"...Nowadays, there has been a large-scale power outage in the base. This text message of mine was also sent privately in violation of Mei's regulations. The eighth collapse may have begun. You must be careful outside, so that Patuo and the baby will be the same Be careful, you are their bodyguard now."

"...May's instruction is to let us be vigilant about everything with 'text'. I don't quite understand this order, and I don't know how to be vigilant. If you are by my side, I can ask you."

"...you are my partner, I need you very much, now Zhu..."

She suddenly felt dizzy, she suddenly understood something, suddenly turned her head to look at Patuo, wanted to say something to remind her, but she couldn't control her oral muscles before she could speak, and she fell over in the dark.

Padua looked at the dizzy scene of Desdobia in amazement, and she didn't react at all. Then she shook Dobia quickly, and immediately took out a needle and injected it into Dobia's body.

It is a compulsory stimulant, one of the drugs that the Fire Moth team must bring outside. First, it can deprive people of pain and fatigue for a period of time when they are seriously injured and lose combat effectiveness. Force it to wake up from time to time to maintain temporary vitality.

But Destobia didn't respond.

"It's a deep sleep, a deep sleep that can't be awakened by stimulating the nerves." Just when Patuo was confused, Shen Liang watched the whole process by the side, and said quickly with a cold face, "This is not a normal situation, it is possible to be forced to sedate The slumber, in other words, is an external force."

"Someone is attacking us?" Paduo's first reaction was.

"What happened just now? Just looking at the phone and suddenly fell asleep?" Shen Liang picked up the terminal and wanted to look through the records. At this moment, Patuo's brain suddenly issued a warning.

As a fusion fighter who has fused with the Honkai Beast, Pa Duo's few talents are all in her intuition. She has always known that she is lucky, so she has always believed in her intuition.

She immediately jumped out and snatched the terminal from Shen Liang's hand, and Shen Liang also knew the lucky attribute of Patuo, he immediately understood it.

"That's right, originally this terminal was in your hands... You should be the one who fainted, you are very lucky, so the terminal is in Dobia's hands again, and she is the one who fainted... The reason for the coma came from the mobile phone. "

Learning from Mei and Mebius every day, Shen Liang's thinking logic is equally astonishingly unconstrained and meticulous.

He does not have the three views of ordinary people, and he often looks at things purely rationally, so after he establishes a logical structure, he judges very quickly and accurately.

"If according to Tobia's words, 'words' are things that need to be vigilant, then... she saw some 'words' and fell into a coma, but you didn't hear or see the words, so you survived." Shen Liang pondered, "People's reading speed is much faster than chanting speed, she just said 'you are my partner, I need you very much, now chasing...'"

Shen Liang stopped reading here, and Destobia just read here.

He tilted his head, looked at the cat girl, and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, the key word is this."

Maomao was stunned.

what happened?what happens?Why are you looking at me like that?What did you just casually say and discover?What is proved?What is a keyword?

For the first time, Mao Mao had deep doubts about the IQ gap between himself and Eve.

No, I have a share of my genes, why do you feel that your brain is completely provided by Sister Mei and Sister Snake!Baby, you just woke up, what does it mean that you look like "I already know everything about the case"!

"But it doesn't rule out that there is more than one keyword." Shen Liang closed her eyes, "What Dobia encountered was a Honkai attack, well, according to what Cosmo said, this is the 'eighth Honkai'."

Useless, but cute cat.jpg

PS: It's normal to lose the subscription recently, but I don't even have tickets... It suddenly dropped to dozens per day... Ask for tickets.

In fact, I really didn't keep procrastinating or anything. I update it every day as usual. Brothers, take a look at my full attendance.

It's just that the review sometimes takes a long time. In fact, I have [-] words every day.

Volume 380 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter [-] Leave Note

It’s my birthday today, the update will be postponed until tomorrow, so don’t wait tonight, just wake up tomorrow morning to review it…

It’s my birthday today, the update will be postponed until tomorrow, so don’t wait tonight, just wake up tomorrow morning to review it…

It’s my birthday today, the update will be postponed until tomorrow, so don’t wait tonight, just wake up tomorrow morning to review it…

Volume 381 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 39 Chapter [-] I know the nine of us will fall in love with him sooner or later

"I said doll, what's the situation now?" Maomao asked cautiously.

