Come up and order a servant to kill his Master?

Sasha who was standing behind Limulu was taken aback for a moment, lowered her head slightly and pursed her lips.

This kind of thing, in the eyes of most people, is impossible to happen, and they dare not even think about it, but Sasha feels for some reason... If it is Mrs. Rimuru——

no problem.

And the fact seems to be true. After Sasha didn't hear any other movement for a long time, she couldn't help but raised her head in doubt, and saw that the other party's eyes had widened, and her ugly face was staring at Master Limuru. It was even pasted in front of him several times.

Several fleshy tentacles even surrounded Limuru with a faint murderous aura——

"Master Limuru!" Sasha suddenly shouted eagerly as a guardian. After hearing this, Limuru raised her head and smiled slightly: "Why, don't you want to? Caster."

"That's right, after all, I just said Joan's name, it doesn't mean anything... How about it, Caster."

Limulu casually summoned a group of mirrors with flowing water, and said indifferently: "I don't have any tricks, let's get straight to the point."

I saw a saber image slowly appearing in the water waves, at the same time, Limulu said directly: "I don't like to cooperate with strange and weak people very much, so I didn't ask you to kill him to trick you into disappearing. It's just to let you change your master."

After being forced to sign the contract by Alaya, Limuru, who is Alaya's representative, is equivalent to Alaya's will. Although he can't forcibly change the rules of the Holy Grail War, he can't change the will of the heroic spirits themselves. However, regarding Alaya's power, he can indeed use it unscrupulously.

Such as command spells.

The command spell on the back of his hand has long been turned into a proof of his close relationship with Alaya, and it is no different from nothing in itself, but this does not mean that he cannot use the command spell. Not only can he still use it, but he can even deal with it. Others' Command Seals can be modified, stripped, or even transferred at will.

It's just that - because the essence of the command spell is to use the heroic spirit to sign a "contract that must be obeyed three times" with Alaya, so the command spell itself has the right to forcibly order the other party. Therefore, Limuru cannot use it indefinitely. Command Seals control Heroic Spirits, but apart from that, Limuru can be used infinitely for the effects of Command Seals such as amplification and teleportation.

From this point of view, Limulu is currently satisfied with Alaya's help.

However, on the other side, Caster could no longer hear what Limuru was saying.

I saw him applying in a daze, with tears streaming out of his strange eyes, and he walked towards the phantom-like water curtain step by step in shock.

Seeing this scene, Li Mulu slowly stopped his explanation, and after a long time, it turned into a sentence: "I can take you to see her."

Chi la!puff!

A beard pierced Ryunosuke Yusheng's chest in an instant. Under Sasha's surprised eyes, Limuru watched indifferently as the blood sprayed into the night and turned into beautiful blood flowers blooming.

Rimuru's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing Caster to pass through the heart of the Master who was protecting him just now without even the slightest hesitation.

"Evil... Devil... Mister?"

Yusheng Ryunosuke looked at the blood in front of him in disbelief. In a trance, he suddenly felt that his appearance was so beautiful.


"Tsk, what a pity." Limulu looked at the corpse that was slowly collapsing to the ground and would be devoured by the bearded monster, after all, there was still a rippling in his heart.

He still likes this pair of master and servant, because this pair is indeed the most perfect combination and can attract each other. However, the current caster has not communicated with Ryunosuke because of Sasha's attack. So far, Ryunosuke has only called him Mr. Devil, otherwise...the other party may not be caught.

Bluebeard is indeed a wicked existence, but he is also a pitiful person.

However, this kind of people often find out their weaknesses and are really easy to deal with.

It's just a pity for Ryunosuke, who doesn't know what the Command Seal is until now, so naturally he wouldn't use the Command Seal to protect himself, otherwise, as long as he ordered the caster to fight, even suicide would be fine.

The blood turned into scarlet and spilled on the ground.

Blue Beard's eyes widened slightly, and he slowly turned his head: "Now..."

His long nails scratched the textbook made of human skin, he closed his eyes with narrowed eyes, looked dangerously at Limulu and said, "It's time for you to take me to see Joan—"

Ryunosuke's death had a certain impact on him, but he had already used the surrounding residents to devour a lot of magic power in the battle just now, and there is no problem for the time being, and more importantly - he can't help it anymore !

Urgent, passionate, tearful!

