Because the weapon Diarmuid still used was double guns, Emiya Kiritsugu recognized him as a lancer as a matter of course.

"Don't worry about that familiar for now, the priority now is the opponent's Master." Emiya Kiritsugu said extremely calmly: "Eliminating the familiar will only scare the snake, and it is not worth exposing our position for this."

"Then..." Hisu Maiya heard the words, and looked at the huge port suspension bridge behind: "There is a very good commanding height over there, from which you can monitor the situation below."

"...Ah, I'm afraid everyone knows that it's a good surveillance point..." Emiya Kiritsugu glanced back, quickly rejected the question, and ordered: "Maiya, you go around from behind, I'll go around from behind." For frontal surveillance, we must find a place that can monitor the battlefield and the suspension bridge at the same time."


Hisau Maiya nodded, jumped off the pole decisively, and disappeared into the darkness.

As for Emiya Kiritsugu, he continued to look at his wife with the thermal imaging sight for a while, and then began to look away——suddenly, he saw a figure, and after a moment of surprise, he moved his eyes away from the sight , looked at that location, but couldn't see clearly because it was too far away and too dark...

"Maiya, can you see the roof of the warehouse to the northwest?"


"Ah..." After getting the exact answer, Emiya Kiritsugu lowered his head to look at the other party again, and saw a straight figure standing on the top of the warehouse quietly watching the battle. Then came the assistant's report:

"But all I saw was a blind spot."

"Is that so? I see, looking at the other party has indeed set up an enchantment that hides part of the area—"

Kenneth is an extremely traditional magician. Rather, most magicians from the clock tower are more or less deficient in defense against technology. Their arrogance allows them to ignore the threat of losing the light of today's technology force.

It is even more impossible to understand that a magician like Emiya Kiritsugu would actually use those technological weapons.

"In that case, he will leave it to me to solve it?"

At that moment, Emiya Kiritsugu lightly clenched the sniper rifle a little bit, and sentenced him to death.

When he shifted the scope, his sharpness and detection awareness as a sniper made him subconsciously look at the commanding heights, and he was slightly taken aback by the movements of his hands, his pupils shrank sharply, and he stared fixedly at the sight in the scope. screen.

On the highest point of the suspension bridge, a figure wearing a skull mask was squatting there, quietly observing the entire battlefield!

That's an assassin, an assassin who should have died!

But if it was just the assassin appearing there, it wouldn't make Emiya Kiritsugu so excited. What really made him react so strongly was because the moment he saw assassin, another masked man suddenly appeared behind him. , a petite guy, even without the slightest notice from Assassin!

One shot!

Pierced the opponent's heart!

Emiya Kiritsugu held his breath subconsciously, watching all this quietly——

Assassin's body gradually slipped from the spear point and fell directly from the suspension bridge, and when it dissipated in mid-air as spirit particles, Emiya Kiritsugu also saw the appearance of that figure clearly.

Under the pale but crimson strange mask was a high-necked windbreaker that rustled in the night. He slowly swung his spear, and suddenly, as if aware of something, he glanced back——

At that moment, the golden eyes immediately met Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes, and the indifferent coercion accompanied the gaze, which suddenly made Emiya Kiritsugu's heart pause for a beat, subconsciously raised his arms, and got ready Don't use Command Spells!

He has been found!

However, facing his gaze, the servant just put his hand on the mask lightly, slowly shifted the mask away bit by bit, and finally revealed a white and delicate chin. After smiling at him, slowly Turned into a spirit son and disappeared.

It seemed that he had no intention of attacking him, but even so, Emiya Kiritsugu did not immediately let go of his defenses. It is difficult to defend against a reishi attack, so he put down his guns almost immediately, and prepared to move the hiding place at the same time , ordered: "Maiya, temporarily cancel the plan - there is another servant at the scene!"



On the other side, Limuru landed lightly on the ground again after finishing handling one of Assassin's bodies.

This is the bottom of the suspension bridge, where Sasha and Caster are logically waiting for him.

"Huh? Where's the caster?" Limuru raised his head and looked around. After finding that only Sasha was still in front of him, he casually scattered the spear in his hand and asked.

"He went to the center of the battlefield. After all, there is only one place where Saber can be found." Sasha raised her blue eyes and said softly.

"Didn't you stop him?" Limulu nodded, turned around and walked towards the battlefield as well.

"Yes, to me, he is the sword you gave me, my lord. Let it play freely. This is the role he should have."

"...Well... well, anyway, he is already your caster, you can use it however you want." Limulu chuckled helplessly when he heard the words: "Let's go, we should go there too."

"However, speaking of it, since Caster went over early to persuade the fight, then..."

Will the King of Conquerors continue to drink and watch things unfold, or will he lose his enthusiasm and join in the carnival as well?

With such doubts in mind, Limuru and Sasha, on the contrary, looked more like a pair of master and servant, walking on the small island in the night, and walked towards the center step by step.

