"Pleasant to work with."

The conversation between the two was very relaxed and brief, as if after chatting for a few words, Feim turned and walked towards the door, wanting to leave, but at this moment, Limulu suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said: "Speaking , Feim, I have a large sum here, are you interested in playing with it?"


If it is said that Limulu's hundreds of millions of pounds can only make a fortune when the Soviet Union disintegrates, and plunder some of the wealth that has become worthless.

Then if the current world tycoon Feim joins, Limulu believes that they can directly manipulate the Soviet Union's economy and eat the meat directly.

After all, as the demon king of the financial world, the most terrifying thing about Feim is not only the tens of billions of wealth in his hands, but also his connections and status like a weather vane.

Not only can he persuade other international hot money to carry out financial operations, but he can also lead the trend and let countless capital predators follow him—in other words, as long as Fim wants to short the ruble, even those who don’t believe in the disintegration of the Soviet Union can do so. I will participate more or less together with half-belief.

This is his terrifying influence in the secular world!

And now that the other party has taken the initiative to show affection, Limulu doesn't mind throwing out a little practical thing to deepen the "friendship" between the two.

After all, he couldn't eat this piece of cake in the first place, so he might as well unite with others and eat more together!

Moreover, with the addition of Fim, even if the Soviet Union does not disintegrate in this world—once the market is opened up, hundreds of billions of funds will madly short the ruble, and this country will...

Totally broken.

Essentially, Limuru still has a good impression of the Iron Empire, but... it's just a good impression.

At the time when Limulu and Feim "like friends at first sight" and had a cordial and friendly "communication".

Clock Tower, London, England.

"Teacher! Teacher! Teacher!" Elaire's excited silver fur dangled back and forth, and he ran towards Limuru's lounge with his hands open.

At this moment, Limulu was having a headache dealing with the Dead Apostle's decision on the side of the Dead Apostle, and on the other hand was distracted by the study of the magic theory of the Spirit Department——

Just when he was exhausted, the offices were quietly pushed away, and a small silver fluffy head poked his head in. The moment he saw Limulu, he kicked his calf, and immediately hit him with a head hammer!


The moment she saw Eilair, Limulu's mood suddenly relaxed, and at the same time as she habitually laughed, a silver-haired ball popped into her arms.

"Why did you come by yourself..." At this moment, he suddenly remembered that today he should go to all the basic subjects to pick up Eraire from get out of class, because Lidel is going to participate in the crown decision, so there is no one to take care of her Lyle was right.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Eilaire." Limulu had a headache, and gently touched Eilaire's head. Although Eilaire has already regarded the clock tower as his back garden, as a big devil, she will not What happened, but in the end he did forget.

"Hmm~" However, Eilaire shook his head, looked at the lounge full of books with his big eyes, and suddenly said, "Did Eilaire not bother the teacher?"

"No." Hearing this, Limulu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and looked out the window.

The crowning decision did not have any impact on the clock tower, even if it was held in London, it was still silent, only a dozen professors were missing.

But in the end, the word title still put a little pressure on Limulu.

But fortunately, the Dead Apostle side went smoothly, and the next step is to wait for the result here with peace of mind.

Hmm... and the research related to spiritualism also needs to speed up the progress...

Avalon is a necessary safeguard.

"If it really doesn't work, you can consider relying on the technique."

"But you need a psychic to rely on the spell. In this era, where can I find a psychic for you..." Limulu put Eilair back on the ground, and Wujian was in the hands of the white knight Limulu, which made Eilair For the first time, I experienced the pain of being taken away from my own toys.

"Speaking of Gray..."

"Grey should be the same age as Sakura Matou."

"Yeah, I haven't been born yet... forget it." Limulu sighed, the so-called psychic is a container that the body can perfectly bear and accommodate as a possession, such as Reinis and Sima Yi, Weber Velvet and Zhuge Kongming.

But to find a container for King Arthur, although there are quite a lot of Arthur faces in the Xingyue World, it is really difficult for Limuru to find a container for a while in this era.

"There is no problem with the magic model I built, and so is the magic control."

"I know, so the problem should be in the stability of the magic power source and the construction and operation of the magic circuit." Limulu pondered for a moment, guessing: "My magic power is still not enough, and I use the power of the phantom species to knock on Alaya The gate... is indeed a little too simple."

"We need spirit veins."

"Magic itself also needs to be optimized, and it is still too slow to study it by yourself."

