"My flame trap can be placed on many things, as long as I am patient enough."

Captain Cigar said anxiously: "Why are you explaining this to me all of a sudden?"

A piercing smile appeared on the handsome face of the lead bullet flame, "I set up no less than ten flame traps in the coffee, and you swallowed them all!"

Captain Cigar's complexion changed drastically. Before he could make a sound, his body suddenly became hot, and his eyes, nostrils, and mouth all shot out yellow light, and his whole body exploded instantly.

The blood mist and flames covered the entire lawn!

Yang Xi was stunned. What kind of operation is this? If you say you kill your teammate, you kill your teammate?

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Looking at the wreckage of Captain Cigar ignited by the flames, Yang Xi collected it with the shadow tentacles based on the idea of ​​waste utilization, and activated the stripping ability.

Fortunately, Yang Xi responded in a timely manner, and finally succeeded in stripping without any danger.

[Ability: Ash Smoke

Introduction: Manipulate the smoke produced by cigars, cigarettes and other products to cause burning, repelling, defense and other effects, with great power.

Evaluation: Grade A, smoking is harmful to health. 】

Yang Xi took the ability orb, this gray smoke ability is still very interesting, but it can be developed.

But Yang Xi suddenly thought of another problem, he doesn't seem to be very good at smoking...

As for Captain Cigar’s life energy, Yang Xi didn’t go to collect it. The battle is not over yet. If there is a temporary negligence in mental power due to the will to destroy Captain Cigar, it would be bad if someone from the Deep Blue Clan finds an opportunity to take advantage of it. .

Yang Xi glanced at the handsome lead bullet flame. This guy really can bear it. He has shot once so far, and he still uses the ability that his body already possesses.

The more weird and powerful dark blue combat skills were not used.

You have to guard against him a little bit.

"Actually, I'm still very curious about your adjudication organization. So many powerful supernatural beings suddenly appeared in the inland area. Moreover, I heard that you are backed by the Bernadotte family of the undead."

When Yang Xi heard the lead bullet Lie Yan say the words of the Bernadotte family, he immediately confirmed the identity of this guy from the Deep Blue family.

It seems that the dark blue family who escaped last time really told the people in the original organization the information they made up in their brains.

They are all so talented!

But because he was wearing a snake vest, Yang Xi just stared at the flames of the lead bullet coldly, and didn't answer his words.

Seeing that Yang Xi ignored him, Lie Yan didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Since there is a background of the undead behind the ruling, I would like to ask, can you return a soul that has been dead for many years to her body? "

What is this guy asking this for?

Does anyone important want to be resurrected?

Facing the gossip, Yang Xi couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly in a snake-like tone: "The achievements of the deep blue clan in terms of soul are not bad, why do you still ask me?"

Lead Bullet Lie Yan smiled, with a sad face on his face, "Really, so the answer is the same, then you are useless, just die obediently."

He casually fired several shots in one direction, and the lead bullets shot out along different trajectories, and finally they all headed in Yang Xihe's direction.

The buckshot that automatically seeks out the enemy is coming?

Yang Xi cheered up and tried to use his mental power to interfere with the trajectory.

Yang Xi checked the information on the lead bullet and flames on the Internet in advance, but because he took too few shots, most of the information was vague, so Yang Xi only knew that the lead bullet and flame's attack could automatically find the enemy.

Most of the attacks that automatically seek out the enemy are actually related to the control of mental power. At most, some gun throwing skills are added. The principle of many gun fighting techniques is like this.

When it comes to mental power, Yang Xi is very confident, after all, he is now at the third level.

The third-order mental power covered the shot lead bullets, but what shocked Yang Xi happened, his mental power couldn't affect the lead bullets!

At the same time, he didn't find the enemy's spiritual power attached to these lead bullets!

This lead bullet is not controlled by mental power to achieve the effect of "automatically find the enemy"!

The lead bullet attack was approaching, so Yang Xi quickly switched positions.

But after these lead bullets penetrated through the shadow clone, they continued to come towards Yang Xi's body in an arc!

"So it's another means of control?"

Yang Xi quickly calmed down. Anyway, the speed of the lead bullet is not fast, and he can switch between several shadow clones.

