"Boss, do you see that we are upset..." Pa Duo said weakly.

"Eve has been with you for 13 years, let's see how you educated him? Let's not talk about how you educated and developed this relationship, but talk about your style over the years!" Kevin said when he became serious. Tough, even Sakura could only put down his wine glass and straightened up the frightened Patuo to listen, "As the son of a majestic man, he should have been vigorous and resolute since he was a child, but what are you doing? Change him into new research clothes every day, and teach him hand in hand." How does he cook, he can't even sleep alone, you have been raising him like a daughter for so many years... I must say that I was negligent at first, I think it is more suitable for children to be taken care of by women, but now It seems that Eve's growth trajectory has been messed up by you."

"At least we haven't taught him how to make up yet..."

"You still want... Huh, it seems that it was Mei's mistake to hand Eve to you at the beginning." Kevin let out a breath and said coldly, "In fact, it should have been three years after Eve was born, when the body and mind entered puberty. Leave him in the hands of May and me, May can teach him how to do things right and I can teach him how to fight like a man."

"I don't think you're doing this, Boss, as if you want to educate the doll, but you just want to take this opportunity to spend more time with Sister Mei..." Patuo muttered in a low voice, "And our education is pretty good, although I don't know what it means to be like a doll. Men fight like that', but the doll's fighting power is not bad."

As she spoke, she was suddenly taken aback.

The battle of the dolls... Capture the Herrscher in an intimate way that the Herrscher cannot refuse?This way of fighting... It's hard to say that it's not because of the habit of getting along with them for a long time.

If he had been with Kevin since he was a child, the baby might not have reached the point of this little sea king. He would be cold, indifferent, and forcefully tear open the Herrscher's skin and take out the core, in the most violent way... ...In that case, they would lose a dozen rivals in love. The group of herrscher girls who are eating and waiting to die are clearly enemies, but they are enjoying the treatment of sons of men and girlfriends. The more I think about it, the more I get annoyed!


Pa Duo thought about it carefully, and it seems...compared to that kind of future, this doll that even Herrscher can be gentle with... is better.

Well, it's definitely better than following the boss. What if the baby learns to be single-minded after following the boss?This pet cat of hers still has to seize the identity of her fiancée!

"So Boss, you said that you are not going to bring the doll yourself?" Patuo blinked.

Silence again.

Kevin looked up at the starry sky, "It's just my regret to say these things now. Eve's three views have been formed. He will probably never be able to get rid of this delicate and beautiful body, but fortunately he has a heart like a lion."

"It seems that you have great hopes for the doll, Boss."

"May entrusts the child of hope, and I will naturally do the same."

Patuo hesitated to speak, and secretly glanced at Ying, who lowered her head.

Some secrets should be rotted in the stomach, even... in time.

It's really tangled to say that, with the unity and common goal of Chasing Moths, there shouldn't be any deceit and secrets, but this kind of thing is the only thing that doesn't work.One of the two sides is a long-time comrade-in-arms, and the other is a common little lover. It is not good to stand on either side, so I can only keep silent.

But in fact, everyone knows that keeping silent is already a kind of partiality.

But for Kevin, Eve is not an enemy. On the contrary, Kevin treats him like a vigorous junior, even though Mei identified Eve as the deputy commander-before that, everyone thought that the deputy commander should be It belonged to Kevin, the leader of the fusion fighters—he had never been dissatisfied, on the contrary, he and Eve cooperated tacitly in the battle, and the results were remarkable.

He never suspected Eve of anything.

In other words, even if he had slight doubts, he would feel that it was absurd, and then he would laugh it off.After all, who would think that a child who has been watched by you since wearing diapers will deprive you of something you have never dreamed of in your life.

Kevin looked back a few times, wondering: "Why isn't Mei here? It's almost time to stop betting in this horse race."

Patuo and Sakura shook their heads in unison.

After Kevin left to look for Mei, Patuo looked at the upper floors of the hotel behind and pouted at Sakura: "Sure enough, Mei didn't come down either."

"The doll isn't in his room, it's usually in May's."

"There's a swimming pool balcony up there. When Sister Mei went back, she specially changed into pantyhose of the doll's favorite style."

Sakura looked down at her smooth and slender legs.

"That's why the boss doesn't understand. He's running horses below, but the doll can run horses up there." Pa Duo wagged his tail and said enviously, "This is a vacation."

PS: Of course, you have to be happy when you are on vacation!

