"These are not things you should know."

"I am a member of the Shaniat family, Maria's son, I should be entitled to know about the Shaniat family."

"You are not qualified."

The two looked at each other mercilessly for three seconds, and Shen Liang snorted when she saw that she really couldn't influence Youlandelle.

But he has already realized that there are doubts here, and there are many doubts.

According to Jizi and Ulandal's narration, in the Siberian War, the most difficult target was just a judge-level Honkai Berenas.Although the Judgment Level is definitely strong, even Rita can't stand it, but... what if it's Cecilia?

It is impossible for Cecilia, known as the strongest Valkyrie of all ages, to be compared with Rita!Rita claims that Ulandal can easily deal with Shesha, and Cecilia is definitely stronger than Ulandal!How could this gap be limited to a Judgment-level Honkai Beast?

What's more, Cecilia is not alone, but leads an army, all S-ranks!

The strength of the Houkai energy of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast is only compared to the standard S, although the magnitude is higher than that of the Valkyrie.But what Cecilia lacks most is the magnitude of the Houkai energy. Her Houkai energy has unlimited adaptability and can be used at any time by absorbing the surrounding Houkai energy. She can even directly order the God Key to use it for her!

It's not a level fight at all.

Shen Liang suddenly woke up, and he caught the loophole in the words of Youlandelle and Jizi in an instant.

"Wait, didn't you say that every big collapse was initiated because the strength of human civilization was too high? The difficulty of each big collapse was in contrast to the human side at that time, so there were so many S-levels on the human side at that time , the opponent is just a judgment-level Honkai beast?" Shen Liang had a flash of inspiration, "Theoretically, Honkai should be stronger than humans, and humans can only win miserably!"

Ulandal also noticed that Shen Liang's thoughts were beginning to touch dangerous places, and she said decisively: "Don't think about it! Humanity really just won miserably at that time."

"No, that's not right! Your tragic victory is due to the Honkai fission bomb. There is no record that the beast tide can threaten Sister Liya! And the S-class is still alive, and the war is unknown! In any case, it cannot be said that it is a tragedy. Victory!" Shen Liang's brain was running fast, "There must be a strong enemy, and there must be a strong enemy that even Sister Liya can't deal with! Berenas is not worthy! The beast tide is not worthy!"

"Don't think the Valkyrie is too powerful, you don't even know how strong the Judgment-level Honkai Beast is!" Ulandal said anxiously.

"No, I don't know that the former civilization Honkai beast is stronger than this civilization Honkai beast at the same level, because the fire-chasing civilization is far stronger than the earth civilization! And Shesha's combat power may not be able to catch up with you, let alone Sister Liya!"

Youlandelle's heart skipped a beat, yes, I forgot, even though this boy has not entered the extraordinary side for a long time, he knows better than other Valkyries how the "top combat power" in this world should be divided.He really saw the former civilized trial-level Honkai Beast, and he even fought it himself!

Shen Liang sneered slightly.

In fact, he wasn't sure how strong Berenas was. Perhaps just like the S-ranks were divided into three, six, and nine ranks, the Judgment-rank Honkai beasts might not all be of the same level.But if what he said was wrong, Urandelle should have refuted his logic without blinking an eye, but Urandelle didn't know how to refute it.

In other words, Berenas is indeed weak, and Ulandal is indeed hiding something in the narrative.It's a pity that Youlandelle is not a woman like Rita who can hide all her thoughts. As early as Aisha Shenliang saw that this golden-haired Persian cat is too honest, she is just straight-hearted!

When he meets a despicable man, he will be in chaos if he cheats casually!

"That is to say, there is a more powerful Honkai side than the judgment-level Honkai beast?" Shen Liang stared at Youlandal's expression openly. It is very convenient to deal with this kind of person and want to get information. As soon as Randall's eyes became serious, he knew that he had guessed right again!

"Pandora, I don't think you can continue to test me anymore, and I won't reveal any more information." Youlandelle took a deep breath, feeling a little regretful, she would not have come if she knew about it...I want to meet my new brother , but I didn't expect this younger brother to be a little difficult... He was still a cute, cute and timid little guy when he was in Aisha.