Ah, Holy Maiden!We will meet again.

"Don't worry." Limuru really turned a blind eye to his threatening eyes, and after slowly passing his indifferent outstretched hand, the black mist slowly climbed up Ryunosuke's body—"Let me take back this little one first." small program."

"Hey, speaking of it, Caster, what do you think of the magician behind me?"

"Huh?" Bluebeard rolled his eyes and looked at Sasha's position suddenly, and the latter also raised his head in bewilderment: "Master Limuru, do you want to..."

"If she is your master, she will definitely be able to guarantee your best performance, right? caster."


A moment later, Limuru was preparing Sasha for the command spell transplantation. Although the command spell transfer is very simple, facing her confidant, Limuru still gave priority to using magic to deal with all aspects. After there are no side effects and harm, you can rest assured and prepare to continue.

The one who devoured Ryunosuke Yusheng was equivalent to inheriting the other party's Command Seals by default, but what he had to do was to transfer this part of the Command Seals to Sasha.

Bluebeard seemed a little impatient, but he obviously didn't have the capital to make a fuss in front of Limulu, so he manipulated the familiar to hunt again. The final result is all his own responsibility.

That's right, Limuru just regarded the opponent as a chess piece, an existence destined to be wiped out after attracting firepower.

Everything he's doing so far seems a bit despicable, but Rimuru doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

This is the essence of the Holy Grail War.

Logically speaking, with his current influence and ability, returning to Fuyuki City to participate in the Holy Grail War is actually similar to returning to Novice Village to participate in activities. Roll over.

But even so, unlike the mood of the other three people who seemed to be on vacation, Limulu still wanted to carry out all this with the most solemn attitude——

The lion fights the rabbit, and still uses all his strength.

Limulu knew very well how Kenneth overturned in the original book.

I know better that I position myself as a villain, so I must have the awareness that a villain is easy to overturn at any time.

What's more, since her confidante friends came here with the mentality of vacation, Limulu didn't mind working hard to make them really a vacation party.

At least, in this way, even if a group is eliminated in disguise, although this group is not a threat in the original book.

Rimuru chuckled and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

He raised his head, and suddenly saw the doubt flickering in Sasha's jewel-like delicate eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't you understand?"

"Mmm—Master Limuru, I don't understand..." Sasha bit her lip and said unwillingly, "Do you think I'm not capable of acting alone?"

"...ha." Limulu chuckled helplessly, shook his head and said, "Don't think about it, I just think that you have the qualifications for this competition."


"Ah, as my subordinate fighting in the Holy Grail War, you should also have the capital to face the other masters head-on. And Sasha, in my eyes, you are much stronger than them, including Kenneth. "

"So what they have, you naturally deserve to have it, and you have the capital to defeat them dignifiedly."

While explaining, Limulu brushed Sasha's white arm, looked at the bright red command spell on it, smiled lightly, touched her cheek along her shoulder, and said softly: "As for why it's not the other people? It’s because Youzhu and the others are my friends and even family members in my eyes.”

"Of course, you are also my family, but I want to treat you as my subordinate, so far, my most trusted subordinate."

"This is also the reason why I brought you to participate in the Holy Grail War. No matter Emiya Kiritsugu or Kenneth, they all have their own most powerful assistants, so I think I need you too, understand?"

"..." Sasha listened blankly to these words, a trace of blush had already occupied the bases of her ears and even the tips of her ears. After a long time, she realized that she quickly nodded heavily: "I understand, Master Limuru !"

"Well, very good." Limuru nodded in satisfaction, retracted his hand and said, "Then, just not long ago, the familiar I used to monitor Saber was destroyed..."

"...I have another question, Rimuru-sama."


" caster, the person I'm looking for is Saber, right?" Sasha slightly raised her hand, looking at the command spell on the back of her hand, hesitantly said: "But you promised me..."

"Well, don't worry."

Limulu smiled lightly: "Caster, you will eventually lose in front of Saber."

"I won't let him live long enough to compete with you for prey."


For her own people, Limulu can be as gentle as possible and show her greatest kindness.

But for others, Limulu doesn't want to talk about moral rules.

Tonight, there will be a battle of guns and swords, and Limulu does not intend to let them exit easily like in the original book.

It's also very interesting to say that in the previous Holy Grail Wars, it seems that the first one to fight... No, or the first object of Saber's battle is always Lanser of Lucky E.

