Urandale is a tall and plump girl. Her almost perfect mature body makes her rarely be regarded as a 19-year-old girl, but the famous "Master Bian☆ka☆☆" "That Valkyrie" "Number One" bit".In Destiny, she cannot be naive, she must be mature, because she bears the title of Destiny's strongest Valkyrie, and she will protect the extraordinary cause from Cecilia.

So she has always been a strong and confident woman, not a girl.

Yolandael walked barefoot on the waterlogged footprints to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the violent storm outside the window, and the lightning was breaking out in the dark clouds. Today's London is no longer peaceful, just like a harbinger of disaster.

She stood for a long time before she lowered her head to touch the cat that had rubbed against her feet.It was a little gray she-cat named Stan, whom she and Rita had adopted as pets.She didn't bring dried fish and canned cat food, so she could only squat down and feed the cat with the water dripping from her fingertips. Then she smiled because she saw the reflection of the person behind her on the tiled floor.

"Master Ulandal, everyone is waiting for you." Rita stood behind her with her dress in her hands, respectful.

Ulandal put down the kitten and turned around, pulled up her wet long hair, stared at her maid, and said softly, "Is it important whether I go or not?"

"You are the trump card of Destiny, this meeting will determine the future of Destiny, you are an indispensable existence."

"What does Rita think?"

"Rita has no thoughts of her own, the will of Lady Ulandal is Rita's will."

"Even if I do this, maybe that little boy that Rita misses will hate you?"

"Master Ulandal was joking, Rita will use her own way to compensate Mr. Shen. This plan does not need to hurt the Shaniat family, all it needs is a threat. It doesn't matter if Mr. Shen Liang hates Rita because of this, After all, Rita can't satisfy everyone." Rita chuckled, "The times are advancing, and Rita can't always look at those who are abandoned by the times."

Urandale was silent for a long time, then she stretched herself, and Rita put on her underwear and stockings and a women's military coat with gold tassels at the right time, and finally she pulled up her high-brimmed hat, in the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows Staring at himself for a while, he turned and went out.

Yes, Rita is right, the times are advancing, if she can't think clearly, she can't think too much.

Perhaps from today onwards, the organization of Destiny will truly be reborn and become a brand new product.The goal of Destiny has always been to eliminate Honkai and protect human beings. As long as there is no mistake in this point, Ulandal will definitely stand on the side of Destiny.She is Otto's trump card and the sword of destiny. She is no longer a child of the Shaniat family and the Kaslana family, so she only needs to be loyal without hesitation.

Starting today, Destiny will hit its stride.


The highest floor of the Destiny Headquarters, the sky garden above the rooftop.

This garden is a very solemn place, it is rarely open, although it is located on the roof of the headquarters building, the scenery is very beautiful and it is full of flowers like spring all year round.

Because this is a cemetery.

The tombstones of the Valkyries who died against the Houkai in the past have been left here. During the annual worship event, the Valkyries at the headquarters gather their tombstones here because they cannot go to the graves around the world to mourn their relatives and friends.

This is a very fresh and beautiful small garden. When you enter the elevator, you can see all kinds of inscriptions among the green grass and red flowers. There are thousands of them.Every heroine and Valkyrie who has fallen in battle has a name, from the time the Mandate of Heaven hid behind the scenes in the fifteenth century.Because many of them have two identities on the secular side and the extraordinary side, the secular tombstones preserve their bones and tenderness, and the tombstones here preserve their ideals and fearlessness.

There are many people in the garden today.

Standing outside the cemetery are countless Valkyries dressed in Destiny's women's uniforms, most of them are the elite of Destiny, and the emblems on their chests prove that they come from different branches.

Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, North America, South America, Central Africa, West Asia... The ministers of all the large branches of the world gather here, all in power.In addition, the legendary figures from the Destiny Headquarters are also there. If anyone who is familiar with the personnel of the headquarters is here, they will be shocked to find that the Valkyrie, who has been performing missions outside all the year round, is rarely gathered together.