The yacht was moored at a deserted island beach, Shen Liang casually threw the anchor out and tied it on the shore, tied a few knots, and then looked back at the sleeping Destobia.

"Let's sort out the information first. The eighth Honkai has begun. The specific method of the disaster is unknown. Mei and the others judged that it has something to do with 'text'. Judging from the information Dobia saw in the text message, the keyword should be 'one by one. After '. It may be two words, it may be four words, or it may be the whole sentence after 'by'. You can think first, but be careful not to say the word after 'by', I don't want to talk to you Fall asleep together."

Pa Duo thought that it would be too difficult for me to think because I was stupid, but since Shen Liang reminded me here, she soon realized that the key word that Destobia fainted was probably "chasing fire" Or "moths chasing fire" or the whole sentence later, but the "whole sentence" is unlikely.

Shen Liang took a look at her, guessing that she should know it well, so she continued.

"From the existing information, we can draw the following conclusions. First, the ability of the Eighth Herrscher is virally contagious; second, the scope of the Eighth Herrscher's ability is limited. Outside the base, only those who received Cosmo The three of us with information are in danger; three, the base has collapsed; four, this ability will unconditionally put people into a deep sleep instead of death or fainting; five, we will not receive support from the base and become an isolated island outside."

"Hey, hey, how did you come to these conclusions!"

Although Pa Duo has always equated his IQ with cats, he never thought that the doll's IQ was so outrageous. Sometimes he was even cute. "Judging from the existing information", Patuo doesn't know what information he has at all. You must have learned this way of speaking from Sister Mei and Sister Snake. Take care of ordinary people, hey!

Shen Liang glanced at the cat again.

Mao Mao felt that she was subtly underestimated by the doll.

"Tell me, where did you get the information!" Pa Duo was frantic and couldn't figure it out.

"It's very simple. Mei and Mebius at the base are smarter than me, and they can see what I can see. If the Eighth Herrscher's ability is infinite, the base's advertisements are everywhere. Movies are shown with our sponsored logo, and the whole world has long fallen into a large-scale population coma... But this didn't happen, so Herrscher's capabilities should be limited.

"At the same time, the base urgently requested to cut off the power and network because it discovered that this ability needs a text carrier and a display device. And the network is cut off because it is suspected that the Herrscher's ability can be transmitted through person-to-person contact. Dobia received a message from Cosmo It was a trick, which proved this, that is, a viral infection.

"And as long as we don't watch Cosmo's information, and avoid encountering those keywords in our lives as much as possible, then we should be safe. At the same time, the Herrscher's ability cannot be prevented. The base must have a large number of people sleeping and falling into a Collapsed state. Further forward, the collapsed base dare not contact anyone, and we cannot get any support."

Pa Duo was stunned, Shen Liang's methodical analysis of the situation was amazing, she was overwhelmed in an instant.

No way, it's not an existence at the IQ level. Her genetic doll seems to have inherited nothing but cuteness.

"However, how do you know that Herrscher's ability really can't affect us through this medium? What if it's like what you said... then what kind of viral spread, as long as it spreads to us, it can already affect us. Already?" Patuo was still thinking.

Then what if we see the words "moths that chase flames" or hear, for example, advertisements in the streets...it's impossible to guard against.

"Theoretically speaking, it is not difficult to consciously avoid the words at the beginning of "by-by-by". The beginning' keyword." Shen Liang said lightly.

"I'm a fusion fighter! I have very good eyesight! Advertisements are everywhere in the world, and our base has a lot of advertisements to attract sponsors! Besides, there is audio, in case someone walks on the street and we hear the advertisements of the base What should I do?"

"Theoretically, the base should notify the United Nations immediately, and revoke any video and audio information about the base around the world to prevent changes in the scope of the Herrscher's ability. Secondly, you can wear earplugs. The ability of the Herrscher should be that you don't clearly recognize what you see. Or hearing the 'keyword' won't trigger."

"Is it such a detail... so troublesome."

"Also, cat, take off your pants."

