Lord White Wing raised his eyes coldly, and his scarlet eyes stared at Limuru—the White Knight...he must not become the future of the Dead Apostles!

Chapter 100, the grand statement of the ancestral grave (Chapter 100, it's not easy, woo woo woo)

"By the way, what you said earlier was that Elt Lucy would bring other ancestors to join us?" Bai Yigong suddenly said, "Why, you are not among them?"

"What are you doing again... White Knight."

Hearing this, Limulu shook her body slightly, yawned lazily, and drank the rest of the coffee in one gulp, turning it limp into a puddle: "Of course it's more troublesome to help His Highness clean up. hidden danger."

"Come on, Your Excellency Bai Yigong."

Limulu's voice became lower and lower, and finally turned into a group that was not talking, which meant that Limulu cut off contact on his own initiative.

Seeing this, Lord Bai Wing snorted coldly, and after a moment of silence, he announced the marching order—going forward with all his strength.


"From dawn to dusk, the end point is * point~hmm~hmm~" outside the gate of a certain church, Limulu hummed a little tune, and walked out with a faint smile, looking very happy look.

Outside, Dawn in the uniform of a priest leaned against the door of his oversized truck as always, smoking a cigarette with his head down, which gave Limulu a feeling of envy—he also wanted to have a tall tall, able to put on that kind of cool action.

"You seem to be in a good mood, have you contacted the center?" Seeing the "hermit" come back from the church, Dawn snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, picked up the prayer book again, and asked.

As a transporter, he does not need to be involved in the operations of the combatants, nor does he want to be.

"Ahhh, I was a little nervous when I contacted those old things as Narubalek for the first time, but those guys seemed to have guessed the result—it's a pity that I couldn't see their shocked expressions. Limulu opened the car door without saying a word, boarded the car, tilted his head and said, "Speaking of it, Dawn Sang."

"Although you are considered a member together with the original sixth, but that's because the sixth is a road idiot, right?"

Hearing this, Dawn lowered his head, opened the car door silently and sat in.

"So, if you recruit new members... are you also facing the dilemma of being laid off?"

"Isn't that just right?" Father Dawn said, "I'm not suitable for this job. If I really don't need me, I can go back and do my job honestly."

"If it's an ordinary church institution, it might be true, right? But the burial institution... can the living people leave?" Limulu tilted his head and said with a smile: "Dao Ensang, you don't seem to have reminded me...the burial The agency is in a rubbish place like a local church, so do you still need a code?"

"Hey... I think you should know about this kind of thing..." Dawn, who was driving, shrank his pupils when he heard these words, slowed down his driving speed, and sighed: "The priest of this church Definitely not qualified."

"Then what kind of priest is qualified?"

"Don't ask too much, don't guess too much." Dawn said lightly: "At least I really want to pretend that everything is normal."

For Dawn who pursues pacifism, or in other words, will never let things develop into a dangerous situation when he can not fight or get involved, even if he has already noticed something wrong with the "hermit" beside him, He never said a word, and along the way, he honestly adhered to the appearance that the other party was the "hermit" himself, and planned to finish this mission and it would be over—

He didn't care whether the other party was manipulated, coerced, or betrayed. After all, his task was to obey the orders of the members of the burial agency and be responsible for transportation, but it seems that there will always be some fools who think they are smart and find out I couldn't wait to tear it apart after I got something——

"He must be miserable, right?" Dawn smiled wryly, "Fortunately, I didn't go in."

"Yeah, so...it's a pity you didn't see what happened to him."

In the blood-colored church, the priest who made a move to Limulu has turned into an ice sculpture, and he will pray gorgeously and piously forever.

The other party did not pose any threat to Limulu, but instead made Limulu aware of a problem, that is... the memories left by hermits and other members of the burial organization are basically damaged and irrelevant, important Things can't be detected by ordinary magic, so...for the time being, regardless of whether Rimuru's disguise is subtle or not, even the common sense or basic behavior habits of some members of the burial organization will definitely go wrong.