Volume 399·Fire-chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 57 Chapter [-] So I blame the teacher for the doll's poor study

This is a vacation.

The girls who are now enjoying the ocean and barbecue on the beach have mixed feelings and are aggrieved.

Although they are all vacations, who likes to travel, isn't vacation just to relax with the people you like?Now that the marriage contract is settled, the ambiguity that has been hidden all this time can finally be made public. You can wear a bikini and lead your underage boyfriend on the soft beach to enjoy the yearning or jealous eyes of other girls in swimsuits.

As a result, my fiancées who have confirmed their relationship with the Ming media are all staying here to deal with tourists, and the lovely Jian Guo Prince is busy and doesn't show his face.

It's so enraged that I want to say something, our prince has so many concubines, can you do it, your majesty?You can say hello anyway, we are all here on vacation, at least allocated according to needs or according to time, you see, what to do if you are tired by His Royal Highness, at least call us and ask us to go up to serve Take a look at the two dragon bodies...

Not only Patuo, but even Sakura smiled wryly in her heart.After all, although Flaming Moth is a research institution in name, but because Mei is deeply loved and is a genuinely talented scientist and beauty, she is simply the perfect superior.So the concept that she is the "Supreme Leader of the Flame Moth" is deeply ingrained, even though she is just an ordinary human being, even the fusion fighters are docile.

The entire Fire Chasing Moth sincerely agrees that Mei is the boss of Chasing Fire, so what does it mean for the commander-in-chief to monopolize a little wolf dog and the deputy commander to go back to the room to lick.Not to mention that she hasn't been exposed yet, even if she is exposed, everyone will only be shocked for a few minutes, and then immediately offer sincere blessings to Her Majesty the Queen and the little prince for the long-distance running of true love that the old and touching Prime Minister Bai knew from childhood to three years old.But then Boss Kevin would have to collapse...

Damn it, a leader can be unscrupulous because of his popularity. We not only have to bear with her that she can carry the doll into the hidden bedroom anytime and anywhere even when she is at work, but we also have to bother to cover her up!This feeling is great!It's so good that all the hair on my head is going to turn green!


At eight o'clock in the evening, he gently pushed away the little wolf dog hugging his waist, and then hugged him to get up and take a bath.

After that, the beautiful doctor in a semi-sheer black gauze nightdress sat down at the desk, took out the portable terminal and connected it to the server in the suitcase, and put on glasses to review the documents.

Then she looked in the direction of the bedroom and said with a chuckle, "Aren't you going to share some work with me?"

"You know that I can only lead soldiers to fight. What the people say about me is that the Law Master was not born, and the Son of Man was not born." Shen Liang, who was also wearing a loose white bathrobe and had just taken a shower, quickly shook his head and lay down on the bed Lazily looking at the miscellaneous books used for hotel decoration, "If you dare to approve these documents for me, half of the bio shares of Firemoth will plummet tomorrow."

"It's not that you haven't learned how to manage a large enterprise. You know more about the various experimental projects of Chasing Fire Moth than I do." Mei smiled lightly, "Besides, you have been sitting in my arms since you were a child and listening to me teach you macroeconomic and political theories. , hand in hand taught you by precept and deed till now, have you forgotten all about it?"

"The main thing is that I don't need to memorize it by rote. I don't care about work since my talents are all used to deal with herrschers. Besides, we didn't really finish a few classes in those years. I taught and taught. In the end it’s always..." Shen Liang scratched her curled long hair, a little embarrassed, "In short, I don’t have a deep impression, but the most impressive thing is the clothes you change every time you are a teacher. Maybe I was too old at that time. I'm not sensible... But the more you teach me, Mei, the more I am obsessed with the fragrance of your body, and I can't hold back..."


Mei adjusted her glasses, her smile became more gentle, "When I was teaching you, did you think about all of these?"

Shen Liang was recalling the beautiful past, when he heard this, he fell silent.

"Then it seems that you prefer the image of a female teacher who scolds you forcefully and pampers you gently?" Mei looked at the boy's expression that dared not make a sound, and said with a playful smile, "No wonder Wei Wei gave you a lecture. Is your grade better because she puts on your favorite pantyhose and teacher's outfit and brings out a ruler every time she goes to class? Hmm, eagerly expecting to be slapped by the teacher every day?"

"No! I don't!"

Mei laughed even louder.

Hey, what's so funny!At that time, I was young and ignorant, and I didn't even understand the concept of concealing desires, isn't that for sure!Just because I like to be beaten by the teacher doesn't mean I'm an M, okay? I'm a domineering S!It's really S!Wei Wei beat me up and I returned it right away! Believe me, I can bully her every time until I have a clone!

