If a faction is compared to a company, then - the one who knows the company's product information, personnel transfer intelligence and other data the most must not be its partners or sponsors, but... its competitors!

As a competitor, not to mention ordinary intelligence, maybe even tax evasion can be found out in one go!

Hateres told Limulu about it. These days, don’t these factions like to plant spies in each other’s families?What are those spies for?It is to cut a knife at the most critical time!

When Limuru entered the mining city, no one greeted him, making him think that he was lonely and worthless in the mining city... Now he remembered that when Lidel asked him if he needed to contact the people below When he was fully cooperating with him, it was he himself who voluntarily refused.

The reason, of course, is that he is afraid of scaring the snake... After all, killing is prohibited in the mining city, and if the people of the Meastre faction stay in the mining city for seven days, he will have no chance to do it.

However, just because I didn't want those people to come to me, doesn't mean I couldn't find them quietly.

Hi!At critical times, I still have to rely on my dear little fiancee.

At this time, Lina's clever little head finally figured it out. It is true that she could not think of many situations due to the limitations of her vision and thinking, but as long as Limulu mentioned it, she would be able to figure it out quickly——Li If Lord Mulu is the monarch, then it is only natural that he has allies who are also the monarch.

"So, can Lord Limuru ask for help if he has a faction he can trust?" Thinking of this, Lina asked proactively: "There are so many people in the tavern, but it will serve as a good cover for contact—"

"Hmm... Achelot." Limuru chuckled and said, "Do you know where their tavern is?"

"Achélot, a strange name..." After hearing these four words, Lina showed an unexpected look and sighed: "Although I can't reach these surnames, I know that there is someone who must will know."


"The rats in the sewers own the channels of the sewers, Master Limuru." Lina put her left hand on her chest, bowed lightly, and said, "Leave it to me."

A moment later, after the two returned to the ground, Lina took Limuru to the edge, which was the same direction as Limuru, and it felt like leaving Marisfia.

As long as there is a dirty and dark environment, there will be mice.

The rats here naturally refer to the existence of those that provide supporting services with garbage.

If someone steals, there will inevitably be sellers.

If someone commits a murder, there must be someone who provides the murder weapon.

And in this environment, since there have been groups similar to what Lena did before, entrapping magicians and other idiot diggers, there will definitely be... [rats] responsible for finding prey and providing information.

Intelligence brokers, or scouts for prey and fat sheep as they are called.

"Although the mouse can't provide any professional and powerful information, such as who killed whom in the legend, which faction is fighting with which faction, because he has no qualifications and ability to get in touch...but he can provide extremely Accurately provide the movement of certain targets." Staggering the gloomy gazes of some wanderers, Limulu turned his head to look at the field that seemed to be the family residence, and after passing through the dark alley, Lina behind him led the way, While explaining coldly: "I often come here, because even my former team often needs information from the other party, including you...he recommended it to me."

"Interesting... He seems to have taken in a lot of wanderers, isn't he afraid of being cleaned up if he moves too much? The Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau will not let an existence that affects order arise."

"So, he will only accept entrustments from acquaintances, and he has his own family, which belongs to the faction of the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau—hmm..." At this point, Lina hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth : "It's better to say that he was originally a member of the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau, and he just used this method to receive private work."

"Excellent, just tell me that, is it possible that you are not afraid that I will kill him with a backhand?" Limulu smiled lightly: "After all, he is actually collecting resources for the Anatomy Bureau, and he is also a competitor of our monarch .”

"...My lord, I am also very selfish, and to be precise, he is not my friend." Hearing this, Lina gently lowered her eyes and said, "I want to seize the opportunity you gave me. For this reason, If you really plan to deal with him, then I won't mind after using him."

When she was planning to tell Rimuru about the mouse, Lena had already prepared to sacrifice the existence of the other party in order to show her loyalty as much as possible.

In order to survive, she was willing to accept coercion to deceive and kill others, and in order to get rid of that situation, she used magicians time and time again—letting them die.

Naturally, in order to climb to a high place, one can abandon the relationship that was once accepted because of having to be dirty.

