"It can be as short as 10 minutes, but it can be as long as it is."

"I can only hold on for 10 minutes." The little queen said without hesitation, "After 10 minutes, I will be exhausted. At that time, I will be directly captured by Li Sushang. If you let me be captured, you will die gone."

"Okay." Shen Liang nodded.

None of these words evaded Li Sushang, the little chivalrous woman hugged her chest with a slightly dignified expression, she suddenly felt that she should put away the thought of releasing water, or just beat them both up and throw them in the headquarters hospital?Although the spatial ability is difficult, as long as she is serious...

At this time, she suddenly heard the boy on the opposite side looking straight over, with a calm voice: "Miss Li Sushang, please strike me with a sword aura, the more powerful the better, of course it's best to slow down so that I can catch it."

Li Sushang was taken aback, "You... are asking me?"

"Why, the majestic S-rank Valkyrie doesn't even have the courage to slash at me? Are you still worried that I will use your strike to play something?" Shen Liang's red eyes showed obvious contempt, coupled with his already delicate face, The expression made people scratch their heads like a cat scratching their heads, "What tricks can I do that you can't solve?"

"Are you provoking me?" Li Sushang blinked her big eyes vigilantly.

"Just to excite you, I heard that the Supreme Freedom Sect pursues the mastery of a thought, are you worthy of the mastery of a thought?" Shen Liang suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped his chest fiercely, without stopping at all, a big mouthful of blood spewed out .

Both Xilin and Li Sushang were dumbfounded, Shen Liang's aura weakened in an instant, but he still wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled disdainfully, "Facing an opponent like me who looks forward and backward, you are worthy of calling Cheng Lingshuang Master! Xiao Shang Immortals taught you such a coward! So what, beat me up!"

"You're looking for a fight!" Li Sushang clenched her silver teeth angrily, stretched out her hand, the cloth bag on her back was instantly blown away by the wind, and a simple long sword fell into her hand, "Say more!"

"When I enter the door, let Cheng Lingshuang drive you out! There is no one like you in Zizai Sect. If you have thoughts about Bishop Otto, you dare not speak out. If you want to beat me, you are afraid that I will have a backhand. Zizaimen, why don't you just enter the tortoise gate, the tortoise can live a long time, it is suitable for a 500-year-old witch like you!"

In fact, Shen Liang just said it casually. He listened to Li Sushang's admiration for Otto inside and out, so he deliberately said that he disgusted her.

But I didn't expect Xiao Xia Nu to react so strongly, she was almost scolded crazy at this moment, and the towering breasts under the blue and white cheongsam were heaving up and down with anger.Although she is five hundred years old, she is different from Otto. She has been guarding the border with Cheng Lingshuang, master and apprentice, and has never had much contact with society. Her mind is still in her teenage years.

She can't even scold Cheng Lingshuang!

"Little...little brother, bah! What little brother! Pandora!" Li Sushang's eyes were burning with fire, and while he was shaking with anger, he drew his sword and pointed at Shen Liang, almost gritted his teeth, "I am today, today I will teach you well for Master! Let you know what it means to respect a teacher! Let... let you taste the Ruoshui that my mother passed on to me! Go! Bottom! Yes! What! What! Taste! Dao!"

One sword!Take it!Taixu Sword Qi with a height of 20 meters!

Li Sushang was indeed dizzy, but he didn't forget to stop when he was dizzy, according to Shen Liang's "slow play" to slow down the speed of the sword qi, but the power increased.

She even deliberately brushed the edge of Shen Liang's past. There is a high probability that the strong wind can make him injured and lose his combat effectiveness, but it will not cause major problems.

Then she saw Shen Liang summon a huge light curtain almost instantly.

Li Sushang was taken aback, she had been wary of Shen Liang's movements, but she didn't even feel that the Honkai could flow, and this light curtain appeared.

Afterwards, the sword energy tens of meters high disappeared together with Shen Liang.

PS: After thinking about it, it is divided into two chapters.In addition, don’t look at my picture saying that Li Sushang is a wife or a wife. I call all the pictures in the interim post my wife.

Volume 322 The Jewel of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 54 Chapter [-] Lord of the Kirin

The 1.4 meter little chivalrous woman would never have imagined that her junior brother, whom she unilaterally identified, had appeared in the sky above the Yujing Terrace of Liyue Harbor with her sword energy at this moment!

Today's weather is too empty!

