Cecilia Heiyuan unsheathed, and the deep chanting sound echoed, it was the German chanting.Anna's indifferent little face finally showed a hint of expression. She gave up pulling the soul steel and had to stare at Cecilia.Because she had a premonition that Cecilia's level of danger had suddenly increased, and after evolving into a Herrscher, her intuition surpassed that of humans, and was even bestowed by "God" herself.

And God told her that the pure white wife in front of her was serious, and even the Herrscher would be afraid of her if she was serious!

The crisp sound of ice and ice colliding and colliding is the ice crystals all over the sky being driven like wind chimes, but behind the melodious melody is a terrifying murderous intent!The princess in a gown approached the saint in a strong suit at high speed. There were twelve sharp ice knives with blades tens of meters long.

Urandale finally broke free from the shackles of the God's Key. Seeing this scene, her brain seemed to go blank for a moment. She was about to step forward without hesitation, and then she turned her head and was slammed by Cecilia's gravity hammer. The sky smashed down!

"You!" Urandale was ashamed, first she was short of breath, and then she was taken aback.

She still has energy left.

PS: The highest combat power in this book for a long time should be Cecilia, Sister Leia suppressed it, so as not to expand the combat power I wrote

Volume 338 The Jewel of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 68 Chapter [-] The Invincible Holy Maiden

"Ich bin das Schwarz auch das Weiss, Vor dem Beginn und zwar nach der Ende!"

The majestic recitation of language like church chants!

That singing is actually a unique fighting method of the Shaniat family, and it is also a family known as the "Saint". The Shaniat family has maintained close ties with religion for thousands of years, and anyone can easily Memorize the Bible even though they don't believe it at all now.

But in the age when there was no science and technology to rely on, the saints in Shaniat were all believers without exception.They use such majestic singing to encourage themselves. They hold a knife and a gun in one hand and hold the Gospel in the other, beheading the enemy first and then saving them.Although the god has long since fallen into the dust, the spell still blesses Shaniat's blood after thousands of years.

It's not so much a spell as it is a battle song!

That song means——

"I am the black that devours everything, and I am the white that conceives everything; I was born before the creation of the world, and exists after annihilation; the God's Key Heiyuan White Flower, the first rated power!" Cecilia held the handle of the gun, her face There was a smile on his face, "Holy Lance Bloom!"

Every inch of Anna's body instinctively shouted back!She was awe-inspiring, and she couldn't help but want to run away, but the dignity of the Herrscher made her unable to move away.

——Is a mere human woman worthy of being the enemy of Honkai!

——But that's not just a human woman, it's the glory of the saints of the Shaniat family!

Twelve aurora blasts!Cecilia laughed loudly, crisp and bright, but at this moment, no one listened to her laughter no matter how nice it was. In the eyes of most people, it was the roar of a savage dragon!Yolandelle, who was watching the battle, was stunned. She only felt that Cecilia had turned into a gust of wind, and the sound of metal roared in the wind!

Those are also twelve long knives!

Usually Cecilia is only equipped with a black abyss and white flowers, because she is used to spear weapons, but in fact, everyone in the Chaniat family knows that Cecilia was proficient in all kinds of martial arts when she was young, from swords, guns, swords and sticks She is famous for everything from the cross, sickle, hook and lock, and the knife is of course among them.

Holy Spear Bloom is essentially an explosive skill for large-scale bombardment with black abyss and white flowers.But in Cecilia's hands, she restrained the bombardment instead, and used the manipulation of the holy blood to condense the Honkai shot from the black abyss and white flowers into pure weapons.

To be honest, this is actually meaningless, and it does not reduce the consumption of Houkai energy. In order to maintain the overflowing energy into a "weapon shape", it is necessary to pay extra Houkai energy. It can even be said that Cecilia is so pure. It's for fun.

But she is entitled to play.

Rather, it would be a good thing for her to consume more Honkai energy. She also uses Honkai energy to keep her life safe in her daily life in the ice cellar. The wasted Honkai energy is enough for Neuschwanstein Castle to pay the electricity bill until 3010 in the Gregorian calendar.

Cecilia stepped head-on towards the twelve giant ice blades of the Herrscher of Ice. The ice blades are actually more like icebergs, because those sharp blades condensed with solid ice are six stories high!But Cecilia held a long-handled broadsword made of pure light, and suddenly cut a huge fan, cutting the wide iceberg into two pieces!

Anna saw the slightly raised corners of the saintess's mouth through the smooth gap of the iceberg.

Twelve icebergs confront twelve knives!

