There is no need to hide oneself through supernatural powers like the Valkyrie of the supernatural department. The Valkyrie of the biology department naturally has the ability to hide, dissolving the figure into the surrounding screen, essentially blurring one's own sense of existence.

And the maids who have done the plan to fight the extraordinary have already made preparations. They tore off the hem of their uniform skirts—the clothes of these maids are specially made for the convenience of movement, and there are special tear strips—from the straps on the thigh stockings. He took out the electric shock baton from the belt and held it with both hands. The baton opened a black blade, proving that it was not a riot weapon but a naked murder weapon.

It's not that there are no guns, but that the opponent is obviously more than B-level, and the guns against the B-level Valkyrie are far less effective than cold weapons.Most of Valkyrie's clothes have vector bulletproof ability, the bullet may slide sideways, but the blade and electric current will not!The Shaniat family's business power in Munich even surpassed that of the local government. The weapons distributed by the maids were not legal at all, but no one dared to picket them.

Dealing with this kind of concealment is also a compulsory course for bodyguards. The next second, the lights in the dim corridor flickered again, indicating that the power supply had been restored.The current cut off by Raven and Night Owl is indeed real, but the 28th floor is Anna's office floor, and there is a separate power supply room, which has been turned on at this moment.

The field of vision improved in an instant, and there was no more light and shadow, and then the fire protection system was activated, and a curtain of icy water was sprayed from the ceiling covering all the rooms on the 28th floor in an instant!

This is the way to break the concealment. No matter how vague the presence of the raven is, people will ignore it even if they see it, but the water curtain is disturbed by (crabs), but it will form a sense of disobedience.As soon as the sense of disobedience appears, the concealment ability will instantly drop to a higher level, just like a gecko on a white wall disguised as a crack in the wall, if it is discovered, it will never run away again!

The maids tensed their muscles and concentrated, but for a moment all they saw was the empty space ahead.

The vigilance maintained in the perennial drills made them react immediately, either from the front or from the back, subconsciously turning around to rescue Anna, but at this moment they heard Anna's angry voice, "Be careful!"

Only then did someone notice that the woman in leather was really lying on the ground like a gecko!

It has arrived in front of them!

The electric baton was about to be swung down in an instant, but Raven jumped up violently, took advantage of the momentum and swept the floor to bring down the lower legs of the two maids, then pinched their shoulder blades and violently lifted them and smashed them against the wall!The Valkyries of the biology department are so powerful, they shattered their ice armor in one blow, and their internal organs were damaged and passed out.

The raid brought down the two of them directly!

Raven knew that his weapon was not suitable for piercing armor. Even if he pierced through the thick layer of ice, he would be easily frozen, so it was better to use blunt attack instead.And at this moment, sharp ice spikes burst out from the walls in all directions!Rush towards the raven without a dead end!

This is the shortcoming of the biology department's exposure. Once exposed, the ability department can immediately organize abilities to target it, and if you can't get close, it will become a plaything of the ability department.Usually, the close pull is only for a moment, and it is impossible to expect the maid to stop the raven, so the moment when the raven makes a move is the moment when Anna makes a move!

"Rebuke!" Raven shouted violently!

Gray winds are blowing around her!That's how Honkai can explode into colors visible to the naked eye!The gale swept away the incoming ice edges, and the raven made a second move, inserting its sharp claws into a maid's shoulder blade, pushing her to smash into the wall!Stuck inside and unable to struggle!

Anna was stunned for a moment, and she wouldn't be surprised if Raven resisted this, after all, every A-level has more or less its own cards.However, it is quite difficult to directly release the Honkai energy to protect the body. This is similar to the operation of the supernatural system, which means that Raven has begun to learn from the supernatural system to a certain extent in the use of the Honkai energy.

What this represents is terrifying, because often A-level Valkyries always have to go further before they learn the "playstyle" of another department.The biology department needs to sharpen the spirit, and the supernatural department needs to sharpen the body, which means that they start to look up to the "S" field.

