Maybe this is how elder brothers are like fathers.


District 36, Rose City, [-] Wutong villas.

Captain Cigar parked his Viper 076 motorcycle in the garage of the villa, and as soon as he took off his helmet, he saw the handsome company executive Lie Yan holding his wife, smiling and waving at him at the door.

"Cut, fake enthusiasm."

Captain Cigar spat secretly, but when he approached, his face had already been replaced with a warm smile, even the hideous scar on his eyes was full of smiles.

No way, who makes people a member of the board of directors!

"Boss, did you call me over so early?"

Captain Cigar asked, and nodded to the beautiful young woman with blond hair who was beside the lead bullet Lie Yan.

Lead Flame's wife is a well-known actress and model in Rose City, named Helen, but unfortunately she is just an ordinary person.

Lead Bullet Lie Yan patted Captain Cigar on the shoulder with a smile, "Thank you for making a trip early in the morning. I came here for Blanche's affairs. The traitors of this company have never been brought to justice. I really feel sorry for you." Don't worry!"

Captain Cigar was stunned, "Didn't it mean that Blanche was rescued by the Judgment Organization? Could it be that there are new clues?"

The last time he teamed up with lead bullets and flames to set up a trap for Blanche, to be honest, he still feels a little bit sorry.

How can I say Captain Cigar, it's not too good, and it's not too bad.

The reason why he agreed to help lead the lead flames with Blanche was because the latter promised to give him some shares in the company after it was done.

This means that Captain Cigar will transform from a wage earner into a shareholder of the company, which is a rare thing.

It's just that with things like this, his shares look a little dangling.

And that girl Blanche, it's a pity.

But Captain Cigar just thought about it that way.

The lead bullet flame said indifferently: "Yesterday someone sneaked into my villa. I suspect that it has something to do with Blanche's matter, so I asked you to come over to discuss it, and by the way, I will also talk about giving you shares."

Hearing the first half of the words, Captain Cigar was listless. After all, it is so early in the morning, and he played in the bar until late yesterday. He suffered from severe lack of sleep. In addition, he was involuntarily middle-aged, and various factors caused his mood to be very negative. .

But when he heard the word "shares" later, Captain Cigar's eyes lit up, so let's say it earlier!

Lead Flame also noticed the change in Captain Cigar, he smiled lightly, and made an inviting gesture, "I've already made coffee, why don't we talk while eating?"

Captain Cigar tidied up his leather jacket, rubbed his rough face, and then stepped into the gate of the villa.


Yang Xi and his sister appeared above the villa.

Yang Xi said earnestly: "Wait, just watch from the side, don't be discovered by others, and don't make a move. I will naturally call you when I need your help!"

Yang Feifei was a little unhappy. My brother said to bring me, but I really just took it. Isn't this using me as a pendant?

Under the mask, Yang Feifei's mouth was flattened, but in such a serious situation, she still knew if she could do it, so she nodded honestly to show that she knew.

Yang Xi rubbed her sister's hair to express comfort.

At the same time as he fell to the ground, his vest had switched from a chicken to a snake.

Yang Feifei on the side felt that her brother's temperament had changed suddenly. If she hadn't never left Yang Xi, she would have wondered if it was really a change.

This cold aura, as well as the slightly hunched figure, made one no doubt that there was an old man with a sinister expression under the mask.

Is the cross-dressing ability so powerful?Yang Feifei, who also owns this, expressed disbelief.


Yang Feifei tugged at the corner of Yang Xi's clothes.

Yang Xi originally wanted to perform professionally, but thought it was his sister, so he had to answer in his own voice: "What's the matter."

Only then did Yang Feifei feel relieved, and teased: "I found out that your strongest is not your supernatural power, but your acting skills! Haha."

"Hmph." Yang Xi stopped talking to his sister, let out a cold snort in the snake version, and walked into the villa alone.

The black shadows spread like a swarm of snakes.

In the living room, the two A-level heroes who were drinking coffee and eating breakfast sensed the murderous aura outside at the same time.

They looked at each other, got up and walked out the door.

Captain Cigar secretly thought, maybe this guy called me over to guard against this guy.

Damn, careless!

Captain Cigar's life philosophy is to avoid the troubles that can be avoided as much as possible.

But now that they are all here, I still have to give them some face to support the scene.

As for shooting, I'm sorry, Captain Cigar only wants to protect human beings, and only shoots at alien beasts that threaten the personal safety of citizens.

Lead Bullet Flame came outside, looked at the shadow tentacles surrounding the villa, his face changed, it turned out to be the Si snake from the Judgment Organization.

Among the members of the known adjudication organization, this is second only to the master of the chicken.

Some people even think that Si Snake is stronger than You Rooster!

"Your Excellency came here uninvited, what's the matter?"

Yang Xi didn't bother to answer, and according to the style of Si Snake Vest, how many words can I say to you?


A cold voice resounded on the lawn, and the runaway shadow tentacles directly destroyed the broken-arm sculpture fountain, rushing towards the two A-level heroes in unison!

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Is it so disrespectful?

Captain Cigar looked at the tentacles attacking as if covering the sky, and took a step back, hiding behind the flames of lead bullets.

Although he was confident in blocking Si Snake's ability before the attack came, it was unnecessary, this was not his house, if it was destroyed, it would be destroyed.

Sensing the twitching of the mouth of Captain Cigar's lead bullet, he called Captain Cigar here, on the one hand, to ask for more details about Blanche's incident, and on the other hand, to let him come over to help him out of selfishness.

Who would have thought that this old boy would be so slippery, he really does not see the rabbits and does not scatter the eagles!

