"Anyway, it's almost the same. We Asians actually prefer boys, because children only have the father's surname right, and boys are more convenient to carry on the family. And like in the fire moth base, we prefer girls, because in the ongoing In Honkai research, we found that women are more likely to adapt to Honkai, and even have a high rate of fusion fighters. So there is a preference for a certain gender everywhere, and it has always been difficult to treat men and women equally."

Blanca smiled slightly, "But for me and Hen, no matter what the child is, it is a love that cannot be given up. Dr. Mebius certainly knows that we don't care about these at all, so he violated the rules and told us... …When we found out it was a girl, we were so happy, and He even bought a lot of spicy food that I like.”

"Sour girl?" Shen Liang said suddenly.

"I didn't expect the dolls to remember these little things. Yes, Hen is also Asian. This is their traditional custom." Blanca smiled quietly, "Like dolls, we took a lot of them. Sour grapes and sour lemons for... ah."

Blanca immediately realized that she was talking too fast when Paduo looked at her, and quickly changed the subject, "Does the doll want a sister?"

Shen Liang didn't nod or shake his head, just let out a breath, and said in a low voice: "Blanka, do you like girls?"

His bright red eyes showed a touch of disappointment, Blanca felt her heart was caught in an instant, she was keenly aware of how happy she was in front of the doll, for a doll who had never had parents, Most likely a sting.

In Moth of the Fire, she is also the one who walks closer to Shen Liang. Shen Liang often goes to and from Mebius' laboratory. She is Mebius' assistant, so she often accompany Shen Liang. When Bius had to work overtime and had no time to put him to sleep, it was Branca who accompanied him to bed.

And now that she has a child, does this mean a kind of abandonment for the doll who has always been insecure?

Will he be very worried about these?

Blanca actually misunderstood, Shen Liang's mind is full of weird thoughts now.He didn't have any envy, jealousy and sadness at all, but he was a little regretful, as if Blanca also liked the aesthetics of little girls.

——A boy in the fire-chasing base was forced to have long hair and buttocks to look like a black, long, straight loli. He thought it was just the aesthetic distortion of Eden, Alicia and others, but he didn't expect Bran The card also seems to be distorted.Then he has been dressed up as a beautiful wife, maybe Branca is also responsible?The appearance of a serious woman in ordinary clothes is really disappointing.

"It doesn't matter baby, even if little Gracie is born, I still love you." The weak married wife Branca quickly held Shen Liang's hand according to her guess, "You are the child of the flame-chasing moth." , is also the child I took care of for the first time, Gracie will be your sister in the future, I absolutely have the same love for you, and I will never neglect you just because you are not my biological child!"

In fact, Shen Liang didn't care about this.

On the other hand, Patuo saw Shen Liang's confusion, so his expression immediately became angry, "Baby, you should be angry at this time, because you originally shared Blanca's love exclusively, but now you have to share it with little Gracio. If I I can’t bear it if it’s you, how happy the only child is, and after you have brothers and sisters, there will be someone who will share the family property with you! Think about the baby, half of the girls in the base are yours!”

"Hey! Can you say such things in front of the baby?" Destobia's cheeks were slightly hot, and she gave Patuo a look.

"Do you think the doll is still at an age that doesn't understand anything?" Someone smirked and looked at Shen Liang who was calmly drinking the soy milk he ordered from the bar, "Don't forget, the doll was ready to be a baby three months ago." My father is now, but although I have worked hard, I have never been accepted."

Laughter came and went.

Shen Liang felt that their laughter was a bit malicious, as if they were making fun of him.

Blanca hugged the confused boy to her lap, laid it flat, and used her soft thigh as a knee pillow for the boy.

"Don't be envious of my sister. You are an older brother, and you will take care of your sister in the future." Blanca smiled, "Would you like to hear about my sister?"

Blanca is wearing a slim dress made of velvet today. Although she is a pregnant woman, her waist is still in shape. Under the tight material, she can even see her cute belly button under the thin fabric.This is home clothing. After all, Blanca is not a fusion fighter, and her outfits are often not all kinds of tight combat uniforms like fusion fighter girls.

