If Rita and Ulandal are his imaginary enemies, he has no chance of winning against the two S-rank Valkyries.To put it a bit harshly, if the S-rank Valkyrie is hiding next to him, even if he abandons Sirin and immediately turns on the teleportation light curtain, he will be intercepted in [-]% of the time, because Rita has seen his ability before. of.

But Rita and Ulandal may not necessarily be there.

This time, Destiny set off hostility with Shaniat's family, so he and Sirin were hostages to threaten Shaniat.But to be hostile to Shaniat must have capital. Everyone knows the strength of Cecilia and Maria. No matter what plan Destiny has, it must be supported by hard power. Rita and Ulandal... maybe before the meeting To deal with Shaniat's family?

Then the people who stayed at the headquarters of Destiny might just be A-level to deal with him and Sirin.After all, as the son of the white flower, he has only shown his talent but not his strength. Rita may have reported his special report, but at most he regarded it as an A-level, so he and Xilin's two A-levels seem to be easy to deal with.

There are so many A-level Valkyries in the Destiny Headquarters, how many of them will be their opponents?

Shen Liang pondered over and over in his mind, thinking about the action logic of the Tianming headquarters, and at the same time performing countless battle calculations, although at this moment he could not even see an enemy around him.Sirin didn't bother him, and the wayward little queen was just leaning against the guardrail with her chest in her arms, staring at the purple sunset at the end of the pedestrian street.

"Here we come." Sirin said suddenly.

Shen Liang raised his head, but he didn't see any figure, but he could already hear clear and ethereal singing voices beating from all directions.

"...Don't ride your horse to save the side, and return with a cold body.

There is a white jade cross coffin in it, and spiders spin webs to produce dust.

The coffin is empty, but the person is gone.

For the rest of his life, his hair is white, his sword is ashamed, this hatred is hard to cut..."

She sang authentic Chinese, an ancient Shenzhou ditty, and the wind turned the girl's childish voice into a trance and loneliness, as if she was not singing, but describing a story she had seen with her own eyes.

distant story.

And at some point, both Shen Liang and Xilin saw on the roof of the small building opposite, a blue and white pad-dyed cheongsam with a celadon pattern, tied tightly with a red string, revealing a very proud chest, and black hair past the buttocks. Sitting there was a petite girl with a neat bundle and a long sword wrapped in cloth on her back. Her smooth and slender legs were upturned, and her slender heels were knocking on the roof tiles, curiously. Just stare their way.

Unknown Valkyrie.

Shenzhou people.

Yes, it was a surprise that he was from China.That dress and appearance proved that this childish-looking girl was a Valkyrie from China.After all, Destiny is a European organization. It is still difficult to meet Chinese people here, and there are not many Asians.

But Shen Liang still couldn't be careless, this girl looked about the same age as him, at most fifteen or sixteen years old.But Shen Liang had the help of Hu Chiyo, who had a strong sense of danger, and he felt an extremely heavy aura from the girl.

"It's our first time meeting, little brother." The girl tilted her head and smiled, "Although you haven't started yet, I can't even think of how to escape the person who is being targeted by the master, so it will be a matter of time. I am Li Sushang, the master of supreme freedom." Disciple Li Sushang, you can just call me Senior Sister Sushang."

Shen Liang and Xi Lin didn't say a word.

Li Sushang's smile was a little awkward, but she still insisted on her bold tone, "It seems that the younger brother has a lot of hostility towards me as a senior sister, and there is nothing I can do about it. After all, my task is really unpopular. Junior brother, sooner or later we have to look up and look down, we are all family, don’t hurt your peace here, okay? Otto sent me to work in the hope that we don’t make a big deal, or you can go back to sleep now, Senior Sister just stay here and keep an eye on it, we are all in harmony with each other."

Shen Liang was silent for a while, and then said: "Senior Sister Sushang."

"Hey!" Li Sushang's whole body was filled with comfort, and he narrowed his eyes happily. It's been 500 years, and it's the first time in 500 years that someone calls her a senior sister. The Supreme Freedom Sect with only two stinky women finally has a newcomer. She has been lonely for 500 years and finally has a junior brother who can be bullied. La!

And this junior is still the little wolf dog that the whole destiny is coveting!

