"Uh..." Lina looked helplessly at the angry Limulu, and looked elsewhere: "However, I really didn't expect that the identity of the mouse is so powerful."

"It's nice to have a powerful magician as a teacher..."

"..." Hearing this, Limulu was slightly taken aback, looked at the stubborn and cold girl, and suddenly said, "Didn't you realize it?"

Chapter 140 Time is so interesting

"Eh? Realized what?"

Hearing this, Lina wrinkled her face and fell into deep thought——

This made Rimuru confirm the fact that his newly adopted subordinate might be slow in some aspects.

"No, nothing." Limuru sighed.

The other party answered four questions in total, and the other party stated the fourth question at the beginning: as a reward.

So the question is, what is the answer?

Rimuru looked at the puzzling girl behind him, of course it was to repay him for saving Lina.

At least, he specially provided Lena with his own information, and asked Lena to cheat her behavior, which was obviously guided by that guy—after realizing that he was a person with stronger strength and personality than his teacher, for Lina's sake, Na deliberately carried out private actions.

"Uh, could it be that you mean that mice like me?" However, Limulu couldn't say anything, but after Lina thought for a while, she said it openly and denied: "Maybe, I It’s not that I didn’t realize it, it’s just that in this world where you have to do your best to survive, I don’t think liking is the logic of behavior.”

...Maybe, but compared to not because you like it, is it because you want to repay your life-saving grace?

Limulu sighed, in this kind of world, the word "reward" is one of the reasons that can't constitute the motivation of behavior.

In an extremely ugly world, no one will care about your kindness.

Without continuing this topic, he said, "Since you yearn for a magician so much, from now on, before heading to Archelot's tavern, I will give you some basic knowledge."

"I found out before that there seems to be a weak magic flow in your body, which can prompt you to use some magic props, right?"

"Ah...hmm...almost everyone in Marisfia can use magic items, so it's not a strange... thing?"

Hearing Limuru's words, Lina said a little nervously.

"That's because under the influence of a high-mystery environment, almost everyone in the mining city can awaken their magic aptitude. However, the magic aptitude awakened forcibly under a high-mysterious concentration is like human beings needing oxygen. Once After getting out of the ground and returning to the ground, it will quickly decline, and the forced release of magic will also become a life force." Limulu smiled lightly: "So, there are so many people who can use magic among the diggers, and the clock tower is also Don't give them the title of magician."

"And if a magician like me has lived here for a long time, his magic ability will naturally rise to a higher level." Limulu said lightly: "However, this is meaningless."

"However, even so, being able to improve your strength underground can be regarded as improving some means of ensuring life." Limulu smiled lightly: "Then, are you willing to learn?"

"That... my magic aptitude..."

"Frankly, weak in my eyes - but even so, it's not impossible, which means that you may actually become a magician in the future."

"Hi!" Upon hearing this, Lina's eyes lit up immediately, and a happy excitement appeared on her cold face, and she said, "I'm willing to learn!"

Once in contact with the mystery, no one can resist the temptation to use the mystery.

Limulu looked at Lena who excitedly began to test her own attributes, and couldn't help but think of Eilair who pestered her to learn magic at first.

Now Eilaire is no longer pestering herself to learn magic, but using the magic she taught her to harm other clock tower students.

Unknowingly, Elaire has also grown up, almost eight years old...

Eight years old, wait a minute, isn't today...

It's Elaire's birthday? !


Thinking of this, Limulu's head was slightly dazed, and he became stiff.


Limulu doesn't have the habit of remembering other people's birthdays, even if he has a great sage, even if you tell him who is so and so, he can immediately recall the other person's birthday.

But if you don’t care, you don’t care. Straight men are so righteous, so Lidelle helped him remember Eilaire’s birthdays in the past two years, preparing birthday gifts in advance and playing with Eilaire.

After all, so far, Eilair is still the only child of Limu Lumen's next generation. She is really spoiled to the bone, and she is almost married to her daughter.


This time, Eilaire was running around the house with the silver hair dangling on the top of his head with question marks all over his head, shouting "Teacher! Teacher!"

but in Albion he could not return,

But it gave Lidel a bad headache—not long ago, she had just helped Limuru deal with the status of Anano Kuro as Limuru's adopted son, and when she got home, she saw Eilaire excitedly waiting for Limuru Mulu came to celebrate her birthday.

