Cecilia stabbed the black abyss and white flowers into her abdomen, and bowed her body under the severe pain!In the next second, she gritted her teeth and showed a ferocious and relieved smile, the bright red stigmata appeared on her back, and then the explosion was deafening!

A nuclear explosion happened!The high temperature exceeding [-] degrees Celsius melted the ground, and the intense white light engulfed the city, and no one could escape.The shock wave shattered the building into pieces, even the supporting reinforced concrete was twisted and overwhelmed, and the overwhelming falling objects flew everywhere at supersonic speed. In the short rainbow, countless ruins under the rainbow covered the figures of the mother and daughter.

It took a full minute for the nuclear explosion to dissipate. The Valkyries were all stunned. They didn't die. Seeing the nuclear explosion that happened so close at hand, they were actually unharmed, because they were wrapped in vines, and countless rough plants grew out of the ground. For example, the vines of the building produced beautiful white flowers, and the white flowers enveloped them, forming an absolute defense, even nuclear explosions could not affect them.The only thing they couldn't resist was the sound. The Valkyries could only cover their ears and open their mouths to prevent their eardrums from being shattered.

PS: Rest assured, there will be no irreversible tragedies in this book

Volume 340 The Pearl of the Family of the Saint: Chapter 70 Chapter [-] If there is no torch from now on, I am the light!

A billboard burning in the distance rolled and fell into the scorching deep pit. The blackened ground was gradually cooling magma. The high pressure and high heat at the moment of the nuclear bomb exploded formed such a terrifying explosion crater.In the center of the deep pit, Cecilia knelt on one knee, leaning on the black abyss and white flowers in one hand, and looked down at the two girls who were protected under her.

This is the very center of the nuclear explosion, but it is surrounded by transparent protective positions, which are achieved by the ability of Heiyuan Baihua.Although Heiyuan Baihua should not have this kind of defensive ability strictly speaking, when the input Houkai energy level reaches an almost "infinite" level, Heiyuan Baihua's "decomposition" ability can achieve even "matter wave" Can be analyzed to the point of decomposition.

Even the lethality of a nuclear explosion can be completely eliminated in front of the "decomposition" of Heiyuan Baihua.

"Why?" Urandale asked softly.

"I once swore to protect my family and everyone I love. But I am too arrogant. In fact, my ability can only protect a few people, and more people can only sit back and watch them go." Sisi Liya stroked her face, "But this time, have I protected you?"

Neither Urandale nor Anna was injured. They were both protected by Cecilia's powerful "decomposition field". It can even be said that no one else was injured. The vines spawned by the black abyss and white flowers withstood the nuclear explosion The destructive power of the outer zone is at most just some radiation.

With the physical strength of the Valkyrie, being irradiated for a short time is not a big deal, not to mention that Cecilia even considered this.The whole city is surrounded by green vines, which convey red blood and bloom white flowers.

When the fragrance of the flowers spread into the noses of every Valkyrie, the majestic healing power quickly drove out the radioactive substances in their bodies.In order to resist the nuclear explosion and protect everyone, Cecilia's Honkai can exceed the human limit. The human limit is actually easy to surpass, as long as she finally gives up the bottom line of life.

Holy Blood Liberation White Flowers Stagnate Blood.

The final destination of the saints of Shaniat. The last time Cecilia used this trick to neutralize the pollution of the Honkai fission bomb and saved the lives of tens of thousands of people in Siberia affected by the Honkai. She can only live in a cold ice cellar.This time she saved hundreds of Valkyries and an unknown number of ordinary people who hadn't been evacuated in the center of Munich, at the cost of death.

Urandale stared at her, trying desperately to recall every bit of her time with Cecilia.She wondered if there was a moment when Cecilia still had a trace of regret, guilt, or feelings for her as a mother in her heart.But she doesn't know.So she didn't know what to say, she could only look up at her figure reflected in the light.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry." There were red and black tattoos on Cecilia's body. It was the Houkai energy counterattack after losing the holy blood, which began to erode her body from the inside out, but her tired face There was still a slight smile on the face, "Next, I have to entrust you with some things."