At this time, at the position of the central battlefield, another servant's master, Limuru's colleague, Director Kenneth, who had been a little unhappy recently, was quite dissatisfied.

He stepped on the tiles of the warehouse irritably, looking at the two servants in the scene below, the depression in his heart became more and more serious.

But it's not really his fault.

Whoever is allowed to steal the secret weapon that has been prepared with great effort by his own students, is forced to search for new holy relics in an emergency, and because of the hesitation and delay in the search process, the summoning time lags behind, becoming a Except for the caster, the existence of the last summoner will not be in a good mood.

It is true that Kenneth currently does not know that it was Weber who stole his holy relic, but it is an indisputable fact that it was stolen.

In addition, since he was summoned by a holy relic, it is equivalent to a designated summon-when he found out that the person he summoned was Diarmuid, it was barely acceptable, but until he saw Diarmuid's inherent skills When it came to the word madness and the rank of berserker, he almost smashed the spirit seance ceremony on the spot.

Berserker is certainly a very capable existence, but the premise is that you must first understand the essential definition of berserker.

Theoretically, any existence can become a Berserker, and when there are multiple classes in the Holy Grail War, it is very likely that one of them will become a Berserker. The unique inherent skills are the level of [Madness].

This has led to the fact that if a Heroic Spirit itself has nothing to do with madness, then his adaptability to madness will be very rare, and it may even reach the level of B or even C.

For a follower, this level of bonus is nothing more than equivalent to almost no attribute bonus under the premise of increasing the consumption of magic power and losing sanity.

On the contrary, it restricts the inability of some treasures to be used! !

But on the other hand, if the adaptability is too high and the berserk level is close to EX, it will also be detrimental to the master, because the berserk at the EX level will make the servant completely fall into his own independent consciousness, and even cannot be manipulated at all, including Command spells can't completely restrict it!

Not only that, but a too deep berserk level will super double the master's magic power burden, resulting in frequent situations where the master is drained of magic power and dies.

Therefore, Berserker is the most difficult class to determine in the Holy Grail War, because his upper limit and lower limit are exactly the same as the Berserker itself, completely out of control.

It is also because of this that when Limuru summoned the heroic spirit, he shouted frantically in his heart - no berserker, no berserker!

Here, I have to mention that although there are indeed some berserkers who will forcibly maintain their sanity because of some treasures, in fact, these servants are quite rare, almost negligible. From the beginning of the day, it will continue to evaporate its sanity over time, and finally turn into a beast-like existence according to the level of madness.

And Uncle B, that is, the reason why Hercules can be so well-behaved as a robot and follow Illya is because of two reasons, one is because of the magic circuit that Illya was transformed from a young age, After Einzbern summoned Uncle B in advance, he conducted taming training.

He even managed to throw the master and the servant into the iceberg and snow, facing the wolves alone, so as to continuously deepen Illya's orders and abilities.

The real berserkers are more self-serving and acting alone. Those like Lancelot who only want to seek revenge are actually okay, I am afraid that they will be given away for nothing like the one in fate/a.

For this reason, Professor Kenneth can be said to be very angry. If it weren't for the fact that Diarmuid himself has nothing to do with madness, his madness level is extremely low. If he was sensible, maybe Kenneth would have lost his temper long ago.

But fortunately, it was a blessing in disguise, because Diarmuid's madness level was low, although this would cause his attributes to not get much bonus, but it did not affect the use of his Noble Phantasm anyway, and— —

In the case of rationality, he can also pretend to be a lancer to surprise him once.

like now!

"Go crazy, berserker..." After the devilish whispers and orders came out of Kenneth's spoken language, "Lancer", who was originally polite and back and forth with Saber, was suddenly taken aback, and his veins burst out suddenly. Suddenly, Yang Tian roared furiously, his speed and strength increased instantly, his eyes were red and his speed increased suddenly, and the original offensive was suddenly fierce and swift, and he even became desperate.

Saber, who was caught off guard, was dazed by the sudden attack, and during the hasty defense, her shoulder was directly pierced by the opponent's yellow magic gun——all of a sudden she fell into a disadvantage.

"Why..." Saber's eyes sank a little, before she even had time to ask, the other party attacked again with a roar.

What's going on... Saber is struggling in front of the opponent's attack, forcibly enduring the pain in front of one attack after another, the opponent was clearly a knight who was talking and fighting at the same time... how did it suddenly become like this...

brutal? !

Like a wild beast, the number of attacks has become extremely deadly——

"'s madness!" Behind her, Irisviel looked at the other party's attributes in astonishment, and worriedly reminded loudly: "Be careful, Saber, his attributes have almost gone up by one level!"

"Active madness?!"

Hearing this, Saber paused for a moment, and suddenly a huge force came in front of her. She immediately blocked with her sword horizontally, and a burst of intense sparks erupted, bang!

