"Tsk." Limuru seemed to be annoyed, and stared at the red eyes of the puppet's eyes, and said, "Then, why don't you just let Erte Luqi bow down to you?"

"I didn't say Eltruchi couldn't take power, Leviathan."


"I will not limit Elte Lucki, nor can I." Bai Yigong said in a deep voice: "My request is only you. For this reason, I can even guarantee that the world of the Dead Apostles will be stable in the future." Before, I would not interfere with any plans you made—provided, of course, that they were not wrong."

After listening to Bai Yigong's words, Limulu lowered her eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

Limuru was a little confused by the other party's operation, because this kind of operation did not actually weaken Erte Luqi's side, but on the contrary... vaguely helped Erte Luqi prevent Limulu from deliberately overstepping his authority. Make him a little confused.

It is very difficult for the Dead Apostles to exceed their authority, because they do not have the so-called military power. The upper-ranking Dead Apostles have absolute suppression and command power over the lower-ranking ones, and the same rank gives priority to obeying the orders of blood relatives, which comes from blood and race. nature.

Therefore, if one wants absolute dominion, Limulu must persuade or persuade some of the other ancestral forces, and then carry out the so-called "transformation", that is, to have another first embrace to replace the original blood relatives.

But if you agree to Bai Yigong's conditions, once the contract is signed, it will fundamentally prevent Limulu from replacing his blood relatives. Even if many forces under his command are willing to follow him in the future, they will not be able to resist Bai Yigong, and other ancestral orders.

Apart from being of no benefit to Limuru, this had almost no impact on the power of Lord White Wing and Erte Luqi—it even helped Erte Luqi prevent her from being fooled by Limuru? ! !

what is this?Don't trust yourself?

But if you don't trust yourself, why make command and following your own plan a condition?

Let yourself be a military adviser honestly?

What picture?

Limulu pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Can you tell me the reason?"

He looked at Bai Yigong's puppet and said doubtfully: "I don't think this means much to you. Even if you regard me as your biggest opponent in the future, this kind of contract can't actually restrict me much. Eltruchi is stronger."

"I admit that this agreement has little effect on the combination of you and Hei Ji, but what about the Dead Apostles and you alone?" Bai Yigong smiled lightly, and suddenly said: "This is actually my temporary agreement. Changed agreement."

"Leviathan, I originally wanted to win you over and work with you alone, because I thought you were the same kind of person as I am, but after you showed me the attitude of Elt Lucy towards you, I Changed my mind."

"Sure enough..." Hearing this, Limulu smiled instead, and said softly, "Your subordinate said at the beginning that he wanted to talk about the scabbard... You probably found the guess about my disagreement with Hei Ji from it?"

Bai Yigong is an old monster who has lived for a long time, and the longer he lives, the more he knows.

It's no secret that Rimuru is a magus who was forcibly recruited by Erteluchi, and she is willing to submit to Erteluchi, perhaps because of some reason or contract.

The famous swords and scabbards in history not only have Avalon that heals everything, but also have various legends such as the holy sword that cuts off all contracts and kills all evil forces.

"That's right." Bai Yigong nodded, and after verifying Limulu's guess, he slowly said: "Leviathan, I don't bother to hide anything. The reason why I established such an agreement is because I agree with it." The combination of you and Hei Ji."

"But agreeing doesn't mean being convinced."

"Leviathan, you and I are destined to be the ultimate opponents. I don't believe that people like you have no ambitions, and I don't believe that you will be willing to stay under the flag of Erte Luqi. I believe that one day you will make Make the same choice as me, choose to be independent."

"Even if you and Eltruchi unite because of a common enemy, you will eventually part ways."

"But people are always responsible for their own choices, so I think, since you keep saying that my original choice was wrong, then if you really want to make the same choice as I think in the future .”

"You have to bear the corresponding price. For this reason, if you want to use your combination with Hei Ji to force me to submit, then you must sign such an agreement!"

Bai Yigong's voice was low and rhythmic. When he said this, he laughed heartily and said, "At that time, even if I have already lost, I will still cause trouble for you."

"..." Bai Yigong's explanation made Limulu slightly silent. After a long time, he suddenly chuckled and said, "Thank you for being able to say such words so confidently."

"Is it true that no matter what kind of creature it is, the longer it lives, the more shameless it will be?"

"Hahahaha! Maybe." Seeing Limulu shaking his head helplessly, Bai Yigong laughed happily a few times, but suddenly said seriously: "Actually, it's not just these reasons, but more, it's because of the death of the dead disciples." Make some guarantees."

"I don't believe that you don't have ambitions, and because of this, I, who can't see ambition in your eyes, will be more worried."

"I really don't have it and hide it deeper, I prefer to believe the latter."

"..." Should I say that he is indeed an old guy?

It's really accurate, but no matter how much you think about it, you can't think that I will be for human beings, right?

Limulu raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said softly, "So you trust Elte Lucki more than me."

