Otto froze, his brows furrowed into a ball.

PS: The main drama may be a bit lengthy, don't raise it...

Volume 320: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 52 Chapter [-] The Secret Technique · Nishikari

After Kevin's figure disappeared, Otto leaned back, letting Kallen's projection behind him press his temples.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and finally said in a low voice: "Carlen, am I too evil to drive innocent people to a dead end?"

"You know my answer." Kallen said softly, "Why ask again."

"When I completely solve Shaniat and get the God's Key, I will never continue this kind of thing again. Give me some time."

There was only endless sadness in Kallen's eyes.

"Perhaps at that time, the first thing you would do was to kill me with your own hands." Otto suddenly smiled, "Speaking of which, that child named Pandora is indeed very similar to me... and he is about to lose everything he has. Loved ones are also deeply trapped in the conspiracy woven by others, and they are also powerless."

"I'm sure that kid can get out of his own way."

"is it?"

"Because I, too, once believed in you," Karen said.

Otto's movements stopped in place. He didn't know how to answer the conversation for a moment, but in the next second, Kallen suddenly raised his head, his eyes alert: "The monitoring has detected that the second round of Honkai can fluctuate! The furthest range of fluctuations can be Arrived at the Cologne monitoring station in western Germany! This time the ripple shape is not Herrscher!"

"How is it possible?" Otto immediately stood up and looked at the surveillance screen, only to find that the surveillance screen was blurred. After thinking for a while, he suddenly grinned and said, "It's Cecilia! Cecilia made a move! Only She has this level of aura when she makes a move! She can't help it!"

"Wait, there's a third round of Honkai that can fluctuate! It's also at the Herrscher level!" Kallen stood there blankly. The performance of the high-speed processor made her crazily identify the source of the fluctuations, and even caused her projected image to be sluggish. Stopped, "It's near us! Soho! The fluctuation of the Honkai energy cannot be judged, and there is no similar reference!"

No reference?

Otto was really stunned, how could there be no reference object, whether it is Valkyrie, Herrscher or Honkai Beast's Honkai energy fluctuations have been recorded countless times, even if you can't identify who it is based on the shape of the ripples, at least you can identify the end Is it human or something... what does the unidentifiable fluctuation mean?


Essentially speaking, both Shen Liang and Xi Lin are spatial ability holders.

One of the most basic benefits of space ability is that it has a strong life-saving effect.Shen Liang can hide in another world and directly declare invincibility, while Xilin can also declare invincibility by hiding in the imaginary space.

It's just that it's easy to get caught when you come out and take it away in one set.

"Hey, are you sure you can win her?" Shen Liang stared at Li Sushang, and asked Tiger Chiyo directly.

Now there is no need to communicate in this way in the heart, and Shen Liang is too lazy to shy away from Xilin.

"Difficult, the other party is superior to you in all aspects. From the perspective of speed, she surpasses the limit of your physical vision. From the perspective of strength, as long as she hits you, you are basically over. Even your Haizhi blood can't resist. Hua Haiyue It doesn't make any sense to her, she only needs to hit you with one punch and you will lose your ability to fight." Tiger Chiyo said, "She didn't take the initiative to make a move just because she was worried that the two of you would avoid the first round of attacks with your space ability and run away separately. She may not be capable of grabbing both of you at the same time."

"What if you come to control my body?"

"The same is not true. Even if your current physical potential is stimulated to the limit, you are not the match of this little girl. To put it bluntly... It is possible to go out in person when you are still alive. It is useless to use your body."

Shen Liang felt a chill in his heart.

Tora Chiyo, as a member of the demon god, can almost be said to be the strongest creature under the demon god, on the same level as Liyue's immortal.Shen Liang has seen existences on the same level as Hu Chiyo, such as Yae Shenzi, Gan Yu, etc. These people seem gentle, amiable and charming, but even if they have never fought before, they can make people know how scary they are. If Shen Liang is not Relying on the deterrence of "opening the portal and throwing bombs at any time", he didn't even have the ability to talk to these people from the perspective of strength.

"Think about it carefully, boss, how long have you been slacking off?" Tiger Chiyo whispered.

Shen Liang clenched his fists.

Indeed, since contracting Tiger Chiyo and solving Aisha's dilemma, he has never encountered anything that required hard work.His strength has been stagnant, and it seems that he has been working hard to exercise, but he has only improved his physical fitness, and there is not much progress in the real sense.