"Eh?" Pa Duo was taken aback, "I'm only wearing a swimsuit, why don't I take it off... well, the baby is not a cat, and sister doesn't want to play with you, but at this time we should think about how to rescue Tobia and how to return to the base, right? Although I think if there is a major accident at the base, we don’t have to go back, let’s settle down in Pattaya, baby, you still have a lot of money, let’s calculate the luggage and find a hotel to stay and wait for Boss Kevin to solve the lawyer before going out to save carelessness. If the Eighth Herrscher decides to ask for a one-year or two-year-old sister Mao Mao to prepare you for pregnancy, okay..."

Shen Liang's face was expressionless, with his hands on his hips, "Shut up, did you forget that the clothes we wear are uniforms, including swimsuits."

At this time, Pa Duo realized that he had been wrapped in a white towel from the beginning, and had thrown all the previous clothes into the sea. Pa Duo looked subconsciously, but Shen Liang covered her eyes suddenly, and she was stunned for a while before she figured it out.

Their clothing is made by the designer of the fire moth, not to mention the clothes, even the red moth logo on the belt.

"In any case, we must be careful. Because of Cosmo's text messages, we have to face the same situation as the insiders of the base. We must always avoid these keywords." Shen Liang whispered, "But the most terrifying thing is that there may be New keywords come up, and those keywords need someone to experiment with themselves, like Tobias."


Area A5, Experimental Building, Biochemical Storage Room—Confinement Room.

After the incident named "Herserscher of Consciousness Collapse", the confinement room was heavily guarded.

Because the Herrscher of Knowledge directly attacked the Fire Chaser Base, rather than waging large-scale destruction around the world, one had to suspect that its purpose might be the previous Herrschers who hadn't died yet.So the confinement room is no longer ordinary people, but guarded by fusion fighters, not even ordinary fusion fighters.

It's Alicia, code-named CM-002, the original fusion fighter, and Sakura, code-named CM-004.

"Alicia, do you have the right to veto my application? Give me a reason, such as the so-called my gene ratio is too high in the baby's blood, and the offspring may produce deformed children and other stupid arguments. Oh, anyway You're very good at talking nonsense."

In the confinement room on the seventh floor of the basement, in the dark air that still smelled of formalin, the tall Yujie with a pair of slender fox ears was leaning on the glass of the life support jar, with her hands folded over her chest. Zhoubo knife with handle.

Opposite her, the same pink-haired goblin lady carelessly moved a recliner chair and sat opposite her. There was a small table and a small drawer full of snacks beside her. There was even a half-drunk milk beer on the table.Alicia lay down comfortably facing the air outlet of the air conditioner, and she looked exactly the same as Sakura, who was also on duty.

"I won't use such an idiot's statement. The technology 30 years ago can fine-tune the fetus' genes, and no one can give birth to deformed children. Besides, the ratio of everyone is the same, one in nine, which is fair. , Of course, the current dolls have absorbed so many girls' genes, it's hard to say whether we still account for one-ninth~" Alicia chuckled.

"And why would I refuse the lovely Sakura? The approval of this kind of application is decided by Shangfeng. You and I are super-powerful fusion fighters. It's not easy to pass on genes to future generations. Not just chasing...the base, there are a lot of stinky guys who want to express their opinions!"

"Shangfeng refers to..."

"Who else is there on the base, the United Nations, we are the highly anticipated super fighters, the light of humanity, of course many people don't want the light of humanity to be dusted." Alicia shrugged, "In Shangfeng's opinion , the doll is just a biological weapon made by Mebius on a whim. It is treated the same as her Shesha, and a little monster. If the light of humanity is married to the little monster, the reputation of the fusion fighter will be discredited if it is spread. ~"

"It's kind of ridiculous, the fusion fighter itself is also a monster."

"Hmph, but Shangfeng doesn't think so. It took them a lot of effort to describe us from monsters to heroes. Another example is my dear Eden, the beautiful and gentle Eden, have you seen Yes, she is the most famous star in the outside world! Her influence may be more effective than what the United Nations says. Think about it, she is the image spokesperson of our fusion fighters. Many people will be disillusioned if things are told.”

Sakura was taken aback, "Sure enough, even Eden... Ellie, you are really good at it."

