"Then you are the sinner of mankind. This is the most powerful Herrscher so far. Mebius regards her as his own experimental field... It may be difficult for you to accept, but for human beings, torturing the Herrscher is better than sacrificing yourself Bar."

"After all, she is the monster that destroyed Australia. Himiko's personality has been killed by her, and I know it all. So I just said it casually, you don't need to comfort me."

"But in fact, the research on Herrscher is coming to an end. The extraction of hypervariable factors has ended. It seems that the imaginary number space is related to the core of Herrscher, and the technology we need most now is still to extract the core of Herrscher."

"The core of Herrscher is in Himiko's body? But I've seen anatomical diagrams. Herrscher's body is no different from that of a human being. There is nothing in it other than flesh and blood organs."

"Because the Herrscher Core is not a real thing, it is actually a concept," Alicia lowered her voice, "a 'concept' that refers to the identity and power of the Herrscher."

"How to extract concepts?"

"Theoretically, as long as the 'concept' is condensed, it can be 'extracted'. In the final analysis, we need to know the source of the Herrscher's power and materialize this source of power. You know, Mebius has always felt that anything can If it is produced, it can be reversed. Since the Herrscher itself was born when human beings were endowed with certain things, it is only natural that the Herrscher can be stripped of certain things.

"We have done this kind of experiment on Herrscher of Reason, Sakura, do you still remember Prometheus, the little sister with twin ponytails and spiral coils. She actually tried it. It is not to strip the core of Herrscher, Instead, she transferred the qualifications of the Herrscher to herself. She and the Herrscher of Reason performed a 'swap', except for the neurons, all genes were swapped. Because we don't know which part of the gene will be The call that caused the collapse, simply change all of them and try.

"Everything is in line with our plan. After the complete gene exchange, Prometheus did gain the power of the Herrscher for a moment, but soon, the will of the collapse seems to realize the difference. After all, the neurons have not been exchanged. The subconscious mind is different. So after that moment, the power of the Herrscher returned to the body of the Herrscher of Reason, and we exchanged the bodies of Prometheus and the Herrscher again. This time, the power of the Herrscher was no longer given to Prometheus So it turns out that the Herrscher does have a source of power that can be transferred. Mebius called this thing 'the Herrscher's core', which is definitely something that can be extracted."

"So Prometheus is in the cryo now?"

"After all, those two experiments seriously damaged the integrity of Prometheus' genetic chain. In order to keep her from being brain-dead, we can only refrigerate her and upload her consciousness to the server. It makes sense to pay these prices, Herrscher The core has been proven to exist, and many of our experiments have hinted at it."

"So you keep these Herrschers alive, how do you extract the core?"

Alicia was silent for a while, and suddenly said softly: "Since the power of the Herrscher is selected by genes, and since Prometheus can deceive the will of Houkai by exchanging blood...then, if someone is born with the ability to fuse all Gene, born... he can copy other people's pheromones... then can he deceive Honkai? Even... condense all Herrschers into one body?"

Sakura was startled, "You don't kill Herrscher, do you want him to become Herrscher?"

"Why not?" Alicia smiled and said, "His Herrscher, how majestic, if he is a Herrscher who likes humans, everyone will definitely love him very much. Don't tell me you don't like majestic dolls, master The core of all Herrschers, dolls who lead mankind to a new world with incomparable domineering words and deeds?"

"Impossible! Zhu... the council of Shangfeng will never allow an existence like Wawa to have such a powerful power. If Wawa really dares to fuse the Herrscher core to himself... he will be killed!" Sakura said in horror, "This experiment can't be done, even if the doll has this ability, it can't be exposed! The artificial man is not human after all in their eyes, and they are afraid that the artificial man is uncontrollable!"

"What do you think?" Alicia looked at her.

"In my eyes..." Sakura was taken aback, "In my eyes..."

"In your eyes, is the doll an artificial human?"

Sakura lowered her head, "Alicia, you ask this... If I think the doll is a creation made in a laboratory, will I still tell you this? I will only notify the council of the recording now... There are tens of thousands of people in this world who will resist inhuman things, but here, he is the younger brother I have watched grow up, the man I entrust to the future, and my... Eve."

Alicia clapped her hands, and Sakura looked at her in astonishment.

"Very well, you passed the test too, and now we are one big family."


"Of course, the doll's beautiful harem has been tested." Alicia chuckled, "After all, if you can keep a secret like the doll, then you should love the doll as much as we do, right? , it’s okay to let you know about some bolder plans.”

"What plan?" Sakura asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's... the plan to see how dolls can save the world!" Alicia turned to the side-by-side life support tanks, and Sakura also looked at them. At this moment, she felt the brightness in the dark room without the lights turned on suddenly increased. Up more than one ladder!

Twelve golden rays of light shot at her oppressively.

The cold golden eyes of the six suppressed Herrschers!

Sakura suddenly realized the problem, yes, theoretically speaking, the neurons are blocked, Himiko shouldn't be able to "watch" the action, it should be difficult for her to maintain thinking.In other words, these Herrschers are actually conscious now, and Mebius is personally in charge of the detention equipment, and Mebius revived them!