"Anna, be good, it's best to pass out now, don't make it difficult for my sister." Cecilia shook her long hair and smiled cutely, "I will be angry with you if I hurt you, my life will be spared Hanging on him."

Anna clasped her hands together and slammed the two icebergs together!It is about to crush Cecilia completely!

However, the two ice layers, which even the missiles could not penetrate, were cut into four pieces again. Cecilia threw the long-handled sword with slack light, turned around and pulled out the Japanese-style sword behind her, and continued to move forward!Every time she took a step, she laughed lightly, and the laughter gradually echoed into a mantra that shocked the soul, which was another attack on the spiritual level! The S-rank Valkyrie has never been judged by the supernatural department or the biology department. The S-rank itself is an all-rounder. Cecilia's ability to release the Honkai is enough to make ordinary people in a city mentally shaken into idiots.

Anna covered her ears. Even if she was as strong as the Herrscher, she couldn't avoid Cecilia's mental attack, even though Cecilia didn't specialize in any kind of ability at all.She had a splitting headache, but she still had to continue to control the iceberg, but that huge power was as ridiculous as a chicken in front of Cecilia.

Nothing can confront Cecilia's blade head-on. This kind of power doesn't seem to belong to humans. Everyone watching the battle feels that Cecilia is more like the so-called Herrscher than Anna.Icebergs, shields, and even low-temperature areas that can attenuate the movement of matter, everything that stands in front of the blade is cut open, like a paper knife.Every time Cecilia split a mountain, the weapon dimmed and shattered, and she pulled out the one behind her again. She didn't care about the tachi, broadsword, knight's sword, and stabbing sword, but pressed on step by step.

The Valkyries who were still on the field looked at her flamboyant smile, pale and trembling.

"That's the one who is about to be knocked down by a serious illness... Lady Saint?" Raven whispered, she just thought it was outrageous, so outrageous that she even wanted to laugh.Didn't it mean that the holy blood was being transferred, didn't it mean that the saint who lost the holy blood was in danger, didn't it mean that she might collapse if she dared to use some Honkai power?

Didn't it mean that if she wants to make a move, she must have the determination to die!

But look at what she looks like now!Raven almost saw the shadow of the unparalleled saint in her body again. Raven was a twelve or thirteen-year-old child living in New Moscow during the Siberia War. At that time, the war spread to her city, and the Valkyrie troops rescued their At that time, she had seen Cecilia from afar. At that time, the saint stepped on the head of the judgment-level Houkai Berenas and smashed it into the Samar River from a high altitude. The terrifying dragon howled miserably throughout New Moscow. Can hear.

"This is her period of weakness?" Raven was terrified and puzzled.

"Weakness period is because Cecilia can't use the holy blood, and can't release unlimited Honkai energy. In other words, her current power is limited." Ulandal whispered, "But it hasn't been released yet. When she needs to use the holy blood, she can be comparable to Herrscher with her own Houkai ability alone. In other words, the current battle is just a decompression exercise like a walk after a meal for her. It's really... ridiculous what."

It's really enough nonsense, the same S-rank Valkyrie, the gap is so big.When Cecilia defeated her, she said that it didn't take much effort. She could also understand it as a mother's disdain for her daughter, but as expected, the saint is a saint, honest and almost honest.Looking at the spare power of Herrscher, she didn't take it seriously when dealing with herself!

Maybe it's not disdain, it's just plain indifference.Do humans disdain ants?When she became the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny and even fought for it all her life, Cecilia just laughed lightly in the depths of more than 20 layers underground in Neuschwanstein Castle, laughing at her childishness and her efforts.The first honor she took away with all her might was something that Cecilia didn't care about at all, and it might even be given to her out of mercy by Cecilia, because she was still a daughter after all.

What a joke, what a joke!

Cecilia turned around and looked at the last iceberg protecting Anna, which trembled.She suddenly accelerated her running, jumped up in the blink of an eye, pierced the last knight sword through the air, and hit the center of the iceberg.

The crushing sound of metal collisions almost pierced the eardrums of the Valkyries. The Houkai energy all over Anna's body surged, forming an overwhelming snowstorm behind the iceberg. The wind and snow were strangely gathered into the shape of an awl. It looked like a horizontal ice tornado, the sharpest part of the end of the tornado withstood the iceberg, and then the iceberg shattered, the knight's sword and the tip of the wind's end collided with the wheat awn, and burst out!

This is fighting!It is a contest of pure Honkai energy level. Maybe someone can win against Herrscher by relying on the skill of Honkai energy, but this is the first time someone can fight against Herrscher by virtue of weight!Herrscher's power comes from the imaginary space, and from the gift of Houkai God. They have almost no upper limit while humans have!Only saints can do this kind of fighting, or only this year's saints can do it. This is the promotion of holy blood!