"What do you mean by my good means? It was Eden who pulled me, but I didn't pull Eden. Sakura, you don't know who is the culprit at all, okay?" Alicia crossed her waist, "I just proposed After I made a suggestion, Eden just dragged me into action without saying a word."

"Then I'm very surprised. Since Shangfeng means not to approve us as the face of fusion fighters, how did you and Eden do it?"

"Let's kill first and play later." Alicia snapped her fingers, and looked at the astonished little fox Yujie with a smile, "They won't report everything first like Sakura, and they will miss the opportunity. Anyway, the report will definitely be dismissed, so let’s eat the doll first, how can they punish the cute me? Well, after all, I am the face of the fusion fighter.”

Sakura silently stared at the smirking Alicia, and the cute pink-haired fairy looked at her with her head tilted, her hair hanging down to her hips.Although it was a narrow and smirk, it was clean and content, like a full-fledged kitten.

"Stealing..." Sakura said coldly.

"Miss Fox, hasn't learned how to steal? The taste of stealing is so good!" Seeing Sakura's expression gradually becoming scary, Ellie quickly threw a bag of small fish over, "But Sakura, the time you spent with the doll Not much, except for the routine of taking care of the doll for a week when it’s your turn, you’ve been out on the job and rarely accompanied the doll, let alone sleeping and bathing together like we do... You’re actually not a person who needs comfort very much , why do you want to bind your life to a doll?"

Sakura pondered for a while, "I can't say that I don't like the baby. After all, I watched him grow up... But I do, maybe I love him more as a sister. But we Asians pay attention to a person from a single age. In the end, I said that if I met the right person, I should go on together. I don’t know if the baby is the right person in my life, but I don’t have time to find others. Maybe next year or tomorrow, I will die , it’s better to find someone who at least I like now to determine the future.”

"What is this called... the instinct of living things to leave offspring before death?" Alicia smiled slightly, "But Sakura, the doll hasn't grown up enough to be a father, right? He has only learned the three views of human beings and common sense Three years, for an ordinary human being, three years can only be used to babble, and it is too far for him to take on the responsibility of a man. Now he only regards himself as an experimental product, and he can't even feel that everyone loves him. His love, Mei's love, my love, and all kinds of pure love with different purposes."

"These are not things I want to consider. Indeed, the doll is a naive child, but naive people will always grow up, and boys will always become men." Sakura said lightly, "I am very selfish, he can live a long, long life, can When I grow up, I hope that he can live with my love. Maybe I can’t be a good mother or a good wife, but I expect a child to be a good husband and a good father. After countless years, he will come out of reincarnation again. Thinking of me once, I have already found that I have become an indelible imprint deep in his soul... This can prove that I have finally left some traces in this world."

"After the baby, it's very lonely." Alicia sighed.

"So I hope that I can make him as satisfied and happy as possible while he is alive. In the thousands of years of loneliness in the future, only the carefree and absurd life with us can slowly nourish him." Sakura raised her head and poured a can of milk beer After drinking it, the wine dripped down his neck, "I know that the nine of us will fall in love with him sooner or later, because none of us are selfless and good women. Who can refuse? What about this temptation in someone's memory?"

"One night's happiness is exchanged for ten thousand years of loneliness. We are indeed bad women." Alicia clinked glasses with her from a distance.

At this time, the red-haired woman floating in the life support tank full of green liquid silently opened her golden eyes.

"Yo, I'm awake, do you want something to drink?" Alicia waved frivolously, but her eyes were extremely sad, "The Herrscher of Flame, Miss Himiko."

PS: Today is my birthday, of course it will be the next day when you see the approval, hahaha.

There is nothing to say, I used ai as a picture of Ryoko today, the ai is really powerful, at the beginning I thought it was not cute enough to match Ryoko’s pretty temperament, but in the end, it became more and more girly!Even though the last one was still a boy, it was too rough to post!

Volume 382 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 40 Chapter [-] Stripping Herrscher's Core

This Honkai incident is the eighth Honkai, a disaster created by the Herrscher named "The Herrscher of Knowledge".

And in the confinement room, there are also the first seven Herrschers who have been suppressed by the Houkai energy, deprived of physical perception, and completely reduced to a vegetative state.