What is progress, Shen Liang knows very well in his heart, only relying on the system, relying on the promotion of those who are qualified with stigmata, is progress.

He couldn't tell how long it had been since he opened the system panel on his own initiative, because he always had doubts about the system.And he has never encountered any crisis, even a strong opponent like the young master does not pose any threat to him.And his character is easygoing, he seldom seeks anything hard, and if he is not strong, he will not be strong, Shen Liang has no motivation for this.

But those crises that would come to him are not non-existent, but are often resisted by the Shaniat family.

Now that Shaniat's family can't take care of themselves, Shen Liang realizes again that he is still the weak person who must be cautious.While he was standing still, the crisis he was going to face was escalating.

Shen Liang glanced at the system panel.

【Current Stigmata Qualified】

[Name: Coral Palace Heart Sea]

[Progress: 100%]

[Coral Palace Xinhai loves you deeply. 】

[Name: Coral Palace Liuge]

[Progress: 100%]

[Coral Palace Liuge loves you. 】

【Name: Shenli Huadai】

[Progress: 100%]

[Shenli Huadai loves you. 】

【Name: Ayaka Kamisato】

[Progress: 98%]

[Kamisato Ayaka is extremely disheartened and heartbroken. 】

【Name: Nagano Yuanxiao Palace】

【Progress: 89%】

【Xiao Gong thinks you are one of her best friends.... 】

[Name: Rosalyn Cruz, Sika Lowfat]

[Progress: 20%]

[What is this woman busy with? 】

【Name: Kujo Sara】

【Current progress: 17%】

[Narakami Eternal!But maybe, the rice wife impacted by this young man from another world may be more eternal than the general expected? 】

【Name: Gan Yu】

[Current progress: 100%]

【Gan Yu loves you deeply. 】

Then there is its own panel.

[Current Qualified Abilities: Secret Technique·Huahaiyue/Bloodline·Haiji Jijun/Sentiment·Flower and Bird Romance. 】

[Currently the blessing of the heroic spirit: Martial arts · all martial arts are passed on. 】

Indeed, it can be said that there is no progress at all, relying on the space jump ability of the teleportation light curtain, he has been slack for too long.The most important thing is that he still owes the system two qualified people to contract heroic spirits. He has no hope of improving the combat effectiveness of the heroic spirits, and the so-called stigmata-qualified people have no intention of actively advancing the speed. After mother, he even has a qualified person...

Not a single qualified person?

Something seems wrong.

Shen Liang suddenly felt that something was missed just now, and opened the panel again, and there were big characters shining brightly.

【Name: Gan Yu】

[Current progress: 100%]

Gan Yu?

The master of Yuehai Pavilion with goat horns on his head, and the half-immortal lady with Qilin blood?

Shen Liang remembered that he only met her once!


After a lapse of one month, Shen Liang called the system again in his heart.


The system still maintains the practice of silence.

"Don't tell me that this is some untold secret, you clearly have a bug."

[After a thorough investigation, the "Son of Man" system does not have this type of vulnerability, but there is no abnormality in the information of the qualified person Gan Yu.The judgment mechanism of this system comes from the emotional basis of the qualified candidates themselves, and the progress of the qualified candidates Gan Yu has indeed been fully loaded. 】Black fonts appeared on his retina.

The judgment mechanism comes from...Gan Yu herself?

Shen Liang was a little stunned, that is to say, before he knew it, Gan Yu had already had a full affection for him, even to the point of "deep love"?

Although the "love" considered by the system is not necessarily love, for example, Liuge of the Coral Palace and Kagami Huayo may be looking at him for his son or son-in-law's family affection, but this level of "love"... still has no reason , have no clue.

He had only seen Gan Yu for a few days, and although she left a good impression on him because of her dignity and elegance and the thin black silk jumpsuit, it was only this impression.Why would Gan Yu have such thoughts about him?

But now it's too late to think about these things, Shen Liang said decisively: "In this case, what ability does Gan Yu give me as a fully qualified person? And counting her, I still owe a qualified person You can contract a Heroic Spirit, right?"

[Of course, is the executor performing ability extraction now? 】

"Puff." Shen Liang did not hesitate.