Thinking of those colleagues who are so envious and jealous that their faces are distorted, Li Sushang is overjoyed.

"Since it's for Xiao Shangxian's sake, how about letting us go? I need to save people."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this really doesn't work, it's up to each other. After all, I'm not just the senior sister of the Supreme Freedom Sect, I am also..." Li Sushang shrugged, "The S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny."

With a single word, Shen Liang and Xilin felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The third S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny actually appeared here!

"Really, for this plan, the Raksha people have been preparing for hundreds of years. There is not enough manpower to even call me here. You must know that I am from China. If it is true that no one can use him, he will not find me at all. Yes." Li Sushang curled her lips, but her tone slowed down again, "Although I don't know what he asked me to intercept, but he has worked hard for his goal for so many years, and I can't just watch him fail. So I'm sorry, little brother, I can only feel wronged and wronged you."

"What exactly is Otto planning?" Shen Liang asked directly.

"What is the plan? It's nothing more than making the destiny great again, making the Valkyrie great..." Li Sushang smiled, "Oh, it's something that only people with high IQs can figure out. Senior sister, I'm too lazy to think about that. Brain. Anyway, since he asks me to do something, I will do it, and he rarely asks me."

"His plan is to take others as hostages?"

"It's unjust, but Otto always thinks farther than most people. Temporary injustice is for longer-term justice. You don't have to tell me that he is doing evil things, I won't listen." Li Sushang laughed Dao said, "This Raksha man has done many, many injustices in the past 500 years, but in the end they are all for the sake of human society and destiny, and the final result is often good. I believe in his justice, and you, junior brother, Maotou boy said If you don’t, it won’t impress me, because I’m already over 500 years old.”

Shen Liang sneered.

Indeed, Li Sushang's reasoning is greater than his own. That man named Otto is plotting against the Shaniat family, but even so, Otto has been on the right path for 500 years. He has made no mistakes, so everyone All trust him!

It is impossible to play emotional cards with these Valkyries, and the balance in their hearts is entirely with Otto.

"Idiot, he has no thoughts of his own, and is completely someone else's marionette." Xilin stared at Li Sushang coldly.

"Hey little girl, how old are you and how old am I? I have seen more worlds than you have eaten rice grains, and you are worthy of judging me?" Li Sushang hugged her knees and said boredly.

"Extremely ridiculous." Sirin sulked, "You are worthy of talking about this? If you really lived for hundreds of years... you would think it was really ridiculous, it couldn't be any more ridiculous! Because you have lived for hundreds of years, but you are only more You just ate several times more meals and slept several times more! You don’t know how it feels to grit your teeth and desperately go to find her for that important person! You know that she is afraid and begging for help, so you don’t hesitate Go all the way, as long as you are alive, you will move forward all the way. There are mountains and seas in front of you, and no one can stop you! Unless you see her with your own eyes, you can’t even accept death, and you can’t die! It’s called being alive, and your way of living is to grow old without dying!”

"How do you know we don't have this kind of feeling?" Li Sushang didn't become angry, but smiled, "You guys just encountered such a little thing, it's so painful and so urgent, but he has been pursuing that illusory long-cherished wish for 500 years, if He knows where the person he is looking for is, and he will find her even if the seven continents are destroyed."

She suddenly lost interest, "There is nothing to talk about with the brat, you two just stay quiet, or breaking your bones will make you stay quiet."

Shen Liang lowered his gaze.


Meanwhile, Bavaria, the suburbs of Munich, Neuschwanstein Castle.

Thunder and lightning!

"Anna Shaniat has a Houkai energy amplification reaction in her body, and the fluctuation of the reaction has been confirmed to be similar to the fluctuation of the reaction when the Herrscher of the Sky appeared in the Siberian War." Rita stood in the air, her eyes full of anger, "World The Snake Organization reported to the headquarters that the Shaniat family had already discovered the increase in fluctuations in Anna's body a year ago, but they conducted the artificial Herrscher experiment privately! It is now out of control! Miss Maria, you are sorry for causing such a catastrophe due to your own selfish desires Is the reputation of the Saintess family painstakingly maintained for thousands of years!"

"You fart! Stinky bitch!" Maria also volleyed in the air, almost going mad by the accusation, and yelled straight away.

PS: Li Sushang is so big!

