Chen Teng stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "Blanca, I recently...heard some rumors."

"About dolls?"

"You have an undisclosed plan in the infinite experiment, right? It should be the 'Son of Man's Genetic Survival Plan'? I don't quite understand the specific content of the plan, but about Eve... you also participated, right?"

"how do you know."

"A colleague of mine told me to ask me to... pay attention to you a little. She said that people who have undergone that experiment... will have red stigmata on their bodies."

Blanca was silent.

"That time when we went to review Gracie, the stigmata on your waist...should be something like that?"

Blanca sighed, "I've been careful not to show my body in front of you, I didn't expect it."

Scar took a deep breath, "I don't know what experiment you participated in, but my colleague told me... that stigmata is the latest product of the Infinite Laboratory, and it represents... the knight of the Son of Man."

Blanca suddenly laughed.

It's not that she wanted to laugh, it's just that she could guess the complicated expression on that colleague of Hen's when he said this.That colleague must also be a female colleague who had been a volunteer. On the one hand, she wanted to tell Hen the truth so that he would suffer less.

The Knight of the Son of Man... thanks to that colleague who figured it out!

"So your... relationship with the doll is a bit extraordinary, isn't it?" Hen whispered, "Is it right for you to hold the doll? Can you let me see it?"

Blanca stopped her charming smile, blinked, and stared at the screen: "Are you sure?"

PS: Remember to set it, Blanca liked the little wolf dog from the very beginning

Volume 395 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 53 Chapter [-] I'm Sorry, Then, Goodbye

"Blanca!" Hen said angrily, "What's wrong with you, you don't behave like the Blanca I know at all! You..."

"Because you have never known the real me." Blanca interjected, looking at her former husband tenderly, "I have never betrayed, and I have always liked someone alone. Really, my heart... never One and all."

She smiled and pulled back her blanket. Cangxuan, a cheongsam girl with black hair hanging over her small buttocks, opened her eyes in a daze, shouted coldly, curled up again, and signaled Blancara to put on the quilt.

Hen's expression is wonderful.

He was ready to take advantage of the situation to get angry, but the little girl in Branca's arms caught him off guard. According to his impression of his shouldn't be like this.

"Hold, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I feel relieved that Miss Cangxuan is with you, I was indeed a little..."

"There's no need to be sorry. I should be the one who should say sorry. Indeed, I can no longer be your wife at ease." Blanca said with a smile.

Hen was stunned, "What are you talking about, Blanca, don't be angry, I'm sorry, I'm a little out of my head, I'm a little anxious to get angry, don't take it to heart. Blanca, we..."

"I'm serious, Hen, let's get a divorce." Blanca said with a smile, "You are still very young, of course you can find a better wife who is more suitable for you. The divorce agreement is under the desk in your desk The third drawer, I leave everything in this family to you. I don’t need all my savings. I just need to take Gracie, um, and the villa in Hokkaido that we plan to hold a wedding in the future. Yes, you didn’t Misunderstood, I started preparing for divorce very early."

Hen was stunned.

"We have different ways to go. As you said, dolls are different, and they are all different. But Hin, in fact, I am too." Blanca watched Hin's expression gradually pale on the screen, revealing that he seemed to be acquainted for the first time. He smiled so softly at that time, the smile made Chen feel very strange.

Hen liked Blanca's clean and quiet smile very much, but that smile Blanca only showed him twice.The last time was in the library, this time when we broke up.

Only when he is a stranger deserves this smile.

"I'm sorry, then, goodbye." Blanca turned off the communication.



"The subscriber you dialed is out of service area, please try again later. Sorry! The subscriber..."

Hen tried several times, and after realizing that Blanca had really blocked him, he sat down in a daze.

Then he took out a copy in a leather file bag from the drawer. He rarely looked through the drawer, and when he opened it, he found that the handwritten date on the file bag was a week ago.

The divorce agreement was quietly placed inside, and it was obvious that Blanca had prepared it a week ago.He glanced at it, and found that the conditions given by Blanca were so frank that they almost left the house, to the extent that she completely abandoned her pre-marital property and left everything of value to him.

