Create a high-end brand to let the factions of noble students compete in a show-off manner, so that your magic can spread throughout the magic world at an unbelievable speed. Only then can Limuru have the title of gorgeous magic artist, which obviously belongs to the title of creating a person. .

The purpose of Limulu is to expand its influence, and the current influence has been expanded, so the next stage is the market sinking.

When the cost of R&D returns, the market needs to consider how to expand sales, so the biggest means is naturally to lower the price. The purpose of Limulu is not money, so naturally the price can be lowered at any time, but considering that the previous means involve the face of noble students , and the modification of the patent fee is not random, and various materials must be submitted, so Limulu will want to reorganize a magic book for publication-the symbolic printing fee is also easier to manufacture Topic, more effective than free itself.

It's like the topical gift given by a company is not as good as a company buying another company with one dollar. The one dollar is just to deepen the impression in the topical, so that others will be more impressed with the news... It's all psychological small application.

Hmm... But this kind of thing is very troublesome, as expected, it's better to leave it to Achelot or... Saber.

When walking towards the periphery of the clock tower, as Limuru quickly considered the next matters in his mind, Saber's spirit son was getting closer and closer in the perception of the great sage.

Finally, when Limuru walked out of the barrier of the British Museum and appeared in the crowd, the breath of Lingzi also came to him.

"Waiting for a long time?" Limuru squinted and said softly. Saber seemed to be afraid that she would cause trouble to Limuru, so she never entered the range of the clock tower.

"Fortunately, I just arrived, master." Saber's faint voice came from one side, with a trace of fatigue in his tone, Limuru thought for a while, then turned and walked to his car, the gift Achelot gave him back then , has been parked in front of this clock tower for two months.

After getting in the car, Saber naturally turned into a beauty in men's clothing with blond hair and a black suit. Limulu saw that she was a little disappointed and kept her head down in silence. She raised her eyebrows and said, "It seems that things are not going well."

Saber didn't speak, Limuru sighed, opened the car window to get some air, and released a familiar.

After the meeting of the monarch, Lidel did not go with Limuru, but asked Limuru to visit Eilaire, and hurriedly went back to continue to work on other things. As a monarch, she still has a lot of things to do , if Limuru hadn't been involved in this meeting, she might not have come.

"What are you doing, master." Seeing Limuru's actions, doubts flashed across Saber's green eyes.

"In short, should I help you solve the identity problem first?" Limulu replied softly: "You should have met the handlers of the Magic Association, and you have already appeared among the relevant personnel, so you need a reasonable identity .”

"The attack by a magician involving the death of 78 people is enough to attract the attention of the association. Although they will not investigate so carefully due to my identity, but..."

"The 78 remember it really carefully, I thought you wouldn't care about it..." Saber looked at Limuru.

"I really don't care." Hearing this, Limuru said indifferently, he didn't want Saber to have inexplicable expectations for him: "So I didn't even bother to ask what happened to those children in the end, I killed a few people, but I'm used to It's just a sexual tally, it'll make it easier for me to get the job done—"

"Then do you know how many children were killed by the members of the Magic Association!" Hearing Limuru's words, Saber clenched her fists and said angrily.

"Is there no way for the child to forget everything through hints? In order to prevent the mystery from leaking, it seems that there is no way." After hearing this, Limulu pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Saber, do you still remember the one who betrayed us?" child?"

"That child, the hatred for us is so clear that I can't help but want to kill him. I can confirm without hesitation that even if he lives, he will only kill more children, but I Let him go anyway, because I can guess what you want to say."

"He's just a child..." Limulu raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a malicious yin and yang air.

"Master, I can understand what you mean." Unexpectedly, the angry Saber did not become more angry, but calmed down, and said coldly: "But children are children, evil is only because he has not experienced the right guide……"

"People who say such things must have never seen a born bad breed." Limulu lay on the driver's seat boredly, looking out the window: "But that's not what I want to say."

"Then what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say can't save everyone, Saber."

"..." With a soft click, Limulu glanced at the right side, and saw that the handle of the co-pilot's door had been completely deformed and broken—and Saber had turned her head completely to look out the window, tightly She pursed her lips, as if she didn't want to speak anymore.

Autistic, this is... well, it seems that I said something wrong?

