"Sorry, I've always been like that."

Blanca gently held Shen Liang's hand across the sleeping Danzhu Cangxuan.

"Such a day is very happy, but baby, you have to do what you say."

Shen Liang held her hand tightly.

He knew what Blanca meant, yes, he did what he said, although the manuscript was written by Klein, but he was very clear that it was everyone's expectation, and at the same time, it was also his expectation.

It is a human being, the expectation that a "son of man" should have.

——The Son of Man was born for all people, shining brightly in all darkness.

——His heart is that all should be saved, and that none should perish.

PS: I don't ask for votes, it's just that this book doesn't seem to be rewarded until now...

Volume 396 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 54 Chapter [-] Before you know it, baby, you have grown so big

In 2997, Firechaser became independent.

If there is history, history should give the Flame Chasing Moths a name for the organization that devoted all human efforts, because it is arbitrary, and it has billions of human resources but it deviates from the path set by human beings.They submitted their resignations to the United Nations, and escaped freely under the dumbfounded arguments and threats of all characters.

But history cannot leave infamy, and even history itself has not always existed.It's just that history has been recorded in the past thousand years, and many people take it for granted that the long river of history should not be diverted by people and should flow forever.

But the truth is nothing stays the same forever.

In that year, the continent in the middle of the earth, Mu Continent, sank in the Pacific Ocean.

That was also the moment when 40 billion human beings experienced the power of "God" for the first time. Under the ecstasy that the Herrscher of Knowledge did not cause any disasters, the people thought that the long-awaited peace had finally come.

But the sinking of the Mu Continent shattered everything. Even though the Fire Moth issued a warning in advance and evacuated the entire continent, when the Herrscher of Rock erupted in Gaotian with supreme power, Mu who was on the plane and cruise ship The people of the mainland, looking back, they only saw the deep blue sea swallowing everything, and the broken walls rising from the center of the ocean.

In 97, Yanglu was destroyed, every family felt the pain of zombies, and every room felt howling mourning.The spring swallows return, and there are no trees in their nests.

In the same year, the United Nations blamed each other, international relations were crumbling, Asia was divided and attacked, European countries plundered each other, major cities were strictly guarded against each other, wars broke out, and human civilization was almost torn apart.

The world is in chaos.

People of insight are worried, thinking of the fire moths, a national salvation organization affiliated to the United Nations. When this building is about to collapse, only the fire moths who have been fighting against the collapse from the beginning to the end can take over the banner of the savior.

As a result, the government trapped in civil strife found a reason, forced the army to force the moths to send troops, and under the banner of fighting for justice, asked the fire-chasing base to disclose all research results and donate fusion fighters to guard each human being separately. Cities, forcing the moths to surrender the so-called "hope of survival".

What is "the hope of survival", in fact, no one can explain clearly.But at this time, the people need a "hope of survival", and the moth that chases the fire should have it.

Along the way, this "King of Qin"-like army became more and more powerful, from government troops to mercenaries to ordinary people, and finally to Mu mainland, countless disaster victims also joined, and even formed a mighty refugee group that beat millions of people group.

They were interviewed all the way as they migrated, and the reporters who shouted "Save us" burst into tears. The refugees crossed their hands and stumbled in various languages ​​in front of the camera, begging for the birth of the flame-chasing moth.

When the refugees approached the city, the rockets bombarded the radar tower of the Fire Chaser Base and asked the Fire Chaser Moth to open the door.Looking down from the tunnel of Mount Kinabalu, there are refugees kneeling all over the mountains and plains. From Mount Kinabalu Park to the terraced fields of Kundasang, they are naked and haggard, and they have suffered heavy casualties along the way.They were not killed by the Herrscher of Rock, but the huge earth has no cities that can accommodate them, and no city has the resources to accommodate the population of a continent.

They traveled halfway across the world to bow down to the Flamemoth, and hunger, disability, and plague spread among them.Cameras from all over the world are staring at this place, at Zhuhuo, who has not opened the mountain gate.

Everyone is waiting for the choice of the fire moth.

History will not record the cruelty and irony of this scene. Some people expect the flame moth to come up with the results of saving the world, while others just regard it as a means to divert the pressure of domestic rebellion.Many people may not have heard of the name of this Asian military base, but under the propaganda of various ideas, everyone regards it as a life-saving straw.