Even if she wanted the house in Hokkaido, she asked for it in arrears, and Blanca was even willing to repay the market value of the villa within the next year.

It was so sudden that even now, Hen couldn't understand Blanca's determination.

There is no benefit at all.

No affection left.

Hen watched the artificial torrential rain pouring down outside the window, closed his eyes, and was in a state of confusion.


The torrential rain that was used to simulate the environment was still falling, and there was a vast expanse outside the window. Although several night light buildings were still on, we could only see the water flow from the windows along the glass to form a reflective water film.

The outside base is empty, but the interior is different, with soft bedroom lamps, perfume in the air, heating and air conditioning at 27 degrees, messy and soft fabric sofas and dolls on the sofa, and cheongsams thrown everywhere , stockings and small skirts - all of them show the word "warmth".

A warm interior is always the happiest place in the world, especially in the late autumn when it is pouring rain. People who fall in the rain will feel a good feeling of going home when they see the lighted windows.In that window are couples who love each other, lovers who are always together and sweet lovers.

Or, for Shen Liang, it was both.

The dormitory is as warm as spring, the door is closed, and the door is the small kitchen of the double dormitory. A boy with long hair reaching his buttocks is standing on the bench and frying an iron pot. Inside the pot are strips of beef stir-fried with chili.He was only wearing an ordinary apron, which would have revealed his white and smooth back, but it was contrary to expectations, and his neat long black hair hung down to cover half of his body up to his thighs.

Shen Liang had to stand on a chair to cook. It's not that the kitchen design didn't take into account the height of 1.4 meters nine, but that the dormitory in Blanca is a western-style kitchen, and the pots are generally only used to heat milk or fry eggs.For things like controlling a large deep iron pot, a person must be half a body taller than the pot, so Shen Liang often has no choice when he cooks by himself.

He cooks alone with no distractions, the oil on the stove is crackling, and the range hood sucks up the smoke from the frying in the room.

"At least in the end, Mr. Hen may just feel that the relationship between the husband and wife is not good, and some things are not so hurtful in the end." Dan Zhu's voice said, "Well, we will eventually get divorced, so we can only compensate all the property to others. Mr. Hen."

"After all... I want to keep Gracie too." Blanca's voice said, "I can't live without Gracie, I can do without everything, but Gracie... Gracie can't."

"Actually, the divorce caused by the breakup of the relationship does not make up so much." Cangxuan's voice is very similar to Danzhu's, but the two sisters can hear it immediately. Custody, Blanca, you probably forgot that when the child is not born, the woman has the absolute right to the ownership of the child. Under the current legal framework, only women have reproductive rights, and men cannot legally contest under any circumstances unborn baby."

"That's a bit too unfeeling, anyway, people are also married for a day and a hundred days..."


"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, Blanca, don't stare at me with such terrifying eyes... I understand, I understand, I said the wrong thing, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't hit me with the ability of Herrscher!"

"The Herrscher's strength has been eaten by the doll."

"Ha, Junior Brother Xia Wa is indeed guilty of serious crimes."

"Hmph, it's useless for a girl who is being targeted by the baby to go anywhere, and she will come back obediently sooner or later. Blanca has already proved this point~ Baby, the best domestic wolf dog!"

Listening to the laughter coming from the bedroom, Shen Liang took out the stir-fried beef, put it on a plate, and turned off the stove.Then he habitually lowered his head, looked at the green-haired girl hiding under the apron, rubbed her still disheveled little head, and whispered: "Is it okay?"

Klein raised his head to look at the gentle eyes of his junior brother, blinked his big gray eyes, and nodded obediently.

"Thank you, Sister Klein." The boy touched the head of his senior sister in the laboratory again.

Immediately afterwards, Klein's eyes widened, his throat rolled, and his expression was very difficult, but he still persisted until she finally made it through, and his originally plain eyes stared coldly.

Shen Liang raised the corners of her lips: "Sister Klein, you should be like this, and show more emotions at ordinary times. You know, the more you are listless and calm about what you do, the more we like to tease you to see you showing off your emotions. Unhappy look... After all, Miss Klein is really cute like this."

"Bad taste." Klein said lightly, then whispered, "Milk tea."

