Mei took out the terminal to take a picture of this scene and then set it as the wallpaper. Then she let the terminal float up, turned on the selfie mode, and stared at herself on the screen.

She touched her face.

The black-haired tall slender sister Yu on the screen is still very bright, her face without makeup is firm and fair, and she is still delicate when pinched.Even though she was over [-] years old, her figure was still the envy of all girls. Her breasts, which were so plump that her work uniform could hardly cover them, exposed the grooves that made Mei feel embarrassed. Her waistline and legs were still slender and free of fat.

The age of 30 is the perfect time for a well-maintained woman, and Umeben has been a well-known school belle from college to now, even now she still looks young.Just like Kevin has obviously entered the middle age and is a handsome uncle, many people will believe her when she says that she is a sibling in front of the doll.

In fact, Mei also understands that it is precisely because she subconsciously hopes that she and the doll will remain a good match in the eyes of outsiders, so she cares so much about her appearance.And it was precisely because she was with that little wolfdog every day and enjoyed his warmth that she was unable to grow old.

Mei looked at her dignified and beautiful self in the mirror, and sighed again.

——Although it is so, it is precisely because of this that this little wolf dog has been dishonest...and full of jealousy.

Mei gently paddled the water surface with her feet, and put a stick on the naked chest of the boy in the water, feeling the only warm skin in the cold water.

For some ulterior reason, although Mei has everything she wants from Shen Liang in most cases, she only requires that this relationship must be hidden, and cannot be made public like Alicia and Eden.

Even if they have taken the last step for ten years, and they know each other deeply, but this is the only thing that she does not allow Shen Liang to act willfully.May's close relationship with him is unknown except for nine trusted guardians.

But now, even though the Son of Man is gradually taking over the base, has even disclosed the engagements of several ambiguous objects, and is already the next commander-in-chief of the fire-chasing base...Mei is still hiding.

Mei couldn't meet Shen Liang's expectant gaze. She knew that this child wanted to legitimize their relationship, make it public, and even enter into a marriage contract and announce it proudly to the world.But... In any case, Mei still believes that the overall situation is the most important thing.

"What is the overall situation that matters?" Shen Liang said angrily, bubbling bubbles in the water.

"The big picture is..." Mei helplessly touched the boy's long wet hair, hesitated for a while, but still couldn't say anything, so she could only whisper, "Okay, baby, don't be so jealous. Look, The whole world knows that you are my deputy commander. Your office is next door to mine, and a hidden bedroom is built in between. I am your girlfriend, and you sit in my arms every day at work. Isn't that enough?"

"You don't need to emphasize that I sit in your arms to work. The normal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is that you sit in my arms."

"But I can't sit with you..."

"Don't attack me personally!"

Seeing the aggrieved look of the little wolf dog about to jump out of the water, Mei laughed out loud.Then she grabbed Shen Liang's armpits with both hands, and picked him up by the buoyancy of the water, allowing him to lie on her lap.

At this time, the water droplets on his body wet the delicate black stockings on Mei's thighs. Mei touched his face, brushed his long hair aside, and said softly, "Why are you suddenly so sensitive today, and still sulking?"

Mei knew a lot about the little wolf dog she raised.Shen Liang is usually jealous for various reasons, but he is very straightforward. When he is jealous, he will never be unhappy by himself, but immediately tell the other party that he is unhappy with his actions.

Everyone likes Shen Liang's straightforward style, he doesn't need to guess his mind, even if he is jealous, he can immediately make up for it... The disadvantage is that his actions often don't consider other people's opinions, maybe others haven't figured out himself Why did the little boyfriend drag him away angrily when he made him angry?

"I'm not sulking, it's just that Kevin and the others are watching the horse race below, and I'm not in the mood to be together." Shen Liang rested his chin on Mei's black stockings, smelling the faint smell of knitted fabric from her new clothes.

"Excuses," said May.