"Listen... Gracie?" Shen Liang was puzzled.

"I will turn over in three months." Blanca unbuttoned the upper body, gently opened the hem of the clothes, revealing the white waist, and then pressed the boy's side ear and pressed it on her stomach, "Listen, your My sister is greeting you."

Shen Liang didn't express his doubts, but felt as if his ear was kicked lightly, and with a moderate "boom", he subconsciously froze.

The girls around saw Shen Liang who was quietly listening to the voice, and their smiles became more gentle.

Girls, seeing this warm scene of listening to the baby... such a beautiful and loving scene, naturally fills my heart with tenderness.

Every girl has the inner expectation of becoming a mother, and this gentle, beautiful and ignorant boy is the candidate for "father" in many of them. smile.

"Did you hear that? Gracie kicked you." The sickly wife with light blue long hair rubbed her cold black hair with a bright smile, "Gracio likes her brother very much. Until she rolls over happily inside, I get excited when my brother comes... Hehe, little Grey is too good, you only like beautiful brothers, don’t you? Na Pa Duo, when your doll grows up, marry me How about Gracie?"

Pa Duo really didn't think about this problem, and her mind froze for a moment, but the other girls were keenly aware of the competitors, and quickly got out of the warm and lovely scene, and hurriedly stopped.

"Are you kidding, Blanca! Do you want to be my mother-in-law!"

"Shut up, the big girl in the base who hates to marry hasn't solved the problem yet, your daughter will be in the next 20 years!"

"At least solve my problem first, okay? Little Grecio wants to grab men from her sisters and aunts, even if it's a joke!"

"But Blanca, are you really sure that the baby will marry Gracie when she grows up? Can you really tell which of the two of them will grow up first?"

"That's right, the development period of the doll is determined by Dr. Mebius's 'snake slough'. Look at the size of Mebius and then think about the doll..."

"Hey, it's pretty good to think about it this way, and I suddenly don't want to object. Just imagine this scene. In less than ten years, the baby will have to call her childhood sweetheart Gracie sister..."

Then everyone saw Shen Liang standing up and nodded, "You can count her in."

The girls looked at the little boy with innocent eyes, and the little boy looked at the girls who were grinding their teeth.

This thing is a little funny, and a little absurd.In the end, Pa Duo could only warn Shen Liang to be careful when speaking. Many times, Shen Liang said a lot of things casually, but he didn't think about how provocative or scumbag these words are to girls, so he has to restrain himself as much as possible in the future.

But for Shen Liang, he did have some wonderful experiences. Hearing the sounds in Blanca's stomach, he found that he actually had some expectations for the birth of that baby.

It took him a long time to understand, and that moment was the first time he understood that it is an obligation to "take care of the weak as the strong".That kind of creature called "sister" is the object that a man as "brother" must protect with his whole life.

Destobia stared at the light blue-haired wife who was pulling down the hem of her dress, and saw her gentle and friendly smile when she rubbed against the boy - and the bright red line pattern on her waist.

"Blanka and Hen are such a typical couple of academic intellectuals... when will they get tattoos?" Destobia thought a little strangely, "A balance? Is there any symbol?"

But it didn't matter, she put the matter behind her in a blink of an eye.


Another two months passed.

The Flaming Moth base is located in East Asia, and due to work needs, fusion fighters often need to go to various parts of the world to deal with Honkai-related affairs.

Correspondingly, the human gathering places in East Asia are also safer because they are closer to the Fire Moth base.Therefore, many immigrants have arrived in the Asian plate, and several large human cities in East Asia have even formed developed commercial cities under the background of today's doomsday.But because there are too many human beings gathered, and the reorganization of world rules under the influence of the doomsday has caused a lot of turmoil, these cities are often mixed with good and evil, with deep gray areas.

For example, in Pattaya, which is famous for its tourism industry, because of various tourists and various black households trying to smuggle into Asia, the relationship here is intricate and even the government can do nothing. Instead, it is firmly controlled by various local gangs and clubs, and even United Nations census figures are submitted after being vetted by gangs.