Volume 319 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 51 Chapter [-] Kevin: There are some differences in parenting experience

Neuschwanstein Castle is located in the suburbs of Munich. It is said that the suburbs are actually the coast, and only a winding road can reach here.So in essence Neuschwanstein Castle is a place far away from the city, except for tourists who come here to visit and see the scenery, they hardly see anyone else.

So after the state government deliberately blocked the road to the scenic spot, it became a restricted area for witnesses.The torrential rain was pouring, but the birds were circling in the sky. Helicopters and birds in the distance also did not dare to land, because within a few kilometers around this area, several Honkai could prevent each other. Every tree trembled slightly in awe of the sweeping momentum.

The Valkyrie of the Bavarian state government carried a camera on a helicopter and recorded this scene.Not far from the pure white Neuschwanstein Castle, which looks like a fairy-tale building, three women stand facing each other in the air.Flying is a status symbol for the Valkyrie, because unless they can control the wind or the type of solid that makes them levitate, most Valkyrie can't walk on the ground at A-level.

S class.

Humanity's highest force, nuclear deterrence strategy individual soldier.

Youlandelle's face was slightly cold. She always knew that the so-called Santa Maria was a violent fighting maniac. Although she was a nun, most of the missions she performed were bloody, and the weapon she used well was an ancient cross spear.Maria is more or less religiously fanatical, and she likes the thrill of going to the east to kill the enemy as if she was still in the Middle Ages. Even if the enemy is a three-story Honkai beast, she will clean the opponent's silicon-based body and bones with a gun blade Cut off neatly, even in pieces.

This is even true for human beings. Youlandelle once read the database of Destiny, and Maria would even completely chop up the helpless people who were corroded by the Honkai without leaving a whole body.Maria's tyranny as a saintess family is in a sense weird, so few people even think that she is a gentle girl from the Shaniat family, but she is called "Witch Maria".

It was only because she had a bad reputation, so when it was reported that Maria finally had a son, many Valkyrie privately rejoiced that the freak of the Shaniat family had finally settled down.A woman who has a son will definitely have a much better temper. She doesn't even go out to work, and stays at home around the child every day.

Ulandal also thought so at first.

But now it seems that the Shaniat family has really deteriorated, and it is not surprising that they can tolerate such a tyrannical and evil clansman, so it is not surprising to carry out the Herrscher experiment secretly.

Maybe the Shaniat family is no longer the holy and selfless family of saintesses in the propaganda. If they can condone the birth of Herrschers in the family, maybe from top to bottom...it's already rotten!

"The Chaniat family is the greatest contributor to the Mandate of Heaven. It's a pity that it has deteriorated to such an extent for their own selfish desires." Rita said sharply, "My lord Maria, even if Shaniat wants to break away from the Mandate of Heaven, the Bishop can tolerate it, but Why do you want to conduct this kind of experiment! Anna Shaniat is your niece, who cultivated blood relatives into tools of war, how did you degenerate to such an extent!"

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"Shameless! Your Majesty Maria, the World Snake Organization from Northern Europe is in Munich and witnessed Anna's loss of control! Your experiment violated the Siberian contract and is completely anti-human!"

"Blood spitting... blood spitting!" Maria was trembling with anger, "I don't want to explain! Where are the world snakes, you let them confront the Shaniat family in person! Now, get out! I'm going to bring Anna back!"

This time, even Ulandal couldn't bear it anymore, suppressing her anger, "You still want to continue your experiment of man-made Herrscher? You forgot about the Tower of Babylon 20 years ago! Maria, do you think this kind of experiment can still be successful?" !"

Maria was taken aback, and gave Youlandelle a complicated look.

"Are you actually on Otto's side... Qi... Youlandelle." Maria did not answer the topic, but her voice lowered, "You don't understand at all, you don't understand anything. I don't beg you Believe me, but you shouldn't be standing across from me, from your... relatives."

"I have no relatives, Maria, and I never cared whether I was close or not, I just stood on the side of justice." Urandale said coldly, "I don't believe you, I don't believe Shaniat , Anna has lost control, and now it is being handled by the headquarters of Destiny, if Maria intervenes, I will regard it as the Chaniat family's stubborn resistance. I also want to see if the Shaniat family is really mad!"

