"If it doesn't work this time, next time!"

"Everything is based on stability!"

Facing unfamiliar things, they chose to be cautious.

However they don't know.

Their little means may be able to restrict some ordinary extraordinary existences.

But it definitely can't restrain the returning Ba Siba.

Even if his current Yuanshen fragments are less than one percent.

Order issuing room.

One after another technology is activated.

One by one, strange objects were used.

Many priests broke down, and many people watched blankly, they were being bound by chains one after another.

A layer of super biological technology shrouded.

Bioelectricity, alchemy power, pollution by special monsters, and even mutated humanoid creatures that were forcibly decomposed.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

There are many of these means.

Some come from technology, some from zombies, some from alchemy, and some from monsters.

No wonder their self-confidence.

With such a method, even Yamata no Orochi, who had not fully returned at the beginning, would have to kneel.

The home field advantage and the advantage of early burying methods are too great.

But what they encountered was not an ordinary existence.

But a real fairy god.

It is different from the existence of Yamata no Orochi, which completely relies on borrowing the body and gathers consciousness to return.

What Basiba gathers are fragments of the god-level primordial spirit, which itself has terrifying characteristics.

Therefore, when you notice the severance of sacrifices from the outside world and the pollution on your body.

Ba Siba was slightly taken aback.

It is also the use of Yuanshen to forcibly read information to the outside world again.

Then, he learned about the current situation.

"Who am I? So it's just a group of barbarians, some remnants of the Western Expedition to the world?"

"Delusion to control a fairy god through this so-called technology and some inferior extraordinary means!"

......... 0

"It's really audacious!"

When he said this, a sneer suddenly emerged from the corner of Ba Siba's mouth.

"Since you guys like playing this kind of control so much!"

"Then let me help you!"

"Let you all see and see, what is the real demagogy!"

The voice fell.

Dao Dao demonic power originated from his primordial spirit essence, and some kind of terrifying influence quickly penetrated his body.

The power of darkness.

Almost instantly.

Emerge along the texture of those muscles, covering the entire Nuoda military base.

Countless people were immediately invaded mind.

Even if there are many means to restrain the soul power in the surrounding itself, there is no way to resist it.

Because of the demonic nature of a fairy god, how can some ordinary things be able to resist it.


Whispers of the Demon God.

fanatical belief.

Certain ancient pictures emerged in the minds of countless people.

Everyone suddenly knelt down towards Basiba, and the ancient Mongolian script spit out from their mouths.

"Tenggri...the Great Longevity...your disciples pray to you for blessings..."

Obviously none of them understand the language.

But at the moment they all spoke in unison.

This scene.

Seeing countless existences in a certain palace on the opposite side of the screen, my scalp felt numb.

Even the most insane people will understand.

They, once again played things off!

Everyone was terrified.

I don't know how to do it for a while.

Someone grabbed the collar of the person in charge in fear and said angrily.

"Didn't you say there is no problem? What the hell is going on!"

The person in charge who was grabbed by his collar was drenched in cold sweat, and his face was also full of fear.

Couldn't speak for a long time.

Because the scene of the experience was too terrifying.

The entire military base, which gathered nearly half of the scientific research force of the entire Bald Eagle, has now collapsed in an instant.

He knew that he was going to be finished!

Martial, or shot on the spot?torture?

Countless ways to die emerged in his mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yet also at this time.

The person who was still calm suddenly said angrily.

"Hurry up and activate the last resort, the self-destruct mode!"

"Don't tell me, this method cannot be controlled remotely, and there are nuclear weapons, prepare quickly!"

"I can't control so much, once that guy completely loses control, just destroy him!"

"Take out the hidden space-based weapons and aim at him!"


And it was accompanied by this person's awakening.

Everyone present reacted quickly.

That's right, the situation must not be allowed to worsen. You must know that this is in the homeland of the Bald Eagle.

Once it really evolves into an extraordinary disaster like the original neon, the bald eagle will be completely over.


Orders were issued quickly one by one.

Numerous nuclear weapons silos around the Bald Eagle military base are adjusting their orbits.

A space satellite hanging high in space quickly adjusts its orbit.

And it was also accompanied by the moment when the person in charge pressed the final self-destruct button and there was no response.

With a wry smile on his face, a certain president entered the codes for the launch of nuclear weapons and space-based weapons.

The matter of launching nuclear weapons to Neon before was fooled.

But this time.

Drop nuclear weapons and space-based weapons on their own land.

But there is no way to say it.

Even if the public is told that this is for "September [-]", it is difficult to bear against the existence of the return of the extraordinary.

Because of this.

There are also hundreds of thousands of scientific research elites from the Bald Eagle Empire.

But he had to.

Because if he didn't do this, he might not even have a chance of surviving.

Once the extraordinary disaster spreads.

Thinking of what would happen if the neon didn't show up that day.

A certain president, no matter how big his heart is, knows what kind of disaster it is.

As for the bald eagle, apart from the very few gains from some monster civilizations, it has no other background.

And as he pressed the button, the nuclear weapon was launched, and the news that the space-based weapon began to fall came.

the other side.

Countless countries also quickly detected this scene.

And then shocked again.

"The bald eagle is crazy again!"

"This time, you actually dropped nuclear weapons towards your own country, a dozen or so?"

"Check it out!"

"Where is there!"

"A military base in Bald Eagle territory? Hold the grass!"

"What exactly is going on!"

"There are also space-based weapons. Isn't this kind of thing just an idea? This guy actually came up with it, and even took it out!"

The heads of state of countless countries were in shock.

His complexion almost froze.

Even because of the excessive power used this time, many ordinary people have discovered this.

There was an uproar in the whole world.

Nobody knows what the bald eagle is doing.

Only some of the national organizations that funded and participated in this plan have some understanding in their hearts.

But also dignified.

This is a failure?

Successfully summoned the backhand of the ancient era, but failed to control it.

When aware of this thought.

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