With magical flesh and blood.

Touch the sacrifice.

Summon certain beings.

In the current world, is there anyone more suitable than Basiba?

The magic comes from him, and he also happens to reflect recovery.

Primordial spirit fragments are rare.

But it can't help that he is still alive.

Life is not life, death is not death!

Originated from the broken setting supplement of Yuan Qi Lie Yang, it is very reasonable for the fragments of Yuanshen to scatter.

As long as a certain number of fragments are gathered.

He will come back completely.

This is also the reason why Chu Xuan was sure that Ba Siba's remnant soul would return and collide with Wu Ming.

Because the plan of the bald eagle is also under his gaze.

Accompanied by an order issued from a certain house.


In this special military base.

Some sacrificial rituals began to resound faintly.

The bald eagle worships the lifeless old mother, and they don't modify it too much.

After all, they don't know who to worship.

But for now.

Because Chu Xuan didn't reflect Wusheng's old mother before, it is obvious that Wusheng's old mother didn't respond to the sacrifice.

Otherwise, Xia Guo would have done it long ago.

But the birthless old mother could not respond.

A certain existence can do it!

That familiar magical power!

He said he was very familiar with it!

It must be offering sacrifices to me!

In the dark.

Some pieces fly.

Under a strange force, they began to gather.


PS: Ladies and gentlemen, the data has risen, but it’s not moving anymore. It’s been so weak recently, woo woo! .

Chapter 190 The Bald Eagle Is Playing Off, Ba Siba Makes a Move! (seek full determination)

Wisps of light quickly emerged from the huge humanoid being being sacrificed.

A series of detection instruments beat wildly.

It shocked the hearts of many senior leaders of the Bald Eagle Empire who were paying attention to all this.

Because I didn't expect the sacrifice to take effect so soon.

This is faster than the information on the neon side shows-ah!

Obviously they are just holding the idea of ​​supplementing the plan.

Didn't really expect too much.

Someone whispered.

"Are you sure there is no problem? What happened to Yamata no Orochi back then cannot be repeated with my bald eagle!"

"Otherwise we might not have such good luck!"

The others nodded when they heard the words, and at this time looked at a person in charge cautiously.

Faced with so many gazes, the person in charge was drenched in cold sweat.

Although I cursed in my heart, isn't this all your decision?

But on the surface, he still did not dare to defy this group of the most powerful beings in the Bald Eagle Empire.

Thinking about the many data given in the hands.

He gritted his teeth and said for sure.

"Please don't worry, this is the biological technology derived from our supernatural. Many things used in this plan are also supernatural in nature!"

"According to the simulation in the laboratory, it is already possible to control the existence of Yamata no Orochi!"

"At least in a short period of time, we can achieve restrictions!"

"After all, the other party should be the most vulnerable when they return!"

"And we have integrated many means into this body, even if we lose control, we can stop this process. And we have also incorporated a self-destruction program as the last guarantee!"

When everyone present heard this, they were faintly relieved.

Looking at the wisps of light blooming from that screen, and on the other side, constantly monitoring the updates of various data of this humanoid creature in real time.

His eyes brightened slightly.

As if imagining a bright future.

And when they were looking forward to it.

They don't know.

Inside the body of the humanoid.

A certain thinking has gradually been reorganized, and it has initially acquired a little consciousness in the whirl of aura.


"Who am I, where am I? What is this place?"

Faint doubts linger around this consciousness.

But quickly accompanied by more and more sacrifices, the fragments of his primordial spirit were gathered to dispel this doubt.

"That's right, I'm Ba Siba, I'm already dead, but I'm not completely dead yet!"

"Back then, that Han man used Wen Dao to influence Wen Qu Xinghun to plot against me, but he accidentally died with the methods left by Wuhu!"

"Give me a chance to come back!"

More and more Yuanshen fragments gathered on Basiba's body with the passage of time.

Let his consciousness become more and more clear, and even have a little broken figure.

Something divine and special naturally blooms.

Forcibly read information to the world.

"The world after a thousand years? Extraordinary recovery? After the Yuan Dynasty, Wu Ming and Yao Qing, the era of martial arts and the era of cultivating immortals? It seems that I will win in the end!"

After a rough understanding of the current world situation.

Ba Siba subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief with his newly gathered consciousness.

What he is most afraid of is that after his death, the Yuan Dynasty will also be defeated, and then the world will prosper.

There are countless scholars who practice literature and Taoism.

In that case, even if he returns, he is likely to be discovered quickly, and then be completely beheaded.

But now, he no longer has this worry.

The newly revived practice world.

this kind of place.

Even if he only has a remnant soul left, he is not afraid of anything.

The remnant soul of a fairy god is also a fairy god.

Possesses terrifying power.

"When I return, I will rule the world again."

"Wen Tianxiang? That Han man, he's not bad! But that's all, you can laugh the best when you live to the end!"

Ba Siba sighed faintly.

However, turn to check the current state.

The soul fragments he has gathered are less than one percent, and he needs more.

to be born.

Is someone worshiping me?

who is it?

And this body?Although it is contaminated with demonic nature, why is the breath so mixed.

Ba Siba was a little dissatisfied.

Immediately, began to transform with the help of the power of sacrifice and the power of magic.

After all, it was his temporary body, and his original body had also been destroyed.

It is estimated that even for him, it will take time to recreate the body of a fairy god.

Therefore, he can only make do for now.

"When I find the magic star or my Dao fruit fragment again, everything will be fine!"

Ba Siba whispered in his heart.

And with Basiba's transformation of this body, soon, all the bald eagles outside.

They all looked in front of them in shock.

This body exudes a bright light.

Mixed with strands of thick darkness.

A little self-reinvention.

Muscles squirmed, bones misaligned.

Many technological devices that were originally inserted were quickly rejected.

This makes many people a little surprised.

Don't know if this should stop.

After all, these are the reasons why they have the confidence to control the returning gods.

But now even if this god is good or bad, before they figured it out, the other party started to clear these things by themselves.

Now how to do?

Countless people fell into hesitation, and even the many big shots of the Bald Eagle Empire far away in a certain palace fell into entanglement.

But in the end.

They gave the order anyway.

"Whether it's good or bad, let's restrict the other party now. I don't know if the other party has returned completely, and whether he has wisdom!"

"Then let's try a little bit!"

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