They didn't take a step forward, waiting for the order of the general attack, but they would not show mercy to the dead disciples who came up.

In this hell-like city, Limuru stood extremely indifferently on the mansion of the Duke of Cornwall, looking at the flickering shadows in this half-urban and half-country area in the night. .

Suddenly, in the dark red light, a ray of light like the morning sun broke through the hellish scenery. The dazzling and holy light seemed to be like a signal, instantly dispelling the darkness of the entire area.

Seeing this, Limulu was slightly taken aback: "Have you come?"

"Then..." He lowered his head, smiled lightly, and when he raised his eyes again, the whole sky was already shrouded in thick mist: "Dead disciples, get ready to welcome our guests."

In an instant, the cracking sound of doors and the cracking sound of windows, accompanied by endless roars of fanaticism, burst out instantly. The magician who crossed the Cornish border couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

Cornwall is a small town in the southwest of England, facing the sea—and at this time, it is also on the coast facing the sea. When the magicians and agents go around and log in from the sea, the first thing that comes into view is All over the mountains and plains, with scarlet eyes and crazy expressions - they are not dead disciples, but lower-level ghouls, but even so, this hell-like scene still made several magicians back a few steps in fright, muttering Whispering: "Here...what the hell happened..."

However, before his words fell, the crazy ghouls roared and rushed up, biting their necks ferociously like zombies.

In a hurry, the magician seemed to be frightened stupid-watching the ghoul biting him!


A wave of clear water rushed past, forming a solid wall to envelop everyone. At the same time, the raging water turned into a giant dragon, and with a buzzing sound, several ghouls rushing in front were completely washed away.

"Your Excellency An Asa, although I respect the family of researchers who have dedicated their entire lives to academics, obviously I think the fighting instinct that is enough to protect themselves should be maintained as much as possible, isn't it?"

Under the water curtain, Limulu's golden eyes shone with a mysterious brilliance, and he softly changed the young magician's mind, which immediately made him blush, and quickly thanked him.

Regarding this, Limulu didn't say anything more. Although An Asa is the head of the family, he is actually just a student who just graduated two years ago. It hasn't been long since he inherited the position of the head of the family. Limulu, who should be reminded, has already reminded After that, if as a patriarch, you can't even deal with ghouls... then death is something you can't help, right?

Thinking of this, Limulu glanced at the magicians who had begun to spread rapidly, gradually cleaning up the dead apostles on the coast, and slightly raised the corners of their mouths. At the same time, more and more ghouls appeared in the jungle above the coast. They began to gather, slowly revealing their minions.

On the tallest mansion, the white knight Limuru closed his eyes slightly, and seriously covered Cornwall with his perception. The area of ​​Cornwall is less than [-] square kilometers of mountain plains, so Limuru can completely Easily cover it.

"Even if the conversion rate of 53 people is less than 50%, then [-] living corpses are not something ordinary magicians can break through in a short period of time. The human advance troops will probably be torn apart right?"

"Aren't we going to make a move?" Alte Lucy looked indifferently at the fire in the distance, howled, and raised her eyes and asked.

Hearing this, Limulu smiled, and said softly: "You are the Great Demon King, Your Highness, only a brave man who has walked in front of you is worth your shot."

Hearing this, Erte Luqi nodded irresistibly, looking at the figure in front who seemed to be planning a strategy, a trace of color flashed in her red eyes.

The first-round formulas of the Magic Association and the Church were weaker than Limulu imagined, probably because the Magic Association did not have as strong executive power as the Church, so compared to the discipline of the Church, the magicians were more Be good at fighting on your own, even though the Magic Association has tried its best to mobilize those who are free, or recall the monarchs and magician family owners who are carrying out certain things, but the first-class magicians who came are still scattered.

As for the combination of the two sides, it made Limulu feel ridiculous. As a former twelve sect, he took the command of the water combat force as a matter of course with his influence, but those who really set foot on the shore and were willing to obey his orders There were only those few magicians, and more agents acted without authorization.

But so good.

Limulu narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking to can't blame me if you kill yourself.


In the night, among the complex mountains of Cornwall, an intellectual Yujie with an orange side ponytail and an orange windbreaker stepped on this land. She stepped on the brake casually, raised her head and shook He cut his hair, took off his glasses and put them upright in the pocket of his windbreaker. When a pair of slender legs stepped on the ground, the roaring motorcycle slowly turned off.