"No...no, no!" Urandale suddenly stretched out her hand to grab Cecilia's hand in horror, but it only felt cold after grabbing it. On the contrary, the blood in her body was surging, as if it was about to burn.

"My mother is the most sorry in my life, only you, baby." Cecilia said softly, "But you are my best daughter, I can only hope for you. Then Anna will lose control and run away. You don't know the horror of Herrscher , Only by succeeding the holy blood can Anna be truly subdued. You have to take good care of her, don’t hand her over to anyone, you are sisters, and you share the same blood.”

"No! Take it back! Take back the holy blood!" Ulandal's face was full of horror. If Rita was here, she would be shocked beyond words. That indifferent, powerful, self-disciplined and mature Chief of Destiny actually lost his composure. Her handsome face was full of tears that she didn't even notice, and she desperately touched Cecilia's body, and even drew a knife to cut her arm to let the blood flow out, as if this could make the holy blood return to her. Cecilia's body.

But Cecilia's body is still gradually changing from fair and healthy to covered with streaks of red and black.

"Don't! Don't! It's your blood, it's your blood! I don't want it, I don't want it, I never want it! I don't owe Shaniat, I'm not Shani People from the Yate tribe! It was Shaniat who failed me and I will never fail Shaniat!" Yolandelle grabbed her mother's shoulder and roared angrily, but in the end she couldn't hold on any longer, her voice lowered, and tears flowed With a full face, she grabbed her dress and knelt down on the ground, "Take it back... please... the holy blood is yours, and the holy blood can only be yours... please..."

There are so many things in a person's life that she didn't realize until the end. She didn't hate Cecilia that much.Sometimes the so-called 16 years of hard work and resentment are nothing more than bits and pieces of those memories of those who were unwilling to be happy when they were young.

"Next, there is that child Sirin. You know, she can't accept my death and she will collapse easily, so you have to be responsible for controlling her. You are the elder sister, you are the strongest existence, you have to guide the younger sisters Go on the right path." Cecilia smiled lightly, "Yourlandelle, you have to protect everyone, your sister, your brother, and many, many people, so you must become stronger and stronger, and you must not die. "

Urandale grabbed her tightly and clenched her teeth.

"I'm sorry, it's such a last-minute moment, but I still leave you with so many demands." Cecilia's voice became softer and softer, "I know you are in pain, baby, but you are a child of the Holy Maiden family. Ah, we are born like this, even if our hearts are extremely painful, we must regroup to protect everyone. Take everything from me, and then, become a new saint.”

"Why...you treat me like this, why..." Ulandal whispered, "Why are you so cruel to me alone."

Cecilia patted her head.

"Because this world is full of filth, full of conspiracies, calculations, and materialistic people's hearts everywhere. Destiny, anti-entropy, world snakes, or the United Nations all have similar thoughts. So you understand very well that the current extraordinary side needs a saint, not a popular one." Commonly seen in culture, saints who can only be used as mascots, or rogue saints who play with contrasts, are real saints. In this filthy extraordinary side, the family of saints must become the embodiment of beauty and virtue, and become the guide A beacon for all selfless people."

Ulandelle suddenly felt that the fabric she was holding was broken, she suddenly raised her head and saw her smiling.The white flower's spear blade pierced her chest, which was Cecilia's chosen destination. Instead of being eroded into a powerful warrior of her level, a Valkyrie of her level might as well let Heiyuan White Flower repair the genetic code, although it cannot Resist the erosion of Houkai energy, but at least keep the human body and dignity to die.

"I'm very tired, but before I rest, the last task must be completed. Ulandal, you are the most suitable child to become a saint. The saints of Shaniat will look at you and look at you in the Hall of Valor This child who took a detour." Cecilia said, "If there is no torch in this world, you will be the only light."