There is only one reason for waking up.

At its best, being fed to some boy, witnessing miracles.


Shen Liang was sitting on a commercial plane heading to the base.

The sleeping Destobia was difficult to deal with, but Pato was experienced. He poured wine into Dobia's arms and wrapped it in a towel, falsely claiming that he drank too much at the bar.The flight crew looked at the beautiful girl who was wearing high heels and black stockings and smelled of alcohol and was talking in her sleep, and wanted to politely decline, after all, it seemed that she might be a girl trafficked across the country.

But looking back at the two companions, neither Shen Liang nor Pa Duo's looks are as good as Tobia's, and even the boys are even worse. The stewardess has a very tricky eye, and it is impossible for a young man with such a delicate dress and such an extravagant temperament What are you doing illegally.Then look at Pa Duo, who cosplays as a cat while flattering the boy, and the stewardess decides that this is a plot of a young master and a maid who come out to discipline a disobedient fiancee who runs to a bar.

"Tobia's body is getting weaker and weaker." Shen Liang said.

Pa Duo had just finished dealing with the flight attendant who had checked her documents. Because she couldn't find out the documents with the fire moth certificate, she deliberately used some tricks to spend money to obtain a fake identity. At this time, she shuddered fiercely and said in a low voice: "Isn't it just a deep sleep? How could something go wrong? It's only been three days. Even without the injection of nutrient solution, it's impossible to have an accident with the fusion of the fighter's physical fitness."

Yes, the two decided to go back to the base because Destobia's body couldn't bear it. Fusion fighters have a high nutritional requirement, and it's impossible to just drink water and glucose. They have to go back to the base to find professional medical staff.

But after just one day, Destobia's situation is not so optimistic.

"After all, it is the ability of the Herrscher. In deep sleep, it may deceive the brain that the body is already dead, so the organ failure is very fast." Shen Liang said, "Once the organs fail completely, people will die."

Patuo showed a sad face, when the plane arrived, she picked up Destobia and jumped off the port, hesitating for a while.

"How do we get back to base?"

That's a problem because the base isn't some landmark you can get to by taxi, it's a military base, and it's not even on the map.Under normal circumstances, the return of fusion fighters is to take the helicopter or direct bus of the base at the airport. In other words, there must be someone to pick them up. If there is no one, you have to contact the base to send someone.

It is impossible to go back by yourself. As the most important line of defense for human beings, the fire-chasing base is located underground, and all the secret doors that can be accessed are blocked, and no one is allowed to enter.

Now the internal and external communication is cut off, and no entry or exit is allowed.

"Come with me, baby, Padu. Dr. Mebius asked me to pick you up," just as Shen Liang frowned, a weak voice came from the window of the VIP lounge at the airport.

Shen Liang saw that she was a sickly pregnant woman with light blue long hair holding an umbrella under the scorching sun, with her belly that was already showing its size.


Blanca seemed to be about to faint from the sun, but she managed to come over when she saw Shen Liang, and forced a smile: "I've been waiting for you for three days, and the flame-chasing moths are already in a mess, and I can't go back, come with me. "

PS: Blanca, Dobia... Well, the hobby of dolls is still a bit too much...

Volume 383 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 41 Chapter [-] We are getting married!

Walking out of the airport, Shen Liang and Pa Duo looked up, the sun was scorching hot and the halo dazzled their eyes.

Shen Liang raised her hand to shade, and helped the sick and weak Blanca to leave.

time flies.


"A very serious collapse occurred in the fire-chasing base. Yes, just as you guessed it, many people have been sleeping, and they are all placed in the cryogenic cabin to maintain their lives. Dr. Mebius sent me to respond You, but it's useless for you to go back now, you can't help."

"Come and live at my house first, I have a small house outside the base, and Padu will come too."

"This is Desdobia, right? It's okay, Dr. Mebius guessed that some of you will definitely be recruited, after all, Cosmo's text message records have been discovered... Don't worry, I also brought a copy in the cryogenic chamber. "

...and wait for the base to deal with the Eighth Herrscher?

"Well, this Honkai event is special. The disaster cannot spread, just keep it inside the base. Kevin and Mei will definitely win."

"We just have to wait, baby, when they win, we can go back to base."

... what if there is no victory?

"Baby, I'm a scientific researcher, I won't lie to you. If we don't win, we'll just die when we go back."

"The Fire Chasing Base will definitely survive this disaster, just like it has survived the previous seven collapses."


"Wow! Blanca! You never said that you have such a villa in Hokkaido! Big yard! Swimming pool! Gym! Underground theater! It turns out that Blanca is also an invisible rich man!"

"Hehe, before I joined the Fire Chasing Base, I was also a doctor who was hired by the national defense unit with a high salary."

"What's wrong with the doll? Standing there in a daze? Don't you like it here? Don't children like the yard with hot spring pool very much? It's steaming, and it's more comfortable in winter."

"Baby baby! Let's go to the hot spring!"

...the snow was heavy.

"The winter snow scene in Hokkaido is beautiful, don't you think? If it wasn't for me being pregnant with little Gracie, I would also want to relax and take a good bath."