According to the calculation of the combat power in Shen Liang's mind, the strength of S-level in the normal concept is roughly equivalent to that of the demon god's family in Tivat continent, or a weaker demon god.

But in any case, Li Sushang's combat performance is definitely not as good as General Thunder and Lightning back then, that is to say, at least weaker than the top combat power of the Tivat Continent, which is governed by the seventh ruler of the world.

And the strongest among the Seven Reigns of the Earthly World is the Rock King Dijun who is in charge of Liyue!

Shen Liang's figure fell from a high altitude, accompanied by his stern shout of clear air shaking his chest!

"Shen Liang, a stranger from another world, please see the emperor!"

The sharp Taixu sword energy slashed straight towards Yujingtai!That was Li Sushang's angry blow, even if it was not aimed at him, the power was real!Li Sushang wanted to use this trick to intimidate him!And at this time, once this trick is implemented, the huge Liyue capital, the Baiyu Square built of marble, and the Yujing Terrace where the fairy ceremony is held every year will be cut in half!

Shen Liang couldn't stop the sword qi at all, but he didn't mean to stop it, he didn't even look at the direction of the sword qi, but just stared at the golden house.Legend has it that Morax made coins out of flesh and blood, and the golden house is the residence of the rock god. Every year when the immortals are invited, the real dragon body of the rock king soars out of the golden house, and the sky is full of rays of light.

He fell and waited.

At the moment when the sword qi was about to touch the ground, Shen Liang finally heard a soft sigh in his ear, and then he suddenly found that the violent wind stopped, and the sword qi shattered like glass.

"Little friend Shen, you still act according to your own rules as always, and never consider whether you will offend others." The man's voice was calm with a little helplessness, "You dared to threaten the gods with Barr, and you repeated the old tricks here. If I don't come out, are you really going to destroy Yujing Terrace?"

"You must be here." Shen Liang whispered.

"How can you see it."

"If you weren't here, I wouldn't have come." Shen Liang's voice was very soft, "It seems that it's all destined, no, it's not, you have already prepared, you have been waiting for me since the day I set foot on Liyue Port. I'm done for the day."

"So, my little friend guessed it." The voice in the wind, no, it should be the rock king Morax, with a slight smile, "As expected of the smart Eve of ice and snow, oh, you at this time may not Love the name."

"I don't have a clue about some things, but this is not the important thing right now." Shen Liang looked at the empty Yujing Terrace, looking at the panicked tourists, "Dijun, I have encountered some troubles. Since you are all here, you should Come help."

"But I haven't drawn up a contract with you such as mutual assistance, meddling in the affairs of other worlds will only increase the number of variables in the two worlds." Morax's voice was still calm, "I'm not the right person for you either. , oh, or in terms of general rationality, no man would include a man in his private sphere."

Shen Liang was quite surprised, "I even told you this?"

"You and I are old friends." Morax's voice seemed to be smiling, "I still owe you 730. Twenty-eight million moras."

"You owe me so much money and won't even do this little favor?"

"Because the person I entrusted to you is not me." The voice gradually faded away, "It's too late for a beauty to come, the sun is fading and the beauty is fading, dare to rely on yourself and think about yourself."

Shen Liang knew the meaning of this poem. When Sima Xiangru answered Liang Wang's question "Xiangru, do you like beautiful women?" Sima Xiangru had the audacity to say that I live in the upper palace of Weiguo, and at night a super beautiful woman came to give me I warmed the bed and asked which country I was from.I sternly rejected her, and even played the piano and sang, saying, "Beauty, you came too late, time has passed, and your beauty is getting old, don't delay on me, go lovesick forever."After saying these words, the King of Liang believed that Sima Xiangru was a real gentleman, and he served good wine and meat to officials. Later, Shen Liang knew that Sima Xiangru was a famous scumbag in history, and this allusion has become a historical legend for thousands of years. big joke.

But what did Morax mean by these lines?

Shen Liang is not in the mood to guess his riddles, he is very anxious at the moment, Morakes shows up but refuses to make a move, then the only people he can find are left...

"I'm alone in the room, I'm lonely, I miss the beautiful woman and I'm sad. The emperor didn't recite the first two sentences." A cool and soft familiar female voice came from behind him, and Shen Liang turned his head immediately, only to see the man holding a paper umbrella The blue-haired girl in the moon white cheongsam stood where she was, with a calm smile on her face, "Mr. Liang, you may have misunderstood, you are the one who came late in the story, making people helpless but still suffering Waiting for the beauty."