There is no such thing as a "type" for an S-rank Valkyrie, they must be mastered.

Raven looked coldly at the last maid in front of Anna. She was never worried that she would miss this legal action against Anna, because Anna was just a very talented young lady, and her A-level was from a mercenary. Killed out.It is very difficult for Anna to deal with her ability to release Houkai, because she may not have considered that her opponent has this ability.

A "warrior" at the level of the ancient raven has already reached perfection, and there are different opinions about the ability of the Honkai just now in different regions.For example, Chinese Wulin is accustomed to call it "inner family qi" and "protecting body qi". The Shingon sect of Buddhism says that it is "opening the sixteen Bodhisattvas of the Vajra World and reciting [-] times, and getting ten thousand Buddhas to protect the Dharma without moving the golden bell".

Raven once went to Shenzhou, and learned how to breathe, recuperate, cultivate one's body and cultivate one's character from the master of the Tantric (crab) sect. In the end, he didn't memorize a single scripture because the master said that the next practice is Huanxi Zen. Your tuition must be yours. sincerity.Angrily, Raven called Shenzhou's anti-cult reporting hotline and received a reward of 1000 yuan and a pennant.But that time was not wasted, she still learned some traditional martial arts of China after all.

It's no use now.

The last maid was still resolutely resisting in front of Anna. In fact, Anna was much stronger than her, but the body of the power department was weak and weak, and she was not much different from ordinary people when she got close. Anyway, she couldn't get a slap.

But courage and fear do not conflict. Raven's powerful strength makes the maid swallow her saliva. Although she is a soldier, she is more aware of the gap between different levels of Valkyrie. The end of her protection of Anna is likely to be the same as those who do not know now. Still like a colleague of death.

But she had to fight, and that's what bodyguards were for.If Anna can win in the end, they have hope of living instead.Because of the good friend of his boss, the son of the white flower who is famous far and wide on the extraordinary side has the ability to heal unconditionally.

The maids knew very well that as long as they protected Anna, Shen Liang would definitely treat them personally!They are Anna's carefully selected accompanying maids, and they are Anna's absolute confidantes. Even when Anna can't support the little wolf at certain moments, they have to take the initiative to share Anna's worries.

So she held the electric baton back, shouted decisively, and stepped forward to create an offensive opportunity for Anna!

"It's really loyal. Big families always have such loyal dogs." Raven stared at the beautiful girl wearing a beret at the end of the corridor. She didn't even look at the maid who was determined to die. The gap between A-level Valkyrie and C-level is bigger than the gap between Tyson and kindergarten children.Let kindergarteners guard Tyson to fight another Tyson, maybe a big family like Shaniat will do it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The maid yelled a bold slogan.

Immediately following, is the surging ice!

Anna bit her lip and said nothing, she could only wrap the maid in solid ice to form a rhinoceros-like collision body, and the raven had nowhere to hide in the narrow space, or even if she quickly broke through the wall to hide Go out, Ye Xiao has nowhere to escape!At that time, the countless ice bursts and pierces in an instant, even the walls can pierce, let alone the human body!

Ye Xiao took a step back, leaving space for Raven.

Raven grinned grimly.

"Theoretically speaking, no one should go head-to-head with supernatural Valkyries. Because their bodies are fragile but their abilities are devastating. They have high attack and low defense, so head-to-head is not worthwhile." Raven folded his hands on his chest, showing his black claws Defensive posture, as if preparing to fight physically.

"But I think it depends on the person whether you can fight head-to-head. For example, a little princess like you who has been called a 'genius' should know that fighting is not based on theory!"

A large amount of Houkai can flow from the raven's body and condense on the front claws.Even though it was only the most basic Honkai energy condensed, it had already caused a transpiration of dark gray energy in front of her, so pure that it almost became a substance.

Then, the raven's claws suddenly tore to the left and right!

