Girls are not so taboo when they are together. Girls in the army are different from the so-called girlfriends who are intriguing outside. Companions in the army who cannot keep secrets are easily rejected, and the consequence of being rejected is to change teams, which means all interpersonal relationships You have to start all over again. In the army, interpersonal relationships are often more important than strength. No one wants to perform tasks without a partner.

Therefore, some intimate topics that are even a bit inconvenient to disclose can be discussed unscrupulously among the girlfriends in the army.

"Cosmo?" Destobia's eyes flickered for a while before she lowered her head, "Well... I'm not chasing dolls, I just think he's so cute, anyone wants to touch cute things Nature. It’s not that I have to pursue something..."

Patuo whispered: "Contact? Is there any contact at this distance?"

"Yeah, Tobia is a bit unaware of her blessings, isn't Cosmo handsome?" Another girl added, "If you said that Tobia didn't like grown-up handsome guys three years ago, you were just too young It’s okay to control it. But after the super-transformation operation, Cosmo has returned to his 17-year-old appearance, so he can barely be regarded as half a gentleman, right?”

Padua is happy.

Cosmo is indeed half a gentleman, or in other words, a pure boy.

The super-change operation made him a few years younger, and even his height has regressed to a little over 1.6 meters. Now he even looks like Destobia's younger brother, which makes him talk even less.

Although he is young, Cosmo is also one of the first few fusion fighters of Firemoth. He is powerful, serious, and even looks handsome. In theory, he is the object of many girls' wishes in the base.

It's just that Desdobiya just frowned, and said with some displeasure: "I'm not Shotacon."

"Whether it's true or not, don't get involved with people who have boyfriends." Pa Duo pinched her face, "Study your own guy carefully."

"But he's not my boyfriend yet," Destobia shrugged. "Even you can see that we're getting close, but until now, he hasn't summoned up the courage to confess to me."

"Isn't it?"

"Cosmo doesn't seem to be easy to mess with. I always thought he was a domineering and possessive gloomy man. Has he not taken you down until now?"

"Then Tobia, you take the initiative to take him down!"

In terms of love, every girl is a dog-headed military division.

"No..." Destobia curled her lips and smiled helplessly, "I'm not even sure whether he likes me or not."

"How could I not like you? He carries the harmonica you gave him with him. Even I sometimes see him practicing alone on the roof." The dog-headed military division shouted

"That's right, if he didn't like you, which boy would take the initiative to train a meaningless musical instrument, although to be honest he plays pretty ugly."

"But it's not evidence, maybe it's just my unilateral post." Destobia hugged Padu's tail and leaned against her, "I tested it."


The dog-headed soldiers looked at each other.

After opening the bottle and pouring the wine, Destobia took a sip of the high-strength brandy, her eyes dimmed.

"Do you think I haven't tried talking to that guy? Why do you think I signed up for volunteers? I did it on purpose."

Her tone was slightly angry, "I specially made an application, and then went to Cosmo with the application. It was one o'clock in the morning. I specially wore a beautiful dress, changed into stockings and stiletto heels, and even wore underwear. Change to a complete set. Tell me how tempting it is, I almost mustered up my courage to go!"

The girls all pricked up their ears.

"When we arrived at Cosmo's dormitory, we chatted for a while, and then I deliberately revealed the opening plan about the doll."

"Hey! How dare you let boys know about this!" Someone immediately took the case.

In essence, only the female fusion fighters and some researchers know about Eve's gene persistence and openness experiment, and it is a highly private experiment.The reason is simple. Once this kind of experiment is exposed, it cannot be continued.I also want to know that if the cute fusion warrior girls want to fall in love and get married in the future, the other party will remember that the black-haired and red-eyed group pet boy in the base once...

Although everyone's ideas are not conservative, "my girlfriend once had an ex-boyfriend" and "my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is by my side and is very close to my girlfriend" give men completely different feelings!

So some experiments cannot be made public, Destobia is violating the confidentiality regulations!

PS: Hey, Cosmo, my Cosmo... I'm going to play tricks on you!

Volume 373 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 32 Chapter [-] In seven months, baby, you will have a younger sister

"Don't worry about violations or not. You know Cosmo's temperament. First, he doesn't have many friends. Second, he has a stricter mouth than us." Destobia whispered, " I think the probability of our mouths leaking out is much higher than that of Cosmo..."

"It's not possible for you, you have already leaked it." Pa Duo said darkly.