For example, the important members of the Snow Wolf team who followed Cecilia back then, "Genius" Patrick Highsmith, "Child of Chaos" Shabu Nicholas, and "Floating Sun Prominence" Shigure Kira.

Elizabeth Changguang McSmith, director of the Destiny Equipment Research Institute, Amber, Otto's close secretary, and an unidentified Shenzhou girl standing behind Otto.But from the mark on her breastplate, it can be seen that she is actually an S-rank Valkyrie!

Destiny has only three S-rank Valkyries, apart from Rita and Ulandal, it seems that this one can't help revealing her identity!

These legendary characters are usually so frightening that people dare not make a sound when they see them, and they would tremble three times when walking on the street, but at this time, no one dared to show their surprise, because this is a cemetery , any yelling here is extremely disrespectful.

But disrespect is second.

The most important thing was the blond man standing in front of everyone, who was bowing his head and laying flowers for the original tombstone.

Destiny Bishop, Otto.

At this time, he was wearing a solemn white suit. Even though almost all the important figures of Destiny gathered behind him, he did not look back. After dedicating pure white lilies to the tombstone named "Karen Kaslana", he was tired. Standing up, he looked at the displeased S-rank girl behind him.

"Long time no see, Sushang." Otto smiled slightly, "I called you back specially for today, isn't Xiao Shangxian angry?"

"Hypocrisy, don't you just want to ask me if I have disclosed your plan to the master and the others? Just ask!" Sword, the voice is clear and pleasant, straightforward and cute, and the figure of only 1.5 meters does not look like an S-rank Valkyrie at all.

"Then Sushang, have you told the Shenzhou side about the plan?"

"Who do you think I am? You called me over yesterday, do I have time to inform the master?" Li Sushang said angrily, "And even if I got the news in advance, I wouldn't tell you, okay? It doesn't matter to Shenzhou, and I don't count as betraying Shenzhou."

"Then you are still rushing over here?" Otto laughed.

"Because I'm afraid you'll deal with my little junior brother who hasn't passed the school yet."

Volume 304 The Jewel of the Family of the Saint: Chapter 37 Chapter [-] Otto Apocalypse

Li Sushang shook his head, double ponytails rising and falling, in fact, these are not double ponytails, according to the little Shangxian Cheng Lingshuang, this is called "general horn".Although Li Sushang's appearance has been fixed at the age of 15, it remains to be considered whether a 15-year-old girl can be counted as the main character.

"I'm afraid you'll deal with my little brother who hasn't passed the school. Although the master doesn't want to see him, he is a genius boy in our Shenzhou after all. Oh, the point is that a boy is not a genius." The big white rabbit said lazily, "I'm not only here to help you, but also to look after you. After all, if Master knows that he was plotted to death by you, I can't stop him."

"Little Shangxian will be furious because of a Shaniat family's son?"

"In your eyes, he is the son of the Shaniat family. In the eyes of the master, he is just a Chinese." Li Sushang pouted, "You are clearly dealing with our Chinese seedlings. It's fine if the master doesn't know, you know. , she couldn't swallow this breath."

Otto smiled silently.

Li Sushang, the second in command of Wushang Zizai Sect, also the housekeeper apprentice of the little Shangxian Cheng Lingshuang, also learned the longevity method of the Taixu School, and maintained a 15-year-old appearance from 500 years ago until now.

Although she is from China, she is also a Valkyrie of Destiny, but is rarely known except for the high-level people of Destiny.She stays in Shenzhou all the year round to practice and guard the border with Cheng Lingshuang, and only in such a changing situation of destiny can she reluctantly fulfill the responsibility of the Valkyrie of Destiny.

The Shenzhou side does not have much opinion on this, because the cooperative relationship between Li Sushang and Otto did not happen overnight, but a full 500 years. The friendship of 500 years of colleagues makes it impossible for Li Sushang to be out of touch with the destiny. It is better to let her become the lubricant of the two superpowers.

The little chivalrous woman in a moon-white blue and white dress turned her hands behind her back, pacing lazily to the left of Otto, pretending to casually glance at the tombstone he was staring at before, and then saw the familiar name. Some slightly lonely.