"I already know enough, thank you, Miss Ulandal." Shen Liang was sure in his heart that the more violent Ulandelle's refusal was, the more he tacitly agreed that his guess was right.

In other words, in the Siberian War, something more difficult to deal with than the Judgment-level Honkai Beast appeared.

But... why did Destiny hide this news?

Did Cecilia and Maria's dislike of the Destiny Headquarters also come from here?

Shen Liang raised his head while thinking, and saw Ulandal staring at him vigilantly, he was just about to show a triumphant smile but suddenly paused.

Staring at the blonde girl's blue eyes and perfect jawline, Shen Liang blinked in confusion.

The girl's dissatisfied pout just now subconsciously overlapped with the displeased little face of the pure white saintess in his memory.

【yes?Is it similar? 】Tora Chiyo also looked at the tall girl, shrugged, 【She has such brilliant blonde hair, her genes are completely different, okay? 】

[Isn't it like? ] Shen Liang also doubted himself.

[Of course not, it's just that beautiful girls are always similar.The number one beauty ranking in your heart is that saintly lady, of course you can see everyone like her. 】

【Have it? 】

[There must be!Fool! ] Hu Qiandai hugged her chest, Shen Liang always felt that she had been speaking in an inexplicable TVB accent recently.


The viewing elevator goes up all the way, looking at the bustling streets of Munich through the indigo glass curtain wall. The gray-haired young man in a leather jacket sits in the elevator and lowers his head to assemble his silver-white suitcase. There is an Ouroboros branded on the box. pattern.

The woman leaning against the elevator glass next to her was tall and tall, with short bluish-gray hair and a leather jacket with a hood, and her ten-centimeter stiletto boots tapped to the ground, looking down at the young man in boredom.

"You really don't give up." Raven spoke first.

"I want to take Anna away from Shaniat's house, and leave this place that only knows how to abuse and exploit her." Ye Xiao assembled the last combination lock of the box, tried the unlocking function, and took out the test tube inside, "This is Anna entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, and I cannot live up to her expectations."

Raven glanced at the bright red test tube in his hand, and sighed softly.

There is no cure.

After being rejected naked by Anna that time, Raven realized that his colleague had completely lost his mind. He seemed to be trapped in a completely self-contained world, and he didn't think about other people's thoughts at all.

In his eyes, Anna is still the innocent girl who loves her deeply, but Shaniat's house is a deep cave.He firmly believes that this family is so orderly and orderly that there is no way to explain it. Qiyana and Pandora can rely on their identities as daughters and son-in-laws of their own family to bully Anna who is a branch of the family unscrupulously.But the weak Ice Princess is powerless to resist the torture from the people around her.

How do you feel... so astringent.jpg

PS: I was so angry when I went out yesterday...I was forced to say a word all day, and then I had to code when I came back at night...My friend ate barbecue next to me and interfered with my code and didn't give me the code I eat...so annoying all day long...

Ask for a ticket to reward... I spent the whole day in all kinds of aggrieved, aggrieved that you can't even imagine...

Volume 316 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 48 Chapter [-] Anna's Capture Plan Begins

Raven guessed that in Ye Xiao's heart, Qiyana must be a lustful and villainous young lady who wants to sleep with three beautiful girls every day.Pandora's natural angel face has a femme heart, and she plays with the vicious girlfriend to play with the submissive Anna.

The engagement banquet was like this at that time. The branch family had no status in front of the main family, so Anna could only reluctantly let him leave, and the humiliation was calmly taken by Pandora in front of him. moment.

But Ye Xiao was too weak, he was not qualified or able to save Anna from Qiyana, Pandora and other villains, so he could only watch the boy close the bedroom door with a smile.This hatred and jealousy have been fermented for a long time, and it is unforgettable. The handsome cyborg youth vowed to take back his sweetheart.

——Probably this kind of psychology.