Again, she knows Shen Liang too well, she can feel the subtle emotions of her doll very keenly.Shen Liang couldn't tell a lie in front of her, or Shen Liang couldn't tell a lie in front of his nine sisters. These people were very affectionate with him all the time and knew him better than him.Every time the boy's duplicity will be pointed out directly, it has been tried and tested.

"Even if you don't like watching horse races, it's good to go down and accompany them. You sneaked into my room on purpose. Of course you have something to say." Mei slowly guided her. When dealing with Shen Liang, she was as persuasive as a close sister.

It's not that she is impatient with others, but that she will always show her most gentle and patient side to Shen Liang.Sometimes Mei herself can't figure out whether this is based on the tenderness of love between men and women or the tenderness of motherhood.

So did she date the little robot boy or was she picked up by the boy?

"Okay." Shen Liang is indeed a character who won't be able to quarrel for long. He rubbed his cheek against Mei's thigh, and said in a somewhat reluctant tone, "It's mainly some unpleasant public opinions. In fact, these public opinions have already For a long time."

"Internet public opinion? Don't you dislike watching this?"

"I just generally don't read about me, but I often read about you." Shen Liang said, "I don't like these sayings very much. Under the official account of Fire Chasing Moth, people often say that you are Fire Chasing Moth Empress, and Kevin is the General of the Flaming Moths."

Shen Liang paused, "These troublemakers have a saying called pulling CP. Many people think that Mei, you and Kevin are a good match, and that one black and one white style complement each other."

It was only then that Mei realized that this little guy had been sullen and hiding in her room tonight, and couldn't help but smile, but when she saw Shen Liang's unhappy expression, she quickly suppressed the smile and put on a serious expression.

But I still want to laugh!

Sure enough, he is still immature and unsteady, even if he is now a glorious "son of man", he will still be shut down by the public opinion turmoil on the Internet.She was happy and angry at the same time for no reason, happy because the doll was still so cute after so many years, she was extremely important to her, and she was even jealous for no reason.The annoyance is that after so many years, this little guy is still a little guy. He has only grown up with experience, but his heart has not improved at all.

But the corners of Mei's mouth that could not help but rise proved that she was very happy.

——That's it, this possessive desire that makes people feel safe...the possessive desire that makes people know that they will never be left behind no matter what, and will always be loved...childlike possessive desire.

Mei picked up a glass of orange juice to suppress her expression, and said seriously, "Seriously speaking, if one black and one white are called complementary styles, we both have black hair and should be called unified styles. According to this logic, we are more reasonable, right?"

Shen Liang opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Mei had no choice but to continue to comfort him: "Baby, you don't need to care about Kevin so much, you have already got me, as an emotional winner, you should have the margin of a winner. You should know that I am far enough away from Kevin, Even, he should also feel my alienation... It's just that some things cannot be made public, we should consider the overall situation, after all, you also know that Kevin is still willing to stay here, largely because of me."

She was a little ashamed when she said this. Although she had hinted at Kevin many times, she still dared not disclose her relationship with Shen Liang to show Kevin's intentions.As the most powerful fighter in the entire Fire Moth, Kevin is one of the ultimate guarantees against Honkai, and its importance is self-evident.

Although she has always shown a gesture of refusal, Kevin's perseverance is beyond imagination. It seems that as long as she does not have her boyfriend Kevin for a day, she will not give up her offense.For this reason, Mei had to relocate the office and laboratory to the A1 area, try to keep the non-task non-contact as much as possible, and gradually weaken the enthusiasm in his heart.

Over the years, the results have appeared. Kevin has less and less contact with her. Maybe Kevin will gradually find other reasons to fight for the fire... But there are still people who are full and full outside. , Now I have to overturn the little vinegar jar.

"Baby, you have already been engaged to many people, but in fact, everyone is a blank slate in terms of feelings. Whether it is Eden, Padu, or Weiwei, regardless of how young you are, you are even their first love. When I met them They all thought that such excellent people as them might be lonely for the rest of their lives. So there is no problem for them to be engaged to you or even get married. Their life is very simple and they only need to think about each other. But baby, I am different, I need to think about chasing fire The future of the moth, you and I will cause an uproar publicly, let’s not talk about Kevin, the commander-in-chief of the moth and the deputy commander who is similar to nuclear weapons are actually lovers..."