The Holy Blood caused Cecilia to suffer from erosion, but it also made her upper limit far beyond that of human beings. Now that she has the space to let go, she is extremely comfortable.

"That's... the Black Abyss!" Ulandal suddenly shouted.

Their position was on Cecilia's side, so the knight sword they saw fighting the tornado was not a simple lightsaber, but a pitch-black solid sword!The Heiyuan White Flower is a twin, consisting of a black knight sword and a white knight spear. The knight sword is often the handle of the whole gun.

The reason why the sword can resist for so long without falling apart is because Cecilia used a physical sword, and her last lightsaber was a trick to Anna!Only Heiyuan can last for such a long time, because the power of Heiyuan is to decompose, decompose all substances, and Heiyuan can decompose most of the ice in a simple confrontation wave, and will only be attacked by pure Houkai energy. And the God's Key itself is not afraid of Honkai's attack, it is the creation of Herrscher's core and soul steel.

So Cecilia wasn't at the center of the fight at all.

Where is she?

Urandale quickly looked for her figure, extremely anxious, and she didn't notice at the moment that the resentment and resentment she just had disappeared again.In other words, her emotions have been switching back and forth between resentment and anxiety. She is full of displeasure when Cecilia is still standing upright. Once Cecilia disappears or is at a disadvantage, she immediately wants to draw her gun.

PS: This is from yesterday, wait for today’s post, don’t worry

Volume 339 The Pearl of the Family of the Saint: Chapter 69 Chapter [-] Mortal Body Against Nuclear Explosions

The climate in Munich is fluctuated by two powerful forces. Because of the temperature imbalance, there is heavy rain here, and the wind and rain turn into ice before it hits the ground.Cecilia stood firm in the frantic wind and rain, looked down at the Ice Herrscher who was fighting against the black abyss, and kept quiet.

"How can you marry little Pandora like this?" Cecilia whispered, "And my daughter has white hair, and you have white hair, so I repeated it on the character set. Keep your tenderness and pampering Isn't the advantage not good, you can't compete with Sirinkiana on the same track. And if you become a Herrscher... Herrscher can't have children with humans."

Both Ulandal and Kiana, who was watching the battlefield through the video, were stunned by Cecilia's sudden answer. Cecilia is indeed often confused, but at this time, she can still think of these aspects... This is no longer a general confusion, and it must be treated!

Everyone originally thought that Cecilia was just trying her best to save her, using her already overwhelmed body in exchange for a happy and worry-free life for the younger generations... But this kind of thing like a movie plot is here for Cecilia It doesn't match at all. She said that if she wants to bring Anna back, she really needs to deal with Anna and bring her back. The destiny, the world snake, and even the Houkai side can't stop her. This kind of guy who stands at the top of mankind... She considers Herrscher and Whether human beings can have children is sincere.

The pure white shadow leaped out from the high platform, the moment the windbreaker swayed, and the moment the white flower was held in her hand, beautiful patterns appeared on the knight gun. This weapon has only accepted Shen Liang and Cecily so far. Ah, what Shen Liang relied on was unknown, but Cecilia relied on absolute domineering, her saintly blood ordered these weapons to obey unconditionally.

Holding the white flower in her hand, she drew a line in the air with her right hand, and a ripple appeared in the blink of an eye. She tapped the tip of the gun on the ripple, and the dazzling white light enveloped the whole body of the white flower.

The God's Key, White Flower, has the ability to heal at the level of genetic repair. Although it is useless against the erosion of Houkai, the healing power itself is a kind of power. Anna's body genes have already been reversed, and the restoration of the White Flower will destroy Herrscher's body. back to being human.Just like the soul steel cutting off the flow of the Houkai energy, this method can also cut off the connection between Anna and the Houkai will, allowing her to retreat from the realm of infinite power.

"Heilge Lanze, die Welwitschie." Cecilia recited the old chant.

I am the black from the abyss, I am the white from the clouds, born before the creation of the world, and exist after the annihilation; I will give the water of the fountain of life to those who are thirsty to drink freely.

One of the seven angels who had seven golden bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, Come here, and I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.

I was moved by the Holy Spirit, and the angel took me to a high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, which came down from heaven from God.

Unlike many God's Keys, White Flower's zeroth rated power has no lethality. This power consumption is extremely high and even surpasses "Holy Lance Bloom" and "Holy Lance Backflow".But compared to the powerful power of the first two, the highest output of the core of the Herrscher of Death is the embodiment of salvation.