Life-saving straws are best if they are useful, but if they are not, they can also be used to divert anger.

In fact, no one really cares about how the millions of refugees live outside the base, just as no leader really believes that a group of scientists can fight against the god-like Honkai apostles.Countless religions have sprung up during this period, but none of them can save the overwhelming despair. Rather, the more people believe in God, the more desperate they are, because God is destroying their hometown.

It's hard to say that they were looking forward to something while staring at the flame-chasing moth. More likely, they were just looking for a reason to despair, and then fell into a pre-apocalyptic madness.

And the history books will never record that under all the malice, the door opened.

A beam of light came out.

There was no god who would save them, who would stand up in the midst of this overwhelming despair—the Son of Man.

—is the child who chased the tinder.

In 2997, Asian New Year's Eve, Flame Chaser declared independence.

Eve, the Son of Man, drew out his sword and led 360 fusion fighters across the Himalayas. He set up a rock law on the Ganges Plain, flattened the tide of [-] beasts, and climbed to the top of the Qutub Minar in Delhi. Turning his head and throwing down the blood foam, the sword was cold. .

Feed on the blood of the Honkai Beast, use the core of the Law Taker for his own use, instantly kill and frighten the courage of the heroes, and stand alone in front of all nations.Facing the filming crew who broadcast the live broadcast to the world, the 1.4-meter-nine boy with black hair fluttered and smiled sweetly——

"Whether it's the United Nations or the nuclear bomb, if you want to survive, you must restrain yourself. From now on, the moth that chases the fire will change its master."

after that.

In the New Year season for Asians, when the old year is being said away and the new year is coming in, Mei, the commander-in-chief of the Fire Moth, has broken off diplomatic relations with the Supernatural Phenomenon Processing Center under the United Nations.

In February, 450 fusion fighters broke diplomatic ties with the military of various countries and remained out of contact.

In March, 2 five researchers were declared stateless.

In mid-March, the Fire Chasing Council announced that it was unable to control the Fire Chasing Base, and Commander Mei announced that the members of the Council who were unwilling to accept the new concept of the Flame Chasing Moth would be expelled from the country.

In May, the Flaming Moth delivered a speech, defining fusion fighters as the minimum nuclear deterrent strategic individual soldiers, and asked all countries to face the Flaming Moth with an equal attitude.

In September, Flaming Moths dispatched fusion fighters, and when the North American government was unprepared, they razed the Twin Towers, the largest human city landmark in North America, to show punishment for the country's rude words.

In October, Eve, the son of man, took over as the deputy commander-in-chief of Moth Chasing Fire, and led thousands of troops to cross the Yarlung Zangbo River, pacify 600 million square kilometers of land in East Asia, and kill the Honkai Beast without counting, and the land will be red for thousands of miles.The fusion fighters come out together, like a god soldier descending into the world, and the land of Asia returns to human hands.

The countries were silent, and since then, there has been no voice of doubt about the independence of the moth.

In February [-], Eve, Son of Man's social account had more than [-] million subscriptions, ranking first on the subscription list, and also maintained the number one topic index.

In the same month, the United Nations of Age of Fire was disbanded.

In April, the Tenth Herrscher incident broke out, and the dominant Herrscher turned into a thousand people.This Honkai incident is the weakest and oolong in the record of Moth of the Fire.More than [-] of the [-] Herrschers had undergone genetic fusion with the Son of Man, and the moment they were selected and eroded, because the Herrscher was less adaptable than the Son of Man, the Son of Man directly took away the core of the Herrscher.

The remaining [-] Herrschers of Domination were also accused by the Sons of Man because of the mutual induction of the Herrschers of Domination, and the disaster was extinguished before it even started.

In June 11, the No.[-] Herrscher incident broke out. The Herrscher of Restraint can deprive the Houkai energy and bioelectricity within a radius of [-] kilometers.Son of Man used Feather Dust to control the Herrscher, and then frozen the battlefield with the dormancy of all things, and assisted the first fusion fighter, Kevin, to kill him from a long distance.

Because of the Son of Man's perception of the Herrscher, the city was evacuated, resulting in less than a hundred deaths.