"Stupid." Urandale hugged Cecilia's shoulders and finally said softly, "Okay."

"Can you call me mom?" Cecilia smiled.

"Mom," Ulandal whispered in her ear, "I have never revealed Sirin's identity for so many years."

"Good boy, really...good boy." Cecilia's voice gradually dissipated, and Yolandelle felt her body get heavy.She sniffled and didn't look at the woman in her arms, but raised her head and looked at the sky.

In the past 19 years of Urandale's life, there has never been a moment like this moment.

At this moment, Youlandelle really wanted the woman in her arms to live, she wanted her to see the sunshine tomorrow morning, and she wanted nothing to happen when she woke up. The woman she hated for 16 years stood in front of the bed, White hair scattered like strands of light in the setting sun.

She finally understood Cecilia's truth, just like she had to accept the Holy Blood to save everyone, Cecilia also made the same choice 16 years ago.She watched her mother die as Cecilia watched her daughter die.What is a saint, the saint is already the only lighthouse in the traumatized hearts of all the Valkyries on this extraordinary side, and it is the last thing those Valkyries who are almost used to the dirty world believe in.

The lighthouse guides everyone, so it cannot be polarized for anyone.

"However, I am willing to be a torch, but I am not willing to be a saint." Youlandelle held the black abyss and white flowers, and this magical weapon naturally recognized the third owner. She said softly, "I'm sorry, Mom, I'm still young and I can't let it go."


An angry howl resounded from the sky, and the white sheep-like creature burning with white flames fell from a height into the deep pit of the city. It was like a wind and thunder, but it fell silently when it landed, like ripples on the surface of a lake.

A boy and two girls with exactly the same appearance were riding on their backs. Sirin and Qiyana stumbled towards them, crying loudly, but Shen Liang hesitated for a while.

Immediately afterwards he went down to the ground and walked to Cecilia's body leaning against a vine. She closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep under a beautiful and blooming white lily.Ulandal watched his movement trajectory, the wind pulled his coat away, and his long black hair fluttered,

He actually looked like a girl with a weak willow supporting the wind, but his footsteps were heavy, and he looked like a mourning soldier.

"Anna, it's been contained." Ulandal hugged the unconscious Anna and looked at Shen Liang, "She is sleeping, but the next time she wakes up, it will be another big disaster. I think it should be supervised by the Shaniat family. I will take care of it myself.”

"You, Shaniat?" Shen Liang looked away from Cecilia, looked at Anna who was sleeping, and tilted her head in confusion.

"Starting today, I will restore Shaniat's native place and keep my name, but I will take over as the Holy Blood of Shaniat." Ulandal didn't know what expression to use to face him, facing his younger brother and the two She is a younger sister, so she has no expression, "From now on, Bianca Yolandelle Atagina will leave the Destiny organization and join the Shaniat family to take over the function of protecting the family from the saint."

"Stop talking." Shen Liang looked away.

"Don't worry, I will give up all of Cecilia's power in the family. Miss Sirin will still be in charge of the family. I will only replace Cecilia as a military support." Ulandelle said.

"Who do you want to replace?" Shen Liang whispered, "Stop talking about it, I don't want to hear it."

"I will replace Cecilia as..."

Shen Liang suddenly grabbed Youlandelle by the neck and smashed her into the ground!Youlandelle wanted to resist subconsciously, but the black abyss and white flowers in her hand disappeared at some point, but Shen Liang was holding the lance and piercing her throat!

"You can't replace Sister Liya! You can never replace her! You hear me, shut up!"

At this moment, Ulandal almost felt that the boy's ferocity was about to tear herself apart, because the viciousness, tyranny, despair and sorrow gushed out from those red eyes at the same time, countless emotions constituted a real evil spirit , Youlandelle finally understood what evil spirit is.But in the end, the ferocious gaze dimmed, and Ulandal looked at him, feeling surprised, because she seemed to see a child who had lost its mother.