Shen Liang didn't know what kind of eyes to use to look at this girl who was obviously unfamiliar but felt familiar.

He knew that it was impossible for him to remember, and it was impossible for people to violate the law of time.

But he still whispered: "I'm sorry."

sorry, I do not know you.

Sorry, I can't think of you.

I'm sorry, but even so I have the audacity to rely on you, to save another girl.

"There's no need to say I'm sorry, Mr. Liang." Gan Yu walked over gently, and raised her head in front of him. Although Shen Liang was not tall, Gan Yu was not a tall girl either, and her eyes were level.

Gan Yu stood on tiptoe, Shen Liang subconsciously wanted to take a step back, and then saw a trace of disappointment in the girl's beautiful eyes, he stopped again, and then Gan Yu smiled lightly.

"A unicorn chooses its master only once in a lifetime. Welcome back, my young master."

Standing in the flow of people coming and going on Yujing Terrace, Gan Yu put away the umbrella, and the oil-paper umbrella covered the young couple.Everyone stopped to watch the lovely couple embrace each other. Some speculated that they were kissing under the umbrella. Some speculated that they were so young and shy because they were whispering to avoid being discovered by others. Some people were shocked and said that it was not our General Affairs Department. Does Mr. Gan Yu actually like black long straight girls? I'm so disappointed!The old lady selling umbrellas next to her smiled and said that the little girl Gan Yu had finally returned to her true fruit after waiting for so many years.

Immediately afterwards, under the curious or gratified gazes of countless Liyue people, the oil-paper umbrella was engulfed by the dazzling white light of the teleportation light curtain.

About 30 seconds after Shen Liang and Gan Yu left, Ke Qing and Shenli Linghua arrived late, and after asking passers-by, they all showed annoyed expressions.

"It's really swift and resolute. It only took 2 minutes to appear from the beginning to the end." Ke Qing frowned, "If it's an emergency, I should have asked you and me first. Mr. Shen didn't regard Ke Qing as a friend."

"That lady named Gan Yu, can Ryoko leave together?" Although Shenli Linghua was also a little annoyed, but after pondering for a while, she still sincerely envied, "In battle, you and I can't help, I'd better leave it to Miss Gan Yu."

"It's really interesting, faced with this situation, Miss Shenli is not jealous?" Ke Qing said bluntly.

"Inazuma's daughter was taught by her mother since she was a child that jealousy is not an emotion that Yamato Nadeko should have." Kanli Ayaka spread her fan, got up and left, "Besides, if everyone wants to be jealous once, there is no time to improve It's me. And the woman who can't keep up with Ryoko's footsteps is the one who is really likely to be marginalized, Miss Keqing."

Her words carried deep meaning, but Keqing was inexplicable.

"What does it have to do with me? I'm not jealous. I'm happy that Gan Yu finally has someone he loves. Gan Yu and I have been friends for many years!"

"Well, yes, hehe."

Keqing suddenly wanted to hit this little egret who was hiding her face and smiling, but she didn't know why, but she also felt sullen in her heart.

He clearly said that he could come to her when encountering problems, but he didn't even think about it, she was Shen Liang's first friend when he came to Liyue... He was just talking about it, and he didn't regard him as a friend at all!

The next time you meet him, you have to question him severely!


Going back to the other side, Li Sushang panicked when facing Shen Liang who disappeared in an instant.

She finally let go of her cat-and-mouse playful mentality, and dealt with Xilin first!At this time, Xilin's pressure doubled. Originally, A-level was basically helpless against S-level. Once Li Sushang was serious, it would only take a few minutes for her to be caught.

But fortunately, Li Sushang couldn't interrupt her spellcasting at any time when she really made a move. She was finally able to open the wormhole for a short space jump.How can I say that space ability is the most suitable ability for life-saving? Sirin's continuous space jump can drag Li Sushang's footsteps. After all, no matter how fast the S-level super fast is, it takes time to observe. keep distance.

But it is impossible to fight back.

Sirin held back her anger, and every time before teleporting to the location, she hurriedly opened the second wormhole to engulf herself. The distance of each wormhole was compressed to only a few hundred meters, and the reaction time each time In less than a second, Li Sushang had already chased after her.

As the young lady of the Shaniat family, she had never been so humiliated before!

The contemporary genius of the Shaniat family, the pampered queen of the sky, has never been beaten like a duck like this in her entire life!She is almost an A-level invincible, mastering such a difficult space power, pampered and domineering, but today even a Valkyrie she doesn't know can drive her around like this!