Shen Liang smiled and handed her the milk tea, and Klein drank the milk tea with a bitter face. After feeling it for a while, she said, "I don't think it's a tease, since the physical fitness can't satisfy the male Friends, starting from other aspects, it is the bounden duty of being a girlfriend. I am different from Senior Sister Danzhu and Senior Sister Cangxuan, I can't do that while you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, I just watch from the side."

Immediately, Danzhu shouted from the direction of the bedroom: "Klein, you are tarnishing our image again, and you are trying to show favor in front of the doll by yourself!"

"It's because you don't have such intentions at all, and you say you are Asian. Asian women are always gentle and virtuous, but you haven't learned it at all." Klein retorted.

"It's as if you're helping the doll by the side, you're clearly obstructing the doll's cooking!"

"But Junior Brother Xia Wa doesn't think this is a hindrance."

In fact, Shen Liang really didn't think there was any hindrance, but although Klein's character was rational but serious, she always felt that she couldn't cope with her little boyfriend, so she always blamed herself.

But people are deader than others, and Dan Zhu Cangxuan never had such a feeling of self-blame. The two little ancestors never had the self-consciousness of being girlfriends, so they laid down carelessly and urged Shen Liang to cook.

Eve, does cook.

It can even be said that Shen Liang is the one who can cook best in the infinite laboratory.

Perhaps it is the deepest traces of "food" in the genes of Asians. Shen Liang learned a lot of recipes from Mei and Ying, and even because of his good memory, he learned better than his guardian.It's just that the food provided by the person who takes care of him most of the time is enough to satisfy Shen Liang's pickiness, and he doesn't need to do it himself.

Among the group of little girls in the Infinite Laboratory, including Blanca, none of them can cook.

How ridiculous is it?It's so outrageous that Mebius once personally prepared several nutritional supplements with different flavors, and added a stimulant effect. Eating one tube can work overtime for 48 hours.And this thing that can be classified as "drug" has been eaten by this group of girls in the infinite laboratory for three years, and they usually eat some instant noodles as an extra meal when they have time.

Until it was Shen Liang's turn to be taken care of by Mebius, he, who was really unable to accept nutrients from the bottom of his genes, was extremely angry.You must know that he has always given people the impression that he is well-behaved, obedient, indifferent and indifferent, so that was the first time the good boy "Eve" got angry, which shocked the entire project team of the Son of Man project.The whole group ordered a full two freezers of fresh food to coax the children.

Blanca decided to study cooking after a painful experience, but then she found that her level was far inferior to that of Shen Liang.Over time, all the wives and lolis in the Infinite Laboratory have been spoiled. Shen Liang eats and eats everywhere under the care of other people, but when he lives in the Infinite Laboratory, he has to feed the five of them in reverse.

Turn off the fire on Shen Liang's side, and the jade body is lying on the other side of the bedroom.

If Blanca had rotated the terminal 180 degrees before, Hen's attitude might have been completely different.

When Blanca sat at her desk, she was actually admiring the beautiful picture in the direction of the bedroom.Now Danzhu and Cangxuan are lying at the foot of the bed and huddled under the quilt. They are so exhausted that they can’t lift their hands and can only lazily watch cartoons on the projection screen. The moon-white cheongsam on their bodies has long gone , the soft long hair was scattered on the sweaty body.In fact, Klein was not much better, she had the lowest injury and squeezed out her last strength to accompany Shen Liang into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

It can be seen how good the atmosphere in the room was from an angle that He couldn't see before.

But it's all girls here, so it doesn't matter.

Shen Liang held the dinner plate and knocked on the bedroom door.

It was like beckoning a cat, as soon as the table was knocked, all the girls stared at him, including Blanca.Although she looks like a married woman, Blanca is actually one of the cats fed by Shen Liang. Without him, she would either have to leave her work station to go to the cafeteria, or eat Mobius's exclusive mustard refreshing nutrient.

"Today's dinner is marinated tofu with caviar, braised spicy snail meat, black truffle lobster balls, dry-stir-fried shredded beef, and poached eggs with pickled peppers." Shen Liang opened the edge of the bed next to the big bed in the bedroom. A temporary dining table, put the dishes one by one, "There are two main dishes, fried rice with eggs and garlic bread. I have no time to cook soup for two hours, so I ordered a bowl of hibiscus soup with the leftover ingredients of stewed tofu."