Mei was slightly startled as she spoke, because Shen Liang on her knees rested his hands on his chin, staring at her quietly, the stars all over the sky were reflected in his red pupils.

"Baby, are you in a hurry?" Mei said softly, "Did I make you feel insecure?"

"Because it might be too late."

"It's too late for what?" Mei didn't ask this sentence, of course she knew what Shen Liang was talking about.

Even though the young man in front of him has successively surrendered the Herrscher of Knowledge, the Herrscher of Rock, the Herrscher of Domination, the Herrscher of Constraint, and the Herrscher of Corrosion at a cost that is almost undamaged, the increasingly powerful Herrscher's ability is obvious to all, and the more It is the gene of the fusion Herrscher, and Shen Liang can perceive more and more things.

Just as Alponia predicted, sooner or later, the fire-chasing civilization will usher in the day of judgment.

Even the "son of man" does not know whether he can face such a future.

"If there is a day that is too late, let's do it at that time." Mei said with a smile, "Why bother to think about getting engaged, isn't it very romantic to use the end of the world as our wedding?"

Shen Liang pouted.

"But speaking of it, those people compared me to a queen and Kevin to a general, what about you?" Mei suddenly patted his face jokingly, "Our most glorious 'son of man', you still don't like me?" Didn't you say it?"

Shen Liang's face froze, and he turned his head away, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Be obedient and speak quickly."

Shen Liang's little face was flushed, and after struggling for a long time, she gritted her teeth bitterly and said, "...the crown prince supervises the country."

As soon as this word full of East Asian culture was uttered, Mei was startled at first, and then finally couldn't hold back her laughter and laughed, "Well...hahaha, the prince supervises the country, the prince supervises the country...too vivid! Why are you angry, baby , Isn’t this very realistic? Well, are you an angry moth who has been crowned prince for 13 years? Want to usurp my position?”

PS: Why does Mei feel a bit more bitter than Mei?

Volume 398 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 56 Chapter [-] The Boss Runs Below, The Doll Runs Above

Of course, there are princes who have supervised the country for 13 years, and there are also princes who have been in charge for 64 years.But the point is not here.

"I don't want to be called the second-generation prince or something. If I have to say it, I am no less than anyone else in actual combat." Shen Liang squeezed his chin depressedly, "If Brother Kevin is a general who fights on the front line, I will at least follow him." Yujia personally conscripted, every Herrscher has to take out the core, otherwise I can't transport people back to the base..."

"Yujia's personal conquest refers to the emperor. It's okay for me to say that, but you are not worthy of the baby."

"Who can? Her Majesty has lived in seclusion and never set foot on the battlefield, and now she still wants to take credit for the war, right?"

"Don't worry about these gossips on the Internet. It just means that everyone thinks the doll is cute. You must know that based on your mainstream reputation on the's already very face-saving for everyone not to call you Princess Jian Guo." Mei She lazily stretched out her foot to step on his chest, borrowed the buoyancy of the water to lift Shen Liang to the surface of the water, and then sank down again, watching him spitting bubbles up and down with a smile, "And for the doll, this should be very satisfactory. , um... You see, according to the Internet, isn’t it that the general who loves the queen is out fighting all day long, while the beloved little prince who is deeply trusted by the prison is assisting the queen in the deep palace, working day and night, with a beautiful face and golden steps? Shake, from now on the king will not go to court early..."

"Mei, you don't seem to have taught me so many Asian idioms... Please explain it clearly to me who is so beautiful!"

Shen Liang held down the porcelain panels on both sides of Mei and jumped out of the water angrily, and pushed the giggling black long straight female doctor to the edge of the pool, and the water splashed up.Mei covered her chest with her hands, and looked at Shen Liang with a smile on her face.