Raven was very speechless. She knew that her colleague was distorted after being hit, and she also suggested that Ye Xiao go to a doctor for some psychological counseling.But Ye Xiao didn't think there was a problem with him at all, but whenever Raven pointed out something that was inconsistent with his cognition, he was paranoid that Raven didn't know enough about the Shaniat family, let alone the tacit understanding between him and Anna deep.

Over time, Raven also gave up. No matter what Ye Xiao wanted to do, at least his reason could make him the most reliable teammate.Capturing Anna itself is the task of the world snake, and it is all right to complete the task while satisfying Ye Xiao, and Raven is too lazy to point fingers at his colleagues' abnormal three views.

But what Raven has never dared to ask is whether his colleague is deeply in love, or is it just pure and narrow jealousy... Or is it possessive?

She looked at the test tube in Ye Xiao's hand, and said again: "Is that the 'Herserscher Killer'?"

"Yes, the serum made from the blood sample of Cecilia, the saint of Shaniat, is just a reversed version." Ye Xiao said lightly, "Destiny calls it 'Herserscher Susheng'. I think Come to think of it, when the Holy Maiden of Shaniat liberated the Holy Blood in Siberia, she could even suppress the gene activity of the Herrscher, if this round of operation is reversed, then of course a new Herrscher will be ushered in."

"Anna the Herrscher of Ice, Ye Xiao, you should know what this awakening means." Raven said in a low voice, "If you can't suppress Anna, it's tantamount to watching the birth of the Herrscher...In the Siberian War, it was ordered by the destiny Don't forget how amazing the destructive power of the hidden Herrscher is."

"But in the end the Herrscher of the Space was eliminated, and it turns out that the Herrscher is not such an unattainable life." Ye Xiao's tone remained flat, "After Anna became legal, the Shaniat family no longer has the qualifications to keep Anna. Under the pressure of destiny, Anna will be handed over to our world snake. Besides, the newly born Herrscher will not be too strong, and it is even less likely to be able to withstand the power of the third key of God. As long as Anna is defeated as a helper of destiny, We can just take her away."

"No, I'm not talking about the success rate of the plan." Raven looked at him, "I mean...forget it."

Raven was a little disappointed, she could hardly see any hesitation in Ye Xiao's eyes.

The success rate of this plan is indeed not low. The law of Anna, and then capture Anna, self-directed and self-acted seamlessly.Coupled with the destiny to smooth things over, the Shaniat family, who allowed the family to appear as a Herrscher, had to hand over their daughter no matter how unwilling they were.


Where is Anna?

Don't you love her deeply?

If a person loves another person deeply, can he really have the heart to hurt her?It is indeed the goal of the World Snake to stimulate the Herrscher gene in Anna, but you... Since you keep saying that you love her and cherish her, why don't you hesitate at all?

Raven is very clear about what rhythm means, which means that Anna will directly face the erosion of Houkai's will, and if she doesn't overcome it, she will completely go to the opposite side of human beings.Ye Xiao was very opposed to this plan at one time, but now he carried it out without blinking an eye, even impatiently.

The desire to "get Anna" has already overwhelmed the so-called love, Raven looked at the young man's eyes, and could only see the enthusiasm that the goal was about to be achieved.

She took a deep breath and suppressed her disgust towards her colleagues.

In fact, it's all the same, even if she thinks so in her heart, she has no right to despise Ye Xiao's desire, everyone is the same kind of person.Night owl covets Anna's pure body, and she covets the high bounty of the world snake.

Didn't the more you think about it, why do you suddenly feel obscene?

The elevator went up to the 27th floor of the Broad Building, where a real estate securities firm was located.As soon as they came out, there were employees coming and going. No one noticed the two people with the suitcases. At most, someone took a special look at the 1.8-meter-high Raven wearing high-heeled shoes.The two walked straight forward, bypassing the lobby full of operators, and walked directly to the inner elevator.

The elevator leads to the general manager's office, which can only be entered by swiping a card. The security guard in a suit standing at the elevator entrance stopped Raven and Ye Xiao and asked them to show their certificates for visiting the general manager.The security guards weren't too nervous, because both Raven and Night Owl looked pretty, and most people wouldn't think that beauties and handsome guys were thugs.