She may be kind at the beginning, even now, she still doesn't want Limuru to die, and when she mentions the former magicians in front of Limuru, she will be angry because of their arrogance, but she also She will not deny that she tricked them to die.

Holding that sliver of luck, they felt that they could really defeat that team, and then, when they died, the inner torment and heart-piercing pain were also real.

But just as Limulu believes, kindness is not about doing good and doing good. Kindness is a noun, and it does not conflict with doing evil in essence.

Lina's thoughts and ideas seem a bit extreme, but Limulu really feels it. To be honest, he still likes this kind of existence, at least compared to the kind of desireless or saber, Lena's idea is better Being in control is also... easier to make big things happen.

"So, is he trustworthy?"

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Lina nodded and said calmly, "I saved him—so he took good care of me."

So, he owes me his life too.

Lina slowly closed her eyes, thinking she was sorry, she could only use this excuse to convince herself, and she could only pray that Master Rimuru would choose to keep him or subdue him in the end.

She wanted to do good, but she chose to do evil.

Chapter 139, Are You My Disciple?Then you still dare to charge me money? !

The light in the edge area is dimmer than the central point, and there are some sneaky sounds faintly in the shadows. They are some magical creatures like sand crystal worms, stepping on the cold and quiet path, pushing away the dilapidated and dusty path. The stone gate——in this small world, Limulu at least felt the magic fluctuations of the triple monitoring identity.

"In such a remote place, as a person from the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau... can they really live here?"

"Why not." Before Limulu finished speaking, a man's slightly delicate voice came from the end not far away: "Even the people from the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau will be divided into three, six, nine, etc. Right? As a fringe person, it’s okay to live here, right?”

Hearing this, Limulu followed Lina who nodded slightly to him and stepped into the room at the end, and saw a small bar inside, not to mention a few dozens of bottles of various red wines, but more It is a precious mantra filled with magical power.

Opposite the bar, there is a slightly delicate sofa and a stone table with playing cards on it, some magic formulas are vaguely depicted on it... Limulu glanced aside, and saw a man of about 25 six, wearing a black The thin young man in the hooded uniform was looking at his collection, looking for something seriously.

"It's rare to see that Carol will bring someone else here. It can be seen that you must be very important to Carol. Would you like something to drink?"

"Cairol has disappeared, mouse." Kyrol was exactly Lena's surname and family before. Hearing this familiar title, Lena retorted without hesitation: "You can call me Lena."

"Oh? Then... Congratulations, uh, should I say that?" Hearing Lina's slightly dissatisfied tone, the mouse was slightly taken aback, and said with a chuckle: "Then, in order to congratulate you, come to taste it today This bottle is from Chateau Latour in France..."

"Would a small fringe person get so many precious wines and spell bodies?" While the other two were talking over there, Limulu looked at the structure of the entire room and the part behind the cabinet in deep thought. Curse body.

"And if you let it out so recklessly, aren't you afraid of being coveted?"

"Well... these are two questions, right?" Hearing this, the mouse turned around and smiled and said, "As a mouse, any questions I answer will be charged."

"Excuse... including your own information?"

"That depends on who asks." The mouse nodded and said, "If it's you, it's fine."

"You know me?" Hearing this, Limulu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lina, who shook his head slightly: "This is the first time I've entered this room."

"This is the third question." The mouse smiled again.

"Tsk." Limulu took a deep look at the other party, and frankly, he actually found this person interesting.

Limulu slightly raised his hand, and Wuji slowly condensed from the ground, and spit out that unusually huge spell crystallization——

"Is it just crystallization of spell power?" Seeing this huge spar, the mouse showed a slightly disappointed color at the first time: "I thought it was you, maybe it could bring a rarer spell body ..."

This guy really knows me... I see, the wanderers I saw at the entrance are probably from this guy, right?

Is the purpose of taking in so many rogues to form an extremely scattered, seemingly disorganized family to collect information more quickly?Really powerful, just like the gang of beggars?

But in the same way, such a huge power must require a lot of money, Limulu glanced at the wine and curse body behind the other party-could this guy be behind the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau?

"The value of the crystal is enough for me to answer your three arbitrary questions. In return, I am willing to give you another question for free." After a while, the mouse took the initiative to speak.