Maria stared at her, and Urandale returned her gaze without showing any weakness.

Maria understood that perhaps Yolandelle wasn't slandering her, but decided so from the bottom of her heart.Something must have gone wrong. Anna's Herrscher transformation was beyond everyone's expectations, but someone put the blame on them.

"Even if Shaniat wants to split from Mandate of Heaven, Mandate of Heaven will not really break with you." Rita whispered, "But only when Mandate of Heaven is going to undergo a complete evolution, come out to make trouble, Shaniat, You have betrayed the destiny and the pursuit of the Valkyries of all ages, your short-sightedness is disappointing."

Why did something happen when the Tianming headquarters was about to take off?

The Shaniat family didn't get out of control sooner or later, and it was at this time that they showed their fangs!The problem of the Herrscher, this is a problem that the Destiny Headquarters cannot ignore. The two S-rank Valkyries were forced to come to contain Shaniat's family, so who will escort the Destiny Headquarters' lift-off plan?

It is true that Shaniat and the headquarters of Destiny have frequent conflicts, but Rita did not expect them to be so disregarding the overall situation!Studying the Herrscher privately is a crime against humanity. To put it bluntly, it is more terrifying than studying nuclear weapons. Could it be that Shaniat wants to use the Controllable Herrscher to deal with the destiny?That's ridiculous!Even Destiny doesn't have this technical ability!

Both evil!And outrageously stupid!

"It's such a big hat to put on, bitch." Maria stretched out her hand to hold her cross gun, "We betrayed the destiny? No, it was the destiny that betrayed us. The Chinese people said that there is no excuse for the crime, I don't want to explain anymore, in my opinion, you are just accomplices, who knows if Anna's problem has anything to do with you."

"Master Maria, only dogs like to bite people back." Rita put the scythe in her hand, "Master Ulandal, Rita stay here to deal with Shaniat's counterattack. Please solve the Herrscher of Ice as soon as possible, we Not much time."

Urandale nodded.

Maria was furious, "Leave it to me! Anna is from our Shaniat family, we can handle our affairs ourselves! Even if she becomes a Herrscher, it is our own business!"

"She's out of control in the city center, and tens of thousands of people haven't been evacuated there! Are you going to deal with it? Are you able to deal with it?" Rita glared at her, "Leave Rita here! If you dare to take another step, Rita will be killed I personally execute you for crimes against humanity!"

The torrential rain around her seemed to be shaken away, and the invisible field extended. As an S-rank Valkyrie, Rita actually knew some abilities to control ice, fire, water, thunder, etc., but she was not good at those things. She really What he is good at is fighting.

And in the battle of S-rank Valkyrie, those icing on the cake abilities are useless, S-rank and S-rank can only rely on swords!The most primitive violence erupting from the closest distance is what can really threaten the top human beings on this planet!

The murderous intent had come, and Rita faced Maria with the sickle horizontally behind her back, like a tigress stalking the enemy.Maria was just about to take off, but she was forced down by Rita's aura. She knew that she couldn't ignore this maid. Although she was a charming and gentle woman, she was still an S-rank, a monster-like existence. The consequences of taking it lightly It can only be death.

"I have to tell you clearly, that little Anna is Pandora's woman." Maria said to Rita word by word as she watched Ulandal's back disappear into the sky.

Rita's expression was slightly taken aback, but she still sighed softly, "I knew, he couldn't let such a beautiful girl go."

"So I must save Anna back."

"Do you believe what you said? Besides, Lord Ulandal has already made a move, so you don't need to put on airs."

"She'll just kill her."

"It's also created by you evil parents." Rita said softly, "So don't mention Pandora in front of me. In your eyes, there have never been these children... It's like abandoning Lord Ulandale same time."

Maria lowered her head, and the next second she was gone.

Rita seemed to see a red plain appearing in front of her eyes, on which crusaders with helmets and horses raised their battle flags and charged towards them.The army gradually converged like a sea into a blood-red color, and the red color gradually became clear. It was the phantom of a long spear that was more than [-] meters long and fell like a falling moon!


"Both places have already started."

The audio-visual room of Destiny Headquarters was still pitch-black. Otto watched the two real-time video images from Munich and London, and said to himself, "The Chaniat's house, which is most likely to cause accidents, has been restrained. The Herrscher is also owned by the World Snake, old friend, I have done everything that should be done, and I don’t even ask for anything in return.”