Raven stretched her hand into her arms. As such a beautiful and tall woman, she opened her clothes and made the two security guards focus for a moment. After that, Ye Xiao instantly stepped into the middle of the two bodyguards, and the mechanical hand directly pinched her. The back of the necks of the two security guards easily exerted force, breaking the necks of the two without even making a sound, and the employees who were only separated by a wall didn't notice it.

"Why kill people!" Raven growled.

"It's possible to wake up in the middle of a stunned person, and this operation is not easy. Anna is an A-level Valkyrie." Ye Xiao said casually.

Raven glanced at the two security guards who were dying, lowered their body and smoothed their bulging eyes, then took out the elevator card from the security guard's pocket, opened the elevator and pulled the two corpses into the elevator to avoid panic.The only people who can go up this elevator are the general manager and the security guard. Others can't open it at all, which is considered safe.


The 27th floor of the Bode Building is the property of the Shaniat family, but for the employees working in this building, they may not even understand what the Shaniat family is.All he knew was that the general manager of the huge stock exchange was actually an extremely young girl with chestnut hair.

Truth was bored playing fruit cutting with her mobile phone. This was one of the most popular games in 2015, and it was very stress-relieving for a secretary like her.Although she is not under any pressure, when she was transferred to the general manager's office to work as a secretary, she thought she was wearing a black silk miniskirt every day and was finally spotted by a rich middle-aged man. She was so happy that she bought a super thin skirt all afternoon. Cube is ready to be baptized, but finds that the boss she is going to serve is far more beautiful than herself.

The young and charming boss is unexpected, and he speaks kindly and gently. He never asks for any holiday requests. She is only responsible for serving tea and water as a secretary. Most of the work is even just for her maid to do.Yes, Truth is also very surprised that the boss still has a maid, as if living in Germany in the eighteenth century.

But the boss is not a perfect girl.

Occasionally, Truth would find an Asian boy with waist-length hair who often came and went in and out of the boss's office. At first Truth thought it was the boss's distant sister, but later she found that the boy had entered the men's room.And every time the boy came, the boss would always drive her, the secretary, out of the office with the maid, often for an entire afternoon.

At first Truth didn't think much about it, but later Truth gradually became suspicious.Once when Truth was helping the boss's maid take out the trash, she found used small balloons in the trash bag, which was full, and she exploded in an instant.Because she knew very well that the black, long straight boy who came here often didn't look very old. Although Anna was only a girl, the boy looked like he had to step on his feet even when kissing!

That day she hesitated again and again and did not call the police. On the one hand, she was worried that she would never find such an easy-to-get-together boss. On the other hand, she didn't think there was anything wrong with the boss who liked to eat wolf dogs. Besides, it seemed that the boss was the one who was bullied every time, because That little guy would always walk out with his head held high and he would nod and smile at her.

In essence, the boss seems to be under 20 years old, even from a legal point of view, the boss can meet the terms of Romeo and Juliet.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and she picked it up immediately.

"Truth? Help me go to the front desk to get a courier." There was a soft voice inside, the boss's voice was always gentle, but few people dared not listen.A supervisor once tried to argue with the boss, but was shocked by the boss's gentle glance.

No one can tell, but the girl boss who looks easy to bully has a fierce military spirit.

"Okay." Truth said quickly, and then she immediately ran to the elevator and waited for it to come up.The front desk is on the 27th floor, while the general manager's office is on the 28th, and the internal elevator is the only way down.Truth also didn't know why the boss sealed off the 28th floor fire stairs.

When the elevator came up, Truth saw a man and a woman in leather clothes and carrying suitcases. She didn't think much about it, but said habitually as a secretary: "Did you come to see the manager? The manager didn't make an appointment recently, so you left Private message from the manager?"

Then she saw Ye Xiao's eyes turn cold. Before she could understand, her back suddenly sank. Raven pushed her into the elevator violently, and then pulled the elevator door tightly!The power of being a Valkyrie of the A-level biology department made her reach out and penetrate the lock structure of the elevator door, twist it into a twist to ensure that the elevator door cannot be opened, and then press the "Down" button.