In January 3000, the No.12 Honkai event broke out.Fusion Warrior Sakura's younger sister Ling was imprisoned for being suspected of No.12 Herrscher, and was later fused and absorbed by the Son of Man. Analysis revealed that Herrscher's ability is a virus that controls biological and electronic devices.

In the same month, Son of Man got engaged to famous singer and queen Eden.

Son of Man's social account subscriptions fell by nearly 3000 million, Tianhou Eden's social account subscriptions fell by nearly [-] million, and the topic index remained the first.

In February, the Son of Man regained West Asia.

In the same month, she got engaged to Fusion Warrior Padoferis and No.12 Herrscher Bell.

The fluctuation of social account subscriptions stopped falling, and the topic index remained the first.

In April, the Sons of Man regained the plains of Siberia.

In the same month, she got engaged to her childhood sweethearts Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan.

In July, Australia was recovered.

In the same month, she got engaged to Fusion Fighters Sakura and Hana.

Social account subscriptions are on the rise, and the topic index remains the first.

In September, South Africa was recovered.

In the same month, she got engaged to Fusion Warrior Wei Wei.

In December, Africa was recovered.

All of social media, at this moment, is used to it.

Where the sun and the moon shine, and where the rivers and rivers go, they will all return to the land of man!



The rooftop on the seventh floor of the Ivy Hotel, because it is a presidential suite, is equipped with a private swimming pool rooftop.

It was still considered winter at this moment, even in Hawaii the temperature did not exceed ten degrees, so it was quite cold outside naked.But there are still people just lying on the beach chairs by the pool, naked and wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, with their eyes closed and blowing the cool evening breeze.

With a creak, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony were pushed open, followed by a helpless smile from the woman.

"Everyone is looking for you down there. We're having barbecue tonight, but you're not here. I knew right away that you ran into my room again."

The boy turned his head away, and the beauty reflected in the woman's eyes made her a little dazed.A head of long black hair above the waist, soft bangs hanging in front of innocent red eyes all the time, white and thin collarbone, making people breathless alluringly.

He is probably just in his adolescence, and he is even a little immature, but even if he has not yet grown up, the softness he shows is already thrilling.Women know very well that the most indispensable thing in Flaming Moths is a first-class beautiful girl, but all girls are a bit eclipsed in front of boys.

But Mei didn't feel that she was being compared, because this young man who was so perfect that people couldn't take his eyes off had a close relationship with all the girls.

Shen Liang didn't reply, but just blinked.

Mei sighed again, walked behind him, took off her woolen overcoat and put it on the boy who was blowing in the cold wind, "You still don't want to have dinner with Kevin?"

"Brother Kevin likes to stick his beard in my face. If it was ten years ago when I was a child, it would be fine. Now I am also the face of the flame moth, the deputy commander. He still hugs me in front of the reporters. Get up and rub me with stubble... oh." Shen Liang's tone was calm, but still helpless.

"You are not a child anymore? Has your appearance changed in the past ten years?" Mei rubbed his long black hair and smiled, "Kevin is not young anymore, we are different from you, he is both 30 People who are over the age of [-]... Heh, there are a lot of beards. We are all getting old, but you can't do it, baby."

As soon as the word "grow old" came out, Shen Liang's fingers trembled slightly.

He didn't like the word because he wouldn't grow old, it seemed to separate him from them.

"This is not a good thing." Shen Liang said in a low voice, "If possible, I also hope to grow up with everyone."

"No, everyone in the base is a bad woman who looks at her face, and the doll looks like this, so everyone follows the doll wholeheartedly." Mei chuckled, "Anyone can grow up, but you can't, um, after all these years, I understand more and more why Ellie cultivated you so much."

"Mei is not old." Shen Liang looked into her eyes and stroked her cheek.Mei was stared at by the boy's bright red eyes, her face was slightly hot, she could only look away, and whispered: "You're really old."

"30 years old is the most attractive period for a woman. In my eyes, Mei is not old at all." Shen Liang stubbornly turned his face to face himself, looking at the panic-stricken black-haired mature sister Yu, Then she tilted her head and said calmly, "Please believe me, my aesthetic standards are very high, so since I like Mei, Mei is the most beautiful girl."