Looking at each other, water droplets slowly dripped down along the wet long hair and muscle lines, dripping on her decent uniform skirt and pantyhose.

Without warning, Mei remembered many things.Among them, there is not only the scene where the child did not cry or fuss when he was born, he just looked at the world quietly, and there was a scene where he exposed his possessiveness for the first time when he was checked, and simply showed his love to her in the way of a child.But time flies, and now the little wolf dog is already alone...

Looking at it this way, Doll is already strong. Although his appearance is still immature, he still looks like a younger brother who can be bullied in front of them... But he has become strong, strong enough to not hide his desire, strong enough to declare openly Sovereignty, so strong that one person can represent the power of the moths, is also strong enough to protect them.

Today's youth's will is hard to question, he is no longer looking down at you like that weak Chinese pastoral cat, but a real wolf cub.Even her body, which was as white as jade and comparable to a girl's, had obvious muscular lines, covered with scars that even Heiyuan Baihua couldn't heal.He is no longer a prince who expects you to hug him, but a young king who embraces you and won't allow you to refuse.

Mei's heart softened inexplicably, and she opened her mouth slightly, "Baby..."

Without needing much words, Shen Liang stretched out his hand to grab her tie and pulled it. Mei's white shirt was unbuttoned naturally. The buttons couldn't stretch her proud chest at all, and they popped out with a crackling force.

"By the way, baby, Sakura, when are you going to get engaged? Is it because of... Ling?"


"Why don't you speak?"

"Brother Jie... is very kind to me."

"Thousands of calamities? What's the deal with him... Well, doll..."


"You are really sinful, I thought... oh!"

"But, I came first."

"Baby... how many times have I said it, please don't look innocent and wronged..."

"Pay attention, Mei, fusion fighters have very good hearing."

"You little bastard!"


The night scene in Hawaii is very lively. In addition to the bonfire barbecue party, beach dance performances, and the governor's speech, the most interesting thing is the horse race.Every race season, the betting funds for horse races here exceed 1000 billion credits. Even in the atmosphere of the end of the world, the place is bustling with people. After all, rich people are still rich even in the end of the world.

Groups of young people hold barbecue parties here, under the big parasols are boxes of champagne and rock sound equipment.The group vacations of the Firemoths always choose Hawaii, and this time the visit is even more massive, with more than a hundred fusion fighters here. The safety of the tourists here today may even be as safe as living in the Firechaser Base .

Because the fusion fighters have good physical fitness, they are basically handsome men and beautiful women, and they quickly merged with the tourists.There are people everywhere in beach shorts, bikinis, and even at night, wearing a coat at most, enjoying the vacation life.

"Master Qian, the grilled squid is almost ready~" Pa Duo waved the wooden stick in his hand and said loudly, "I want one!"

"My surname is not Qian! How many times have I said that? Are you finding fault?"

"Sakura wants one too!"

Qian Jie snorted out of his nose and sneered again. He grabbed a handful of live squid from the water tank next to him and slammed them on the sticks, then pressed them on the iron grill of the grill. Charcoal is burning!

Pa Duo hugged Sakura's arm, staring at the charcoal fire in the stove boredly, "Look, brother Jie is just stubborn, I just said that he actually likes to work as a master. Look at what he gave to those children. We have been grilling skewers for free for several hours, and we don’t get off work at all, and the curses are fierce, but the corners of our mouths are actually grinning.”

"Qianjie...Thinking about it, maybe he has always liked children." Sakura said.

"Can he not like children? He has been a golfer who is always on call with Dolls. To be honest, sometimes I am worried that Brother Jie has some unreasonable thoughts about our Dolls... …After all, Sister Ying, look, dolls are more beautiful and cute than girls, and Brother Jie likes children, isn’t he just poking his strike zone? What if Brother Jie is so beastly playing basketball one day? When I took the doll away, I feel that the doll has no ability to resist..."