"Karen Kaslana, 500 years have passed, and the way you miss her has not changed."


"You're still so stupid, you're still so stupid. Hey, you are already an unfathomable bishop, so why don't you show such a powerless expression every day?" Li Sushang hugged her chest and said, she is used to this action, but Not to show off her oversized cup, but compared with her petite girlish figure, it is not only heavy but also quite tall, just standing is a bit tiring.

"Feel sorry."

"There's no need to apologize to me." Li Sushang was a little upset.

Otto smiled and changed the subject, "Speaking of which, I heard that in order to abduct Pandora, Xiao Shangxian promised in front of reporters from various countries in Aisha that if he went to the Supreme Freedom Gate, he would betroth you to him? "

Xiaoxianv's complexion was rare, "Listen to her nonsense, I'm over 500 years old, it's enough to be that little guy's grandma!"

"He seems to be about the same height as you. You don't grow up, and he doesn't seem to grow up. They are both from China." Otto smiled slightly, "I can understand the little Shangxian's good intentions, after all, you also Been single for more than 500 years."

"Otto!" Li Sushang stomped angrily.

"Just kidding."

Li Sushang glared at him resentfully, gritted his teeth and said, "My little junior brother is quite famous on the Internet, he looks like a...hmph, I feel sorry for him. Aren't you afraid that I'll take him seriously?"

"What am I afraid of?" Otto laughed.

"Me! Then you just wait for me to marry my husband and return to Shenzhou from my husband, and I will never be your destiny's Valkyrie again!" She was anxious, "I don't believe that you don't regret it if you lose my help!"

"Yes, yes, yes, but please don't do this, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Otto could only shake his head and comfort the girl with a smile, "Your temper is still such a child, it has been more than 500 years, how can you even have a little heart?" Not long?"

"You have to return this to yourself." The little chivalrous woman muttered, angrily walked to the side, and took out an old flip phone from her arms.She tried her best to connect to the Internet and turn on the MMS function, only to find that Cheng Lingshuang had sent her a few more photos.

"Why do you send me pictures of that little junior brother every day? I haven't even passed the door yet. Master, you obviously want to see it yourself. Why do you have to drag me..." She clicked on the multimedia message, frowned and stared at it. The fuzzy photos stolen from the Nvhu Forum, I flipped through several of them, and then complained, "Tsk, isn't it a recognized pony, why does it look taller than me! Since you are the right lady, can't you be shorter than me? I don’t know if it will embarrass the woman!”

Otto turned his head and looked at the high-level backbone of Destiny behind him. Even though he and Li Sushang were talking and laughing just now, these people still kept quiet.All of them actually knew what was going to happen today, that is to say, this group of people absolutely trusted Otto's existence.

Rita, who was wearing a rose-patterned black silk maid uniform, stepped onto the stage quietly, and said in a low voice: "My lord, except for Teresa, the head of the Far East branch, Plank, the head of the North American branch, and Maria, the representative of the Chaniat family, all of you are here. Qi. The fate of these three forces has not been notified."

"As expected." Otto said calmly, and then he glanced at the vacant position, "Where's Bianca?"

"Master Ulandale was just now making sure that the Sky Garden is free from external monitoring and safety hazards. She is investigating and will be there later." Rita bowed. It was impossible for her to say that Ulandale had just finished taking a shower, nor could she say In fact, she is not interested in participating in this rally at all, which will make everyone present dissatisfied.

Because everyone knows that Urandale is Otto's most valued Valkyrie, and she is the most trusted and admired by the three S-rank Valkyrie Riotto.Under the premise that the gap between Cecilia and the bishop is getting bigger and bigger, Yolandail has become the pillar in the hearts of many people in Destiny.Only she, who is amazing and talented, can hope to take over Cecilia's burden, and only she can hope to break Cecilia's shadow.

She is only 19 years old, and now she is number one on the Valkyrie rankings. In time, she will become the real "number one".