... Blanca can go to the bath now, I won't peek.

"Stupid baby! How can a pregnant woman soak in the open-air pool in winter! It's too dangerous!"

"Does the doll want to take a hot spring with me?"

"You too, Blanca, don't laugh and say such terrible things! It's not a joke if you catch a cold, you are not a fusion fighter, your physical fitness is not good!"

...I want Blanca to wash my hair, I haven't washed my hair for a long time, cats can't even wash their own hair...

"Hey, hey, I just forgot to bring the shampoo specially made by Mei for you! Can't you use the shampoo for ordinary people sold outside? Why are you so disgusted! You just rolled your eyes, right?"


"Our station reported that after sixty days of blockade, the United Nations subsidiary agency, the supernatural disaster research center and processing base, and the military base known by the folks as 'Flame Chasing Moth' recently released internal disaster news. The Eighth Herrscher The damage caused was appalling, and when the UN special investigation team entered the interior of the base, they could no longer detect any breath of life..."

"Judging from the situation at the scene, the Eighth Herrscher was finally killed by all the fusion fighters at the artificial sun, but the counterattack before his death enveloped the entire base, killing all survivors in the base. The death conditions of all the fusion fighters were extremely peaceful , seems to have died of organ failure in a deep sleep. Combined with the records of the remaining documents, the ability of the Eighth Herrscher acts on consciousness, and it is understandable to cause this level of tragedy..."

"It is with a heavy heart that we announce that the Fire Moth General Base has been completely annihilated here. The United Nations will send other scientific researchers and fusion fighters to take over the materials left by the base today, and build a new one from the ruins." Chasing the fire..."

"The United Nations told the Supernatural Disaster Fund Committee (Crab) that the names of heroes should not be buried. In today's world situation, the list of martyrs will be publicized... Strategic Command of Flaming Moth, Mei; Director of Infinite Laboratory , Mebius; the following list is fusion fighters, Kevin, Alicia, Cosmo, Sakura, Hen, Hua..."

The sound of porcelain bowls shattering.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, don't be excited, Sister Blanca! Don't hurt your body, think about it, think about it, you still have the child in your belly, you still have the doll! That's right...you still have me!"

"Baby, what are you doing sitting there! Help me comfort Sister Blanca! Why are you..."

"Just kidding..."

"Baby, will you...can you cry too?"


"We will live here in the future. The United Nations came to us yesterday and said that rebuilding the flame moth... It's too far away."

"Baby, your household registration has also been completed, household registration...Asia, age...Eighteen, although it doesn't look like it, but you have to be an adult in any case."

"You can see the aurora in Hokkaido tonight, and you can only see it once in 60 years. Making a wish on the aurora may be more effective than making a meteor shower."

"What wish did you make, baby?"

"It's not difficult to live like a normal person. Starting tomorrow, you can go to school, and everything that needs to be dealt with has been taken care of."

"Of course it's not middle school. My baby, your IQ must go to university for further study. Mei and Mebius taught you a lot, but university can always learn something new. For example, baby, you have never understood. live in a human world.”

"It's okay, the doll is actually very powerful, you don't have to be afraid of strangers, just take the light rail back after school every day, you don't need to live in school... Hehe, the doll is willing to bear me, I still don't want to do with the doll, and I'm sure if Patuo can't see you You will be very angry with me, you are a young couple who depend on each other for life..."

... Blanca, too.

"I... ah, I was still spotted by the doll."

... I can understand Blanca's sadness.

"I'm so scared, baby, I... I'm really scared, the only person I'm closest to is you... Hen is dead, Dr. Mebius is dead... Baby, I only have you left in this world Now, my little lover, my little wolf dog... I can only live with you..."

"Baby, don't abandon me, never abandon me, okay? You can't die before me, stay with me forever, okay?"

...Don't be afraid, don't cry.

"Baby, prove it... Prove that what you said is true."

"Just kiss me, please baby...kiss me...uh..."

...Why are you crying again.

"No...I'm just...I'm just...so happy..."


"Hey, I said you are too much... Is it not enough to have you, Sister Patuo? I used to be a fusion fighter, and I am also a beautiful girl who is well-known in Twilight Street and has a wanted notice. I am not enough to be your girlfriend." Is it?"

"Do you know how surprised I was when I found that cheongsam in Blanca's closet that was slit to the waist?"

"Hey, tell me something! It can't be that it was Blanca's previous clothes, right? When Sister Blanca and Brother Hen got married, they were both ultra-conservative academics, okay? Cater to you doll! Only you like to see us in cheongsam!"

"When did it start, baby, are you worthy of me! I'm your real girlfriend! I'm so angry, so angry, at least let me know the real lady first if you're looking for a concubine."

...Maomao, brain teaser.What should be yours, but someone else uses it more?


...Stupid, it's me.

"Huh? Isn't the answer a name? You wait... wait... doll!"


"Where are the family members of the pregnant woman? It's a girl, mother and daughter are safe, congratulations... Where are the family members?"

"Where are the family members? Why are there only two children here, the head nurse, and the waiting family members?"

……it's me.

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