"Collective action or something is not suitable for me, old men." Aoko Aozaki took a deep breath, and the bloody smell in the air made her frown lightly—at the same time, a voice sounded in her ear again. A slightly old voice.

"According to the plan, when making a frontal feint, you need to find out whether Lord White Wing has reached a cooperation with the White Knight, and whether any other ancestors have already hibernated into the Cornwall area..."

Due to the particularity of Canozaki's immortality, although the Magic Association hesitated about her being designated by the seal, they finally accepted the decision to let her act as a scout for the first wave of intelligence collection.

For magicians to fight, intelligence is very important, because it determines whether the magician can face the enemy with sufficient preparation.

As mentioned before, magicians are good at positional combat, but this does not mean that magicians are not good at offense.

A well-prepared magician and an unprepared magician are completely two professions!

The battle in Cornwall concerns the face and dignity of the Magic Association. For this reason, the Magic Association dispatched all possible monarchs and paid a lot of benefits. This is why Limulu came to the scene immediately.

There's no way, what they gave... is really too much.

Not only that, as the supreme puppeteer, Aozaki Chengzi's appearance fee is not low, and she can even... revoke her seal designation.

"I know, I know." Hearing this, Cang Qi Chengzi raised his head impatiently, and just about to speak, a huge shadow suddenly attacked, with a bang!

Cang Qi Chengzi rolled over to avoid the attack of the shadow, and a huge fist of dirt landed on her motorcycle, causing a violent explosion!


Seeing this scene, Cang Qi Chengzi couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly said: "It seems that you have to reimburse me for the motorcycle expenses."

"This voice, have you encountered an enemy?"

"Ah, it's a bit... not good." Aoko Aozaki moved his wrist, looked up at the huge clay doll, and a round figure under the moonlight, and suddenly opened the corners of his mouth to lick He licked his lower lip: "Hey, old man, I can give you a piece of information right now."


"Will my motorcycle be reimbursed?"

"...Aozaki oranges!!"

"Tsk." Hearing this sentence, Cang Qi Chengzi raised his face coldly and arrogantly, and looked at the other party: "It seems that I won the big prize?"

"You're right if you say that." Hearing this, Feimu laughed cheerfully, and said softly, "Let me introduce myself, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles, puppet master Fan Feimu."

"Puppeteer..." Cang Qi Chengzi raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said, "Did you come here specially to find me?"

"You can say yes." Feim smiled lightly and said, "After all, this is the arrangement of the White Knight. As an ally, I still have to listen to it."



At the same time, one of the Feint Troops, the Church Proctor Squad.

The roar and the sound of flames exploded in the corner, and the fiery flames directly destroyed and devoured the entire three-story building, and wiped out all the dead apostles and ghouls included.

Outside, Kotomine Kirei, who was watching all this with a blank face, suddenly turned his head as if reacting, and looked towards the sky.

There, a huge shadow covered the moonlight all the time, mixed with endless darkness and shadows. The next moment, it seemed that there was only endless darkness left in his vision, and his hands and feet disappeared before his eyes.

He raised his hand indifferently relying on his senses, and tried to activate a few magic tricks, but he didn't feel the slightest light or sound.

Silence and darkness seem to be everything in this world.

This is... Kotomine Kirei lowered his eyes slightly, and suddenly remembered the information in a certain top-secret file...

Inherent barrier · Never return? !

Suddenly, a sharp breath hit him suddenly, and when the sense of danger and cold sweat soaked his whole body instantly, he rushed to the side forcefully, only to feel that when he hit a sharp stone and scratched his face, the faint smell of blood disappeared from his body. It came from behind, at that moment, he seemed to hear the scream of his companion——


Do not!

It was indeed him, Kotomine Kirei's pupils shrank slightly - the legendary... Black Winged Lord! !

Chapter 060, The Ways of Magicians' Combat—The Battlefield Expands!

Above the surface of the sea, there was sparkling light, and the dark red moonlight made the fish a little restless, while the sea breeze blew through bursts of salty and wet breath mixed with the smell of blood.

The ferocious ghoul roared and opened its sharp claws, and a priest with clenched fists screamed and rushed over. The next moment, its figure was suddenly turned back by the priest, and with a bang, its whole body bounced out like a cannonball, smashing Entered the group of ghouls and crushed several of the same kind.