"The point is not here, Tobia, go ahead." The other gossip-minded girls hurried back to the topic, "What are the consequences of cutting off men's clothing?"


Destobia drank one after another, her pretty face was already flushed with drunkenness, she had already drunk the third bottle.Originally, she didn't really want to tell everyone the details of her frustration, but at this moment, she was drunk and angry together.

"I chatted with him until late at night, and then I went to take a shower. Before I took a shower, I deliberately opened the bag, and the volunteer application form for participating in the doll's gene survival experiment was exposed outside the bag. It was so obvious that he didn't care about it. I can see it anyway." Destobia shrugged, "Then I borrowed his bathroom to take a shower."

"In the middle of the night, you are taking a bath in Cosmo's dormitory, his bathroom?" Patuo was stunned by the ambiguity in these words.

Even the other girls took a deep breath. Although Destobia has always been the one with a very bold personality, everyone can see that she has a faint affection for Cosmo, but it still makes them feel weird to take the initiative to this extent.

"Anyone should know how obvious it is for a girl to do this, right?" The blonde girl laughed at herself, "Actually, I didn't even close the door."


"I'm waiting until he finds that application form. I believe that as a man, no one can accept this kind of provocation, which is almost humiliating. But Vankosmo has a little bit of possessiveness towards me, a little bit Like my mind... I believe he will be angry."

Listening to Destobia's silent narration, Padu knew that the following plot would definitely not be the kind of plot she liked.She felt a little sad in her heart, as if watching a flower wither little by little.

"I waited for him to knock down my door in anger and ask me why I did this, and I even expected him to lose his mind and push me down in the bathtub or something... as long as Cosmo does that, he will be hit My trap, after I take him down completely, I will tell him that these are all plans to stimulate him to take the initiative..."

Destobia raised her face, "But until the end, he never even knocked on the door."

The girls were all quiet, listening to the disappointment and sorrow in Tobia's tone, something sour seemed to flow out of their hearts.

Although there are mostly girls in the fire-chasing base, in any case, in terms of love relationships, it is often the men who take the initiative to pursue, and the women remain reserved, and they go through it again and again and finally achieve a positive result.

Destobia is already enthusiastic and active enough, she is really more open than most young and reserved girls, but there is a limit to a girl's initiative after all.Everyone wants to be a little princess who is cared for. This is not princess disease and arrogance. It is just an effort to abandon dignity again and again, which always makes people desperate.

"But maybe little brother Cosmo didn't see your application at all. He was blushing outside listening to the sound of your bathing water and didn't pay attention to your bag?" Someone desperately tried to save it.

"I thought so too, and I was a little disappointed, but I purposely changed into a nightgown in the bathroom, you know, the kind of suspender dress that looks homely but is actually very attractive, and then spread my hair out and pretended to be Going out on a daily basis."

She paused.

"Then I saw him very calm, looking at the application."

Destobia laughed out loud, "It's the application form I applied for genetic pairing with the doll."

The girls were completely silent.

"I pretended to be flustered and snatched the application form. I thought he would question me angrily, but he just nodded quietly as usual and said, 'Take care of your body.' Can you believe it, look Seeing that kind of document, a man can still say 'protect your body' rationally and even gently! I can't accept it, but I can't break down first, I can only pretend nothing happened and ask him what he thinks about this kind of experiment, he is finally silent Now, I think he was finally so excited by me that he couldn't stand it anymore, unexpectedly he turned his head and didn't dare to look at me, and said: "

"Come on, I wish you success soon."

She had already finished her fifth bottle, and at this point, the surrounding girls finally understood her depression and pain.

Destobia recalled her embarrassment that day, that day was her birthday, she was ready to give herself up on her birthday, and every love anniversary in the future could be spent with her birthday.But maybe... just my own wishful thinking?

In fact, she also drank a lot of wine that night to muster up the courage. In the end, she almost honestly asked Cosmo if she had even the slightest jealousy and anger towards Eve who was about to get her?

But after hesitating for a long time, Cosmo just said in a low voice that he likes children, and of course he also likes Eve, and said that every young child represents that the world has not completely disappointed human beings, such incomprehensible words!

She repeatedly stimulated Cosmo, wanting to make this cold boy's blood boil for her!Even jealousy and anger are fine!

As a result, even for this sake, Cosmo did not show any emotions other than blessing... Of course, this cannot be blamed on Cosmo. After the super-transformation operation, he could not even maintain his body, and he was more reticent and withdrawn than before, Daisy Tobias had always been clear.

