Mebius narrowed his eyes, "You mean, there is a Herrscher who manipulates consciousness in our base. That Herrscher has the ability to put people into a deep sleep, and it is even effective for fusion fighters. Previously, on the Internet It was practicing, it was hiding in our base, and now it is attacking the fire-chasing base."

As the researchers with the highest status in the Fire Chasing Base, Mei and Mebius have always communicated efficiently. Many things that need to be explained to others are unnecessary in front of high IQ talents, because both of them believe that the other can understand.

When outsiders listen to their statements, they are often baffled by a person's description, and they can't understand it until another person summarizes it in a concise sentence.

This may be a dialogue between geniuses. Mebius has always hated explaining her thinking logic to others. Mei has always regretted that Kevin, as a super fighter, has no cultural background and can only carry out her orders. Instead of understanding her orders.

"But in theory, any ability should not act unconditionally and stun us without any of us being aware of it. This power is even weirder than Honkai itself. But if anyone has this power, they need to hide So, do we need to plot against us? So this power must not be unconditional, and there must be traces to follow." Mei said, "I conducted an investigation within the past three hours, and preliminarily concluded that this stunned power came from where."

"Where?" Mebius asked subconsciously.

"Display device," May said.

Mebius was taken aback.

"I know you may not be able to understand, but thinking logically, I found that everyone who passed out was facing the display device." Mei looked around, and in fact, more than half of the staff in the central control room had fainted. She observed for a long time.

"Anyone who wasn't facing the monitor, the projection screen, didn't pass out," May said, "At the same time, I had other people try it, but anyone who looked at the display device, who looked at the screen, fainted within a few seconds. "

"Brain interference through electronic signals?" Mebius' first reaction.

"No, I disconnected from the Internet, physically disconnected. Essentially, as long as I look at a screen in any sense, I will faint." Mei said, "And even more than that, I also found that some people will also fall into a coma with their eyes closed. For example, monitor No. [-], I asked everyone to close their eyes two hours ago, but now you can see that she has also fainted, just like the example in Kevin’s newspaper... She is wearing earphones, and her study books are playing in the earphones. She also fell into a deep sleep, but her terminal was also disconnected from the Internet."

Mebius stared at the No. [-] girl who passed out with the earphones on, frowned her slender eyebrows, and thought for a while: "So you think, if the Internet has been disconnected, what these comatose people have in common is...text? "

Smart people communicate very quickly.

Mebius instantly comprehended Kevin's previous broadcast announcement. No wonder, in Mei's eyes, the Herrscher's way to make people unconscious should be "text".

If there is anything in common among those who watched the strange talk before, those who watched the screen in front of the monitor this time, and listened to the audio with their eyes closed, it is that they are all feeling the "text".

The fire-chasing base is full of big screens. There must be text on these screens, even mobile advertisements or shift schedules, so people who see these screens will faint... So Mei wants to order the fire-chasing base to be shut down. All power sources are prohibited, the use of terminals is prohibited, and everyone is asked to close their eyes, not to see or listen, and to stay indoors.

Because there is no light source and everyone stays indoors, the remaining people in the fire-chasing base who are not unconscious will have no space to see, hear or even touch the text.

"But if it's 'text', why didn't the conversation between us cause us to faint?" Mebius gradually fell into thought, "Could it be... there is..."

"Keywords." Mei said bluntly.

"Yes, if the target of this collapse is a Herrscher, then the power of the Herrscher is not endless. It is certainly impossible to make all the concepts of "words" become its medium. This is unplayable. It is difficult to destroy the world itself. Therefore, it must use its power to the maximum to pose a threat to us." Mebius said, "If not all words can stun us, then it should be some special" The keyword', will be the medium through which it exerts its power to stun us remotely."

This is a very simple truth that is easy to understand. Mebius believes that the power of the Herrscher cannot reach the point of "command concept".If the Herrschers really had this kind of power, and it took only a single thought to destroy human civilization, then they wouldn't even have the need to resist.

Honkai's destruction of human civilization still needs to be done slowly, and the apostles of Honkai must have some restrictions.

"What's the keyword?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"My current communication with you, Dr. Mebius, still has the possibility of triggering a certain text concept and causing both of us to be unconscious." Mei took a deep breath, "Even our current guess may not be correct, our only What can be done is to avoid contact with the 'text', and then find a way to find out and eliminate the Herrscher hidden in the base. The reason why it needs to attack us in this way may just mean that it is not capable of frontal combat .”