Otto looked around at the 30 to [-] people present, then sat down casually on the grass, patted the ground and laughed, "What are you doing standing there, sit down, sit down and listen."

All the staff sat on the ground, and the snow-blue girl with long hair and white dress named Shiyu Qiluo sighed lowly, and said softly: "Your Bishop seems to have made up his mind to be independent, but I don't know why you have to be independent. The Niat family as hostages."

"Grooming" Salome said lightly: "Because the saint herself is the most unstable factor, only by controlling her relatives can she not dare to act rashly. The bishop has always been such an insidious figure, after all the saint You are so naive, you can't even imagine that the bishop is planning to plot against her... Oh, this is the so-called bishop of destiny."

"You should be thankful that we used to work with the Holy Maiden. If you were working at the headquarters, countless Valkyries would tear your mouth apart just based on what you said just now." The red-haired girl on the side, scion of chaos" Shabu chuckled , "You must know that Otto's people are not much inferior to the saint, especially this is the headquarters, and the headquarters are all Otto's people. "

"The sacrifice made by the bishop for the destiny must be unimaginable in front of you lackeys of the Shaniat family. If this is the case, keep your mouth shut, I don't want to do anything to you in the cemetery." The head of the Western Europe branch low voice.

"Are you threatening members of the Snow Wolf team?" "Genius" Patrick narrowed his eyes.

"The saintess is in the past tense, the establishment of the Snow Wolf Squad has long been disbanded, and even Cheng Lixue has returned to Shenzhou! The mere A-level Valkyries are less likely to show off in front of us!" The head of the South American branch expressed solidarity with his colleagues, and said in a low voice, " I know that you members of the Snow Wolf Squad are loyal to the Holy Maiden, but this time you didn’t say you would do anything to the Holy Maiden’s child. They are just hostages, don’t you understand the hostages? I called you back just to be a witness! "

"Isn't it immoral enough to take other people's children as hostages?" Shabu laughed.

"However, if the bishop's words and deeds are inconsistent, and he has some unexpected actions towards these children..." Salome whispered, "If you are from South America, you can also call her 'Mr. Is the daughter and son-in-law kneaded by outsiders?"

These words made many Valkyries slightly silent.

Finally, the head of the South American Branch ended the topic, and she said softly: "Today is a big day for destiny, so let's talk less."

When they said these whispers, they were very quiet, so as not to let Otto hear, because they knew that Otto's body was made of soul steel, and in terms of physical functions, it was not weaker than ordinary Valkyrie, including vision and hearing.But Otto didn't pay much attention to the whispers of his subordinates.

In fact, he is very aware of the elusiveness of people's hearts, and he is very clear that even his loyal subordinates will yearn for that beautiful saint.The bishop and the saint control the entire destiny, and although Cecilia is not in power, her appeal is still amazing.

This is also the reason why he had to cultivate Ulandal.

At this time, the door of the roof was opened, and Youlandelle, who was wearing a military uniform coat, stepped on the high heels made of metal, and strode in with meteoric strides.She came in with the strong wind outside the high-rise building after opening the door. Her blond hair fluttered dazzlingly, and her beautiful face was expressionless. Seeing so many people around, she pinched the ends of her hair and said lightly:

"Sorry everyone, I'm late and overslept."

No one believed that Urandale would oversleep, she just said that because she had something to do but was too lazy to think of a reason.Ulandal is such a confident and powerful woman, she is the future of destiny, she doesn't need to explain what she does, and everyone knows that she is working hard to become "the real number one".

Rita smiled slightly, she knew that Urandale had really overslept, and everyone had been standing here for half an hour when she just finished taking a shower.

So everyone present was silent for a moment, then someone applauded, and then they all applauded.

"This is the 'No. 500' crowd." Li Sushang looked at Youlandelle who was walking into the arena like stars holding the moon, feeling a little envious.Although she is also an S-rank Valkyrie, she is considered a very talented type, but she is really nothing compared to Youlandal.It took her 19 years to achieve S rank, but Ulandal is only [-] years old this year.