"But in other words, it's very powerful. After living here for a long time, you will find that the officials are similar to the thieves. Anyway, everyone lives and pays taxes as usual."

Pa Duo was busy picking out all kinds of fast food and throwing them into the cart, while turning around, he said, "Besides, we are people who chase after fire moths. In the past, I had to be careful in my life, but now I am a member of a big company and a big power." Employees! I'm a great ambassador! I'm not afraid of these messy people, they have to respectfully say "Sister Paduofeilisi" when they see me!"

Shen Liang calmly pushed the cart, his left ear went in and his right ear went out.

They are performing a garrison mission in Pattaya. For the fighters of the flame-chasing moths, this is a mission that can basically be regarded as a vacation.Because there is no danger at all in the garrison city, and you can take this opportunity to wander around as a tourist.So after Pa Duo paid several favors, she finally grabbed this task, just in case she brought Destobia's combat power with her.

And because Shen Liang belonged to her this week, Mei finally reluctantly allowed her to take Shen Liang out to see the world after going through hard work and Destobia as a guarantee of combat effectiveness.

Of course, the nine guardians and big sisters all know that this is just for Pa Duo to find a way to avoid the eyes and ears of the base and go out on her honeymoon.

"Oh, by the way, Mei said you need to eat three eggs a day to start..." Patuo looked around for egg sellers, "Although I don't think you will grow taller if you eat thirty."

"Shut up cat cat."

"Wow! Doll, you are so mean to me! Also don't call me Maomao, I am sister, you have to respect me!"

Shen Liang pushed the trolley and followed her around for a while, but didn't see the fresh food stall, so he walked up to a tally lady who was dozing off, and tugged on her sleeve.

The tally clerk who thought he was caught fishing suddenly stood up straight, and when he was still in a daze, he suddenly saw a beautiful indifferent face in front of him, and immediately smiled all over his face: "Little..."

"I'm a man." Shen Liang interrupted before the word "little sister" appeared.

"Huh? Did you start taking medicine at such a young age to grow into a girl? This is illegal!" The tally clerk seemed to have not turned his mind.

There is a special folk custom in Pattaya, where the country before urbanization was called "Thai", so a special group of people called "Shemale" is admired.Many boys have become as plump and enchanting as girls through various means to meet the needs of various perverts.

The tally clerk's first reaction was that this was normal. She was even a little surprised that the technology is so powerful now. Although a closer look at the child's brows, eyes, and Adam's apple are clear, the degree of beauty is completely outrageous than any beautiful girl... …

Shen Liang is used to not explaining to these people, let them imagine, he asked directly: "Where is the fresh food stall?"

"Huh? Oh, oh, what does the baby want to buy?" The tally clerk was still immersed in self-doubt about being a woman but being overwhelmed by a boy.

"Don't call me baby," Shen Liang finally got a little annoyed, but the other party was just an ordinary woman with no knowledge, so he had no choice but to say in a cold voice, "I'm an adult."

Pa Duo's wild laughter came from behind, she was so happy to see Shen Liang being forced into a speechless situation, this young boy who was regarded as a favorite of the group has always been indifferent and direct, often making people speechless, but rarely See him choked.

First he was treated as a girl, then he was treated as a poor boy brought up by taking medicine, and in the end he had to make up a sentence of underage.Shen Liang had probably never been attacked by such verbal violence in the base.

The tally clerk, who was trying to remedy the obvious displeasure of the boy in front of him, saw Patuo and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Look, your mother laughed."

PS: The update is a lot late, it’s outrageous to write a chapter for seven hours...

Volume 375 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 34 Chapter [-] A Daily Day in Pattaya

Pa Duo's smiling face froze, and she stared at the young tally clerk for a long while, frightening him.

She then concluded that it was an ugly competition among women, and that the tally clerk had maliciously belittled her beauty with such hyperbole, in order to inadvertently elevate himself.The citizens who hang out in Pattaya are all human beings, and they must be delusional to seduce the doll.

It was unnecessary to respond at this time, she quickly dragged Shen Liang away.