Understanding can create, and can produce the Herrscher of Reason whose army is almost occupying Africa.

The Herrscher of the Sky who controls space, is completely untraceable, and creates small-scale destruction all over the world.

Harnessing the electromagnetic force of the four fundamental forces, the Herrscher of Thunder once interfered with Asia-Europe communications for three days.

The Herrscher of the Wind, which uses ideal fluid to form a tornado that sweeps across the Pacific Ocean.

The Herrscher of Ice who was defeated within half an hour of the Tribulation.

The Sixth Herrscher who has not yet shown her powers and is imprisoned in another confinement room.

And the Herrscher of Flame, who truly made people aware of the horror of the Herrscher, could activate molecular movements, and turn Australia into a sea of ​​flames by himself.

After the analysis of the abilities of the Herrschers by the Fire Moth, except for the sixth Herrscher who has not yet shown the ability of the Herrschers, it can be seen that the Herrschers are becoming stronger and more dangerous in general.

The Herrsrscher of Reason only manufactures troops and weapons, and the United Nations army can defeat it in the gap created by the Herrscher of Reason; the Herrscher of Space is not as powerful as the current fusion fighters, and there is still nowhere to go under the sweep of the whole earth. Can be hidden.But when it comes to the Herrscher of Flame, its destructive power has reached the point where it is impossible for human beings to challenge it head-on.

It was Kevin who risked his life to participate in the super-transformation surgery and became the first fusion fighter. He restrained the flames of Himiko with extremely low temperature. He paid the price of burning a continent, displacing millions of people and even turning them into scorched bones. She captures.

Although the eighth Herrscher of Consciousness has not met yet, one can already imagine its horror. Not to mention its combat effectiveness, it has already reduced the number of fire-chasing bases by 1/3 before it appeared, and fell into a deep sleep The fusion fighters and researchers have so far shown no signs of awakening.This is the most important base for human beings to fight against Houkai. To some extent, this is more threatening than the Herrscher of Flame burning Australia.

Inside the life support tank, Herrscher Himihu of Flame had long red hair hanging loosely, and his golden eyes looked down at the two guards, occasionally rolling his eyes, his face remained expressionless like a wild beast.No one knew what she was thinking. After becoming a Herrscher, she only had the appearance of a human being.

"You are sad, Himiko, the instructor of the Poisonous Chrysalis, your friend of Hua, has become like this now." Alicia looked up at Himiko.

She actually looked unscathed, naked, tall and fit, her red hair was hanging in the water because of the density of the nutrient solution, like a diver in an aquarium looking at them through the glass.

But in fact, she was seriously injured and on the verge of death. In order to completely lose Herrscher's ability to resist, nanorods of soul steel alloy penetrated her brainstem, her heart was blocked by soul steel brackets, and blockers were embedded in every joint.In this way, she couldn't obtain the Houkai energy by contacting the imaginary space, and the regeneration ability of Herrscher's body couldn't expel the blockers in the joints, so she could only live like this forever in the life support tank.

Those terrifying wounds are invisible on the surface of the body, and the reason why humans are so guarded against Himiko is because her power comes from a field that humans cannot understand at all.As long as she possesses the Honkai power, the confinement room can't stop her. In terms of attacking her, the flames can even burn through tens of meters of rock formations, and in terms of defense, even the shock wave of the nuclear explosion of the ground-penetrating bomb can be blocked by the high temperature.

Among the seven Herrschers, Himiko is somewhat different, not only because of her strength, but also because of her special status.Before she was selected to become Herrscher, it was a coincidence that she was the instructor of the Fire Moth army, and even many of the current fusion fighters were friends.

So after she became the Herrscher, she hit the Flame Chasing Moth especially hard.

"It's a painful existence. I heard from Mebius that the pain that Himiko endured every moment is equivalent to an ordinary person being constantly shocked by electric shocks. Those soul steel nanorods are stimulating neurons in her body. If it is a human She has already become an idiot. But the Herrscher can regenerate, even if her brain is electrified, she can regenerate, so she must be tortured all the time." Sakura also looked at the Herrscher of Flame, "For research, even the former comrades-in-arms It can be tortured like this, and many times I really want to break this jar and let her die directly."

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