And a priest in a border town who has only met once, or even heard of the burial organization but has never seen a real person in his life, can find out the problem, so Father Dawn, who gets along with another member day and night, will really see Can't you come out with your own abnormality?

The answer is naturally no. Limulu never believes how perfect his disguise is - because he doesn't pretend to be his character at all. The more conceited the person's character traits are, the more obvious he is. He is not absolutely conceited, but strong You can still use the mixed word "arrogance" to describe yourself.

Speaking tone, speaking style, including personality traits, these things, unless they are agents who are proficient in disguise, few people can control the characters they tend to need to disguise 24 hours a day, every second, and themselves, even if they have previous lives With his knowledge and experience, the only thing he can do is the so-called expression management——

"So, when did you find out?" Limuru turned his head and asked with a smile, "About the fact that something is wrong with me."

"You used to not like to laugh." Father Dawn said helplessly: "You have been too excited these two days."

Are you excited?Indeed... Limuru lowered his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but deepened a bit. After all, everything went well with the magician Limuru, and the joyful mood of seeing Eilaire and Lidel, coupled with the seasoning of Saber The medicine inevitably affected the other side's mood.

But what about me?Until now, even though this guy has decided in his heart that I am not the hermit himself, he still insists on expressing his attitude... the attitude of never denying my identity as a hermit.

It's really a good talent, having such an instinct to avoid danger can also show that the other party can survive as an ordinary person time and time again in the activities of the burial agency...

Seeing Limulu lost in thought, Father Dawn couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He clenched the steering wheel and continued, "But it might be the reason why he became the leader."

"Good reason, but it doesn't seem to explain my failure to match the code?"

"Huh... It's been a long time since the burial agency has used such things as codes." Hearing this sentence, Father Dawn was relieved, and explained: "The things that were originally established are hundreds of years old, and they should be at most That is to say, this kind of frontier town will still be used, right?"

"And, including my partner, there is almost no need to use the church..."

"We just need to carry out the leader's order and go back alive."

"Yeah, choose between dying and going back alive." Limulu chuckled, which was in line with his memory, and in the memory of most of her members, she had never seen any conflict with church personnel. Too many intersecting memories, obviously... It's really not that important for codes or proofs of these things.

However, this still shows that if I really want to replace a member and play without flaws, it is almost impossible. Fortunately, the other members are dead, and those high-level people should not be familiar with themselves. .

But... what should he do?Are you going to kill?

Limulu glanced at the priest with squinted eyes. Just as the thought of killing the other party arose, the priest Dawn immediately shuddered, and said quickly: "I am a pacifist, the kind who would faint when I saw a corpse. It's not necessary, is it?"

"Your approach is not pacifism, your approach is called eating and waiting to die..." Limulu sighed, hiding the killing intent in his heart.

Forget it, let the other party's life go first, anyway, it is also a member of the burial agency, it is much better than the cerebral palsy memories I got.

The leading party is still needed.

Rimuru squinted her eyes, turned her head and looked out of the window - I hope the other party will be more honest.

All the members of the burial agency were destroyed by him. Although most of them died in a sneak attack when he turned into Naruballek, the fact that Naruballek died at the hands of the Magic Association choral team did not make any difference. It's true, that blow from Barthemelo almost cut half of Naruballek's body into pieces. This corpse is full of residual magical power of the wind attribute of vacuum magic, and Barthemero's arrogance...

Rimuru believed that if the Church used this body to question Barthel-Melo, Barthel-Melo would not bother to lie—that blow was not caused by her.

Full of anger towards the Magic Association, but because of its strength, the church has to ask for the support of the Magic Association, what kind of decision will it make next.

It's really... looking forward to it.


On the other hand, the magician Limuru brought Saber back to the old house. In this dilapidated house full of dust and cobwebs, without even a servant or clearing the barrier, amazing magic remains.

"This is... the spiritual vein?" Standing in the yard, Saber let out a voice of surprise.