[Extracting, qualified person Gan Yu's ability has been extracted: secret method Xishouhuolin. 】

[Secret Method Xishouhuolin: You must choose a place when you are in the forest, and look behind, don't crawl on insects, don't trample on grass, don't fall into traps, don't get caught in snares, if the king is benevolent, he will come out, if there is no king, he will not come.Therefore, those who get Lin are the lucky ones who are ordered by the world.Possessing this secret law will inherit the auspiciousness of the unicorn, and the person who controls the executor will quickly improve his personal ability as he controls the executor. Note that personal ability is not only reflected in combat effectiveness. 】

Shen Liang was dumbfounded.

control me?

What a maverick ability!

Shen Liang is going crazy, the effect of this ability can only be manifested by other people "controlling" him?What is control?ride on me?Think of me as a unicorn and ride on me?What do you mean!talk!

[The executor should understand the meaning of "control". 】

Shen Liang was silent for a while, he actually didn't want to think about something he liked, but it seemed that the ability Gan Yu gave him... was such a weird thing.Should it be said that it is a benevolent beast? The ability obtained has nothing to do with killing, but it is a linkage skill that one person can ascend to heaven.

But then again, it was actually able to be extracted, and Gan Yu had nothing to do with him, why on earth!

PS: At the critical moment, I still need a wife, although the wife is not very useful

Volume 321 The Jewel of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 53 Chapter [-] Li Sushang, hit me!

[Repeat, the "Son of Man" system does not have any program loopholes, so the reason for the skill extraction cannot be explained. 】

"Really, forget it, there is no need to explain." Shen Liang was silent for a while, "If my guess is right, you really can't explain it, you are AI logic, but some things can never be deduced if you rely on logical deduction of."

[The logical computing power of the "Son of Man" system was jointly edited by Dr. Mebius and Dr. Mei, and it is theoretically 92.445 trillion times higher than the computing power of the executor's brain. 】

"Is it actually this little computing power?"

[Currently the most advanced computer of Earth civilization is about [-] times more powerful than ordinary human brains. ] The system's answer is still rigorous, so rigorous that Shen Liang even feels a little unconvinced.

However, Shen Liang also knows that this system has no personality program at all, it's just the coldest processor, communicating with him according to the rigid preset program, and even now that there is a bug, he can't solve it by himself.

But Shen Liang still had to count on this thing.

In this situation, we must count on it to break the situation.

And it has also provided a crucial information.

At this time, Xilin was still dealing with Li Sushang, the young chivalrous girl with a childlike face and big breasts didn't pay attention to Xilin at all, and she didn't even draw her sword. The gap between S-level and A-level is too big, and Li Sushang didn't want to go straight to the heavy hand. She still felt that sooner or later the family couldn't hurt face, so she just had to be responsible and not let the two escape.

Xilin repeatedly tried to open the wormhole, but before the space crack appeared, Li Sushang attacked with faster sword energy, forcing her to stop casting spells.In the eyes of the S-rank who entered the battle state, almost every move of the A-rank Valkyrie is slowed down, and Sirin has no room to play!

"I heard that junior brother, you are also a genius at playing with space? Your Shaniat family has actually produced two such rare abilities, but I'm sorry, don't even try to slip away, we can see if it's your movements My sword energy is faster." The little chivalrous girl stared at Shen Liang while perfunctory Sirin, but she actually paid more attention to Shen Liang, because Sirin's ability is well known, and although Shen Liang may be weaker, she has no Exposed his true abilities.

The information gap is the biggest crisis in the battle, and Li Sushang is also worried that she will miss, so she keeps locking Shen Liang with her breath, even though he has not moved.

"Sister Xilin, do you believe me?" Shen Liang asked suddenly.

Sirin has been trying to jump in space, and she frowned at this moment, looking at him inexplicably.

"I'm going to leave for a while, you know, I can leave when I use the teleportation light curtain, which is a no-swing skill, so I can leave." Shen Liang looked at her, "But don't worry, I'm not escaping now, I will come back to pick you up , and soon."

This sentence could not avoid Li Sushang's eyes and ears, so she also narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Shen Liang, "Do you think you ran away?"

Shen Liang ignored her, just looked at Sirin, "It's just that I'm gone, you may not be able to resist by yourself, but Sister Sirin, I don't need you to run away or defeat her, I just need you not to be caught, Can it be done?"

Xilin stared at him coldly, and Shen Liang also knew what he meant. To put it bluntly, he wanted to abandon Xilin and go for a while. It's normal for a young lady like Xilin to be unhappy.He was just about to persuade him again, when he heard Sirin coldly say: "Who do you think I am, if you're just playing tricks, the S-rank Valkyrie might not be able to take care of me. How long will it take?"

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