"Yes." Bai Yigong's familiar slowly approached the edge of the castle, as if Bai Yigong was there in person, exuding the aura of a king, and supported the edge of the city wall: "Although I don't want to admit it, but that The child is indeed as you said, perhaps burdened with the will to shelter the Dead Apostles, and has grown a lot."

"If I really lose, the future of the Dead Apostles... shouldn't fall into your hands."

Brick the puppet, but Limulu seemed to see Bai Yigong's smiling and resolute face on that mechanical face: "Leviathan, that child believes in you because she doesn't know how scary you are."

"You think highly of me." Limulu raised his eyebrows: "But yes, if I didn't beat you, I wouldn't be a threat, but if I beat you, it would just prove my terror. It's better to prepare in advance. It's a good plan."

"Looking at it this way, you can't lose."

"Hmph, but, am I going to lose this time?" Bai Yigong turned around quietly, and the light in the puppet became dimmer, which shows that Bai Yigong has already planned to cut off the supply of magic power: "Then, Give me an answer tomorrow."

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow..." Limulu looked at the gloomy puppet, and suddenly shook his head helplessly: "There's no need for tomorrow, I can agree now."

"Oh?" The red glow in the golem's eyes suddenly deepened, and Bai Yigong came back and said, "Don't think about it?"

"Don't think about it." Limulu smiled lightly, and opened his mouth and said, "You keep saying that I have ambitions. To put it bluntly, ambition is nothing more than a goal and will."

"Eltluchi's will is to protect the dead, so haven't you thought about it?"

"Maybe my will is for Eltruchi?"

"For Eltruchi?"

"Ah, there is a word in human beings called liking. How can you be sure that I am not willing to be a licking dog just because I like Erte Luqi?"

"...Licking the dog?" Bai Yigong repeated the word incomprehensibly. Although he didn't understand the meaning of licking the dog, he understood Limulu's overall expression: "It's a good explanation."

"Then, I'm looking forward to how much you can love Eltruchi, Leviathan."

"Ah, the old fox is really not easy to deceive."

Looking at the puppet that suddenly lost its magic power, Limuru looked at the sky and tilted his head: "If this kind of words were said to that little girl, Erte Luqi, I guess the other party must have just narcissistically wrote the letter." Woolen cloth."

"It's okay to use the beauty trick appropriately."

"Tsk, if you eat soft food, you can eat soft food, and it's a trick for a beautiful man..." Limulu shook his head helplessly, pushed the puppet away, and looked at Berlin in the night: "There are already many evil fates, don't worry about it." Give me more."

Suddenly, as if he had noticed something, he slowly took the puppet back and took a closer look: "Yes, no matter what kind of business it is, are they used to leaving secret doors on the things they produce?"

This is a hidden puppet. Its purpose should be to hide the primate killer's unique perception of life and Erte Luqi's frightening intuition, but in the end, he didn't hide it... In the end, he was tricked. , Lord White Wing!

Limulu directly used disintegration magic to completely disassemble the doll, and looked inside to burn the core of hidden magic and spirit magic. The reason why Bai Yigong can directly talk as if he came personally is because of the use of spirit magic. Part of the knowledge and technology of the science allows the operator's consciousness to be manipulated in person.

But among them, Limulu keenly found something wrong.

"F·M?" Limulu looked at the imprint on the core, and quickly understood that it was Feim's logo. This is not a problem, after all, it is normal for puppeteers to like to mark their own toys. thing, but the thing is, the logo itself is a magic trick --

A small, eavesdropping trick that teleports sound elsewhere in time.

"Tsk, Feim, I said why you haven't come to see me..." Limulu narrowed his eyes: "So... you know I have guests."

"Then, I know you can hear me, are you looking for me, or... shall I invite you?"

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: The title should have started *, I rubbed it, and a certain point turned out to be a masked word!

Testimonials on the shelf · Today's third update ([-] thousand)

On the shelf testimonials:

It's on the shelves, although it's not the first time, but it's still good in the hedgehog cat family! !

22 words, it should be regarded as a relatively late release, but it is indeed because the text is relatively slow and popular, it is a trade-off.

I know that there are many readers who don’t like the chapters of dead apostles and magicians, and want to read the cup... But I can only say that I will speed up the progress. After all, in order to maintain the integrity and logic of the story, the outline and the corresponding context still need to be written .

This article is a test of hydrology from a certain point, mainly because the writer friend here told me every day that the cat’s environment is good, the editor is good, and the readers are also good w, although the results are not very satisfactory, even not as good as a certain point But it is also expected, after all, my writing style...is really incompatible with other writings——

The beginnings of other articles are also much more interesting than mine. I don’t want to code all kinds of stalks, and concentrate on chasing the articles.

But the writing style is like this, so I can only write it as a niche article hahh!But I will work hard to study and write well, what if... what if, I don't die suddenly?Right?

Okay, enough about the disadvantages, let's talk about the advantages.

First of all, the author can't do pigeons!Four thousand changes per day, depending on the situation!

