl's hair, and said solemnly, "When we get here, it's not the Shaniat family's territory."

Leiden Mei really wanted to warn her that he was Kiyana's boyfriend, if you dare to have an idea, I will do it for the heavens!But she hesitated when she reached the point of her mouth, not because she couldn't possibly be the opponent of an S-rank Valkyrie, but... for some inexplicable reasons.

"Do you want to stop Rita?" the maid asked instead.

Lei Dian Mei twisted the accelerator, emptied his mind, and said coldly: "I said, these have nothing to do with me!"

"Look, you are shaken, you won't stop me. Why? Because only here, he is not the young master Pandora of the Shaniat family, but everyone's little wolf dog. You understand better than anyone else , there is only time to do something, this moment is the only time." Rita leaned close to her back, her voice was charming, like a wizard who seduces a mermaid in a fairy tale, "Miss Mei, God will not take what you give, but you will be blamed instead."

Miss Mei's face turned livid.

In another car, Sirin put down the mobile phone in her hand, stood up on the car seat, lay on Shen Liang's back and hugged his neck, and then enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing straight over.

This is what Sirin has always liked to do. Although she can't drive or ride a bicycle, she has always enjoyed the thrill of driving, so she has had her own sports car and airplane since she was a child.Now that Shen Liang is her driver, and as her younger brother, he can ignore his image at will, so Xilin is even happier.

"I'm riding a bike, and I'm playing." Shen Liang helplessly felt the girl dangling behind his neck with her arms around his neck, but even though Xilin was dangling, his body remained motionless and he drove steadily.

This is Sirin, looking at her face that is completely indistinguishable from that of Qiyana, she couldn't continue to reprimand her, if it was someone else, he would have slapped her down long ago.

It's not all without its downsides, though.

Sirin and Kiyana even have the same good figure, and the bulging girl Suruan is rubbing left and right behind his back, which is very similar to Kiyana's touch.Sure enough, Sirin has no defense against men and women, or she has no defense against men and women in her own family... There is no way, most of the Shaniat family are like this, they have had too few boys, Shen Liang and It's "my family", they don't have that sense of defense at all.

Of course, it is more likely that no matter whether it is Qiyana, Sirin or whoever, seeing his face has never treated him as a boy.

Sirin was very dissatisfied with her servant's reprimand, but sat down after blowing the wind for a while.She is still a little proud, after all, what girls like to see most is the way boys have no choice but to spoil them.

The little queen has always felt that she must be pampered by everyone. Although Pandora, a newcomer, may need some time to adjust, it is not bad now.

Although I saw two vixens who seemed to covet Pandora a little as soon as I got off the plane, it didn't matter, with her here, she would not let the vixens succeed!Although Qiyana is a stupid younger sister, Sirin is an adult with a lot of older sisters. She will still keep an eye on Pandora and Pandora's surroundings to ensure that her stupid younger sister will not be put on green things by outsiders.

Alas, it's really worrying everywhere, I'm such a busy man.


The east wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night, and blows them down. The stars are like rain, and the roads are filled with the fragrance of BMW carved cars.The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the light of the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night.Moth snow willow golden strands, laughter filled with dark fragrance.They looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, but when they looked back suddenly, the man was in a dimly lit place.

Xin Qiji's "Sapphire Case" probably condenses all the beautiful fantasies about the impression of "lively night".In modern society, whether it’s New Year’s Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or Ghost Festival, all kinds of nights with bright fireworks will remind people of a certain image in this poem.

Romantic and boisterous.

Just like now.

It only takes 10 minutes from the airport to the city. When I came to Chunshan Bar, it was really full of guests.

Although theoretically only Rita and Mei are the ones in charge of entertaining, but after all, they are hosting such a topical couple. Even though the bar has long been closed, there are still countless people who can't be stopped by the closure to come and look forward to it!

The entire bar was filled with Valkyries who came from the headquarters after hearing the news, so many that Shen Liang felt a little afraid.The lobby of the bar was already full. Dozens of young girls sat together in twos and threes, chatting while drinking, and then saw the moment the door was pushed open, their voices were raised and [-]% enthusiastic!

"Pandora!" Immediately someone cheered loudly.

"It's true, alive and kicking Pandora!"

"Miss Rita and Miss Mei brought Pandora back! Who is that next to him? She's so pretty! Is it Pandora's relative?"