Shen Liang was so humiliated that her little face flushed, Mei endured it very hard for a while, to avoid making the little wolf dog so angry that she would simply use her to revive her husband, and then she settled down to approve the documents. In the bedroom, there was only crisp virtual keyboard typing hit sound.

After calming down, distracting thoughts are discarded.

Shen Liang lay on the bed and looked at Mei who was in a state of work. Mei is a person who clearly distinguishes between work and personal. As long as Shen Liang doesn't interfere with her on purpose, she can concentrate on her busy tasks.Apart from Mebius, she is the one with the highest work intensity in Fire Moth. Mebius relies on interest and the physical fitness of a fusion fighter, while Mei only relies on a high sense of social responsibility.

A sense of responsibility is a very boring thing, at least Shen Liang feels that he does not have this kind of attitude, so he respects Mei's attitude very much.Shen Liang silently stared at his teacher, boss, lover, and Her Majesty the Empress, looking at her white and smooth side face and focused eyes, the sweet air dissipated lightly.

It only takes a minute to change from the intimate beauty's bed partner to a female doctor who has no other distractions. This is Mei, and only such a rational and strong woman can shoulder the heavy responsibility of fighting against Honkai... because all her tenderness is given to her. Once outside Shenliang, it is as hard as gold to the outside world.

Shen Liang made a cup of warm pear tea in the kitchen and served it to her, then quietly opened the door and went out.

It was night, and it was completely dark.Shen Liang didn't bother to change clothes, anyway, a bathrobe is not an embarrassing attire on the beach, he walked on the cool beach, wearing stars and moons.

The beach is full of rubbish after the carnival, and service staff will come to pick up the rubbish at five or six o'clock the next day, and they won't work overtime at night.There are also some young tourists who are still in the mood, still wrapped in clothes, drinking and chatting next to the beach chairs. After the neon lights are turned off, there are only dim lights of various stranded tourist terminals, dotted with stars, and it is very quiet.

The sound of the sea tide can overwhelm other sounds. After walking a little farther, I met Qianjie and Cosmo who were drunk. When Cosmo saw him, he still grabbed him and said drunkenly, saying that the baby is me Watching you grow up, you are a moth that chases flames, everyone is afraid of melting in your mouth, I know it, but Dobia follows you, I really feel uncomfortable, you already have so much love for you If you have lost someone, just leave the opportunity to me, okay? I will definitely seize it this time...

Shen Liang hurriedly pulled up the bathrobe, this kind of clothes are tied with a belt around the waist and it is easy to fall off, he thought to himself, Brother Cosmo, you really should find a new girlfriend, this is not something you can't grasp, Dobia voted for me because she was desperate for you, and we have a good relationship. In a few days, she might not be willing to just be a pet girlfriend. To be honest, it's been ten years since you haven't let go. I really didn't expect it.

Qianjie next to him dragged Cosmo away while holding his forehead, his face was full of an expression of feeling ashamed.Shen Liang continued to walk forward until there were fewer and fewer people and the brightness became lower and lower.

He was sitting on a reef, and the waves beat against his feet, and it didn't matter because he walked barefoot all the way.Looking at the dark and vast sea, many people would be afraid, but Shen Liang calmed down for no reason.

Open your eyes and see the world In the past 13 years, he has been to many places and met many people.But there is really not much time to be alone like this. The fire moth pursues efficiency, and there is almost no gap for dazed and thinking about life, and even the rest time is raced against time.

Yes, Shen Liang's few hours after get off work and school are often divided among the girls. After all, it may take several weeks for everyone to wait for the moment to "eat the cake", but for the cake, it is just being eaten all the time.

Someone patted him, Shen Liang turned his head, a tall and handsome man stepped onto the rock, it turned out to be Kevin.

"Why didn't you come to the party, you disappointed many little girls." Kevin calmly lit the fire with his fingers, illuminating the faces of the two, he lit a cigarette, and said lightly, "What did you do just now? "

"Mei has [-] projects that are too late to make a watch, so I threw them to me." Shen Liang replied calmly, he was already very proficient in this kind of lying, although he didn't like lying, mature people had to be forced to learn to adapt.As for the impossibility of being seen through, this kind of reason is often thought of by Mei first, so that he really took a rough look at the fourteen plans to ensure that they are safe.