"Baby, you..." Mei couldn't stand this look, she struggled for a while, and finally she couldn't move, and slowly softened.Then she realized that she had also sat on the beach chair unknowingly, holding the boy in her arms.

Shen Liang raised her face and kissed her earlobe.

Mei gritted her teeth and dared not speak.

But skipping this topic, Mei rubbed her ears, brought up another matter, and said with a smile: "Recently, everyone in the base is discussing you. You have been too high-profile in your work this year. It will be too late to conquer a continent." Officially announced an engagement on a social platform... Last time, a few old people accused me of being so high-profile that you might ruin our atmosphere of chasing fire moths, the son of a dignified man, my deputy commander, and the eyes of girls all over the world! The son of a man who is not stained by mud...you have disillusioned many people in the end."

Shen Liang knew what she was talking about.

Disillusionment can indeed describe the Internet in the past year.The wailing caused by the word disillusionment can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

Because Shen Liang is the "son of man" who is the external face of Moth of the Flame, he is young, beautiful and very powerful, and he is originally the image of the savior carefully designed by Mei and others.From the time he appeared in the eyes of outsiders, the Son of Man was perfect in every way.

But Shen Liang has really grown up after all, he often does things according to his own opinion.He didn't care about being a perfect savior at all. Rather, he was so arrogant that he took back the lost land as a gift for his girlfriend's engagement.

"I promised to give them a serious wedding. I think seriousness should at least be 'public'." Shen Liang said with a smile, "If I happen to have the ability to let the whole world know that I am getting married, then why not What? I don't care about other people's feelings, May, I only care about yours."

Mei's heart almost missed a beat.

But she couldn't help laughing.

"So...my second-in-command must sneak into my room while everyone is grilling?"

"Because your second-in-command misses you, Mei." Shen Liang pressed her forehead and whispered, "Your second-in-command can't bear it anymore, commander-in-chief, when can we be together?"

Volume 397 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 55 Chapter 13 Fire Chasing How Can There Be a Prince of [-] Years! ?

The water is rippling.

After all, the temperature was still too cold. Although Shen Liang thought there was nothing wrong with it, she was forced by Mei to jump into the pool, because the water temperature was higher than the outdoor temperature in this season, especially in the evening.

With Shen Liang's character, he has always disliked being treated like a child, but he has to get used to it over the years. Humans have the instinct to judge each other by their appearance.No matter how many years, no matter how far he has grown, in the eyes of Mei or other women who provided him with genes, he will always be that weak, estranged and well-behaved boy.

Or you can put it another way.

Shen Liang has been in the hands of these nine "women at home" from the beginning to the end. To be precise, he has not escaped from the control circle of these nine people until now. His social interaction, experience, growth, and three views Everything was built by Mei et al.In their eyes, Eve is amazingly well-behaved, even adolescent rebellion is rare, so they love her even more.

But for Shen Liang, he really didn't need to escape the so-called "circle of control".

From the very beginning, his lifestyle revolved around the nine Primarchs who loved him, so he had a deep understanding of his future destiny from an early age.Rather than saying that he was not rebellious to the nine girls, it is better to say that he has been thinking about and launching a grooming training that lasted for more than ten years since he was a child.

It is not too difficult to transform themselves into what they like most in ten years.Shen Liang didn't care about their control over him, after all he didn't need anything else in his life.

He is the "Eve" of nine girls, and he only needs to be "Eve".

But the happiest thing in the world is that Shen Liang doesn't need to pay expectations, and Mei and others' pampering is far more than what he expected.Some people say that unconditional doting is like an abyss, but the feeling of falling into the abyss with mutual doting and embracing is always very beautiful.

——Doting that will get a response, or doting?

Mei sat by the pool, her slender legs wrapped in black stockings poked into the pool, she shuddered, then looked at the boy lying on the edge of the pool, and chuckled softly: "This is not a deep water area."

Of course, Shen Liang knows that this is not a deep water area, the deep water area is 180 cm, but even at the junction of the shallow water area and the deep water area, he can't reach the bottom, so he can only barely raise his face while kicking on the water, like a floating body. The little goldfish who came to take a breath.

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