"He mentioned the flame trap in his fight with Captain Cigar just now. Could it be that the key to this mechanism is the flame trap?"

Seeing Yang Xi avoiding his own attacks by constantly changing positions, Lie Yan of the Lead Bullet also marveled at his agility: "It's really an amazing dying struggle!"

"But I also see the principle of your movement."

His smile became ferocious, revealing his coffee-stained teeth, "As long as you attack these shadows at the same time, you will always be hit, right?"

Bang bang bang!

Several more lead bullets were shot towards Yang Xi's four clones.

"Now you can't avoid it, right? What I like to see most is the enemy's desperate eyes!"

Yang Xi seemed to be in a desperate situation, and did not choose to switch positions, quietly waiting for the lead bullet to approach.

The lead bullets rubbed against the air to form layers of cyclones, the next flick, Yang Xi moved!

A new shadow clone appeared behind the lead bullet flame, and Yang Xi stabbed the lead bullet flame's throat with the condensed shadow sword!

The lead bullet flame is not afraid in the face of danger, and it seems that Yang Xi's operation has been thought of for a long time. After avoiding Yang Xi's attack, he detonated the flame trap left in place.

The moment the flames burned his body, Yang Xi switched to the position of the new shadow clone!

This contact is full of calculations between the strong!

Yang Xi still has two shadow clones left that have not been marked!

Lead Bullet Lie Yan got up from the ground in a bit of embarrassment, and was about to open his mouth to say a few words, when a burst of freezing air directly covered his head!

Caught off guard, he could only use his arms to block it!


There was a scream, and the lead bullet flame decisively tore off his arm that was attacked by the freezing air, otherwise, his whole body would be frozen!

"Damn it! There are actually people ambush in the dark!"

He stared fiercely at Yang Feifei who was held up by moonlight feathers in mid-air.

"It's really saving face. In order to deal with me, Mao Tu and Si Snake were dispatched at the same time!"

"Since that's the case, go ahead, Helen!"

As soon as the lead bullet flame's words fell, a blond woman was flying towards Yang Fei with a blue light blade in her hand!

Yang Xi's pupils shrank suddenly!

"Feifei, be careful!!!"

He didn't even have time to reprimand Yang Feifei for being disobedient.

Yang Feifei also saw that Yang Xi's situation was relatively difficult, so he took the risk and severely injured the lead bullet flame!

But no one thought that the real deep blue clan was Helen, the wife of the lead bullet Lie Yan!

She is obviously an ordinary person!

Faced with the sudden attack, Yang Feifei threw out a moonlight tornado in a hurry, but Helen stepped in the air nimbly, dodging Yang Feifei's attack, and raised the blue light blade to slash at her.

Yang Feifei naturally knew the danger of the "first blade", she did not dare to neglect, her blue eyes lit up, and she also condensed the first blade to meet it.

The two blue light blades were handed over, and silent mental fluctuations spread around!

Helen's face was full of shock, she didn't expect that the rabbit of this ruling organization would also know the fighting skills of the deep blue clan!

186 blue is a bit sad

The shapes of the two primary blades are slightly different, Yang Feifei's is slender, while Helen's is wider.

During the collision, the two mental fluctuations spread to the surroundings with the slight tremor of the blade, like two ripples interfering with each other.

This made the four people at the scene feel uncomfortable, but Yang Xi's symptoms were the lightest, after all, he had the strongest mental power.

Helen rolled over and fell to the ground, her face full of doubts: "Are you also from the Deep Blue family?"

She did perceive the aura of the Deep Blue clan from Yang Feifei, but this aura was very strange, and it was obviously different from those people she had seen.

Although she suspected that Yang Feifei might be her fellow clan, the killing intent in her heart did not diminish because Yang Feifei destroyed the arm of the lead bullet flame.

Yang Feifei mustered up the most courage to take the risk. After a few rounds of fighting, she felt her heart was about to burst out.

Apart from the simulated training at school, this is her first actual combat in the true sense, and one of the two opponents is a well-known A-level hero, and the other is also the mysterious deep blue clan.

How should I answer her?

I am now the rabbit of the Judgment Organization!What tone should be used to answer the enemy?

What a catch!