"First of all, there are two questions you asked before - as a marginal figure of the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau, it is naturally impossible to have so many precious wines, and it is naturally impossible for me to hand in so many precious spell bodies to be limited to one person. Little fringes."

"But what if the body of the curse is not to be handed over to the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau, and the wine is not given to me by them?" Isn't it his life's pursuit."

"You're a spy working at the Bureau of Occult Anatomy...?" Limulu nodded, frankly speaking, he guessed it.

As long as anyone who can be a mouse, there is no one who can't be double-faced and multiple spies.

"Are you sure you want to ask the third question? Well, forget it. Since your second question is worthless, I will answer it together." The mouse raised his head and said with a straightforward smile, "Yes, And the reason why the precious mantra body is put here is because this mantra body is inaccessible to ordinary people, including Kai... well, Lina."

"This room has the function of isolating the spell body to avoid detection and spell power volatilization. Frankly speaking, the reason why I let you enter here is because I thought you would bring a more precious spell body—then, Your Excellency Limulu, You still have two questions, please think about it before asking."

The other party directly confessed Limulu's name, which undoubtedly directly told him the fact that the other party knew him.

However, there seems to be nothing to hide about this kind of thing. I have already determined in my heart that since the other party can arrange so many rogues as eyes at the entrance, then being able to become a mouse that focuses on the dynamics of the intelligence object as Lina said No surprise.

Thinking of this, Limulu glanced at the traces of ink books on the table. Obviously, the other party has a certain foundation in magic, which means that the other party has defenses against magic. As long as the other party is contaminated with mystery, no matter how much, there will be certain For magic power, no matter how weak it is, it is impossible to be affected by hints.

Well, anyway, let's finish asking...

"You seem to know a lot about us people, so, do you know the residence or information of the family under the Achelot faction?"

"Hmm... Achelot." Hearing this question, the mouse slightly lowered its head and smiled, "Yumina."


"In Marysfia, Achelot's support belongs to their immediate family, called Yumina. If you ask Aqielot, no one will know, but if it's Yumina—" As the mouse spoke, it looked at Lina, who also raised her head in astonishment, and said, "I...I know."

"It's normal." The mouse looked at Limulu who was a little confused, and said lightly: "Although the families under the various major factions have been declining for hundreds of years, they have been replaced by various excavator families, and they have changed from direct to To win over and manipulate, but there are indeed individual factions that continuously send people from the family down, and have always maintained the situation that the immediate family is the largest digger family."

"For example, Archelot, who started with coal—" At this point, the mouse's expression became strange: "Maybe they have a soft spot for mining..."

"But anyway, if you don't want to disturb too many people, it's better not to go to the residence of the largest family of each faction, because there..."

"It's full of spies like you." Limulu sighed and said, "But the biggest family of each faction is an open secret. If I'm not worried about alarming others, I can even go directly to the trading market to take a look. You can know, so..."

"Then I can't do anything." Hearing this, the mouse spread his hands helplessly and said, "I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, what I'm good at is to grasp the dynamics of the tracking target. As for the families whose factions hide in the dark , the rogues naturally have no way of knowing."

"But Lord Limulu, isn't this exactly what you need to find Archelot?" The mouse suddenly raised its head, met Limulu's eyes and said, "I can't tell you the answer, but it is Achelotte." That's what the forces in the Chelot family are good at, right?"

Only factions themselves know the details of other factions.

"And what I'm good at... I believe you will use it one day, don't you?"

This guy... Hearing this, Limuru narrowed his eyes... Did he guess his purpose?

Indeed, as he said, Lidal's subordinates may be able to tell themselves which families belong to Meastea, but they want to know when and where these families went down the mine - which corridor they passed through .

These things need to be told by the guy in front of him.

Ah, this is really... like the task chain in the RPG plot, it is smelly and long.

But this is also very normal-to deal with some troublesome situations, more people are always required to provide different divisions of labor and cooperation.

"Umina's business is actually quite famous, and Lina probably knows about it." The mouse looked at the dangerous gaze in Limulu's eyes. After looking at each other for a while, he still couldn't bear the pressure, and took the initiative to stagger and said: " Your Excellency Rimuru, you have one last question."