It can only be said that history is always surprisingly similar.

"Use your connection with Caster to call him, and I'm going to take him to find Joan."

saber ah!

I haven't seen you in five years, let me give you a big gift first.


There is no aura of any stranger on the pitch-black earth.

In the night, Kotomine Kirei was walking in the area where the "gas explosion" was caused by the fight between Sasha and Caster. He needed to confirm the situation, while investigating the enemy situation, he also had to pay attention to the survivors and prepare for his father to handle the funeral. .

All in all, the Holy Church was very busy tonight.

"There isn't a single survivor." Kotomine Kirei walked around coldly, and sarcastically said to himself, "Hmph, can you praise me for saving the church a lot of time?"

"I didn't find any traces of the master or servant, master." Behind, the shadow flowed, and an assassin slowly revealed half of his body, bowing his waist and said: "There is only one corpse that is different from the other implicated people. After piercing through the heart, he died, and there are traces of magic explosion on his body, suspected to be the master."

"Oh? Are you saying that here, a master has already left?"

"I can't be sure. No trace of the Command Seal was found on the body, but I can't confirm whether it was consumed or just a magician who participated in the commotion."

"Could it be that you want to say that under the surveillance of your assassins, there will still be unknown magicians sneaking into Fuyuki City?"


"Hmph..." Kotomine Kirei glanced around indifferently, and said indifferently, "Anyway, take me to have a look first."


Matou Kariya was a little unaccustomed to the empty courtyard of the Matou's house.

Since Rimuru and the others did not live in the Matou house, which was under surveillance, but after the summoning was completed, only Karna was left to protect the other party, and then moved with the others to an abandoned small western mansion in the suburbs. Ever since Youzhu and Limulu lived there once, Youzhu has been arranging people to take good care of them. They are ready to be director at any time, and the environment is not bad.

In addition, Matou Kariya also sent Matou Shinji away from Fuyuki City, and after dismissing some servants, the entire Matou family lost a trace of popularity. Karna was always by his side, responsible for protection, but Karna His temper itself was a bit dull, almost to the point that if Matou Kariya didn't need it, the other party wouldn't even say a word all day long.

This made Jiantong Yanye couldn't help looking at the empty night, and sighed slightly.

As a false master, he doesn't want to act without authorization - he is still very clear about his level of magic.

With the idea of ​​not adding trouble to Rimuru, Kariya Matou has been holding back at Matou's house 24 hours a day for the past few days—I don't know how he can hold it back.

But tonight, when he was sighing and looking at the stars as usual, Limulu's voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Kariya, it's time to come out and walk."

"Your Excellency Rimuru?"

"The Holy Grail War has already begun, Kariya, as my master, how can you be a coward in such an important opening ceremony?"

"Don't worry, boldly show your aura as the head of the Matou family, Karna and I will guarantee your safety—"


Since Rimuru is going to pretend to be a Heroic Spirit, there must be a Master who will act as a live target, and Matou Kariya must be present.

Chapter 015, Berserker? ! !

The sharp sword exudes a scorching fighting intent in the air, and the afterglow of the gun turns into thousands of cold rays—sparks of steel and iron colliding.

The sound of crisp metal collisions came into the ears clearly, and in the dark night in the distance, the battle full of magic power was exceptionally clear and brilliant.


With Diarmuid's long spear flicking casually and Saber taking the opportunity to pull away, Emiya Kiritsugu's scope slowly moved away from Saber, and began to observe the surrounding situation instead.

Everyone knows that there may be countless observers of this battle.

"A familiar is found at seven o'clock."

"Familiar?" The voice of his assistant Hisu Maiya came, and Emiya Kiritsugu immediately moved the standard sutra to the direction of seven o'clock, only to see a pitch-black bird standing on the highest eaves there. The blue robin with red eyes was standing there quietly, staring straight at the direction of Saber's battle.


Emiya Kiritsugu was taken aback for a moment, and then moved the scope to another place—the familiar of the Tohsaka family should be a mineral creature, and according to the information, it should be an emerald bird.

As for the familiar of the Matou family, if there is no accident, it should be a mosquito—this is the most difficult existence to find.

So the bird... would it be the monarch from the clock tower, Kenneth?

And the other party, will it be Lancer's monarch?

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