"Are you a pet cat who wants to die? I can hear you!" Qian Jie who was grilling without looking back threw out a wooden stick to wipe Pa Duo's ears and flew over, and was grabbed by Sakura, scaring her. She made a meow and hid behind Sakura and shivered.

At this time, Kevin, who was dealing with a few tourist fans in swimsuits, signed their names coldly, turned around, and asked, "Where's Eve?"

This vacation can be regarded as a joint name with Hawaii. The "Son of Man" who is the face of the flame moth shook hands with the governor and took a photo with the governor yesterday, showing a bright business smile and cheering from the crowd below.Coolness is also the focus of today's barbecue party. So many people flew to Hawaii to buy tickets to participate in the barbecue party just to see him, but he was not there, so they had to ask the handsome guy Kevin to top the tank first.

But the problem is that Kevin and Eve are not in the same style. Although they both have a high number of fans, Eve follows the unisex, innocent and cute style of Precure, the pure savior style. Kevin is a taciturn special attack on young girls who have gone through vicissitudes. Handsome uncle style.

The two people are targeting different groups, and Kevin cannot meet the expectations of all tourists.

"I haven't seen him anywhere, you know the boss, Eve is a little one, who can find a cat in any cabinet?" Patuo shrugged, "He doesn't like to meet strangers, yes, he is afraid of strangers."

"Scared?" Kevin was silent.

"I'm just kidding, but Doll really doesn't like this kind of public occasion. He really hates pretending to others. How should I put it, he said that he is disgusted by pretending to be innocent and cute to the media every day."

"People always have several faces."

"But Boss, you are also indifferent to the media, which is no different from how you usually treat us."

Kevin was speechless, then sighed lightly, and looked at the bustling tourists on the beach.

"Flame Chasing Moths is already a public organization, and the image of each of us is also very important... But in my opinion, Eve does need a little change, he needs a little manliness."

Wei Wei, who was passing by with a wine glass, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Kevin, if you don't investigate, you don't have the right to speak, okay? What you said... Do you know how masculine dolls are usually?"

Kevin was startled, and then Wei Wei sneered, "You will never see him when he is the most manly."

Kevin understood in silence for a while, and about five seconds later he understood, and the man with a face as hard as ice was slightly at a loss.

"However, you make no secret of it. The high-profile engagement to Eve actually hurts your external image."

"Damage? Damage to what?" Wei Wei shrugged, "Is it the image of the base that is damaged, or the image of the doll? I know Mei's intention of making the doll a savior, but ordinary people make the doll into some spotless little The prince is purely their own problem, isn't it? Presumptuously disappointed because we got engaged to a doll or something, uh, but we're not business idols."

At this time, Patuo couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered: "Actually, Doll's reputation has gradually improved. At the beginning, many people cried and shouted that they had graduated from youth, but more and more dolls got engaged and everyone accepted it." The character design of the's us who are going down in reputation."

"Us?" Wei Wei was taken aback, "We have nothing to say, we haven't been publicized much except for the dolls, have we?"

"Many people think that the baby is still a pure and ignorant child, but the big sisters around him are all bastards who are greedy for his body, and they make themselves the fiancee of the son of man through robbery, robbery, cheating and abduction. After all, the baby looks like it is only on your shoulders. Gao and you do look like a bad woman, this kind of talk is rampant."

"What do you mean I'm a bad woman, don't you too!"

"But in short, if you think that if Eve, the Son of Man, gets engaged, everyone will just cry, but more and more people are engaged, and they are all the sisters around him. The baby then drains all of his value from the magic cave in various senses, if the whole world doesn’t have nothing to do with our fusion fighters, the number of fans with the baby’s over [-] million can form an army to clear the king’s side.”

Wei Wei opened her mouth, trying to refute something but still couldn't refute.

At this time, Kevin, who had been listening for a long time, finally said coldly: "Let's get back to the topic, Eve is indeed a bit lacking in masculinity under your training, I am not belittling his ability, on the contrary, I appreciate Eve's recent growth , What he needs now is not to change himself, but to change the environment in which he lives.”

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