"It's more than just saying the wrong thing, you are simply stepping on the mine with precision."

Then there is no way, there is no need to be careful when speaking normally...

"With all due respect, I don't understand."

"Isn't it your best thing to pretend to be like-minded in front of anyone?"

It also depends on who.

Hearing what the great sage said, Limulu smiled wryly and shook his head: "Because I'm trying..."

"Try to change her."

"Then if you fail, your favorability may be negative forever."

"It's useless if the fake favorability is full, right?" Limulu raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not very interesting."

And I want to change her, and I don't want to covet her body or beauty... I don't lack women.

Limulu turned his head to the side, looked at Saber's delicate face, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Ah...what I'm looking forward this kind of hell-level challenge."

"A challenge doomed to fail?"

"It's a challenge that is doomed to fail."

Not being successful doesn't mean you're going to fail.

Those emerald green eyes may not turn into my color in the end, but in the end... who knows what she will turn into?

Chapter 099, words that had the opposite effect.

Maintaining communication with the great sage in this way, when Limuru habitually stretched his legs and wanted to step on the accelerator to start driving, he stepped on the empty space before realizing why he didn't like driving...

"This damn world is always reminding me of my height problem." Limulu puffed up her face in dissatisfaction, jumped out of the car with a whoosh sound, and kicked the door a few times angrily.

What is this guy... Saber was sitting in the co-pilot, and after seeing this scene, there was some confusion in her angry eyes - she couldn't understand the Master in front of her.

Obviously, he is completely indifferent and cruel that does not match his age and appearance, but he sometimes shows a child-like heart... Is he really the ace of the clock tower? Saber sighed, always feeling that she was cheated, but... since the contract has been signed, breaking the contract is not the spirit that a knight should have.

"Master, if you don't mind, I should be able to drive this kind of mount."

"Well, that's what I planned too. I'll use my magic power to guide you, just follow the route." Limulu went straight to the back seat and sat on it after mending a few more feet: "It just so happens that your Identity, if nothing else happens, it should be my life assistant, um, the first retainer of the Tempest family, feel honored, Saber."

life assistant?Is it like a housekeeper or something?The first retainer of the Tempest family...?

Saber nodded lightly, switched to the driver's seat and started the car, after a moment of silence, she still couldn't help asking: "Master."


"Miss Kuonji once mentioned your"

"Ah, I was exterminated." Limulu heard the uncertainty in the other party's tone, and understood the other party's doubts, and replied directly: "I am the only one in the Tempest family today, so you are the first That's it, retainer."

So that's why his personality has become so...extreme?

"Sorry." Saber was driving the car, and glanced at the rearview mirror inadvertently, only to see that the other party was still looking out the window indifferently, as if talking about something completely irrelevant to her...

Limulu noticed that the other party was looking at him, so he turned his head and smiled at the rearview mirror, met her eyes in the mirror, shook his head and said: "Don't think about it, Saber, my personality is the same as What I have experienced has nothing to do with it, and I have no feelings for my family, I just need to shoulder the honor and mission of the family."

To be precise, it is to respond to the expectations of the people he cares about, Rimuru thought, whether it is to save mankind, or to carry the revival of the family, it is only because of the expectations of the headmaster, Lydal, Kuonji Yuzu and others, that’s all. I don't want to disappoint them, that's all.

"Understood." Hearing this, Saber seemed to realize that her behavior was a little reckless, she looked away, and when she continued to drive the car intently, the atmosphere between the two of them turned into silence again, and they fell silent.

Ten minutes later, the car slowly drove out of the suburbs of London, and Saber gradually became confused: "Master, where is our destination?"

"Windsor Castle." Limulu said lightly, "Do you know?"

"I know most of the common sense of mankind, master." Saber said dissatisfiedly: "Including where is the so-called Queen of England's castle."

"That's very simple, isn't it? However, Windsor Castle used to belong to my family." Limulu cocked his legs in the back seat, tilted his head and said: "Most of the castles in the UK are actually rented out. You can afford upkeep."


"Ah, it's sold. Now it completely belongs to the Queen, and the Queen doesn't welcome me as the former landlord..." Limulu spread his hands, and said helplessly, "So where we are going It is a house about ten kilometers away from Windsor Castle, where I was born, and it is also my only family property that has not been sold, as a retainer, you have to remember it, Saber."