Mebius was silent for a while.

Then she gradually frowned, and said in a low voice: "Mei, let's leave aside what you said, have you ever considered... If the Herrscher's ability is not limited to the Fire Chasing Base?"

"Are you saying that human beings living in other cities on the earth will also be affected by this strange text? Probably not, the power of this Herrscher should be biased towards the 'field of consciousness', and the scope will not be too large. After all, if it covers all human beings, it is possible now The human society is eighty-nine out of ten, and the United Nations and our one-way hotline should have blown us away, but I haven’t received any inquiries from the United Nations yet.”

"But are you sure it's not contagious? You know it used to be able to spread on the Internet." Mebius said sternly, "No, the network must be disconnected inside the base, forcibly disconnected! All communications with the outside world cannot Allowed, in case this ghost story goes viral!"


Just as the two doctors in the central control room were temporarily judging the meme of the eighth Houkai, Cosmo was spinning the silver terminal in his hand.

He was ordered not to leave the dormitory, not to surf the Internet or even read any texts, but he was still a little uneasy.

He is inside the base, and these messages can reach him, but those who are on duty probably cannot receive these messages. After all, even Mei has strictly ordered them to cut off the network.

He didn't know why he did it, but...

——What if Destobia didn't receive the news of the eighth Honkai and let down her vigilance outside?

—— Kemei's order...

After hesitating again and again, Cosmo decided that he should at least send a text message to inform him.It only needs to be notified once, and there are two people with Destobia, and three people can be notified at a time so that all three people can be more vigilant... Even if you are punished, it is worth it.

He pressed the screen to enter the communication interface, hesitated again and again, and entered the information about the eighth Honkai.

At this time, he didn't feel any changes in his body.

He was still thinking about... those things about Destobia and Shen Liang.

After another moment of hesitation, he added after the message, "You are my partner, I need you very much, and now the fire moth also needs you very much. Enough playing with the baby, come back first."

After clicking send, Cosmo put down the terminal, stared at the dark bedroom wall with mixed feelings, and waited anxiously for the reply.

But after about five seconds, he suddenly realized that he was really wrong.

A majestic drowsiness swept over him, and he fell on his back, fainting on the cold floor.

PS: The timing is wrong, it’s scheduled until tomorrow, and now it’s republished...but I’m gone for full attendance, woo...

By the way, in the current timeline, Mei, Ying and other girls have not yet engaged to the baby...

Volume 379 Fire-chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 38 Chapter [-] Don’t close the door in the shower, you can’t reach it when you rub your back; you can’t sleep in the middle of the night, you’re too timid to hug~

In the middle of the night, on the coast of Pattaya, the daily routine beach hula festival ended, the crowd dispersed, and even the mess on the sand was taken away by the staff.

All sounds are silent.

Only the glimmer of light in the sea flickers in the distance, ups and downs in the darkness.

Passengers may think that it is a lighthouse in the middle of the sea in the distance. In fact, the locals know that since the collapse of the world, the once busy shipping routes have almost been cut off, and the lighthouse has long lost its guiding significance.That faint light was not a lighthouse, but a ship.

A white, about [-] or [-]-meter-long leisure yacht is suspended on the sea. This is a toy rented out by the beach tourism company to the rich, and it is usually suitable for families or couples.The cabin is heated and brightly lit, and the plush carpet is spread all the way to the side of the ship.

Pa Duo was barefoot, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. He climbed up to the deck with great difficulty, lay there for a while, and then slowly put on his swimsuit, and sat leaning against the railing of the deck, blowing Slowly recovering from the cool night breeze.

Then she took out the drink from the small refrigerator next to her, stared at the sea with her slender white legs up, let her thoughts go, and then drank the iced Coke with her head up.

"It's cool." The cat girl stretched her body and sang happily.


While Patuo was enjoying the sea breeze, the cabin door was pushed open, and a beautiful girl with disheveled blond hair screamed and crawled forward on the carpet, crying and working hard towards the stairs to the deck.

Pa Duo was so frightened that the cat's ears twitched, and then realized something, and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Paduo...Paduo, save me...I'm dying..."

Destobia's helpless voice was about to become hoarse, she was still reaching out to Patuo, and then her expression froze suddenly.

Her blond hair was grabbed and pulled back, and she could only tilt her head back as if forced.