Children are easy to coax, but they are also difficult to coax. Eilaire is almost eight years old, and overall he is a sensible child. Well, sensible here means that he will know how to apologize after causing trouble, even if you tell her to use it. The kind of understanding that Mulu will understand if she doesn't come back today.

But that doesn't mean it won't put her in a bad mood.

Understanding does not mean that you will not be sad. The recent battle with Meastea has put Limuru in a state of running around the clock almost continuously, running around in various families, and Eilair is the only one who can The time spent with his teacher is only during the class time every day and the time in the lounge.

Because she knew that Limuru was very busy, Eilaire always tried not to disturb Limulu as much as possible, even if she really wanted Limulu to take her to eat roasted griffin eggs... But even so, she wanted to It's not the taste of griffin eggs, but the feeling of enjoying the big adventure with Limulu.

"Oh." Now that I think about it, there seems to be nothing I can do.

Compared to Eilaire, Lidal knows how much pressure Limuru is facing.

Challenging a famous family is not something that can be done simply by talking about it.

Even if the support of the six monarchs is gathered, and more than half of the eleven seats have the right to speak, the only result is that the monarch decides to enter the investigation list through the Meastea family. For a year or two of struggle—

Even in the end, success is not guaranteed - because the confirmation of a monarch needs to start the crown decision.

In general, Lidal believes and firmly believes that Limuru will succeed—but if she wants to succeed, she must pay a certain price and work hard.

After thinking for a while, Lidal smiled helplessly, what else can I do, wait for Limulu to come back and give her a make-up birthday.


She called Elair to her, and just about to speak—the door in the hall suddenly opened.

Lidel raised her head, and while she was slightly taken aback, Elaire jumped up excitedly: "Teacher!!"

"Hahaha, Eilaire, come down first and see the gift I brought you?"'Limuru' put Eilaire down with a chuckle on his face, but Lidal looked at it suspiciously. Glancing at the other party, the faint traces of magic power flowing on the surface of the body can easily hide it from other people, but it cannot hide it from her, a witch's perception.

In other words, did the other party spend too much magic power in order to change their height?

Thinking of this, Lidal wanted to laugh inexplicably. Limuru's height was simply the biggest challenge for transfiguration magicians.

The other party didn't seem to want to hide it, it might be better to say that the other party simply wanted to hide it from Eilair - the pampering in the other party's tone was real, except that the tone of voice was a bit gentler than Limulu, there seemed to be no something is wrong.

So, it was Limuru who found it specially for Elaire's birthday? !

Thinking of this, Lidal slowly let go of her guard. The reason why she thinks so is because the place where the monarch lives is also the magic workshop and base camp.

Just as Saber and Sasha would be swallowed up by Sasha in an instant during the battle, the whole building is full of authentication organs and magic traps.

If strangers and people without authority invaded, they would definitely not be able to come here, and even if they did, it would cause related alarms.

But if the other party can easily enter this hall while maintaining the transformation magic, it means that the other party has obtained the approval of the internal concept of this magic system.

'Limulu' looked at Lidal and nodded slightly at her, which made Lidel confirm that the other party was an actor hired by Limuru, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips—well, It seems that Rimuru is not that straight.

At least know this hand.

Eilair...a big demon king who is obviously smaller than himself, but extremely powerful.

'Limuru' smiled and watched Elaire open the gift, and excitedly picked up the magic dress that looked like a ball inside.

Under the boulder of the clock tower, I, who was bullied because of my status as an excavator, looked in astonishment at the group of guys who shrank under the stone and faced Eilair.

"Hey, how can you be bullied by this kind of trash as a minion of the Great Demon King?" That day, Eilair, who was only a little over nine years old, told him very seriously: "If someone bullies you again, you will be bullied." Tell me, and I'll blow them all up for you!"


Well, is that the Demon King?

No, that's an angel.

'Limuru' chuckled, turned his head to look at Kaye Kurō, who was silently looking at everything with his head down and curious, but had some inferiority complex, and shook his head helplessly——

"Ah, Kuro, come here."

"...Ah, me?"

"Yeah." 'Limuru' nodded helplessly, then smiled and took out another gift and said, "Hey, this is for you."

"I don't know what your birthday was, but from now on, today is your birthday."

Hmm...how to say.

It's fun to give yourself a gift.


Hateres, after sending Limulu to the tomb, suddenly remembered that today was his birthday, because the day he adopted him was his birthday, and then he realized a problem.