Under the pressure, Yang Feifei, who is usually eloquent, got stuck in his mouth, and it took him a long time to choke out a cold "huh".

Seeing that Feifei was not injured, Yang Xi felt at ease. While avoiding the lead bullets, he thought of a way to break the "automatic locking" of the lead bullets.

During the close-up sneak attack before, his shadow clone stepped into the flame trap. Although Yang Xi changed positions quickly throughout the whole process, he still clearly "watched" the whole process of the shadow clone being marked with mental power.

Yang Xi's mental power looked inside, and based on the flame mark information collected by the shadow clone, he began to scan the body of the deity.

He guessed that the culprit behind his flame mark was the ring of flames that spread when Captain Cigar died.

Although it was reflected at the time, it was unavoidable that it was still marked with flames.

The lead bullet flame, from the very beginning, intended to use Captain Cigar as a mobile flame trap.

"found it."

Yang Xi's eyes lit up.

At the ankle, he found a concealed flame mark.

The huge third-order spiritual power poured down, instantly smashing this thing similar to the spiritual seal of the derivative of the spiritual contract to pieces.

The lead bullets continued to shoot towards Yang Xi due to inertia, and under the unbelievable eyes of the enemy, Yang Xi just turned his head to get away from the lead bullets.

Puff puff!

Lead bullets were shot into the marble walls of the villa, and a smell of decay came out.

"How is it possible? You cracked my moves?"

Lead bullet Lie Yan turned sideways vigilantly, trying to avoid Yang Xi's upcoming attack.

But Yang Xi's target is Helen who is confronting her younger sister!

As far as he is concerned, whether it is the Deep Blue Clan or the executives of the Knights of the Round Table brokerage company, whether they can be caught or not is not worth mentioning in front of his sister's safety!

The plasma bomb shot towards Helen in a covering manner.

Helen was unruffled in the face of danger, her body twisted strangely, her eyes were full of blue light, and even her hair changed from golden to blue. She walked with a certain charm of steps, swaying to avoid Yang Xi's attack, rushing forward. Unabated, she raised the first blade again and charged towards Yang Feifei!

After Yang Feifei adapted to the atmosphere of the battlefield, his body was no longer so stiff, the ability was activated, and the crescent-shaped sword of judgment slashed down!

The black shield appeared on Helen's body, offsetting most of the Judgment Crescent. However, since the black shield was originally used to resist mental attacks, it was somewhat nondescript when used on the Judgment Sword. After all, some attacks hit Helen's body. The incense stick on the left Part of the shoulder is missing.

Helen hadn't let out a cry of pain yet, but the lead bullet flame yelled frantically: "Damn it, you should hurt my wife's body!!!"

He didn't hesitate anymore, took out a handful of blue pills and swallowed them, and a violent aura suddenly appeared on his body.

But what I didn't expect was that Helen, who was from the dark blue family, was shocked by the action of the lead bullet flames: "Teacher! Your spirit body can't bear so many primordial particles! Don't do this, you will become a dark blue alien! !!"

As she spoke, she actually gave up the chance to attack Yang Feifei, rushed to the lead bullet Lie Yan desperately, and inserted the light blade between the lead bullet Lie Yan's eyebrows.

And after inserting the knife, Helen didn't hesitate at all, hugged the lead bullet Lie Yan's face and kissed it. After sucking, the lead bullet Lie Yan's eyes gradually returned to reason.

But how could Yang Xi miss this good opportunity.

A plasma cannon hit Helen's slender back. With Helen's ordinary body, she definitely couldn't bear the damage of this plasma cannon!

But at this critical moment, Lie Yan, holding Helen's lead bullet, turned around fiercely, and forcibly endured all the damage from this plasma cannon!

The tall, long-haired man hugged the blue-haired woman, and a huge hole was gradually etched out on his back!

The lead bullet flame and Helen slammed into the wall of the villa!

Yang Xi was stunned, it was very strange to win this battle... Helen was only injured on the shoulder, and the lead bullet flames were going crazy with anger, and picked up a bunch of blue pills and stuffed them into her mouth.

And Helen's name for the lead bullet flame is also very strange, it turned out to be "teacher", unless there is some special hobby between the two, otherwise this should not be the address between husband and wife.

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