"Oh." Patuo shrugged.

Destobia was pulled towards her by Shen Liang, and then Shen Liang approached her earlobe from behind her, her small face was expressionless: "Why did Tobia run away? You said it, let me see your disheveled hair." appearance."

"Baby... but... woo..." Destobia's expression was terrified for a moment when she heard that, but anticipation was revealed in the fear.

But Shen Liang ignored her mood swings and dragged her back to the cabin by her ankles. Destobia desperately grabbed the steps and carpets to resist, but was still pulled by the ruthless black, long, straight, and beautiful boy who symbolized heaven and heaven. The hatch of hell.

"Pado! Pado! I was wrong! I shouldn't have laughed at you! Pado, save me! I will take you on missions in the future, and I will help you out five times! Ten times! Ten times! "

The cat girl just watched, and by the way silently admired the moon and the sea.

Ah, the sea after midnight, sparkling.

About half an hour later, when Patuo had caught four fish, finally, the hatch opened again.

The blond girl wrapped only in a white towel leaned on the wall and climbed onto the deck in a state of collapse. She lay exhausted by the side of the boat with Patuo helping her, not wanting to move anymore. She tilted her head to look at it after a long time. Glancing at Pa Duo, he said bitterly, "You bastard! Are you still my sister?"

"Why do you say that about me! If I really didn't regard you as a sister, I would have left you alone to deal with Doll from the very beginning. I still have a reason, just say that today is the most important day for you and Doll, I It's inconvenient to get involved!" Pa Duo glanced at the bright red balance mark gradually emerging on her waist, and said dissatisfiedly, "I shared the firepower for you first!"

"Then I was bullied for half an hour!"

"That's your dish! You don't know how to be blessed when you are blessed!"

"Don't tease me with Asian slang, I don't understand! Besides, you are half an hour less, aren't you better?"

"I'm letting you enjoy the experience exclusively!"

The two superficial best friends hurt each other for a long time before curling their lips at each other and lying on the deck watching the stars together.

"Where's the doll?"

"The doll is sleepy."

"Ah? Oh, it seems to be the same. The baby's biological clock is actually quite healthy. Today until three o'clock in the evening, we have disturbed his normal work and rest... Don't tell Sister Mei, although Sister Mei must have expected that I would bring the doll out." won't let him sleep well..."

"Huh... it's really unimaginable, no wonder you all call him a little wolf dog, I really don't know whether we are fusion fighters or he is a fusion fighter."

"Now do you understand?"

"Understand what?"

"Understand why it takes two at a time to find volunteers?" Patuo smirked and handed her the Coke, "You have made a great contribution to the survival of human beings, and you have a share in the success of the Son of Man Project. Let's have a toast? "

Destobia raised the can, the two of them touched each other, and both took a sip, then she smacked her lips, somewhat puzzled: "This Coke... doesn't taste right."

"I added something." Patuo smiled.

Destobia looked puzzled, "What did you add?"

"Progesterone granules, before leaving, I applied for two months' supply from Sister Mei. Every volunteer who participated in the doll's gene survival plan got a copy, and I specially helped you get one for one month." Pa Duo reached out and scratched her cheek Chin, snorted, "I already knew Tobia that you were plotting against the doll, and I have been preparing for this day!"

Destobia has been in Flamemoth for so long, dealing with researchers every day, and she knows a thing or two about the properties of these drugs.Progesterone, also known as progesterone hormone and luteinizing hormone, is the main biologically active progesterone secreted by the ovary. Generally speaking, this thing is often used as an anti-fetal drug among girls.

Dobia glanced at her with complicated eyes, "It turns out that you planned it early in the morning, no wonder you insisted on taking me with you on your honeymoon this time."

"How about it, pestering me every day to ask for an 'internal channel', do you know what an 'internal channel' is? I, Padofelis, am your good sister!"

Destobia nodded in conviction.

The two of them drank a few more cans. In fact, there were more wines on the yacht, but those wines were paid for separately, and the asking price was not low. Neither Patuo nor Destobia were so rich that they wasted money casually. characters, even the yacht this time was coaxed from Shen Liang with his pocket money.

——In essence, Shen Liang is richer than the two of them, because Mei, Eden, and Mebius are all masters of money, and these people often give Shen Liang some pocket money from time to time, which is their monthly income Income, and Shen Liang can't use it at the base. As soon as they came out, the two girls found that this little boyfriend actually had seven or eight zeros in his account.