"No." Limuru shook his head and explained to Saber, feeling the magic power in the ancestral house, "It's the so-called corpse."

"You know that, right? You were born as the son of the red dragon—" Seeing the astonished Saber, Limuru stepped into the room lightly, and said, "Phantom species itself is a kind of existence that can naturally accumulate mystery."

"And the other half of our family's blood is a monster that can naturally condense magic power." Limulu said softly: "Although it is not a high-level fantasy species, the remains accumulated from generation to generation have turned into high-level monsters." Mysterious stuff gave birth to this land—”

The body... was actually reused as a material... No, no... This kind of magic that uses the body of the phantom species as a magic material to change the entire inside of the enchantment has already been lost in the age of gods because of the resistance of the phantom species. ...

In other words... Saber stared at the ground under her feet, with a dazed expression: "Is the family's domain magic?"

"That's right, just as fairies have a forest of fairies, witches also have a homeland." Limulu said indifferently: "In addition to the glory of being a magician in the past, our family has also been a magician. Trying to create a unique world belonging to Tempest."

"Thus, the remains of the clansmen of the past dynasties will not be resettled, but recovered, and used as a gift to future generations to improve this land boundary and make it mystical."

"Originally, the Inherent World, which was expected to take shape in more than 2000 years, is also the biggest and only wealth left to me by my family."

Limulu explained lightly that he was not lying. After all, as a traveler, this ancestral house was indeed the only surprise left to him by this so-called family. The technology that has been cut off in the age of the gods has been transformed into a small world...land.

However, having said that, the transformation of this land is much slower than expected, so that it has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is still just a land that has almost the same function as a natural top spiritual land.

Limuru also thought about this when she tried to summon Saber in vain, but because it was the painstaking efforts of her ancestors after all, it should have an inexplicable meaning to her so-called self, so she subconsciously ignored it.

"Tsk tsk, isn't it just an ancestral grave? It's so grand." A disdainful tone came from the room, Saber raised her face, and saw a killing doll like a mechanical spider crawling out quickly, bang It fell to the ground with a bang, forming a red-haired figure: "But speaking of it, in my eyes, your family's bloodline is much more terrifying than Beor's."

Beo is her friend, a legendary golden wolf. Obviously, this is a very high level of praise.

But Rimuru didn't like it very much: "She looks like an intellectual older sister, but her speech is always so annoying as always, Ms. Aozaki."

"That's because we were enemies..." Aozaki Chengzi lightly squeezed her chin, looked at Saber who was following behind Limuru, and showed a surprised request: "Tsk, this is, this time's client?"

"Ah." Limuru nodded indifferently, and pulled Saber, who was still staring at the ground and meditating, to her side in a daze, pushed her in front of Aoqi Chengzi and said, "Then, please."

"The traces of spiritual fluctuations, the weaving of magic power, if it is not because of you, Rimuru, I doubt that you want to make the summoned object into some kind of moving toy." Aozaki orange wrinkled in Saber He touched her face under his brows, and quickly took a few steps back to look at her: "But since it's you, it must be a high-end person, right? I heard that you are obsessed with spirit-sorrowing techniques recently. Could it be some unlucky person?" A god?"

"After the disappearance of the Age of Gods, the gods can no longer stand on the earth. Individual basic subjects, the third excerpt of the fourth page of the compulsory subject of the Spiritual Science, The Day the Gods Walk, do you want to review it?" Limulu spread his hands: "And you are You think highly of me so much, how can I summon the gods after being obsessed with spirit seance for less than a month?"

Chapter 101, Aozaki Orange and Saber

"Ah." Limuru nodded indifferently, and pulled Saber, who was still staring at the ground and meditating, to her side in a daze, pushed her in front of Aoqi Chengzi and said, "Then, please."