Limuru looked at those books, one of which was written by Kenneth, and fell into deep thought.

Maybe... it's time to find Director Lemonhead?

"Then the priority is to solve the problem of magic. As for the spiritual veins...or we can directly find the false Holy Grail War to participate."

"Now my two identities are inseparable. The priority must be to improve my status, instead of running around the world looking for those rubbish rituals."

Most of the ceremonies of the Pseudo-Holy Grail War were started by half-baked magicians without the support of spiritual veins. Leaving aside the extremely low success rate, even if the spiritual veins were successfully found, the chance of summoning King Arthur Saber was extremely low.

Of course, the most important thing is... Even the False Holy Grail War cannot be found casually, and Rimuru can't wait that long.

"I might as well just grab the spirit vein and perform the spirit descending ceremony myself."

"Then you can't take away the spiritual veins of the Aozaki family, can you?"

"Why do you want to seize Aoko's house? Isn't there four in Fuyuki City?"

Thinking of this, Limulu suddenly became confident: "What's the matter with lending me one?"


It was very late at night, and after finally sorting out some materials, Limuru, who returned to Lydale Academic City, returned to the hotel-like dormitory building, only to find that Lydale hadn't come back yet.

Crown decision.

Limulu gently carried the sleeping Eilaire back to her room, then returned to his own room to wash and brush his teeth. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at the mirror. When I opened my eyes again, the dimly lit Berlin was already in front of me.

At this time, the white knight Limuru had finished talking with everyone. The arrival of night should have been the time for the Dead Apostles to revel, but for him, it still meant that it was time to rest.

Turning his head, Rimuru moved his eyes away from the reflection on the glass, and he sensed Erte Luqi's approach.

Erte Luqi didn't have the habit of knocking on the door, because she knew Rimuru's terrifying perception, so when she came in, Rimuru would definitely be ready to welcome her.

"Your Highness." Limulu opened the door, and saw Erte Luqi standing outside the door, and walked in slowly.

"White Wing Lord has looked for me." Alte Luqi gently turned her blood eyes, stared at Limuru and said softly: "About the conditions of the contract."

"Ang?" Limulu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then please leave it to the great contract king."


"Sometimes I'm really surprised, aren't you going to use me to restrain the Dead Apostles? Why do you agree to this condition? Are you a fool?"

"We have an agreement, Your Highness." Limulu smiled lightly, "After I leave, you will protect human beings instead of me."

"Are you so sure that I will fulfill it? The contract hasn't been established yet, isn't it?" Alte Lucy raised her eyebrows, dissatisfied: "Also, who gave you the right to make decisions without authorization!"

Rimuru looked at the other party who lost his temper amusedly, and let the other party's dissatisfaction echo across the room without saying a word.

Hmm... He can't tell Eltruchi that the main reason why he believes in her is because he is confident that he can pin her to the ground and hammer her before he leaves?

However, since the other party has misunderstood... Misunderstanding, let's misunderstand... Well, it is not impossible to have a beautiful misunderstanding sometimes.

Finally, after Erte Luqi also found out that Limuru was standing there like a wooden pillar, she turned her face and was helplessly discouraged: "Forget it, you won't discuss anything with me anyway. ..."

"Hey, hold out your hand."


"Put your hand out, you bastard!"

Limulu blinked suspiciously, and stretched out her hand helplessly, only to see Erte Luqi's teeth flashing -- as if she had already felt the sharp pain in her hand.

However, at the next moment, he did hear Elte Luci's solemn whisper.

"I, the ruler of blood and contracts, Alte Luci, hereby form a contract in the name of the blood contract."

"...Your Highness?"

"I am here to swear that when you leave... I will inherit your will and protect primates forever."

Accompanied by another sharp pain on the back of the palm, Limulu could only feel that there were some vague existences in the chaotic soul, which were the witnesses from the contract.

"A unilateral... contract?"

Limuru looked at Erte Luqi with some astonishment, because the contract did not require him to do anything.

"If you want to believe me, I can believe you too." Erte Luqi turned her head awkwardly, and said coldly: "Limulu, at today's meeting, you made a mistake in one point."

"...Huh? Is there?"

"I've been looking for a magician like White Winged Lord, but that's not the reason why I support you so much." Erte Luqi looked at Limuru complicatedly while talking, and turned to He said in a cold voice: "Even if Bai Yigong hadn't betrayed him, he still couldn't replace you."


Hearing this, Limulu watched the other party leave the room in silence, and slammed the door behind him...Suddenly, he showed a wry smile.