Kallen's 3D projection quietly watched the man sitting in the viewing chair, and she could see the excitement in the man's eyes.

After that, a new 3D projection was illuminated two meters in front of Otto.

It was a white-haired man, about thirty years old, with a cold and resolute appearance.

The new man did not speak, and the two were silent for a while. Otto shrugged, and suddenly said, "Long live the world snake."

The cold white-haired man's expression remained unchanged, but he finally said, "The deal is not yet complete."

"Yes, yes, of course, the proof plan cannot be completed until the experiment of the Herrscher of Ice is perfectly successful. A controllable Herrscher is a feat that no previous civilization has accomplished." Otto laughed, "But in this Era civilization, this is not the first case. Although the experiment of the Herrscher of the Sky failed, it has brought us rich experience. The Herrscher of Ice must be able to evolve successfully through the holy blood. After all, it is Cecilia's. Holy Blood... Cecilia herself may be stronger than a fully fused Herrscher of Ice."

"Sacrifice your powerful saint, and get a herrscher with unknown risks... Hmph, let alone whether this exchange is worthwhile, how can you be sure that the saint will wake up an ordinary girl. That girl named Anna, both Not her daughter or someone important to her."

"She will do it. The reason why the saint is a saint is because she has such a great side that others can't match. After all, she is still young, and young women are always so hypocritical. They like to abandon the so-called overall situation and sacrifice for the justice in their hearts. Own."

The man was silent for a while, and finally said: "In this era, there are also saints."

"There will be one in every era, just like Kevin, you are the world's snake lord, and your strength and power surpass almost all human beings, but you also have one in your heart. Of course, I also have one in my heart." Otto turned his head and looked at The girl priest behind her projected and smiled slightly.

In this room, the remote projection conversation was held, one was Otto, Bishop of Destiny, and the other was Kevin, Lord of the World Snake.If someone sees the leaders of the greatest forces on the extraordinary side of human beings discussing in secret here, they will definitely be vigilant, because the content of their conversations is often more shocking than the things discussed by the United Nations Security (Crab) Council.

"Sometimes, I don't quite understand your choice. The surname Shaniat is one of the strongest powers in human beings, but you have to sacrifice them." Kevin said lightly, "How absurd, just for a Turn the black abyss into white flowers?"

"Power that cannot be used is not power. You should also understand this truth. Take advantage of this opportunity to let the Shaniat family lose the saint, and what you get in return is that the destiny will never fall apart again. This is a good deal. Even if it’s not for me, it’s a good move.” Otto smiled, “Black abyss and white flowers may not be important to you, but the same thing is a treasure that must be obtained on the road to success for another person. My plan has reached the most critical step, the core of the Herrscher of Death is a must."

"Let's guess what your plan is."

"Hahaha, the two of us are like two hyenas sharing prey. The beautiful and holy Shaniat, this surname is about to disappear in history, just like Kaslana, so sad. "Otto patted his knee, laughing silently, "The infamy of the Herrscher experiment, the disappearance of the saint, the end of the S-rank Valkyrie—think about it, how long can this family survive? Lost the saint The Holy Maiden's lineage is nothing more than meat that anyone can bite into."

"Are you proud?"

"No, just let them go first, and the Apocalypse family will follow." Otto shrugged, "Once my plan succeeds, I will disappear in front of the destiny and the world. At that time There are no three major families in Destiny, and there are no high-ranking people in power. At that time, you can take over Destiny at any time. Your stigmata plan can also be truly paved, and no one in the world will be your resistance."

"I am looking forward."

"Oh, by the way," Otto suddenly remembered something, and asked again, "That child named Pandora, why do you have a soft spot for him? Is it a bit of a big deal to let an S-rank deal with him and Sirin?" ? What is special about him that can be instructed by the Lord of the World Snake? "

Kevin gave him a blank look.

Otto took a step back subconsciously, and then spread his hands again, "It's just curiosity. After all, the focus of you and me, that Miss Anna, is also her little girlfriend in essence. We have to know why we do it like this? Right?"

"It's not a big deal." Kevin's expressionless face showed a rare coldness. "It's just that my friends and I have some differences in parenting experience."

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