But she is a proud girl, and it is not in line with her self-esteem to ask her to suppress her temper and give up her face to find out whether others like her and whether she can fall in love with her.She hopes that Cosmo can become the man who gives her a sense of security and tolerance, the man who can always take over her, and preferably the man who can express love.

Girls' demands are actually not high, even if you don't do it from the heart, at least "love" needs to be expressed with actions.Every girl hopes that she can get a domineering and fierce show of love. Only when he wants to get you, wants to possess you, and wants to be like a lion and force back every lion who dares to touch you... can he feel safe.

Only then can you truly understand that you really belong to him.

"Hey, are you ready to give up on Brother Cosmo?" Patuo raised his tail and scratched her palm.

"I'm not Zhengtaikong. There are so many handsome guys in the base. With my appearance, my figure, and my strength, whoever I want is easy to catch?" Destobia squeezed her cat's tail heavily, laughing He said, "Pado, is there any handsome guy to introduce?"

"The only handsome guy I know is dolls..." Pa Duo looked into her eyes and dealt with it casually.She knew that Destobia was forcing a smile, maybe she had been forcing a smile these days, but as a friend, all she could do was let her go out slowly.

"The baby is not a handsome guy. A face that is prettier than a little girl can only be called Zhengtai at most. You are a dead Zhengtai who controls cats and cats."

"You are envious and jealous of me! You are still resenting me for not allowing you to go through internal channels!"

"So cherish you and your doll. The doll is different from those stinky men. He hasn't learned how to make people sad, sad and unpleasant. He is still a cute little wolf dog. Of course, who doesn't like clean He’s pretty and calls your sister a little wolf dog. Although he grew up in a strange environment and may become a little sea king who has misunderstandings about girls, he is after all a boyfriend reserve that you cultivated by yourself. What’s the problem? It can be corrected at any time, if the doll grows crooked, you can take the belt and educate him back."

"I can't bear to beat him with a belt. His face is worth more than mine."

"I didn't ask you to beat him. Beating someone is not the only follow-up to untie the belt." Desdobiya smiled weakly.

"Huh, looks like I'll have to hit you with my belt first."

At three o'clock in the afternoon in East Asia time, the warm women's salon hall is still noisy. People come and go on the transparent floor, clinking glasses, playing cards and shouting one after another. The sports girls in vests and hot pants talk about the fun among girls without any scruples. topic, the bartender listened attentively to the little secrets coming from each booth, and waited for an opportunity to sell them to other girls who were ready to inquire about the news.

This year is the third year of Eve's growth, and the seventh Honkai has just ended for a full year. The powerful fusion fighters are still in the good hope that human beings will surely defeat Honkai.The proposal and steady implementation of the Fusion Warrior Project, the Super Variable Factor Project, and even the Moonlight Throne Project and the Son of Man Project have doubled the confidence of mankind.Although this era is approaching the end, even though Australia has fallen into disaster, everyone still yearns for a better life.

Even if the Herrscher of Flame is as powerful as Himiko, wouldn't he still be defeated head-on by Kevin in the end?Or break the hands and feet to seal the Houkai energy, and imprison him in the confinement room.

Human beings are invincible after all.

At this time, Pa Duo, who was drunk and wanted to say goodbye and go home to sleep, suddenly heard an exclamation from outside. The fox screams that seemed to be like a fan girl seeing an idol made Pa Duo wake up in an instant!

In the fire-chasing base, there are only two people who can make this group of little hooves make such noises. One is Eden, who has a lot of fans even among fusion fighters, and the other is to let this group of damned Shotacons hang around all day long. with her Eve!

Pa Duo quickly turned over the sofa, and as expected, she saw a woman with light blue hair coming in from the door. She looked dignified and slightly sick, and she was also holding a black long straight "Lolita" with an unhappy face.

The girls in the saloon are whistling!

Shen Liang was very unhappy, and his mood was very complicated, because he never liked to come to places like women's salons.

As the name suggests, women's salons are women's salons, and men are exempt from entering.Shen Liang never wanted to receive any special treatment, but he was indeed often brought here by Mei and others, even the manager of the salon turned a blind eye, as if he was taken for granted as a girl by default.

Every time Shen Liang asked Mei or others, they would always look at them strangely, as if it was strange for him to feel that there should be a little "distance between men and women".Their responses were also very infuriating.