Honkai can burst out with the movement of the claw blade, forming six crossed waves of swords!Just like the crescent sky rushing out of an animation work, the sharp air wave made a sharp cry that broke the sound barrier in an instant. The maid in front of this air wave seemed to see the death crow soaring into the sky!

Lots of Honkai energy leaked!The frantic collision and bombardment of the gray-black knife wave and the blue ice!

The touch seemed to stay for a few tenths of a second, and then the iron-like blade shredded the high-energy ice crystals that looked like a rhinoceros, and the high heat of the gas friction surpassed and instantly melted part of the ice layer.With the maid as the center, six waves of air cut through her edges, even the walls were cut through, and the bright fire cloud outside the building could be seen through the faint gap.

The maid fell to the spot, her round eyes wide open, as if she was dreaming.Then she fell down softly, facing this aura directly made her unable to maintain her sanity anymore.

"Anna, you lost." Ye Xiao, who had been paying attention to the scene, finally chuckled, and then he stretched out his hand, his eyes fascinated, "You lost, then come with me, we... can finally be together."

Anna didn't even look at him, but stared at Raven.

"Hey, it's not taking her away now, but injecting her with medicine." Raven reminded, "Don't forget."

Ye Xiao woke up like a dream, "Oh yes yes yes, I still need to give you medicine... It's okay Anna, it's okay, even if you are corrupted, you are crazy, I love you too. So don't be afraid, this experiment doesn't matter No matter what the result is, I will always be with you. I don’t care how Pandora treats you. Really, Anna, you will always be the purest and most beautiful girl...I love you."

Raven frowned, and she suddenly felt a little sick.

But at this moment, Anna still did not escape, but her eyes were cold.

Raven suddenly felt something was wrong.

She suddenly found that countless climbing ice crystals had condensed on her body, and her feet were fixed in place!

"How is it possible?" Raven suddenly realized something!She suddenly smelled a strange smell!

Ignored from the start!

The fire water curtain has been sprayed here all the time, and it is summer now, but the water is freezing cold!Because this is not water from a tap water pipe at all, but supercooled water!At the beginning, the supercooled water was dissipated by the pipes, so they didn't notice it, but now after the battle lasted for a few minutes, the supercooled water would no longer increase the temperature, and the sprayed water curtain was also below zero!

For Anna who controls the air conditioner, a sub-zero environment means that she doesn't even need to use her own Honkai power.

Before she knew it, this place became her home field!

Ability is the ability to control oneself, whether it is pursuing overwhelming "quantity" or pursuing scalpel-like "fineness", all need to consume Houkai energy.But in an environment suitable for them to play, such as water controllers at sea, ice controllers in a low temperature environment, they can exert their abilities several times the conditions!

Anna didn't say a word, she didn't like to talk when fighting, she just shook hands!

The cold current condensed from the raven's skin quickly became the binding armor that wrapped the raven itself!She was suppressed for a moment, and the cold was piercing!Raven felt that her blood was going to be frozen. Normally, it would be impossible for Anna to control her ability at such a close range, but now the surface of her skin is sub-zero water, and the materials were taken locally!

The collapse of the bodyguard can explode again!

However, the new ice layer condenses faster!The sharp ice formed a nail-like structure and directly pierced her skin and inserted into her body, this is competing for the ability to freeze her blood vessels!Even if it is frozen for only a few seconds, it is enough to make a human unconscious for several hours!

Raven panicked!

It is impossible for her to constantly activate the Honkai ability to protect the body. After all, she is also a biology department. It is possible for the biology department to release the Honkai ability three or five times in a short period of time. Don't even think about continuously releasing it like the supernatural department!Otherwise, what is the difference between the biology department and the ability department?

Take your own weakness to fight against the opponent's strength, and there is only one consequence!Just lose!

"Night Owl!" Raven shouted angrily!

Ye Xiao finally showed some hesitation, but only for a moment, he immediately raised his gun and shot at Anna!

"Crack!" There was a soft sound.

The cold air in front of Anna condensed into a small girl's fist, which easily pinched the bullet.Anna finally took a serious look at him for the first time, as if looking at a poor beggar.