Although the words were very ordinary, the boy still lifted his chin slightly proudly, because he was very satisfied with the bright appearance of the girls.

"It's not in vain that I deliberately threw away the doctor and rushed back. The toothbrush festival can only be held here. The chefs in the cafeteria are not as good as the doll's private kitchen! It's as good as the doll!" Crawling over from the bed, he took a bite of the lobster ball that Shen Liang picked up, and closed his eyes happily, "Thank you doll for feeding me!"

"I didn't want to feed you..." Shen Liang was stunned, but Cang Xuan also opened his small mouth, staring at him quietly, and then Klein also pulled his apron, and opened his mouth in an "ah" .

No boy can resist the little girlfriend's acting like a baby, Shen Liang endured it for a while, and laughed out loud.

Blanca looked at the affectionate look of the four little guys doting on each other, and clumsily picked up the chopsticks.

Mebius asked her a question before, that is why so many people fall in love with a boy who has little knowledge, experience and life experience.Blanca couldn't answer because she didn't understand it herself.

But she actually knows why Eve isn't annoying.

In fact, Eve is a very picky little wolf dog who is extremely difficult to raise.Pick this one, pick that one, eat fresh food, eat special ones, wear good-looking clothes, and have Eden or Wei Wei personally tailor them.He even washes his hair with a special shampoo according to his genetic ratio, otherwise he will be unhappy if his hair is frizzy.

But no one will dislike Eve's pickiness, because even if you give him something he doesn't like, at most he will still eat it with a frown, but he may not say thank you to you after eating.The most important thing is that he knows what he wants, and he also knows what is good and what is not.

And when he thinks something is not delicious, it is because he knows how to cook it. If he feels that the food made by a guardian cannot meet his minimum requirements, he will cook it himself.If he thinks that you are not doing well enough, he will not just criticize you, but will do it himself.

Blanca didn't know why the child was so serious, even such a trivial matter as eating.

But this kind of earnestness that is never lazy is so attractive on a boy, so that even when he is frowning and picky, he will not be hated by others, and many people even like this little wolf dog's beautiful face. Disgusted expression comes.

And if a person, you look at him, you can fall in love with even his disgust, how can you escape?

"When are you going to marry Branca, baby? I heard that Branca used some tricks. You married Pado Blanca for ten years in your dream?"

"Blanca, I don't understand. When you were a lawyer, you didn't want to monopolize my junior brother. What do you mean by sharing with Patuo?"

"Ah, this..."

"Speaking of which, you haven't gotten along with Mr. Hen for so many years, have you? If this is put in some romance novel, the official partner will become our doll..."

"Hey baby, when did you marry me? You promised to find Patuo in ten years, what about me?"

"And I."

"Oh, oh, and Klein, you seem to like to bully Klein, by the way, tell me the truth... Are you being bullied by the doctor so badly that you take Klein as the doctor's meal replacement? Just right They're all green-haired, small, and look like female...sisters."

"Danzhu, what is a meal replacement?"

"Sister Danzhu, you eat vegetables!"

"Ha, I got it right..."

Late at night, Blanca's dormitory is still noisy today.


"Today's celebration banquet was great, baby." Someone said softly in the darkness.

"Are you still asleep, Blanca?" Shen Liang turned her head, looking at the beautiful face and her soft blue hair beside the pillow.There was a faint light from the curtains, and people could be seen clearly. On the bed, Danzhu and Cangxuan were falling asleep, and Klein rubbed into his arms.At this moment, only he and Blanca were awake, and Blanca smiled calmly.

"After zero o'clock, the celebration banquet is over." Blanca lifted the quilt and said softly, "I didn't eat anything at the banquet, but I need to trouble you to cook for us."

"Compared to the banquet, I still prefer to stay with everyone in the laboratory."

"It seems that my ten years of emotional intelligence training have not been in vain. You can at least speak nice words." Blanca smiled slightly.

"Everyone in the laboratory is here, and I am very happy when everyone is together."

"It's really an undisguised little Neptune speaking."

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