This... don't blame me, do you?

"...a scumbag."

Chapter 059 Let's go to war!Humanity! !

Lidel came back the next morning, and even though she was exhausted, she still found Limulu immediately.

"You look tired."

"You will also be tired if you participate in this kind of bullshit resolution full of intrigue." Lydell lay directly on the sofa, not caring about the beauty of her short skirt, and said: "The participation of the church makes this resolution not so much It’s the concerted efforts of the magicians*, rather it’s a large-scale yin and yang scene.”

"You didn't see it, good guy, we're going to fight."

"So, how did it turn out?"

Hearing Limuru's question, Lidal sat up with a more serious expression: "Although the news of Gem Weng's appearance on the Dead Apostle resolution has slightly changed the attitude of the Magic Association, overall , Cornwall belongs to the United Kingdom, and it is intolerable for the Magic Association to be occupied by the Dead Apostles, Limuru."

"You have to be ready."

"In other words, the joint attack has been decided, right?"

"Well, the main point of conflict between the two parties is mainly on the side of the church. Although the church keeps saying that they want to crusade against heresy, it is obvious that they still want the Magic Association to spit out a lot." Speaking of this, Lidale paused slightly, and suddenly said : "There is also something about the white knight, Rimuru."

"The church advocates all-out extermination, but the attitude of Lord Inolai at the clock tower is very ambiguous—because according to the information, the white knight became a dead disciple in the struggle against Eltruchi, so Inolai The monarch believes that you should not be directly forced to the camp of the dead."

"...Speaking of which, the attitude of the people of Alastair College is surprisingly consistent, which is a bit strange."

Nonsense... The hidden dean of Alaster College is one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles... Limulu shook his head amusedly: "I don't care what they want to do with the white knight, but me, no one doubts me?" ?”

"The Mistis family did mention something, but it was suppressed by the joint efforts of Inolai and Barthomello. After all, it is related to the dignity of the Clock Tower, but just in case, you'd better get rid of the blood-sucking impulse as soon as possible. The technique of detecting blood-sucking urges may one day be used on you." Speaking of this, Lidel worried: "I heard you got the scabbard?"

"Well... got it, but how to summon King Arthur to modern times is a problem."

Mystis... is a branch of the Asteria faction, right?Good guy, it wasn't enough to tease me in the parliament last time, how dare you take the initiative to provoke me this time?

However, the church people did not mention it?Are you afraid of my influence or... really have no doubts?It can't be really that stupid, can it?

"Attack time?"

"It hasn't been negotiated yet, but with the penetration of the church in the UK, it shouldn't take too long to form an army, three days at the latest." Lidel said softly, "It's time to go to the battlefield, Limuru."

"Do you want to fight against yourself, direct and act by yourself?"

"That's so boring." Limulu shook his head and said with a light smile, "If I want to become stronger, I must challenge those interesting people."


Compared with the cumbersome resolution of the crown position, the Dead Apostle side is much simpler. When the dawn shines on Germany again, and the ancestors of the entire Berlin gather again, within half an hour, the black flag of the entire country begins to rise. Slowly dissipating, the breath of the Dead Apostle disappeared without a trace again.

When the German magicians took to the streets again, looking at the clear sky, the haze in their hearts did not decrease at all.

because they know-

"War is coming."

Rimuru looked at the distant Berlin with her clear eyes, turned around and followed the pace of Erte Luqi and the others in front of her——

They are going back to Cornwall.

Time turns, 48 ​​hours later, moonlit night, Cornwall.

The faint moonlight was still accompanied by the blood moon, dyeing the entire starry sky a gloomy red, and the bloody breath slowly permeated the air. Under the swaying shadows of the city, there were roars and wailings from time to time.

This is ghouls killing each other.

It has been about a week since Cornwall was transformed into the city of the Dead Apostles by Limuru. During this week, the newborn Dead Apostles included countless living corpses that failed to transform, and the ghouls had almost destroyed the entire Cornwall region The human beings searched out and completely fell into a frenzy for blood.

Not giving them blood food is naturally to turn ordinary beasts into hungry wolves, so that this group of cannon fodder has their own fanatic buff.

Of course, not all the dead disciples will be obedient and obedient, let themselves endure the longing without saying anything, and spend their minds to suppress their blood servants-but today's Cornwall, it can be said that it has long been surrounded by magicians and agents. The surrounding area was surrounded by water.

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