"Where can I solve my identity problem?"

"There is someone there who can solve the problem. I released the familiar before to let people contact her. Unfortunately, that guy can't set foot in London for the time being, so I can only choose an area outside London to talk about." Feeling helpless, he said, "To be honest, I don't want to make a deal with that person—but for you..."

After getting the answer she wanted, Saber decisively ignored the following words and continued driving with concentration.

She finally understood that the best way to talk to this kind of person was to only listen to the information she wanted, and it would be much better to ignore everything else.

Seeing that Saber was so boring, Rimuru just smiled lightly, closed her eyes and began to fall asleep.

The time is still long, there is no need to rush for a while.


At this time, Southern Europe-Italy.

The mysterious side of the war in the table world is generally manifested in the struggle of local factions, or terrorist attacks, anti-government armed operations, etc., but if it involves a big country like Italy, it will be different.

For example, this time, the attitude of the watch world is... Austria declared war on the Vatican on the grounds that the bishop of the Vatican was suspected of interfering in Austria's religious politics. The extent to which the world pays attention to this is in the final analysis because the Vatican is a city-state within the territory of Italy. Although it is a country, it actually completely belongs to Italy. A kind of protection.

Lord White Wing actually doesn't care about the attitude of ordinary people in Italy, and most of the advances of magicians and dead disciples rely heavily on hidden enchantments, dispelling magic, and large-scale hints. They don't need the support of the country behind them, but Austria's declaration of war will put pressure on Italy, and at the same time create tension in the world of ordinary people, making them go out less.

What's more, Limulu and Eltruchi don't want White Wing Lord's army of dead disciples to carry out massacres in Italy like they did in Austria, because that may cause dissatisfaction among other major countries in the world, which will further aggravate the situation. The contradiction between the mysterious side and the light of technology has even caused the Magic Association to turn against it.

"After the more than 30 dead disciples are dispersed into thousands of troops, they will only be reduced to a vast sea of ​​people, and there will be no waves." In the calm cafe in the small town, the liaison clone of the white knight Limuru shook gently. Holding the spoon, looking at the fragrant foam slowly rising in the snow-white cup, he squinted his eyes and said.

Opposite him, there is a majestic king with white hair and shoulders that hasn't changed at all—White Winged Lord, in a calm city, countless dead apostles are lurking in the sea of ​​people, resting, or hunting—but he doesn't Anyone notice.

Hmm... this is the so-called undercurrent.

Rimuru thought.

"However, according to this speed, it is estimated that you will be overtaken by the large church army marching around before you reach the holy city, right?" Limulu's avatar took a sip of coffee and showed a happy expression: "OK drink."

"What the hell is going on with you, the familiar..." Seeing this scene, Bai Yigong took a deep look at the dry dumpling that should have belonged to him. It was obviously just a communication mission, and even the magic power needed him to pay for it. How can you still drink coffee? !

"In the final analysis, if it wasn't for your and Eltruchi's request, I'm afraid the current Holy City would have been completely trampled by us."

"Yes, and then you will become the enemy of the entire human race and welcome the crusade of the entire human race?" Limulu smiled lightly: "Well, it is not impossible to speed up appropriately, but someone will be responsible afterwards, right? Bai Yi male?"

"Oh? Shouldn't you be in charge? This is your plan."

"I mean let the dead be responsible, don't speak so aggressively, Your Excellency Baiyi." Limulu's avatar did not explain after drinking coffee: "Your Highness will bring the remaining ancestors to join you soon , when the time comes, please be sure to reach the level where you can directly attack the Holy City, and your Highness can accept half of the casualties."

"But in my mind, the tolerable casualties are two-thirds." Limulu said lightly, "Of course, everyone is a dead disciple, so the fewer casualties, the better..."

"The less the better...I got the information that Kyle, the Earl of the Blood Gun, has been crusaded, right." The blood in the eyes of the White Wing Lord flickered. Do you know that one of her generals was ordered to die by you?"

Habitual temptation.

"Kyle..." Hearing this, Limulu lowered his eyes slightly. At that moment, Lord Baiyi raised his eyebrows rarely, because he actually saw sadness in Limulu's eyes.