"Welcome, welcome! There are all the Valkyries in the headquarters of Destiny, and Pandora is welcome to visit the headquarters!"

"Give a speech! Hurry up, little Pandora, give a speech!"

The noisy welcome sounded together, and from time to time, a girl with a ruddy face would rush out to say hello to Shen Liang, all beautiful girls.Shen Liang had never faced this level of social interaction when he had no elders, and he subconsciously took two steps back, almost committing a slight social fear.

Then he felt that Sirin held his hand as usual, and walked into the booth of the bar calmly like a sister leading a younger brother, unaffected by the crowd's voices at all.

These Valkyries almost showed a little surprise when they saw Shen Liang and Xilin holding hands, but some people quickly realized that although Xilin didn't show her face much, there were still records. Knowing her from the information, and now seeing Sirin leading the "shy" little Pandora, they each had speculations in their hearts, but they didn't show it, but their voices were slightly lower.

"Everyone is too enthusiastic. Pandora is still young, and I can't adapt to such enthusiastic people." Rita came out to smooth things over with a smile at this time, "The real little Pandora is a little shy, please forgive me."

The corners of Leiden Mei's mouth twitched slightly.

This reason... afraid of life?Although Shen Liang hates socializing a bit, how could he be "scared of strangers". He has been self-reliant in Japan for so many years and can live a good life with his two younger sisters. How can he be so weak psychologically?

Shen Liang also made a timely posture of "looking down at his feet, his little face flushed, shy and timid, and chirping". Substitution.

But this time those Valkyries covered their hearts even more. Although their voices were lowered, the enthusiasm of the discussion instantly increased, and vaguely heard words such as "I'm really going to die", "Ruan Meng Zhengtai", "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "Eat it" "The tender ones can pinch water, isn't this forcing my sister to commit a crime?" "Organize a group to steal Shaniat's little wolf dog 1/20!" "2/20!".

Shen Liang and Xilin were sitting alone in the corner, and Rita and Mei were sitting opposite. This posture obviously did not want to be disturbed, so no Valkyrie came ignorantly.After all, it was Rita's magnanimity to show them a glance, and they still didn't dare to provoke Rita.This also made Shen Liang heave a sigh of relief, he didn't want to come to London and waste all his time dealing with these people meaninglessly.

Who knows what these Valkyries are greedy for him!

"Human, you have so many suitors." Sirin spoke first, and said lightly.

PS: Everyone said Mei this Mei that, thinking about it carefully, I forgot how long Kiyana has been offline...

Volume 303 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 36 Chapter [-] The Little Junior Brother

"There are very few Valkyries in the Destiny Headquarters who don't know Mr. Pandora," Rita continued with a smile, "Pandora, son of the white flower, the last such outstanding male Valkyrie can be traced back to Siegfried Karl 20 years ago. Sir Slana, but Lord Siegfried is obviously not as attractive to girls as Mr. Pandora."

"What the hell?" Shen Liang frowned. He knew that Siegfried was the most famous man on the extraordinary side in the past 300 years. A handsome middle-aged male.He was Cecilia's past husband, the father of Kiana and Sirin, and sort of his father-in-law.

"Lord Siegfried has quite a few suitors, but the Valkyries of Destiny's aesthetics towards men are more inclined to young and ignorant beautiful boys with red lips and white teeth." Rita swept him all over calmly, "Because the Valkyrie After all, they are transcendental beings, and compared with ordinary humans, they have non-negligible advantages. Most Valkyries tend to be strong when they treat men, so they prefer teenagers or young ladies who are relatively weak in the relationship between the sexes."

"It's nothing more than juvenile aesthetics. Then you should go to Korean or Japanese variety shows to find young idols. With your status and appearance, it's definitely a dream for them to take care of those young children." appearance.

"Those people are too old." Mei Lei said lightly.

"???" Shen Liang was stunned.

"The assembly-line products that have tried their best to cover up the greasy hair and the face, and tried their best to pretend to be innocent, and the young master Shaniat, who is so flawless that even a Valkyrie is ashamed of himself, are not even qualified to compare together." Rita laughed. "Even if you just sit with Pandora, you will be attacked by the jealousy of countless people."


Sirin next to her was a little suspicious. She felt that these words were a bit exaggerated. She often got along with Pandora and never felt envious of her. The girl from the Chaniat family often had sex with Pandora. Anyone can come and go from his bedroom.