Although from the appearance, Ulandal is still four years older than her.

"Just come, you are the most important trump card among us." Otto said with a smile, "find a place to sit."

Everyone sat down on the lawn of the Hanging Garden. For a while, everyone was speechless and could only hear the sound of heavy rain falling on the glass dome.Youlandelle suddenly remembered that there was a sentence in the ancient poem of Shenzhou that she learned a long time ago, "Big pearls and small pearls fall on a jade plate", which probably refers to this kind of situation, and it makes people feel heavy.

She couldn't help but be heavy, because today's topic is probably the surprise that Destiny has rarely seen in the past 500 years.And she has no way to escape, she is a knife, this knife wants to open up a new world, but also aims at the old people.

At this time Otto stood up and bowed deeply to everyone.

As a Catholic bishop, he doesn't need to bow to anyone, even in the United Nations conference hall, he is used to talking and laughing with his hands open.All the Valkyries suddenly felt great psychological pressure. As the bishop who has been in charge of the Mandate for 500 years, and the most mysterious man in the world, his salute means that he is about to do something shocking or tragic.

"I know that many people are dissatisfied with me, even resentful." Otto said.

Opening lightning strike.

"Since my father's failure in the Eastern Expedition 500 years ago, I have taken over the Mandate of Heaven, and I have used the soul steel body technology to survive for more than [-] years, and have been controlling the position of the bishop unshakably." Cleaning up those families and individuals who disobeyed me, I made the Mandate of Heaven my almost de facto one word, and even the Far Eastern Branch, the North American Branch and other departments all angrily abandoned me.”

"My lord bishop is serious." The head of the Nordic branch said immediately.

Otto smiled and waved his hand.

"It's a fact. It's hard to say that I don't have my own desire for power in order to manage my destiny. I also do many things that are not perfect. It is reasonable for everyone to have resentment against me. And counting my faults is already too numerous to write down. Even now, I also parted ways with the saintess of the Shaniat family." Otto said, "Cecilia, even I have to admit that she has a personality far superior to mine, and she deserves to be compared. I love her more deeply, while I push her and her family out of the power center of destiny."

Speaking of this, many people dare not take up the quarrel. It is related to the grievances and grievances of the Sanzhuchen family, which is not something they can interject.

"But if you think I'm saying this because I'll regret it, you're wrong." Otto smiled, and sat down himself, looking at the torrential rain, "It's really familiar, it's rainy again, in 1477, the The day the saint died in front of me was also such a rainy day."

PS: Sister Kalian and Xiao Sushang are so cute

Volume 305 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter [-] update delayed, wait a moment

Because of some well-known reasons, I kept reading the news last night, so I delayed the update, and now I have written about [-] words.

In addition, don't talk about these things here, don't talk about state affairs in book reviews.

Because of some well-known reasons, I kept reading the news last night, so I delayed the update, and now I have written about [-] words.

In addition, don't talk about these things here, don't talk about state affairs in book reviews.

Volume 306: The Pearl of the Family of the Holy Maiden: Chapter 38 Chapter [-] From now on, this is the kingdom of heaven on earth

"Don't look at my 30-year-old appearance, but everyone understands that I am much older than you. You are the newborns of the 21th and 500st centuries, and I come from the [-]th century. I am like a young man among you. An old ghost." Otto said, "This is not a bad thing for me, because I still retain the memory of that cruel era. In the past [-] years, the Mandate of Heaven has flourished, our power spreads all over the world, and we have become the highest on the extraordinary side. Those who have the right to speak, I don't think I have lived up to the expectations of the Valkyries of the past."

"You have done a very good job. Even if I am from China, I have to praise your ability to be both right and left in the world situation. You can develop a destiny that can only affect a few island countries into the world's number one extraordinary force. Even the United Nations It depends on how thin you are." Li Sushang shrugged.

"My lord bishop's current achievements naturally have not let anyone down." Rita also replied with a smile.

Otto reached out his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then smiled, "But is that enough?"

Everyone looked at him in confusion, and Otto closed his eyes.

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