Truth fell into the elevator in a daze, and then found two corpses beside her.

The terrified scream sounded in an instant, but in the soundproof elevator, this sound could not even attract anyone's attention.The elevator leading to the 28th floor is rarely used. I am afraid that no one will be noticed until someone passes by and notices that the elevator door is damaged and someone inside knocks on the door.

Raven, who pushed Teruth into the elevator, wiped his hands, looked at Ye Xiao, and frowned slightly: "You wanted to kill her again just now? You can obviously let this go."

"The kindness of a woman." Ye Xiao said coldly.

Then, the anti-theft door of the general manager's office opened, and a chestnut-haired girl in a white dress and a beret came out. Beside her were four maids from Shaniat's house, each of whom was a C-rank Valkyrie. At the beginning, I once studied special training in the Marine Corps.

Ye Xiao stared blankly at the girl with a stern face, the ice princess he deeply admired, his eyes flickered with anticipation, resentment, jealousy and ecstasy, and finally said softly: "I'm here to pick you up... Anna!"

"Insane!" Anna clenched her silver teeth.

She actually didn't know what happened, but as a Valkyrie, she was used to creating a safe environment for herself, so there was only one way to get up to her office, which was the internal elevator.For the sake of caution, only she, the elevator security guard and Shen Liang have the cards that can open the elevator.

Recently, Shen Liang came here often, so every time the elevator was opened, the security guard would call her remotely, so that she could prevent Shen Liang from seeing her exhausted appearance of burying the case.Because Shen Liang loves her very much, if she sees her tired appearance, she will only let her rest, and she actually recovers quickly as a Valkyrie, and more... I hope that Shen Liang and Shen Liang can try something bolder while staying away from Neuschwanstein Castle play.

After all, there are no other Shaniat's sisters and sisters staring here.

And it was precisely this little habit, so this time she heard the sound of the elevator going up but did not receive the notification from the security guard, so she became slightly suspicious.The internal elevator was the only elevator, and the monitoring was recorded on her computer. When she turned on the monitoring, she realized something.

She is no stranger to this. Peeping at the Shaniat family has been happening since the birth of the Holy Maiden's Blood. The recent Pandora incident has made every Shaniat family member ready to deal with the attack.

It's just... night owl and raven?

In Anna's heart, she felt somewhat guilty towards Ye Xiao, depriving a man of his beautiful dream.But in the face of the two men who are attacking violently, Anna still showed superb fighting qualities, and waved her hands without any intention of dialogue!

The four maids rushed towards the elevator entrance!They are all the maids of the Shaniat family, and they are also Valkyries themselves, and only Valkyrie can deal with the attack of Valkyrie!

They are all biology-type, because the ability-type is not suitable for bodyguards, often in low-level situations, the fancy abilities are far less useful than a strong body!But their bodies condensed into transparent armor, slightly bluish, it was extremely dense ice that was strong enough to withstand bullets.A strong body combined with such solid ice can display even B-level combat effectiveness.

Anna, an A-level power department, controls the air conditioner.

Ye Xiao stood there quietly, ignoring the anger in Anna's eyes, and just stared at her affectionately.

Raven sneered, understood, opened the leather windbreaker, inserted his fingers into the high ribs, and when he pulled out, there were already ten pitch-black claws covered with alloy fingertips.

"Miss Anna, it's better to stand obediently and not move... You are the only target, don't let me kill so many people."

PS: To enter the main drama, you need to give a reward, a reward, a reward, a reward, a ticket

Volume 317 The Jewel of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 49 Chapter [-] Changes in the Sky

At this moment, in the eyes of the four Shaniat maids who were in charge of Anna's safety, the figure of the tall leather woman in front of them instantly melted into the shadow of dusk.

Yes, melt, like a sugar cube dropped into boiling water.It is just when the sun is setting, and the lights in the corridor have been cut off by Raven and Night Owl in advance. The dark room is Raven's home field. She is an A-level biology department Valkyrie, but the biology department does not only mean Only muscles, otherwise, how can the biology department be compared with the ability department that is blooming with a hundred flowers?

This is a concealment technique exclusive to the biology department.

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