But she rubbed her temples and turned to survey the young girls in the bar.Sure enough, when the eyes met, the group of yelling Valkyries maintained their respect and smiles for Miss Shaniat, but they almost condensed into a substantial expression from the gestures and eyes of their clenched goblets. In the flames, one could see how unhappy they were at the moment.

Sirin immediately cheered up.

Sure enough, being this elder sister is still a little bit good, at least she can knead Pandora casually, whether it is flat or round.To a certain extent, this kind of refreshing feeling is like the mine boss who raised the school belle went to school with a big belly, carried the embarrassed school belle into the sports car in front of the school belle's dog-licking support club, and then drove away.

Although she disdains this kind of thing, she has read a lot of her vulgar romance novels. This kind of pleasure of playing with her precious things at will is really... so fit for a queen!

Sirin looked down at her little bare feet. She had thrown the pair of strappy sandals in the plane, and she had traveled all the way here by car or by plane, dangling in her foot socks.She suddenly had a very bad idea, that is, if she put her legs on Shen Liang's knees here, let him squeeze her legs and feet humiliatingly in front of all the girls in the bar, and look at the eyes of these girls. What a beautiful picture the solitary jealousy that is about to split.

But she held back in the end. After all, she was a good sister who was considerate of her brother's mood. She had been pinched by Pandora for an hour on the plane, and after getting off the plane, Sirin was still a little worried that Pandora would lose her temper.It's not that she's afraid of mere Pandora, it's just that this will make her seem helpless as the head of the family, and even a mere human being can't discipline her to the point of obeying her orders.

"Let's get down to business. It's rare for the headquarters to call members of the Shaniat family over. It can't be the one who exhibits Pandora in the bar every day." Sirin crossed her thighs coldly, and the knitted beige stockings outlined her slender legs. , "My time is expensive, when does the airport open?"

"Maybe I have to bother you two to stay here for a few days. It will take some time before the official launch of the Destiny International Airport. We have to move the headquarters building to the airport." Rita said while turning on the convenient projector on the coffee table in the bar. , the 3D map of the previous airport immediately appeared in the air.

Raiden Mei glanced at the Valkyries around, "Miss Rita, don't you worry about leaking the content here?"

"It doesn't matter, all the Valkyries at the Destiny Headquarters know the progress of the airport's construction." Rita looked around, then nodded and smiled, "At present, the entire airport is still short of the last goal, which is to put the Destiny in Westminster Abbey. The move of the headquarters building to the airport on the Essex coast allows for a perfect fit between the building and the airport."

"Moving... the building?" Shen Liang was taken aback.

"This is the last project of Tianming Heavy Industry this year, and it is also the most important. It is an exercise to prove to the world the level of technology at the headquarters." Rita stood up and faced the projection screen adjustment, playing a virtual animation, "West Ms. Lin, Mr. Pandora, please look, the Destiny headquarters building, including the ground and underground parts, weighs more than 50 tons, and there are many structures inside the building that cannot be replicated, including many laboratories and large experimental equipment that cannot be moved. In order to ensure the unity of the Destiny Headquarters and the Destiny International Airport, the headquarters decided to uproot the building and transplant the entire building directly to the airport. In human history, this is the first time such a huge load-bearing transport migration.”

"Just pull up the building and move it? Why do you have to go through all this trouble?"

"After all, Destiny International Airport is the face of Destiny today. The purpose of building it is to allow Valkyrie all over the world to have a special route to the Destiny headquarters. You can think about it. When the plane stops at the airport, people only need to walk to get off the plane. The headquarters building can be reached within 200 meters, which is convenient for the inauguration and operation of the Valkyrie all over the world, and reduces the risk of exposure to ordinary people when the Valkyrie gathers and distributes in large quantities."

The brothers and sisters of Shaniat's family didn't know much about the construction industry, so they just sighed a little about the extravagance of destiny, and then started the next topic.

The two of them, including Leiden Mei, didn't notice that this seemingly unimportant architectural topic made all the Valkyries in the bar show expressions of pity or sympathy for a moment.


The naked Yolandail came out of the bathroom next to the gravity chamber wiping her wet golden wavy hair. There were no other Valkyries near the bathroom at this time. She displayed or almost showed off like a jade statue without psychological pressure. Flawless and healthy body.

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