"Holy Spear Centennial Lan." Cecilia walked forward at a leisurely pace, the huge knight spear suddenly set off a gust of wind, pulling Anna, who was powerless to resist, towards her, and the almost melting light spear enveloped Anna.The Ice Princess finally uttered an unbearable cry. Her body was like charcoal being burned. The healing power released by humans would be a harm to the Herrscher. She was about to be turned back into a human body but retained the thinking of the Herrscher. The tearing of the soul and the body will be extremely painful!

"Be patient, Anna, be patient." Cecilia stroked her face, and Anna roared heart-piercingly, "Think about Pandora, think about us, think about how hard you are still fighting for what?"


Anna's eyes met Cecilia's, and there was a momentary blankness in her golden eyes.Cecilia just wanted to smile, but suddenly raised her head and stared at the sky.

"how so!"

The one who looked up with her in a tacit understanding was Youlandelle, who was observing the battlefield and was ready to cut off at any time. At this time, her expression was also stunned in disbelief, and she immediately pressed the radio to her ear.In fact, she has been carrying a radio all the time, so that she can contact Tianming at any time, but this time, after connecting, it was not Alvette who was in charge of logistics, but was directly transferred to an unfamiliar frequency band.

"Hey, my dear Bianca, your mission seems to be a bit unsatisfactory, but it's no wonder that the other party is the current saint who is several times stronger than you, understandable." The voice on the radio is Otto, with a frivolous tone, "But if you can't solve it at all, please don't refuse the help that the organization gives you, such as a little, um, a small cleaning function."

Ulandal took a deep breath, suppressed her astonishment as much as possible, and said angrily: "You never told me that you will release space-based weapons here! We have already suppressed the Herrscher of Ice, Cecilia It is making her harmless, if you miss it, you will destroy half of the city!"

"Suppress... the Herrscher of Ice?" The voice on the radio laughed, "With the black abyss and white flowers, you want to influence the Herrscher? Wrong, Bianca, you are wrong. All the plans are just to restrain the Herrscher in the final analysis The only thing that can lock Anna in this area is Cecilia, but the only thing that can really kill her is nuclear weapons. Don't think too much about Bianca, don't forget, the Probation Herrscher is here It's never happened in the world, not even once."

Ulandal was silent for a long time, "No, actually...forget it, do you want to kill Anna?"

"That's when..."

"No, you don't want to." Ulandal whispered.

Otto, who was on the other side of the radio, squinted his eyes. He looked at the picture from the satellite monitoring. In the picture, Ulandal looked up and stared at the satellite.

"Why do you know?" Otto said slowly.

"You don't want to kill Anna, you put in space-based weapons just to kill Cecilia." Ulandal closed her eyes, "You know very well that space-based weapons can't kill Cecilia, but they are enough to kill her." Ana and mass city dwellers. You know, Cecilia is not going to see these things happen, you are forcing her. I finally understand, you are forcing her to choose sacrifice a second time, to sacrifice herself to protect other people, You're forcing her... to free the Holy Blood."

"This is just your guess, Bianca, you think too much, you are the weapon of destiny, and the weapon doesn't need to think so much, it will become dull." The voice smiled.

"Because space-based weapons require a long preparation time to ensure the hit rate, you have confirmed the launch location from the very beginning, so you and the world snake have already colluded, and you are fully aware of where Anna will be legalized." You Landai I didn't pay attention to it, just said every word, "You lied to me."

"But what does it matter. Isn't that what you expected, Bianca?" said Otto.

The radio was cut.

Otto closed his eyes.This bureau was carefully designed, but even though Ulandal didn't like to think, he wasn't stupid. He had a vague premonition that Ulandal might disobey his command.

"The 'Galileo-g25' satellite has released a fission bomb, the wind speed meets the judgment, the landmark has not moved, and will arrive at the position in 20 seconds." Karen's figure appeared behind him, expressionless.

"Sorry, Cecilia." Otto shrugged and raised his glass to salute.

Everyone was aware that something was about to fall, but they couldn't hear the sound, and only felt that the sky was about to be shaken by thunder.

The original clarity in Anna's eyes disappeared, and she showed obvious anxiety and anger, and her struggle and resistance became more intense.Even she was aware of the crisis, but she was trapped in place by the three soul steel chains, and she couldn't escape without unplugging this thing.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange, both anxious and silent.

"Run! There are still 18 seconds!" In this short suffocation, someone suddenly crawled out of the ruins, holding up his mobile phone and shouting, "Mom! And you all retreat quickly! The nuclear bomb will fall in 16 seconds! This is information from the headquarters of Destiny! The AI ​​secretary of the database personally sent it!"