"So you are the same as us." Youlandelle was held still by him, her eyes flickered slightly, her tone was hoarse, but she did not resist, "But I can't go back, mother will not protect you Alright, it's me next."

Ulandal stretched out her hand hard, touched the boy's face, and said softly, "I will love you instead of Cecilia, Pandora."

Shen Liang took a deep breath, let her go, and turned around.He was broadcast live by Kallen all the way, and he fully understood what happened here. He was very angry with Ulandal, but she was Cecilia's daughter.

She finally admitted her identity.

But there was no outlet for this gloomy rage inside.

He was still late, and it wasn't that he didn't protect Anna well. The Shaniat family perfectly protected their clansmen, even the Herrscher was within their range.It's just that he never expected that, in the end, all the crimes fell on the most powerful but innocent Cecilia.

In fact, what can Cecilia do?It would be better to say that Cecilia is dead, and he finally doesn't have to bear the responsibility of curing Cecilia for the Shaniat family. He has been working on this matter in Tivat for so long, and now he can finally take a good rest.It is Sirin and Kiyana who should be sad. As Kiyana's boyfriend, he should also be sad for a while symbolically, but how many men would shed tears for his wife's mother sincerely? dear...

But Cecilia... is dead.

That Cecilia who hugged him every day, gave him a knee pillow, and cleaned his ears, just...casually died!

Shen Liang's exquisite face looked horrifying at the moment, he had already changed into a different person, as if a ghost had awakened in his body.Wherever he looked, every Valkyrie felt a cold heart.

At this time, Ye Xiao finally pulled away the vines that were trapping him, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Shen Liang, who had swept his gaze away.Shen Liang pulled out the knife fiercely, dragged Ye Xiao's collar, and pressed his neck against the thick skin of the vine with the knife!

"Master Pandora! We are the cadres of the World Snake, the Valkyries who are in charge of coordinating and handling the Anna incident!" Raven's whole body was awe-inspiring, she was so keen that she sensed Shen Liang's murderous intent in an instant, "We are not enemies! "

Damn this young master and Ye Xiao are rivals in love, but what's going on, this young master was a bit arrogant when we met last time, but overall he was well-behaved and well-behaved, why does it feel like he didn't stay a bit gentle this time? It's almost like a different person!

"It's you! It's you!" Ye Xiao seemed to have just realized it, and roared ferociously, "You little bastard! You dirty little bastard of my Anna! It's all because of you! It's all because you used your power to force Anna , I didn't want to be like this... I didn't want to be like this!"

"Kevin, the Lord of Snakes in the World, is that right?" Shen Liang said softly, "Go back and tell him that I am back, he made me very unhappy, I am unhappy, everyone should be unhappy."

Raven was completely dumbfounded, she thought to herself, child, you have no problem with your brain, do you know what level of boss the World Snake Lord is, and you dare to talk like that?There's a limit to putting on airs, I know you're upset, but it's really...

And Ye Xiao smiled, although his mind was about to collapse, he was still not stupid, he knew that the words "go back and tell him" meant that Shen Liang would not kill him.

He laughed.

"Give me back Anna! You Shaniats can't handle the wrath of the world snake, give us the Herrscher!" Ye Xiao laughed wildly, "Give me Anna, Anna, my Anna... "

A deep incision was made on his neck with the knife, and the pulsating blood vessels under the skin were almost protruding. Shen Liang looked at him silently, then tilted his head expressionlessly.

"So that's the case, is the Herrscher's body, no wonder he was stunned like this after being hit once." Shen Liang let out a "huh", "Kevin wants to bribe me with this? No, it's not enough, even if it's not a real demise, Not enough, Kevin."

Raven couldn't quite understand what the boy was talking about.

And the next second, without even thinking about it, Shen Liang slashed down with a knife!The huge vine and the neck were cut in half at the same time, and the blood splashed on his beautiful face.The headless corpse was still struggling, Shen Liang kicked the head aside, punched Ye Xiao in the chest, and pinched his heart!Pinch it!