That means that Limulu has gone to the tomb, so who was the one who gave me the gift and made me feel happy after a long time? !

"..." So, after some serious thinking on his own, Hateres finally confirmed——the most likely person is... himself!

The initial strategy was to conquer himself, which made Hateres, who understood everything, dumbfounded, but he didn't want to change and didn't care. He just decided to follow the impression in his memory and pretend to be Limulu to complete it. This scene.

"Time...is really interesting."

After completing this scene dumbfoundingly, Hateres accompanied the two of them for a while, and left the hotel-like accommodation area that he was very familiar with under the pretext of having something to do.

Achelot's academic city used to be his home for five years.


"Can you feel the flow of magic power? Yes, that's it, let go... relax, imagine the magic power flowing in your body as a stream, and then squeeze them into the veins you can feel—very good—"

Staying in a place with a high concentration of magic power and overflowing with mystery all the year round, people in mining cities can more or less detect and even activate the magic circuit, but it is a pity that few people will continue to subconsciously maintain the activation state of the magic circuit , to maintain and consolidate the superiority of the magic circuit.

Lina has only eleven magic circuits, no matter whether it is judged by Limuru's standard or not, this is hardly a passing line for a genius, but as a first-generation awakened wild magician, it may be a good one. beginning.

After all, the students in the clock tower even have digits.

The qualification of the magic circuit is ordinary C, but the characteristics of the magic circuit gave Limuru quite a lot of surprises - the opponent's magic circuit components are distributed in a fluid form, starting from the extra link points on the back heart, and evenly spreading to the On the limbs of the whole body, there are countless branches and streams of trees——

This is an extremely precise magic circuit feature, which means that Lina can divide the magic power into a more detailed distribution at the same time, so that it is easier to weave quiet magic—but the weakness is also obvious. A huge torrent of magic power erupted instantly.

To put it simply... in this life, the magic cannon has no chance with Lina.

Some people's magic circuits are naturally suitable for the release of magic power. Compared with Elaire and Aozaki Aoko, their magic circuits are like a high-pressure water pipe, which can violently gushe out magic power at any time, thus forming a powerful but lacking in exquisiteness. sex magic cannon.

And Lina's magic power... is more like dozens of dense silk threads, which need to be weaved more tightly.

There is no distinction between the characteristics of a magic circuit. It is like a person's personality, which only determines what kind of magic is more suitable for it.

Overall, Limuru is quite satisfied with the result.

"Then, the next step is the attribute test... I need to use your magical power to twist and excite the elements in front of me, so as to determine—"

When talking about this, Limuru was stunned suddenly, because in his consciousness, the avatar he gave to Hess Carter was actually activated.

Chapter 141, kill the herdsman, get the wooden escape... Ahh, the talent of the dryad!

"...What's the matter, sir?" Lina noticed that Limuru's words stopped abruptly, and just as she raised her head to ask, she saw Limuru frowned deeply.

"The contact communication I gave to Carter is being activated, but the degree of infusion of magic power has been interrupted—"

"Eh?" Hearing this, Lina was slightly taken aback, and immediately asked, "Does this mean that they are in danger?"

"Obviously." Limulu put the palm of his hand slightly upwards and flat-felt the position of the split body, great sage.


"But I didn't give them my communication dress to let them call for help, well...forget it." Limuru turned around and said: "The situation is urgent, Lina, you should go directly to Yumi according to the original plan Na's tavern, just find the boss and ask for my surname when you arrive, remember, it's Entrepest, understand?"

"But my lord, I want to go with you... I promise I won't hold you back—"

"I don't mind if you procrastinate or not. The key is that you probably won't be able to keep up with my speed." Limulu smiled softly, "After all, I can't slowly run over with you in an emergency..." Speaking of this, he glanced at Lina, and suddenly said: "Well, try to see if you can keep up with me."

After speaking, Limuru directly turned into a spirit son and disappeared in place.

"I must... eh?!"

When Lina looked up, where was Limuru's shadow?


Spiritual Tomb Albion, the second floor of the Great Magic Circuit No.30.

The sandy ground is full of messy footprints and various huge potholes. Compared with the cave-like darkness and blue mineral crystals on the previous few floors, the environment on the second floor of No.30 is more like nighttime. The desert in the desert is full of faint red magic crystals.

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