"Is this important?" This is Mei.

"Anxin, everyone will only treat you as their little brother, and they won't mind." This is Sakura.

"Ridiculous, ridiculous and stupid children's idea. The height that can't even reach 150 centimeters, don't worry about the so-called 'man's self-esteem'. If you want others to treat you as a man, heh, at least you can look at me at the same level... oh , I’m talking about me at 25, not me now.” This is Mebius.

Fortunately, Shen Liang has gotten used to the unreliability of the guardians, and he can learn the kung fu of raising qi without a teacher. Even if his inner mother sells and criticizes him a hundred times, his little face can still be calm.

Bypass hot or mean girls.

"Good afternoon, Dobia, Paduo." The weak young woman with light blue long hair led Shen Liang to Paduo's booth, and as soon as she let go, Shen Liang ran to Paduo with ease, looking at her Hands outstretched.

Pa Duo picked him up and put him on her lap with ease, ignoring the girls next to her whose eyes suddenly became sharper, feeling a little complacent.

This group of people probably didn't know how deep the baby's feelings for their sisters were.From Eve's point of view, it is natural for him to ask to be hugged. Although normal boys at this age would not act like a baby, after all, to Doll, his appearance does not match his cognition.

And the doll is not for everyone to hold, just like ordinary children.Those who can hold him and run around casually, except for Qianjie and Kevin who ignore his resistance, there are only nine Primarchs left in the Fire Moth.

This kind of privilege, Patuo wants to show off as much as possible.

"Good afternoon Blanca, you still look so beautiful, you don't look like you are three months pregnant at all." Destobia glanced at Blanca's slender waist, enviously said, "If I It will be good if I can maintain this figure when I get pregnant.”

Blanca shook her head lightly, "No, it's not a good thing. Although it's really not easy for most human beings to be pregnant for three months, but for us with slender waists and abdomen, Three months is enough to conceive. The reason why I have no difference at all is precisely because my physical fitness is too poor and the nutritional supply for the baby is not enough."

"I just said it casually...Blanca, you are so serious." Destobia scratched the blond hair, "Then, it should be all right?"

"It doesn't matter, Dr. Mebius prepared the nutrient solution for me, and little Gracie will definitely be born within the calculated time." Blanca gently stroked her flat belly, and suddenly looked up at the woman who was being killed. Pa Duo stroked the little wolf dog affectionately, and said softly, "Baby, in seven months, you will have a younger sister."

PS: No update this morning... Alas, it's mainly because I overslept, sorry.

Volume 374 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 33 Chapter [-] Look at your (crab) mother laughing

Shen Liang looked at Blanca's belly. A woman who is about to become a mother will always spend more effort to keep herself walking, sitting and lying upright, and keep coordinating her twisting posture, making the already beautiful figure softer and swaying.

And he is the youngest child in the entire base, never thought that he would have a "sister".Blanca was still a young sister to him, and suddenly, she was a mother.Looking down at her future child, her eyes are full of expectation and love.

So mother is such an existence?

"Sister? How did Branca know it was a girl's?" Patuo reached out and touched her belly.

"In front of today's medical technology, the baby's gender can be seen in three months, and the baby has matured in size during this period." Shen Liang was pressed by her forward body and had difficulty breathing, but she still remained expressionless. Said, "Civilian hospitals can find out, let alone here is a moth chasing the flames."

"The civilian hospital won't tell you if it finds out, okay!" Pa Duo stretched out his hand to pull his mouth.


"What if someone doesn't like a certain gender, what if the parents kill the child after finding out?" Padua paused, "It's very inhumane and unfair, so in principle, doctors can't reveal the gender of the baby."

Shen Liang frowned, he didn't quite understand the reason.

"Why... don't you like a certain gender?"

Pa Duo knows that he is now an adolescence with a strong desire for knowledge. He is developing extremely fast, and his brain is also developing rapidly. He needs to receive a lot of information to ensure that the maturity of the three views can keep up with the maturity of the body.So he actually likes to ask questions very much. Although most people think that Shen Liang is a taciturn and three-no boy, everyone who knows him knows that he is a curious baby.

"This is normal, for example, the Asia where you are located..."

"I'm not Asian. I'm not even a normal human being in essence. I only have about 5/9 Asian appearance genes in my DNA, so I have a tendency to look. In other words, although I have a certain degree of Asian blood, But I don't belong to any one area."

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