But it didn't take long to go around, and they found the fresh meat and vegetable area. Patuo bought a few eggs, a rooster, and some pork spine and leg bones.

For Paduo, it’s fine for her to eat takeaway fast food, and Destobia is the same, but Mei specifically asked her to take good care of Shen Liang, three meals a day had to be fixed and fixed, and she had to take pictures for Mei’s inspection. One of the conditions to bring Shen Liang out.

The little rooster was naturally made for Shen Liang, and the cubs that had just started crowing were chosen, which were said to be rich in male hormones.In the recipe provided by Mei, pork bones are used as a base to cook the soup, because the chicken broth is light and the bone broth is rich, and the stewed chicken is delicious.

And this chicken, no matter how greedy Shen Pado is, Mei San Ling Wu can't steal it, it is for Shen Liang to nourish his body.Pa Duo doesn't know why Mei, as an excellent scientific researcher, still believes in the folk recipes from her hometown, but Mei, Ying and even Su firmly believe that a little rooster can make a boy in his natal period grow ten centimeters taller in a year, and the developmental effect is amazing.

However, Patuo felt that this kind of folk remedies was pure wishful thinking, not that she maliciously expected Shen Liang to grow up forever, but that she always felt that the child had probably entered adulthood.After all, whether a boy is mature depends not only on his height and appearance, but also on certain aspects of his abilities, which are more accurately reflected.

Thinking of this, Patuo's face was hot, she could only stare at Shen Liang's back, and bit her lips in embarrassment.

"The chicken bought in the city is much better than the quality of the fire-chasing base." Shen Liang carried the ashamed little cock. Then he was silent, Shen Liang didn't like making noise, so he gave the chicken a look.

People who disregard life have a natural evil spirit.In Flame Chasing Moth, everyone is a fusion fighter. His attitude of disregarding life does not make the fusion fighters afraid, and even those fusion fighters think that he is cute with a baby face and pretending to be cold.But for ordinary people, or a chicken, his sight is enough to make them unable to move.

"Because the chicken in the base is delivered from the cold storage. To be honest, it tastes worse than outside. After all, I don't know how many years it's frozen zombie meat." Pa Duo carried the big bag and walked. Slender long legs, "It's rare to improve the food because whoever got married or got promoted, ordered ingredients from outside to hold a banquet or something."

However, Pattaya's farming industry has not been destroyed by the wartime economy under the apocalypse, and live chickens can still be bought in small supermarkets.Although it is only raised in a farm, it is natural after all, and it is much more delicious than various synthetic foods in the fire-chasing base.

It doesn't mean that synthetic food is necessarily inferior to natural food. For example, Sakura once killed a minke whale in the middle of a mission to nourish Shen Liang's body, but that thing was just eaten fresh, and it was actually not suitable for consumption.Most fish are much tastier than whales. Whales live too long, resulting in excessive levels of heavy metals in their bodies and rough meat.

Shen Liang hugged the fainted little rooster and walked to the street, the sky was gray, although it was six o'clock in the afternoon, but the day's work of the working people in Pattaya was over, and there were people and cars on the street.

This is a pedestrian street near the beach, one of the most famous tourist streets in Pattaya, and the famous Pattaya Beach is on the outer side.Pa Duo looked over, there were small alleys stretching out on both sides of the street, the neon lights started to flicker when they were powered on, and the women with heavy make-up were wearing deep V or even bold swimsuits standing at the door of their respective shops, with dolls on their faces. smile.

The two walked towards the parking place, and as soon as they arrived, they heard a man's scream.

The blond girl wearing a JK-style short skirt and shirt grabbed an old white man by the hair and smashed him into the wall. Almost at the same time, the bodyguards accompanying the old white man drew their guns and pointed at her, chattering. A series of local dialect questions popped up.

"What a mess, do you hear me speaking the common language?" Destobia was about to raise her knees to give the old white man a hard time, when she saw the black-haired and red-eyed boy walking around the wall, she coughed, In order to maintain the image of a lady, she immediately stood up straight, holding her skirt with both hands, looking shy and aggrieved.