"Tianwu, this is the last time I will call you Tianwu. We used to be friends, maybe because we were friends, you misunderstood a lot of things." Anna's voice was very soft, "It's Anna who is sorry for you and failed to live up to your love... ...But this is also the last time that Anna will answer you, Anna has someone she likes, and she likes it very much, Tianwu should also find someone she likes."

Ye Xiao's face twisted, "Shut up, Anna, shut up! Don't talk about Anna. We can start again, I don't mind how Pandora plays with you, and I don't mind Kiyana...I don't mind anything, so Shall we start from scratch? Just the two of us?"

"What you said is an insult to Anna." Anna said, "Pandora is a very nice and lovely child. As for you, Tianwu, look, you shot at me...I think I don't owe you any more. What's wrong with you."

"Shut up!" Ye Xiao was furious, "You have been cheated! You are not such a person! Anna is not such a person! Shut up!"

"Anna has always been this kind of person, but Tianwu, you don't know Anna, you never did." Anna's beautiful eyes contained both sympathy and sadness, "I'm sorry, the only person who knows everything about Anna is Pandora. "

"Don't look at me with that look! Bitch!" Ye Xiao finally roared furiously, "Don't look with that look! Only me! Only I am the one worthy of you! Only I know you best I love you! You bitch! Scumbag! I have come to beg you so recklessly, I don’t even care that you are a woman who is tired of him! I love you so much! I am so tolerant and so I love you so much! How did you forget! How did you forget everything!"

Anna finally stopped talking, and her eyes became even sadder.

She knew she had lost yet another existence that might be considered a friend.

And just when she clenched her fist again and tried to completely defeat the raven, Ye Xiao, who had already fallen into madness, suddenly laughed, her eyes were red, "You have been brainwashed by Pandora! He is a little devil, a devil, I know all about it! As long as I bring you back, World Snake will complete the operation on you and you will forget about him, and then you will be perfect, and you will be consummated! Yes!"

He gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.

Anna was just about to raise the second defensive measure, but suddenly felt a burst of pain.She lowered her head subconsciously, and found that the bullet that had just been intercepted shot out a new needle-shaped bullet and inserted it into her chest.

That's not a needle, it's a microneedle.At this moment, the dark red liquid was slowly injected.

In an instant, countless images flickered in her brain, almost overloaded!Severe pain came from deep in the brain, accompanied by frantic whispers.There are messy figures and noisy voices everywhere, ghosts and ghosts everywhere, she just feels that she can't handle the complicated information, her brain seems to sink, and she gradually loses her perception of the outside world.

And the picture in my mind suddenly flickered at a certain beautiful moment, awakening a little clarity.

A girl in the kitchen clumsily froze tomatoes and then sliced ​​them. The handsome boy next to her was quickly chopping onions, ginger, garlic and ham sausage slices. The eggs in the pan were charred and smoked.The girl and the boy complained to each other, and finally covered the scrambled tomato and scrambled eggs with noodles and served them to Sirin and Qiyana who were waiting to be fed...

"Pandora..." Anna's last consciousness called softly.

At 44:[-] p.m. Munich time, meteorological experts announced a sudden rainstorm and hailstorm in Bavaria. The news broke that the gas explosion caused by the terrorist attack destroyed the top floor of the Bode Building. Local residents were asked to prepare for evacuation.

The sky changes.

Volume 318 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 50 Chapter [-] Headquarters VS Shaniat, Serial Bureau


Silent shouts span thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

That night, under the starry sky in London, the sleeping teenager suddenly woke up, his back covered in cold sweat.

Shen Liang put on his coat, walked barefoot to the balcony, and looked at the street view.It's only in the evening now, and Chunshan Bar hasn't reached the opening time for the Valkyrie. It stands to reason that the outside should be bustling with tourists and citizens, and those restaurants and bars will even open tables and chairs on the pedestrian street.

But today the street is very quiet and empty.