A mouthful of silver teeth was almost crushed by Sirin!

The resentment in her heart can no longer be suppressed, Pandora, Pandora, the most embarrassing moment in this life is that you dumped this Queen!You have to remember me for the rest of your life!What a sacrifice I have made for you!

And she faintly felt that she couldn't last for 10 minutes. Continuously using the power would consume too much energy and stamina, and Li Sushang's simple pursuit hardly consumed anything. If she continued like this, she would be exhausted sooner or later. It is impossible for A-class to escape from S-class, and the division of combat power of these two classes far surpasses other classes!

After all, even up to A-level, it can be achieved by "hard work", and S-level has always been indispensable for genius and hard work. Every S-level is a nuclear bomb, and A-level can only be regarded as a nuclear bomb at best. Just a mortar.She has been able to hide in front of a human-shaped nuclear bomb for so long and has surpassed most Valkyries. If she wants to continue hiding, the only way is...

"S-level..." Sirin muttered.

She has never paid attention to the S-class, she is not afraid of Maria beating her, she is still rebellious in the presence of Ulandal, and she still dares to order Rita around as a maid in front of her.It's not just because of Sirin's personality, she really didn't pay attention to S-rank from the beginning.

The only S-rank who can hold any weight in her heart is that old woman.

She is not conceited and thinks that if she can be liberated without restraint, most of the S-ranks in this world may not be enough for her.

—Enough is enough!

--Want it now?Do you want to start?

——Dare to use force against the honorable Queen of the Sky, this kind of usurper, it doesn't matter if you kill him?

- Let's do it!kill her!

Sirin's anger became more and more intense, and the voice that had been suppressed in her heart for more than ten years was getting louder at this moment.It is for this reason that she seldom participates in battles. The Shaniat family does not allow her to enter any situation where she may fight to the death, which will make Sirin feel threatened, and once the little queen feels threatened, she may not be able to suppress Live in the dark side of your heart.

That was the darkness that the entire Shaniat family had painstakingly buried.

—what a humiliation!

——Think about it again, what are you fighting for?You are for Pandora, but for whom is it for him to make you suffer all kinds of humiliation here?


——He is not your loyal servant, he only works so hard for Anna, and he doesn't care about his queen at all!In his heart, his girlfriend is far more important than his master!

——No, no, no, does he really regard you as the master, as the queen?You also know it in your heart!

——Why bother working so hard!To kill her, kill Li Sushang first, and then wait for him to come back and kill him together!The majesty of the Queen of the Sky is inviolable, you can fight all the way up and back to Munich!Kill Anna too!

——In this way, you can directly save Cecilia, right? You are also afraid that something will happen to Cecilia trying to save Anna, right?That's our mother, she's the only one who can't have problems, right, as long as you kill everyone, she won't sacrifice for anyone.She can only love us, not all the so-called people.

Sirin suddenly said: "Shut up."

The gloomy voice closed its mouth abruptly, it had no right to confront Sirin, when Sirin was clear, she could only hide in the deepest part of her heart.

It's just that she didn't understand why Sirin suddenly woke up.

"Cecilia is a stupid woman who loves everyone. But if you want to save her, you can't do what you said." Sirin responded coldly, "Kill Anna? Kill everyone? Even if I So what, Cecilia would not love me like that, she would just kill me with her own hands, and bring you to kill me while crying. This will only make her more painful, not to mention Any salvation, stop dreaming."

The dark voice was silent.

"Besides, so what if I'm caught, who dares to kill me?" Sirin let out a deep breath, "At worst, I'll leave it to Pandora. It's his wife and not mine. You want to use this to make me fall into a trap." Angry? Why, am I pretending to be similar?"

PS: Open Kirin slightly!

Volume 323 The Jewel of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 55 Chapter [-] My Wife Is a Sheep

The dark and malicious voice finally fell silent, and Xilin continued to deal with Li Sushang's pursuit, counting silently in her heart.

"9 minutes, 52 seconds."

The last Houkai energy in the body will also be exhausted.

"55 seconds."

I can open another wormhole, let's open it at the bottom, so that I can fall in directly, saving the time for the queen to adjust her position.

"59 seconds."

This time, the wormhole opened very close, and even the straight jump distance was less than 100 meters. The moment the scenery in front of me changed, I saw Li Sushang's celadon skirt emerging like an eagle pouncing on her food. The petite S-level girl Valkyrie's hands were like claws, and he was already grabbing towards her.

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