Secondly, Shen Liang can't drink alcohol. Mei ordered everyone not to give the baby any psychotropic drinks or drugs, and all alcohol and tobacco should be passed, so as to prevent the immature Shen Liang from becoming addicted to alcohol. He is one of the few now. One of his favorite hobbies is playing games, and it is obvious that the frequency of playing games is higher than that of ordinary children, which shows that his self-control is definitely not strong.

In this way, the two girls in swimsuits and wrapped in towels drank one cup after another, lying together to feel the cold night, and by the way, simply grilled the fish they caught with a lighter for supper.

At this time, Padu casually opened the terminal that Destobia had shut down for a long time.

Although fingerprint or voice recognition is required to turn on the terminal, even if the screen of the terminal is not unlocked, you can see the number of missed calls or messages. Patuo stretched out his hand and squeezed Destobia's waist, "Where is the text message from Cosmo~ "

Destobia's pupils shrank slightly, she calmed down from the excitement she was immersed in before, and her expression was a little complicated, "He should be blocked."

"Hey, hey, even though you are the doll's pet, you can't drag the black family. In case there are missions to be performed in the future, everyone is still a colleague." Patuo handed the terminal to her, "But I still have to Be unfeeling, or I will accompany you to make it clear to Cosmo after I go back, and the doll will not like you to be disconnected from others, don’t look at him all day long, "I don’t care what you do, I just have this calm picture Expression', in fact, the mind and eyes are super small!"

Destobia looked down at the scale imprint on her body, which was the "Proof of Participation in the Son of Man Project" designed by Alicia herself.

But Destobia guessed the essence of this thing. The girl named Alicia realized the temptation of Eve very early on. Just like the scriptures say, he is "Eve", and there will be thousands of people in the world. Thousands of "Adams" who could not resist him.

So she used this kind of proof, which can be called a tattoo, to declare Eve's possessiveness and aggression.This largely prevents some fusion fighters who don't like Eve, or even just "want excitement" to have fun through the "gene survival plan".After all, if they knew that the consequence of participating in the plan would be to be marked as belonging to Eve, most people would definitely stay away.

But Destobia has already made a decision, and she doesn't care about these things... Fusion fighters who are basically living and dying, if they are not already in love or married, they don't care too much about it.

Desdobiya unlocked the phone, clicked on the message, and found that Cosmo's text message was not one, but a dozen in succession.

For some reason, Destobia felt a little depressed, and the time sent by Cosmo was exactly the time when she was with a certain little wolf dog on the yacht after turning off the phone.

Amidst the dullness, there was a vague, indescribable gloomy joy in this spiritual fusion warrior.

"So much? It seems that Cosmo is really interested in you." Paduo leaned on her shoulders, jumping her to turn the page, "Unfortunately, our daughter Dobia has been taken down, hey-hey."

"If you take the initiative a little bit, the baby will understand the meaning. He shot at me without any shyness. You are indeed a little sea king who has been raised." Desdobiya shrugged, "On the other hand, I have been active for several years. I haven't figured it out yet."

"So Tobia is really good at flirting with boys~ Why don't you just teach me, I've asked the one who is the best at flirting with boys in the entire Fire Chasing Base, but they say it's a secret! You can even flirt with that idiot Cosmo Now that I have reacted, teach me! I want the doll to bow down under my skirt!"

"It's not easy. You have to sprain your feet when you walk, and you lose your keys when you go out; you can get drunk with water, and your stomach hurts when you lie down; you don't close the door when you take a shower, and you can't reach it when you rub your back; when you finally have to turn off the lights, you say you love to sleep naked; you can't sleep in the middle of the night. , if you are timid, you want to hug~”

"Wow, this is the plot from how many books you have read!"

"Don't complain about me, learn! You are one of the nine most important people in the doll. You are different from me. The opponents you face are super beauties like Alicia and Eden. You must learn. Cat cat!"

"Definitely the mission!"

Just chatting like this, I read the messages sent by Cosmo one by one.

Most of the words are useless and useless. Either ask yourself what I did wrong, or ask her when she will come back. Destobia soon became upset. She directly scrolled to the last page. After a while, subconsciously turned around to prevent Patuo from seeing.

Then she found that what Cosmo sent was serious, her expression gradually became serious, and she read the content to Patuo.

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