【Have a nightmare? 】Tora Chiyo emerged from behind him.

【No. 】Shen Liang said in a low voice.

But he didn't continue to explain, but turned his head and looked at the balcony on the right.The building's balconies all protrude from the rooms to the street view, so people from different bedrooms can meet and even chat with each other on the balcony.Sirin's bedroom was on his right, and Sirin happened to float out wearing only a thin nightgown at this time.

The two looked at each other.

"Can you hear?" Shen Liang asked.

Hu Qiandai looked at him inexplicably, although she was connected with Shen Liang's consciousness, she couldn't grasp Shen Liang's thoughts anytime and anywhere, so the question was rather abrupt.

"Shaniat is connected by blood." Sirin stroked her heart, her voice was cold, "I have already contacted the family, but this place has become an information shielding area. I suspect that it is the aviation EMP system of the Tianming headquarters, even the satellite phone Not available."


"It's you, human, how can you perceive Shaniat's life and death."

"Even if you are thousands of miles away, a man will never forget his woman's voice." Shen Liang's voice gradually calmed down, "Her last consciousness asked me for help, and I can't ignore it."

Although the words were very plain, Sirin saw the cold anger in his eyes which was rare.This little wolf dog who has been bullied by her and occasionally blows his hair finally abandoned his innocent and cute disguise these days, and looked gloomy like a different person.

Sirin has always known that Shen Liang has a suppressed side, and everyone in Shaniat knows it.He used to be a ghost whose bloody aura made the witch Maria frown. Shaniat used countless tenderness and warmth to make him gradually return to the innocence of a child.But when the beloved is threatened, the ghost in his body wakes up again, showing his angry self.

"So it's Anna." Sirin said softly.

She was a little envious. Is this how a pair of people who like each other look like?Even if we are thousands of miles away, I will feel anxious when you encounter danger, and I will be happy when you encounter happy things.There is no time of loneliness, because even when you are the loneliest, you know that there is someone under this starry sky who looks up to you and enjoys loneliness together.

And when one person is in danger, the other will protect her.

Zongyou Ding was in front of him with swords forming a sea, still striding across, accompanied by the quiet burning of anger.

"Can I go?" Sirin asked in a low voice after going back to the house and putting on her dress and belt.

Shen Liang looked at the quiet streets of Soho, this strange scene reminded him of what the Valkyrie named Shi Yu Qi Luo said a few days ago.But even Shi Yu Qiluo might not have imagined that Tianming's actions were so fast, and...not targeting them.

I think Shi Yuqiluo may also have difficulties, but he is Maria's son, no matter how much Shiyu Qiluo has resentment towards Maria, she can't bear to see him in jail, so it is considered an exception.This huge Destiny has already set up a trap to surround him and Xilin. Everyone in the entire Destiny headquarters has been talking and laughing at Yanyan these days, but in fact it is like a tigress that opens its mouth wide and prepares to devour them.

Every Valkyrie is hiding, deceiving.

Everyone cannot be trusted.

"It would be much more convenient if I could take Sister Xilin to Tivat, but now I can only run away." Shen Liang said in a low voice.

Sirin knew what he meant. He could open the portal to reach another world at any time. Even if the destiny set up a net to restrict them, it might not be counted as such.But Xilin couldn't pass through the transmission light curtain, Shen Liang couldn't let Xilin stay here and escape by himself.

"Besides, can you really escape without me?" Sirin whispered.

Shen Liang also understands that this is not Tivat, but the headquarters of Destiny, which is full of eyeliners and surveillance. Once he turns on the teleportation light curtain and flashes, he will definitely be discovered.

As for Destiny, it is not without the speedy Valkyrie who can catch his "opening and closing" moment.

"Rita, Youlandelle..." Shen Liang narrowed his eyes.

S-rank Valkyries probably have such super speed, and what made Shen Liang vigilant was that Rita hadn't appeared for three days, and Ulandal didn't know about it after meeting him yesterday and having a bit of trouble. where.

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