"Baby, I'm not a bully! As soon as this person comes up, he asks me how much I pay for a month. Can I bear it? What do you think of me! How can anyone be so insulting."

Shen Liang looked at the group of bodyguards.

Perhaps because of the awe-inspiring and beautiful temperament of the young man in front of him, these bodyguards are not new to the world. After weighing it up, someone spoke in common language: "After Mr. Violence broke out. We are the guards of the local Zong Chewa family, the bodyguards bought by Mr. Wilson, who are you?"

Before Shen Liang came here, he read the information of the local city and knew that Pattaya is a city controlled by gangs.But in order to protect the rights and interests of tourists and outsiders, rich people can often hire thugs from these gangs as bodyguards to protect themselves during travel.

And Destobia should have waited outside for them to come out, but she didn't expect to fight with other tourists within ten minutes.

"No reason?" Shen Liang said lightly.

"Mr. Wilson, I probably think of this lady as a street girl. Such a beautiful street girl is too rare in Pattaya. Boss, I fell in love with you at first sight. This is not against local laws." He stammered, "But she smashed the boss into the wall and must pay for it."

Shen Liang glanced at the guilty Destobia, nodded, "Good fight."

Desdobiya's eyes became pleasantly surprised, but Pato covered her face.

Shen Liang really didn't think there was anything wrong with Destobia. It would be better to say that if it wasn't for Mei's repeated orders to let him know that ordinary people are extremely fragile and should never be killed easily, he might just casually kill that old white man and this group of people. Maybe the bodyguard killed him.

In his heart, only people from the Fire Chasing Base are considered relatives and friends, and only fusion fighters are worthy of his eyes.An ordinary human being with no achievements dared to have a conflict with Destobia, and he was simply seeking his own death, and he didn't even need to think about it.

"There is nothing else, let's go first." Shen Liang made a decision on his own, walked to the side of the RV, and put the little cock into the outer cabinet of the RV.

He was too self-willed, causing the bodyguards to be a little stunned. Some people just wanted to yell, but their mouths were immediately covered by their companions.

Because when the sharp-eyed bodyguard bent over to pull the RV away from Shen Liang, he saw a familiar logo on the waistband exposed by his jacket, which was familiar in all major news, a fiery red moth.

But anyone on Earth knows what the eye-catching sign means, and the bodyguards immediately dug the concussed old white man out of the wall, bandaged him briefly, and ran away in a hurry.


After watching the whole process, Patuo curled his lips, "It feels like we are some bullying villains."

"Hey, I'm being treated as a street girl! Just giving him a concussion is my mercy!" Destobia thumped her shoulder angrily, "Have I suffered such a shame?"

"That's because you don't understand the rules of Pattaya. You're a girl in your 20s, wearing the JK uniform of a teenage girl... Humph."

"JK is a style. Can't you pursue campus style in your 20s? Patuo is age discrimination!"

"But it's different in a chaotic city like Pattaya." Patuo jumped into the back seat of the car, squinting his eyes and curled up on the seat, "There are many red light districts in this city, and our place is one of them, you see , It was getting dark soon, and women came out every few meters to stand on the street, filling the whole street."

Destobia was taken aback, she hadn't done her homework before coming here.

"What is the red light district?" Shen Liang interjected curiously.

"Kids, don't ask!" Destobia squeezed Shen Liang's face hard, "If you dare to be curious about that kind of place, the entire Flame Chasing Moth will be furious!"

"The service of renting wives is prevalent here. To put it bluntly, it is to find street girls. The long-term ones can be rented for months or even years. The monthly fee is around 30 credits. Yes, even a You can’t buy low-end civilian cars.” Paduo said, “In order to attract those wealthy tourists, they will wear all kinds of clothes, even if they don’t match their image at all. Like women in their [-]s wearing miniskirts , student uniforms can be seen everywhere. After all, for white people, their aesthetics are biased. Even ugly East Asian women may still be favored as long as they are petite. Two thousand credits are few, but they are not low for low-level street girls. income."

"How do you know this?" Destobia looked at her best friend, slightly dazed.

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