"Fortunately, you are here, baby. Like me, I can only look at the ocean and sigh in many things, and I can't help if I want to help." Kevin sat down cross-legged with his shoulders, "Actually, I told Mei that you are still very young. , It’s a little too hasty to start training you in the direction of the base command at this time. But Mei... Mei is just an ordinary person, and her workload is unreliable. If others can’t believe it, they can only rely on her words and deeds it's you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm the deputy commander after all."

"Aren't you wondering why I care so much about May?" Kevin said suddenly.

Shen Liang froze for a few seconds, and then suddenly became vigilant.

What does it mean?Suddenly said that this is ready for a showdown?Is your next sentence a bully declaration like "So baby, if you have self-knowledge, get out of Mei's side and I'll let you go"?

But Shen Liang's small face is still plain and flat. He has had a half-step facial paralysis since he was a child, and now he has matured a lot. As long as he wants to pretend to be calm, he can be calm and calm, and his expression management is excellent.

"Because Brother Kevin likes May?"

Kevin was taken aback, then laughed dumbly, patted him on the back several times, and said: "Even you can see it? Yes, although you are not very old, you are the little sea king of our base. You are better than me. I know a lot... Well, that’s right, probably many people know that Mei and I were alumni when we were in college. At that time, she published a lot of journals and was intoxicated in her studies. Although she looks like a local girl, she really is. Brilliant... I've had a crush on her since then."

Shen Liang pouted, he didn't want to hear other men talk about his relationship experience at all, especially since Kevin's sweetheart was the woman who woke up with him every day to say good morning to each other, it was a bit awkward to be honest.

"Although I have been pursuing it for so many years, there is no result at all. Anyone can probably see that this is not reserved but a rejection, but I am still not reconciled." Kevin said lightly, "Don't look at me. As it is now, I was also the Prince Charming who received a lot of love letters in school, and I thought at the time that I could catch it with my hands."

"After so many years, Brother Kevin still doesn't want to give up?"

"Think about it, but I always feel that men should pursue something. A long time ago, I was attracted by Mei's appearance of being intoxicated in scientific research. I think the most beautiful woman is intoxicated in her career. Later, I was obsessed with various salvation plans. I'm so attracted by Mei in the movie, I'm surprised that she, an ordinary person, an ordinary person who hasn't developed a brain, can conceive so many great stories. Fusion Warrior Project, Moonlight Throne Project, Aether Anchor Project, Stigmata Project, Sanctuary Plan, Fire Seed Project, God's Key Project, in the era when human beings are about to perish, she can think of so many amazing and brilliant things... including the birth of your 'Son of Man Project'."

Kevin looked at the night sky, "Think about what a beautiful person that is. I used to read storybooks and always found that when a nation or a civilization encounters a catastrophe, a 'great man' will suddenly be born and try to save the world. The civilization of the nation, try to help the building to collapse. There will be such a great person in every last era, as beautiful as a meteor passing through the sky... Mei is the shooting star of this era. I can’t think of anyone else worthy of love and pursuit except her. .”

These words made Shen Liang silent.

He actually realized that after more than ten years of pursuit, Mei has become detached in Kevin's heart. She is not just a woman, but a symbol of white moonlight, and may even be a symbol of salvation in his heart.What he loves is not only Mei, whom he cannot ask for, but also the future that represents Mei.

"But if I look at it, Mei... doesn't seem like someone who would indulge in love." Shen Liang said against his will, he forcibly suppressed the charming image of Mei indulging in it in his memory, and tried his best to persuade Kevin to turn around.

"Oh? By the way, you and Mei are the closest. A few years ago, you still needed Mei's company to sleep... In your eyes, Mei has this kind of personality?" Kevin turned his head interested.

Shen Liangxin said that everyone did a good job of keeping secrets, not only in the past few years, I just took a bath with her.

PS: The female doctor in the one-piece black silk white coat is awesome!

Volume 400 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 58 Chapter [-] The fate of the protagonist is to be rubbed in front of many people

As the evening wind blows, the man and the boy look at the sea side by side, and Kevin suddenly asks and answers to himself.

"Actually, the reason why I still have some hope for Mei is not purely wishful thinking. At least Mei has never been close to anyone, not even a woman, right." His tone was low, as if he didn't Take your word for it too much.

"Yes, May doesn't like that."

It's really funny to say that, in the eyes of outsiders, Mei is not close to anyone, and it is impossible for her to like men or women.In fact, the person she likes is by her side all the time, and they get along with each other day and night, but no one will believe it even if they tell it.