"The traces of spiritual fluctuations, the weaving of magic power, if it is not because of you, Rimuru, I doubt that you want to make the summoned object into some kind of moving toy." Aozaki orange wrinkled in Saber He touched her face under his brows, and quickly took a few steps back to look at her: "But since it's you, it must be a high-end person, right? I heard that you are obsessed with spirit-sorrowing techniques recently. Could it be some unlucky person?" A god?"

"After the disappearance of the Age of Gods, the gods can no longer stand on the earth. Individual basic subjects, the third excerpt of the fourth page of the compulsory subject of the Spiritual Science, The Day the Gods Walk, do you want to review it?" Limulu spread his hands: "And you are You think highly of me so much, how can I summon the gods after being obsessed with spirit seance for less than a month?"

"But you are too well informed, Canozaki Orange." Limuru narrowed his eyes and said, "It was the same on the plane last time, and it is the same this time. You really did not hide your information inside the clock tower." Channel, it seems that I have to submit a report when I go back."

"You're becoming more and more like a professor, Rimuru." Hearing this, Aozaki Chengzi closed her eyes, smiled and said, "It's obvious that you want something from me, right? Is this attitude really okay? "

"Less nonsense, can you do it? My request is not high, I just need to be able to conceal that she is a creation of Lingzi."

"easy~" Aozaki Orange snapped his fingers and said, "If it's just to conceal the fluctuation of the spirit creation, I can create it for you on the spot in 5 minutes, but that will be very troublesome, right? Every battle will destroy one body."

"Don't be a salesperson, just talk about the advantages of your high-end products." Limulu raised his eyes lightly and said, "I will consider whether to buy it or not."

"Of course it's a perfect personal order—" Hearing this, Aoqi Chengzi's expression immediately became extremely confident. She kept spreading her hands in front of her body, put her other hand on her waist, and said arrogantly: "100 The simulated magic circuit, the fantasy-grade material that fits perfectly, the flow of mithril-level magic power, and even the quality of each hair is exactly the same."

"The strength can be close to 90.00% nine perfect container - it is expected to cost more than one billion pounds to build high-grade materials."

"How about it, just hearing this astronomical figure makes you look forward to it?"

Aoqi Chengzi turned her head, looked like Rimuru with a light smile and said, "The premise is that you are willing to give me her detailed information."

"Really..." Hearing this number, Limulu raised his eyebrows, and said lightly, "You are indeed called a sky-high price puppeteer... Do you also spend so much on the puppet you made for yourself?" ?”

"It's just too much." Cang Qi Chengzi lowered his head slightly, hugging his chest and said, "I didn't cheat you, this is already the cost price, if you guessed right, the person who can make you value the spiritual arts so much , no matter how you say it is a super first-class magician, even at a level comparable to fantasy species, then you will definitely use top-level fantasy-level materials. This kind of material is generally priceless, so more than one billion pounds is already Conservative estimate."

Is that so?

Limulu looked up at Saber, sighed, the cost was a bit unexpected, he doesn't have so much money now, and even Lidale's small treasury was thrown into the Eastern Iron Empire by him It’s in the middle, and the collapse of the ruble will take at least two years... But from this point of view, the puppeteer is really a money-burning thing like the alchemist. It’s no wonder that Feim died after one of his dolls was scrapped like mom...

That's right, after all, it took hundreds of years to create seven pinnacle puppet creations...

But speaking of Feimu, this guy must have a lot of money. As the most powerful devil in the financial world, his investment starts at tens of billions... It shouldn’t be too much to give me some pocket money, but because it’s just ten It feels worse to owe him a personal favor of [-] million pounds, doesn't it?

Thinking of Feim's smiling face, Limulu immediately gave up on this year. Sure enough, let's forget about it. To discuss business with a businessman of Feim's level, if you lend him a billion pounds today, he can get it back from you tomorrow. Take ten times the tens of billions of pounds back...

As if seeing the entanglement in Rimuru's heart, Aozaki Touko and Saber spoke at the same time:

"This time the production can be free..."

"Master, I don't need such a high-level existence, the lowest-level one that can conceal magic fluctuations is enough."