Cecilia looked at her daughter in astonishment. She didn't expect there to be members of Shaniat lurking in such a battlefield, let alone her daughter.And Qiyana's words made all the Valkyries present panic, even the World Snake.

Raven just thought for a moment and understood in a flash, this is what the World Snake and Destiny negotiated!That's what's in the plan!They originally wanted to use the Herrscher to make Cecilia die from overwork, but what if Cecilia was so strong that even the Herrscher couldn't exhaust her?There is only one way, which is to force her to choose to sacrifice!

There is Kiyana here, there is Anna who cannot escape, and there are citizens in the city center who have not yet evacuated.If a person can't kill her head-on, then use this low-handed method to make her die!


Raven gritted her teeth. She knew that her identity should disregard morality, but it was the first time she realized that she was so vicious. She was also the executor of these plans, and she was one of the black hands behind the forced death of the saint.The two big forces standing at the top of the extraordinary side want Cecilia to die, even if she has unparalleled dominance and strength, she can't do anything.

But she is obviously a good person, even if she is so angry until now, she has never killed anyone in the world snake.

But good people must be killed in the conspiracy.

Use this trick!Use this kind of low-handed means!

Cecilia lowered her head and took out the pocket watch from her pocket, and the time passed by second by second.At this time, everyone was unusually quiet. Except for Anna who was frantically pulling out her chain, everyone stopped moving, because their strength was all here, and even if they escaped, it would be useless.The day-based weapon was a nuclear warhead powerful enough to wipe out several city blocks.

This was the case 16 years ago, Cecilia thought silently, she also faced the same choice 16 years ago.But that time was much more uncomfortable than this time. That time it was the close relatives who were on the balance, but this time it was myself who was on the balance.

Then there is no choice.

Anna is still struggling. This Herrscher has been pierced by soul steel since birth, and it is really pitiful to meet a monster like her.

Cecilia raised her head to look at the people around her. The heavy rain blurred her eyes. She couldn't see clearly. She just felt that there were so many people. It was strange that there were so many people in this place.How many people did World Snake and Destiny ambush for the plan?But what's the point of dying besides being with you?

She pictured those eyes looking longing and sad, as if looking at a Madonna in a cathedral.These people may be hoping that she will make the choice of a saint, but they may feel ashamed.But she wants to tell these people that they don't need to be ashamed, because wanting to live is the most basic and greatest right of human beings, and even the saints in the Bible cannot accuse them of being wrong.

But Cecilia suddenly didn't want to look at them anymore. She moved her eyes to the distance and looked at the white stripes passing through the Alps, which was the highway leading to the distance.

Will Sirin come back?Is Pandora back yet?

Cecilia suddenly thought, the courage that didn't care about life and death suddenly dissipated slightly.She looked into the distance, trembling slightly, she was going to die soon, could he see the children's jewel-like clear eyes in the end?

She suddenly found that the child named Pandora was what she thought about the most at the moment of final decision. Maybe every mother would love the youngest child more?Pandora was adopted by her to be fostered by Maria, but she actually treats Pandora as her own child. Now that Sirin and Kiyana have their own lives, only Pandora is with her every day. Talk about daily life and whispers in the ice cellar.

Cecilia's heart was suddenly disturbed when she thought of that beautiful boy.Inexplicably, she found that she still had unrealistic expectations, would Pandora come to rescue her?Pandora... That little guy with black hair and waist as delicate as jade, likes to deal with problems by pretending to be tender and cute, but his nature is so resolute and persistent, so Qiyana, Sirin and even Anna rely on him unconsciously, Even Cecilia looked forward to those two hours every day when he came to the ice cellar—would he come to her rescue?

Of course not, he is in England at this moment, maybe he doesn't know anything, or even if he knows, he can't escape from the net of Tianming headquarters.

He may be in danger, but I'm sorry, Pandora, my sister can't save you...and maybe she won't protect you in the future.

At the end of 15 seconds, the airburst that broke through the speed of sound fell like a sharp sword in an instant!The mere wind pressure caused the buildings in the city center to burst from top to bottom. The cement and lime wall panels peeled off like dead skin, and the dark clouds and rainstorms were all torn apart. The meteor is approaching, as dazzling and hot as a burning sun!When you fall, you always have the power to destroy everything!

Ulandal didn't escape, she was the only one who could escape within 15 seconds but she didn't, instead, she pulled up Herel, the Eternal Death, and crashed straight into Cecilia's arms!

But she was still too late, instead of stopping Cecilia, she was enveloped by the soft light curtain that emerged from Cecilia.

"No...no!" Ulandal yelled between panic and collapse.

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