Secondly, because it came from a certain point, I am also used to long stories (starting at 200 million, I don’t know if this is an advantage QAQ), and pay attention to the outline and context-I really want to say that it will not collapse later, but... Considering this is a comprehensive manga... ah, split.

Finally!This book is magical, and readers who read this book will become very handsome and rich (at the expense of the author not being able to find a boyfriend in this life!)

Ang, that's it...and, first order!

I heard that the tradition of hedgehog cats is to put on the shelves, but I only have a few chapters of the manuscript... So, hehe... just a few chapters, [-] words, it should be counted as six, right?

I still beg for the first order and save the child.

Then there is the question about the number of words. Although my friend recommended me to put 2000 chapters on the first day, it is better. After all, 4000 chapters are easier to sell... Well, some children misunderstand that my chapters are more expensive, but I really am I am used to the four thousand and one chapters, can you imagine the horror that you need to rack your brains to disconnect from the middle when the continuity of the story chapters is all four thousand and one chapters? !

Ah, OCD is dying.

So I decided to compromise with my obsessive-compulsive disorder, chapter four thousand and one! ! !

Two thousand party members, I kneel down for you QAQ

Ask for the first order!The most important thing is to ask for the first order!

begging! ! !

This is really important to me! !

Chapter 058, To be honest, I don't want to be a scumbag.

After finishing speaking, Limuru looked into the distance again, while waiting patiently, he habitually searched for Erte Luqi with nothing to do.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later that he frowned slightly and looked at the imprint in his hand again—the great sage's perception cannot be wrong, that is to say...

Just when Limuru was a little dissatisfied, a scarlet energy source suddenly appeared in the perception leading to the lower level of the castle.

At this time, Limulu looked at the imprint in his hand with a little astonishment, and was stunned for a long time: "What the hell... did you just walk here?"

"Walking at night is a good habit." Feim staggered out of the castle door, and with a finger, the imprint in Limulu's hand changed into a dull material and began to dissipate with the wind: "Well, the evidence is gone, haha .”

"Both White Wing and I don't care about any evidence." Limulu tilted his head and pressured.

"I didn't hear anything." Hearing this, Feim also shook his head quickly, and said with a smile, "Okay, Leviathan, from the first time I saw you, I smelled the same kind of breath."

"You and I are both profit-seeking existences. In finance, it is always the next policy to compete with each other to lower prices. Joining together to form technical barriers and monopolizing the market is a win-win business, isn't it?"

"Indeed." Limulu nodded, understanding what the other party meant.

The other party knew that he was the key information of Limulu from the clock tower, and Limulu also caught the fact that the other party deliberately eavesdropped on Bai Yigong's conversation-in this case, the two sides would only hurt each other if they revealed their old background. Cooperation is the right choice.

In fact, Limulu even suspected that the handle of his eavesdropping was deliberately sent to him by the other party. The purpose was to allow the two of them to reach the best start of cooperation. The secret will obviously make Limuru release him, and even treat him as a threat.

"What do you want?" Thinking of this, Limulu laughed. If I really want to say it, Feim is the most difficult to deal with among all the Dead Apostles, because he is also proficient in some of the experiences and theories summed up by the world today, although Not as advanced as later generations, but he is indeed the most powerful business oligarch in the world today.

But for some reason, Rimuru felt that chatting with him was the easiest.

Feim had already shown his support for Limulu at the meeting, so after the meeting, it was naturally Limulu who should pay the reward.

"I'm a businessman. As a businessman, of course I like money." Hearing this, Feim also laughed and said, "If the world of the Dead Apostles is really formed, I want my business empire to continue to shine."

"Even if you don't come to me, no dead disciple would dare to compete with your ancestor."

"Then there is still you." Feim squinted his eyes and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha: "If I guessed correctly, you planned to use another identity to cooperate with the clock tower from the beginning, right?" ?”

"As long as there is a stalemate in the end of the war, there will be a compromise." Limulu nodded and said softly, "It is impossible to win, but as long as you don't lose, the kingdom of the Dead Apostles will inevitably appear."

"At that time, there will inevitably be negotiations and an exchange of interests—what, which one do you like?"

"I can't say I value it." Feim said cheerfully: "I just think I can contribute a little bit, and I have a good relationship with the financial groups in the secular world, and even the country of the dead must need economic circulation, right? "

"Tsk, you want to swallow the entire export trade between the Dead Apostles and the outside world?"

"Dead disciples need human blood, and the Magic Association can't handle that." Feim turned around and said with a light smile, "But I can."

"War criminals in the human world, poor homeless people, and even dead bodies in hospitals."

Feim said indifferently: "Under the operation of capital, it's all my stuff."

"I can handle it too." Limulu raised her eyebrows——

"I know." Feim nodded: "Although you were still selling your property not long ago, I believe in your ability, so I came to you."

"In this world, win-win cooperation is popular, right?"

"We'll be good friends, Rimuru."

"Indeed." After hearing the words and thinking for a while, Limulu smiled softly, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

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