The luster of enhanced magic flowed on the priest's body, but before he could take a breath, a group of ghouls surrounded him again, submerging him and unfolding a round of bloody wind.

Limulu stayed quietly inside the water curtain, watching this group of agents who were cutting melons and vegetables as if they were unparalleled, couldn't help but let out a sneer: "It's really brave, this group of church members, However, it would be too inelegant."

With the support of high-level strengthening magic, the physical body of ordinary people can be compared to servants, just like class people's teachers, and the agents who pay attention to individual combat power and the nuns of the church who are good at assisting are even more proficient in strengthening. The spell - but!

No matter how proficient in strengthening magic, you are still alone.

Seeing the agents who had advanced to the point where they were blocked by dense crowds of dead disciples, who turned around with difficulty and finally planned to ask for help, Limulu chuckled and said, "Are you ready?"

"It's almost there." Hearing this, the magicians who had been staying behind the barrier of Limu dew stopped their movements one after another, raised their heads and nodded in unison—although it is a water combat force, in fact, except for a large number of agents, There were only four or five magicians and Rimuru who came.

In addition to the fact that most first-class magicians need to do more preparations, and it is not too late to catch up, it is more because magicians unless they are large-scale magics that jointly release strikes or inherent enchantment types, More is still good at independent formation arrangement.

Just like there were usually only one or two magicians accompanying them on the ancient battlefield, what magicians do more is to assist soldiers in fighting. However, this does not mean that magicians are not good at fighting on their own.

On the contrary, a well-prepared magician is the real... battlefield killer!

"In this case, let's start." Seeing that the magicians behind him are getting ready, Limulu raised his head slightly, and raised his hand casually, and the endless sea water suddenly formed a huge tsunami with the sea behind him: "I will first They disperse, and you quickly spread out your positions."

"Let this group of barbarians who only know how to charge see how magicians fight... tell them."

"Who is the master in the war!"

The next moment, the tsunami crashed down, swept across with a bang, and wiped out all the ghouls on the beach. When only a few roaring living corpses were left, the magicians behind Limulu sprinkled a lot of water in an instant. Using Mithril as a psychic medium, the spirit particles in the air quickly began to transfer and expand. With a bang, the void formed by the magic power distorted the space, and endless wires fell from the sky.

The formation unfolded, and behind Limulu, the young magician rescued by him showed a trace of determination, instantly activated the magic circuit, and when his eyes flashed with silver light, the magic power began to spread, and countless iron wires began to slowly bend and fold automatically—steel Give life and strengthen the familiar.

Hundreds of steel birds began to fly into the sky, waiting for an opportunity to attack and began to spread out. After sharing all the pictures with all the magicians and Limuru, the endless sand on the beach also began to slow down. Formed into a human form, they faced the ghouls who quickly replenished, and began to fight!

Limulu glanced behind him, it was a branch head from the old woman Yinolai's family who was good at using sand.

At the same time, the mechanism traps began to change slowly, the terrain began to distort, and the magic fort began to be built——

Gorgeous and full formations were quickly established one by one, quickly clearing out a passage enough for everyone to advance, and the moment it was cleared, an invisible barrier was quickly sprinkled from the air, isolating the means of other ghouls to rush in.

And after Limulu nodded to the magician who used the sand, the magnificent magic power surged out again, and the magic circle formed in the engraving flowed into the sea in an instant along with the water flow, and in an instant, hundreds of transparent water bodies formed, rushed towards the endless ghouls!

All of a sudden, on the huge coast, transparent and sandy soldiers and ferocious roaring monsters fought together. It was obviously an offensive and defensive battle with less than ten people, but it completely filled the entire battlefield, as if it had become tens of thousands of people. battlefield!

But this is one of the magician's abilities: one person can stop the army!

Dead Apostles can create unlimited ghouls to arm themselves, and magicians can also use group magic tricks like Dragon Bone Soldiers to compete with them!

And in Xingyue, whether you are good at necromancy, summoning, or giving life to alchemy creatures, everything belongs to... the branch of the magician's spirit department!

And with soldiers, the next step is to strengthen them!

The proctors who saw this scene finally let go of their previous prejudices for the time being. A priest-like proctor stopped his progress first. The cross on his neck suddenly emitted a holy light, and the baptism chant strengthened the group!