"Who are you loyal to?"


"Who do you pledge your allegiance to?" Limulu said indifferently, a ball of magic power lit up in his hand and said: "This is the last question."

"...Let me guess...and I don't have the right to refuse?" The mouse took half a step back and smiled wryly, "I always thought you had a milder personality..."

"Well, I think so too." Limulu stood up and lowered her eyes faintly: "In your information, there must be some comments about me in the Clock Tower, right?"

"Gentle personality, not too strict with students, the professor in the fairy tale, doesn't like to do things like that." Limulu sighed and said: "But, I think, since you dare to show this appearance in front of me, Or...whether you showed me these precious spell bodies, or showed everything you know with a little brazenness, it all stems from your decision that I can't kill you, this can't kill you. You can't rely on my character, can you?"

"So, could it be because of the faction you are loyal to? Tranbelio? Or something like Urifis?" Limulu took a step forward, and the cold air in the air began to emit—"tell Who am I, lift your protection card, let me see... can you let me suppress the killing intent."

"..." Hearing this, the mouse lowered his head helplessly, and sighed, "I am loyal to my teacher. Frankly speaking, although I really don't want to admit it, my teacher did guess this. Let me tell you this sentence from the beginning, because he was afraid that I would be cut off by you if I couldn't even say this sentence at the end..."

Hearing the other party's tone, Limulu suddenly had an extremely bad premonition, and he even thought about killing the other party right now——

"Hi, I'm Esther Xiaona, the teacher asked to greet me: 'Do you still like my gift?'" Esther said, bowed slightly and said, "Professor."


Limulu immediately covered his forehead, and took a deep breath—this kind of role, which is obviously related to smuggling, is all related to Hateres!


My adopted son seems to have become the biggest smuggler in Albion in the Tomb of All Souls, what to do, wait online, very urgent.

On the way, Lim walked out of this ruined urban area full of loneliness with an expressionless face, and forcibly resisted the urge to call the police directly-frankly speaking, if he had just received the gift from Hatteris, Very happy, there must be results for every cause, especially when he received the future reward from the other party before he paid, but just after he felt that it was the power that Hateres specially prepared for him in advance.

After stepping into the mouse's room and seeing the huge pile of precious mantra bodies and the ore magic that belonged to the monarch level specially for preserving the mantra bodies, Limuru had a vague feeling of not being good——

After all, instead of storing precious mantras in the exclusive warehouses of the [-] major factions, they spend a lot of effort in finding such a broken place to store them, what do you think...

Limulu felt that this had something to do with smuggling.

So, as expected! ! !

Could it be that the guy who smuggled the spell body in the tomb of the whole spirit is related to him, good guy, after 30 years of hard work, he has developed an industrial chain, right?

So much so that now he is beginning to wonder...whether the faction Hateres gave him is a product eliminated by his rapidly updated industrial chain...

But speaking of it, why is Hatteris still working on smuggling the spell body, plus the questions he asked himself before...

Could it be...he is still just like the original book, madly wanting to bring the Age of Gods back?

This can't be done... Limuru thought for a while, and became more and more suspicious. Could it be that he didn't give enough love?

Then after he went back, he treated him like his own son?

But the problem is that I don't have a real son either... Limuru sighed, and he didn't know how to correct the future of his adopted son becoming the biggest smuggler in Albion...

Behind him, Lina looked at Limulu's cold look, thinking that he was still angry about the last thing inside, so she took the initiative to say: "The teacher in the mouth of the mouse is the magic behind the Harkush family. Teacher?"

"Ah." Hearing this, Limulu said coldly: "His teacher, hum, his teacher has to call me teacher, and he dares to charge me money?!"

What made Limulu most angry was that before the other party left, he told him that if he needed to provide the location of some people, he hoped that he could bring some more precious spell bodies there instead of fooling him with crystals.

Limulu, who was almost angry, went straight to kill on the spot, and when he asked Lina if the other party's price was always so expensive?When asked this kind of question, the other party didn't know what it means to be ashamed and told him that according to who asked what price, this was the most basic professional ethics of an intelligence dealer.

Go to Nima's professional ethics!

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