Diarmuid kicked her and sent her flying.

"Hmph!" In the sky, Kenneth's processed voice was still sharply mean and disdainful, and he declared victory coldly: "What, the guy who dares to come to challenge is nothing more than that - kill her , berserker!"

Sure enough, berserker? !

Saber was taken aback for a moment, in a trance, Diarmuid's spear had already roared and stabbed fiercely!

Chapter 016. Joan of Arc?God's toy

It's really abominable, Emiya Kiritsugu was disturbed by Rimuru, just after shifting his position, he saw this scene, and suddenly felt dizzy, he quickly picked up the sniper rifle and aimed it at Lancer, and at the same time raised the back of his hand, ready to When using command spells.

Several tentacles flickering in the night were mixed with afterimages, making a burst of sharp piercing sounds, attacking in an instant!


A tentacle slammed down from the sky like a sharp giant blade, and inserted into the position where Berserker was. Berserker jumped back instinctively when he saw this. !

Saber stared in astonishment at the dozens of ferocious fleshy whiskers slowly wriggling in front of her, retracting into the dark night.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the dark container group. In the darkness there, there seemed to be some kind of indescribable monster crawling forward, twisting and creeping in the air.

The weird atmosphere gradually spread, and Kenneth narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly.

"Pretending to be a ghost... Get rid of it..." Before he gave his order, everyone suddenly heard an extremely sad voice.


"What?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a strange figure with hands raised slowly walking out of the darkness.

"Ah! It's done!!! Woo... woo... woo..."

In the astonished gazes of everyone, I saw that the servant's strangely protruding eyes began to secrete unbearable tears, falling down the ugly face ragingly.

Actually... crying?

What's the situation - Kenneth stopped his order and started thinking.

"Could it be that he met an acquainted hero from the same era?" In the dark, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but clenched his headset tightly, and couldn't help saying: "Hey, hey...don't be joking..."

The probability of this is too low.

In this situation, when everyone has no intention of fighting, there is one exception, that is Berserker! !


This is not a good point after turning on Berserker, director Kenneth frowned when he saw the Berserker rushing up, and there was a stabbing pain in his body, and he crazily controlled his own magic power!

He is stopping the berserker's tampering. Unlike Matou Kariya, who is half-baked, as a monarch, it is very simple for Kenneth to suppress and control a berserk level that is not even B, but even so , he will also consume a lot of mana, and bring an abnormal load to his magic system——

But now, he has to do this, because it may be a good choice to release madness in a one-on-one situation, but once it becomes a group fight, a mad dog who only knows how to fight will make you a target of public criticism.

Because anyone can bite it!

In this way, it is easy to cause a group of people to kill the berserker first, and no one likes to deal with lunatics, let alone lunatics who cannot communicate and lose their minds.

"Yes, yes... woo... woo, it can't be wrong..." At this time, Caster also came out of the shadows completely, and he opened his arms, as if welcoming something, excitedly Speechless!

He stared at Saber, and shouted frantically: "Ah, this sassy face... this divine heroic posture!"

Excitedly, he covered his face with one hand, stretched out the other hand and pointed at Saber tremblingly: "This... woo, there is no doubt that she is the girl in my destiny!!!"

"He didn't lie to me...he didn't lie to me!"

Caster suddenly took two steps forward excitedly, scaring Saber to quickly protect Irisviel——

"Abandoned by God, you who were humiliated were actually resurrected..."

"Girl! My saint!!"

After venting, he stared at Saber closely. In the eyes of everyone, there was a trace of pity on that ferocious face?

" you know him?"

At this time, Irisviel, who was guarded by Saber, was also a little confused, she hesitated for a while, and looked at Saber——

Hearing this, Caster's movements were slightly taken aback, and he hastily performed a knight's salute, half-kneeling down, as if he was being introduced by Saber, and that appearance matched the other party's clothes, which surprisingly surprised People think it's kind of cute and...


The girls who had already seen everything through the robin glanced at each other and fell silent. They didn't even discuss the strength of the heroic spirit. Even Qingzi, who was careless, couldn't help pouting: "That damn Bastard, I still like to be a bad guy as always."

Strangely, even Lidal didn't refute this time - she felt that it was necessary for her to have a good talk when Limuru came back, after all, she also put her heart on Limuru now, and she felt the same way , she felt that the infatuation of an infatuated person should at least not be let down.

However, everyone knew the result. The half-kneeling knight salute of this infatuated caster, with his face full of "piousness" wanting to welcome the saint's introduction, was doomed to be let down, because Saber... didn't know him after all.

"No... I don't know him, Irisviel..." Saber was also very puzzled, but she was sure no matter what... There was never such a character in her memory——

This answer, like five thunderbolts, immediately froze Caster's expression.

He opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on his face: " is it possible!!"

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