He calmed down his anger and said in a low voice: "Sell, the matter of the shares will be as agreed before."

Hearing the words of the lead bullet flames, Captain Cigar smiled, that's right.

My cigar captain is the most loyal!

He took a step forward, facing the approaching shadow tentacles, and took a deep breath on his cigar, his chest bulging.


A large amount of gray smoke spit out from Captain Cigar's mouth, hitting the shadow tentacles with scalding heat.

A violent explosion sounded, and Yang Xi's shadow tentacles were blown apart.

The well-mowed lawn was bombed and pitted.

This guy's strength is not bad, Yang Xi stood still, waved his hand, and four shadow clones appeared on the grass.

These four shadow clones were holding four different weapons, knives, swords, axes, and sticks, and they fought with Captain Cigar in close quarters.

Unexpectedly, Captain Cigar's melee combat ability is also quite good, one-handed fighting skills combined with high-temperature smoke, one-to-four is not inferior.

The lead bullet flame standing at the door seemed to be winning, Shi Shiran said: "Your Excellency Sishe, I can give you another chance to answer the question I just asked."

Yang Xi ignored him, silently raised his arms, and the plasma bomb was brewing at his fingertips.

Captain Cigar noticed Yang Xi's movements, and he began to be careful of long-range attacks from here.

The power of this plasma is very strong at first glance, he doesn't want to try the feeling of being shot.

Because of the distraction, Captain Cigar's movements became a bit difficult. After all, facing four shadow clones at the same time is not an easy task.

Not to mention that these shadow clones are not afraid of death, Captain Cigar's fist is still very difficult to cause substantial damage to them, it is really difficult to deal with.

If it weren't for his rich combat experience, he might have been disemboweled long ago.

That's why Captain Cigar couldn't help sighing that he was worthy of being the snake of the Judgment Organization. With just one or two moves, he forced himself, an A-level hero, into such a mess.

But as far as the pressure on people is concerned, it is still not as big as that guy Youji!

Tsk tsk, what a bunch of perverts!

After the plasma bomb was brewed and was about to launch, Yang Xi instantly switched positions between himself and the shadow clone!

Captain Cigar was all on guard against the Serpent himself over the fountain. When the blue glow of plasma lit up beside him, he only had time to curse secretly, and tried his best to inspire the cigar smoke to wrap his body.

The plasma ate through the smoke and hit Captain Cigar's body!

The captain Cigar, who was recruited, rolled three times on the ground in a row before hitting hard on the steps!

A bowl-sized scar appeared on his leather jacket, but the skin inside was only slightly burned.


Yang Xi thinks it shouldn't be, the damage of his plasma ability is not willing to be so low, or is Captain Cigar's defense so strong?

Captain Cigar stood up, looking at the torn leather jacket with tears in his eyes.

"This is the A-level beast equipment that I bought at a huge price..."

His heart was bleeding, but at the same time he was secretly glad that if it wasn't for the leather jacket blocking him, he might have confessed just now.

No, I can no longer fight Si Snake!

This guy's ability is too weird, completely impossible to guard against!

How is this still playing?

Although the shares of the Knights of the Round Table Company are tempting, you have to take them with your life!

"That...Your Excellency Si Snake, I have already experienced your strength. Otherwise, we would have fought here today. I remembered that there are still clothes at home that have not been dried. How about taking a step first?"

That's it?

Yang Xi looked at Captain Cigar coldly. This guy really has no limit. If he can't beat him, he just wants to slip?

But Yang Xi thought about it and decided to let him go.

Captain Cigar doesn't have any conflicts with him, and his reputation is much better than that of Stars and Stripes.

The most important thing is that his goal today is the lead bullet flame that has never been shot, and it would be nice to have one less A-level enemy.

Immediately, Yang Xi made way for Captain Cigar to evacuate.

Captain Cigar dared to propose this, so he naturally took this into consideration.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if he temporarily offends the flames of lead bullets. He doesn't know if this guy can survive this catastrophe.

Let's save your own life first!

Captain Cigar cupped his hands apologetically at the lead bullet flames, and said, "I'm sorry, boss, but I've already sacrificed an A-level beast weapon for you, and it's my utmost benevolence. I don't dare to hope for this share for the time being." , I hope you can defeat this Si Snake who ruled!"

After speaking, Captain Cigar planned to withdraw.

Unexpectedly, the lead bullet Lie Yan did not show anger or confusion when Captain Cigar left, but asked again calmly, "Are you sure you want to leave?"

What are you doing if you don't leave, Captain Cigar secretly complained in his heart after hearing what the lead bullet Lie Yan said.

He also no longer paid attention to the flames of lead bullets that he couldn't protect himself, and turned his head away in a very lonely manner.

The lead bullet flame received the answer from Captain Cigar, sneered, and activated his own ability.

An antique pistol appeared in his hand, which was his Horcrux "Evil Demon".

The bullets of the eclipse are special lead bullets. The enemies hit will be corroded with power, and the power will be weakened over time, or even temporarily invalidated.

When it falls down, the lead bullets and flames will still do whatever they want.

At the same time, this Horcrux also has a special effect "flame tracking". As long as the target that steps on the flame trap is marked with flames, the lead bullets of the eclipse will automatically track the enemy within a range of 500 meters!

The buckshot flame shot into the air, and the bullet circled around and hit Captain Cigar!

It turned out that Captain Cigar had already been marked by lead bullet flames when he entered the door.


Captain Cigar, who felt his own strength slowly fading, pointed at the flames of lead bullets with disbelief on his face.

The flame of the lead bullet blew on the muzzle of the blowing demon, and said with a smile: "Not only that, I also tampered with the cup of coffee you drank."

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