"You are with Mei every day, does she really have any underground lovers?" Kevin seemed worried, but it was a little embarrassing for a man in his 30s to ask a little boy like that, he coughed several times before asking .

Shen Liang shook his head lightly.

"It's really not close to human fireworks." Kevin sighed, and turned his head after he finished speaking, "But you kid... you are merciful in the base, why are so many people booking you? Fusion fighters Physical strength is terrifying. Now that you are young, you may not understand it. Will you be able to handle it when you get married? Tell the truth, are you provoking partners everywhere, or are those people forcing you to sign an engagement contract? I don’t care about the former , the one at the back...I've heard a lot of rumors recently..."

"What's the matter, Eden and the others talked to me a long time ago, and I have to take responsibility after retiring." Shen Liang thought about explaining, "They have always had a good relationship with me, and all engagements are I am willing."

"A long time ago? How old were you at that time?" Kevin frowned. He vaguely realized that the reason why the group of women had been holding onto the custody of the doll was from childhood to adulthood... Most likely it wasn't because of education difference in ideas.

The education that Eve received from childhood was not limited to knowledge. The group of women who guarded him probably cultivated him in some indescribable way since he was a child.That's why Eve, who grew up, accepted their engagements one by one so calmly... Maybe Eve's way of thinking has been brainwashed long ago, and maybe he has already become a toy created by those "fiancées"...

Thinking about it this way, Kevin looked at the elegant and beautiful boy, and felt even more depressed.

For Eve, he may not be aware of the fall of his three views, and if he realized this earlier and rescued Eve from the magic den where she grew up, the current Eve might be very different.

At least now, he will definitely grow into a 1.8-meter young hero with two knives, not...

Kevin looked down at the boy's thighs exposed under the bathrobe. On the fair skin of a beautiful girl, a "T" was written with a black marker pen. There was an extra horizontal line on the right side of the vertical line of the "T". He was very puzzled. .

Mei is Asian, and if Kevin reads more Asian literacy books, he will know that these are the first three strokes of the character "正".

"I'm doing well, Brother Kevin, don't worry." Shen Liang didn't know that he had so much drama in his heart, and Kevin always had a cold face.

"When you grow up, you will know that marriage is better as a couple." Kevin lit a cigarette again and took a deep breath, "But I am not your generation after all. The earth still insisted on monogamy more than ten years ago. System, anyone who is as open as you has to be convicted of bigamy. But in the current world, even the fire moths are encouraging as much as possible to increase the population, and the age of marriage has been lowered for a full eight years. It is used to promote the establishment of a beautiful family of the new generation... I think I am indeed too old to keep up with your pace, and my idea may be wrong."

Shen Liang looked at Kevin silently, compared with him who hadn't changed in appearance for ten years and was so young that he could even be called a child.Kevin has changed a lot. He is still handsome and tall, but he has grown from youth to middle age, from a young and vigorous fusion fighter top1 to a calm and indifferent handsome uncle.His facial lines are not as firm as ten years ago, and his stubble is also obvious. No one can escape time.

Men look older than women, and there is already an obvious age gap between him and Mei.

Sure enough, the environment and desires are the biggest culprits of age, Mei and Shen Liang get along day and night, the boy has been young, so it is natural for her to accompany him. The 30-year-old middle-aged woman is already fat and yelling at the peddler all day long, while the 30-year-old female doctor is still smiling and catering to the endless love and pampering of her little wolf dog. This is the environment and desire, which makes people unwilling to grow old , ambitious.

"There are a lot of people in the base looking forward to Brother Kevin, but you are too dedicated to the outside world, and many people have given up." Shen Liang said softly, "If Brother Kevin wants to, there will be thousands of people with a wave of your hand." Fans, I didn't lie to you, your account subscription is over [-] million."

"That's what you young people think, hey, I've passed half my life, and I don't have much interest in this kind of thing anymore." Kevin patted him on the shoulder, "I just stared at her when I was in school, so Who else can I stare at for so many years? Although... I can also feel that Mei's affection for me is only left among friends."

"I think Mei has been avoiding you a little bit..." Shen Liang couldn't hold back but said what was in his heart.

"You bastard, what are you talking about!" Kevin knocked on his forehead, and Shen Liang squatted down holding his forehead in pain, "Actually, it's easy to see if a woman likes you, but someone like you who has been raised The crooked little sea king may still not understand...whether a person likes you or not depends mainly on whether she is willing to spend time with you."

Shen Liang was taken aback.

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