This brutal scene made Ulandal frowned slightly, Shen Liang raised the gray gemstone in his hand, dripping with blood, he looked at the shape of the gemstone to the sky, and only then did Ulandelle realize what it was.

"The Lawrence Core!"

The core that had just come into contact with the air shook for a moment, and then a remote communication appeared, and everyone present could hear it clearly.Raven was just about to escape from this place of right and wrong, and subconsciously stopped when he heard this voice, because it was the voice of Kevin, the world's snake lord.

"Long time no see, Eve. Hearing this recording means Ye Xiao is dead."

"I'm here to kill you." Shen Liang said lightly.

"You don't have the ability."

"Why did you give me the Herrscher core?"

The dialogue between the two people has a sense of escape. It can be seen that the two people seem to be both unfamiliar and familiar. Each of Shen Liang's dialogues does not follow the previous ones. It seems to be talking to himself, but it is indeed an effective communication.

"You'll need a lawyer."

"Are you looking forward to my growth?"

"The Son of Man Project must be completed."

"Do you know what the plan is?"

"I don't know, but I will definitely complete Mei's plan for her."

"Do you not hesitate to offend me?"

"I believe in power and violence, and you don't."

"Do you want me to thank you for keeping your hand?"

"You're welcome, just hate me."

Communication is cut off.

No one could understand the conversation between Shen Liang and Kevin, but Sirin couldn't care less, she suddenly turned her head and stared in the direction of the World Snake cadre, her golden eyes turned red.

"Shaniat! Everyone!" Sirin yelled, "Leave none of the Mandate of Heaven and the World Snake! Kill them!"

She passed out before she could finish her sentence, and Youlandelle hit Xilin on the back of the neck with a hand knife.

She has been paying attention to Sirin, and once Sirin has the condition of emotional breakdown or legalization, she must take action. Cecilia and her have suppressed the secret of Sirin for 16 years, and no one knows.If Sirin was legalized on the spot at this time, then the Shaniat family would not be able to argue, and might even be considered to have already obtained the research results of the Herrscher, and would become a real target of public criticism.

Shen Liang put away the Herrscher core, sat down next to Cecilia's body, watched her for a while, then held Cecilia's hand, and said slowly.


This time the system finally stopped pretending to be cold, and immediately flashed and responded to lines of text in front of his eyes.

"Tell me how to save people, or I will commit suicide." Shen Liang said lightly.

The speech was shocking enough, and the system was instantly shocked.

"If I'm not mistaken, I won't die if I commit suicide, but losing my memory will take me a long time to start the mission, which will waste your time." Shen Liang said, "It's impossible for Kevin not to leave me behind. In addition, as you said, the land of the dead and the leylines are similar things. So, if I can revive the heroic spirit of Tivat in the leylines, I should be able to revive the dead of the earth in the land of the dead."

The system was silent for a long time, when Shen Liang picked up the knife, its subtitles appeared.

[This is the 1687th time the executor has threatened the stigmata system with death. 】

"Then how many times have I died because of this?" Shen Liang said casually.

【zero. 】

"It seems that you are quite easy to talk to."

[No,] The system's speech paused for a while, [Actually, death does not pose a threat to the stigmata system, and the "Son of Man" project is not urgent. 】

"is it?"

[But death is a painful thing, the beautiful son of man, he should not suffer such pain. 】

Shen Liang was slightly taken aback, this was the first time the system praised him, and even the tone was not so rigid.

"Let's talk nonsense," Shen Liang put down the knife. In fact, at this moment, in the eyes of Ulandal and Qiyana, he was just talking to himself. Ulandal even suspected that he was crazy from the blow, but Shen Liang Liang didn't mind, "Let me see the content of the second version of the system. I've been looking forward to it for a long time on the earth side, and it will open the paradise of the past."

"The Paradise of the Past?" Youlandelle asked suspiciously, "That is the former civilization database at the World Snake Headquarters, and you suddenly mentioned that this is..."

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