The two heard each other's voice and looked at each other in a daze.

And Limulu also came back to his senses at this time, smiled lightly and said: "Saber, as a retainer of the Tempest family, you can't use that kind of low-level stuff."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Cangqi Chengzi and said, "It's free, but before your designated seal is lifted, to be honest, I don't want to have any contact with you, let alone owe you anything—do you provide installment services here? "

"Installation?" Aoqi Chengzi was taken aback by this concept, and then suddenly laughed: "I heard that Professor Rimuru recently sold part of his family property and got a huge fortune of no less than tens of billions... It seems , have you found a confident investment?"

"I believe that with the title of the top twelve, it is enough to guarantee the arrears of a mere one billion pounds. Three years, three years later, I will double it to you." Limulu stretched out a hand, calmly The contract magic slowly formed, and Limulu wiped it casually, and his name was printed on it, saying: "Money is really something that cannot be avoided no matter what height it is."

"That's because as long as there are people, there will be a concept called [value]." Aoqi Chengzi looked at this scene and didn't say anything. After acquiescing to Limuru's words, he turned around and said: "Then, let the little girl behind you Come with me, girl."

"Huh? Need to avoid me?"

"I need to fully understand her body, all kinds of data... Do you want to see her body, and try her shape by the way?"

"Uh..." Hearing the other party's blatant words, Limuru turned his head and looked at Saber in embarrassment, and said helplessly: "Then you go in with her, just cooperate with her, you can tell her anything you think is ok information to tell."

Rimuru is not worried about how much information Aoqi Chengzi guesses or knows. After all, although Limuru has always kept a respectful distance from Aoqi Chengzi's understanding, she feels that this kind of person is the source of trouble, but she can also keep it a secret—she It’s best if you don’t know, and it doesn’t matter if you know it.

Watching the two enter the small black room next door, Limuru struggled for a while, and finally didn't use magic perception to peek at the conversation or small movements of the two, but just looked at the huge and empty courtyard boredly. , I found a random place to lean against, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The memory of childhood has long been blurred. Without using memory recall, Limulu even felt...he has almost no impression of this old house...but once he stepped in, that kind of memory would flood in like a flood , the most precious treasure, the last hope, the remains of parents.

He didn't understand whether the earliest family line of Tempest was the inadvertent intertwining of two worlds, or the information state interference between the worlds, but it was true... the land under his feet was the last struggle of the clansmen , It's just a pity, I still didn't catch up in the end...

"Heh." After a long time, Limulu suddenly chuckled, squatted down, gently touched the land full of magic power, and said softly: "This is the prototype of a piece of heaven and earth, inherited by the young demon king... ...Then, if you really take shape in the future, it will be called the Demon Realm."


It didn't seem to take long for Aozaki Chengzi to get to know Saber's body deeply. Half an hour later, Saber gritted her teeth with an angry face, but when she came out of the house with a flushed face, Limuru was almost bored. Fell asleep.

"A week later, I will put the finished product here, and you can come and pick it up." Aoqi Orange put her hands in her pockets, unlike Saber, she walked directly beside Limuru with a smile Glancing at Limuru, he said goodbye, "It's really a remarkable existence, isn't it?"

After speaking, she walked towards the new motorcycle in the distance.

"It seems that she knows your identity?" Limulu turned to look at Saber, looked at her blushing and paused, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry! Master, the other party seems to have the ability to test your physique and strength." Magic dress, she sensed the essence of my power and..."

"Is it possible to draw the conclusion that you have the dragon factor just by touching it?" After hearing this, Limulu laughed instead: "Well, after all, it's not just a name, this guy."

"Yes... yes, but it seems that she can't make a conclusion, so she tentatively asked whether a material like the red dragon heart is needed as a doll drive... As a result... I overreacted and asked her to confirm..." Saber lowered her head weakly, and Rimuru couldn't help laughing in a tone full of annoyance: "What about you? Didn't you want it?"

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