The magicians behind Limulu also began to use the bonus of the position, and began to release the magic boost!

In an instant, one after another magic imprint added another level to the combat power of the familiars, and they began to press in layers like a crushing style.

"It seems to work well." Suddenly, Limulu heard the voice from the clock tower, but the person in charge of contacting Limulu was still working overtime to make the potion as the first logistics element. Lydel of the staff.

"It's okay, the opponent's dead disciples haven't made a move yet, and it's normal for a low-level combat force like a ghoul to be crushed." Limulu said softly: "It's a pity, there is not enough time for this battle Prepare the magic furnace, otherwise the entire position will expand three times."

"...Fake attack troops, you have to position yourself well? After An'asa's familiar has collected enough information, you can retreat, don't go too deep."

"How long will it take for the follow-up troops to arrive? I have to make preparations." Limulu asked suddenly. Naturally, this preparation was done as a white knight.

"Hmm..." Lidel tilted her head slightly to think about Limuru's question, and quickly sold off the arrangement between the Church and the Magic Association, saying: "The Church has already started a frontal attack. As for the Magic Association, it is estimated that Tomorrow's dawn, the entire spirit department, including Felice, will be working overtime like me—they need to prepare a large number of troops to deal with ghouls and living corpses."

"Well...understood." Although a terrifying existence like Urefis can summon thousands of troops with a single thought like Limuru, the consumption of magic power is also extremely terrifying, so prepare in advance Corresponding media and positions, and even renting the magic furnace are necessary choices.

But these things obviously take time, whether they are made or dispatched.

Compared with the Magic Association, which has to prepare for a battle for several days, the style of the church is very pleasing.

Bing is expensive and fast, dear!

Strengthen the magic and put it on your body, and you're done!

They don't care about the little soldiers. The agents are a group of killers, and they are best at beheading!

If the war between the Magic Association and the Dead Apostles is more like a battle between two armies, the church's actions are more like those of special forces... Before or during the battle between the two armies, there will be a round of assassinations and raids from time to time!

Thinking about it this way, Limulu knew it.

"But since it's a special operation, it must be a covert operation where death is for nothing... Then don't blame me."

"Your Excellency Limuru, the other side has started to retreat."

At this moment, the young magician who was in charge of the investigation suddenly pulled back Limulu's mind who was communicating, and made Limulu slightly startled: "Retreat?"

"Well, it should be that the Dead Apostles in charge found that they couldn't fight, and began to shrink their troops."

"hold head high……"

It's quite interesting, my group of subordinates actually know how to shrink their troops——Thinking of this, Limulu smiled lightly: "So far, hasn't a single Dead Apostle showed up?"

"Indeed, but it's true that there are a large number of dead disciples lurking in the city, and other troops in our church can confirm this." Hearing this, a leading priest suddenly said: "It's strange, the other party seems to be completely It's like luring us into it."

"So far, we haven't found any traces of Hei Ji and White Knight, and we haven't even found any traces of the power of Lord White Wing." The young magician, with the vision of hundreds of familiars, said a little tiredly: "But according to the news, another It can indeed be confirmed that the Puppeteer and Black Wing Lord, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles, have appeared, which shows that the other party has no intention of giving up this city... ",

"My opinion is to go deeper." The priest said softly, "For the glory of the Lord."


Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at the dark city of night. The ghouls were shrinking their battle lines under their suppression, but there, under the dark night, Cornwall seemed to open a deep abyss Huge mouth—waiting for everyone to approach, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.


Cold sweat completely soaked Kotomine Kirei's back, but after death brushed past him, he didn't chase after him. The endless darkness only lasted for about three seconds. , the darkness has dissipated, only the corpses of his comrades lying in disarray have been completely silent, and a few people like him, who either escaped or resisted with strong strength, slowly stood up from the ruins. stand up.

After all, the purpose of the Magic Association is to regain the territory of Cornwall and turn it back into the territory of the Magic Association. Therefore, if the Dead Apostles cannot defeat them, they only need to abandon this land and flee completely, and the Magic Association is too lazy to continue hunting down After all, unlike the church that can use the cohesion of faith, more than [-]% of them are egoistic magicians. If you want to mobilize them, without rewards and benefits, it is simply impossible! !

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