Limulu actually thought about taking the other party to retreat together, but obviously, this is not a very rational decision, because if there is one, there are two, Limulu can take one person away, so with His Highness's temper, he will definitely want to Taking more people away - meanwhile, the idea of ​​why he can retreat with Zu and we can't will spread.

Because he is stronger, because he is more loyal, because he contributes more, all these reasons will be invisible, they don't care about the reason, they will only selectively feel that they have suffered unfairness, this is the bad nature of human beings, and the Dead Apostle is here In one point, I'm afraid it's even scarier than humans.

"Well, people always die in war, haha." Limulu put away the temporary sadness, and said with a dry smile, "Are you going to use this to threaten me?"

"Your Majesty Bai Yi won't use such tricks to provoke the relationship between me and His Highness, will he? No way, no way?"

"How do you plan to make the dead responsible?" Listening to Limulu's intentional eccentricity, which was actually just to cover up his emotions, Bai Yigong did not respond, but turned to the serious topic and said: "Mr. Could it be that the number of troops who died would make up for the cost of the riots?"

Oh, you understand well, Lord Bai Wing...

"You can say this, it means that you are actually the same as me."

"That's because we are all paying attention to the balance of the chips. I may understand you a little bit, White Knight. All you do is stare at the final tilt on the final balance. As long as our side overwhelms the other, you will Do it without any scruples, even if there are sacrifices." Bai Yigong squinted his eyes, stared at Limulu and said, "As a result, I should have understood..."

He suddenly understood that although Limuru and Erte Luqi both ordered that they not want them to advance aggressively and let their men kill and be active, their purposes were completely different.

Eltruchi was afraid that the massacre would cause the mystery to be leaked, causing his subordinates to be besieged by magicians. Even Eltruchi herself had a certain kindness and felt that massacres should not be done.

But the White Knight is completely different. The reason why he also opposes it is only because once the mystery is leaked, it will be detrimental to future negotiations and will increase the bargaining chip for the other party. He has never cared about the life and death of the Dead Apostles, let alone Concerned about the life and death of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is naturally very simple to say that the dead are responsible. Whoever caused the disturbance, let whoever pays the price.

"Since it was caused by those dead disciples who like to hunt and cause trouble everywhere, they should be responsible for it themselves." Limulu said indifferently: "Without the slightest self-discipline, let alone the slightest loyalty, more than 30 Among the Dead Apostles, how many are idiots who dream of trampling human beings under their feet and sucking blood at will, and how many are fallen just because they enjoy chaos, killing and heinous crimes?"

"There are too many. Sucking blood is like the temptation of human beings facing drugs. Even if such dead apostles are alive, they will be the natural existence of rebelling against order in our country of dead apostles in the future. Instead of leaving them in the future and needing us To deal with it, it is better to let them bring more benefits to other companions."

As long as there are enough casualties, they can also become a bargaining chip——

Limuru has never shown mercy to the dead, and people who are not my race will have a different heart. This is true. From the beginning to the end, Limuru regards herself as a member of human beings, but also because Only in this way can he rationally... help the Dead Apostles in exchange for the future.


Limuru looked at her coffee, and the faces of Erte Luqi and Kyle seemed to be reflected in the gradually cooling liquid...

Since I am a human being, I will inevitably be affected by feelings... After getting along for a long time, will I still be bound by the fetters among the dead?

Your Highness... Limuru took a deep breath and smiled lightly.

But fortunately, at least according to the current situation, Eltruchi is still pretty good... the king of the dead.

Compared with Limulu's smile, Bai Yigong's mood is much more gloomy.

After understanding the nature of Limulu's work, he was suddenly a little scared. Although the two were like-minded, and Bai Yigong felt that the other party was the same as himself, in essence, the other party was a little...too indifferent.

If everything is based on the result, then even if what the other party said to him before is true, if he is simply planning all actions for Erte Luqi, then if one day, Erte Luqi suddenly treats the dead apostle Or are the vampires disgusted?

Or did Eltruchi occasionally act stupid in the dictatorship?

In this case, maybe it’s okay if I’m still alive, if I’m also defeated by Rimuru...then only Rimuru’s country of dead disciples is left...and the other party’s everything is based on Elte Lucki’s The will is the main word!


Sure enough... I can't fail.

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